Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 29, 1895, p. 4

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r- y wilvt t l a kbe acton jfmrtss riniu8layalhjuhtal lhj thr tfoimg tyllts v ofn fisfrfoi frw iii lablrul j i liul rm- tim mlttb wit rn f her irpaa tlici aiiclfiil ftlllaanl furlxilowa lb laded rtllo t rill h ml unrk iiim tawny riu te ruaeol itpwii 1 ii r tlr la lliln and rraknl line ami millie liave innl lelr witchery ll ll falut jeauvjiial flaalu wll i rauniil itunaa het ruaeol n itiiilliil her baia funt liaiip llyr d ruil till will now llh ii i nlmilt row aliiiik mm wall aim lk liar plaen tv llh winiellihii if ilia iill lime krar ribe yearn- to lulu ilia tuaav walla viillrl alilflahr mualltiul aalla mj many an anu in iltauulaa lay walk befnrv ourdiuuiati wssfusr uietorer auiiueii lie in erlniy liauula of ntrlr aluufl u duk antt aiuaju auonl u1il drunken jeau of boor and rhurl hlio uoca with awlfl uj pit liife iwl thia battle ill taaliiuifl jlrl lar h uriiiwx a hun on an irish bank as good as wrjttat i are rwnarkfid ilia wide awnlm laminr thai whral han ennn up co arwmly rfiita ll cliina ami llmrn report u- rf will keep hitn iii h kl th tm dollar now id hkolo roiiiriuii in anil yn y ofop for arventy o nti hivruiy miitu will do mo i 1 ralwr havo it alirn tlilnil whihj it n ijnlii limn tn lake my ohaunoa mi doin ihii r hy wallln uui replied thoconimuion imirrliiiiil i cant aurco tii ontitrnat fur your whral al eeventy centa why mil 7 it a tfoin up to a dollar an yon ii tmtko uurly renta a boahd ami lhataiiouftl 7 oh yra hul ytiit ao llial acvuutj n lit i only a jrullivn rn t ii iiln i wlinl ihny iay or rral wlmit don lij ll lr r oal what in llinmlfir uirj y u ur llnn why fir opiiutt wnll what tho blarna aru iilhti why llioy rt iiromuoa in nt wlinnt mml mi u for auoh ami a nbc wall llioii ihoy ol to ijl hit wiipki nftrhy ll10 ironiim bitftlu ooonhnk ni the market mf or fiu an iltmt ihoy buy ami at 1 1 any rcaj wheat at ll t eh notes here and there or oonnrnl introul tu prgm ruudnr iiu of iini0irilii hii nxnlifi ol ntiptntl ihii una i hi y imvii mi ni ml mimkil uhi i unit i kripltui nf hi ptiihiraliiu 11- t if wnnti ir wmflmr hun noixiiiiin mi in ntiinilifd hy lluoclii kra whloli rul nil ivittutn anil lontrt 151 iill tint ortna it iv iltli ij niitltmc hi- lntttxl ir liol rt 1illt 1u hii 11 11 h iii iur litiiifr fyitaia mill liiilltiallnii w know a cu hjraiiikc y wril rimimt innlli ln riih 11 iil- prr m lly inorv rf iiki linn ml ihi ium uihr il xu ki i in- ji 11 nimin mr tin uun r f nii rr uii i i linilhih mi i in- snn- i 11 il rollmit n mv 1 il r hhi i 1 i tioullil vvtlh hk 1w t iim lli imvri inrnl hnr i am 11 hniixl lilulml from tl liurinnu hlllll tllll t flllllllltl lllllll llll illllll hnow llint mill th nll ll fur junrij nitxikln jil nirwiy im hriii 1 urt imiiih uhl unity ctiutu mmi of tho depoailora arew thoir money in gold but mint warn aito aaliaod to laju out note many did not neern to know thfct they ware entitled to demand gold and rcuoatd to be paid their money in lha a mo form aa they had lodged it too old arbman who madai ihia drmaod wu draarinc a larrc aum which had bran dapoaitrd for fpor or ftvo yrara notwith tandina aha prof ad to bo able to tell ma the item a of which her depoait waa oriijmally oompoaed bo many aovoroiua aha aatd mo many half aovgrnutuav lha raat in note bdl not a hank of ireland nuto in the wtible of it occaaionly a deioaitor when paid bla money would after counting it oarrfully over haod il back to mo aaiu apparently ijuite aatianod wilb thia proof of venay the crmhiuk in froot of tho oounter wu uflcti aovrre and nicilrinont would at audi timna run hiiih naob mar ltrukliiit willi liia neighbor to reach th oaat office before tho laat aovarsiti wai paid 1 found it an elcrlloil plan to aplll a bk of i 000 bovernikua or ao on tho table immediately behind me but in full tiow of tho public when the people uw that wo had plenty left they calmncl down oame forward lu their pniper turua the abopkeepera did ua ttotnt aervire during tbeae timee makluif it a point to liaud their lodgemeula lu the prraenca f tho oscllod depoaitora chumltrr juuimii ano thfc men sat still an in olden t occurred 011 an a i tern train on the conaohdated itoail that ouhl to have found ila way into print before thia it baa uumeroua lenona amoii the paaaentfera were lh roe awe i ami ijuiet hlalera uf harity 111 ibeir chrracten draia a drunken man lery drunk and aninyinc entered the car and aal down beelde one of tbciii lie talked pcraitcnl y drank from a biy boltlo that he carried and btjauy aiuck hia diaareeable ace repeatedly luto llie i011k bunuet of a bialer 111 a moot inaullluk way hbe waa dently much frihuniod the conductor bad already becu told uf the mm a dual but did nothing tho ulber pas uera in true paaaeuker faabluu aal- aud luokod uu no man allrml 1lually a woman while an a boot and full of auppreaacd indujnaliuu tiul up from hot ael aud weut to the reaaue hhe grabbed tbe fellow a bottle wrcated it from hia haiida and llunif it out uf the window aud thou took hold of him and after a lively and uuaaaiatod elrumfle jfot itim out of the aoat i 111 no itumau calhulio abe aaid oicltcdty lu xbo apeclalora but 1 will not nit atlll aud ace a uialer ol bartty luaulled chicago time he was ashamed a clerk aud bla country father eutared a roatauraut saturday evening and look eoala at a table where aal a telegraph operator aud a reporter the old man bowed bia head aud waa about to aa race when a waiter dew up bluiii 1 have beef a teak oodfiab ball a aud bull head a laumr aud eou avo their orders and the former agaiu buwed hia head the yeung man lamed tho color of a blood rod beet aud louchlnk hia father a arm xctefiiietrtn 1 low normal lone halber it lao t cuatuuiary to do that lu roatauraula i ll b cuetutllbijr willi 1110 to loluill luauka lu ood wheiever 1 am ald iho old man hor ths tblid lliue bo uej 11 bead aud hl miu bowed hia head and the lelo raph operator pauaed in tbn act uf oar inn ha beefateak aod bowed hia brad aud tbe juurnallal puahed back hia hah ball aud bowed liia head aod ibrre waai i a man who heard the ahort and aimple prayer that diiu 1 fcal a profuuudor reapetit fur tho uld farmer tlian f bo had beau governor general ht wati pob i lu i s ului tls j l pa or ixmu ruui r rli 1 ch km ivlivn jliiko hhlpp of uua of the mountain 111cuilb lu rcijuui rolalluu lama in rule a circuit ou ilia aeaooaat be inmli jdaaaod wttb olama which were now to him llo hal a luhi aupier with ilia roaull that he had a moat vfblonl allaok and oould uol bold luuti fur iwo ur ihrn lay when abla iu all oil ilia iwniil the tll u1 imrt waa an allla in lilh 1110 man nac1 ikuii lha ulbvi kuixked 111 111 down will rl111 ihoahell maul krw llo 11 iihkiuo1 a witna ilal ullfl run u ud w ddly manly lb i- htoii ibn nmil will hr 1 tin hil a ho i l h j thai bn 11 uinl aixl bo tornwl i ui abui dtll aliaunl with lb crma a oollc lull uu 1 liui in now nck many oara aio ami 11 lo hiui i have ut buiikhl lha rarltnl roill 11 ol ymii heina and ho vu fo it moie by a ion abut rrplil he ii than i reoeived for wrliliih lha wbitle watk i1lca411 farui hbh hiclhtti lha uqw nuoilu la atlll tilaiiuuiny for iter vapted rihl in apilo of tho fact that aha in out only teelavl but la uok tied alaudlnil oollatwl tllll buaomrd and luce bluuinnia lulu oumi luntlivr lhllied aa well tba mat will coma if aha i uhly italian i it i- nri v tarll to be owrr hatv- juat buy aic boll wind a bnahel t thala about it thunder an mara wiah id knmvct that laal fall i wouldn t 11 owed bii wheat id tioh my gram baa lu the buck o my tannin mill an kapl the imy 11111111 itall winur till 1 d llllod all the bans 1 could net hold uf hut 11 am t too lata et ii y koah if 11 a wind they want atead of wheat i can aupplv tho markel fur the hull country rihl olf my farm let us quarrbl tomorrow my wife ia uun nf thn nwwlmt hlllo womoii in hie whole world and 1 am not peculiarly cranky but aoinnlimi adlllli encea would ariao boinlii with llin moat trivial lliiuua which however iimk duly uuraed becamo of muiiiiiiiui tuii and often threateml thn p family of noirar i waa romtnonl lh line to blaiiif 111 lai i a- i lk bai h on i ahould twin had th wld in lo k over to iny way of thinli ij lint malrad of that i feared 1 alioulil nlli in dlnily 7 bred of iho family li yield -tutt- k ao i a l i l wuhuut my kood oy kia mill two jk oplu nero miaerabln all day but my in tin wife in moat women have whri iho break iti point and the tifrt- time oar arjrament waa dnfliii near lha da line ho turned aalde the colhaiiin by womanly utotloii howard ilir uarrel lo morrow i liia waa u ri for an armiallce what huaband 1 refuae all rinht hull w will put it oil until to niorniw ni we laugh and talkod of other tlmrf itul to nnr row did not come indeed it morrov aud if we can only kwi our jimrrrli ill thru thoro will bo no more heart lirokrn little wivca al liume and ltwrr huabaiida al the atom or utlur juarrol lo morrow i a j rk the uhchaho thijlh a a ery pietly llllle ilory culllrn hartford and il la trim i 1 die oroliard nriolo itnprijmrl y oallnd the liilllbh rod lu wan illmutt red ly ih owner ol tho lot wiiomi hlld altd the youug birda and tho child wan duly mii fled tho ural waa taken iiom lo urn del int t of iho child ml tho ifrirf of itiu parent bird aud iho lit iln wrm il id iii a cage uulnide iho huinf 1 1 mm aiir priae uf the wruii wliuhad put uiliii lhtrr ho found one day llial iho uiolhct bud had diaouvered hor luvl cblldicu and waa feodliuj horn through the wirenuf the rar thia proof uf parental a j not ion tn a bird wbb cunlliiucd llll at lctulh tho jmrnoti who had removed iho neat from ha plain and put ii hi iho cago waa moved to rualore it to ita place uu tho tree wilh ihu young birda 111 it iho unbounded delimit of tho uld birda proved a full omiouaiilioii fur thoatnaaof hia or rather hia child- loaa by the rratoration of iho young birda lo thoir mother rilloiulatcd by llie auti rtnow in nnjing oui ntqi chicago aud haiigujj il into reaort willi uou akuholii atlraullou line lltillalo uuulalur- uudertakon a almilar cnlcijr lao only hato ijuiio a atep further ihoy havi aeclirod tho famot doll 1 haloon m that oily ila ilk laid kold piocea ita lr atuddod with i 4 plcroa ita walla hutijf with lino piliur aeoured iho nroi tabllahmout win mily to turn fin waya aud who will willingly diaxiiiiia bat drink in plaut of iho former p 101 in i hr tniuhiraliil naloou nod by lk utimpany 0 i nialnraaol tona u buuumi hit own lukniui toon in liaiilo for ita ily tliry j will jo of ii gur k of tho uppo living lu london aa tbn an 1 a p i 1 it i let hi boo wire look li qolllug he tin the leant urfi nd hand liirniuiie al nakiiik jthlrkai an will ailnioalrd a ira i p e il ml bin l 10 botj lu be h mhled ho the a known 1 own fi i mt utt r i ulntf uf 11 of tlo-nmuj- hol aut hal lr lllr hbn fiiirly k il 1 ht f11 lblo loiupiiid by oiu kiui baa intul i ojuy biy eubieuif atorai drplh m yarda icltlohij allanlir llril ilai jln aolakhi 1umi aiuiiu 111 kl molilrr aneau i i i lrih ill l tn i 110 adnliu i haiti 1 v e ahould a o latum tbn timid to kcoi iho beat company by inlroduliiu it oul lo the boal duoka hydnoy riniuli no gl in doea not uudnratand it but ho who accept 1 mi hboe willaouojaariito loaiipr himd l auou lvtiry uuklud lit almciil to the low jkjiboiib the milk ihmwliik 1 0114 a i hnr friieu ina hor evrii talkiuu unkiuilfv lo hnr 11 a poiaou thu milk in in il mihikh dm oly voiaoa mi upon 11 tinny uu lon4 of uf- iru hlluldu 111 tic nn niuio ling will gimtlealiadat uuiije itngnjii iiyj iyj jahhih tin hui with rnnui tikhi tho voico of trtlm wluuh iho uuglflng wtnda bear lb our unm of auiinlnnu and nhade uf lull and utlly of bird ami llowtra hul iflillt llll bchng it m but ililnani lak thr 1 ullur ia h i impwitrly loan orn uilraotor or in twul four ii ih i i nv hour- lliatrrtnaiui hidiit lid llhumir im ehevtd x honrh ih l h 1111 r tun hi in i ir 1 hi omml la a k urprim nml dl count of m1iii proinptiii cik vine ini 1 1 iudhr kidney ndvy pan of th uriiibi puk na4ff-or- fdmalv u ui wwuw ntdiiili ly if jim want iirelhiaio j mm i l nhmn l lol rilitf nml 1 hy i it morhl uil- v 1 u li hi 1 11 i mi 11 i hun ti nil ui f 1 nnl i ltd 011 1 1 ill tho til 1 ii til li kl or n t ur oerfect relief 111 nil hympulhell ilntrl and npetuijy t ii l reined lor 1 alpil llrealb hu thiriiik ii ii llinsni old by j l fa- jv 1f l burdocn lzzd blood a r bitters cuh1 dyspepsia bad blood gonstipa 1 lor huntr troubles headache dili0usnkss loss of flesh ilirl i lr s run tl ir oui 00li0 ciiamps cholera diarflhoea dysentery cholera morbus cholera infantum aod all summrr cumplhila nid flnri ilia bowdi ii l iu and irllble i chlltlicn o adulm for 8aip by ull doatora tiik mission kieijd 1n kait aijhma nil mlbstonarvh companicln mr 1 it1lml 10 1 nr i- 1 he i u nil mloon to alumla lml n rlh wi illitlnh hi- tiii fiiiit hinri lmanifigli aiimmir oiplaliil- i mi i i u- of ur i owhr lxlrarl of lid htrnwhi rri i in vkiiiilil rolldii 1 ttlh to 111 hint lr 1 owlirft lalral i i niilyo iii- tlltl i pan nl i lu ihu lud ihirk 1 wnu f kidk mim w h i r hir iour hundred an ii mail o nply wli iirl ybiil if wliirl minilucvlnl h r rrllllg fwhh dltia life dn ary ih m i tkaja iip iu i b tlin in- k 7 uiu h 11 h i l 1 uibkl mil ul iilphtmu lipple1 llie worlj i more fur ploahiiru ihaf it dtca for hrtad hovtre ciddit nru oamly cured hy the iiko of llicklou anil oiibutnplivo hyrun a iikiiliiiu of txlnioriliiiary tomjlraliiig aud lilnltui prop11 1 li h ih arknowlrdgr1 by ihniil who hdv uned ii na it ilig lha beat midiumi hiihl fircouklib coldn lullamma lion of the lung- iiiid all afcttllia or the throat and rhut mil arct nhlnmart to lha lniu uiilxii it hiuinln milh ladio and dill in 11 i i kraimit t i 1 ih uho- storia for infants ond children i an ull m of lajaoa mtrnilt wa to apgai nf i wrltlt g li la an thw fcamt lw for iuf aad chlljr tin worl haa ayar knjowm it u haranlwaa clilldram hlta it t nlttii thnan tiamlth it wlh a th lly a jfn it lfothar bar omothlaa whloai lh ajw aw j prawitlnajlr parfqt a ohllda wtedlelnav 3imift tjgroy iwarie caatoha avllatya fvarl1naaa c prawnt yoaaluwaj sowr owrd cartarla wwt to wfarf tjnlle v camrl rallawi totimg trowajlaw cawrtori cnrai oowatjpwtlon avrl flwtwl cnatorla nentimllaaa thai ajpu of qarvamlo aiald ta or polaoi railway tlmbtabzilt caatori do not contain morphl eyl wan or other nar property caatmr aiaalamhot tho food tfr h hawaeh a vwwola ffwlnp heolthy owdjiatwro1 aloop caatorlo l pit w l ow hottl oily it la not aold t hmth dont ollow mm to boll y am ol o tho pi or prwamlao that it la jnat o ojood ojod will owawor arary porpooo go that too tot cabt0hia thojwoollio alajrwatoro of ta children cry for pitchers castorla crincj trunk railway w 1 mi ill i at i ij wellington mutual flro insurance comoany til j iii 11 til mi i john 1 ni on a nt iuililt lhgli ijrade wlicela arti licnpisf in v kiki sterrhs l llll inmll tlm v i iiini 1 bill wnu idhiti tmtitl 111 itlmlm t wtahl mi i limi rtilily of thn ajattm ita liprovimut ln ry of ihu r t mrtur lb in ml th l llmmel nil m lrt fl 1 hi piibln il mu 11 nl 1 11 un and tiatural lfu ilviui inilti whirh the mnltrat prntininuu iho thl lo r l 1 i im- mlmii othiop 1 i v ii haimei in th n iarah f lliir die col1c7 r cramp nml cuolo tllorbua ularrhu a lr- anteryoml hummer con- elolnu 4 ma horn ond rulaea ihua kllnu d i sunburn run all tic prompt ly relieved hy iebuy ia in pair killer- o is r certain painkiller 1 ivwktietaalpooofnt to a tialf una nf water nrjgn fwanw if eobtgrtt t 1 on t suffer with headacht ii aliulj lpi1 i ll til llll i 1 ln ii l j irj in umii minli sil l lui1 i lllldih uul suit ale blood purlhlfcd 11tl 1 y l in tin i uylih 11 woiatlii tt 1 imuii of smilh ml kmi 1 nnic iuk tiin ant 1 111 1 1 u r 1 fallciof hut if nki n friithlfn h f iilf rthti in w4- tk i 1 oni t i smith a h uitbnsing chtmlbtb i lillli 1 1 jr birm ljewstock new prices butoivi management a will un ui ill 1m llu iikw ilauc j a speight 6l go dlr ah1 iwent 1 ultik tne p all i 1 11 h undthl aiiinc i iho hard llniea wu are ln and will aupply ihe vvo liuva uu uuuuoull u iy unduruikciu cotiiblnt uuvuni dm own pi icoa m i iiinim illi hull ni stliviil 111 tin al i t u h 1 1 1 i 1 kt hjwgoi csc wagon i 1 lilll it wnat 1 1 give ontire j a speight co ii 1 ui11111 illllllll ii illllllll i m i i i i i i lil ii luml 1 11 ii ii il li s i ul 1 1 ii 1 1 kjida5 tho jjluunchont light whiial built vvninhuqilo24 ilia itlcoa s6 to iho alan cnhtmbinn unit kalconu thoae whuiu i111v1 i world wide ropu uluon 1 ih uin no bettor built w stark acton ui i i ul t i v i ly j h j jol n rjl npn ifbaylnt coiimmitloncaujttaacroopboro n ccilt on a ouiniar hri shiloha poron fjino a centa 5hiloh ronridwtl laeiaat r i rrrr uatdv t or intifiornla llrot or audnoy troublo it exoala 1rlcowcta cju l0 hscatarrh hartjrou catarrh t try thbiltcmedr hwlu noalui ly rollc o and cure ou ivton 60 eta thta injector lor 11 1 rn iful trealinent to furuuhoirr r villohallotnedleo aroaoltloui u j l l- autlaractlon jcaveatsjkm hark r ca i ontain a patent t for a hi t n a u wliilm ibi nearly lihjr tvtn uutmrvlnri tllaiiilbwuh or ln turmailiiii ni- iniui iulriilaahl ti- in oti- lain iliiu m m alxi a rnlaloijub uf djoitiaa- lrlihl minnuc i lu nuiw irnlnl iiulltlnllt 1 nlfllc anrl ai1 llua au bniui1 i ll l in r i ii r 1 i li ul 1l rl o t willi tet hfuw uvu llulldlliu tlil in 1 ill u llnln ftiofc j 1 v i nuiiilr nniii ihiiu i- j i ll ii llll- ll 1 1 uh llll i j llii ii i l ril in i ti i i inn i 1 i mi i l i i i i l j i i 11 i 111 l i i f lltlhh 1 l mitlh ij iii ih- ll ii ll lllir 1 i boull nlni liliri ju mlill i- lliil 11 ir iitnfl ullur p i t jrr lli nii or ii 11 ii i k l u 1 liih li til 11 u 1111 o iv lk 1 u i i i xlinl i llll t 3t cwerph vliiji prcsst i ih iihiiut niiiin lint m iln ttut im t 1 ills umrl ithmi ii ill 1 1 1 1 mill i ll is llfjlt hi i ullhllut ll- mim i lut will k irvtir y low iriltwa 1 bia ar no i i bi 11 wliih i inn ended dp- ll m old nliabl mruli i 1 h nliables tll lyiuiiuliit lut t u tll ltm i mill j aa vuu can arraiine to ho freijjlil aiftt duly iiu ii 1 in lw h p moore acton ont sole agent for canada i walker co manufacturer madison wis jfosr successful rem ear for man or beapt i kendalls spavwcure j ibidrm iiliu1hm1 iii ii11k 1 lihwmj 3 kendalls spavisi cube il in all r t u for twenty five years dunns baking powder thecooks best friend largest sale in canada catarw

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