Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 12, 1895, p. 3

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j 8ank of jhamilton iis ad office rtamilton iuiv c jtlful fioard op directors omnhtl iht a hamka i rralhii vie i riail in imxnui in ho it a t wx a ii 1 kii itoruiilo um liiu i tlhnm uliirr ii h ktrlin s al aliir it m w tms lni aoenoies hamilton lurinittn ia i ai tint allii mdtllu tliol tlburunlnwu clilnihy lll british corroapondonto ixjn1x1n natioaal i rovlnrlal hank i 1 mi ud ltd j american corraapondonts nkw yon fourll na i nul hank an i hanover national hunk i111 into nail n al trust co 111 rr a m uarlu hunk i in na 7 llauk of illlnula i i in naiisl hsnk dkritalt patrol i aliiiial llauk caks lirr national hank ol uiuiiuircu agonts in montreal tlollankuf toruilo georgetown auencv l1 mai nolo dleooutitoil kii i italic il klila soflurlllei col loo hon mailo and irafla i hi tic lit ai luoli on all booouimo points in hii- rwi i l favored savings department deposlls of l ami u inl thivihi a interest allowi fpiu laui f thalt l ilalo withdrawal hibcul dmohith auo leoolvod at current rstca ol inti ri n m 1 imsdstom- abi headquarters for watches clocks jeweller spcctacll rogers inii i iirm giv spoon iii ti and kork unng oui r j us wt ah i faltion qeo hynd8 acton ont iti 7 tiiubbday bnij mll l li mj little local brieflets which caught tho eyaa or ears of froe proan ro port em this weak kool balls are riiening showery weather thr pm wk neil divimou court siuiiij here u be an ilia ioih insf head llio riru imlccllo bj lu au deatdo to voia fur h toronto exhibition altrartr c r of oar cltxene the peat week the new tirui clas ai ih 1 bic sshool ha only ihrco pupil iiumiihi lucloaa la not u l becau ill v lo nut woo anhl every ottiacn u intereated in tl u lj law uubllahed in aliulhnr column lrof w iffkinn prctlnia a urol niotui batwecn ibo ltlh ud jlat t thia muolti keva ciouloy and lluutcr will cam menoe ovaiikohilic wr vices in inolih u tbo long llt of uarflcn oolku nd pio mca is about exliauaied lot tlto teuou tho council la iuttutc d dnvin on i ark ave to oonncct wnh i ho mill mtnpt dniii brm experioucc una week u4i lo rape led ia any other uin wiihtiui lire protection any d mr thoa iorrymiu hi l raotod a neal veranda on itio juhn rot ida of hla residence tolling caaaojcaaly 1 lit fariiidi throws aside the raauiiift hook only iu lake op ibo plough handle uwallltm f bnjt eauirod lor the news at home montly or n flocnl charnctnr and evnrv horn intorootlnu tlir h hi nrtlnturr ttiauunc llnmlirr urn hiilldttie in courao nf ro troiliou for thi itnardmnrn isunrirk how iihiah in jjc ltly the frame of the new tu buililitii at the aolo leather lalitiofy ia about ytoinnlctod and thu irat liivnrini will ilmrlly bo put on at urn 4 i it atalimi ihu frsana wnrk on the jmiih iiuimiiii ia up dm lrjnjank of nmaona and bricklayer- am rtiahint ii the walla of tllo mltf bulldiui tho acctio nr omta tioua ia a huy on at llio alta uf each hulld lux jihii sixlitf at mr i jtirmhim ilir l of knm liurcli worn fw r d ifh a it liklitful rvilti for ttieir uun horial uu urn kniundi of mn i acblan m millnt i rnu ciiuitij i he number mi iiuiia in ailriia ai realtr than tlio capsrin of tin toiiviyaticti pimulrtl and j trrrr ctman f wcflt tytnia1lpiatmrprr a 1 hcrr win itocrctrr a lnrjjo attend mai and a moal edfoyabla evening wan seil acton coruet hand playcl liber dt program ma on ilia apacioua lawn where i ho kimata woroaaiomhlcd aud the arthur ittiiuly iki ihcnionhca rrrllt with tlnl m men i m intinna liisia narlnr all aidaa by proapaatua reaideuta- tha prpaant supply is inadequate the rate iay era kept coll on tor graham busy writing tax receipts on saturday over f 1000 havo beea paid in the actou com el bin 4 hold thoir waakly doqcert ou moudav ooiiinjj al the band stand on frank it oji iufre mr lliohard cooka new 1 ouae ou i ke ave la about oimplolad ilia falhor aud mother moved into it with linn lait weak willie enjoying a auic uf lawn lounia on monday eveuinn mr lleudumuii had the misfortune to sprain hla loft ankle badly at the recent seaalun uf urn ijil court of ibo a j i at luelfh mr a h nirfclin was apoiuted o il fur hal ton county the county ouunait o transacted the routmo butiuosa wluili had aocumulated and ajj turned t iiimi i n tuesday uth nuvombor ocortj anderson uf iluudaa ii ii aud oosu or 30 ilajn in jail iho other day for proounuu hiuur for a prohibited peraou ho look the lliltly dm 1 very proierty uwrnir maid on i i ut realdont should arraue to ba in luwu tu cut bis vote 111 favor uf the hire protection dy law on haturday iih tobsr he who keepelh hla eye ou iho ad tor use meuls that graoo tlieculumun uf tho local proas often esplolh uodi thai save dollara lo his pocket aud briujr oomiurt u hla carter harvey abuwed the chain ni u eorn stalk the other day it moaaured 1 fori 7 iuolim ia leiijlh hoi no luapioioua moplo hltil that mr ilarvdy is au oi itrfir after airier caiateuuo ut icaa than tiu year the final number yt the vurseter fiitlr was imblishod last work 1 he publiahef muves his uulol to iordwioh where ho will alaa i new p ijurlum uno ul uio tliuudor alorma last week the house ul mr i hoa illucr like ave was struck by llhtulu the lluld paaaad loto the bouaa auj iluwu to the oellaj but only irtuluit dattmo waa done mcura 1jucs t mckiulo of tho antod 1aaudry base dissolved partner ship xliajtuaicaa will be continued bore ajuu hxjuu i w ulkiuiu llita laundry ia turnluu uul very satiafactory work a uroclfvlllo paer mtlca tho fact that george huicrt whoae drparlura frmii aolou wa tuumncd by uvctal made a t a to hit from urockullr ul week much to the landlord and levant merohauta mr johu l c harlve uiarclianl last weak ooaplslsd the purchase o j aero fruit farm lb iha jntnabyllulrlot near llraiiltville he lsks poabiui in lb riary iirat and iu iiik iik autium will ditpoas uf hla atook of krooerir dry ooda tc in tfroriic fubfjr hall acton liaa our of tho muat attractive ijwn hall in tha country it has bean in ouslatil uai for tin viani yet ila appearance interior or termr tfivia no indication of a decadu i f wear and loir the outaide looks very well in its new coat of paint aud the interior la attractive throughout in order to aid the caretaker in ink t flort lo keep tin- prf lilablo piece of muuiiiial properly alwava tid and pro atnjahlr the ouncil haa eiused placards tu be oatcil throuhoul tlil buildlii pro lilbilin the use of tolmrco in any form or loafing or the premises 1 he roiibtahlo is i list met ii i in irtmkcute all ullundirs tfte titnpfi iu vw jtnrf srrnmn i v anhalic services were coiuniciicod in tho llaptiat hurch tuesday evenuifj and will be cnutiuusd each evcmiik this trek and poeaibl longer 1 he pastor m beini anstaled by itev j j whytc ml iho ubvle llrothors i and hia oauuliuir tho ctlrhralcdlisrji urmcrly uwtiod by oouoral i tordon m ill be uaetl tu accompany the aiiihiiu a cordial itimtaliou has been ol tended i tho public and both tuesday and last evening the church waa so crowded that all vsbu wiahod could not rain adima siuii k owmt to the illness of her mother mia while has not yet arrived but mr liyle hupca tu have her aaniatauce later in the week llarrrht t1vi wrvcm i iil harvcit cstival nertlu in til a i ban hurch this week were vii y uc rnril the church waa beautifully de orated in aiknowlaltiiionl uf ood a bountiful ihidnoaa thore waa a lare coirctaiion nn fridsy cieuuik when ibe thrvlcc sras moat beautifully rendered lliruuchoul and ihe kev i hwceiiv of loronlo prruclicj an rlni irnt ncriiiuu in iho j ly ol uio llarveat 1 tin nffrlirt rll oonlui led uu sunday with lli aama vitality and ucaut jhe chunli in llin ovonini leuitf iillrj to uu rllusnut iho off or lory on bulb uccudio u waa a no will ifcruii and waa vtly liberal llal vent teallval aortloea will bo hold al lw kttood on rriday evening when itev i 1 miuiol uf mlllun will bo the nroacbnr thr i txal i huriti wrrlrr sill sabbath tho ctiirita 1 1 hi if tin i ijiiuiii and methtxilat huiiho ill bt uiiilni an 1 utv j v use will iu neiohfionhood nrws nowo ttumn uunpllod by corrnn- nondont nnd irxohnntioa iiockwood isnif of flti litwnpi jnsde an allmipt in i nr lsrl hamilton s hotel itirnkwikiif nsrl kaliiidsy iiioriiiuu but mi ro uiibiiljcmful they were ptirsiixl for nunio distanci by to vera i urni ns ftoy the hutol but wore not overtski n lufin tho uhaao one uf iho caiik fired mi his p irsuurs hut missed his aim i lie police siittiuritu h are now ou their irsck the annual nicelinu uf thn woman h missionary society will l hdd in tiu methodist c hurchlhibuvciunj v number of addressls will bo delivered the wnollnn milln im asin in opera tion the i it depot hs- iieen renovulcd and improved this wock tho niiiitl harvest fohtival acrvice will lie held in bl idllli s hurch to morrow teninp t limtlrlouse ihe loruulo iiuie ompsuyjiati hnl n busy time learning lime to ac on the past week or to for the n w llrsnlniotii build inks coming and going vlaltorn to nnd frtun aaon and vnrlousoihorpdraonnl noton imimjk invlls all ii al minimi ii inn or tour friou la i j lnli u irl or if you have ii irnp ran 1 din huff yco ih vlsitiiic fritiin in i ra ni lluffalo h visllinu maltinb with coca wine feed8 the nerves mraa mr luhn mo i si iho old homr km ii ii ooh spent tav ilya tlm wrh in lurunl mr austin hell of illftalo ia upend i iil a fnw days in town il mrs alfrrid hoper v lulled friunds r m 1 orimto laat week mss mo u- lliili uu dm i hu loronlo h xhihllluii attrtilt inn of poplr from hero this week on sunday oicnm tho mothotlist imr i waa ii hod with a larn ciller katinn to hiar tho maiden sennuu uf mr it j i dmialon of acton mr 1 dmialou was recently licensed as an oxhorler by the oflicinl lioard uf tho rliurch at artun ii m normon was wry intereatin and a- evi denoo nf cnruful pri jwratlou it was nit sidrrtxl very rritlitablu jot n llrst if irt alxxit thirty of the jmuj mans nlioji ul c itie tin iiiuriiuih will bo in iho alclhodta h i and will ouiincuco at 11 o lim k in tho eiiniof tin uultcil imjretttliniib will inert a t hnoi i hurui at lh uaual huur uev k j muutyte prcahcxl in iho mctliodiat i hurui litat buuday ilia sor inuiia wrtj both practical and helpful and wen dellverril willi an lat ucaliiraa which could not fait to unprcaa hla bran ra mr mildly re ia a youu limn uf brilliant uiu lao and his areer will no doubt bo a sue ifkiful noe sin1 lal seriloea wcio coin ttmicetl in tho llaptiat hunil 1 uoaday cvciiiug 1 hey will be continued during lha week at loaal thr lfhb t thr hair vmil wlluf una dab lau wulk uulitaius do la lied ducripuou uf all tho prluclpal htato ituildiugs whoae doagnillcanoe aud reproseutalivn character wore ao keueraly remar ked at the orld s i- air 1 bo author and his corps of associate artlata boxiu with ihe slate of illinois whose plvudld dis tnaj wi t at i kan as aliforula waahtiiktoitr idaho aud iitltera ta amuiii llic features ot iho naposi hon tunning aa il were a lair wiihiu a fair though on a minor scale as compared itith what each baa to show m the mam drj art men la 1 bo final pagoa uf ihe uum ber beloro m arc lovuled tu i tit midway 1lalatco i uloilux tho t40ai avoliue du voted to tliia uul jufc oungreaa at uatiuu allllna a lllllo iu iho ul uf tho wotuati a building tho visitor mlwi butwoou wail- ul luadlhsval vtllaoa between moolooai sod laioda lurkuhandt hiueao ihestrns past the dwellings uf clonlkl day- paat ills cabin a of ttuuth ttoa ulaudra uf jat ancac i ljiuan ludoulni injlaua amio ihoir huts ul hark and sti a will h told uf yel ruder oiiviruiuuout alt uf tin uutol at t hulorukbiilona nilubuuii la fully dcat rlbu 1 by jmtt aud iemll t uf iho lluuk ol ihe i- air address i tlo ualiuroft com pauy auditorium ituildliif i hicao for hrr irvttrtlfa lly law thr municipal aiuiicii has with oum uinudible promptitude intruduoed the by law to i ovule lira jirolecllou passed it through iho isrioua alagea necessary and il ia pftbliahcd in those column no thai all liilerraled lmy liavo an uportuuity u ulidealau 1 it muvmoo i bore have been auma oalravaanl pruphosy liika aa to tho cunt uf tho pro apparatus which iho by law make provision for bul hie oun il baa prepaioil a careful ellinatu au 1 llio bum uauiod in lha by lw la intended lo completely cuvot all the rapoudllure uooea sary lo secure a first clat aud a iouato uutnl wilhual any nua aakuss whatever lbm mean ml only a staadard altiajii flro ougiue ample aupply of hos aud hose reels bul lha pulliufc in uf sulhcieut permanent brick tanks ui pruilde lliat otcry ruperly within the carporaliuu luulta be suliafao tor lly covered we are cuiioileut uiat the by law will carry with an overwhelming majority because it is patent to all that wo are m serious iwrll with otr prraeut ack ut adequate prutection and further bo callo the individual auuual coat ul lha prutcctkm pruubod will be compsritlvely trilling it is tnia some apprehonaluns citat uu the part of a few wbo have not carefully sludinl the uealioa but thoati aio roadily allayed whou eailanaliou la huuistly aouhl irft all hurt be put forth lu tfive tin by law as uosrly aa possible a unanimous an i favurable vols oh haturday lh october mr vvn tkyle ul toronto th promoter of ibe lulruatluual holt hue luilway i ompaoy of viagarj i ajla out was arroslod uu iho charge of attempting to bribe a member of laat wti a council and ii rough a m feul i must attenliv mia xlati n wirk ilher of lai mlvii i ml 1 1 nuds in diaeu is tailed iiailiui lu mr and mrs john it mstthe riliidsat jrtmid alloy this weea mr o w oak and his hltle son from irittnt itaptiu mich are in town mrs rewaou mohitighlin is spending inn ivn k with frinnda in iluntnville ms uawtsilh llall nf- h a9hcrove aiilrlou uf hlrcclbvilu mim ida ln miss hurbv uf iuelph la unilllr nllivm in this vi lill mlaa munrc nnnnsgawry a 1 mm mamio holme ate h sts of friends lirtr mr ltrt mi ure of icttlau 1 is v hit lug hi parental home mr 1 i mid in w ofmayllcll aknl i days with friends here during tlio we k messrs hrl nxuu aud kobet 1 ial are now attending high school whtlo mr um morrison has one to hamilton 1 coulinuo hih studies mlsars annie ll and iiit huidet nou reluruod lo loronlo last link mrs mdntyrv an i master lay lui i uuelph sreguitsof mr- arroll sumo if last week- v mil or m iriuil ic uf ml lord m likv i f loronlo mrs i m ltot nut mu 1 i rain su milton ii i oh laa t u i 11 here last wrck wan urcnl allcuded a i a catlfynh aicceaa iho foil ln ofti c i fcldr t dent uev w alt ii itrnnll niimieruia mr i t mil ireas llr a 11 hpeeis llurliiictim ice i rraidcnls miaa ilia kvckinu valerdown mi a hacr iturllnutoii miss j it uilcoo hornby miss llal mlllkiovc mi llr jones hilbridr 1 leculivo ouiiultlcc j s iliac uev j 1 ii fckuy uev i j i lliotl i iuik and j w rrcomai heproacutatlvo ou iho c i cc i d hov a mllcholl lr sievouson llio missiunsi i t um baa reluruixl tu bin hums near mill n ii has aunle ihrllluik ciwnoncc to it tato i regard lo ihe rcccnl trouble in tin rl hal 1 mpirc vf iho loan hall la now ll i i 1 el l icily t vchl on mr i co xo marshall wh- ha la ed the bunt nets of mr mchlui in poal master will take puaslraioli hi a fo weeks lhorcairal horlupamill u luipromil the aj learauce of the minimi 1 ho icuijioranco aocluty hsa jiaso ihruugh tho u miner moulba vciy satu factor i the attcmuuco at tho uncling has been very good 1 ho turnip crop about lin inuuilses t bo one of ihe uuot ever ut farmeia ih loltry lnvo iiiu ural dlatllct of iho povme mi ii 1 more f iho d iul it ltd ijiou 11 v lowed fon c y lay suldall ltuhct i ova sltlpiirvi to iimu llc acrk kieo1 cool l lo iho hopvari ii mated apnarau 1 in public lib hip uf it lhr1 out align- ihe mom rial 1 w a lam oohs lakcl late john tho mothudia b j tad ih alnl i em ih lie i m iho 1 a i was laatofully drapt i i lit ih aymimitly ul tho entire spatial acrmoua uarmg hchool wuik will bo ji011 odal bur i neit sun lay o clurdi nly have uml hu uj ha moth g and i 1 ii a platform mooluig will bu bclu when apcoiil addfusats and mum will ba ivrii gleal 1 any of tho iuaoiib alo allrud ug tho lulontu faf tills tk mia- anna i si haw daughter uf the itev llr laidlaw of i laitnll m aud asso lalo of the lor on lot uusorvati ry uf mil on haa oicurd a aludlo in tin muh inlay huuilig riooriulowi win re tlio is pro an t a ivamod iodic in plnuo lo amino ivohinb whittnblht tetth ilotilitn aroololigbted al ibo admirable pialliea of iviirinr tho now preparation fur tho teotl omiinmdaliuus from tho dental profession carry the assurance that frsgraut ivurtue la free from tlioadinisluro of uiraiuel destroying aubstauoea often iho moat marksml cliaractenstic uf tooth pow ders shit hat it is the most tfnclenl cleanser yet dlsooveieid ivor i no oleauses from dinoofurallon and wltlteiir hard its lha gums aud imparls to the brsalh a do lujhtful fiag re 11 o day or two in town during the week mn 00k uf clinton spent a day ir twu isat week will thn mnrs i sing mrs i 1 rsncis arrived home from now ork ty andillloveravillo tost evening mr mclntyru nf hi marys visited his bruthur itev it mclnlyrn tint week mr mi i mrs oro harrison spent several iuythta oek wil h friomu in loronlo mrs mipior and daughter nf orange villr npeiil n day or two this wmk 111 town miss llhd liruwn haa returuis1 home to nlltiigwood sfter holidaying with friunds here mrn inifh rd of itranlford has bcuu a guht this wek al hid homo uf mr j i are you all run down are yoq llred in lodywoary in in lad 7 hoes larsltude hnnloii and unlit on far mental or physical labor 1 hoes ilmplcssnras rob ypn of men lal force t make jour days a wearinesssiid night n torment f in brief is life rapidly becoming a burden to you thousands are living in this miserable condition while relief from this worst ot marital and phya leal conditions may be speedily obtained by the un of msltiuo with joes wine it ia roil totllo fnr it builds up the body gives slronglh and vigdr to tha nerves snppllea pure rich blood res lores appetite and adds wonderfully to the digestive power of hie stomach maltine with xica win renews i every fibre of thu body gives menial acti hy mslime with coca wiue is a builder builds nerve builds muscle bdilda bone it gives vim and nnrvr ii bra ore not aa a taliiilulalmg agent it braces beoauao it curelj thai is what you need all druk gislflmll it farmers wauling hardy native block lo planl ibis coming fall or bpriag may pay for it in work we want jneo with or without experience on full or pari timo halary and oapensee or commission ws4fce swv f fw i jljiohs illlotiiklut coui i nitrseriea toronto ool continental mrn a i nckhn uid hor fnruda hlu die will s mjli tie mr loer i w flynd- t v 1 i i rr iii rptil last 1 nly with ins father lt cllhlrei as lonta al ho lion j or mr i htathaiu mr i 1 hnydut i n hoc idcuih ore lury ir aiurtr of thu now i nbhc library at north hay miss man al ioujall returtird lo lor onto i mida after lending s week or ro at her homo here mt laiurit mcurt- rclun 1 j llrandt 11 man when nho wet i muuth or 0 au mr troal and chldiai a bxd ia its olurnod home after two wteks viait with her slater mrs c taylor mr lame- u hill if i olo lo illi a rived in m lay volllllk l 1k i a tew lay at ho ol i lomo here ms orildl lo i ilur ha i 1 i after niwlidlui three wrrka with frltu da in i oil w hhi and owtjn sound mm mr 1 irl ma it u lay ii i huraloi mr kit ijlhuilft house atsi ill yeat sikiiii ii vi mi a in 1 1 bell and hci lutlu hratlle wash sro lsilin her ii mcliuugsll and miai urrio ceka haa 111 br auu li 1 cl ildou utkcd hlo n and hrock 1 t 1 hoy wo r away willi l tl iwk rotn iirt lluiun hbo 1 leal llio tunnel clly mi william hnylli of bunl ultsi munkoka was llio gieat uf hla soli mr w i hill hi llio past wook llio old nillo man tu alill halo aud lioarty hov j ii mcllaiu 11 a 1 mlldmay i utls holla mchoight oldest daughter of olotiil mahiilghl of stratford wore milted in marriage lost wednesday 4th mi j 1 wllloid an 1 in aoi i ddii u illy th weta iiuesta at inlotlunt tint week mr wti ford ia a native vt halton ouuly anl puul hla buyhuo1 days uear hornby mia ml valkc ol wn i a beii vtailiug nor friouj mrs i a w iss well haul street fur the past weak re inriud lu hor homo hsiurda evening t lelpl if 1 h tiond 1 asl rial tin ioeo ci thla vt nit mr joseph mclaughlin was aa ivmjii 111 hla del i when iho ilutui uatuu on ho dit o lua it a alia hod lu a 1 oil tn uj along aldu uf a waoli and lio au 1 in- lllllo ao kl under the waguu ul uf iho 1 ait when a tlah of lightning sit uok tho horse luataiiliy killing ihom ml mclaugblli aud hla a 11 cscsjd suli jued wilt ihr csouplou of icoelvliik a so vert ahock mr ma hi b tu niu ol liooliti bul who furmorly resided 11 naaaa died al lua late residence uolph ou halurday afleruuou last hla romaiua were oiilcrcd 111 i tie lit lirr or omolory on 51 on allot burstiiguf 1 ol ihe 01111 1 h hi death utir v i ha leiiaa of death waa tbt i i nod vrwi i and hoart failure k family have lb syiunall jiilly ra are buj fall aovdliik ibo vlht at i able ii ahuweia lately will uiaura llit tup ttaauid a fair h una fall 1uuo a liuuibor puikas lafcl 11 ila loronlo 1 air thla week bums bin wurk at throat- baa i oc re hlod lately i ills lng tho order ul the day we might mention that mr j no auderuu ihresbod for mr i hoa lacker monday cummeuciug at t o dock lu ihe morning aud hulling down al i j o clock uouii in tiouratliue ithjj bushela of gram luiinlslng of uals barley and wheat ihe kraiii as tl times frum mr anderson s machine ia almoal uluau enough for uarkel krjirl in jiv hour llislresslug kidney and hladdor discbm celiovoil 111 aif huurk by 4tfs lircal houtb aim r cat kl liiey ure i his new remedy is a great aurpriao and delight ou account of tla rsoredlug promptness lu relisving pun 111 ihe bladder kidneys baca aud ouory iarl uf lha urluary vasaa iu ualu or female it relievos raleiitluu of anter aud pain in passing il aliuosl i iii medtulrly if yfiii want pilrl rellif and cure this is yuur remedy hold by j kvmvvwin anion a jnew departure v cc1i tlll st tlllll i tltdt tltlt lllllllt i to win imktl iih it i ttl ml ur lubtoill i lt iter tlini tw 1 with your help vt- i 111 1 1 tir thii n i1mh1l i l i tllt 11 i will iuii tl vii il 1 t lltlt tf tttt il in llllt ti 111 hunt ul tin 111 1 111 will u our barguiu tables 1 11 1 lilt ii wt i lllklll 111 f ill lit lllsjll inij sulci t i111 j miss jj lennox jplm oujjqpsbn roomb tft an it uljks t l 1 all rtjlrs pini rfjko ports e r bollart a yd aud a i wyudlia s j u tlfu ol i 1 v i liliig tho il is easy euuudi cat lung the e 10 great ihlng for s business n iu siu the oopudeuc of the udlo il the watchmakpr d luelp has 01 ul business llierv for twrnlv live j uurt his success iu n pairing w lohra cl ate has k hi ill ttto ou udonci of peoplo ahtd he haa coulli usd to do lareal repairing trade ever duos uualph owulug hia house aud store ibersfftra having no rent tu pay gives such au advantage over all olhef thai i a euahlcd lu ijve every advaolsge lo 11 customers as to prlco and iuality i fact his reputation haa bat 11 built up b lbs itialily of his work and good a tha is 110 pose i bin chauca of any body balogablu tu do any better for yen aa lrlfgls thuruuithly uiularatauda bia buaiusas prinqle guelph sqliool opening our stock of s n libling ind ivercise hortks is tiow com plete comprising man new designs from ic up i we have all the sclwl hooks now in use also a nice assortment of slates pencils ink pen holders pens etc in fact all school rciuisitcs and uipphes kiardwood rulers ic ach vi 1 hi lit 1 sioki j v kannhwih henderson d co hcttqn ta hand nev fail mantles dress tweeds black and colored caps cloths black and colored dress goods newest add best floods at modest pnets hays ind mens suits our milliners ire ntnv it work opening intiouncc- monl lilir 1hu oolht acton cuelph central exnitoition tuesday wednesday and thursday september 17 ib andi9is05 the ravorlui exhlbtuon in the weal a complete and compranemlva rilie ul in ell department buoclsd a uracils noon l h e profrrmnune each and evening alun lilitry 1 claaaea ellctlli al lriktil hlacl 1 rise i ualu- n rfau awl ii lou snt wu towas l iaidiah abk your druggist for henderson co acton shoes for the boys tjloulii l nil iitl iltrtl u la olli w t v ul them good sluic tu everything kvcy thiii gotd in footweai lor ho s is shown in our great st ck shoes for school for work for pla shoes for all occasions and kinds of wear cept short wear a1i our shoes are long wear and long wear shots are nnanahl the cheapest lio s are apt to he hard on shoes and accordingl their shoes must he adapt cd to rough usage i heres econoui in wearing shoes with pleat of vveai in th in gel your boys shoes of us and save ulluiic murray lanmanb florida water mintv i loral extralt kuuulkcrcfalcl toilet nnd bate cuelph nti ii oolv comi ng to hand rapiv i il jaboa jdssedull w tltlcuii 1 case passed on thursday 7 cases passed on friday a cases passed on saturday il xt week difac will uialte rfal additions to our stock ol in ill goods a b hyam a co uhi6l neftighthoi 11 d lha kuruaau fashiui lo ba louud id lhf wook o lau 1 au 1 irnlrrs ludoo iarli aud 1 n vv iln 11 lllkv ni lait links n t v keppv t w li tss rll ed le ur n lit u 1 1 t w rt iidui nt w mi 1i1111 1 osf j 1 ttrn hreasos many more lo follow lal t iaristau novelties i of this wssk wo will continue to oiler afwotal inducsmenta lo ilar out rt maiuiug line il i ks si itaithk kor karl vu wvak it ii uk 1 aeguuu prlco s 9 so raducud l 13 oo 14 00 r m rt oo reduced to a 60 7 oo 3 60 6 oo a oo and msvny other llnea mx the utme swooping roduationa itr no showroom on the asooud floor designed exclusively for showing uadlkh id 1 8 1 wl alt is approaching com pis t ton we purpose giving special alleuliou lo this doparlnieiibrtnu i nj thing lair n i i flrat class ladles out filling establishment will be on sale al dry goods prions btfavll order doptartment vo the boofll of those ool living in lbs city ws baud samples lo any add an uu i pp it lion and will prepay cbargsa to your nearest railway station in ontario on all orders amounting lo vu oc and q lards balifaetioo guarantaed i ii tiik hiciht houhk king at eaat oorosr llugbaoii at t hfmllton august fhlh ldu thomas o watieciosre

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