Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 26, 1895, p. 3

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r3 -r-r- u bank of hamilton- ins ad o vno hamilton tmflur board ol dikngtcma ohn htuaut a itauhav lklent leo1rwlitaiic 0 no luiirn a t wool carttai lh itbsravh kiwi tdtjii tuifllum cashier ii h htkpiikn ami cshlor ii tlwvtkos lumtcutt aqkncieb llamlltan illsrton tit ia heat kii 1 alllatou larllu uhsalny uorjfbtownllrhntiy matnwnl ucknow wilton mount bursal oraubovllle teen houutl iorl klnln tihneoc toronto vi pah m british oorrospoqdonu london national i rovlnclel llauk of kt nd ltd american gorrflapondantn kw yobk katlnn ilenk ind hanover national llsnk lioamk lntrtiuon altrnatoo llurim kfarinollent cukaoo national lunk of illinois and union national lank da raorr detroit nalidnsl hank umbab crtr national ilank ol couunoroe agent in montreal tti dank of toronto the news at home mont i y of a local charaotnr vary ltm intorontlna qmorobtown agency oramt llrltsln and tho continent of purop saving department receivod all tall to data dapoalla ol and upward interest allowed from data of deposit withdrawal hpbolai dbpobitb alao received at currant rataa of interest n u l1vinohtonk ansnl headquarters for watches clocks jewellerv spectacles rogers knives spoons and forks bring our repairing in to we always give satis faction oko hyndb acton ont jkireijknv a to uk thubbday bfptfcmdlb 0 iw r1pt17 inrit ddict7i htq jo nonriah corresponding beoretary liu lit lulal kkllittljlia ml v moqra iiodi secretary omr fwhlbfllomnext tlt kvatvtbihp points to a trip exhibition hero nrxl eroelf under llio direction of aclon horticultural anil agricultural society if oott weather pro vail a tho nrua lil la tho moat attract in tho exhibition a lifslory not only la iltt 1 1st of specials aliuorinally largo tint oonitilarable additions liavn bren made to the lad irs work aud horticultural departments which will attract exhibitors the directors liavc tlicir several aoctiona well in haod anil with tl supervision of tlio palnalak lti oillcare llila popular exhibition will nn doubt llila ytar excel its prodoooesprs aildltlnaml farra nvnrisrc tho amrrifith affrmitlnratiiu exhorts its farmer readers in tho following ecaaanable- fahion take out soma mors fire insur a ncc now that yanr farm buildings rte crowded with tho season s crops a policy for a reasonable amount to run three nr aix roonlha in additiun to tlio insurance you carry refptlarjy will not cost much and in caso of lira will partially reimburse you for the loaa of the season a labors wo tnalu this ijial ion because convinont of its jji i 1 k- il il nciohdonhood news natwa ltorha by corraar pnndanta nndexohanaaa limiu1 ircaseit whloh cauaht tho eyea or ear of frpraa raportora thla woalc draoipton a rate has been truck at 20 mills order your printing for acton lair to day note for tho hra 1rolcotiou bj uw uu saturday fitb october the forest trees are puttiunun their aotumoal tints for 1hv5 thomas uorton is attain proprietor of tba palaoa barber shop hoist your flafis and buntiun next toaarla nd wedueaday aatou exhibition open w all next tuesday and wed need ay vlr 6 j vanatler is reheiuit agent uoltnea at tb o t it atalion tba fbioi paaaa job department la crowded with orders at prevent short sarviom war the order un sunday the metcqry ragistared between ho and u0 the brampton lorr valor ia uow pabuabad aatnl weekly it ta an onterpris idr journal mr wo hematreet secured seooud prima oo but team of roadstera at uoelph xblbitioo laat weak a no no bar ot oar aitlsena bare attended tba hooter and oroaaley meeting at ooalpb daring thu weak the biftcat manroldi reported thux tibia season have bean roan by mr robert wallace they measure ti inchaa lo oiroumfaranca tba oaw aldewaltt on iark aveuuo from mu1 btraal to the park oolraooo will be appraolatrd by the public tooerally and tba residents of hmilh a survey in par tloular mr james matthews baa a ureat yial i of white wax beaus the produot of one slam was brongbt tu tlm oftioo monday wbioli had 117 poda aoraink six beaut to tba pod mr qoprge 1 ealto briu baa a freak in bis feathered stock this la a common goose wbiob is at tbts autumu muou todoatriously enrkd ia lay lux au irj vary day friday saturday aud huuday were among the hottest september days on rooord w was regi stored in the shade oo tba aaaaadaya snow fell in alberta aud tba waatern states and tbe merenry dropped lo 2h mr it b jerinyu has bought the took or clothing of j st lawreucr of niagara falls amounting u 01l- gl at so oaata on tba dollar mr jernayu will remove lo the falls but will oouuuuo bis bu sin sea at caledonia children a day will be observed m knox church buuday school nert sabbath the children a day service arrauged by tba general assembly will be used it is vary interesting include respousive read lags fretiueal singing and aeveral brief addreesaa to tbe children aud young people lo ooovaraation with mr itobertaou editor of the harrison 7iur laat week at ooatph be volantered the information that bia town bad owned a ltonald buam fire kngina for flfloen years ai d that there baa scarcely boon a year alum lu parohaee that it baa not eared up coat over and over again h wa iuetrumeulaj during tba fire laat weak lu saving one of the beat loalu in town a gambling den eaiata in tow a which should have tbe attention or tba proper aolboritier 0 amblers from georgetown mlltuo aud other poiuia ffruenl tho plaoe aawell as luoal sports a young man who recently arrived lu towu anl who imagined he was smarter lhau t a proved waa relieved of tja 00 one night last week cash was not particularly plentiful with bim either similar to be frauenl majority of farmera carry but amount of insuranco and acldom during the fall season a mother sn oo enrf com la inspector i ley no ids of otkitlta wi in town last week and shortly after his arrival the well known blue papers io much dread ed iu some ijuartera were put into ciroula tion these aaoremisaivee stated tbat james i mullen proprietor of the com mercial hotel waa charged with violation of the license law and invited tbe luvors of the ardent who had connived with the bouil man in aatd violation ta attend a laves before looal jualiosaautflgjiveavidonce as to the verity or otherwise of tbe charge mr mullen acknowlebged that ha had fiw lite law i a pmhl t above que and costs snd his patrons were consequently not required lo present them selves in court this is the second fine paid in about a year to lo imto all the rff sr at the annual maeliiig of the wuuiau missioaary society the omoora for the ensnng jear were elected aa followa ircaideut ura tboa t sston loeprosi dents mrs itev w brera and mrs wi lli i mediately reaemeker arraajnttcas apply to miss armstrong henderson e block acton lpei laat rnday eveuiug a grey woqlan shawl on mill or main street be tweeo tba grand trunk traoka tnder will much oblige tba owne b leaving it at tba fllltr paaei ofnw walkar llobaao a oo georgetown respectfully aoooaooe to the ladies of aclon lift vicinity thai lb sir kail and rioter apening of latest stylos in uillinsry mautkoaad nobby drees floods look plaoe toaeday bspt vltb and will ooutiuuedur log the week a ourdial iovttatior la t etidod to all t- call an 4 iusrrc mrs james moore treasurer mrs anthnnyt blrtphenaon hxocative the officers and mrs james brown mrs m a christie mrs j no 8 coleman and mrs a ii brown the past year lies been a successful one financially with the acum auxiliary the total recoipla were 1101 jj this howover included three life memberships the annual meeting of the hamilton conference urauoh will bo held at bt catharines next tuesday wednes day and thurday mrs bryers will attend as the delegate from acton tair sight concert a combination of talented rtlt will provide the programme for tho eutertaii men i in the town liall at the cloae of the exhibition neat wctlueady menu g the programme will be or a most diversified character mm anna c iaidlaw honor graduate and medalist of tlio hamilton ladies co i lego and toronto conservatory of music will sing a selection of uumbers jim tai the well known humorist will render the latest obaracler song aud studies in hi luiraitable maimer uremitle hie leer elocutionist aud impersonator ii odify tbe audience with a variety of elections the bhand bisters of london and mr g a malheaon of hamilton will give exhibition of scottish daucing in costume they are old fa verities here miss rauny lee of i top k wood has kindly ooosented to act aa accompanist during the eveuiug the committee will no doubt be favored with a full house too in- r ncttdinaaf l ttrnro the glova tnannfactartog centres of the united btatoe at gloveraville aud johns town n y and of canada at acton have been responsible for no morons life partner ships between canadian youug men and united states maidens and rru nrm the following from the gloveraville v iii if givoa particulars of the la teat union at the re i do new of councillor george johns hj west main street tuesday evontug 17th lust his twin daughter rura waa united iu marriage lo samuel liru iho knot was tied by the itev c ii merrill there was a i arte number of friends present and tlio gifts were uumer ous and substantial the happy ouuple left alter midnight amid a shower ot rice aud slippers for a two weeks tour lu an ada the objective puliil being acton the bride la a most eatiiuable youug lady and the bridegroom is a worthy youug mau they expect tu mako johualown ihelr home too hmptimt tmt itftu ifl tho spct lai services lisl i by tbe baptist huich now in the third wuck are prov log a ureat bleaalng t tho large numbers who attoud thorn i ho church was found to be too small to accommodate the people who desired to atteud and the towu hall has been in use aliioe 1 rlday evening 1 acb evstilug it baa been well riled and the best attention is given to tho earnest and doer presentation of the truth by itev j j whyle and o i aitgford pastor of the church miss why to has also keen prose ut each evening since thure day aud plays uk if ally the aooompaui nienls to tlie hymns on her magniooant harp she ojao slug with much awoetuoss it is hoied that tbe result of these meet inga may be the deepening of spiritual life among the clirlalaiu oople of the towu and vicinity bill the awaleuing of many who have hitherto been thoughtless ixiuceruu ilixioua affairs i he mootlugs will cou tinue in the town hall every evening this weak snd tbore vitl tje ihreu rviccs uu hn tan hji atlunl hr 1 rut f hull a row pruirtv owners but vary few indtwd iu ojjimerd lo the pasaaijo of a by law tu provide i ire 1 rotoctlon for tills municipality on tba ground that we can not alfurd tbe expense 1 hose cillxons have surely not looked into our luianoial sleodliig as ootnpartml with other munici palitlee iu tho co utv tho annual reort of the 1orcau of ittdu tries ol outario luct tsaued gives tbo ratio of laea per head of pu utal uu fir all purioaeo in the var ous town n tbe oouoty of ilaltou last year as followa uakvllle m h ccurga town i 7 j burlington it oh oton vi 1 1 indeed all tho rural umaloiiajitioa eioopl nasugaweya are in advanca of acton lu lite amount of taxes par bead nelson ratepayers pay h xi trafalgar ij ml ljuoaidg lu iu auj naaaagaweya ix 1 tbe awrege am unt fur town ibruaghout the pro tnoa ia u 1 we can well afford the expeoee of a first class steam fire engine ajjutpnienl tropoaed i ilia by law and tbe dayman fur aami will abll i division court sittings will im hold lirrp to njorrow the xefiutive of tlio county sunday school asabclfttin will bo held mi weilnea day uth october the irglslstlvo grants to ilaltou lirgb school i fpr the flratiiilf of itffi are oak vllle lixlttl uoorgelown mj1 10 the milton band u bren tngskod to play at freellon fair oct lllth button agent boich of the o t it has ben 111 with malaria fevor tho past week tho atone work of tho now grace church has bean completed except on the upimr part of tho tower tno roof has boon alatod and tho carpenters and plasterers are busily at work it it expedtad that the rhuroh will bo oponrttauoul the snd rtf optobnc xafluuiii a8korove br j it nixoo spent a few days with tu lis more friends during the week miaaas belle i to bin son and aggie brown ridge and mr will itobinaon of omagh vlsiud friends here this week ms ii h molaimhlin naida visit to coming and goings vlaltorato and prom acton and varlouaotharraronal notaa buffalo recently where she sttended tlie wedding of friend mr george cameron and wife caledon were guest st mr u dick a during the week mtsa i mma arrull paid a visit to ouelph during tbe fair mr fred wriggleeworth secured jrd prise in ida saddle horse nellie bly at ouelph exhibition mr geo btonerosu who was so ill with typhoid fever is recovering frank alex ander is low with the samo dianaio a trained nurse is atteuding film burlinqton it is expected that some mbub hnnwrl wll muffl t 11 ib ttbtt ill the otfier towi or ii by li average below fth oounty ote tiunoil meeting on thursday eveuing 1 ho duck season lis opensd and the drat thing a person hears in the morning when he awaken- is the firing off of guns the lpworth iesgue of the methodist church held a very interesting meeting on friday evening laat history of- bnr- lington methodism wal rad in three parts the meeting which was largely attended was very profitable aud interesting tbet if a b have now four routes aurveyed through tho corporation which one i likely to be taken is a rnyslory the burlington and nflson agrieultnral society hold their annual exhibition hero on thursday and friday oct j and t everything promises to be a grand bocomb itev canon belt ia enjoying a well oajrued holiiay ov walter duuuetl evaukolial in lu town working up riio select iagren of tho it t of t nassacawfcya ijuite m number of n attended the cuelph last wodnesday and thursday slid rro greatly pleared with tbo show naassga weya waa not belli od in the prixs ring by any means borne of the sweepatakn priaes as well mm nrt oauio tu nassaga naaaagaweya fall show will be held at brook villa on friday october ihtb tbe itev mr and mrs amy of ux nessagaweya circuit returned homo after a two weeks vacation last week and took charge of tbe service on sunday mr gilbert kuigsburj of nsssagaweya who was on a mouths visit lo relatives lu maoiloba returned home on tuesday ef last week borne of lbs farmers purpose laklug up their potatoes this week they aro excellent orop thia year both iu tuanuty and ualily thomas wtlaou ol ktialchbull suld ttl aged ram and four fine ewe lambs to mr lucbardsou of urand alley laat week for a good fig ure 1 hey were shipped ou saturday georqetdwn 1 here was no service lu iho baptist church last huuday oveniug the georgetown ministerial asxialuii will moat on monday at 10 0 id ii tho baptist faismagc the itev t tough of horuby will read a paper on tho fore runners of the iteformatlou tbe be kural dean fouuell liu turned from his trip tu montrual iheltev u a moir baa boou luvlted u- preaub a pedal sermon lo the forentors ol alma oouuly of wallington next sunday afternoon tho itev ui milne of lbs boo toll blook aud tho he mr murray of hamilton exchanged pulpit last sunday the itev fred w thompson addressed the 1 p worth 1 oaguaoft tiristiati i u leavor laat monday evening mrs juliu h rwiu sang a very one ii the kama prrbb invite sll iu readers to es uihiita lo this eolnttitt if you or ytmr fruml am going away on a holiday trip or if ion bava irlnnila vfhltlng you drop a card ta the kaaa 1nitas mrs i mcgregor of toronto visited friends here last week ho and ura j w lue visited friends in georgetown ou tuesday mrs priest of napene is vjsillig her daughter ura itev wbryera mr and ura j h coleman and child rcn vlitad friends el hire bane this waak mr and ura bamoal laird jr have been guests at the paternal hornelbe past weak itev t albert moore of palmaraton made a brief visit to f rum da hare laat week ura a u haeton of chicago waa a guest at the home of ur thomas k k c uiaa aqola hmilb repre knox church y i 8 g k at lite apoyeatiop bt uraalford mr ed ward nloklin was at ilarriston last weak attending tba funeral of tba lata george nioklln una haggis u altlbi iaaitssubah llie chrlalian kudeavor ooavantlon at brentford tbia week mr jamas browu tflabeen con fined to bis boose the past week with a aertoua affection of the knee miss ella bnydrr and ur george uron were delegataa to the ep worth leagna convention at goelph on tnaaday uiss msry howell returned home bator day evening after spending a ooupie of weeks with friend at gravenhurst mr james moore crewaon s corners left issl week to spend a month with friends in booth bagtnaw mlohigan mr and mrs ii b holmes are now ijo their vacation they will visit wm bow ri t methodist h itch at the 1- iuauil diatnul meeting uu in ouelph uu 1 uosday tho itev a w hhepiorsoii of aim- will preach lu the methodist hurch nel buuday muruiug aud oveuing and lu aali grove at 1 p ui john adam loft uu monday fur a bitu tluu lu 1 laluwel hi school male iviah hi in great auocee tlio money expended ou the high tiotioul grounds is well spent- the premise are beginning to assume igulte an attractive appearance tbs township alius made pule a stir in town llu week t it v- and i the church i i suiltt woro largely aiiciidr 1 i ov mr kao roadbed a timely discourse the sermon ai the preparatory servico on huturday was preached by itov mr wilkie 1 ramus 1 he regular services of st joaoph s church uore uoudtiuled on suuday by huv 1 alher haley rev j 1 howell ooulod hia pulpil tlii on huuday au i preached stir ring iho clal services lu connection with thf baptist church are being couliuued in the town hall llev t albert mooro of 1 imofslou lsvo a helpful address at iho general prayer meet tog lu the methodist i hurch last lhureday evening a committee has been appoint ed lo arrange fur rtpaira aud improve men is lo the interior and exterior of the brick church tbe uarlerly re low sorviocs in the sunday schools ueat huu day will be cf interest mrs 1 b oul on lf mon ml lo iil conduct an iiium trated review of the martot a lesson in tbe methodist uchool- iho auuual ml alouary meeliug o bt albeit a church will be bald tomorrow evei igg at 7 1w oolock llav ur rornerel of hamilton and itev mr krakr of ore ton will form the dnputatiun tea satna daputa tion will atund a meeting at j is in the eitarooon in bt johns church hock woo t the otlartory wlll be in behalf of the tiooosau mint on fund friends in godarioh loo don and uoutraal itev j r howell m a and ur james moore attended ibe district meeting of tba methodist church at ouelph on toeaday mrs a 1- nioklm has so far recovered ss lo be able lo spend a few days ibis week al the home uf ber father w h storey lit mr r oivif uf king was iu town ibis week lie i iu tho tanning busiucei in partnership with his father e j davie i i and was here to wall tbe acton tsttuing co works ur u a winter who hai bean prac tiolug witb dr wilklneou since last spring left on saturday for his borne in free too he will proceed lo the dental college at toronto neat week to complete his cooper the three graces ituay cheeks laughing eyea aud iwili of psarly whiteness bright smiles witb a background of teeth not res plan dent of htleness and purity impossible beauty ay be found blddeu in a bottle of foaming ivuriue the ueweat best and most frag rani preparation for the teeth ivonne is so nioe lo use fragrant refreshing ll purine the breath which it renders sweat mi1 tu lie ificth ii impart both whilonom aud brilliancy new and fashionable dry the best possible goods the lowest possible prices si i fx- 1 i 11 w new knowing tho dcmanctfqr a hrtclas article and one lint for purify and strength may alwajs be relied on we hac commenced the manufacture of kannan ins hakim ponder it is pure strong and hcalthftd containing onl the purebt ingredie and will always be freshly prepared when baking powder is men tioned in your recipes none but kannawins freshly prc- eared baking powder should e used to obtain satisfactor msu only 25 ccjitu a pound prepared only by j v kannawin dlttmoiht acton henderson fe co i895mlllnery opening wc beg to announce to the ladies that oux show rooms will be formally opened on saturday sept s8th miss stone will be in charge again this season wc can promise you will be able to inspect the choicest and most stylish collection of ladies trimmed hats bonnets etc that it has ever been our privilege to offer mantles a urn rftnga of now uontin juil ftrrivsd lor lliia lpkrment ayloa tro ootraot and ou parfmt nd prlom low you cnrultily ihotild ulvu itilu deimrlmanl look bfaro ilia cuolcral rood ara pioked ap dress goods 8yllah floods pxtra values and a large choice sweat things in berges tweeds crrpons etc i things in berges lank dree goods of all kind i what w itemomber are allowing lisre the re make a specially of henriettas serges crepons waw- ximiiiiani m i vnll vk u anywhere we aro always pleased to show these goods whether j on buy or not some very stylish covellies to hand thia waak staples an extensive range of staple goods of all kinds al cut prices 21a ticking at ljc 116c twill bbtoting bleached tl j lo iso twill sheeting grey at uc wo prints for so to clear out iba whole pile iood dark and light pattern and the very best cloths in the market for only hr flannelettes from 11 cent an special values iu ladies hosiery lu both ribbed and plain don t fail to see our display of millinery on helurday lo which all are welcome henderson co acton im thfe fire protectipn bylaw frid sv io iti d i il i i w l ll i ll liltitiliy u i lend whic wc invite i n rybody our display will ah usual wc think lc the best in the ctly ind nu one should fail tu t ikt it in i urs mantles silks dress goods 1 runiiiiiigs etc will be iliown in an immcnsit uf selection conic and liiin our ft lends ursday frida s at jyt 26 27 2 in the yeaj of grace 1895 e r bollert dt co 36 and 27 wyndham streal qu9lfh ont si in 1 vced ircss g ods at 40 ill beige til wool at 25c a 111 hailstone spol at ai in oranitinaat joe a j in i inured salih cloth 42 in wdk kibbed herges at i7jc 4 in ndiiuw slllped suit mgs at 45c a uell uj j fal vullcty a seotch tvvceds i igured tweeds bioche i weeds hlnnnetus and plain goods of all kinds from 6c upo 85c and 1 00 per yard and all in short lengths and at from 2 to j5c per tent cheaper than elsewhere our stock of clothing llua iicnci been neai i as 1 igc ot complete as it is this season n or h 1 ve wc e vcr had the v tluca we have now men thtull 1 3 ud 1 to men s iuuis i ii u up to 3 7 1 boy s suiti ai 4 1 j 00 youiii a suitl at men s j in tfi j i c i bull olu better u t s wt uk n nies al if b xpct 1 1 ice ereoals li th lie 1 we wc mill 1th e l 1 el son in tins vuinitj toe vaininc our go ids compart styles and prices and tomincc them selves of the values a genu fast buttriok pattsrna p c maddock mill lln acton atlfr kgi aad istmltr afcr aa taaji the corporation villagkofacton bylhw no- a liy law to purcliase a steam kire hngine and apparatus connected therewith to provide for the construction of water tanks and to authorize the issue of de bentures to the amount of 4500 00 for the purpose of paying for the same of liiternl uurlnii li nj s u iht rsjlawl iibyuiaut at the i ril rl l m un f llie ul i abeiiture dntic wlileh luuu are la roll eltlml uaini ujieieiil ur ii i inmahh irol i anit in sottltng tlinautu lo lo raltuxl miilally i ir the hvmnni o tlie i rhicll t uo tint i a tut m e ut lu r nut lusted at not mora than n to lm capllsllioil jroarly and wheroaa tlio uital jot iwr ihu the amount it llm win tnimrtyolho umulcliietltv u uio vlllaiia ul acton was according to the laat ruiuixl a meiit lloll 110 autii of tfu 4ua1 and wlsrsllw ajuouut jt ultt jalll ua innture talt of the sail iiitilileipallty i fr 1 rlncltial tnonev ilia mm ut 1 looou wl ii uiu lly l tslins rftod tlial ll ik it law iml takn nltort a i i u nm hit iihirslluti th 11 tlm luiirtftiutl jy uf octuixt iwi 0 tbu vuu ul the i lector f llioiall tlllsg- lnro 11 hall 1 tak ill fifth lay uf tmilwoeii tl o liunr f ulna uoluck lull ihilllliu isotu in tlm ald vlllaua laouiuulhyuml ll wluu lo ut returning mcursru eetlvuly pollinsr aub division no i town hall t t mooru deputy rej- turnlpg officor polllnnabiibdlvlblon no 2 speight a shop j c hill deputy return- inn offloor oct imr in tlio ft israa litis lly la lis 1b 1- lacton of the sal i 0ai i passlne tbnreaf tlio tuucll uiernul the clork of his v iiibmh f mvelith 1 111 vvtieraaa al a public iiitin ol tlie rllmyer a ule vlllags of acloe duly called t the itsevo to diaeua ills ueslion ol hn i rot actio it bb resolved that the council ih nated lo submit a lijr law lo raise tit del mitt ura uncl sat money to purchase a titaam fire kiibliiaand tlio aptaaratu oodneeted uierewlih aud lo pro vide vter tanks and whareaa tor tlie aforaald j urwm ii will rauiio wtaoojn and wtiarataa fur die pot pas afonieald it is qdoery for tba said covpotatioo to issue iu debenture for and tu borrow thereon itis sum of atskltn aa bereinarter mentioned and that uah debt and lb dabaaturea to bs issued uiera for sbajl be mads iyjjl in twenty yvsra at tbe turtbast from ice py uu wbieh this 11 uw taaes all act 1 rot tbe i urixmen afurnald a 130000 stiall be created by th aald i urea lor uu reof lob m t his illposes aforesaid which debentures shall be sealed witb the curixirale aal uf ttia i 1 uuulclpal corjio ration aud bsll be lulled by i tin ltesve thereof and counter stguad by tba treasurer tbsruf snd aball have attaal tbernto councus for the i avmeul if interest i and lit said debenture ball lie niawto naystitbrtn sjirrr- of not toss tbsn atonon mcti st the eaplrau n of twenty year from tho la y uil ity law laae effecl at ilia ofllot uf hie treasurer of tho nal i i1id uf acton 3 au i ul aald lolmuluru shall tmar in tor nal al tlie rale ol five per cent nor still u ill pay le half yearly tioui tlio dale thereof on lie mi day of juueand tli 3lt day f itacember lu each year at uie ufuca ol tbe said treaiurer 1 ann lur tbe urose of furiuluit inkinu fund lor the payment of ttil i debenture ui aald certain itecl0o sum uf sijiij au i fur tbe imriaose ot ayiii i ule re i upou uiu al i debt tba certain ipeclne sum of tooo niakluu tosethar tba sum of 3013 aball ba raised lovled and do mac tod in each ttr during the uil ii law qusbaaaveiitli lay uf oelouar 1ku at thr hour ol eleven o cluck lu the rcrouoon al tile tiwti hall lu the iai vlllaia t m tlie tsronty emtll la t ho mnilmr mih t tlie hour of eleven i clock lu tl e tureuouu at be towu hall la liaruuy filed aa tbe tluie an 1 del t uf i laro or tlm a polntniotil of person to at leu 1 lunlalial at the various polltob places and at the final nil u of the vote by i bo clerk of lb sail rokauvbly ou behalf of tl e rauu in d ii the idimtluit or u kmi c the n f 11 li la rnhtlvjl filial ol lay ut 1wu notice liereu filvi li lllit tile tofegoluff qpy r in co y il ni oaod liy law sotlee i ni which ha t ecu taken inu ooi i inrauun by the loan ell ol tbe t4rkjrallon uf iho vlllago ol acton aul which will bu uiiajly bbaol ly lbs council in tlie evi ut of tboaaaaul of tho hoc lor iwlnc obtalnod theroto after 1o0 month from tbe flrat put llcau hi ol the ai i lly law tii tbe actun fukb iukhh uowapeiier which ubllca tion a- ou tlie twelfth day of keplowber lisu at the li ir ilay su 1 i laoe in tlie ai i lly law nin1 lur lakli u ll p vou of the tloctor of it s aid vlllaun u tile ai i liy law ule mill wilt us t t lloolil- vlllaao clerk q b ryan cfe cos motto one price only li ibu prinelplu upon wlneli we cunt net ui uuvoh juiobhivo our oiihrnh ut moro nutl more in the lltflm it it 111 ii h1viu1 iii llltll ll ih trojioily co ii due tod buuinoaa do 3 1 w 11 ii l ul imlimpumiblu i h ik nti tlie iniittur it littlu i ol nn prilit tolu ou tlru licad ot tho tttuiro it 3011 boliuve in tlild prnieiple wu think jnu lii bet supptttmj you link the price ol u mantle and the nuluavvomuti ol the the piieo if ou decido not to tuke it you are liable o hint b lite tun reached that ul will neeept a lower hgim yon tontinuu on onr j but t llie dooi the proprietor intercepts you with unother reduction and it atlll unwilling hliii another nlue u taken oft the price you have nt lant got tho quotation jou bhould hue had at tirnt but thai niw betoru they found outou would not pay two or three prices lor the tirtick 1 he httiein ol tluirt nutrk- liig koodit nt a high enough prica to admit nl tenil roduetioiim inun the pnte timt iptutt d stoma cr illlllt n luiiin d lln priie l idedl nut one ill tlie hal it price rt linn riely tie lit 1 plan i t h t o to uh rather hard ou those trusting people who rel on tho hntt lutked lh such u nyetulil honorable la it even lioneut should it ever tall to our lot lo pin chase jltmi an rioo we should in oiniple selldeiente lout down in reached rock bottom kvon then we would leel that wo take advantage ot ua it he could now what guarantee have jou in ttujitiu imhii i iu duuitit i thin hoi t 1 in ki u tho per in pmhuhly overcliarged hill tlie avontti t usloiiiei in 1 1 rtnlnlj u timit d v h tin i ii from those pruetisiug so innjuitous a stotii itjou hihii lo pun hnnc guilds u in it whi t hiltl will tie uh advantageously trout od as tho most expo run cud shonpor mi will hud that j h itan a co lme but one prlco with all goods marked in plain tiurec and lair aud oiirtooum tioalnuut tor all q b ryan co gruel jjii pnr rue right house ot hbl ut ii ft lly aaaorted lor tho autumu 1 rado ai i uai tare during thou viait evary care beliitt taken tu iruvulo lor tho l mfort uf lailit and cluldieii laro pai room sic lu blook we bava every lh inn perlalnluu lo a laryo city dry lottd store al ity priors wluuh mean a very la savins iu pnoa as wsll as ibe advantajfe of a troal variety tu choose from drcs iood millinery mantles arjieu hui furuiahiuka uosiery ciloves t uderwear men a r urniabinits dlaukels linen bhootiut i lanuels ete in our mantle department hllcial na 1 ladies heavy lllaeh ueaver jaokit double breasted lame hullour at 16 lu kllolal nt1 ladtaa llaayy blaok berge jacket4onbld breasted velvet collar alls boat rosasuts and we can express you a jacket io fit at ft 7 bond ua your dry goods department bihclal no i fancy dress tweed 41 inches wide shot alloou dark ooior tlhi per yard spkciaii no fafjoy uraaa tseed 44 loobe wide mottled elteots at too jwr yard worth 7fc bfeclal no a navy and hi bob barge all wool li inohsa wide from ijc per yard hrkcial no 4 all wool llaids many different doe bins li inohe wide al 4qo nsually sold al 60 oepla per yard we sqnd samples free to any addresb on ap lication chases ol 5 and upwards to any part of ontario ind p t1ik uiout noutiiu king at eaal ooroar qtmbaon at llaiiiiltou beptcpiber sith isj irriae on ill pur tsotstt a s c wtkins a

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