Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 15, 1895, p. 2

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t ilautjlittir liminmn nvkwrv weiliinbtar 7rli augiit lltirlfinl aim ihiuhn nf a aou jumjfwjjif 1 tihxlil kltilllho oh wrtlnoajlar hi turtiit lirliiti liy lif j kniitifly i t bmii r s h l il i ii ii ii t i knr c mill hamilton i on r in kllabnlh flaiialltrr i joliii ntiit i hi liiflll oil hililay illli anftut math rvll lil 71 vtms immch ulmir agm t year- u in rwiilfliil thursday iki aiilu1 nruiaii huillh llchlitlaf t thn lull a i llekinlny hmi rs u mini i lav nil anmul jnailo infant lauuhlor of ji 1 hluiio gmlula jiij trton jfrc rcss thuhbday august lu ihufl improvements dooming talk of the day an en ho trio of tho world do in re during thowtjak work on iho iarnfma canal u one morn boiug jualied forward wheal harveatiog i beomn mj general throughout manitoba uwfalmtrtii iio luhu 1 wood oou roller ut inland llbvoiiuu ia dead llm trial uf hhortiaa ilia valleyllold murderer will opon on october 1 john hold a resident of hlufiaion dtud suddenly ill winnipeg hoapilal george m haliiioli uf ihiibrook wbb killed in a ruueway accident ou monday nklh lvit lurrieon a choaley farmer druimd dead i u cad ay moruing from heart failurr j w howlee a mukok fanner run ovor and killed by in own in in on monday it 1 i helou lumber dealor oflindy waa drowned while iiioaauritik lumber on baturdy ir john 4l alexander a uiominent clliaau at montreal jpttl mi halurday after a long ill dom rhc lako of the wood milling ijow ilanyu bfltlllurkfwfnuw btjftmdtbj- monday murnlug a puahod battle haa occurred bolwe japaiiaau force and lliti rabola on ilia laud of 1oimoee thirteen men ere aalu to have rtcacnad from ilia dragoon barrack tn winnipeg in tllu paal lew day a william k erox of iouduu waa killed uu the i it bolwoeii winiaor and uatham i uoada mi willi in tibi m llbsou died 10 tlaiuiltuu on 1- rlday at tho agu of bti year clullian lrb the hiralfurd iiuack doctor charged witli attempting to uiwn tiia family under arrest tho lomuer nih amy fan aaliuro m tho uy of cjmuto monday aud the ux imli ft i truund at uribun win mcmillan tbarued with bomn oou coruiml with iho uajoodl ilro wa broiiklit lo loruuto from urtroii haturdaj lero cfihll a tiluo yoaf old uj ul ludiaita baa toiuiuillod aiclde iioui iho dlakraco he frit at hi pareula divorc quecu lrltcniau luj burat waa aicord od a real rccautiou in moulraal mouday id in lorouto aod uamiltuu toeaday civic holiday plcagufles tho sons bf scotland out in forpi nnd tho dnw plpora hnmlnd thorn or tho old homo juncna weather favoroi ouf clllveiia laat tliuraday and civic holiday waf llxironjjh ly enjoytml aa far aa tbn lovrly tmrnmer woarlior extnorrnrd a fnw lnftlown but lllu nla ll romallkxl lit aroupl ilin lltvllatloii l lllb hon or scotland anil ai tioigialo in their fnativitica tliiiae who went lo ilia iarboarly hi ui afternoon had nolljtnjj cinrjit ilia bcantlaa of iho aurruundintta in onfllinaiid llieli alidolion rlio lcroio match botaoen aclon and milton failed to oonneel owiuo tu aonte niiaundcrtandinu on thu iirt of the nlayoca at three o cloak time waa oallmj for iho barn ball matcli batwoon ibn ilijkjra ol ailoti and tho ileavera of toronto flw uoaqca iroel iheirimlvea aajicriui jijayara and aa man mcdilliriiddy of tbo lolerlcfi sjnnl nould aay oui ho a mpl a double barrelled hoavy action ed odllfon gt watnrkto n lien the vuitora look llirin in and did torttram to tbo lunoof i ui m tharo were aouio very nnnilyiuk on botli idea audj number of inracuaable error the ilmttera had ono oe iwo of toronto a pruftmaional team in ihoir nino afler iho bao ball match tho lucycli race wan iiiln an allmctiou ii wm lo hit t coming and goina vlalvovn to and prom aoton ana varlouaothorpomonal nbtoa tim knwa llikkh invito 11 luraailnr to mi trllnimi to th- ml until m irtumla aracfiliiaay in m liolhuy irtinr ii yon livn frlmla vialtliiii jim iriij uxl in tin knri ill mlh lloy of o rhtwi rlrinu in titwn irlcin mu iirtini mikiro rtlnrnit i in 1 unumi lat wlnoalay ilin miun icry oft ihu r iiiu tif anton friondp mr lohln rnt iviuiwi i n lowi tuewlay mia annio mosaul viiud ftoii i at hornby laal week mlta lena ftlatr t llrm mitr i hrr i hu i 111 mr cliarln itwry nl nljb hpanl a few dayn in toon llna wiib mr aim mrs fhnmaa himon vqtltht friend hi nolain una wrek f miaa lillie halntod m vltliij fmnda in luelih durum tho bull laya maater jfrnmie llrowu ta luirim nflor wndiuk holidaya al uiluwn miaa mum wlkor l f d una wmk with friend at unolph mrtunl mrj ww hamilmftl tishfil frieudn in minlbtimo lait werk mr n j ilonnrr ikdi a ut boll daa at hta old homo in itollou mr 1 m hnndara in la ithndiiii a wink with rnanda in milton mil vicnity mr a uinur of tbr dortiniion mitt waterloo aout hatunlay witli lna hruthor mr and mr- i maltbuwa and child r n vinioil relative at kilbrulu unit mwk mr lucent maddook nf inuld iiti d lux hrnlher mr i maddock una wrfik i htr wrrjn of tho tlhl lnruo lan 1ilai1t pailurk de nk- ventld hlaillinu himi brief thci aiiiioiinaoi il hjiihlri i h catiul by lloart failure kurh l ilin hlorrmlypti aiiiiuntfcnmeiit or noriururii jurle anil rn pot i era arouhinu thntondtodinkj of tliim vjnllmi nf indium tn pliutinii nr llntlhriiu f fui initial ilintiituiiir llii hirl jntpt- ulnili limy am no nlly proun lo am i pt an tint 1im of nii inrurahlp an i up idily fit it i in in y mlllm with k n j ii la potimt in rpalorinij i in lilion ihtt n i lonuiir i mploii x mt i hi ulili i ii u winr tlirimtji lu rmiflil i ill i i i on 111 mammoth house georgetown walker mcbeah co fob clocks watch os jowollecy speotat la slivoiwd l fancy gol 5 cd cl- d cd dnoruamml nrvli i li pon inimnaafll ru i illnh pluiikb ni it li i i break malum itl i win hi- 1 rilihinii i an llii iiiuml pluaijnnt mid hi irnl rouiudy for all din fi lei nl dormltnunli tlwt llul mallfi ntaujii in lahnlludi ajt fpli-nnm- dnxpondrn bill and loaa nl nppntitn nud lifibilvo pownr a nmii ti mi a ihi iiiiimh uiitru ill and dinxtv un f n 1 riilr irtlm all dnuil hrrll it the summer t sale alto pmhiiik hmi 1 1 mplciicll v tti oo lo hii ii im lloil wnlibtimkai and jowol in i a p symon is in full swing iki l l u i nuvini tn u ilrlu abitltsrntfun wu viiojmlon a a u coitfnrlill ihmllm nytt 1 1 r 1w dn in u iurj i itai i ill i 1111 ml i l lul li 111 111 ik il ii mil l l il i m i ii i i ii 111 i i fol ii r ij xlouaton of the worka of imniriant maiiufacloriaa irrrt to two weeka ajjo by the fbkk 1nu are now in procvaa of erection and iho iroapecl la bright for a muoli oiharged output uf manufactured kooia bera aud a roincqutjil incroaae of buaitinaa in ruwi maar w ii htoray 1 sou ha lriu taii of maauua aud bntkaori work mi tho aildillou lo the canada j wurka tho atono work will probably bo i iiuplctod tin week and the bricklayer will puah forward their work tho new hoi lor ia of nwab laritar capacity than tho eld and will aupply power and boatluif fui the factory and alao heat mr klorny a fine rcaitleiico on mill trel moaari jutanlinorc a to havo dettuitely dlided to build iho propoaod warehouaea in tho i i h yarda 1 he local of thn track ami between tile alaliou aiffl f rnii hi aheda baa been aurvejed aud ia rrmlj for the cxiavaliona which are lolirtiicnco licit wrek there will bo i tuildiutca uil hi aud mxmi built of brick aud iron two itoreya and fireproof til work will bo puahod forward rapidly order to bo cotoploted tin fall hi ilillng npnrllflnm aj llvcljl l her lauuerj the new buildmtt l hen wdl bo loslltj willi a uew oollor room til addition al tbo weal ood to kite apace lor the building ciltoiwt exca vatioua havo been ueceaaary a bank a boa i 1 eel high hating lo be removed about aiiij feel of i ho bridge over tbo ravine waa alao ml uff and luruod a laiualdcrablo ilitance caul ward lu addition lo tbeae iiupruvemouta thia enterpriaink firm will will alio extend tbulr tau yard with anum ber uf vala put in now aweat pita build a new driu kiln of uvo or aix atonya and put up a carpenter shop ou lliolr premlaca i hear luiprotcuieuta mean a ttoxtd deal i i iluo and ill aid lu euannnx future piiiiptrity and a buay town notes and commen i a e iiudertaiid our ca too rued friend wui i raj major of hoaforth la an appli ant lor the vacaul iuiatarahip of huron i uut it tho ooverumonl deem il nitvmblo llial tho poalllou ahould dol fall it laofticially anuouuead that five arreata have already boeu made in couoeclion with tbo maaaacroa at kuobeu lu china a law da ao mr lurucll uwitaor of ulauahard while fediiii hoop waa bulled by a raip rcoeivm injuriea wblbb pruxod fatal uabrlel oraullb ntii ium killed by liffutuiuh wnilu uu tin but ou lake huron off southampton uu halur day morning hurt her important tlotrolopuiauta liava oomo to litht iu the ureal u murdor caae aud tbo ovidenen uiiit hlrclnuaki la accomjulatidk i be houao uf jaiuca i any ui hep worth waa truck by lihtuiii ou friday mgbt mr lurrio wai killed and two othera injured a apacial meaaago from 1 imduu ay a dolarmtuod oqorl ia lo bo iiiado by 8mju1i braodsra to obtain tho removal uf uio liu ad tail oat tie embargo mr joortfe it 1arkin i ho oawly ppuiiit llreo nlt in alarlod and uu lowing ordof h ctlrrll iiicbuii t hint at ion lloomao mtltoh 1 h only purl waa at the home altrtrli the atlriitlanfn al the ark hiring lb bhermon wa larj lul it waa mticl augnifiiutl in iho evening tho gralnj atand rrrfabmriit booth and viciutly wcru tatrnnll droraled a lib hlnrno lanlerua tu the limr kami f llnuillttiu arrltnl at i o clock and from that hour until midnight the ha pliea held aiaodi o ctocx tho mrtnlirra of camp lvaiilnto aud vliting htotohl met al the imigo rixim and hrsdnl hy piicra and drumiikra procrwaiotml mill hlreel ilbur klrtel ilown avrnur willow strocl lo tairvirw i late ih nc dowu main aud mill hlreela and lark a euu to die park tho programme at tlf prk had mucl ol inlciat amptwll of mil ion occupied iho i hair and alitriu irrvlir rr made by hmiire w lujli id loruutii 1 hrnlrrihin m 1 alton h i hlholn n m i itrampton i m ra i lililpb aul lurnlei a ml1cii wliiii the rmhea wrif inter aperaed b lrdion from the lirra hand who irotiiieuj i aid by lh- bjorcttmaniotlirctwninperti father and son cured fnthor attacked with khuu- nntlbm nnrl tho son with bt dnncn a blory that car lid vouch id fur by all nul1ibor ill ho umiiiiimi lvaiif mr lotrph nitxi ih tin ropm t r n ii ll lllhl iii tho villg of will n n and ii ki out lo lh wholocouutr in a a linn who thoroughly iltideralali ll j mu 11 m pirl of 111 c ouiitu liis pin i s ik n kiioi k i down d li ss ill in in of tin 1 iironlujori s ieopu ilii us august is i um t nioiitli so ui winl to show them there is no dull times ivlnrc vilklr mliii in co do business if pnei s have to iniki things hum here juu art forthe net month wc ml i t spk e nouh to tell juu ahout ill tlu extraordinary bargains votkils list imc alu i the fun pur- hal uev ii i alug li it o for ho n rll wo i i itruwi aiil v ilium 1 yud ala on a lli i tho nrlh wmat ill alton wull it in wrtl know uu pari of oiiurn thiu mr sutuu hill waa dua tro i h ii rr but with thn imrgy which 1 barn drihlii ul htm hit pilikly nt to work u rnbiiil i jim lory aa i hi rtihirtt r- f the wingham ii- win rnmlylkilhoihmlukil hi h trlry will jirua uf tiitiirtht i wan helping to village op acton ii ml iii ii l l n kvzir rjv t iitit i hi lollow in ft v will if ou in id i how tiods fm tin in t inontli at mil sell the great cash store i im- i mdiilll t thti roll i in ii ml dm tinin whlli axltlel n n y ri hip u g it bo bail thai i i jiii in i nil in a olair with nit doubling my leg bn k at iho nldn the hair and i oulilii i tnli l a hng willuiut lelling th allrlnd ln hang on i 1 ntiirorrd a gnat ial more t r urn trouble linn aiiyoiio wh han not brcu aimilarly im imij waw 110m1i ready made clothing lloya odd 1auta iu v tweed ianta 1k wirll i rti dress goods 6000 oo neat exhibition of hcottiah dann mlaa mis mntbraon hamilton ly iho pr ml aum llovai went lo lata lat rook ui attend the funeral ol h r broihr h ion any priwrit nr p roemtar ut b odatoflj pper canada coiioro who la in bulaud at preaeut will aail for caoada ou ihe rind inl tbomu hauua uf woal uaralraia waa burled in about iwo feel of band lu a cave laal 1 hursday ilia rib worn btokan and drivou into bia heart he died hon hdward itlaka will return home hortly and then prooeed to new aalaud ou profeaaloual buamoaa returning to ltin dou for iho opoulug of parliament where ha may bo tho lruh loader tie veil miaaiotiariea for china left lot oulo monday i broo via mra oolorth mtaa uackauaio and he llobt a mltcb all go for the lreabytariau church aud four for tbe chlua inland ml hon mlaa harriet haatlnga of toroulo tbo third or thre aiatera all or whom have now one to the foreign field mlaa m t mauohea- tr uf edmaalou n y mlaa jonuie k da vi of fclyn o and mlaa julia a bui i th of maludooa talla vorutoul wo do uol kuow where a more thy recipient of government favor oan le bolter tilled tor audi au long may tho mowal lovernnteiit ueh matertatva una from winch tu it appointmonta 1 ho nheruan tbo i uilsd kiuifdum kiidod about 7fio0 ton of nh laal yr ei luaive nl the lih that ti the aight ui a millimi prime large bnovea on lh hoof or about 7 000 000 barrel of ilniir 1 ho drill caught by tho dahermau i tho hfituh lalea wolyhod in ahort nearly half aa much aa all iho inhabitant uf the country huch figure ahow what a mtirvodoua bouioo of human food large ikm lie uf water can maka the gnal lakra are only aecoud to the ooaan aa a h imo fur food fiahoa and they can bo to guarded and dovelopad that tho yield of tho lake ttnhortea will be far gratr than it evor haa beau in the fa 1 lio offurl tu enforo tho buoday law iu the aalooua o new york la acknowledged to be a auoce even by the loon men and then friend tho trw itxti spirit uatlr of new york aay wo havo within the laat iwo weeka boou urgeully rouealod by laige number of oar bt allaated aud moat re poo led liijuor deader to advooala a trial obacrvanoa or the hunday law by the trade atloutaou ha been oajled to the act thai there i a alrong aoullmont in the itoman cuiotio wall aa lb pvo- ttalanl chore he in favor or obodlonoo lo tha law and ouuipliaoioo with ovory atatau no matter bow much ha popularity may be uoationod it ha further boon poiutaxl ut ui u that iolloe commtaaionar hmxevoll is evidautly determined tc pul the law lo a leal aud domonalrato tho foaaihilily of ita enforcement in thia tiity in tin offurl he haa tho fraarty aupport of ihr oood lovarumeol oluba tbo city vigilant league and olhar kindred reform and temporanca aaaooiatlooa tbara cn lurther bo no doubt that tbo aiolaa depart uienl will be in ayropatby with thewe eflorta if the polioe department thews are a flw of the ounaldarmtioua which would intern ui make ii adviaablo for iho liquor loalora to keep their plaooa oloaad on mb fcditok tablk if iih kir nttjrr tmperbii e itevival diaoourae a ttatnt p n r t aarlaa ut ly lool lmdoi i ompa burcb llrooklyti new york urn mpp 75 oeuu new york ud ihiroutu luok t v agnail d illaoourao lu thia liook are ibe work ol au ospert tua aim ta lo help oduoate tbo jiublic mirtl aud oouaclenoa afresh lu irgard to ihe driuk ipjeallon id tha ledger of thiimt parllclaltiik in the jrlu iraftlo heavy balauocy are prowau on tha aide uf diaeaac private and aocial immorality ruutatl hornet pauporlaad labor lawlaaa hum aud artroo and polllioal oorroption i he ooiiolualou i that tha way to atop- tha evil ia lu atop the traffic tba author illuatratsa tha license irtum aa folly by i i h uf hrldgr u f havink been inalraalcd lo aorub the kitoheu uoor waa found moping lor deay- it the water two or three ttlcnea deep why dont pou turn ur tho fauoat ijrldir kurt ma am ha irteellf that gtn 1 teime ihe water kipi me a mopping ao leal 1 lie book britlaa willi aueodotal illutra tiona all uf which are pal cuiioh and hard lo for gal a foalure nf greek value in a hook jd thia kind ftftoom mlnuloa sufflunu lo uio pntth tho bunlnetd or the council muiu oveuinga boanion ui bo uiuinui council waa olio uf tbo hu teat ou record iromply at eight u jock llocvo raoti oallod tho member to order and there being a very brief dockot a uarlcr of i hour wmiulllknl for ii uouileralioii mouthers worn ail praaoui iiapt uuu ol i lor frantii and nlckllu mlntitea of proviuua moelmg i and confirmed uumber of uw i w k ti l root olc more eaallltel and lb re ipootive uhaii iiion in cheat fui tbci biiu their eleventh rnpurt tniiniiiui ling pay uiout of the following aioouiita thouiaa t uoure ito llobt uurru uiji uu uu i ai 11 k i u v htail i i w hwackbawni m ii i uoore ivliidiui l ji ii ju k itaui luiua lt cntmaliitfa u al uul by joto william tn do1 bj ioorgo havill that tho report uf the fluaiioe uuimlllm jual rcad bo adoptnl iha dog iiuliifl waa latnrrotl to and ihe fact pointed out that ilia number al pveaaant m t w lai lu aj uf ibu lb given lo th mo ni ber uf tho iounoll prbacnl eaprraeed ihemaolvoa favorably to iho introduction ui the tag yatom till would certainly go far toward the aululiou uf tbo oil ling do lluuoiioy no further information hak born received from iho wateroua tympany rrapocllng iheir iropoeed firs englue leal here the cuiitraclura who put in ihe hbel bunio windmill watorwurka ayaleru aro alao proapooliug bore the huaiueee bring completed outlet admurued literary notes 3ba iwriliag festttre nf the aagirai tlrru- itf ttrvw are theodora itooae veil a character ktch by julian lulph the clearing uf mulberry itend tho tury of the rle and fall of a typtoal nww yurk luni by f aoob a 111 la tho third hahabury cabiuet by w t bleed eud tho itecurd of the koeabarjr admluialra harikrr a hruthora auuounoe for publi lion aunt lime in augifat the oljowing book abouv4aria by ittchard hard in uavia the muioy we need by henrytnomhrnojaao ihe front ard and other llajiatu hlotlta by ounatanoe tanimora woolaoti ami a new edition of all fuurartfblmwell ii i unrated i tbomaa hardy a 1 wu ou a towar the rtrfw uf revwtet la ad lltuatraleu ummary of lite worlda nrocrem hmallw a rapidly lurraaiuig in leaa da tho tun 1inii nollced s guiro wing held and mr thomat duunctt inl wifo toronto i ol ambell m i- mitchell an wife and mra john lletiuetl milton h huholm ei m i and mr il ouu ilrmpton 1 mc rae ouelph t h in lay aud wife i grant aud a mrlhmald and aoti eorgetowii john duff aud hug kennedy hock wood aud john htowart hoouh fllock financially the day waa uim uuiu the receipt reaching tehoiit 2 111 i lib prohibition appfcai 1 ho aikumont boloiu iho i council cloootl jujieridit rosorvnil i aug n ihei a futtl i ring yoaterday before th judicial aiuimitloe of tbo irivy t uuucil uf the 1 aiiallil prohibition appnal tuvtncrarcurepllmrror the appellant 1ord hetathel aald one of your nppo nout conluu thai the t iiadlau i em jkirno act implied ihe repeal uf tho prohibitory ai1 of the unlario lryilatort suppoaiuif lie 1 emerauco at1 wai lu oicraliou al tlu lime the ontario egli lature pammn lla retrlilluii were uio twu acu au ktcoiiinlonl that the ajiadian t re wai ml hid dntario act mr maclarru proocodtj t in il mlna lkuir 1 w villi w- ol in lug the interpretation generally tvl ll poraou of thn highcnt authority whoii lurl wataou lulorrupllng aald there l liltlo gooil lo be gained by those ittiotatioia we aro dealing with the meant iff lo be put on a general talc men i that can lw oblaniod only by recourse tu the ataluto ani a consideration of tho moaning which the iiilaturii wbtuh pasaod it luleuded to have mr maclareu maintained thai the lotal upliou law paaaed by ontario vn uol pro tubltury aa mr ulake had alatod but was inervly a t eati lctiou o ttm tvaflli i urd wataou aid he agreed with mr ulake thai ll waa prohibitory to a oeitatu oalcut and asked whether under that law a uutnlmir of work lug mem could uol form a club ao aa ui obtain li fui mr maclareu rnplloil that he thotifclil lu iucii a caao ihe matter would have lo ho nubiintled to the cuitnly j udgn iihhki thn argument aud it 9 roaervcd jodgonmiil chbwbonb cohnbhb l ml li uoi iii full tl i r x rat n will be s splendid ump mr mikkan t iowboii haa grrak i u i xivcik the apiearaiica of 1 is fa1 ly loaiiln up iho flata aloig tile creek ml by trimming the hmlgo alotg the uml mro i 1 ibi lork to apenl d left yaalci uj f w we ka v will aptrnd twi or threa wok with fru ml t the misaen lloll of loronto were guoats of their aunt al itoao hilla0 a few days this wrek ml hllihht of ll i lio ufllt ol lll uluoi wilkinson i itdo i k hi iho iast week mr mid wiltm hiwi at the marriage ol lit- i i aldweil al orwhiu laat wruk mr m l ud i u 1 ii u ill ieut lew day til w k l mothci home bnr c 1 i a ii 1 a i rhriin mr vie ui panning iwo or tiroo ft lr with iyil ma at samla aud ioi i lluioli hot t harlca a 1 uuk of lu lull j jlonl a few day during luo ck ll hi rather ho h 11 ook ml 1 ni and m ii 1 i 1 ui 1 ddle and he i f u ci h cat al 1 lie maple yialerday mi david mill ha iu- i ile peudlu a txiile of week ml pleaaiillv al her old hoi turaiain ml w 1 hui r f loi to bioglit lle tciuiiia of tua infant lo to n nsatui day for intel iikuii at 1 aiitiew t cinckri mr lui mt1 am l at ifamillin atlondl g iho cralid i xla 1 o o 1 s raprosonlalivo uf atloii 1 udgo ni fl mr mot i ui i riaoii of iron mountain ult1 willi her llllle daughler llla la vinilnig llcl brolhor lr i ton at hiltcen 1lace mr and mrs j m 1eulo and bl and mr aud mrs aloi mallhow uf itravnironl arrived on halurday oveiitiii lo ieud a lew daya with then irtcudn liflir mra htlllol mil mn mud of lleavei alb 1a weie guoata it auluo lend thia week 1 111 waa then llaat lail ui cauada i the 1 tle mood hoe left fo ilr thuraday ljl uticru they iei whiin 1 hm- very bad iniiuiih liillnij liild hlin and aakeil what ha i urul 1h rtlcu inallm hi willi in- i ink i hi- he pnmiplk irpli an 1 11 1 i- imelhiug iho ur11 mm failed i i lo i loo i kl what la in ljnia2 h lljl l iw llll i vxiuduiful mdiciu aud it i sum ihrtl i li iom i 1m rueful for hul tin mmlicli t 1 l son hied almiul lw i rnin dag inkoli with an atla k of hi 1 iluniiatloii uf the huign cl li an 1 n l w a i r iivtroi horgo hint si ll wurlh twocd hulls tl im worth twucd huiu tl worth llreo 1iroo suit tl hlworui ol 1 ii h hi i i h 1 t ne 1 weed hull i i i eru b it l few left mo ml n h ki i in urea bulla i ti world iwrwl hint l hi worth collonade ianta vl worth itonado iantn k worth special our own make i wort hdts hats fhoro did y 4 k that hal ivalkir mcllriiitdi tliohuxti s an alwayn buy men m heady made j 00 bj jl leai d out lo inaa llian half no tct mri tn twoaa i iw liood to ho cleared at vc colored sllka u fl a coluod sik lo i i onch doldlnou d hlc hloltfd dahunea fo i c aud 10c delaine for 1 le ribbons ii do illbboul lot hoiery and cio co at the fiamc l lriw elf cuelph central exhibition tuesday wednesday and thursday thl tmho amjiu ana 25 c ooilliliy dross trimmings imud llktniuioig for 1 ll 1 cd mat k a ladlos cupoii hard rti mi ipiaru io hat ik wore j u0 j 1bjjes fr 1 til a ml t wa tor j i ll wo i ice to clear a cp i he in at till pricea re a ii1i fill tailoring departmeru i i1ti 1 ink ill a ill ihoro kid ui 1 tllituh i hi d vi in hi life an 1 if i kuowt to all lh- bunctl 1 a yum nl publlnh the n i will loi all dl nt allnl a nhaltd i ll tllctt i 11 la h i anll utzztuew rtimntc ryntppian bcrnfiitr tc iliey aie al a blli hr the liiubh iwotillil the ft male nuii ununik ih p reraioii and all u of feiualo wakut- iud hug iut the m r hen paey 1 jughtcl mia jdw d m atlb ew ouiy ill 8 ho 1 h4 yor uf age recovery dou blful hoi ol m lmpae uf p tueu g ib hor fleia 1 w 1 iu email 1 1 i bo ita ha ol r r of then outer lamed a nuhiboi thoir home laat wodi quito a number of young pcoplo vxnt laat monday evening very ploabamly in games and ulher anuaomonla al ihe home uf mr aud mrs hubert allen of lriu tp mr w u laby had his lollr boue brokon while playni football laat i uoaday evening aud will be laid ui fur aoiuo limr ihe learn has only lu uigauked about a year and llii la the second owllar bono thai ha broil broken ihe club will ierbam hire a field an r goon ahurlly 1 boo who elleudod the holla of hot llud iiniti hold iu a clou on ihuisday laat were well ploaaed with il ihe fouuiatl match belweei li l ornats aud knaushbull leama whirh waa ui have taken plate on halurday afternoon laal waa poalpuuetl till nakt halurday afloruouu mlaa initio ami who haa been learning the dreaa making in loroulo returned hume on monday mr it ilokrtl aud mia hannah itam ahaw of lowtllle tsilod friodd here this mr and mra i cun aud mr joo ann 1 1 ted frieud in 1 ulher and 1rolou lltehahv notts it r 11 nil i iiuiiiiui ol muliti toil iii ui i lib wheelod ui a ion ul wedliuaday tho t1 vic holldy ui thai u n ac lull la a ver iiutty lllllu town llio j i wllkiimiu lelt low today oi a trip down the hi lawrence lu mouliea aud juobet uu hi return trip ha wil olid a few da with a patty of 1 uiuiiti nda v i land mi llaty j kr li mheagu week for t ngla oauiplug t 11 i i- cnlojsj me tuue kit last wrote th- fmt i ik from loiuulothal tua pareuta who am 111 tllnulil luuntiv willed tloe wciiiig muno proierty loft by au atlllt mia flaltia liuilu l da l nawark s i wbo ti will ajwnd saveral muutli with rolallvra her many iriauds bore rrgiet her rumol ctcii fur a lime mlas 1 huratuu has boot a valued aud useful member uf ihe hutch 1 pwurlh tragus aud ieiumsrenoo houioly and in r sbaonoa will be fall in oath uirola tiamcil cjbohultown 1 he tieurgolowu lacrueea team ere now champion uf tho ceutral dlalriol uagur havtufj won i gainoa out uf li 1 hero a ijmle a hum at the 1ayiout ahuo tn the bring 1 lk and 11 dltrol by i glo l willi i h l4u bcail a lb i ifluttd l oil ol all iliuiiu u u illliu medihu ll i h bene lallor dad t i i uoots and 5 ho a leather ha gone aw up lu prlue ufltcad of rauiiig the priue uf lloota ihoes ive havo loworod them foi tha in i it augul what y iii u in d b yuu in bty lilt line ii i fol tl in1 si tl and mat wurlh utwug cunic lo lhc vjj dt gclsli tslorc i k h it h 11 i i kl id ft tlmhti 1 tui i thai i ki u tt antl ill jiu in ji lllll ih 1 llu sut uiachiuory and oilinr iublic library hat tim high huh i ground at further improved a number or our riliaeua teiil riiuradav lu acluu lhey look n baatr ball match and tho hcotchi ilrmonnl ration mr j auilius vhaiivui monti il i j m marvelous medicin whenovof qivon t fiir tiil hoodn proven its mont llr f ui li 1 1 m j ml i llm i 1 i v 1 i mian miit montr j i ili t 1 hk1 til loll m pill turn 1 line i 111 m i hrawrltu fr atiul u imiitln a i i lii tu u4hal ll luis ilniti niu a en it it 1 i i list may lay ulfclil waa 1aj pouiuls but du t hoods sarsapariila cures 1 or call to lake iiihmi haraapjirlllft it luia in iroaaid to iu i think lihmmhriranhirllla la a innrlluuaihllliia ami ai tevyiuuili lluavd uli it j aw mai iui mi hoodkjj ire liver iii rtiililln i iujuaaem jaundice alck bradachc huiicotiu i i i j i t ill il ml i li vi i i t ill i i lu 11 jiu ii jul l koilt ii il h vvw wckuiin yvii all to llilt grat iu walker ivlcbeaa ceoictown and 1 r l lot ih sttntlail itu in virtewioi ii fair london atp izi i u aiai ia tn tries clubt st k s rji r id all t tiler i ptruti titx a flb4 fuyliii t in af j a 2 uio i hoolll un i piwlki around aug ioth i hale fii hyoll firr jph u cafi a w fohtk 1h4 th03 a u how ml tie vnl 4 anadian aug 13 and 20 will run andoras box u hilt mthni inn eil itiu ii i i 1 i lull ii i s u not it in but k vanoni sleeve puff j i lu llu lul nf taiuloras htix it will it it ubouiuls llatuii it it iisis i imlilh mm doeft away with interlining clvos the right puff is light and graceful can be transferred from one m just two minutes price 30c per pair m oui be bought at the lion dress goods arriving daily hrcure our draea uow aud gel miaa croaalaud lu make ll aa euon b ht tetu ua tvhile oilier atorae are tnarkalfmrttlair mi takes we are ahow lug ihwiauaal r caul la uf 1 renoh id call alio loom art end oerman uitila indnatry backed up by tht more euduncg quautle of the k right h and bootch prodttrjllona j d williamson co wyndrram and maodonnell streota qutlph s10 laborers excursions toull fuintn wool ul win moosejaw estbvan saltcoats 1 ln ij l hlkuiu 1 ill b iiiurri i i lariuu men i si a oo first and foremost canadas creat ndustrial fair toronto sept 2nd to 14th 1895 i lolu iiul great toronto fair hl i llflilmi on iii i im 1 knthieb 6lusll auouht ioi1j i 1 i 1 1 01 i 1 1 a i li i i hu maiib tuu ui

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