Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 22, 1895, p. 2

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iuwji i i mukwea- nottn ai uuitxi im wednrsdaiali hlh ihe alfrut mr ihjkii hare of llua in ilauultrr iwiiihii in nimrcrinii 111 tuiwtlaj- au ihh lie wile uf k lnb a iuiiililv hx frtklww 6 r ttt 41ll r asm a ihe rrmrh- ftl k win 1c vvv i a h n i j i liouut ai til rrellene i l rh krtrs r w siuif f cetiv s 1 t hanuiel llri innnerlv i kti ii in f v l7 awu llli belli lkal ellrol john 1letrll annrwi in tlurlh oi hatiinhi auflut l janl ueeutht relict ul the 1st- jaun arionlniuu to her tvtli er m wrl i in arton oi w rdndy hal aunl v7eat hseauen widow l uu lrnlicl lteuia iubrwhliyar hjt arton jfrtzrcss tiiiihbuay auoubtb lli notes and comments manitob gr cr6p a million dollnro worth or orn uulnu cut every dny till woek laborers oettinq uia pay iin man a m ltihucitii ihh from all srrlinna of lltn pniviiiro an tlw north wtmt firm rally biiiw ihkt onlltdk i in till bnt lit nut rnixni 1 thai in or any other nminr vt wi morn maemoclrnt wheal dolila nnii farmers pnoislly are jubllnnl ll lit ll malrd lliat for all ihla ih it mivnitob lliftj ill bo cut at haat mkmmxmt b ih in of wheat a la hi on pruviiicv mul t 11 oinla i buahal lhal would ul an a ilttnik etjoal to tloho000 a da 1 il in fa k lake illalrirl rxtentliiii mordrii lo carlwmkht and liirlollntfllrj pilot mound an crystal ttj arcttun timrn than mm lialf lhorr- haio brctirtiti uepnrtacomei lout fnim 11 hi r aetllrmrnt crilrrni ihiitii tullin amuli alit porlarr u irirt inmn ihah l bcrtmu tlic aatiiutuii an i lnw lvl rlihtnclslo bn fulir or live tli r ujtcr ouchllilfil of tlin wlicnt l alrruil cut lafll vrr lltrt mai ami mif- ll inn urm fiimi itw mil horr almmt a lninilrl v ulili dcrfiill uaiuril tou rin m cnitiiliy in ili- ixaa f llii wlrnil ru n dtalrtcl of tlio nivnti innil4 uvt r u entire ratirti of uaiim 1 j ltill iiiiku moat continuous kiillcn jrllowi iliw aw ronii1 from iho aoulhcaalrrn it i iiilm tallou of tlio wiilo ftrr llii aaui bourn hcr torotta to iimiar imli til tloita of ill firrtn aouthw alnanl iii lovely rich waunj- llwr irfn i oaat north ami wrat uuras tlitti-u- nf ihp liornuin onl tniktl h inutr i inn w krovra l ima 1 ul lii 1 ilark hiiiiiuhi fallowing anil rxii nliln if tilnti i mature tli miii iirmi iiih in l l untrr ultivalimi ami la nucli a bilit l ohlom lrri uinu becaum ut uu oiuiittul jiihhliin yl held a the mirn frncr ihiii liitlol aitiito the rank taicllu raui vn 1kll arr ilotlnl vntl hlnrkn a atanl cr clii tr 1 hri s if lilnl i ktlt nrr wlirrr ami n to i rrrj in itialaurc but in raht arn m hmm for slow walking hnrmra bio nut lolrrntnl ou bimlara whrn all tin- urnura iaum at atake al illitanmi of ov r tuu in ecn with a mworful thu bitnlurn mltn iiiti wtiwi uu l triii rilr of the fields onl the horacn hraili aixl tht milling arma btiiiu in aiftul the top of the fm i ii looks i i mill th buifact if a firrat barn llxir a larfio ilrlrttatiuit f th fiu wll mlllrra vutociatioii of miniiraki1in rrpr autlii tho irailiii iiiiiiiib mid lukiitu ru of that cl t in tlaittui tlna priuii i rumil dm thnr trli front laknla ami miiiik mha thoj were rulrrtaiiipil by v ojillr the tiajhn milling kint al vimi beinn ill l veil around the i lit ilini bui ii t el in rrllrn in tnaita iii mnllnfh ik well of our kraii nrohxi in mil hihiiiip meot mr 1ilubur th trpl minnraj ill miller in a private interim ril lli in m an in ailetilll ahafir mr 1 liar uf 111 nrth jfir hi inriraoitl lilt ctl mate bluer hla inp norll lion i wh1 from toronui to are fbe k ull- mr j h illiwm i tkrtlot- 1ll i ttoiim around b mrhla up t llmtidun an i miniicuwa thru rnhml mr u w tlclitmill i linn jual ret u mod from a ninth rotrrn hm m tireally plcaanl with the uiithmh nil i i in hntia the reit of th ivri nmt1 ii oaluiiale iwrnlj 11 o ixialiru jht a f 1 the wholo r manitoba and i he nilli weal 111 linn urn- built 1 rl al ilik umurr mxl ixivt hn i i th rl mlliulvl iuiihn llrl 11 la kreatly n ol 1 lli m ifml linr mr o itft fr mikiik- lo i mr oikhn rne ul hir iu witinipiff cuuii lo have unu ll id itmt will yield u bolcl to the ir i lli laaceueral the it rtlllbhed the probable v it tl il lo a in oat iu tore itiiitl iieiliun jntt very cloamly i he aay the kaalitu dm i era are very chary abtxil huiiu ul ai i ot a rry medium prion 1 he twit jkilrl rueu here lliiuk the market will uprn at hllmni o nnc taruilra am hmelul if mammoth houe georgetown walker mcbean k co the summer sale is in full swing for clocks watches q o jewojiei y at d specttvnlos 09 cd o- stiver wai o ol fancy good 01 alno iniinliliik o linn mm pllcolod v i hrn qa to symon i in ileal v nlchmnkar niljnw4llni all mirk uiint f a p symon ilrlii aihirrlicrnirnlt vnifintiilili duelling to lct t mtl ii a m ill ll tecideis fur storm windows hir anibrue hhr will leave kntfund wre f i y l nefoaudlml 1rttuiuably hir ambroa cimea on a vlait hut it i nnerlly llul tht thia trip merel a preliminary lo hi lkinlnenl lo the knvrrimrahliof the colony accordion to a recent rolinit kiven by tho roalmaaler enrral a private i card mull not eicoeil lite dtmenainn ilia lafle poal card laaued aomr linio aji by i he poal office ieirt mftit via niche hint by i h mchea widr nor rtyii it be leaa than 3 i 1 mclx a llr the juration of the laxetopmetil nf tinnea m british columbia ta at prraent attraction much atbsnllon in financial eirclea n lndon anil ll l probabh thai arveral riiliilriu eperta will vllt lh pmrtirctrm tho antamn ii lb tfot maru by them of the re alia nf thei iuientitatina ihall be faiorabln a lane luflui nf ilrlttah capital may in oxprctnl 1 lie ikimlnioo alaltatician mr mrirc juhnnon lellaua that tho voter llt lately prepared contain ihe name of a infu over twenty aeveii per cent of the entire population of i h ennntry thia indicate that the prraent fntnchiae act mull in practice a it doea in ltiebrthproch very near to the a off rat nark if man hood coupled with canadian citixenihlp aud a certain brief teaiitrncr in the country were made the vitimi juahticalion ihi rraullinirliata would n probably be very much larrer than thoe we now poaaeaa hut their preparation woild be imroanaely aimpller and much loaa coatl further they would bo much more laltafactory t ndoubtedly already men wboae name are on the nawrat llala hare left lite country or hate died it would be per feclly aafa to aay that lo day our franc tin la poaaeaeed by dwrllrra in the i lilted htatea and in the cemeterle the whole number of voter haa- been awollen 1 011 731 an liicreaae of ijl 11m over the total of lhjl and lle proportion lo popo- u i ton haa alao advanced from to 13 pei ccnl in 01 to 37 dl in ik wo have more iirople than we had and more of them who will take an interest in lbs icovrru i neii i of tlm country sm thfc prohibition c3t li auk i th lhal the judgement in the apfieal lo the pn joocll io dci ids whether lb fiwrr to a prulilhilory llijuor lrtlalalloi beltiok- to the federal or tho prutliicla authorities of auada wiljuol be til veil mi 111 nivriubrr the caae wa argue i al length before the judicial committee uf tile privy ouocil al the bciiiiiinit uf the car rent month bwlndlfcd out of sietuu a call man tho victim uf an old trick ii t ui ij anfua mulloah w victimil out of 1w0 by ihe aubihulio trick halurday a younk man rrpnaenlinx hlmaclf aa the on of a iterliu banker pressed mr maclloau to aell hli farm and a doal waa made for 0oo to bind the tiirnni i lie trail per wa lo drpoait tiotm and m mrlut ttllml tub ibiuu counted out and put in a tin boa which m macltoau waa tu hold tlie purcliaaer rrainln the ke tiouu after the miuey depoailcd the tranter luund it neora aary lo leave lor jail and uot rrlurnliit mr maollcau owul tav boa ud found bla ii 1m ttuiir and only pile of uowa ppsta left him hoh3e racino at ralka uf tits int ihe otlli deliverance ul the ttii uiuiater of aurloulluro uu lht val ue lion of apeed contest al fsira tiaa been re i vl by the 1- arc piuj the rule la laid liowu that prenilum alkali not ba swxtleil lur brol alone mr lryden a lellnr reada a follow me v or i applluatll uiiik iwn ui tlla departmaut by various agricultural kociultc fur an interpretation uf muuii ill uf the a jrr i cultural aud arta act ifoa the lullowink dcctloli la klveti to th oflloars and director fur their kuldsnoti aa beiuf i lie evident inlenllon of tho lrgiallurn when piiim tba sal lly rectlou j of ute sid sot lha ubrol uf tcli mkuoias a relaliiik to live tu k la i njuned lo twu ihltikb s thl mirctisae or uiiiurlalloii uf valuable sniwaja and b awanllnk premium for eioollrnce in rala uitf itock elr bub eel ion three uf ihla rcllon lecure tbal none uf the fund hall be ripemlnl lor aiy purpose innoii alalflit with the above i he opinion of the lftiallu rk ii atii r mm usl bor i i a lniilly uiixlu a kriulir kolution m pricts for august never in this pirt of the countr liis prices heeu knocked down 25s less than 111 of the toronto stores people tell us august is a uiet month so we want to show them there is no dull times whert walker mcbean co do business if prices have to makt tilings hum here ju ire for the next month wc cant gel spate enough to tell ou about all the extraordinary bargains huftht idlltming few will givy you an idea how we will sell hihis fti ih iil1 month at the great cash store ryt mil iih aill i illn i li rfiiarraltpiml clnsi tor iii iililln hi ikmij rurllriilarb lvu uku aillcslln hi m ii 1 viuoitir k ru ir i ul in school hoard acton ail ixli ihi votkks list 1895 ktoddy made clothing dress goods 600000 tn fin ljoativy droaa ooorla to be village of acton ll m iii- ii 1 t vmill- i iiuiiuimii uiat i litr ird 1 iillll or llmrl ii h tutib meutlodetl in iiillilii an i in hr lut act 1mi tlm ruiji rihiuir il hi i i m lo lie tr a mittiht 01 mf nrstt 7 tlnt mi litatirr piirauaill to ill trl 11 h rilk by lb laal revlhhl av hui ul it ii uio kii iiiuolclial itv al own1 i 1 uu 1 1 1 i tlm aald itjla- lalifn am ul i 111 minn ii kleclluua and uial lil lll i i at my m at the tuau hall a ion on 1 u olli auifual inu3 aud ruiuajji ihiii or lion are found llirriti ui laki hninhllato iirowad ink in liai llm haul rru cirructo1 accontiufl 11111 t jjooitk i ink of iii lulctilhy of acton tlal 1 a ion thin tttli lay of iiuat irtu tweed pant ilr worth j on hjo olesiiod out for iras than half two piece kultbrc worth 11 10 i hk fkic and hio tweed liiei srrno hint si tj worth la w iooda tu be cleared at tie tweed suit i h wurlh j ml 1 weed hull l o worth 11 ox 1 hire piece hint ci k world ii ml l 1 ii h hi ith i t- me 1 weed holt i i uu ao si i l 0 only a few left oiuehaily ml sb hi 1 1 h a hi hrrte sullmr imi wuiit ii hi 1 rel hint ii fl wurtti h 10 1 wrfd bulla if h worth ii i odouadn pant vj worlh 7o fillonade pant 7h worth it ix hjhdalon owumakel woriuh hi colored bilka i ni d 110 colored hilka i 1 k riowers frunch dolulnus u id uto coloied dolalnea lu 3 a and 40a delaine for 1jc ribbons u hli wido hibbooa foi 1 ii in were 54c and g0c hosiery and clu a uu al the tlamo cl pnoca dross tflmmlngs jv and kto tnmmiuica for c ladles capos j ape for l llj i m ape for u st oi ly about a do lelt hi ep ihcm at thi pilcea we a till 11 t i3oot8 and shoes leather baa kuuo awky up lu price matoad ut ranting tho pnoe uf lloota j j bhora we have lowered ibcm for the iituiiili tri j j whal you ll have lo paj ftl 70 aud ijoo ihly ii on 1 ailur mad lotlu tf and r j fur you can buy ihe asms from ua foe 11 i n will hack uu uiiit none from hero ihe icill st cuelph central exhibition tuesday wednesday and thursday jhh i ember 17 im anab io i sos ihe ruvoiito exhibition in the wat uollvo proki annuo ouh altar loon mid tvonlna wheiodld itel that ifal al 1 ualkor m i llran dl co a the hiibtirs 1 jo liii alwa buy men a heady made t lo h heper al walker molleaii a o a hi aiiv olhn plare in hie oounlry 25 c jilt ll yj hrtloi il-i- a irlti i u sill l ihl men if 1 1 kit 111 h it ml men rt in lup luu ijo ere 9 j oo i i 11 1 s 1 1 lru 111 ul all ml 1 ii 111 iiiuav lve11 w i ttm aw hoi tbj uuelph and 81 111 and that a worth aavlu lela aud joiiie lu llic gjcjal cash store t ikt hilu mini t ni j li tu ihe lushest iih i ut g 1 turn itiunti tnil til ou ichable fooda price iiit prouramiucb aud comlltiona uf hale fur moot ha free apply lo capt a w forth prw thos a browne bee ketutlu lilk but ll la doubtful if wli rrshxo thst iimili i he flral whrst kill tilk tl mk ii iuus ll niulrra uu k i ill i irrl fr thrrjlnm f wstlir i i into th eleislora aud aoll dli on i uilin tllsu gisi balorc ihla ui llicie uill 1 more holdlnfl for lusher prioea rrtinu t been more lojwlul fi i pail nor durino lhal turn ha then ihi ion primim then ihe laborer from the i l ii tskeil up 111 f lla u ors hlriiifj uhl or uinr men fm a iiuiut st a dullsr and a maiini i d how s dolei mill lion loiiil th ti taster thaji ever iialuie 1ohtbihmb buhhtml i imixihn auk j 1 he h decided duting lo day a lbs rats ul iiiwai uw bow members belweeu ihe stea of 411 lu iii 1 he slary uf lb tiuirame hiaf ltitor waa unl at 1 10 000 yearly that of the huprouie m rvlsry al j 000 yerl ami that llm huprema 1 rosaurer 1 i j ft p llm tba auditor slary waalliodai tfllk m year and thai uf tho hupiouo pi an i i i j ami perakssr the rejiort uf iho hupreun ixf i uk the work of th irirsiiixtiiu hir u yanrm wsi prearulcd and hi ut 1 atlou includltn una thai lln aciou of til huprenie court be held rtet i bo osra iualeil of eory i r a lootrl oroiihyatekha and tilhri olln r wn re elected llrury ulliu 1 otiit wa ohcn jrd iresurer he ucil arniin will 1m hel 1 utuii cuoloh udlrul talilbltl liicuiiaitli ill wuh ibe objrcli above loith lor iikiii himana of su lismi ths luini aouinlim- slid lyle alia 1 1 alway ba cum al lrrc1 well aa bpead sll iht no burse lill i- lool tlrt fo r slooe if hie jultf on i uf ih otllrrr or juitet ii is leeihml luirable lo irsl ihe aiotl ol lhe ulrailut luirtv ll i cunifunt und r thl oimi io lo v but th ru a mul in cvtry uf bu awsilnl un general escallruco aa kwsaa nu thu sbuvo character a i- a nntt h it lu th yune ahll bji lro of ulle l from uwnrra ij uuti iraliia l- but ttisl proitiluins tial tie ft ml lo ihe mllir way it la hopcit that ttla olormttuii uf ills tlsu will do awsy willi ilia prole a x sr r at our smilcultursi lion nil rryttt ha drlsil ihai lend lo r nilo lh dvtlupmeut si i u m tt fcoi ealiibilur and mir uo bieoll- uf aiuid atyhah rrrrh atlltrd rmlil alnppiuu hdrars u much i dun sou i ii hi ih iru1 hore oisrk e worl if yuii waul first ulaaa uutlilinaalt and i liesllh iml umi jnh umim im 1 uuelph prioea t liuuia can hooll i inhn umlalci of arrltjjluia uu vour order at bit plsutiik uitl boundlim l nil i i ir 1 ti t i j rtit- ilr- t wl mii in i m i fyjfco rl lleir rfforl i r f w i h u i 1 j jfifjrt i jlvfl- hrrcjorasr- su all i jfrv m ivs furmarehhlllhd llyltiy illv nalir rii h 9v5 j v smul h su llllliilas mibhhu j i i humliltuulx t lar iq j iule1 and dellidilcd with 11 11 at fir litem ltner n l rn riaa lial and mure faiihf y ii willi or w hli tin i hli will 1 tliti l t niimii 1 4 to aj murray lanmans tlorida watuty ouaintr tlulul lxjkal i i or handkerchief tolftt and ltatb fil j- rj 1- hoods r cures 1 i flli liku a now man a jj i k ii than tin ii oat of stores bell the bulic kiji ll 1 ii n i 1 i i i 1 1 j u m i il 1 1 a u vc 1 ujw 11 1 vi ju in wlitlc iln ii ni m i juiif tu uii 4id p lu i wc welcome you all to tint great iaui i walker mcbean ceorgotown and tor an ills fin tilt- st unlaid liteini r box w ink nothing but evil inliul i i idlltllilt s iu iklthill hut gootl it mill 5 ll it 1 vanoni sleeve puff likt the lid of iandoias hu it will t t i it- il ictiouudb maltcn it it iim s with pi t liuliitert nt v does away with intorllnlno gives ihe right puff is light and graceful can be transferred from one karment is tmoihrn ust two minutes price 30c- per pair l an onl be bought at the iion dress goods arrivinc dailv hrcuro iour llrraa nova aud kci mlaa tuaalaud lu make l aa soou aa aha relurua while other urea are market i tit lliolr mlalske ws are ahowiajf the la lest rcaulta of 1 reuclilddttlalic loom art aud uarmsn tritilo induairy bsoksd up by the more audanau jualltira ol lha kliuhih and hootch productions j d williamson 6l co wyndham and mucdonnull streets quelph firstan for canadas creat toronto sept 2nd to 14th 1595 great toronto fair kianiond ringb bracelets ladies blouse setts r buckles belt pins rsew stock i ti savage co ji i 1 i i hs cuelph western fair j i london sept 12th to 2 1st 1895 hklal i ii him hal on all llallssi r ll viii ihill- i lv oaiibata r avorlto live stock txhinuoa im i l iriul tnthles close lik stock afjiiruiber ihth aii otbvr df pur tui nuts pl 6iil rtaml jayuntiif m ijidj jtuj jo tb il

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