Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 19, 1895, p. 2

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kahiil kdn r rsroo on r bepu the wife ot 11 parries of a aon llnjlln kanuwilna n waiiredy lllli kept lli wife of tho ii in ofeaiui u cm i m nit al ifarrlafui heptnnilwr the wife nllr nf a daulilitrr mahhikit fiin m imjtaou mnrtr h ii mill irsre thiirrh ftrsniploti hv llm nv w k uileon haunm ninrlalr clilrano lo man i ulnnitlliimai ilralililoii iiitiiion iii ti kit at thn malta a ysu tnele itili iktlriiibrr hy l v j w man mr will j v llulchlaun in himkninu i hiillrr ixith ol loonjntown dot ui a mi intlilix- al lhn manas acton nil nlnsedar mill kept by tin- luiv j w han donald done of nuutl a ulnnln melhsarii otbuuealug ihko li thursday rlfliit a iii tiu1hbijay hmniuiijl i i itwi notes and comments ti natunt trmtr lllhl t prlr- nf ihn nvkt h brill an oenade inlhe first mk of september aa don nu the paat week hum ouebeo ohreae factories have been closed up the bpauiah 1rime minialor in ak line of hplu a allilnde toward cuba aaya hat homo role like thai enjoyed by canada aril never be rented jfornerule la an imrrmaibilitv while fipatfl control tj inland the evening client at jlaauow point out that aa britain buy 10 mx qoo worth of atufl for her pantry every year of will oil 30000000 la for frail it mix hi pay can adieu eppla ralaor to paak their mood aarefally and according to britlah taate with a i iii jo care and preoeoiiqn oauada can have command of the market home eople are apt to belittle the eflorta of the govern roe u i to eitend the mail and teamalip route an inatano of the extent to which ilie mail service to auatralia rut the canadian route haa developed la afforded by figure whioh have j oat reached the ioetofnoo depart moot of mail taken ool by the warrirnoo laal month the warnmoo had 803 baa of maila on board upward of 100 of which were from hurope the rapid decreaee in the population of ireland from 8900 000 lo 4600 000 in fifty yeere la a eon bed by dr qnroahaw regis trmr teeners to three oaaaoe the fro j a en i failure of the potato crop the emi grelion atlmnlaled by the hib be amerioa and the low wage at home and the lack of manufacturing induatriee the reault o which n that whan the crape fail the people boon me deatitute and have to the country o- a nqve session 6r panllnmont la vary probnblo praps rat ion dolna mntla at ottawa td and will bo workrd nity tin it i said elections onfnthk spning ottawa kept 17 hecial enedilinii haa lieon itnperteil to llio preparation for llm coming erarion of parliament anohwr vrjtirat haa ixrri laniird tor llm iiutlinillril completion of the departmental rrparie llm allf at the printiiijf ininau wliuli wnkmliortiiiod at ilia clone of laat jeaminn ila fullnat oa done in arcjanoo will lialronliimn wiretl from the woet by tlio lrnmier lvo tlilnil point lo a anaaion in november cerly in leoeinler a kreiiah canadian mintf alalea it would bo imotablo to deal with the achool ijueellon end trauraol oilier neoeaary bui neea at a ecaaion called in j liner v ain parliament would then have irai than four monthe to run price of lioht wheat tho now plan of doduolione fnlror to tho former tiw hept 17 it will on reinomlmf ed that laal tear when a delegation fruit lt llnmiiilnn ui rm aamtcllitlnll caiim tl llluvivun uidqil in iikii i hi lioh ouawa to interview the jovorm sardltiit muing of wheat a pioitton of mora immetliate importance camo up i thu acale by which tlotltictiotia from tin atandard prico of wheal were made ey millera when pnrotiaainft flrain of thellfiht er gradea from farmer when wheat waa a dollar a uuahel the rpociflo reduattatia of eo many ooutea bualinl 1 perfectly fair bat with whait ay at fifty cent a a baahel tho reduction of the uiim number of cent a per buahol rave riiiioulotialy low prioea for wheat toaunk fil ound to the buahol am under at hie latter price for wheat teat top about 5j kiunila to the bueheli auppoa ing the acale of deduction waa 18 centa tho farmer would only ricelvo h7 oonta per bna hoi and pl have to rive lu toiinda in weight it waa aureeted by mr cleunyex m i 1 that a fairer movo would be lo aubelllute a iercoiitafo aoalo of rwltiolion and thia propoeioon waa arreed to by till millcra asrorlition laal work a bonanza in alooma oold and lots of it near jaoknh bay tho vein from i o to 20 faat wide inmnti hepteniber 17 a lorl ailtur oorreapondent of the mini kmnrr aaya that a wonderful old ducovery haa been matte in the mountain n ir jackfuh uay lake ttuperior about five miles from tho canadian 1aoino hallway where it aktrta the aboro at that mint iho inn or lede he been traced one and one half miles it lug a width or from ig to atf feel ami that it carnea from ttt lo 10 per ton in free guld bchid the iojphuratoa jn addition to thia in placea vein iiiartx may lm broken oil uhlch la literally apattirod with tho prec ital and would really o from a aoiiooa poll ileal deadlook la prooawe i iwomy to thlrtv tliuuaand dollar cx ton 111 llnlttil vootlbll inent ui huiuiimi h lurmioiu ihj hir john ail i luly tlllir imumlii iisliiiuii at tiovot nun nl liouau vvliniluk to iu it lakua clrlit jthb i u luroulo mnsv lo ouiilaiu llm nlviriik tint id huidit fur aalo for taiea in lliul ullj tridcri iiavu been lohixil lu htvn ilia uaull hie jariu t ml k jl cii on hondayrjiiul tho tmrt ul iliu atiau in llm tuial tcuoii14 tt ik lniuunl lililblhoti havi ihoii mnuoiiil1 a vll 07 oi inl fl oh 7 lai ju4b llo cliliioao ate rrirtod lo rtid lite nuiuify lulu lliu kuulieii inn hiortia na a moukury add lo bo ruuutiiijt llm irnonma 1 wu kuiibntu have ituun ordered to kllulclk tuna ui union n pimlli uietll of tnnno w inn mitnltt over the newfoundland amagiflinf espa euree ii t anderatood that the govern meut diaoouraa every movemant lookmfj toward the proeeoatiou of lb oueudera u mainlaiu that uio 0uin of them before iho hoard of ilevenue waa aufneieut pun lahmsnt the uoard lofcisu however aud i aupportei by public opinion that it ia iifceeaary to make au example now lo prevent a resumption of i tie illicit praclloea on aa lrtfe acale aa over ills muulreal papera are much imkii with the appeorance of dr loleroii the now inuciiml of mcqill coilotto who arrived iho other day from dundee and wl wxn coortttxi a heart wolooum by all unihuklrd with thai tllatllution 1 lie it aaya llial tin la a youuu man lu iho prune ui life of a plnaeanl ouunteuanoe with broad ahoumora aud altotethor prr arming jh ncai viriliiy unlike iheconven l prufeaaor 1 b charm of hi apcrh i ilil i haa a f amack of ill done kcullar lu dundee tlte prompt action ol iho lover union i lu rebntling iho oharitea ihat ollod or imila tiou oheceo ia mad in canada and oiported to england haa had the duel red effect hir charlee topper hlh commiaaioner for canada in londou on monday eout the following cabin meeoage to the department of agriculture kditor yrta untuk ay ruutmmltu ad mi la and rettreu the crave error made in uainu the word canada inalead of amerloau ho la retracting rdilorially and will pa till all ovidenoe of purity of canadian produoe in wedneaday the klrt rrotecuon by law la a ourreut topic or oouvaraatloo in town at preeent the feeling la largely in favor of lhe by law though then are aome who apeak etrongly agaluat a or engine and thoy evidently think they are jualiood mi sxpremjng tbamaelvea their oonoj uauioa have gen rally beou arrived al however through miaapprebeoaiod on eome point thar are aome peculiar argument used an esteemed and profireaeiee huanea man aald lo a fellow citlmn the other day i doo t think a lira eugiun would do much in ewug my place in case of dr aa my prwmiese are of so ludamable a character hut replied the other in oavas a tim broh out lu a aluro a lew duora from your arouldn t the euiie be cfteatoal lu ooulrol ling lhe ore aud saving your property thia changed the aapect of tbeltuatlob and the buainssa man referred lo ia giving ibe by law bis undivided aupport a pitlsen we mail be uuselfieb a well as progressive in this matter i ottawa separate schools rrra sept 171 the huerlor of the hrlallau llrulliera k multireel ltrolher flamien ha tiiruwn a bomb shell lulu lh sspsrale eohoule ul ultawa by nohfylng the srcrotar v of ilia uiarn lhat ho would wmhdraw all tho brother fium achouu on l0t i rbora are four achuola all atnoil nl ty frajih pupila januad b about iweniy ii briu hr lia iumhi givan for tbia aoiloo la i list the board broke llio grremsnt si larnoau alreat achotil frwlifht train blown from i ha track mii wm bept if a lernnc wind aluriu ntstl uoar ihlacity aierday aftrr noon a rrel iralu wai riiown from tlie treok at mailiaou j unci tan ktid four men were eerloialy lijurod the wind cliil considerable damans lo arm houawa and bsrua farmer heavy loss heamitox on l hept 1 1 andiew dnfltn ih line fllnoguaoouat hsi hi- baru ud ontboitilinti entirely oonaumeil by fire ihu muriiliil all una un or aln h ntnl ollulilly inalind lu about tlothi it i tniuhl lh lire i was raumd hy a lull j nnial oit itin wind j mill poarr tloee lu the bom respondent aaya he haa no hoaita lion in baying lhal without exception it i ao far ai can he told al the present raomoni ifio richest and moat imorlaiil mtulng divcovrry maito in alfjoma hon wm harty resigns rather than faoa tho churuue ol c orrupl practices in laet election kin hpl 17 tho l l i il lstitioii agaluat tho relum of mot wtu llarty aa member for itin ontario 1 gi laluro concluded to day wtibout ovtdonco being aubmitlod mr itlako m bolalf f it hit j mltiotl corrupt practtli a ottlrioitl lo ml iho election i tie potltiourra will drew tho petawnal chargca and llm u ij a aftor con aullalion and with a prooejaut in llm duflcrui oaaa decided u report to tlio leiialalure lhe aditilaaioua mado ami lea vo it to laauo an order vothou tho oleotiou lhe rekiiident a coala were flird at 1100 the judge d lialoo vaoatoa ihraoal niit it probable an oleclinn will lako plaoo within two month what tht fair dots a toronto pkpars idea an tu i ho value or the exhibition from soma standpoints tho toronto nrw bay not tho lead valuable of tho influence of llm lmloatriai exhibition ia the bringing togolhnr unco a year of the city and country 1 hla teuda to the promotion of kindliness and hoepit ality ou lhe part of both and it opone iho heart broadoua the eympatluea and bailor the individual boruotlmee lhe city- folk make jokoa at llm eipenae of ihoir farmer frisuda but lhay hko to ae llicni drop lu at iair liiuo and lhay make thorn welcome many a man in thia city during i be paat weak haa aiialcllod a few hour paluful alsep on a abort luumte witli hla laifa banging over the olid and glvao up his oom forte bio bed to the old couplo from lb farm or it 111 have been lo tho girl who had oome lo tho fair for the flrat time aud they did it cheerfully una was not all pither for they have loal a day a work to allow iho folk around and havo 10 it e to the ureworka to please ills cnunlry fiionda although ovary bona lu thair boilira were crying out tor real many of tbeiu will be aayiug lo day that ii oy are glail iho allow la ovsr and lhat they are tired tu death of it bufeflr a good uight a aleep lu ihoir own bsda they will gel up 011 huuday in lbs moat otlintmlla frame of mind aud ay wall those people eeemod to enju ihouieelvos and i am lad of it hupo lb ay will oome again uoxl yoar oantry folk are not eo bad after all newsofthc oav aneoltamo of tho worltjn dolngu durlna tho wuuk mayor htnwart of hamilton in oxpualod homo from ktoiencu nl i in tiul 1f lvil mouth 1 1111 rroviicial hi no i jrsaeud u rthulu lion in lv ir of ruutnmiig duiiemiimtloual thero akx mouli run bikkco or al tho hell organ loin l ultluab 111 liudou 1 uuder arroat u u a charge of robbing lliu oomiaii hi wuiiien and ouo child wore burnt d tu death on tlio loiiduu lidlu burgh company a alcamur in on tier trip rum jjoith ip i on don lloborl coiobu i ihirtuen year has boon luuud guilty of lliu iiiunlur of hi moililr in lun dun and soul lo an 1 a a no ay luu mlluju water a i lli waa killod al niagara 1 alia on friday night in tyiii to jump on an m it train wltilo urolug llio caiitlluver bildgu llio date of lhe truviuiial pliwinij in a loll haa doou lixed fur wednesday kl jj on ihn farm of ihoa omnia aoulh ul uio ccmotei hcu hound iho iruviocial hytod iiwiiu at montreal rejocloj a mutiuii ui aiiliiouzu tho ubo ol llm revised now lo lament lu iho c huroh of luglaud within two in i ti lhe coulo of w itinieg m r hlejihcn nan tolls wheal lold which averaged ii i buahtl to the acre and i j iounda lo the buahol i ho quebec utrvorumuiit ha takou actiou lu recover from tho ity ul won troal tho sum of 9500 kk reccltod lu recorder a i ourl let a ainco i onfedtratioii lhe i it ia oiioniiig now atatloub polling on nlgtil oiioiatoib and employing addiliuual irani crows to handle tho big wheat crop lu manitoba and llio north wett at a meollog of urn misaionary hoard of tho diai 111 1 00 of untariu hold 111 i oron to receully 11 waa douide 1 lo transfer tlio college uf iho dlaii lea fium luroulu lo london a 1aruiixnwi umt i urpu u tu have authority hum urn 1oilu forllfy llio lkrdanelle and t b bl iho alraita mpaaibjo i of llm world r s rr favoriteregqpiptwn how itcufietj mnsqomenolllk j of unanrrorip hor cns had fliifflocl vnnmof trootmont tim trout do nrnlmtit on by on al ot- uf tyfihoul fnvnr shu i 1 attnln ffijuvlnit uoorl htlt1 irniu it liniiiiffml s umiili llnl dr willin a pink i ha ir fvnrllo iiudliin in llrairir i n i vi mily u ill ihi t alily tirm orlt by llm onal dr6g gihth and thai nun h milinring h- it nl illovillod hy hut iiso of tliih wnidrfnt hoalbrtnrtiljjtiljutvtliy the niimti r or trmtf4atnmetits 1 t fevorof iltk ilha fro ni tli burt i m n 1 y cl tjio mniil r of intra puliliahoij ih mull in 1 omnnria 111 wlth the ulal isuntwr thai have foiln heuoflt from the uai or thia great blood builder ami nerve n auirer it la true that illik 1illa arn 11 td in muiy mmb in lorn tip tlia bjatamrttt n h t lu tilontl nn i nil ill ulatu the lienoa wnre no kjriim llltl nxiali b it h ia njnally true that in man eaten 111 wliuli duty inivt ikiiii tia i otlitr mfidiuiiitu havo faih1 anil the romllt n ohio v01 j by iltiu tills 111 ly very truly m cluraotoriixl aa 111 nr veil im life editor o tho ciii a luontlnl nui arrnaa joatiilnlia oaao rein ntl ll 11 lhat or mm h homurvlh well known uml high 1 f iud ll- iho giioeu tin- a out of hir aloander 1 luliianl toenor of l ander macbeom k h i the laic 1uv j it muohon hem aud invmlmsr and i hi j 1 llc nj on of hi wa u on of ml k ul i th a 1 a ut ti ollmr altracllvo ftalu ll luu l ufituowi liy hand mai on 1 hi druwn aro aj pnpriau for tlu 1 uidiiiii culilltul i if in 1 utt1 so ml enlace vmiwler will b on i aud uinolli llm light r fkololto a dlalognr hilih i i alno 1 tho humor of hiniimr wlml amuaingly oiillmied nil t hnh nil b tho ool il allr tho it u lomhor of 1 in nuinbk ol auto l illui ia to thn dullnoator mto ltd 11 hull i a hbculiah sou i u bopl 17 an uuuaual 1 lion was made on ore jiiallce met jdltli 11 xiurt joslerday i lie aum of m nlll deoaited in iho llouiiulon hank aoiuu years by frank wo uuder tho nam of james hrown who had doacrlod from llio hngliah army 111 irufl asbomluit the uamoof hrown wood drd 111 i oron to in april laal and hla widow 1 now asking lo have tlu muoy plaimxl n the cuahaly of the loronto oenerai i rul ompony aud lo lhat eud ib applying lo tho oourlb lo havo frank wood ami jaiim hrown douarcl one and tho asms peoaon the bauk ao uo llmo au mti 1 llm niooey into court 11 my liovol arllnlr anil 1 i vary dopartuiaiil la re addroa commuuli atioi iuuluhiuk o of luro moud hi west lorum tiuu pruo of the ihl or li ieuu per niiikln u on 1 i a lalet u iimoludt oiilltloi wlil lloy ulj 11 i it a view of iho illy hfu tl imrioiooa mi i or pi u1 of endoavonog lo kocp up pto pp buoea willi thu wohllhy au i ar lalodi a tl olaaoua ujioo llio ulaiy ut an wr w kcl father iho lunw and ui efl it of thia arsllu bul by no uioann looulml family tu miauim a ulo with tint i u hundred it given in wail 1 ild si 1 in lor oat lug detail i ho thal dc iiun of llm faintly to allow hitk in lako tan of ilolf and to umluell ail oali iilhoi l a loan 1 all y dopeudi nl ikjaiuu u lif uf whnl mg imiint in thu dnmaiic hiuty ii una principal uf mutual holpf nines aud the reliof of llm burdeuod fallmr oacli moinber of the family douulod to aogtgo in eome useful oiiiploymoul with tin dolor mlualiou put into bucooaaful opnration trim liappiuui aud dtlumaliu fuhuil prova ihlbrlrplod to other- llm oom muni l y waa beneulted 1 ivoa wnie oonaocratod to the aorviou 0 h0 mlci and llm liotno whiuli at llm uolaol had stmmiplod what i hoy t oollu 1 momptiah boc of uiialloye sod omffiit ly reapictod reaidenl ol tlm htj mm bomcrville il ma tint rftik nouinoty hut ia willing lhal a slatomeiit ol what 1ulk fill have done for hor hall bo mrnlo public 111 the iiiin that nomu other uftoror may he tieiirlltled ihnrob my illneas al llrtjt aatd m homurvilh waa a seriotm attack uf ljihll fover allhungh i ro covured from thn fever h luft i1h cftuct that havo cbiisml inn many jmrauf mnilry 1 ho doctor al i that my lod had bicomn impregnated with poioou aud lhat it would take a long tinm to eradicate it the trouble neeimxl to havn 111 chiuf anlt n niy hriiba which cauo i 1110 n groat deal or pain for al- lit tu ymf 1 conthiiil deolorint nut oonliiiimll y hut si 11 men and i tried many reimlipm wilhoiil i r maiiont reanlta i ilia wuil oil tmlil thn end ol m when i w011111111 mm h inppl ed op lhat i drnpatrod ol mln rill f 1 had rrad much of the rnmarkablo curt thrmigh the uo ot dr w illlnmn lnk fill and liecamn lutoroatcd lu tin in lino day i aaknd my phyait lan ll 1 might trj them ho gave hla pnrmiaslon and i bngnn ulhig ihom hy thu lima iho third box w diiibhml i found iiinelf very much improved in fact lhe juiua had entirely luft mo and i waa growing hnalthiiu- and more lloahy 1 continued uaing the ptlla until i irad takou aix boxra iiior when i ell lhat i wa entirely cured and wan enjoying better health than 1 had done for oari i am satliflod that lu ir william llok 1illa i own m recovery and havo implicit coiifldeniti in i heir mra tlvo owr and ill all ainlinuo lo iccom mend lham to nthrr aullirnra dr william iink fills for 11- 1 plo ro not a patent tnedli inr but arn n long triml pre ripllou acting tiii thn blkl ami nerves i hoy aro of groat valuo a a tonic during inonvery from aouto iisrtio mull so fover a etc building up llm bio xl aud ayaloin preventing iho dteii diaaairoue after efltti of auoh ironblta h 11 by all dualora or aunt loatppid al ill inula a box nruliii lr tj at by ii i inaniui tho william miluliio t hi kvr out hfoe all juuall and uhnti till a colonial txhiuiriun to bu hold in mont run i lom m 14 to oi lubur i 2 nxl v01 m ii 11 h pi iii u a o rtng 1 may jl aud exlllt ill 1 v toronto ontnrlo as well as ever after taking hooda snraapnrimn curad of a sorlouo dloonaa i nn aurtnli im ivhit i 1 jinnu as liljt ihi hi firflu tnrh an i fordnjn nla lliiu 1 luvu won unill to titnilitilen mnolf up i ih lii i r ihrii vvikt diihug that hun i 1 1 i i 1 4 in a ii llnd 1111 i d rlv l m ihiiio- fl h 1 itfixli ktraipfulut udvrllwd lu ll jnp i dn llit 11 try n hotllr i found hoops sarsaparilla cures wo are niteriug the uroalcat hargain iu ivor been oltered iuany tara in the country i i in t flultlicd inking huff or amu ni li from tikltifj iho lint in lint i 1i1 u 1 1 1 1 try iiniiuinr nud ilnca ill t nil i fl ui well as ever 1 1 mriuirtt toronto on t- 1 1 hij tn 1 iv- li 1 rumpt and efflclenl yet i y alt drugclsu jsc id uilllilt porll ik havo gritnl bristoivs isarsaparilla ul 11 iu0 gnut n in iljji 1 scrnfiila mil ill rruptimi- bristoivs sarsaparilla c 11111 1 in 1 slum nil iml kjiih i 1 nl- mil i li inci tin lliu 1 of ill lniimntici i bristoivs sarsaparilla cur- oki t hi mile c im s where ill olln1- i ml ihs ul ut biiii and ask uur duqqist for 1 bristoivs sarsaparill 2 i warning you arc herein warned not luainaktinny purchase until you nave examined the new pal land winter stoejc of tlw untkrmgntcl under pcnalt o best displays of seasonable attractions of tin- undirsiyxd under pcnalt of mibsng one of thi nest displays of and latest styles iivr liifmc jffrdand also under the penalty of neglect ii an opportunity to procure lor yourself one of the best bargains in thiugr 7whde5 suits iver known you can reach the limit of the purchasing power of our dollar tailoring dapartmant fii av mr dawson xaaaaaaaaaaa our now cutter cmo fnihi room son king bum toroalo th nding tailoring department in the country kwry inlt hdl ont nnrknlmd to bl rperreotly and lo bajlntibwl in tip top ityl ihiw p1km ntiw ucjoub nliw pbiokb gibbgn miliars gs qi0hoiitown i 1 ml llhil hull iii- 11 tl clliulul i skill k obaervu y6b a r aul rj idilioua wll huv xhibition or win i mr nauy until ihi a i- ool a iun an o a ima ngll ih- daughter in v had fill lot two kcnllomcn fnrnd uwfiilitg willi tmr about lahe i r of thn loom 1 tokl i lodrd kiid it 1 i mra i in hoir 1 i adli 11 mt uio inifclh wlulu iaw jarjm lug tho p nm wi 1 yitftrnakd fc i ill ll i grl rlhlnj it town tclaak u ikmijiln fm x mens tweed suits llwtoariof thee- uiu oant bo boogll anywhere elsa nedsr our loss is vour gain ery herjil j luie of i1lack voitaxfcl huitingb lfi00 and 117 15 a salt worth ijo 00 and ijj g got up in the latent ww york and kngluh hlyle firt olaa trimmiug mid neatly nniahrj wo aro aurnrialng the iubho the way prices have tumbled down that 1 our way of doing bur 1 nee high class good and lowest prioea orders are coming in faster now thau ihey have ever done since atarud in georgetown irople have found nut where they can get the beat fll and vela for their money ok i weed pants lo order li 40 worth fa 50 men tweed pants to order 9 05 worth ti 00 men a tweed pants to order 13 50 ancb as sold in toronto at 13 0 men illack worsted pants to order 13 ao regular prioe 16 50 maimers are a bo ay a nailer preparing for tu kail opening e akol the end of september look oat far the opening aononuoemeiil walker mcbean co georgetown and toronto stents 01 the standard patterns pandoras box while nothuil but lvii il i 1 w 1 u pamelas ii nothing but gooti rcuui fioin the h v sleeve puff i ike the liel ol 1jndora 4io it will it it rebounds flatten il it ris t itn i iiuhitercnc does away with iniorllnlitu clvos the right puff is light and graceful can be transferred from one t i just two minutes price 30c per tair c an only be bought at the lion ljss goods arriving daily fob clocks 5 watches jewellary spectacles q 5 5 a at a 0 silverware x 3 fanoy qoods 09 en auo repairing of fine complicated watohea a p spon hetn xbufriiofmrnls hhuopishiukshkkp f bal 1iik undoralffnod lias two fttiropshir ram 1 latiitia and onn ahearllnff ratn for aale aitlretithsi lot ib eon 3 kammtnij t wu nkwton urn a bouts p o hi httflll imt notice of dissolution notick t liaraby tn aa the aeton launrtry earrisd o natuaot drnwa uckltdsy hsshssri dissalred a dtkrh d w uekinley tho laundry biulneaa will be maunoad by itr mbkinlar bo will snsers asliefaetioa to aft coatetnnr p w uokiniky valuable lh0jkuty in action for 8alb uk nouai ami im on agnea htresl forms rly a occufinl i il s- ur cliaa gu ulnar i liaisliy uflnrwl inr ule tbs bouao la a ootu forubla ronub cast wits wood ab ad and tbar ll a etio1 mabln on uia pramlaas bulldlnu iota un lake avsens in h111 1 lb uurvsy ualla kor particular spidy la t himhht dr wu hkutitukkt acton iii 11v thu cohpohation vlijage of acton bvlhlri iso m law to purchase a steam 1iic hngine and apparatus connected thcrewitn to proide for the construction of water tanks and to authorize the issue of de bentures to the amount of 4500 00 for the purpose of pa ing for the same a bereaa at a uutilic ihi4i1 ol iii rstseavsr llio vlllajraor acton dulv eallsd by tbsllssve i illscuaa uio iuaatlon of vlra proteetlon it aa rvaoltad tliat tho council be requested to aulitnlt a hy law to rsisa bv dsbsaturss anfllci nt momj to lurches a btssm rlra kajdustusd uio auiiaratua ooudseted tbarawltb and to pro vide water tanks and wbsrsa it la ox d tan i and dsairabls that the corporation of the villa- of acton our- rtiass a htsaui kirs knjrlno and lb apnarata ooaneeted tbsrawitb including i loss aed 00a rust water taoaa in various til aim lo uia aid maulciialltt s for tbe aim laid it will and wharsaa for uis utlwe aforesaid 11 la uoceassry for tbe aald corporal ou to taaea its dabsulurb for aud to borrow tbsrson u me ti sua 00 a bsrslnartar mentioned and that auob dobt and tb dsbsntaras to be issued there for iball tie niada tayabl in twsaly yssrs at uio furthest from tbe day on which tills bylaw takaa sdaet and wbaraau it will rsnulra tbaosrtsia pacific uiu of shiuo to b raised aunually for tbs nay utaru of lutsraat during iho currsacy of tbs aald dobenturoa sod alao ih osrtaln iiisclflc auui ol lu lo be raised annually for tbs nsusnt of iho orincinsj tnoosy of tbs aald osbsutar dobt which inuu are bsrsby estued aa bstnk lufbcisnt for ths uurposss aiorsssid j sad in astuing ui auma to bs ralasd aanoally fur uio iiaynient of tbs prldclne of ths dabt a rats of interest on lntsatmnuttii been esu mated at net mors than five per cent per annum to be cap i tallied yearly and wlioroaa the total amount to bo raised annually by wou rate for iayuiael of tbs said dobt and intarest la sol ji n millall t iii 1w lllook man hi doorgit llam 1 hh laud and tin whoat trni will 00 tin mm hmi bualmla iii 1 retire the whual oiui la oaiioll and will r arced 1ihmkh mm hush whoal in oriiiaiiy la chitod ti tmlter allowing llian lu i fi 1 1 in auati whioh waa llnlmmmmmi tuabi i it ke if the ilium ry s rol willi ib ooo ulaza i ha building km llm hrpl i t a frame a lbs oldfsliowa block and occupied by j hrown alovea a ad tlnwars c job neon apriug matlraa factory aud vveltia a rapair ahop ii dealroystl by ors today llulldlog value al3 boo and insurance 100 drowns alook about l ah imurauoe if i ml partially saved 4 lurtag a review uf lliu hultati a troops at r tho aoldlera made an atlaih uraiu i lhe trlbeamen wm ueto anipnj thn f f iuti spectators killing in no and making prlsou hunan era ur savanty tho luaaut aukl i ahi lid in flue to 1 1 ail in gold a au 1 kit uca i kg f aim 1 1 nl lu m ih r uj r imi 1 t 4 j yra t pr lo uil lrlgja a lea llnu arliile lu ill 1 11 111 ia a finely lllulr altiil one hy tlio i i1u11 ravuuarola tho uxlr monk f ouor with uauliftll illulratioim f 1 i lx r of i id of 1 i ami aleauiar i titui wa a duauuy ud l tire about half paat qve thl mnrniiir lhe ale mer whan ural dlaiu mod waa c 1111 pint uly uvelod in uiiibi an 1 in a abort llm hnruod t llio wartor oiitt having oin dstnl a p nienui r ouriou aeaaou the waa le ad lu wnlor uarler only a few day 1 ho oaiis of the fire m uuk mat ii a aleainur owned by mo are ma ua i r a 1 wa uril rhaghan r a3 the flowbrs la tlio now imoluhlfnl tooth prepara lion ivi iiur 1 ami liorlue ia oh nugly l ianl tl purfcut uo watera isroc gut5lh ut is jrmini co prir now t v1 wu all- 111 ighl lo lbs aenara and piaaeaaoa in a mar rsloua way the properly of leuderiux the oath while and brilliant ivoriue hardens ho guna prsvem un 1u o granuo it ubo hweiiip an i hill or miii ri iinoln luii 1- ilu n i apleidiiy illualialtd h th hv j j angw111 iho jiarotlel ll ly u 1 i r enoo nlghtiu with porlrait dasliibaa a lf of heoric duvollon lo duty ariong ulhor uilerualing arllolei will bn f tor a ua brrath a delililfull fi graphic rtorl nl lun of journey in wind through 1m lani if iho nti vi usju ihroigh kainll uij and 1 lu new ly a work aalioiimm ui whlti h iho i w i at h ur wilhtiol ohtund i thi 1 not if lhe hut rcwii i j time ualary aud eamueuu virlta miaaii all1 lu wtllu al orroo tor fnrllir ik llaih llhil slii h jliiuiusi n 1 i i nnraerias luruntoyout bai i uiitlirrl irrsrj hull holl othvilt oh hoh balt ith in iuimhiivi lia rtr mil al ln 1 1 ai il id re hull i till nil animal f ale llvrxl ur alo m i 11 thiiiri 1 uio uu tiess now and gel mlaa croealai i wmln nthor a lores are itarketlng thoir nuatahes vo are ul it it i r renal idealiato loom art and uernan textile induatry baoli4fd aply d jualltlra of llio kngliali and boole h production j d williamson a co aid mdcdonnell struutt i aalu of audur ng wllksmkn wvntki a m queney co mill bl al lli j oh fall morclttiiiiij i wl ivtl atlds oiihlhiik wv and itni u t h lie w ck wo plate nth laid dirvi hkhn n lace curuinia n tabl coders new klauneuttt kid jhus lian lin hive and v i i i i ami iuks taken as tash and what uoul llotl iho a 1 uf tb whole rateable hty of r a leal u of mi tarn i of uia sllat olpaul uof tllbdoa ly fc foe a k ilkvi i mil ti a t t 1 ni b i i ni nmk j u 1ui1 ipa slo iuii li tllui iilut 11 coiiiii 111 ur hpriuu my 1 un m k w j nim wait lull i1 i r buuuniaaiuu infurniatioii loullnuutal i v 1mii llfhlthuj tr in ln illual laili nit nln an i lo 7 all perfection it i ollinjanabipand lhe very latest im tfj i hu1tinoh oyehooat1noh and tuouhkhimah and the most oom plat and atyliah smortuisut of tlbh aud ohjmta nbck wl au eathecllv nbia hnullhii nt vuhltuan hattj th latsstl r e jstlson leading tauoraiid uxnisher s9 upper wyndham qtroct puolph- ana wliro uit lly us bs rsoslvsd tbs asssiil of tbs klsetora of tb aaid uiuulclnallty twlora tbs dual paaainjj utoroof t kor ui uriuas aforesaid a dsbt of tjoaoo atiall bs oraatsd by lbs asld uunicinsj tvoriki sod to raise tbs aaid nioasj ul said uuulclikej oortwrauou way and bnelputsu od dlahas of ila debentures for tbe ausj ot staoaoo tbs prooeeda thereof to be simlled for tba purihiass slorasald wblob dabantnrss ball be sealed with uia oorrala seal uf uia said unntelpejejeaporsuon and aball be tlgosd by urn iteeve uisraof and oountersljrded by tba trsasursr uiersof aud ahall have attaebsd tberato coutioua fur the iavosnt of in tarsal trsaaursi of ui aald villaas of aetou x aud iba aald dabeuturas aball user lotsroal at tla ralsuf ova per oaut sr annum uayabl hair i early flow lha date uisreof ou tbs smb day uf juno and tba 311 day of december la eseb year at ule office of tbs aald treasurer of fartuln a aiubiuu uie aaid debenture uio aald oertalo aatcino auui of i3da1 aud for iba nurtwas of wrlas latsrsst upon uto aald debt the osrtaln apselne sum of m9ud luesing tejjstbsr tba auui of 3h1s ahall bs ralwsj levied aod oolleetad in saob year durtiuj lbs oonunuanee of uis aald debeuturva or any of tbsni by neetal rat mncieut uleretor ou all the rateabl property in lbs aaid tunniclpailty auob annual atwelal rals iq bantu trow uio dais when ihl lly law la effect x thai thia hy law alia take iiui aud uuuis into opereuuu ulwii uia tourtseulti da of ootobar uud s tba votea uf tba kleotora td tba aald vlllajfa lereuu aball be lakuu ou uto flltb day of oetober ifau between tbs buura uf uiu o olocli lu tbe forsuoou and five o clock lu tbs afternoon at lb follow uj polllua place lu iho aald tdllesje of aetou aud ot uia fullowluil d ul rettlndafl uoloera respectively r pol una aubdlvtaiori nu i town hall t t mount deputy ra- turnlnii uffloor polllntutdvibion no 2 spalshta shop j c hill deputy raturn- ipti offloor tb t lrb of tbs vluajfo touuoll aball auui tl uimil of votaw klveu for aud aniuat uil iii law on tbs bevsulu dsf uf october wl ai ibe buur of suvsn uoloek in tli forsnooo at th- town hall in ui said vlllars tb twantymnt day ot heptewber nan v hi hour o oloc u tb forsuoou tl tbs towu hall ia hereby brad aa th uois aud plea for ths appolnuusol of persoo to attend at tbe various uolllu gaes aud at the anal auuiuiluji up of lb votes bj ba uarb of uia aald villase rotleli ou behalf of uia uereuua lu tereatanr lu lite leuuiotlu or oipusiiui the psjaajisif uisllydaw roowwuvwlv tlusjly mtssed aflar aset uf rtopo by tb aald eouuoll tb day uf 1tu heees bra tjeue la ui ruby elvsu tuax tba lot nmus eor of by uwl uu eopy of a pruihazal iti law which baa leu taken tutu oonalduraiiouly tbs rpouuell of tbs uoruuratluu uf hie lllaes uf act u and which will l tnallt ihi by ibe uoaucil in the vint of u asasut of the m lecture bsintf obtalbed ibamio attar ihh iuuuui fruiu tb oral publiuealiiu of tin aaltl ii law lu tba acton puts i ik abuih iniblica uoawuwi uiu twuui day of s i mm al the buur day aul la ta in tin aa ll w nei lot utlliu tbr vtitu i kluruits of the asid village uu tbo a i hi taw lliu pull will be held v date tkoiwlet wit i r

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