Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 26, 1895, p. 2

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rrrr i uji- v jr- istftovoir tuesday lh hisl win imioii t111lhof luiinlitiit i r l morrill ha halrd ir oinfhbiiiallelrd sr arlmi plor tuiip1i1ir tif qunoljlnr julius jili wliiuu- al propool lke ii c krlrtey jill hepleulbat tho williams nad no yrara wn kkii near muiehnus on monday 111 utli kaiiumlmr son of john mokull iiil 1 t n in on tin luilaya nktkm dii mi hunda renl cltid pilmbeth ami dmmlilor of cliyfaloplurr ha tin anad fj yoara kinmiiitai mapnolnoan on hnnday mil fyoit- teuibnr allan holiundv brother of morris kamiady u4orlown uel t years mulm at llarrialon on monday mill hai- teinlur tlftori ntokjln term arty of tow it hi of rilhliiqlan in tliewh year at ilia she cctott 3frc flrcss thuhhua hkltkallllll iain notes and comments tho koreitm office ennouuo that oh hag renounced i in commercial treaty between ihet oountfy end greet britain concluded in hut the irealy rxplree by limitation on september ihuft a doepateh to ihe 1itll unit gasttt from hhaoihal eaya thai the entire province of che kiaok haa again keen placarded with anti chrutlan proclamation potini mucli anatkly among forein realdenl ltav 1rincipal grant m lellera on tha k manitoba eoboou ara bihly intereetior bat tha ravereud principal la no nearer to dndinen all round oatiaiaciory eolutionof tha problam than tha raat of u hemll ibb limtm tha circulation nf petition eakinft for tha pardon of people ooovioled after fan trial of tha reveal offanoaa ia baoomiotf an abuae politic are ofton at the bottom of them and if the department of justice doea not oheok tha evil public opinii moat ottawa frrr frriu tha trade ratarna fcr iho paa l raontha indicate a gratifying inoreaee the trade of tha oouotr the ei porta ara reload at 23 h70 100 a against fix 359 410 or on iooromof frwo million and a iuaru the daty collected for the umt period show an increaae o 1h 001 import for the two montha manifest falling off of exftolly two million dollar a deapatoh from london aaya with ibe departure of mr uall cat no on the teutonic tha cnadiau copyright iiaeatiod ta been tranafrred to no york and otlanra fubliabara here do not believe thai a oompromiae oan be efleotod oi of the moat attuta publiahera remarked yaaterday that the canadian contention taa ibat the domiuiou ueedad oheapei booka and could have them ouly by employ in prtntrra on thride of the frontier aqrffort ia belug made to take from i tribe of indiana called the mellakatlaa a inland tu alatka which lu 1uhi wae deeded to ibem by the i in led 8 la tea government the utid la in houtheal alaska and la kpomn u annette lalaud tha native have improved ihe laud erected public buildliia cburdioa and aawmllla a faw moiitli ko men proapeclink dlaooverod a ituid ledge and immidiatoly rlakod out olxnia and applied to the government for i rl wtenu 1be indiana entered a prulctt which u favorably ooualdered but if money and luflaenoe can overrule the indiana minliik opcraluhia will be onm tlta toronto i rtfjittut ft cnnatioji to hie foil own ii nntlkely prmllolioii it ia mil by mine liberala that tlie onaerva tivra lu tha local letftatature havo been making orrtnre to iatrou i eadrr hay oock looking toward a ooalition the prime reaaou of thia new attitude of ur marter a followera it ia eaid ia the rumor of btr oliver mowkt a illneaa word haa oome from hnglaud by way of ooneerva livoa that bir oliver hai nrioui ihounhtt of retlrinff the provincial gunaervativee aee lu tbia retireroeut of tbe veteran pro inter and the auooeaaion of mr hardy imiiaibilitiea that may land them on the right aide of the a peak a r three houdred new york aaloou keenara crowded into the court of hpeolal beaaiona laat weak pleading guilty to aellink lienor on sunday and paid qnea ajurekaunk urarlyuooq thia remarkable cbanna of front ou tbe part of the law breakara waa doe to the announcement by the court ibat next month ihe flnoa of nfltv aaloon keepera would be inoreaaed and jail aenleucee impoaed on hooday the ralooua o membera of the huor dealer aaaooiation were oloeed a required by the law an houeat aud determined head of tbu polioa department and houeat oonrta have lhua brought about a oomplau revolu tiou in tbe altitude of the lienor trafno toward the law there la aome talk in faria of brluxxig boul tbe adoptiuu of au international oe lag alamp aaya the newyork wurll ii la prupoeed to invite the natlonaooaipoeing the foetal lluion to adopt a apaolal kiod of a i amp for international oommunioatiou among tha argument put forth for tho creation of ihe new alamp are the follow ug 1 the atampe would oome in very bandy fqr peraona dealroua of forward tug very small torn of aaney from one oouutry ui another 1 it would enable the sender u a lull from one oouutry to anolhor to auokian a atmmp for a reply 1 travellers would we loo mo tlie innovation aa a rsel boon or limy would be able li ooiniiiuul oa wilb llieir frlanda in the oouutry ulitu tby eat dui ou their ul wttltoul liiig oumiallid in repleniah their stock of alampa at avary fruutlor board of education rhtlluadof irualoc met on monday evchiiiiic at lb call of ihe chairman blemliera prraenl 0 hyuifa chalrmau jamra uclsni it holme k wallaoa i 11 harding aid 11 bweckhamer tbe tender for the uaw alurm aaah utt the vchool wludowa were opened end found a follow tlauiuu kiaajh will aawk i ia uuvod by 1 ii hardiug eooundrtl by james mclam ilia i the tender of tliomu lbbag fur atofin ah at ij 7 recli be accepted carrid tbe properly committee wa iiieiruuted tn hate the wlitdowa thei id eehol rooma mally hoe t bed with lumlw ihauuard then adjuirutd iews of th day an epitome of th wortda oofna- durlpo tho wok natural gaa haa bceii atruok at iberville qtiebeo mr caracalleii wife uf the tnember for north healing la dead georue held a nine oar old harriet hoy w drowned by fellluglnlo the tlay laan i to hate fnur of her unw war ahlpt cotiatruded in the united htate ir tldiae will gn to waahlngton aa panior of iho rirat ireebyteiian cliurah c mix laatrur the union french chemut ia buffering from paralyaia of tjio lege the duke of marlbourgh arrived in toronto monday evpiilpu 4 lor a abort viait norman hittick formerly of walker ton fell from aoallold at wluuipeg and waa killnl the michigan conlrel elation at windsor wa dealroyed by ore on halurday the drad body of joicph ogel waa found on the itreel at winda with a revolver at ita aide i aid man nl 111 sad fatal shooting thomas williams or victoria 11 c acotdemtntly shot tim follow fug from tl6 irlnria ii c cosihitt ratcttjp a hrotlltr of mr willlapi william vcton thmuaa wiihama waa hot and afmoal inalanlly killrd nt to pcot- ra1ie yatmhry moriilnn ho end wm a iluimtrex won ti iling at mr campbell d ranoh at hip uknnnd yralorda morning hot run iight mid nlnu o clock atarltil i ii to hunt fur der i aoh man nrinu1 with a wlnplioalnr rillo and ir thoy had lift lliu hauaallio hraiichnd oil from nuo anothur alii mn going to the right and itonulroo tutlin lofl approih ingaalump huah the mn ro hidden from bach oilier a jew by tho lroe iloiii1roh caoghl alghl nf a ilr and raiaing hia u inchoalcr flrod i inn vttm folio weil hy a cry of agony fioni ihe dtnclion in whirli ho allot and llnunfrro in great alarm ruahlug rivir to tho root found wilhwna lying on the ground with blood flowing from a wonnd in thn loft atde of tlie iicofcw the mini were an noar the houaa that mr amplm alao hoard tho cry aud oaring aninelhing waa wrong hurriedly madu hi way to the lao mn ftin williama vlinoal al iho aamti 1 1 mi only to m ftu eare waa killed on hie weill ml michigan ventral li7cknat hon mr dickey haa ordered i coo metrord rifle and h00 lee metford carbinra for the cknadian militia mr j dlokaoh of the stratford collegiate institute ha been appointed aaiiaianloom mnrcial maater at london at play air i aaw mill in midland a ohng man named jamea anderaou wn oanght in the machinery and killed mr gfierlea h lang ford of r or wood ia doad from the roault of injuriaa rocetvod in a threehing maobfna aooideat two woolw go a dot on the part of the macedonians to blow up the saltan palace la reported to h mwu my itt rtrr sir henry irving miaa blleo terry and company opened a week a engagement al the orand opera house toronto monday evening murray ludlaw died at winnipeg from injunee received in the powder work explosion he was a former resident of midland tbe keleton of a man with a fractured akoll uncovered by men excavating a cellar on a vacant lot on magill si reel hamilton the international iladial hallway com paoy aak for bonneee of j0 000 frtrm waterdown and o0 000 from laat flam bo ro mr and mr hhortis pareuu of the valleyfleld homicide have arrived in montreal from ireland lu attend the trial of their son h 11 holmes will be tried al phtla delphia on october ih for the murder of uenjaman f 1ietael the father of the pietael family lie canon fill toil prouseteol chaplain of bl inoenl do 1aul penitentiary dropped dead rout apoplaay altar a ruu to the railway elation in oonatjueuoe of threats made agaiust foreigner in the interior of cfciue nve bhllab voeaela of war have been eenl up the yang te kiang uiver the proposed reoeption to hon kdward ulakr m i hae been abandoned at the ret u eat of thai genllomu owing to ihe poor ooudluon of bit hoallh mr c i itcae ha sent the new york yacht club a challouge for the american cup ilia yarhl will bo deeignod by j m boper and built at houlhamptou a landalide oocurred al hi luoa quebec which carried awaj the booas of mr nor malidln and burled hve me id hers of hia family the hainplain itiver la oumplot ly blocked harry leater a vouug hugliahinan was arreeled al hamilton for attempting tu ael fire to his room in which he had a lot of books alored wbich were insured for ijoo oliver urtla ierry the train robber now con lined in auburn huuj insoo lliruat ueedlee tntu hia eye number of time willi tho object of dejfclroying hia igbt mtaa augusta koella of carlude issuing mr carey a meruit an i lor ii 000 damage for a statement attributed la him that alto hid goods out of her store to boat her a fortunate minfc own eh mr dan mann formsr aoton buy o port a a rloh ml no the victoria cuuihim in a rcoeut muo aaya 1 mann of mann t holt the wall kooaru firm of railway contractors haa arrived in tho oily anl l al tlie iceland mann la very ohoerful at the present e because of tlie result of the sltioltlng of two carload of galena ore at ihe t- veretl smelter a oouplo of yoara ago wiih other mootnwj oapilallat he purchased the north btar a silver initio siluatod uu the hi mary s rlvar last kootenay about forty live mile weal nf fort bteelo 1 his year the company hvo alio built a road to jeuuinft uu the ureal northern it it f r ihe puruo of provldiug a miaaua uf galling the lira tu a smeller i tils naad oot aboul ho 000 lha ilrsl two carload tho groan return per ion uf ore is hw 7t ileuco mr aim cheerful ilea the lodge ls a mo it remarkable one here la lo feel width uf shipping alccl galena ore aud the whole dejioell averages from ni to la fool in width thai portion laido of ihe steel galena being uonoeu traltug ore 1 ha relurna from the two l loail are ijlllte up lu llio ox poo la tlou a and iho working of the mine will probably pay f0 twr oriil er auiium uu llm money m tested the ootupaiiy are nun srtaoliik u put in a winter supply uf pruviaiuns and aulhu lent ineu lu deliver ou iho hooteuay itivor i uou tuna uf ore mr menu behove the north rilat will bcootuo una uf iho groat eel ute 4ioduoora uu iho uuutlurlil iho work au far duuo has luiookurod uvrr one hundred thousand tuna of urr it waa mr mann who was instrument in reorganising tho iotoria hydrulio o uf ijuosuell forks 1 hi company is uow enggwi in wsslluu with onory proapeut uf bin returns a prlvulejilujr ihe oilier day ouooeyrd iho inbdllgeuoe that one an of din waahed gav cheap hxcurtilonii whstwahl 1 h annual autumn excuraioa aro aunouootd by the railway to take id a op ou tha 3rd 4 hi aud lh ocldber lbe return are from acton ilia anuua points ia aa iwa to 1urt lluiuu ur detroit 10 jo i lu clavulaud 70 lu hagtnaw ur hay luy hmj to oraud itapids 17 30 tu c liloaga or ctnciunlil all jo llckeli are goutf in return up tu tho xl oclobei a iiuiubrr fioui a clou ko in iho eaauralon to vanuue mints saved much suffering rev fathefl nutlehb inteh- e8tinq expartlence al tha flufforotl from nn abacoan in tho bide which or wjiiinmn tink pllle curod aftnr othor molf ilnei fall fllrdniils s h i l i loli t i ultli iimii nisi to txhrvr yet wtmn one mu cijicriri d aiiilnng and haa risaon in r joiao ii n far nlnmtr proof j than faith wlllinul rniiml1n proof about four uiilos from caledumn liuii a pleasant roud inn i ig by numuroui farmti i i von i in v t j llutler lha pariah pnost nf huh disiruil ltprle having como to tho oars of our fnxrtrr ahjul a wpndnrfnl cure rripclthl hy tr wl liama iluklllla he aalletl on mr hull r to aoek information on tho biibjml mr jluller njkkn in very hlh irriimof tho i ink imia ami il llioy 4iadatpdhim iinlol i tminvmiu and wir haps asveii ids life ihe revrreml gonlln man toll a llltln tnsirancy at giving a public testimonial at flret but ft rtnr liur rennrlir rnmaiknl thai if one waa really grauiful or a remarkable cure hn thought it wa hi duty to givo it publicity fur humanity a sakr ho cheerfully nauseutel i 1 wa led to takn pink 1hln ihrough read accident waadrad tho hullut had htruek trim fair in thfi neclc and apparently had ranged downwarda through the body with almoat fatal results hn waa m years nf age carpenter and contrai lor and lived on north iark hired ho waa a widower throe daughter auxviving him mr williams waa a oulrsclor ou tho old it c church auelph and built the parliament buildings al ictoria the municipal council ot of nb counoil met in rvgular srwiiuii monday evening at eight u clock itoeve pearson in the chair ounclllor 1 raiicia and nlrklm ahatmt the committee on i uianoe presented their report recotnmendiug paymcnl uf tho following account j ham n ii hi i hfrlirl n h aloni moved by john william- accoi id b ceorgo havill that the fuurlconlh report of r maqre jommiluxi just raad he a copied carried the location nf two i ow hag crossing on mill etceet waa debated a cpuplo nf mom hers of tho trustee hoard of the metthodisl church requested lluoanatead of two now croaaiuga being put lu at the junction of john aud kiliu streets one croosiug put down midway and uppunite tbe church entrance i ho heevo cunleiid ed that iho two crubbings would servo the public tu beat advantage 1 he matter wa lofl in the hand uf tin street and aide alk c taoufcslnc township haim uolluhtful wuathur attrnotlvu do part man 1 9 thn uumil cootl attonnnncn bnuosiug agricultural bckicly lias started tho ball a rolling iho ilrsl fall fair of the season for thia secltou waa hold under lha son pices of llus noholy al georgetown 1 ueaday and wedi eaday tho population uf llio tallage was increased by tho prewoncu uf a large nn in iter uf vul tors frum the country au i tha orromidlng town aud villages the entries wore well up w llm nteisgo and aome very line displays woia made the hall looked ver well indeed ita appearauoe being much tmhauuttl by ihe exhibit of a number ul llio enterprising tnorchauta i ha sttaudni uu 1 uesday eveuing was inriioly uiailo p of ciiicons uf leorkblowu tho hue woatbei yuil l an exoellont show of stock honms bad imuy enlriea and laiiueaiiii luwnship ably au ilamod ila excellent rc utatioii ihe attendance yesterday after noon wa ullo aaltsfaolory editor i tablfc i tie ul nork of tho ute j jcki wray author of nortleton m aud matthew melluwdew ha just been isauud from llio proaae of william itrigga melho diet book and publishing iluunr toronto itiseutitled ihe ited hod wine and 1 perhaps tho moat powerfully written isle of this gifled writer liko iho author previous wurlu it uas a puipos and lu this inslaune it is that uf advocating the olaim of temperance t ur yoara lu aeaaon and uul uf season lie was a champ ion of the cause of total abatinouco willi voloe and pen he denounced lha ireltla which ia carrying woo into tho happy home uf thia and uthur lands and tilling our pnauua xkir buusea an i k loins ihe sooue of ibi story i laid lu 1 mil yorkshire the author nluo hslriol which he new suil loved no wbil aflrr tolling beyuud 111 alrength in buy l oiidon be would return tu brealbo hut uallvo all and gain btrenglh for future nudtirlakui here he would oolloul 1st i- oi sermon npoech aud tor and i loin in uui i mouiberauoea aud from bin uu folk wore tlie maloriatn gathored t t llns t fk i in wurk la a wlmlpmiuio oxpuoiil of ibo ansa it advocate and will give temper a one workers many thoughts dressed lu now language iiialul and puweiful arguuieul ihoso who beard j jackson u ray uu hia lecturing tour through an ad a lis yrai ago will in loosely e y tills iiilome price si 00 an agb suustitu i iun keenest uf oummlitin i iho liaraoii lsluf ihe ago not iu liaumils of toolm is liaim poiuiillcil to how bul iu channels newly bowu mil u u suit 1 k k of pp si lion by brains and rncry ucki iu il way is i ll ii imwovet l lie rlu i ilahoutial mclbods thru sn b d e 1 irlaluly ixmiimr all rn nielli ptliulsn hail ocaasinii rrneiilly in proaurilto that wollknovll olllenl nl uiulu ms line willi ui wine ihs pilonl aotivo public in ui had gone 11 tu pleue nones uuatrtiug nlo pttihs huii and diirutioii adly inipatrrd altnont tulnl witch jly uufaillng iiiurlenoe the doctor knew il lo lie iho right thiiif well thopaiirul n prpitra and ihiealiuatliiu eslabli ihe foot that llio d t had ut another jncparatluo just cimhi uf ouurae to secur flghllv luorrasml rcl 1 he duutor auou uw hi i hia pslieul so cured the gauolu malllue with ou wiue with the rtpeoled result for hi i impruved from the start moral o malito with i wl m whop you aak i r i 4 i ui not bu muhiaod upon bold by all drugiiils ii iipno said that tho vucocu of cula a eflurl to i ute inloppudeiio ineiiie the i do will i uf munaruy iu hpain a risull i wjllatl an lairuly help having n ivldo nread r f t h ftf i i appeared iu the jll iiuuit f timo on enuuiring at ihe nlorea uf i 1 cuahing and n i- houglaa il waa found that pink 1illa have a sale second to nunc mr uslnng ou being asked if he knew of any ourea effected by them replied that ho had heard a great many personalty nay pink pill bad helped them wonderfully if given a fait aud thorough trial pink illla arc a certain cure for nil disuse uf the blood and nervea such as rheumatism neuralgia partial paralyaip locomotor ataxia bt ilu danoo nervous headache uerious prostration and iho tired fueling therefrom iho after effects of la grippe diaeaare depending on humors in the blood euoh aa sirofuls chrome eryniptdas etc pink pill givu a lieaitliy gluw to palu and aailuw complexiona and aro a spocillc fur the troubles peculiar tu ihe female ayatom aud in lbe case of men thoy iccl a radical cure in all case arising from mental worry or overwork hold by all dealers or sent by mail postpaid at w rents a box ur su boxes for fi 50 by addroasini iho lr wil hams medmuo oiiipany llroukville out or hchencotady n t liowaro of ml tl ions and aubati tolas jlrjoil it be just as good 0rw8on ohnliib mi henry 1 owoson i ol il stlh c n cession of hramuaa noar this plsce had hia house and prl ul its ooulonu homo 1 at uootn monday 1 ird lust mi- i m iiovud wa away frum homo al the uuii- an i mi luwiimiid bad jusl starlod a iw t i his dliiuer when in someway lha house ut ighl blilud tituto1 walker mcbean co 5a i tn i mhled with an i t jr austde ctwhiaarf montreal i if a marvelous medicine whenover qlvon a fnfr trial hoods proves its mont ihr following irtlhr it from mr j aliia nuinsr ariblhttniiilnurtryor no i j wiaw hinit mutitrenl nnadi 1 iiibhia hnarll mum fmitlrwru i i ul ins 1ihi ftannrnartlta f nrntwrnt- ali imuit tr and ni vn t n hint lum il n ji had tried many dilfornul nieiliol out avail i took medical advice on the subject aud was told i would have to undergo au operation lo cure ii which would oost mo about 9 iw at tail a deler mined lo iry pink pill but without a great feeling of faith of their curing mo one box helped me and 1 resolved tn take a litre months course and give them a fair trial i did n and to day i am com plololy cured nf the abac ess in my aide through using pink pilla and 1 a way recommend friends of mine to use pink piha for dluiui of ttm blood an father duller la well known throughout this country his statement i a chuchor tu the wonderful tetlmonial that have ilicmyyj frrnt ilrul nf im 1 wrktlrt waa 1m pouima bul sh hoods sarsaparilla cures i heennto lake hood a ftaranpnrfltn it in in i pane i lo ir1 i lliluk llnntl a kirsitirtllt h a tnnrrlluui in ill iiip and am irry imt li j ir ii i wllh ii j tn llij mi mlt hood0 pills i r llllousncia jiuiidlre tick lieid u he iii i bristoivs pills tn iiiimum sick i l 1h j ii i siiihiii i iur uul ill st mull i mill i- bristoivs pills j i lliulj ullmiw mil syn i iiuil iui du in t tj ipt or sicken bristoivs pills j lire from blowing uk mo mi thai iho huuao wu auou iu hamra mr i own so ml and ills neighbor succeeded in polling sumo ul tho furniture that mi down alairs uul bul ovent live dollars 4ii oiili aud the mm ure upalairs was burned tho huusu wai partly cvorod by iuauaiic- mr j din oull was again uuk j i he was reluriilug h no from autuii vtioul hair mile frum ihe ioiiki two men orderwl him lo u lie did so but when he aw a number mure nf tho gant i omiug uul uf tlie swamp ho thuugbt it advlaiblo to drivo un it ia uu doubt the name gaug whu altackod him two week n mus maggio audcrton of uihwwmmi visited at her homo here this wk ihultoyal lemplars uicorl hel 1 lime last wednesday was juiio a iiiuni tho taleul was splendid miss ldna malthv is visiiii i lo 1 1 urval prootiul lime mlh jmeil n t i hit 1 llts ii uk i hi uu uf lo last week 1 1 jwoboh utl 1 sol wm m h walled filcds h ct tintl but jnoniptly mil ii 111j1i 111 sfi 1 mill m luiic ml 1iulis kp bristoivs pills dont rkd 1 his llul i i 1 1 u 1 fjii fair l tk e tan call and l d lomothing y 10 need 111 ib a i i lug a now and first oliai stuck llik worsted fiiiil ai ii l lo overcoal iiu 1 si- i ji hootch tweed h iiu sl lo iruubor from i up lu t at i hoffids aro just uupurlod 1 i orrign markets no uld stuck my ci proses are small so 1 umi we oettcr values lhan you can jtomiliy pruro slsewherp a trial aoliaited 1- 1 l end w urkmauahip guaranteed n 1 bonn a it au s llhxk 51 ill hlcel a t miiknuimn w nlhl ur li hi nurxry block illnl ly us hlchnsl malar l i t- s muthun 1 41 smith o drug and b1 cuelpm i t sl s 1 11 ll 1 j 11 j ii klllljs i tixaiihs baking hm llll ll l l hlllla- i ill i i u 1 l v ill lctrge stock of high sc hool booku ilu iii i ulc 1 mil lit i i n 11 mil s nl i 11 ks in ill il w g smith o andoookblllli jo w lltlll i 111 si til 1 i grand millinery opening our fall millinery opening all this week the oreetaet grandee and beal that can be aeeu any where we have tried oor vary beat to gl logetber the newest the latest and moat artlslio hal and donneta thai can be looked upon in ontario o that the moat faatidiuua can biuited at walker mbllemn v co we extend a hearty we 1 00 me to all even to iho m lha trade come come and eee tlie beauly of ualuroin our hhowroom dromi qoodo home of lha neweal dreaa good can he seen at our place anch aa warn by ilia load inn faehionable ladle in paris new york and tfbndoti wkwp fur all ess wflliavn fmii good amiable for kitchen work for 10c m i ij iu 1 g jard we have them amiable for market initio for i to i jo we have ihiui suit able or church aud for marriage all under the roof of tlie ida m moth houaa out aalea are inoreaaing right along for lor dreaa good beoaoaa our prtoeaare lower than other for aamo uahty of goods that a our method of doing bminose to irad and lei other fallow mantlea lh reel from the factor a better and liner aeleotion cannot be seen anywhere heaver maullo larse sleeve for j i 75 worth at leaat a oil heaver mantle laical design m k worth 17 00 we have ihflm up lo 1h k long ulsters w ith mndimn aleevea from 1 c to si h roody mudo olothlnfl it beat all people awy how walker a mo ilea n can ael i iloady to wear clolhiiig ao moow cheaper than tbe alorea in tor onto do wall it la easily explatoed we bnv direct from thamannfactiirera borne wv thw jo iliai wbj don but tftiw for clocks watohes jewoltery spectacles silverware fancy gooclp q tj m to d ti d if 0j tn also vnpolrlng of fine complicated wtotana qotobymon praouoal walohmakei and jeweller u 1 all a p symon jfltta aabertibrmrntf hoick rojinkr lot fob qalx r btitino not oor hats and gaps if you want a 01 p of any kind you oan got it al walker mohean a co the same in hat we carry a large etook and at priota thkl defy competition hoosekeeptsra what about carpel wa lava a few thouaartda yard of arpel remaining of mcleod t co block that ia golnofor half pejoe juhi aa good aa if boogbt th aeaaon peep in and aee how we are sailing them and be convinced that thia ia the piece to deal k yon want reliable good for little money other have bean convinced ao will yon if ytm will only oome- and oe m will only come and aee we will save yoo tailoring department hiuco we uiado a chance in this department it ha increased beyond oarcxpeolation we haven t to go 111 the street and mill mple tu lo bey oor food no good people thai isn t our way uf duiug business iur wav is to invite yoo to oor store and aee what we have got aud l y ou nan hny tohahlu good prr ban we irn awhinw lhem wa would call you foohah lo buy from us i yoo cuiild buy cheaper eluewhere w are not afraid of thai people go lo olhorattinjm and then come lo ha because out price are so much leaa and you can always rery on it ho huing and i rimming of our sail oood htmng suit for urtorth i t g v me tweed snitn for wltprbnli 1 1 00 scotch tweed bull for illui worth tmi 01 ucolcb 1 weed hull for sih 50 worth lii 00 yon can hear our price quoted all over halloo county and men acknowledge that ihcy can save l 00 to 110 00 a anil by buying ii from walker mcbean tt co georgetown and toronto hlandard 1 attorns and magsxme in for october lasliiuu bhctjtm rrue all and get one a e gueney co ml 1 1 sl ac ton for ntw fall jvlexcliaiidia veck idin sollicthnip i llls imtk vc 11ll nih ilaul drem jimmi ne lace cnrtouii nc table coyers n klaimelettcn n knl 41on- 1 atlri u llin b 1 line ami i 1111 1 ljs tlkcll is il 1 i dhoes fox- the boyfc our boys i j i 111 ii i 1 t it ii 1 vl tlu 111 mh h i s 11 ivtfjllun ivitni 1 111 ikiwlii ii lui 1 is shown ih oiii great cl liotsfoi st ihkii foi work for j it shoe 1 r til oi tsions mil kindb wem except short wc r all inn shoes ul lon wear and lon wear she s arc imiriably the cheapest bos are apt to ix hard on shoes and according their shoes must be adapt nl to mugh usae there s etonoin wearing shoes with plent of wear in tlw in jt t our imjs sliix s of us uul sa t mom ji ssatlen htune loo ml a lion all twady lar baijffnk err vlrhle locality anrat eiolta to hhroihiresheej for bale 1 mm trm iip rriiriirnnri m 1iwtw and now shw ram for sal liply on ilia itraiuise lot m con a kaiuealntt or wm mtton undioum f o kwusluil kept ii 1mlv notice of dissolution jry e nauieof drue a uoklnlejr liaa itoon dlseolvod a uvnph d w ueklslbt tlie laundrv busluevs will im ooautiuad hy ur woklnl who will muam satufscuon to all i w ucklnlm st lainhcit jersey ball for servi or for sale ijlis 1 si li al s is perfection djc y in at ir ualily and workiiibpal ip and tluj v i lost 1 i 1 o ij m hi ulntlh o i iu oallntth and thul til hintm and- i 1 mnpielo and ly id uf iii h and u nih mxhrt i vlt ui ihe l il n6w 1 lnulihh and ami hit s ii us i lu 1 ilr r e nelson leading tailor and furnisher boupper wyndhim fltrnel cuslph fs cuts jcratcbes spraios and all pain external relictcd by perry davis pain killer tbki aid revawa la ka a uas4 d suu arvrywbcru oct u aasl kvp it lay iva ii ws on ualn ktnwt a lliarougbbred pedigreed hi lsmlwrt jerwy hull tills ann biiiiiibi 1b also nfloml or a u halutlh taker aotoo airll xtnd ihio rrii b iacack ha it uk it ailoi troui m ui j im turds y ovonlnci lalsr titles lilrdrealn in l tu odneada ausl jiystyln aoton maciiitie and itepair shops hkmtl oillmkun isttprletor ory and aftiicullursl liiilunatb and u do all kluda of ateaiii nitlni iiorsaaboolnii and nneral h lacks oi ith i us woodwork riirs imjonuod lu a saltsfactory manonr wa can repair any inaclilua or luipleeaanl of aby make haw kuuiuiuv an i nllus dona valuable rit0i in acton for sale r iiiih and lot o ariiea hire rormsrly leraby odorml lor si is a kuod slalils 011 tlie irauuaa also two bulldlub i huilthsiiturvey tonus reavbooaulo pur particular apjaly c c kiktuht or wu hkuuthkkt aoto lake an ht ico prir6le the jeweller graduate optician having reoolred hia oerliflcate of ability iron new otk opuoai collcaie he haa also to hi employ two kraduale from canadian i u true tor making irinrl jewellr alore in ouelphprobabjy tbe only place in canada where there are three par sons who tier foe tly uu dor laud flttiak the eyee of peculiar kinds of ai oat of tha ordinary if lrintfle himaelf t not in when you call you oau be arved just aa wall by una or other uf hia workmeu aa be never loavoa hi alore without aame one baliifj left in it whu can issue a marrlae lioaoae repair your watch or tost your eye pr ingle quelph pikm mmw ooodb nkw pricbb gibsenmillargs qeorgetown ivd otliom follow ii s tllo ru inca lor llaswlv tuasu hulu uausuulh and hoys oteicoata 1 aula ute uau capa lu all lbs unsutl sljls uau lrwin loat to anta4 kkill olwnstlou slid trulu lulbutluui uccdhc fsj capital lu bui ou iiic int tmsi tarn skill 1 siioiiu l h 10 lo obaarvauun i fai ut 1 stand 11 truth i l uaat iu tnoa u sdvt u uu insinuation yes it is a fat usi slvlu ust nlliiifc imii lacl that uis ooialwi i nlm 1 1 tak cedent mh all the fl heutdh due in twtsj luumulh kmltlwl ts hwiu t i ul t in su milium nii la v tu 11 h 1w t scntw h tha ulsl ii lt11 ll toj ui unvsw udhtsilub tda dual lor ajvt uwlug u ui iiwluelhtuus vj ut t lau ho lata llova i i- iktys unas lugw uis ul 1 isnuslslw w liv bad 11 1 our ovdars iwlee ami w still hat a larii slook ui liaiml v bava also a lull tlua i j cauous buutilit al a wlr thai onabls ua lo wo aalii slncartily iliana f 11 many frieodi and ilia ublla lu teitmal iur ttisli hse al lal ruuaka ustoiidad to uf iihhon mluiucoy hue ulook ualn hi real uoofwalow d th4ii r baud kva 7 da

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