Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 8, 1895, p. 4

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y i f j ft i ikl btljc ttou jfriic rcss mj thiihhday athllibi m litofi ffljf oumj mollis h7tr jn thif fhivi7- what u ll rl 7 hi- 1 r ll- noldn h i fair aa a llil nl id itnaelihik in 111 iii limn i hamla llrn niim ii in am hurt iii if what u iii prlci kliill ulliir a tv hall- 111- irlatiil imtlhnr i lr uilllirprf- itmil wtiolii uiti ailti 1 1 li of luy boar iii tli uaiil dulls does the eve see i thoipirttmii aakdd in lie hradlimt may hi i ui iwltt li ii if oit have novor taken n i run bit- to lvo mm aiihjrol aerloue rgntitrgt t slawaatl tho ir h that ou a lit mh alilr lo auacr i he mention offhand it la mi admitted fsot 1 muil con fern list lite db la hie uran of vtalon jot 1 1 mm la bill utile doubt oven in ilia miuili of optician anil physiologists that iho phenomena of so in ia ohiefly mental inother noriii that ilia the inlnd and not lie eye that setts how often have yon imi a friend who acaniinjly u oijkl id look i nit intently at mini object on the table al tho opioille aide of ilia room or at soma picture who on britik aroused front jits day dream would oonfess lltat ho waa look in al nothing in partio ular the explanation of the fact that lio aaw nolhlofl in particular ii plain enough if propataot forth it la bocanao hia mind waa buay with other times and acpuoa faces bits of wa aide sooner olc wore boink presented lo view in the panorama of the mind and the miuda eyo or mental viaion waa euraked in eagerly scaiitiin plot urea of linpreaaions made t hereon monlha year a or aoarei of years before another tetat of ttna mind viamn theory ll to ftiot your eyes tiithtly and then ply the brain to tho laak of recalling faces and forma that have not been aoeu by tho eye for yeara and again if you want to knhrwmllmryour otmwpaoton lookad a hia watch with hia brain or ilia eyou aak him the time of day after ho puis the lime piece iu ihn pocket hi luia ilepubhr debt a japanese proverb says ihut a irlbnd al band la bettor than all your relations at a diatanoe so a initio monay in your pocket a batter than all the orodll in the world ll ia aaloniihinu uomatimoa how nmoh a little money will boy and cuaruy aurpria inn how a bill reache a hundred 3bttare and yet we may hate little to ahow for it una purchasing on credit buya raahly and onerously tie doea uql think of pay day which seems far of certain like death hot aa remote and intangible it laaoeaay to buy things in thia way one hardly slops to count the oosl by thia method it almoal twin aa il all of the thlny wo covet k on trees and all wo had to ilu waa to put out our handa wo hoe in to be fed and clothed aa if by miracle and ii ia aurely a miracle if we pay tho bllla in due aeaami to oonlf a bth la to oontrwo an oblla liunlo iivo auulhor the advantage w hallevo thai half the ornorloa and ombraslo me n la in tho country aro the direct roault of debt half tha paralysis and heart disease which cud men livea in their hoy day may be traced to the worry coneeiionl up jo debt worry h ilia mure people thi work or love or any disease it wrltoa wriuklca in iho law it dlaoolora the iqjikoo the hair fallui1 and cutuiur dyapepaia mails as a luxuhv wo oattnia aoaaou romludod uf ilia fact that auaila wore formerly au arliale of conalderable oonaumptlou lu ureal urllain ll ia not kenerallv kuowu that a oonaidor able trade la atlll carried on between tbe lincoln t hire fua and jovont garden market iu ihia oonunodity tbey are aold al lj oanu a i ll la aald lhat in ibe manufaotura of cream they are much era ployed bruiaod iu milk and imiilod a ratirad milkman prunouuoeil thia plan the pinaf anwwaafnl imitation pttaalhte- one man a moat ia another man a poiaou and while the nareat llritou of tho proaent jay would jt tie rally regard the anail with diagaat aa an article of food a poor french man or spaniard looka forward lo the apocial holiday when analla are eaten whan analla aro oral kalhered from bodgea it la a neoeaaary precaution lo atarve ibom al ouoo aa ihey often load on poiaouone planta and thia la reprodiiood to the dalri menl of the couaumer mhditebhanean timt nuiioiur that my watch did nut ith ibr olooka iu the court houaa tower and the ghuroh ateeplo i aaked the oolorod man who wma driving ua arouud wha kind of lime they had in ruvanuah we haa two km a o litnc hyah t la iallway time au da meiliterraiieaii time the what ie lime ial tile hyaia uuinoa lu all kura out by aah an do ucdilei rauaan tlinr aah whloh am da city lime da aama we call it umrldlau tune up north i i reckon dal may bo an aah da no thou folka am a trills juare in what day oail i lutta day have ijuare aah dey ahoroiy do hlcagu iril origin uf envelopes iho inalltutioii of payment for iho ui iaff of letter and envelope dale as far aa oao bo aator taluod from tho rein of liuia x i al which time hleur do valfyar ornaoinl a acrvtco of private kal an laoext hia letter buif a at i lie alrrot corneti tho euveliioa fur ihvie loll era were bouvli at annual olllira in llie lktou oulieuliti of rlil lln 1 here ia an envelope maeniblliin our prcai nl uuea which holoa a jptlt fruiu mint- ic 1umpadour lu lb ichcaie d ariiullloii dated 17110 ihrre la alao rahibitrti an nvalope of cnarao paper otienluh at bottr euda addimacd by frederick the treat lo an lncllah kcnrra1 in hia aervloe it la dated ioimiuiii july in 1771 unk uuuul puuuut a lady wtio kept unu uf thuao curly kmm1io dotia loal her tail aud fialled uhiii a deleolive to llnd ll 1 ua neat da the uftl oer oame with the dor which aa very wet and dufr tho lady waa over joy oil nd aak ad forty ailly juaatluu auouic othera where did yuat find lha dear darling why ma nil aald ihdomoar a follow had lud him lo a oa and waa waahink windows with him kotes here and there itonia of gonoral lntorol lo fro prna rondara why iu when ihouaaiiilm of iiipln are lawnijl hoofa haraaparilla in ow ro inn lint w i una ami lanituor whloh aro an coniuiiu al tin mtaanii uhv arf you not itmiit tin aaniit whfii yon know lhat i1hi hr aapnrilla haa power lo jirn rlieitmatnin tihiala anil all iharaatm t blfmml why in ymi cunliiiiin ii no i a curoa ollilira wh not nto hui xly iro hi aiilltr iihhi a 1llla pl i hi- it ukn a man iuu will ml brllrr fm 11 ilnrl 1u i il it in n lhl fur mt lvrll4iihlth ii yu willi lo lny or 11 auytliiuu if ynu wiinl a uitilaliuli a iiihauir a hun- nitin tliaclilnury lixiuita i ymi havn iimi or fiuintaiiythim ntif u waul to find mil win m iiiiyoti ii mlunlmi m th in nitito nf ju mi rml 11 alv ril 1 4ixlil on lhulhir1 mu that jmh r i hliatii tu i mo nla m wurl itanh it httixi ldnh v1 luniulo i tda willi the tlowura and aumhiup lirda poor ont iheir molofy and iho chirp of tho uraealinpper will anon lompl iho wahprnian lo alrrloh forth hia hand and flrap llin ahadnw of hia luhl tho playful mnixjuito will do her nice i io aoolhn weary ploaanre arektrainto the malm of alumbrr and the btlnkinit bliiiiik onrni will rnmovo at ml aal lha bone of the birda and ovokn hoiullnrn in the mui that even the bnlilot h cannot diajkil coma are ihoriia in tho fleah but iultiam rmloa corn iilrac lor rrmavea ll cm in tweulj four hour iolnama laintrai com lttraclnr ia iho bast it will pay jou to prao ucc the art of love makitiu mi onr huriea the mora ihey love you i he better service ihoy will lit hiullrnl atmrktd children are often allaakrd audiionly by painful and danneroua colic orampa diar rhoea dyaentery cholera morbui cholera infantum elo ir fowler a halraol of wild btr aw tarry ia a prompt and auro ro which ehould alwaya ho knt in tho houae dtjhornlilk ia cruel wlion it ladonc with a club 10 iho hand of an anry man where can i net aomo of llo1lo cora cnrat i waa entirely cured of my ooroa by thia rcinody and i wuh aniiio more of it for mv frienda bo wriua mr j w ilrown chicafto ttia commandment to r iaju la od you llrati iharsa itrllrvid in 2 iii mi i a ur anew cure for thu heart kuea perfect roliof in all caaea of onjanio or sympathetic heart utaeaae in 10 mtnuten and ajioe illy rlfocla a on re laa poorleai remedy for palpitation hhortucaa of lirvatb amotboritik dpelu lain in baft aide and all aymptomaof a diaaaaed ilearl one doae oouvinom hold by j haiina- wiu f docfor what ljaod ftfiv for cltansinfj the scalp ands i hair i aeem to hawe cntd f ovtrytliinj ij am despair why wrsftht very besrrhris rfclmotfch sop itis apundidforwtskin l t hed it prevent dryness t puis a end to dindroif nd freshens the h y 25 f0m uftct tasltt thero la not n rarlh a more meruit oiaotor or love from other than a ihoroukh ly aelhah wuman b lea ploaa ueav la duo iickuu rniu merit tbn dollwately ioualiluiaj thi dnancier tho bualneaa itnu and lltuw whoao occupation iioceaailatea iral mental train or worry all aufler loaa or more from it hleep la the k realuroi of a worried braiu and to tcl aloep cloanao the atomaoh from ailrtmpuritlua with a low doaes of 1armoloe a rfolablu 1illa fela liuo coated oontaininil no meroury a nil are guaranteed to give aaliifacliuu or the mouoy will be refunded btami around with tour handa it ou pookola aud aoe how iiick yuu will ol rich hlirumatui i la houth american rheumatic ui ithntll latn anr t tinrn l rurtm iu 1 to 3 daya iu action ujton tho a atom ia remarkable aud myalenou it reniovee al once the oauas and iho diaeaw immodi ately dlaapcar iho hral duao ifrratly benefits 7 i cool- hold by j v kauna 11 mumaii who lella uthera 1 d uul alwaya keep her uwu liouao ilia lidleal no otnrr ufimrd no otber romody curca auiiuiitx ovtn jitalul diarrhoea dysqiilory eti au promptly and julou pain m julukly a fowler a litraot of wild htrawbesiy it la a pookel doctor fur lour lata iravollora a ia man ivllmita buluie its luol ahiaka and then irdtill on wlial haa ullerod tiiok headaohn aud lutlllli promptly uurad by itmduuk cilia i tu lakr aura lo alloc the who cau proaoti a 1 10 inn aermun ou a 1 1 000 alary is aa aure uf heavou aa if he waa already there boverr- oulda am caaily uured try thir uae of ltiuklo autl onamiplivo hyrup a medicine of eltraordiuary penelral tug aid heajluil proortlaa ilia aoknu w icdnl by those who hav uaod ll aa beink iho uoal medtouio aold tor oouitha colds inuaiiiuia lion of the luiir and all an eel ion a uf tho throat and otiaal ua attracabisuttba tutu laale makes it a favorite with lattice and children physicians prescribe siutts hmukiuii uf ccki liter oil unci ilpphiis phitca tciime the mil their jmttieiits tan tulerute it lur a lony time hh it thu- imt upst l the htumach imr deraiit tn dlcstlun like the pi mi oil scott i liuiulhidii in nincti 4ufchr iu- tiiytu utoii lit ftlltn oil lib milk is euter tu ciijt than butter lktls tile ft- ij tut taste lb taken out thu otl and il is almost nalurftile thi way htckly thilurcn cituntalcil onuantc aiulcoiiniiniptive adults gain flesh on stotts kmulbtuu is very remurkubk- potti as priwss fo evmtf a lal ksalfclawas betwvma sot as4 l dr fowlers hitracl o wild htravbnrr i- n rrllahln rrmiily llialtnii nlwtia pond 1 upon lfliri i liui m hl ii infni i lohni rrfiii inri tn nd l ihi i 1 hi ikmii- it nr fulls diii t pl f i tvmildi i in i fr lhal niki nh drn u ul a ihtill uf 1 rrarhia lb uf it bill nirw 1 nut hyrup urw uilm cuhl ami nil ihru- mill i ui- rvniihl 1 1nr mid 1 cunna dyspepsia lwj blood cdnstipation kpdhey troubles headache biliousness ilulc- i iln i it mlii n or iiuhdof k illls til klr r thuttiutly r hi sl 1 lci j bumu h iiue men complain of hard ilium who alio tlivmselvis lo nmrlj he llni irled ll mr john andnrsoi h mlmi hfrilm 1 vi nliiri 111 buy fnw if any liavo rcccuod urcatrr buurfit from thu oar of uv lhomaa kclectno oil than i base 1 hive uaud it rrgnlarly for over ten mn td have rcoommeudod it to all auffcrera 1 knew of and ihey also found it of ureal virtue in canea of severe brouohlll and incipient oousumpttoii who hath not known iii fotlune uover kunw himtdlf or his own nature thoy nofer i ail u h m uoa waa iroublil with inward llloa but by iimmt larninlii a illla i wai rnmptly curlii mid althuiitli four years bate eupatil bfiko then they have nut ntirimi lariudm i mr aro aim bill 11 and a hpcflitlc fur ll 1 1 urt u i ivr and hiduiiy il 1 1 11 ia uul my tu mraiklili n in u uk took lhat tiuw in iho hpliui jliuukaiilauilliiil jtell vorllw in tho luruiito llryjii lhat apor reaches 1 00 000 rtriimri inli vary vack and your advnrtiaainriil ahoulil meet ihn y uf oomouiit wlm wants lu ui ohaite advertlsumcnu of tills rlasa arc in orlod in tlo lunxu hrity vntmur 1 1 ve uu orl raih lumrtiui or u 011u a wort tu lit iiinnrtlui addi he mall luunu i iau cum oo lio cramps jholera kliarkhoea oysenterv oilolera morbij jholera infamtumv mua all suiiimn uulltl il hl of la buwali ll ci 1 d ululiu ajuil lul far 6a ie liy a 1 doole archdeaihin 1 iar ak hiro lluuo at i sl 1 k vorj ei t il una drmuii in 1 hlii en llian woo ult n i lu m lu 1 1 eh in 1 uu a ulll i iub a hum ud lb arp a ill ii 1- 1 1 im 1mm h wl to a 1 1 uuat 1 uf ul u in 1 ltm wh 1 1 httrt ruadt tu llin ul deadly ganger gurijdbv advillto cawpenbour i in mi pi cut ill jlb hefii is tnik niioor m 1 m ii i i kirs aihiiii four afj n i 1 h nil l 1 f v ll ll u m irunit- t ib f i i u nirh iti i naiiiir f lliuatitniiil m i lul iikl luutlllyi i n ijiyl tiiiiallrlllll4 v- to di ihriith rlm ytnir advirlmtnont an i by aibi14 f rniiils i trl vnur lliiriimik itlkil llill11 ami t mil lppt to mv iut if t r u i ill i lll n ii i hd btll tlllllllll to f h i i tun i am ihaiilirnl mow i uiti tlit ii it ll nurrd m liii bmb hllfl ihotlx tur- ahd 1 11111 ilrnil u iiviiicoi i hit 11 11 it hut lhh i i th llh till tvil i i lmi ill i i h mill lliiiluji nl n ii mr lttituli i- lb mifn uf thfi tmatr at h11u1 ii1u1n and will il iurt impiin 1 lollmlndllilnuiia fa u hllli 1 strike 1 vui hal j w ivi011 1- i in 1 nhmidiii lai ill- when a man f am ti n ixirt and plrada not ji utiarly all lh liwjrm pfeteiit twlicvc that hit iu iihj 1 i iuirrli u llrtrl in n i iiiu r one abort ufl of llie broath llnijo iho liluor aiipplnd with ea h h illln uf hi auoews catarrhal 1jiwder dlluc this townee ovoe tho aurfaco of the nasal pasanu iaiulens and delightful lu use it relieve ustantly and permaiioull cures atarrh hay h over olds head ache horo throat 1 umilllll- and itutnu ml cents al j ktiiitswnn ii yuu do nol want to wear uul j ou ut ottlywear it wlulo you aro in tbn house lii on it wijl nut be worn out oh what couuh t will you lieed iho warnini 1 he signal perhaps uf the sure approaoh of that more torn bio diaoase consumplion ask jour solves if you can aflord tor tho sake of aavinit ioo la run tho rak and do nothnik for it we know from opcrionco tlial khllolib uro will euro your couuh ii never falu bold bv j v hsnnawiti you aiii uilu uxp n church if ouve cot a bad couch i l plauwi o t f i uiui 1 fl a lifidoiik 1 w ii 1 al unki u illtill bulwl il 1 ul a f l 1 1 at wt dull rw faint l tuuktn un v tlltl irai i al i aud lid 1 kladly wti h otjhtlbll those wimmu dlltlos hi ll hit ytem lu moot ihe im phlcal and mental furcl upon uimii willi thrsi and otlicfa ilia important wliolhei al hump al the soa ahtiro or lu llir couulry that aomo llobl be iivm lu diet aud aa further aamlanco i naturr k a build liik up uiodllluu llkp lluod a hafbbparllla 111 ft bfll bo rceurtoil to v1 no inho mil me has urn 1 i aa iu puhtlcs and lellun hit- ililtn iiltlra i upiuloii and the ludl j valu uf luou wllltll i b laild id of ltltm btkllb hko twen ulovalotl hu ilh tiiot1 uf mil ibiiuu prrprtihi furoiuual in illualrallun ul wlnili liilh lands the woild fam routed lu ku doollll nd iaitfol julh a w llir nd whnll wbr nbtsii able lu ua niiiiiuo aliluktb la a ukaoul am lioalur ul apalilo ilalily mtd tut 11 laul to the itoneral firlilily uf u10 atciu j vvm aud he iinproriiiaul ink from ihn lltt dt uf ibe h wl of liliilljii hh a lututn 4 1 telil ixilll ulll uf llie nust ihurouithty diti miindirn over udiiil in iho publli ll u f i lir jroal ionics and natural life miiinj aliinu ialila wlnuli lha luodliaj prufoaalou liavu boeu impelled lo rmnnjtiiie u prei tilt moaib suilbmp t i man uf iurinl gmuiun wma the rnl mn dm 1 n ik ud ii anlal iho ailiulo w i null ihfl ullui i tho utili uuinea lulu lha utalk rl uf all 111 dultl wll i klful ul hun nnentiflr opinion haa polnlo1 nut in iei parfuul piouraliuu uf alia paat ml htm k ell ll a i i iii pork nl 1 and it r i br al tm pmnd iniuilry 1 llli nwiirua and u and ml ult tin lai- iiv 11 f- th iih ii it 11 lint lib up in lm itjirn of in iiiuuitiitl wrppiij in expieh pa lt and bur it nboul au inrli undrr tht ahr ijmn it 1 linur wilh a biiihii itr nlipf il i t aho il t rw nnw rni w ni am tl i 111 1 jlti hknd 1 ill n iii 1 in on r t japaf4hbb moralizing au 1 nullah inachcr tna jdpaht an achoot dibutcrid by giving uul suhjurls fur win pom lion i lint tlui pupils had boon trained tu flu i a moral 111 sir hunt animate and liiiuffualo mr noam iu his ilnupioi of i ufamilitir jnpin ivrs a few sped mens uf the moral ideas vokd ton iho mint ntudtutn by nulijncln for i uglis lutiil t ll llo iiiiiiiuiim hu lull iliiiiniut an alinn our bjlii mlontl w11 c i l llmi ka in lnxliah modioli i ihink 1i1 atiitt u uwdul fur us btoaiiieif wu u m losheitho ka shall iij and ntlijj ui uttcritik a mill louo i hen wo nhall le brinied hui k in alud by tho i1111 luauulhcl pii ll mat sniiuid tint b japan r woi or a unpusiliu ho wrote th bolau is luln and lxaulllil lu but it has a dlsbkruvablu mnull i hia ahould mnko us rutuuiiibnr tint what duli uulwjtidlt iicaultlulju laiouui auciciy should not attract 11 to bo rvltracled by beauty on may lead us into fearful ami fatal unnfortun oimoul f i i tub uayb ol- slavbhv tiu iiu 111 ihn lyn ul lan nl ll mo olbr kit is thai th of iho iiirti sr are morn or i- slave tu 0110 hablla and under lundof to lhm an plainly lilt lrliictit nmnluutf wrnn hut hlddoii uuea hrlllp kniiu uly lo me an luulmalluii lu plan utot than i uu arcumplinh and put by till nonm fului u ip until nt laat i find ttinl tulilrn patitud slat kl and iiiwdod a tllsl i am al my t end wlal tudoaudhnl nut ajali lial i am duln al the llrm ilrir i do int uublo nnmrlhlui lli flhuuld bve li llmnlxd it nut uo1 1 au n iiindml of r castor i a infamtg and children tiint1yyaara gaawrmua o cta 03 tla ptrtmarf mt mlule af pwwsi pa aa ta apawa if it w e it le wjiq tlaat tawt naaajy ftrt- inftmta auad cllilr u w kas a kaows it la karsilaw 7kujrwn 1iw it- it sil tliaaa liaajui tt will lava tlialr llwva i mwunna kyw omnthik whltd la iltaolwiailr afw asd plramtlwajlw pmrtmmt mm m ohjliaa medlol l cats jasrtrwya worms w caatarla mllajra rnfwhaltiiaaaj cwatarla pwvau ywmhjm onra catorla caras plarrkata ajad wlaicl oallay catatwhm rollary taarfma tramfcua cmmtorim caaumtlnm mm flaitn gnalofttanatyavpm ol iimtl wn ciator da not ootl mnrpsiaa eplm or o aofctrtlo prwpnrr ca alw tha fo rasuta ft at aah d wfirln kaajthy anas a alawp daiuru la pt npu osu vrtuaa vly- i l wot aolj tn fcaj dont ajlow aua esa to sail yoal awythlja alaat w tbs that it la jwst mm kooa sad will amsww wary paurpoa s tfct tim nwt oastoitta tha jkoau igmotwro of t chlldreh cry for pltoher castorla 1 tit u look will 10 nd hululcl w tan losti an 1 uiako this wirll brikhlci sri 1 1 i jnw ikhlua i inc wl i 11 hit ublo i 14 help to nd bellcr incidental 1 o ol k aiiiiiar july ciaiiii will 1m tilt ltu1k of lui jol dinlj lllk 1 ol balbriggan underwear at the uiiiuji in prit c of o cents it uu w v ill 1 all mu i iitiiinnitl hats on fahlcs uul ill it mil lu in tt 1 dr iim 1 wrath ukt- ll 10 tliat iho rrit f wtrluk i lutt i lnlll iho bullui f uld frill sua and alnk 1 ll aull hill f to loot culu inborn or other plauln water can then be turiiod into the can from whli h ii uill bo i4hivrcd at uutr to ihft rhils uf iho plants as lllnilraled williuul a uiani e for th surfai of the round in lrnme hakcil iho iau boiiii deep i her will bo uu ilryin uaiilthbu whiblhhbkb lit h i j 1 and u k i uur bit uf woudlfiid cm n u l whrrr ihuthuil uf obi kl ul i nd f thu ulli lut ui lakll llnd i up 111 ih11 habits ul lt i ll the llkl 1 j pui llo tk i dl i 111 11 iii p 1 bod 1ii- luln tltt ui 1 iii flul ufl ulrtl t i 1 11 1 in latliri ou ll if 1 11 h ery department 1 t uti iihinul 1 ltts n f inn lu in tt 25 so nd 75c j l williamson 0l co ui 1 maudunnell stioot ii im firm now stock new prices but old i management d how buiucbb in aulou so i011k under thu uaiuo of 401111 spotlit it bon ntinuod but iho old buelueaa will o ou under tho new name j a speight co bbprfrment litis hi be tsi uf iiltuia aakola and fui any reasonable oiler you may make wo httvo 11 u uoiluouu i nul uiiy undortakuiti 00m bint and juvuni our own pi loan 1 v ftisi 1 ur6 1 lii roii hsjccy st wagon 1 manner and al l lie tu 11 1 iv fl t ise 111 oarr iuu uu uur buaiuuaa 1 th under 1 at inc ijwlik ti lha hard llues wo aro 1 ai1 fa lory i j a llulo luwu lu the 1 udcrlakiix o- peel ally we can du ill aud kive eulii j a speight co il in i i ll w ul i i ill lllllu hi li ii moat faithful 1 1 i i- 1 ivm 1- 1 us uptids 1 1 um lu ii ii llir 1 if ou waul llrl la i i l au old phyaician retired ilium prmui door al luelpli pi- i i ha havmi had plod his hand by an laat iii tuur order al in plain mll india miaajouary lhu formula uf aunpio vojpj table ruinikly for the apootlf and xir winomb kkllblun manout riiri uf uliuinpliui llrun iili tsftarrh aathua and all ihrual 1 1 n tuur- iflikon w111u hue ll lim afloutluna imi ihiailitinl ihikhi me lul until 1 fcn u biiuw iihcii 111 fm- ndrvrras tnbltliy and all vorvou turn ptoasaiil fact- a t lui rful fiiilb 11 dainu after having t alud it woudurlu loiter luuiliim mu 1 u kluil uuratlvo in lhiuinnd of tiaa and lluiiikhlful iix iht lunifurt of ulhvrr otl it hia duly u iialu n known lo all hia willmii in aerte low lu jiuh h bufjertuh fallow a autuatod by litis milivu cllma u lu mpalhia- ml hrlp aud a dcaire to roliove human vifhcruif 1 iii aond rnouf iharue lu all who loairo it or 1 it uur and hsrlnn and lrsii duiiilnated by ptly oalp aud jcaluubira this jooipi n ooriian 1 rmioh ur lncllah self aaaortlnu alid iloiuineeriil jtitin wiui roll di roil 111 lis for preparing and away more than it dtawa 1 xk lulu mil usiu sent by mail by allrili with matter carefully cuixllr uutl pidntioi stamp iamlitj lln p w a nnas hue whether or not yot sr- pitly t pi jno luii illik uoohiwur n y cuh uk rtirtat piixity ylii picsscs limli r lris tor thr rtnintry prtnftnj ofhrr m the hrmity it t hpftt in rrmihuettoh tur 1 ui u 1 1 ti it ulil until imimki in all its p itb and doi miptiiut woik prnnu trunk rfallwoy in 1 11 11 wiiihln ormiltu and miubhs deulor gueiph ont ty hwili kmiiu llh niiu hcolob crhnite i j m 1iauil to n wo all sha at waters bros cuelph imp m 11 i llrr- in works of art frhm6s mouldings corn ice pol6s whllphp6rs artists malurlals and fanoy coods n 1 1 ill i 1 i i l i wia uap jones c atlaiit f toronto 5- ouracunmin utietcrijapla tlimat ity i 1 ii ia a cuataalea r a ijlig 3 i 1 u 1 ghiloha porous plaster w he 1 1 1 1 hit 9 mow shiloh ci vauzbr mr t b list linr eattiuurtithauil mcilifiradclatattdimtm lewruwrd lurlltirlauvotorltidiiaj trouble it ojccchv l ctul0h obmfifitrn e k e d y hareyourntorrht tr thlsltcmrdy itwlu mltivcly mill mi niidi uraou ivloefiocta his injootor fur 11 1 r n rcmiful treatment kf lurolsbod f ro ii 1 1 i r hull jia itcmodlas aro told ou r iium ut u c a sutlsfactloru opyrig all 1 iirttln a ittkntt ror a minis nuiir and an 1 1 iiiiiun wrllq lo hi i ss a ml who i in nwlrntir ream lluhsirutlr 0 iifll iii a llniiillalur in nrilibllun o 1- tnnit plrt t 1 uu- 1ii vakii itr men m vm a i rt lo ikhi1 nun- mil r j mill ttrl lul llsa to itiwlii ai 1 ir im 1 r ili i tut ul lo iu ii 1 i r i i i i 1 iii f- 1 lurwet rinulaliii i i 111 r rull ik in 110 umlauts lililuui iu uillilj flaiiuir tunula rujiiea 1 i ccnia run iiuuitn r mm una licau tl iiuinv 11 i 1 riliihi tlm mlll llh i i jull 1 um until sin t 1 jim lln hi nvr 1 1 lio lutt luihovoiy pi usb la paid lur in oiisli ouablos ttle uiajiulaotuters lo soil iho fiouty ut voir low pi loss ihoro aro no losses youuau arraiitlo lo havo froight and duty prupald mid nuvo ill both or of importation ate send it tunc fof litilouiottul prucb tjf h p moore acton ont sole ttgent for canada- i i walker co manufacturers madison wis most succbmfl1 rcmeor for man oft deaft rtaln u i 1 us hi v lii 1 1 ilendatlsspnvliicurl i illk il i i d ll u 1 i tt j h i it t i 1 hivimi for twenty five years dunns baking powder the cooks best friend lanacatsaic in canada catarrh l

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