Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 19, 1895, p. 3

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bank of tin ad o prion oafitai iaui vr llnkivn kimn totii amkti hamilton itamiuton fiwinor 1170 000 board oit directors piinhtuajit a j lualkal l rroaldatu loo j rial li i l rnnrtoii hko ho n at wmi a ii lux toronto iuia m i ii aqen0ie8 hamilton itlarton hlta ful in alllalon terlln lhaaley touritolowuil hum i llitow j jaeanaw milton kfniiut j ro oranuovlll iwan hound i url kluli hiiuoihi tor ui vlngliaiii british correspond on to ixjniwn national rovluclal llaub f i nit nd 1 1 td american oorroapondonta new vonu fourth nb1i nal lnk nl hanover national lieuk ii ton internal i tmitoo hurraiomriunllaiik 1 in ah national hank of illinois an 1 liilin natl ta hank diruit do troll national hank ua uirr ttetlonel llauk or cainumren agonlo in montreal thsvlutik of toronto gmohoetown agency note dlaeaunled aud advance made oil suit abta uwrltlml collection mad a mi i iratt bouph an 1 aol 1 on all eacesilblo point hi canada united platen t favorable term savings department int dthdrew special dki 08ith alio received at eurreut ratoa of interest h u limtohtonf affout thle news at home montly of a loon i chnmatncand evorv itom intorontlria iretrtc fjht a hitoli in hid itrgullliona for i ho pro jkmmmi alrfllrla lljjil plant a occurred during iho prrnt week aud wo understand mr cuhgo ia not likoly q proceed will tho oroolieu of iho plant for which ha had made arrangement tho dynam6 haa irrivcd and ilia national i leotrlo 6o are nnlurally anxious to pleva il in town it in ruhiorod that it will in all probability riminili aa iiuothor psrty in contemplating iho elratrfn bustim thf ptot a i hurrli scrrlrr knnraineiilnl norvlcus will bo hold in hti i hurrl ucit hunday morning i m matitllfin airviiua m still ill prog r in lit hoplul htiroh llcv j ilowoll m a mill occupy lint own pulpit not hun to hcv mr goddrn con i nlv i barest ft allied ntvuo al st lull n titiruj hook wood lat huiiday itov t w ifeo moderator presided nulio regular mooting of tho iroabytory at ouolph mi tinnier itov j j howell preaohed iinnitnrry niismonsry aermon m now cnallo inat hutidaj coniitiirrrfi for u veconrf ttffrnr lytm n month kut netohdonhood nrw8 now damn suppllad by corrua- pondants nnd cxohangoa milton itiilflo ilnniiltua ha arrived and aaanmod ma judicial dutioo tho milton drama ifl qimpatiy will prod a co tlio comedy brum ball on wod tiowl oy oct ltl llm laat niklil of tbo flr judtfo mcuibbon hu crnlod a liouin at iirampkn and will rcirinvo from milton thia wook at tho autumn alra laat wot k llmrn worn no arimnlal citaoa tbo chooao factory ia offered lor unln tboc aro ij can dilt tea atlondni uio modal hehool hfre crewsonb corners coming and going vlaltorato and prom aaton and varlouaothorfarional no to r hi pnxr iniian invmm all tu roa lora to on n to lhla coluinit if rou or nnr rrttmin away 90 a tuilllac ihp or if yoji lav la i1altbii you itroi a card to ilia kuan mr xllo iiirlnpftlio it bar headquarters for watcher clocka jeweller spectacles rpgerj knnes spoon and forks bring uur repairing in t us we always give s itis faction oeo hynds aoton ont jkweuk1it btoiif ffilj juton rtt rrss thubbday slirillulll ij inj littlelocal brieflet which cauffht th eyoa or ear of fraa praaai r porters thla wook ooelph alrotric railway nu opoued 01 tuoadky wheat ii brinkintttijc to te iiiduolpl tbia wak liaiiilimale adtoruin ia macoly boat rerio it now aritatinr far a firo bikiue and oompady lloflular moetmu of ouuoll 1 n monday ovaniiiff indicationa of tbo apiiiuul t i 1 manifral 1 all nl ivolly waa ap ruliondod for appropriation a qumbor of razor manora olr f roin ono of llip bnrbor aliop uoro monday nnornoou im wii auaiii a treated whllo on a viiit bora iliu char tbia limo waa for lakin a vttllw bolonslnfl to a mr mel n of wl kerton from a 0 1 h train laat weak and aollinft lll valiao ahd con ton la to tho rillfta liotolkeohr of mallon ha waa brought boforu juadcoa ktorov and pear on on i itnaday for trial ii u plaaded fiuilly ami waa commuloit to milton i bora bo olcjci to bo tried by tho judjjo ijivc vrattt tuvhtiuy nltht n hat 11 the lioavy jiu on 1 uciday inhl oauaod a aenoua carfo in o a jmrtion of tho aoulh wall of il ro now but itn at hoard mora d f o anlo leather tannery tbo rani hiiih1 down from tho roof between tho walfnd the ombatibmunt and waabed tbo earth away below ilia foundation about forty foot of tbo 20 foot atono wall foil in bodily notwithstanding tl at two of tho hoavy timber oamo down with the wall the auporetruoture remalua atandini firm and atraigbt the aocidont i 111 no reaped due to oareleaanaaa ou tho part of the builder the wall war a auparinrone but had not bad time to become- thoroughly dry before tbo rain oamo a largo itk o workmau removed iba dabria yaatarday and tho maaona are at work rebuilding tho wall to day nofjlcr jaurami lu 111 ton tbo brat number of tho iturluwton itrrrl puhluhed atburlington by mr r red u blliott baa been received ii ia a well printod lour pane aovon column aper and it initial number ia a credit to the publiiher and to tbo town mr i llioll ia a youuj man of ability u praiuca1 pnulor and ia well lualified to aorvo bia count it uenay aaliufactorlly 1 hu hrr il will pruvo uf much value to iturluiku ti koepltitt tho ootaldo public otklill of itn irlilty attended iho ealilhltiou at toronto laot wek thoy fpoak hlhly of tbo fair a number from bar will attend ttinlph abow tbia week mr thnmaa watkii willi inflatnmafibn itevlval aervioea willahnrllv bo alarted bore tho ovannlitt mr mm will 00 n duot them i 11 nu ttioh licit d itorlin waa in tbwi weak mia madia mcnabb viaited frietida in toronto lhla week mr itobt j fitirnay viailed frleuda at llillaburg over sunday mr adkm htowarl and family viailed frietida in hillaburg hunda mim helen kelley of iluftajo n v apnnt the paat week with frienda in own mra it mol aren of point r dward siicli viailed frienda llora lllia week mra albert hall of trafalgar waa tbo t unt 1 of mr 1 thuraton thia weak mr and mr jamaa lutinady of oeorr town viaited aofou frienda thia week i aerioiifly 111 t flrk torouto apent a few ilaya nu wpok with relativra in uiwu ibi exhibition s07uvbthimg fihinl mmiri wm and joa olomaii it fl on tooday for iloftalo n mr john coleman la ahndiiit a fnw day in hamilton and toronto tbia weak mr woaley moore of flracebndgn apont a few daya laat week with friend here mr and mra ales gordon of ualton visited friend at oordon hall thla week mr and mr- ii ij j 1111 lailcd acton frionda thia weak im moonay jr of laialey le of daya in tbe old home thia a8horuve d littla trand ition are gueala hi ioll lloenae inapactor ilayuuldb vtlte wm in town on tuoaday oak agricultural ht tuesday tba townahip of tilbury bu aj poi t ad three men to kill unmuxiled loa st jacob a waterloo bainlot of m population ia to be lighted with oleotrmity aoton aud viciuily la tending a lnrc oontlnitant o the oeulral fair at ouolfli thia week aoton horticultural ai kxhlbiliona week from and wednesday eleolriotana hava been winu tto addition to the canada ulovo work for alactrio ligbt tbi week a jadito goart of 1uiioii for the township of kanjaeaing will be held on the doth inat at slewarttown the trout flahing aeaaon cloaed ou hl orday ths aportamau here have had tery lodifferant adooeaa thia year tba avangatialic service of wnaar croaatey and hunter in guelpli are win largely at undid every night a meetlug of the board of truateea uf aolou iobllo bohool will be bold ucl monday eveuiug at 7 30 o olock mr chas t uill bad tho miafurtuno to take a mlatep the other daj and fall heavily iojuring bia back severely the programme of tho concert lu txi held on the woond ovei mg o aotuu eahlbltlon will nioiude several arliala uf nuaanal merit the heavy froats at tbo beginning of tbe week oat off many of the outdoor do am and all tender vine tho corn wm prwtly badly frosted tba big exhibitions are uvor hid smaller onaa will now have their luniug and per bap accomplish eijual beuattt a far aa their influence cstenda let the fifth of october be remembeic aa tbe date when the properly owners of aoton whh unauimoua vote gavo their approbation to iba fire protection by law wm wealoy proprietor of the hul town btaiuiarj baa made u aaaiguiuotit lie pnrobaaed tbe paper a oouplo of yearn ago and haa beau luaing ground from tbo atari mr h bwaokbamer ha purutiaaoi lbo frame bouae 00 tba ileerdruoro prop arty end ia removing ii tp the variant lot on main treat opposite mr h mulam proper a u umber of boy with oalapilt atnaahed many pause in the unused louuis oi iba pablio school on saturday aud on previoaa oocaaiona thia action mako tbam oaudidalee for tba county gaol mr be moat donuy of norval h removed to aoton end will make tbia hi home in tba future he baa purohaeed the brick cottage on yonk atroel rocwnl y owned by mr tbgmaa ierrymau hr mr w ii way 1 la tug p pea lo oonvey steam from hi factory ou llowor avauus ih hu loaideooe 1 ha pljwa are laid in aabcaloa wool to prevouc tbe radiation aud coodoualug of the aleaiii tbia arraugorneut will diahuae of the one of the ilearo boiler aud all koubla uf riruig at the raaidanoa ihe ireabyleiiau church at ltalliia ad haa bean unable to agroe on iho aeloo liuu of a pastor the lreabytery tua 0011 mioeauy ap pa luted mr arson of alodon eaatj an ordaiued miionary to tako obarge fur a ooupla of year a oall paator in addrsauk hie ouu 4tauaa the atliat huuuvy nteulug aabl that aorpa good oitiaana who wore also good bhriatied meniber of tho oomiuuuily often oolopuaidfd o im lougltl of uio aorniuu tu onr ohurobea yet theaa ul utin individ dale while taklug in a beeeball match would all on the thin edge of a plaok for a coapln of hour withoul a murmur and the tau might be hujliuu tuwn at that if you want aral claa uuelplmasb and doom at tiuelph price t luaiius l ull your order at bia plauing mill enter r m ul hi tlkl mi u town ug iho centra u laryo wuik dlslrlut an 1 aa 01 of the faithful and attntctlvn tklte ibldai alilit titan 1 rii jmoplo wilt wkiu awako t tin value f ilia 1 i and nu doubt h it iiooimj up port it ia snail hotnti priute1 papar and will alway be fuuu 1 clean 111 tune aa woll as 1 1 tyihigrapb klhhirutl uf ttuithi t nituvihu iluaiiibsa men wh 1 arc in artuorabip but whose parlnuralup jiat not bean registered have reason to fear trouble it may be news to some that they are liable to a fine of 81m for dwing bualnoaa without havlug their doolaration of partnership roglsterod lu tbo county registry office and tin ap pile nut only to tba firm but tu each partner therein for r cant a partnor hi ur disaolulluu oan bo registered and in the uanua f tbn lereln i busiuoes man it la probablo tljey oro jtfiurant if ihe law lu rcspeut i tbn ally i ion are nu saving clauaen ill ibe an i which distinctly y iho fine is j uk for thoae firms whoo parluerahipa are not regiabbrad within an month of their formation it may be of general interoal lo atto tbat it ia olia 1 m it the ltaviaod blaluea uf ontario outi tlol an act keaoctuig the itugietretioti uf 1 oparliierahip and ituaineas 1 trina which provides sa above hluuutsat ixttiult it li it tongrejfaljuuji i be coiittrrgatiuus of knox and the meibimliat hurcbea wero juited for public wurahlp uu hunday aud olo spirit of true christiaii uuity and fellowship prevailed tie j w ltao ministered tu tbo uuitbd cougrenatious owlutf to uio absence of hit paaltr uf the methodist church at the morning oervioo in tho molbudlst ohurnli itcv mr llao 1 reachod u aerniuu of xiu laual iiitcroai from 1 a lih 1 i in winch ho vividly emphaaixad iho recognized valiio and uaofultioaa of woiuou to tlio church if oud ibrou all ltn agon tho larifo wiiigrouatiun aanoinhlnd 111 kno a hut i hi tho ovoiii h tlio wxm waa ipou tho aubj u uf pi yaiual moral an 1 spirllual iron g hi tbe baala uf the dlaouurso beliik triple text 1 10 1 k boutiui f ihe hormuii un tho mouul and a ota 1 n after wakui uf the value uf phybioaj and mural power ibe real utiarauloi of ibe power of iho jtloly hpirit aud la value to tbo uhnatiau 111 bia cllorl to lu clod s will and live a pure aud consistent life waa cloarly set forth uolb serinou woro uloijuent and ovldaiioed deep ibuught an 1 careful reaeeiroh itov w liror aaatslod at tho opciilog aorvilot srrrrt r ami wmbbuth itamvcrmhua uoiiiib having the usual aiparlouoe will alreel ar nikgimtoa it aoome thai knbbalh leotrlu n almuat invariably goes with tlo bllblnea 1 bo mr il ou hi mr h p hall s daughter uf toronto jui of mr j wriiotleaworlh mia ldith howaoti lading hor sialer mr ti miss mo dick spent a few daa with toronto frienja durini tbo week mlaa minnie nixon apenl hunday with frienda in georgetown mr lino btonemati la very ill uf lypboi 1 fever two children f mr n rk worth a if rod and lertie are recovering from aevere attacks of tuusiiitur mr ham trimble is paying a visit tu tbo north west messrs w irimbloand u oabome of mt tor oat bought a considerable ijaanuty of cattle lamba apples etc lu lhla viciuily the paat wook limehouse tbtrannual picnic of tbe irebyinu 8 h waa held wednesday and a damp tlmu it proved to be about forty livo from here took in tbo loduairial tair last week a now overhead bridge 1 u be umlt shortly in place of the old one a hort itatance oast uf hero mis a iarauna uf hufti n 1 visiting frienda here julie a number of wild ducks have been on tbo pond lately lllo ouelph ill win lb midnight tram on tfal ir lay waa rum li g iwlween ac ton and hookwoikl a mail who intended 1 k off at i iitich uae bul ha been onloep when ruining through then nieiu in albauipl to jiuup at bo tba trau was rtinuilih at full apned me would hat done a bul f aiii luelo hinder who cauubt 1 iii by ibe roal tall ut as hr win in tbo act uf lei lug ku who wa the man a p lle alio roi m o u h i iui u h si ah h 0 a 1 ui uses haa beou rr kh1 1 lu oor tbe nu til shu a tl 1 aau h iiiu llor who b aa boei vi iimn h 1 lr 0 veral muiitha will oil t to i 1 nuhou 0 111 a week 0 h ulkwouu 1 1 4 iii ea t h ame nnn l ducted by luv mr tloddoii n hi j llll burub un sunday laat aud a er he iptul aihl ir acticai or nun wan give ibe oburoh was doc or m led with i io fru 1st tho harieal and wan a lovoly sighl t ho itockwood malo ouarlelte i ib saug 111 1 riu village laat monday evening an i wore well received mr aud mra m met artl y have roturned from furl hope mr uoo mat boson hamilton traveller fur tbo drill of ixi 11 j a ilisley of ibat oily haa shipped seven oar losda uf wool which bo bought from harris a co borne of the old beads of the iiukd alarled out valiantly laat huudy lu ferrol out ibe burglars who have been terr iriuig ibe neighborhood but had iho mlflfurtuue to koi loal 10 b i range a swaiuj mia miuulo tehan bor sisle auiusi lie and her brother itay uf detroit are visiting mr hliueon of this plco hutre htrango of hock wood uj hit best known reeideuta of lliia viciuity olo bratcii lit lii birlliday u mo day tho ajuue ia hale and licarty and l as bright and atroiij lu ibe euiuieut of bis mental facdllica aa ever mr hlrai o was born in tlio waal lndi bia llher i aviutc been a uvil nervioe llluei in that country bhin uf mill on v mr wlllli apenl a coup week miks hello 1etera of fergua waa in umaeenewing actjuaintancea darfng the week mr w andrdw of haakviltr waa a kiieat at tbo home of mr a mcnabb thia week mr and mrs james warren and family of walkerlon were huonta of friend here during ihe week mm ieorge hrmalreet of ottervllle formerly a reel dent here viaited acton friends this week miss laurie of ioinl ldward was the kucat u her aunt miaa cameron malt alrrcl during tbo week mr i 6 ilutun of si clair mich ajient a few day with bar brother and family at tho maples thi week itov j 1- howell m a and mra howell returned home from their viait to frienda at jjellevillo and newcastle oe tuesday mr w 11 cbbae who hu been on the stall of tho inter avouwaia at butte city montana tho paal ave jaara returned borne una week mr andrew warren mia warren and master anconrt of bt lotus mo were guests at the home of mr john warren b x warden during the week mr and mra t0i111 a davidson of the uuelph mercury have returned froni their trip to bntinh ilumbie and down throngh ban rjanoisx they bade ploaaaul time mr thorns hie wart of muskegon mich via 1 tod actou friouda thla week there bavn been vail improvement herq he snv aiuco he loft aclon so no dfleen years aj 1 sletplbssntsb mental and physical tatique li among the many things that will intoreat crowd of people that sdh visit uelphtbis week nothing will be of greater importance than tlio display at nur large lore the ramification of tin baaineas touch iba dally want of every parson in the oooimon wealth no one but who ia benefitted by thi gathering of oyer thing pertaining to a legitimate dry good trade wa moat oordially invite everybody to apend a while in our a tore in look around the aix floor which are crowded with mercrandiee nd gel acquainlad with the content of the moat oofnpleta dry goods atock in the city of unelpli you are hero brought fane lo faoe with tile productiona of the beet manufacture and akilled handiwork of ihe old world and new dreoa goods bultb hendersbnfe co volvoto prom bugland i- ranee many china aud japan table linens to well etc from ireland scotland and gar cotton manufactures anad britain and tin united btatca curtains and window draplngs mantles and millinery from u r ration f cloths and tweeds i- y knowing the demand cor a firstclass articlj and one that for purity and strength may always be relied on we havo commenced the manufacture of kauiiau 111s bftkiiii ionrier it is pure strong and healthful containing onlj the purest ingredients and will always be freshly prepared when baking powder is men tioned in your- recipes none biit kannawins freshly pre cared baking powder should e used to obtain satisfactor results only 25 cents a pound prepared only by j v kannawin dltuuolut acton to hand wctoin a yew frail mantles dress tweeds black and colored caps cl blaqk and colored dress goods newest and best goods at modest prices hoys and mcnn suits our milliners arc now a work opening tnnnuncc m la henderson go acton carpets and ou cloths lid 111 hand t ha waale of the body hi to be roa lured by re ami sleep 1 r ug du ullutloii 1 in loaa of ll tigur uf body and inind i lu thi class of d sea aca that vh pro ilea of malllua with ar 0 iioi rkodly eahibiteri 1 ui tlio vei uucli a ibe tills aurpr a lhal tbo street uday to busy itrlngng wiroi several ouinplaiula were made 1 the hief of 1 olioo about tl hub uioriil g and he waa re juoatod to take action agaiml thenr which he loci led tu du mr uwh 11 iho foreman uf iho w rkiug gang stale i ii was mr uloemeu a desire lo havo everything rea ly bo thai tbo road tuighl ixt operated fur lha fair oonaeurntly ihe iiei wurkiml 1 u hunday i bo men who were al wurk bam bean summuiiod and are herged with breaking tbe lords day act tho llrraul says a lmitledly tbe labor theae inerrware ou gaged jn was nut a w irk uf iiroesaity or some canafl or other thoy havo been frcyuently idle on wook ia huuday a work may have been done tu make ip lost limn and expedite ibe cumploli ln uf llio rosd i bai liowe r la n valid excuse fur doing violence to tho common law and iho rolfgious principle of tho mitum unity mr hire man oauiiol a turd l run ouuutar to deep rooted religl oua koullmuut in tbo ouustruolluu of tila btjrul railway vn ui rising among tbouallvo lu uoioo l 1 rei ling end assuming a mu oh iuoib senous ajhct lliroo kfu tril era have made a ooiubined attack upuu tbo strung hold jif a chief who la una of the principal dliariuts ul the h alien aul tuutetj hi lb the oton uf tbo late 110 on tboy see nothing left bul tbe fut detinue of what was a lew weeks au prwjmtt ua business prt uf tbo village 1 1 ia jilraaiug to note that already a movement is bring made in the il reel bin uf rebuilding mr wood in whueo store tbe ire started i receiving very much sympathy m his hs 000 plod with the family aickuoaa he u now htsaluk tbrotigh i bo poat of hot haa uxi movoil aoroa the blnn1 still under hi uiauagoiueut and tb unlrraphai loi nu olboo baa txuei train lored u t a twi higher up the atreet meeara milluy and hullun tu talking if rebuilding aud iho others may follow aul i so tbal bofoie many m iiltlm till old biisiucaa part may reumo its bun again mi maodoiial i hotel kocimi la brick fating ilia holol aud making trthcr tuiprutouieute mr haa overland has already hrlik on the gruun i to rebuild 1 riu will nuw agitate lor a lira engine aud company dduu hay lor paid his t itiual visit to brin lodge un munday night on mon day night- 1 he ixidgo room was filled to jts utmost capaoily al tho ineeliug aud after tbe regular order uf bualnoaa and short apeec he from tho i d 1 m laal d i t m turacbu of itookwood 11 laylur of ouolph lodge and qlhom an adjuurnmat i waa made lu iho illue itlbbun hall whoio a pleeainl lime waa ipeut ulss vvetherald ha severed her 0011 lloallo11 wltii the 7uttulv i ltd in jpmrtml and in lends title eeeaoii lo lesumo uuoe more her professional dullee a elooutiuui aud public reader iuenouable ratee and uoaurpaasea aeleollons gaaranlae satiafac tiuu apply for dales taveja ale early lu iho araaou addios fj lark uitad lur onto 1 hat baokiiin lugh oan be jicaly curul by halyard 1 00 tor i balsam 1 rlio jjc uurdusik 1ilib small awfa aud sure iau ulale lb liver apd cure ouualialumi aouroa of vital orvo centres are liupraeaed by it4 medicinal power a id iho digestive fuj lluu stimulated to iticreaaed aud mure etllcienl action th la impart lo tho whole yatetrj the much ueoded im pelua tbe iiorvea are soothed from a slate of irritability lo uue of repose aleep with all ita beuoaoenl lulluouoes comes baok to loud ua aid lu tbe process of restoration digestion knew paoe with the improvement if appetite aud 111 a aht rt lime uio nervoua miserable autlorer regaius his old time vigor and iho oajmability tu euj ly life and all ii allurda ualtluo 3nwx gns wluo 1 sold bj all druggists the fall fairs clothing of aia fancy qoods lldiii rk tinned ritutes yixr qoodn knockabout watches w e would au lit hctay seekcib the adv a bility o purchasing one of our knock about watwitw 1 0 take wul j 1 ijiub lo avoid all the of damage to their valuable timekeepers f smiths drug and book store cuelph 1 the ipui loi 1ure spices cjarlir 1 ueiineiie coik jem jar kins lte smiths baking powder ull on top nnilaturs to the contrary notwithstandii lhtjiue lbks own ylc fru lllili luauula annual bahlbltlone of the atiiou turn aeaooiattlone where and when they will be held ihe fulluwllig llatol fall exhibition uu uf general intereet aii hi rtloultural an 1 al ullaws t eutral cauada 1 ab la hortlcullural st n hhudli uortkouwu he l j 43 itorlln surtb watarluu ttautroril boutlioru k t l h avao htrallor 1 nurtl 1 erll wcii mti llrawjuu 11 h u asm ii lu twortl inluatrlal or uurerlu he 1 oct 1 t 1 lend llrt north nnbuii llauilltou coutral lalt hi ull waurlou b bjia tenlie wblllugiua alwrluvu tuilluol uel ij oct 11 oet 3 t oel i milt t halu 1 uuly cl nu lloikw hhi hiun oct io 11 1 ll laal 1 till or nuhiiiiir ilruuktllle hill oet 17 ik uvt l uel t xi make youreelf al home wllb ua ceave jour wrapa paroeu etc and uaa our office for your convenience all welcome e r bollert co ib and 27 wyndbam sir vet quklpb ont wednesday and saturday genu weekl gpectatoi lu iu1 ul oftluea thla la uarlj godaaadaily iajier wbilo tba pfic la ouly 11 uoper jft if you aabacrtbe now for 1hm1 we will send ibe balance uf this yoar pkhr 01- itaiujl the earlier you subscribe iba muis ju get for your ii 00 tiample cople ttmm u j ltui u spectator printing uo tfamj lto jtttobing the ill t li vary imj to 6 each that ma rotted on frr scvonl cirs it le tbt scivage 6u uv j 1 v 1 1 1 1 guelp1 i large stock of high school books offer the largest and best 1 ercise and scnbuliuj books in the eit am g smith and bookseller 2o wyndham st guiil l tsffi asv m vuorbos dlarrboaa drv ventery and bummer oonv htdajnu cuu burns ahd vrateea ultea bun aool h bon born can all be prompt- k ly relieved by pkrbiy davis j kpain killer certain painkiller doeavoaat meapaobnil la a half siass n wafer or mite- warn if niaimbeq llii never wa aud novel will be iivsraal pa u ace lu oue reiuedy lor l s tu wbioh fieah i heir the very ualtir many curatives being pucb tbal were iho fartna of olher and dlfteretilly seated die eases rootod tu the system of tbe palleul what would relievo one ill in torn would aggravato tbe other we have however in oulnltio wlue when obtained lu a ound uuadultraled slate a remedy fur many and revluu ills lly its gradual judicious use lha fraildst syalemb are u i into convalea ortioe and btrenglb by the lufluenoe which tivra ii relieves the drooptug spirit of tboso with whom a chrome slate of nuirbid desundeuoy aud leoarof lutereel in life ia a dlseaae and by tretulllxing the nervee dibjxses lo sound aud refreshing sleep imparls vigor ui ihe action uf the blood which being alimulatod oourace through out ibe vlena blrenjflbening the healthy animal fuucllous uf lbs sytra thereby making aollvlty a nooeaaary result atreulb smug the framo and giving ufa lo the dlgeeliv organs wbl9h naturally demand iccreeeod abataooe result improved appetite northrop a 1 ymau of toronto have given to the public their joioiue wine at iho aaual rau and guaged by tbe opniun of acientista this wlue apprtaaobee nearest perfociluu uf auy in the market all druggists wall it a lure for trrnra 1 here liave beau mauy remarkable cure ui deafuaea by the use of uagyard e yellow oil tbe great household remedy for pelt lullemmatiuu aud aorvbaae yellow oil cureltheamaliaiu soya throat and oroop and is useful in lor nelly and externally for all pain aud injuries wii iot ihvuiiiatla uui aud all neiuj t lame back etill joint a rai out froet ule y r i lernal or ealuruel uagyard a aellnw oil ia au unrivalled oure it ky euwwsitt oatuliluh uia mf 4 e great thing for a business man ia i i in ihe 00 n it do u go of tbe public 1riugl tbe watohmaker uf uuelph be now been in buaiuee i tier for twenty five year and his success lu re pair lug u lobe clooks ato ha glveu him the ooufldeuce of the peoda and ha has continued to do tbe largest repairing irade aver done lu unelpb owning bis li use aud store aud therefore having uo ri 1 to pay give him such an edranla over al u here tbal ho te enabled to jta eory d mtege to bia ooalomerv aa to prim ai i quality in fact his reputalioi lias be 11 built up by ibe iuallty of bia work ane good there ia no pneaibla hanre of ant body iteing able do any better for juu aa lrirgl thoroughly under tends hla bueinsee pringle gfuelph tkieivs wantki robokoau pc lbs nd r will lie rveelved u hent lelb lo slmut twenty dvsgooe xmud cedar hj1m ma lael leek- anil list lees miae ll dlauiauir ataauslleud april to tuuil kuuauk otou b41j t jrd h4u 1 itaaz goods coming to hand rapidly l ouoob pdbbtsd ou wcdllodildji 4 oases passed on thursday 7 cases passed on friday 2 cases passed on saturday iixl week dlto will make rful addiuons to our block oi si v all goods cx b hi ajn jcgo ufcuelj 1 ho right ho h vt vial ed lbs i- u uean fashion ceiilrca ijud 1 to be found 11 it new hloclit silk ts new iliee c heeki new it pps new lreb aud bate pu hu il 1 d j loodiugle 1aturn dr 1 mauy more to folluw iktesl la offer eclai inducement lo ilear nlv new clt- pini new moh ill i taiiaian novelties mlmlks slitaiil for krl fall vku vt ii vl hil k u pn oe 5 oo rduoed to 7 oo 6 oo a o a ao 4 00 redulor prlqo 0 50 reduced lo v 13 qq moo and many other linos al tbo same swooping reduotiona a 6 7 0t our now showroom tbe eoood floor designed eaoluslvoly lur allowing i adi1 h i purjxme giving apecial atloutlon to thia dopertn ment will be un aade el dry goods prices u idkllwfcall i approaching completion vi in to a aral oles ladle outfitting eetabllahmei mlhtilk aul inr onl aud anythtpg moll order dopartmont martha benefit of ihoee uot liviug iu ii appiioatioo yid will preiay ehargee to your near eel railway elaliou tu ontario tialofaotlou uauiiiteed md a in pie li auy addruaa ou iiuuiiliug lo o ou nd upward till kiailt hoiiur innrn aih 0oreirtlnktiaorr llamillou august artlh isjo ho s o sxa ftcttts

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