Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 12, 1895, p. 2

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v w i town cll kncf mr a ivrr if- it mr it it ivtii lhf ml ui it in i t 1 uni tnlw nnlyltlai ilrniilf lll lytlt tlf w a d mi iii f hwllll hl- hurli iii itvr t tijlkll f ii nili 111 i i jiuihh i 1llbtmleill hm marie mhh fiimlh f pari out nuiimtnii ol j ml 10 iuoiit alnw hi do fit tow ii mi tuiatlai ovmmi htplemlior int lolli 1 adam third on thorn aiuma ka of llrauiptoi ailed l cljc rton jtet jrrss tnuithday hkiticmukh ij i notes andcommhnts- th roturim leaned by tho hoard of trade or annual allow an ncroaao in imporln of ijl7jh47 nd an inoreaan in niport of 10002 duriiik that month aa compared with llic oorrrnponlink moiuli ilfywh tho ilov father harmim who ban rot ur nod to itnllimore from lhe interior of alk uyi thai tho boundary claim in matt important one and lhat if real llritaiu win her rwtileulioii it will bo of ftrobt advantage to canada knohah farmora are protetliik aitaiunt tlm ducriminalion in rw made by dm railroad mutter and chroan landed at hon t ha nipt on arn nout in lindnn for 91 a ion while for llm aamo arlielea made in kiiitlaml hi clival ri ii 0 ton im ported hay in carried from hoiiliinmntnri for si -j- and from wrnohoator twelve milon nearer iniilnn fur j ji7 ltteirdtltt tlln proapflct of anadlan trade iu analalia oiiimiaidncr larko write lo the department of tradn and caminrrnx that the eaw mill machinery of ii o colon i out of date and in replaeiwl 11b alio ihinka ihnrn le a kood market for canadian boot mid nlli ho rmixrkn thai canadian liioyilaa now brinu old in ihn leading aoalra at laat ilia riaull hto maria obiibi boon oeuod on htlurday tin nqflhom tnmioriiioii company natoanmr jnv tho new cat canadian built vobioi wan lookod through an rxcurlnri wm arrant od by that veeel from ilia s to to alumna 1ark and return pacaiuu up anil down through lite canal fully ik people padici pall tot in the ciiiuimoii the irate and all the appurinnaucra wurkod like a charm nolua local option by law wft ordntci tu imi nanliud liy iudin kalcoiibtlditr at nu hll toronio laal wok ill oiibd ihim renrtcl in ito turonui lailj imwapxri hltmlo uurt before 1al ouhndicc j ue iluului and towuali of neuun i j cameron movtxl lu iuaah a looal opuoo by law of the towmlilji of nnl on no ono for ihn ttiwnahip ordoi made iiiaalunk the by law judgment rctwrmd ukin juoaliou uf ooatn accord him u tho rtort of llio lutariii mndonl of luaurauco at ottawa which haa juat bean laaued in tho completed ahapr the lire linuratico oormiratinu recetvixl in promiiima laat year i7 1 1 wi on aooouut of canadian buettiaia which la jmjjm loaa than the promlunia of hi tborti haa boou a uroal inoroaae in tho lifu iiinuraiica bnninoai tho tixw buaiuoaa taken lanl jrar auttroblod f iuvii jm wllloli in tfrealor than tlio buniieaa taken ut ihijl by t4hrjlll canada complain om l a cane atfalnsl tl- aaiiooonal la submit through london to washington nrx yiih hopt j an ottawa cittial lo the hurhl the canadian iovi wahliitot tbronh the ilntiah jovorn monl hilalluk out tho dlanatruu etlutta tho ixiuatruction of the chlca canal would havo on canadian atuppltik the minuter of jualioo aaya tho law of ualiuni ffovarua tho clauadian caae in the juoatlon it la contended that tho walnr level f tho creat lake la likely lo bo lowei a uumumu at tm t ioahtna tulo tho mailer aid lo tho tl w iirruahndenl to iluy that i he invorn intuit lioro eijhmiu that tho haitrouri on tli amerioan mile of tlm lkea will be aa injurioualy ftlleoted n tho canadiau barbura the amoituan ruluta oiinoeruod ooualitollun of tho iaual lmabol ioal ullhui am3 fire protection bvlaw x1o vol bt upon by th woporty ownnri on oolplur 5lh l5oo0pto ue tptai cost coiioll inr on monf t il liml tlm iruihdin wrm itiiuiiiuiiittil iiiuiiiptly ut ttlifhl orlimk wilh fliuvtr iuraon in tlm oliitir mil c ulii ijitiu william- and rnimisjii umir duii tlm unmltlcti on ilnrwico priiild lluir lliirltiilli riiorl rfniiiin linn jn imiit nf ncfoiinta bb riilia ii m grnhnin lunlil- hi1uhiimii liamiiit- a h ctnii omink j haimawm fiat oil u v mmirr irliilliiiaiiialv 1 1 mil r movl by lohn villiih mtwiitidwl b 1 rrnncib ilml iho rumrt of tlio 1muiir nniiilillcit mt rrnd be ndopletl orruij iliinrxl kimitmiui which cmnu up for con idem i ion wwi tho lnluuil mittiir of the by law providiiii fur tiro 1rolilion aaked for hy tlm iroidioldm nl uiu roccul ptlbllii fnrclink- tho runoliilmn of ihnnnnl mcitini wa rvitd muvnl by limrno lutll aocondod hy 1 kranx llial uiiva imi milled to introduce a h law lo purchase a suaiii liro kiiuino imid ftuiwralna coiinuulad lhoruitli l rurmor tho mnnt foot moatutl until ha dlmuluaad his money i imi riepl ii knla m llrno maaknl men en tot oil uin hooan i jih livillook lluoo mill rki1 li mr mullock i loldr ul hi l tin i i od ii awoke ml itollhk but l fur im lliruwn ilown uattod and buuuil tlio liurxlara ilemaiidod mono and on llilllooka reftiaal lu italo where 11 waa kopt ihn men ruaalod ilia fuel until the auiiy it came unbearable the robber artmred anil a waluh do loaiu they went tu the table intuited up a horaa ami bujyij mil decani ml ma 11 il luck managed lo ln tioiaolf hour later anil with the an uf a neighbor mullork waa unlird thn houau had lnwn raliaarkod rum to in uotlom tuitoh8 lault ii ritj u hehomli hi i olhl ptile yaubluim auiplelnsnl dovotod lu lafti lull ime liouiie nf luuyf- hi aud rrnjrr under all drawn by carlum i chapman and alnkui duuble o llhalratiofouiilad kirat i vrr ihe line drawn by t do tlnjltr up il prinlod in oitra heavy mer and uul aooouipattnod by rcadilitt mailer llice pmlurun are woll to i toil fur framing olu london klooduu u hepl 7 the nioel aovru uuin jarafirm in yeara awnpl over landfill tlna morulnti the rainfall waa au heavy that lliedtalnol lailwaya wore ubmerid ami irantu waa tamrarily auauemdod mauy it the trrrta aloni tlio tliaitir were mull ditlud iiialmu ma lbruu i belli im- jmwmblr aafr it i known llioxi were lu fatal hi nwlaon kllmr a roajctble farmer at i lab ida ooaimuted auicn early hatyrday moruluji by outtliik hi throat hie body tai found hi a nn in n own him temporarv lliramiit httte reaaimiil ven fur the iaab aot news ol thi5 dav provido for tin count i nolion of water tunkn and lo aiithori- tin- inmin of drbiilii re lo the aimiinit i sllmmt for i lie piirmian of payiui tho dbiiio nnd thivt aaid by it l read n flrnt time cnrriud tlm hy law waa read a oral tuim moved by john william ncconim hy ieoritc havill that hy inw no lo pur chain ktonm tin- lnijiiln and pnriliih lie now mad n xrcond tlmo unit ihat ttn- council do imw en into ooiiimltlrc uf the whulxiu amd by law carried tho council then wenl into comniiltou of ilit whole ioroiihkui the bu the time for hddtni tlm lclwu ua tiicd fr sutiirday th lumber mill pullini ut luul iiiiiiihiimlnlertinti ljfio hy law wm nrdored u im- pnllil a rr juircd ft ln th council ftljouinclaf i ik tuhojiho drinking shwaljh i lit win i londull b t tl wit id buimllud fioi thh buy anepltoma of tho woruii doiimu oiirjrw tho wuok mr 1clei tjioinpimi kiipitriiitndont of ihn altloiijinil 1itrll in diiid iiijiililaltftiilluil d rilii imrkem- nl caludmi ami i ilf nil hatnrdiiy riil j11 wiu lun i im imltl liiliiml in i unburn in hcwtui jirrt lf wiiium- predml kfi1 auinit tintvimi llm i iii nnd ul nf llim iinmlli liverpool n h uiu niimnl wimi il b n llro nhich kliirlcl mi kiiudii in aiikuhl roliirn of lliujjjilh llnrlof trad nlm im rinited exporli olid import amilher imroljlc utioeil roiniiiiltid hy llm turku mi armenian mlltojoiilhiilii iu rerled kitilil of moiilnmln lmne mm imvo booiinrnialvd on llm iliiirco of hciiiiii lire lu llmir htorra 11 body of mr wi1i clnpiniil druutied nlllamlllon on kept ember 1 him btuli r ecu wired killiday waa iho ihlrtecnlh unniveriinry of tho cblablmhnienl of h ilivalon army l i i ili rheumatism conquered rt p a ohkatauvauce in mkdlcal i y y ly wit lull this 1jilntiil a tl i flimlnl mr ii illdhdoll of pi- cijil nnlnttih mht fckiiiriiin wio tliuciii linn- llrli llm iii lmll 1 tin illd lb toronto hiive now dlil aewjje ill join iho middle or ihe bay dullvereil uirouiili tho city iho pv- i m much wurm comlltiou limn when it rone in tl winter uf itrj it beiiiii lo mime li li aurface iy blikk limine lii al uut o clock and from thit1 lir nil ball pal nine it kopt riaini in poctim at iheb alatrd two hundred fevt of pl fm t auifacu dire lly uppomtc llanbuiit i larly foul tlm work nf riiuiriiiu will u inentimalrd thnl ihe eol i br rr will ruali nearly finlmtll melinl lloallli ollicur mh 1- that tbu prearnl dlwinter will cuune an iromoly lu lyphuld rate ii in abitol ly uccenaar aaid iho doctor thai ever dri of water uecd for domcalin piupor ahoul 1 u frat unlcd and eteu ui tho tinier la dot ultoujothcr ohwaloil hopl i itirlhrr iuvolijalion into din oauae of iho break nhoived thaj it hid calmeii h a phitik iitt1lij llitu u iiihi acinic mayor htun aiimmncd lb lion of kni imki knlloua of puis wler daily by ntef urls iinlil tlm ltctk n rrpi rut lalh mhb utobut i iho dealli on mmdayi 71 ill uunt t ichzajbelb an iuri1 relnl i ihn lal ioornc cjk imn in bi tin mi i k u liulml her falhora family aailol from llolfl foi canada kho waa marrul lo bur lalo hua baud in inli mil bin eo that time hua iivli on llm fuiii hiiuih aim diul like ulhor early aeltlora the experienced many hard ahljia in abibliu her tnibaud in liovviuj out a homo iu iho thuu inibrokoii foroat and of ton did aim relate lu imr uilldnm flor huaband dyln in l7l left h ami faithful mother could dchr mav tloojt bad aa uul ihmju up tu hid early pari of this aummit whrn nho k ovidoncu of lrlinin uuuklb tlluoh lie fauill ill i imi anil lnle nil i a hidden lermlnuliiin of hot nmiftil life on tllirday rjmi aokmat uikbiiio llrnl u thoec ah lot lior thai a chanm haj i 1111 illtai and rewho boriljli bleaalli 111 mi oil thn it lb u no f all lhal liu iiiiimoi ami killed jilll luin ooubl d he onteiul lulu ilia eternal autruuudud by all liui ohlldrtm but hhe tlel ho had lived tlrody iciialiid in tb nihi wot k llrt rl hapmi 1a bor katimnne around in ml e ijer kemiolly and her uhl eo nl ooulliki to ihe luiitlly culr lit furul lid alruuk rt wetn cvri wul in to the boat her imoao mll alloril mi on joyed iha ctrom nf all who ko lior i ruly can il uil of tin ihu llri billien ili op and tall her hie- tied iul tlul nl lkiked woll to iho way of ho h hoil ilimbylonau cilumih ilidlhtrl in ha or vitoa and waa alwaya a true ami faithful lend lo the iauan of rrlimn hhe loavoa a family of ii vo aonn and fmu c4ulllora vlaui a clou ill lam jt toronto mrs v cixik cliuitun mm fife homervlllr naaiaffaweya thimaa lranmaa mr it h llomloraon lbib hilt mu chk and johu k at home and iooro in tortmto tibkloua thrlbhlnq actldtnt kajimii hopl h william walon waa tlireabintt fi william hnllli and cliarloa s lautcfurd waa foilio iho aeieralur what i uallmi th dock bell ooiue oft ami tharieb ianufnril leauoi our tho table in llill the belt nil iho cylinder pulloy wliilo hilaa cook eiiduavureil lo put it on the pulley the belt bocamn ontaugloa at the tyllndor pulley and drawing liiforda arm in ainaahed iho bonea below anil above iho olbow alao oaulnij a terrible wound lu the head duotorn to day rmjino j 11m ritthl arm at ihe almulder and amoral plreoi of bono frmn ihe head alkhl i l u pnniu t 1 huna are entertained for hi reoovrry i till your order at hi plant n mill nil ptofi 110011 mm ii fr i m i nil und inlnrml ue ihoi be o itodueeil plimlern tiled elijirlelu ex imiilei willi iil n hold biillu nnd tl thomeiliil other itilmti tried bill mil ft vml 1iiiiihiii nl ii held the foil niikllk llu life f hh xtlilin on of inimery nml ptln tlm hl real aep tiannl uimpiuruif rhuunmlliun llr willlainnliik i ill ilih ieuple w h dicovnred anil xiliee llful hum lboiiiuiiidh haw u allliod u tha r wnndnrfil elllcney in tlllli h well im iu olher liouhlen hm urin of wlnli mn le lr i lo ii hi i aumnh ihone ivl eik in iho hiilhebt leriim nf or williut i nil iiu m mi lilmidell of thin lon u ho ii known mil ml lo our litiitin but lo remdeiil of thia neiiliou nmlilii it hh liiuhly eoljimmd hi lu in wululy kuowi to llm odiur of llm mr itlundetl nicnlly hul i have hi noeiik in mrnh nf um hir clmrltin lllwrn wiuoii prenuntel llm i t it iiternr lilhlllute klmlford uilh jljllon inn reienl wnil imvcrnmuit immhern of tlio nemfuund ihiiii leijltililtliru are huld lo ho iiiiplluitud eleiiaivaly in ntililiiii a uaiill klu plfuno dehpntuh naa iorly veneeln pannl tlirmiijli uiu clan adiau canal moida i very ill i work- halnfactonlj mr l 1 neweuiibr depuly mliilnler of inaiice ho i i prumiil in lmilunl i- r h imw j i vil iiiiiuriit mod then tiottitot hie eopy riiiht l do tin it waa killed in a mill yard ami d il huie bvli bitten will b dnntriiti the lluinilloii bimdiof hi 1 i i alliance him al laal hi i d to ukr n tl l nil tin- i lie t m- w i u i sofo uj out i ihe u uf ikhlii vernela at libroloi inn been mil llrl hon n larku wallace hating ordeml lberrlenno of tin- whnci near healloy to m iwn nnmelmio lon letraand mr tho lid kl mill nlnkllk ihe ultf oil the lnl will i thlb marly killiuii her on kridai on 1 nuy aflimhit li nirmm 1 1 f mifor i m uiil tltklwft bin wife i ndll- when n idelil hu complained of n p n lu ie 1 ml ml a few moment ied i tlle mimie hi j of ml hikan lured at oneeoh tl llula n pi 11 oil m hlnrh vo ijisasihoub mlltb ihimuh withujjt f7ro fi okt biuichuilto thn t ntui ol joto0 ueu j ami 1 uciul1 m i- blink between ll- pmtolll e w i i l by mr h uonl pintmnnlri ud ln 1 llhlil hi- iho llto noon npioal not iv tlllill ii ellou of many ltl liu to tin mnn of uue mill j 11 mou oi 1 k almo nl i o hollh iol 1 i httieiinnn ullor nbop m oil pholo k and ihe denial parlor i le lone will rtn i probably simllhl vii lb uf 1 glafl inln 1 b village i wil loill lire piotrclm 11 the only nupply of watul prollt abb wa by roar of tbe build thioliiia lent ajiniblo miivicu by ulliui ucii ynlur lauka aud drawin tbeiu to tin front of iho bunliki bulldllua and lamilin ut i uiliioli airvlu when tho 111 alxml ioiitrollu1 lh mail lot luolpl burin 1-ia- 1 i lo a hu ii rod una iiorlili il luihlil linl iw j-tui- dvum abfafc jriuuta 4 hik oi tin miul i uf hill nlcl 1 im whole of thin of ih nt r i wn mi um r of mr llrm v oh ii of in lie 1 lm n moo llnt tin- 11 1 h r i l 1 ioi tbi many in f m h j f lnn will he plail to tliltl 1 reuoetol lion i i il mnarn ii tbl and 1 kmafcaw lowtllle mn led mr jr i ii in anuihbfl jack hit hiimlh iomn het ii amthrr no 1 a k tba llijipur in u tiler waf dm n i ii morinuu at keilnal trouu 1 tie wan an uutoiimilu tyoiiluii irf lb oul it nuna and imi miroal ut from iar lo ut und rtrr head h l hull iho murdier v hiiawa tlitl pains in ihe joints caused by inflammatory swotting a porfoct curo by hoods ftnrso- paruta ii lior i imti ii pliimire to ll it cte 1 1 ilu in thr nln nrrnipmel a iii niillli vi i il lb it h- rould not fl up ilnlm l 11 uiitintiterielliit mi lmd4it kn- i uii eryiirniin nlmt him und imiiiik read pralaenfdr ulllmmn iiilt tilln an limy nol only naved mo n bin d tor h bill but have rioitoied me lo hallli which wm theie truublei wi-n- i hunk the itflor elhctn uf an nllack of niranlok afler thu latter iruublu had dlaape i fell an atvfut pain m my head no ill und down my back 1 tried a number nf rnedl a hut without elfect i wiih hun nlkmid by mm hormntf of pniowii 1 hi- cunlofparahbviln of i lr wi u in imiim 1iik 1 j 1 1 to ivm thru a trail 1 rlowedherhc and allr k a box ui tu i bluiui lu lui uiiii1i bullur aud j nni i vvaters bros hoods no uiiirli ntioiil hikhli strnurlllv 1 delrr- lim id to iry ii uid pl lmlftoteu iwltle four ol wlibli eiillil nrel hit a i luiodiniraiiirlltt 1 t toiiltl i i hn fl llefoi i uiu mitolled unit but for lhe timely ue nk 1ilu 1 would today imvo hei r plyiual wrek ivnh a 111- of emnlan pl 1 cannot npenk loo 1111 uf thru fl lf reomoend them t il lo other llllelrm i telflu hive perminiiou i pulilmb nlatemen bod lullt hy 1 dr william i ih i di m ih ioi of tho llione irixo h ft m th hjnlin noil fcnturnu lln piuient to h ui nnd htriliolh in the ahin p nl m guelph mi htadquartess for iilurb cuii ru wall i i tiiil ul j itii lock auxl o a bo i i 11 corlnin clirt- holtl liv 11 rtilrr or nril i- vv udtern fair bo i r ill 1 1 lr lhe lr l mlcio i piny lokll i loud ii sept 12th lo2lmt 18i5 lt r cben i h n 1 1 v n r of tl i lo l i llhrnll faihh tn i hles clobt i oier vpjrluiwib v jiiin in srjta aui i mouiiii ami 111 i i i 1 1 1 1 am in n l i au f ltolln die afpiy to ualt a w ioltrk i- tlioa a bitowne sot i i um new g- new ph y iluibsunmillargo ukuhuktown iblrt nuttnisr rtirirniri ajnii- im u iliajiv uialik ii ii si laiiihi rl icrr btlll smksmkn m m klght qoudo a cm i lo lhe ludloo satuiloay skitkmhkli 7ili in l i i i hi t i 1 1h iuih a miu mt i mo uel a succes 18 our openir s 1 llflll j 111 ill hhkii hi i ii mil in i u this week m llnik im i hi i i 1- lin ih iwi llllllbb it mftlln lillal 1 jk 11 ll i 111 i mm iii ii i imiii h iii j i l in i i 1 i r i ill mil t inline mil l k wlt 1111 ul t 11111 i iir i iii ilullil uul 1 kh lkcil i isll u o lute tiklny kiui 111 4 7 a e gurney co i mill st acton lbbl wuk iunllolaluu 11 1 1 hi lliburtim on hi farm in i lb m ninv toor lmil lu li l 11 tillu of izsrarning 1111 aic hereh wanted not f make any purtliase until jou have examined t hj- nuw fall and winter stock of the until im under itjull o best displt s o seasonable attractions clocub watcliqr 1 jewellery 1 j spectacles silvorwaro fancy goochi of the imdt imned under ptfjull of iniimji one of tin best displt s o 5 r ut- and latest styles i r lcfiu utlrrrrl iiul ilsci under lhe penalty of nele fin 111 ijipiii luinl tu pim im- inr uurself uiu of the lnst lia r4i 1 m 1 thil0r msde suits kver known wm t an reach the limit of the pun basing power of our dnmai wr are nferin ihe nlet itarifaiu in our tailoring doparlmont uil av r im ollored in any more- n iho country i mr daw do n j our now cuttor came from hcore a hon kinn ktrevt toronto tho kadin tailoring dopartmont m the counlry icvury mii wnt out i ruarantewl to fil perfectly and to bo hjilabeil in lip lop ntyle mens tweed suit9 t our loss is vour c7siin ory spetal j lirim uf iii ac k wolthtku hitimmls jlimiaud ut j a uil worth mi anil vs1 oil cot up in the late sow ork and kuk1i1i hlyto flrnt claaa trimmiiib and neatly lhiiahe1 ve am mi 1 1 mini lhe iubh iho way jirluoa havo lorn bind do w i i hal oui way lot 11 n biirioenn lliuli claaa iood and lowent prlccn onlerr ari- comiuu in fanltir now than thev havn evnr jouo ii li i 1 iu etow lide havo found oul where they nan tfel the lcat tli aud alu for llmir ley pants i 1 i oed ianln to order 62 ij worth l 11 alt n n tweed 1auta lo order j jo worth si ml miua twred ianla to order i m anch an no id in toroolo 1 j men h lilnck womted lanta to order i 0 regular price 3f hi millinery j oinirrn am an busy a nailers pruparnik fur tlm fall opening a an ot the end of september look oul for the opening aiiuounceiiil walker mcbean sc c georgetown and toronto ul lot tile st hid 1 i rlttelllb pandoras box w lil iillin hut i ul i rihi iiiv iiihinl i vanoni sleeve puff 1 ike lhe i id of rlldoil hos 1 v 1 it lehiuild- vi 11 ii it ii ii llllllf el e duet uway wut to i clvs the right puff is light and graceful can bo transferred from just two minutes price 30c per pai t in nl he bought it the l z7j goods arriving dait v i ure v or loan now and iei mlaa troaala i tin i idnlinli i mi arl ami tier inirbi lllo indualr back ml dp ii innltici of tbu i liilinb and holcli piodu lloua l j o williamson a ci i tu 1 mjicdonnoll stioal fcmo 2u vvyiidhrtin slfeol hcl 1 ii o ii utj jl liok dtortit j4 i w i iii 1 u li v v mtihi ii i 1 i nit 1 c luilhi i n t t uf l jitl ii oiuiiiue in ii l mill 1 til hu iiumk lllil ii let i n tdiintl nl ih i th p i i liw v ii- hi u medlellle mi viiimji htmlk- wall paper mull m and ieriotlieun i ni i u ti ri uj i i ut mcllcu ea will i kuud ut aa ompl he an in the old aland it have a 11 o nunply of all lle huhul lltuka re hi rod in tho llili 1ublic anil hehrala riuhouln i oat ukaaa htallmciy wall 1apn a u j laiey iootln daily la ma ol toriodiaalaalwaja on hand ordcra fur book a lto promptly attended lo ili uul uini ni if and in spec t oui liikis aa g s7vtith jgisr and uuokstlleh j vvvildllllll si iukllll o is e certain painkiller ifep symon lrtu abbfrtifitmentfi lost tknhers wanted for cedau polks il n will ihireeeuntl u lo ktpt llh for iveiil nti rvl h ok ami lint loaa iii an l inchi in illaluelur at aninll end apply to thus kltllauk xotick ok iuiksoujtiun jarrtotl ou uuilor tla nam i m 1 m hiuly ban linii liaolvod mskh 1 w mchlmkv it mikinlo it im will rtinur nllfirjlutl to all tl w slekiniht au ton minhiin- and repair shops 111 mi tltlmikll 1iopriutor llh mill tinikl mill all tho machliiery nnur ion ml all rnalni lo inaeliln r ai1 un ollirl liilmiln and lo lu all llbibmlllimu ltk mralr ihh corptihation iiiaikfacton byltinz iso- is law lu pin chase a strain i lie kninr and apparatus i onnei led therewith to pn aide foi i he conbtruction of wain tankn and to auihoi ie ihe issue of de- bellluiet lo the amount of i oooo or the purpose of paying for the same ii jitjii miuxiiiiu l llm rauiaora ln illijb f l i ii dull tallnl hy lllo lleeve onti ihn iruoi of klro irotoctlon it i a lit it 1 iri hi iiim- nl urea aultlcb i uiiiiy l i til i lia a titcaui klro kt cilia and il wliit- ii i eiihllotil an inalrablo i a rittwin h if n knuiuu and lllo aihiratu ncte1 ibiiidallti uillulmii 1 1 two aud con it trila lb fiolbn1 ituui tbu tla on wtiluli till 11 la ami hturo ii ill r tiro tin eerlalu becine aaid iidihuiioto ami alo iho ortaln iiclnn uim ul elj u i in talawl anuually for uia payment of tlio jirliiuljal nouay of tho aaid lolxmlute lulu alncb utuaare horalijr aotued and lu acttllit tlm iuiui to lie ralaed annually tor tin itnolit of llm priuclal ut the debt a ran lulrreat uti iuvduuoui b itma a-tl- iiiau- al nut in urn llian avd par colli kr aiiiuu lo lm camlaluwd yataxly and wtieriuu tlln total ainiuatl by rl ralr f dell aiil lutarual la mill 3 rpayiilau t f lleaahl ait1 htrtrn tin- aumuii iohiir ol ihn iihinltipal elou wu accidliik to lb lit- t luill uiu urn of cju olilio wbul- rateable lv uf the tillage at la1 mrll aaaeaa pslhieut of thu oilauiu do mouicltiallty ui for f iaiuo6u and taliore there u no lrt ul autdt laal debt of 1 im the aail uuuiclia aaid moiiov tbo lrinxatlou and tu rl uic aaid in ut lf xltoil l trru uiayan1 ball rat i f ibo aaid euluouf by tba tnwaurer llmrmf ami hall have allacbed iflutareat ill iallt liv iw w aliimiu pabla t l thf lai ibamof llo jnii t aall tiaj a1 i in u loimink luklnu ihi1 lot the i ol uu hlil dnlxnluio uiu a il lilian lamklt aum of alj j and lor tin mitinwi uf ihtirliik intaironl upon tin aid jtihl lls lxrtaii iniiiilfc aum ol wils m uiakiuu loijulber uu uui asm j1 hall ralaed irviwl aud uolloelotl in nadi yuar dutnuj tlio loiilluuamv uf uio aid duutmlurr ol any ul 11 ill b ibhiai rala umloiit ibuifii ou all ui- ratblt n in ihn ull iuihlwlil ui annual ahkial rala it ihiii iioui ibo late win i ibl il law lalo fl i n th oi t in iiio il 1 ilia ttrhu 1ii ii nil i lar at kn11 ikt i in hiiu cluck all 1 i mtitito uoiiity ro il riiim urn it 114 r i dlvlniiinnu j biiolgliti i j i mill lhy htiturn- m dili tu ihi l iw mivii im an i atialual tl i- ih- au and lay tf otlilr im 1 lite bom of elbo ocltkh in l loiuuttm ii r 1111 lb 1 11 n the iwatit elht ol rhiptulllkil mfto al tli lui 1 n ih lureuoou at iho town hall h ll 1 a tbo time aud lueti foi tb b ilimiil of kia4u ul attaud kill jla aud aj tb dual l i llf 1 l r tlokol lb ih ut hi hi ti lt4 a at omhillytllim itlw iltd ttvikiamit he lracbjaaasamfal ta a half atk rfwawrw jjjm fifam if cawnlamav- not lot nollt lutvly glxllal lliu luu ooiv at ttrlnw ibatnlf copy or a pnhnthl ft taw wllb i uwn ul1111111111 t ltum1 i ii i i il a o aiu1 and wliul all l ioill iwwi1 by um couu ii in hid o t ul of ui bmh i i its kunitun umt h tall i uittii alur on imutlt irout i he aeruu mikk i uann i llnh public lion wa on in iwilfth liv of ivpteinlvr hall al lh liotirt di and a m ut- itu llv law tlrmkhitflhrv i lb- khlbi the ig r hi i t kitkiui i lluotoefc aaw ttn

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