Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 26, 1895, p. 4

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i f- k 1 j t i 3r thcllrday blwiimllkh jo inur ffljf oting mollis as it ix uoti v to 0 llo erltirlmxl ho im idluir an i ho omul fault villi lldtcftkf ho wmiod alio il makarvlcli ituaoiiil 4 i1 mother uhh in malm hint llrtnl li hi illahos u i lm ilmii i a nor uan1 u do mend lila atockiitro a lit nuithoi ilfihi lie ui tn nil i or had alt clilldrnn iml b work ww done wlfo aeoniul drutli lliu alwaya yot aim only had ul eon mother alwaya u wnll lrrul lilt wild wniiht boa uh inly ah wonll uiaiaifo a iila iiiillmr ikmi tortn wollt hint waa not per feel though aim trial la do her tmal ui at ittiyjlli alio thought liar lima liml com 7 it an awkward m1btake- him tommy i a rmnr wwwd bonrhl oail from n butcher dealrod him l drive il lo hf farm mill plarrn it in liia alabln wlnoh iho millar rirnrdingly i ntfw hod tliat my dhv mm wttb liludlf orgah ml uifllflitbcr piling by tlibliryba gau their an una in front of i tic farm after amusing lite farmer 4amtly foraonio lima llie ornati man entered tlm farm li ami aakrd tlm farmer if t10 rould glvt a night a lodging tho f armor replied he bould h isurt lodging brfl that at lliaa where lo put the bear after inn inn a i ill id ho dottrmined to bring tlio calf tniida ilia liouaa fur that night nd place ilia bear m tlio stable wbiou wan dnnr no u butolmr ho when on ilay lie went 1 all through hi10 turned and hosed mother used to do the useful and eautiful the lomb of mnoi ta unknown bnl ilia traveller eleke hie i in rat at the well of jacob the tforgeoul palaoe of the wiaeal of nionaroha with the oodar audgo and ivory and oven the temple of jerusalem hallowed by the viaiblo glory of the lhety himaelf are gono bat solomon a reaervoira are aa per foot aa ever of the ancient archilaaturo of the holy city not one atone ta left upon another bat the pool of iletheedk command the pilgrim a revor- enoe to the prevent day the oolumua of 1eraeyolia am mouldering into dual but ila cistern and aonedocl remain to challenge oar admiration x he golden boaaa of nero ia a maaa of ruina bat the arjam claadia atill porini into home ita limpid stream the temple of the han at tadmor in the wilderneaa ha fallen bat ita fountain aparklea aa freely in hia ray a ai when ihoaaanda of worahippera tbroned ita holy ooloonadoa it may be that the city or new york will ahare the fats of babylon and nolliiufl be left to mark ita alto ave the moanda of crumbling brickwork bat the flndaon wui ooolinae to flaw aa u doea uow and if any work of art ahoald atill riae over the deep ocean of time we may well believe that it will be neither palaoe nor temple but bomfl vaat reaervorr and if the light of any ahootd atill flaata ihroagh the miat of anliqaily it will probably be that of the man who in hia day aoaght the hap- pineaa of hia fellow man rather than glory pi pooling iho call would romaui in llie alablo all inhl rq koivchi lu atrial il en niorning mid tha farnier and hia gueat wore hi hid tiinht awakewedbra fearful yelling from tlio onl buiidmu h0o1 gol up and taking a ian irru nntcrrd the stable wlrbn tlm farmar found to hia aarpriae the bu toiler of whom he had bouwlit hie calf in the graaji at tlir bear whioli hugging liini iromoudoualy for haoould noiuce being- juie- mwit farmer inalantly underatooi tlio ilau of tha oaa aud brielly mentioned llieairciim tatioa lo the owner of bruiu whu to miiilah the bntuhor for hia intended i ho ft oalltxl oil in iho hoar hug him tommy which the boar did in real oarnoal the huiohor rnvniig moat hideoualy the whole lime after they thought he had an to rod enough they ael him free ftnd the butcher alnnk off gladjil eaoape with hia life while the farmer and liii gueat returned to their bode the eagles the and linked hia memory to eome kraal work of national utility and benevolenoe thla ia the glory which oat livee all other and ah id aa with undying luatre fromtceneratlou to generation imparting to ita work aorne thing of ha own immorality and in aoine degree reecoiog therefrom the ordinary mon amenta of hiatorical tradition of more magniaoanoe an bxtraordrnarv appetite lu the neighborhood of aylaham hng land lived a oartaiu jerry bka wnose appoiile waa aaldato bo auperhuman and whewo iirowoii auiaitoit oppon wi tb bol and wonder and envy of the villager round it oaroa to paaa that at a farmora inarkrt h lunar tha talk turned upon mr kko a performanoea when tome one pro tea ted thai what had beeo narrated waa itnpuaaiblr 1 he moat wonderful world ta that heard from the laglo a neat in the lake regluna or ireland the rook known aa the kagloa neat ia the moat prominent peak to be found anlong the height a that aurround the klllamey lakea iu apes ia 1 2a0 feet above tho aurfaoe of the water and the extraordinary oaho ia heard to the beat advantage from a apot 100 feel to the weat from an opening oalled the devil a mouth at that poiut the eflect of the re echoed aouada ia abaolutely atari ling the alight w being repoated aa often aa 1 000 tiuioa the rebound ia alwaya clear and diatinot and appear to ooraa from the craga oliffi and peak which aurround tho experimenter on all aldea bl lorn jtriubtir a lonqheaded newsboy there la a pewaboy in lllia city who in notes hereawdthere itqroat fioiiaafiflritl lrtrai tdlwo probb dondorn iirw u- 1 j wfiiu lluiiirniili t uip1i aro lukiuu iicmwj a hnrnparilu 10 in norm i lm wmkiifha and lannuor wjm li rt common athlii at nuid wlivari jiiu lint iloug llie tfttnrt when you itnoiy that mood n haraaparillahaahiwer fn euro iluiniiiatiim dynjiraia ud al divtaht caune hy inipuru blood why du yon continue to aulur t iiimmi a ciina ijyh why not you moid a llh llpl jc a loudon rralauranlrr nrrvia 1 iifixnlon eloctrlcally h listed plain 1111 u 1 imn- hi ui ii i or four lliouxand jiara or nora uin world groaned udirnt find fui ictj abonl iu conih for ihere w no olt vo euro no certain and minleai euro utilll lr hcoll iu t nam gate to the worlit hin great oirn iklerniiiiator if ihoro ik jmllortng remedy ia at hand i ry putnam a corn eater initiator it ia iturrt piiliiloaa and prompt hewaro of aiiltilntna 1 he ordinary man never known he ia urdlnnry uat aa a griat man linvrr knows lie la grral hfn certain lromjt 1 coiionm i hrao few dectiva apply wjui peculiar force of or thomas lolactno oil a atandard external an internal remedy adapted to lho relief and euro of coughr aoro throat hmteifeab tid all affetliona of the breath ing organa kidnc troiililtm 1 xoonationn aoreh lameuoaa and phyaical powder nvi paanngiii i t alitrji tuavpii ui h ffllnrh onn hhnrt pijff f tlinlirnalh lhrniijli tlm tjhmpr imiillnl wnlvunh initio of or agunwh ulnrrlioi l iiijuhim ilii aiirfai w iff llie iiaaal tfml diliiflilful tl iii il rihfmr4 iiii itly- nn 1 prrin iimritly nurra aaril ii y v r 11- d atlir kratlirj i u iiim mi llafn no reutwat 1 v hinhnwini ja nmmuid ul lulixl will alwa pj a iiiuhur rentrot to wwalth limn to lutein fgr woalth altl oilgti it lm 11 far l aa enlclonl biiiinm of power than talent liaimna to be r more iutnlliho iiion r ou rm li all llmccui on a guaraatm lama blibs uarl ct cbt qlilloha poroua iter wul x lo f nufieil caou 3hiloh 8 vriyaliker jjrat bliawklnchaunnnosnlonneatii v iiy ww t rm1dcrttttobrjtrcmctjufrhuthutatktitftk j txxr ud for itynpomla llvnr or kiuooy trouble it cotottb lrlco cu shilohscatarrh abfremedy llavrtioucatarrbt trytblakoniodr uwlll iil l burdock s blood bitters the near future ia bound to alnno in the qoanoaj world tbia fature to be napo loon of finance acme tinio ago oened an account m the aaviok department of ihe illdrau atreet branch of ibo hank of ottawa tho role of iho aavinga depart menl do uol allow a depoait or withdrawal of an amount teen than i 1 1 bo happened that one afternoon ihia young fellow wiabed to make depoait of 75 ceula bat aa the rnlea were against anch a email depoait the boy bad to retire with hu depot it still in hia poaaesaion the boy had not left the batik very ions when he returned and with drew 1 ii and adding to una the 7 cenla he had already he depoattrd tha whale hich amounted to 2 ihua getting in hia i oenla ottawa janriml not lid i 11 bet ry will eat a in aud the pre 1 1 mi the oalf was killed jou live poundi aitling the wager wae lah narlea were arranged the bone wore cut out the floah waa chapped into minute particle and appor tioaed into aeveuteen en or moot put lea the outer orual of which waa a thin him of batter made lovely aud tempting to every senae but oarefully kepi from auy hirml lenta that oould oloy the palate jerrv waa called in he haviax atcraod lo the wager will evident delight and waa told h might fall to he did ao aud bleadlly gorged ho had made no difficulty of tha aral nine pastiea but when a tenth waa brought in he aeemod to llg lo the horror of hia backers he sighed aud looked perplaaed ii was for a moment he de sired only to eapoaulatr and pathetically remarked i ey mai r 1 aln i got nuihln to say agin them plea i loik em amaatu but i m athinkin el a abayuvimo as i should boffin upon that iber calf character the difference of character are nover more distinctly seen than lu timoa when men are surrounded by difficulties and mis fortunes there are some who when dia appointed by the failure of an undertaking from which they had expected great things make up their minda at on on to exert then active no lunger affaintl what they call fate a if thereby i boy could avenge tbemaelves upon fate other grow de kin ding and hopeleee but a third otaaa of man will a rooae themselves just at buoh moment and say to ihomalves the mora difficult it la to attain my euda the more honorable it will be aud una ia a luiilm which every one ahould itnpro upwu hluiaelf aa a law home of lboa who are guided by it procoute tbeir plana wild oballuao aud ao pa rial oilier a who are moro prac lioal me if ult have failed in uue way will try another passfcd with honors a brittbt youth uudergotug csaroina tlon fur admission to one of the gotoriimeul daartmaaj found himself ouufrunlod with ihe juestion what is ihe dtalauoe from the tartli tu not know itlh tho riaul nuuiboi o mllea he wrote 11 reply 1 am uuaul lu alal ooiirally i ul 1 dun i believe ihe auu la near enotl lu iiilarefar with the prter arlunnaiioa u my dutlre if i fll ihla clerkatiiu maria bound tho alarm tila rt tr riiihw kaatiiii town amoiik ho w uiara wkb a pupular leiiur aliiur wild aniioutiltd uu ill pruarauima a te lu rinv binunk other aelrctlon an ila hound lb alarm by if- 1 mr i 1 ii ho with alruok rltaoi aii1 wa hurnrliil tha noil day lu perceive in the loo i aycr ths slataiiieiilttnirtnf had 10bg wilh ureal laale and axproaaiun a one aouil bv ilaudel muled maria hound ihe the ttpideru wbu the spider ia bj well aupplind wtlh iho silky thread uh which it make ila web ihat an axpermlnator onoodrew uut of ihe body of a slule specimen 1 h0 yards of the thread a leiuith but littls ahurt uf lag inlue a fabtlu wuvnof apidar a thread la more glnasy than ihat fnmi thaailk worm a product aud laof a beautilul gulden color ceuaure ia nol arouaod by the prudent exertion of ability to ihiuk highly of ouraolve lu comiaribou with oilier lo assume by our own authority that prece dence which none are wllliujt to grant must alwaya be invidious and offemive but lu rale our power lilh iu iroorlion to ihluita aud imagluo ouraelius eijual lo ureal undertaking while we leave other in possession of the same abililioa eaauot with eijual justice provoke conaure llalhiaj umwrr sn j 1 in reply tu your rjaeallon do my rbild ren objuct to lakiuji hoott s hmulrloti i any no no the contrary thev are fond of it and il keep them pictures of health curbs dyspepsia bad blood constipation uidneyhguble headache biliousness unlockm all tsf r 1 c ai lrnun i tvir ot cbwcli iu ina rikbt ri thai ha hat i t can uc ilhal to live free would make luni ave for i u prrtl uitiua what does 111 isiit who has inunh or m he better for abuudauui that frr be salialod i i strange mr tliomc dalian n hjracme liclld or uearl a year willi ihal moil u bt dn ailed dlssaae dynpopsia and at tunas w irn out with iu aud waul ot aleep and alinjil every tiling rosommoodoi 1 iriod otic bux of 1armoloo agotabie 1illa i am now nearly will and belx vi- llr llcure inn monteaijuieii wildly otiaurvam thai by building proteased mad lionnua inun tacitly insinuate that all who are out of their mtftiiior tiro to bo found only m thono plivcea wnrlon i ho hunllli glow dinappiariug from tho chiuh ami iiioimug and ruavleimneus at nilit are sure amptujti of norma in children o nil fall lo get a bolllo of molhorgravtb worm i xlemnnalrir jt m an effectual modtoinr wliat wo truly and uaruently aipire lu bo that in some a uiho we aru i in nuro napiralkin by cl anting tin irmiw uf the muni for a inun eil rtalia ilndf mm janicraou hint hauliik ugli l n lm jmcklv curoil hiy halyard le oral ililaim irio jl make ain ydnr gaml bexotim uu a aiau so rapidly doe liuij uriuliou nprcad ami deepen thai often in a few wcokh a iinnle ooukii 3u imjilatea q liiberoolar cauonniplion ot vo htod to a cougu 1 hero tttttfii l blalroaalng kidney and uladjler dimrms relinvedln six linnrahy ttm qreat houth amttrirnii kidney cure thla new run mily in a ttrcut atirrrrlan and delieht nn ncouuiil of ila rxueedinu pmiiiplueah in rilmvliig iiin iu iho maddt ifidnnj bank rnul nvmy pirl of tlm urinary passage in mnlo or fenialrt ii relievo reloullnik of wmerwud pain in pasalnu 11 aim flat im tlrsflnlfly if jim want pilrk rllnf and ruro una uymir remedy hold by j k xwi- aotnii i ho glory uf man constats nol nmrrly in looking ijp in what la abovn him hill in lifting up what ih below him thn uohlrnt and moat exalted character ia alao tho tmideruat and muni helpful wiiih oil lor rln uninlioiii lnric bai k atlft jonitri npralna brulnrh buriih culn fnat bluia oroup and all pan and adlirn citlior in tirnal or nxt riaf halyard a nllov oil ta an unrivalled cure mr gladstone rrplyiug lo a correapend ant ny he h nol oliatigcd ins mind in the matter uf oumpm lln think thkt the camlaliat who buys public home and dual in tliom liaa no claim and thishe consider 1ariiamonl to have ilocnirxl the holder of a liceiinu has no iral claim but uin rirnunintancoa ahould be i nuaidi red aud ho utiglil to bo equitably ftnd iniunutly ifuall atlh fturdook illla mall uiale tho liver aud curt uat ipation hieoch ia too oftou uut as iho v re rich man defined it iho art uf coucaliug thought but of tiitu attlhng and suspending thuitiht ho that thoro nt none to conceal carlylo la alwaa danger in ilulay jet a bolt i o o mekl6a alvii rollbhiriptlvfi bytup and5un nuipouilded f which nlatid i inn ioiigrogatnu i nn pledge that tho i xoptioii ho whole cuiiftrckaliu yinpulliulli ileirt hi idipcelily iluu n i micdy lor 1 alplut 1 wi monoy ild ul be uhoul ih for kuku ihei aooordtuk to lr uuivonuties in ihe world willi 1 11 f btqdenta ilerlin wiui 7 771 atudouia la the largest and i rhino with 71 la iho acini ute va ll haa alwaya acted like magio 1 had scarcely ever need to givo the second doae of dt fowler a lalraolof wild straw borry for summer oorajilaiut write mil wn hlhol out catarrh mrs li iluua chang haa 1 001 sorvaula ioooooau 1 tm pair of irouaurett aud 600 fur robes her feet are ao amall ihat ho canuot walk aud alio dreaion her hair in fifty difleroul waya llr low a 1leaaaul vvunu hru irmn worms of all kinda from clilldrnn or adulln tho pnouiiiatiii p lliclplo ha- imi applied lo boot i he air tuba ilea bctwrcu the urpcr aud lower aulca aud hvca a apringy movement to the foot caculatod to reduce friction with lha krolud and to alleviate fatigue the heel pill mr win endervuorl hyduey roaaiug out wriloa we have uaod parnioloe a illla u 1 hud thorn the beat illla we ever need kor delicate and debilitated oualiluli ia iheae imia set ilk a charm taken in mall tlio adoot la bolii a lonl n and a llmilatil mildly ooltlnff the set ntluiia of the body klvtug loua aud ngjr lohleimvia haa imoii cfiiod tu be rllllu1 g hmi iialure but wo m y allinn with munh propriety thai it kki nature ia natural polluudbb htainalau- i fill lly pr mil than oured i lio in alinrf an i bar lugruugh kill ba uioally rellbvi d i y tlio iiaa uf llagyard a itctoral llalaam thai cure oouicha oolit tr im inn an i all pul imiuary troul ira i have alao merit iho wurld aud after lung experience have discovered that ennui la our grealrat on only aud remunerative labor our uioal laalnm frlcud juatua i hlldrr i n lr a ictrllfy that llirlo la nothing nci god aa lr iow a worm riyrup nhtldrvn lyml lu ct fur il our a kajr keep ll uu hand aud h ila hot oak mi mm i mi ay 1 frar lesi ihe i lien revoliitiiiix lla biuuii e liyrflp l d hyrup hoil- lolntlon of a lninchuir ihirliiug centlrmcm uno palmoiar soap ixltllewt it ciean3es jul scalp leuevts tllt dhytllai ano s0 piuthtb mah 2 fallinc our bit cak fur ui- hakosome- zit il for llie head t lu i will uu hood ibo wariiuii ii lerhap uf tho auro ajproaoli ol ha terrible diaeaou uuauuipliuti auk elves if yuu cau a ft or i ir lle aa villi r to run uio nak and do i for ll wo know from exwriouc bhlloh a tiro will cure your con novor faila hold ly j v hannaw a diep hui a broad mm i ia 1 attacke rallmr lo in deaiic 1 tlin uili li vt rely wi uihuroa repeilaiii b uth doiuan tin ml my baby iit i h tsljn ll llil i in in nil i w lnl ihii r ui u mi t ih i i 1 1lliicl mm i l u it i st dl cmu ii f c ilnth h piilioiphiti in k it l in m ii id rumiip u in hu t tl 1 unn ui 1 ul ti l b llu hbo ot 11 ly for ih i la lu iheeje um sj hull 111 b ly baby waa sry bad wilt auu kmplaint and 1 0i mlit li uuld mil 1 tn i 1i 1 li i jlil hlrwnr with lui 1 3d 1 oil a imi a loi lid ut i tho boll id houi rp 1 pyny pectoral lamlib ho i i i llvt llhl i un i hi i 11 mtll llll uin mi- uin ml i isy dtnilii llt uh ltii vor ljmnuik htblt w ovwm cd u 1 1 ll fill uiiniltl i i lull i i mud to hun ulcillul m willi m uiticr 1 llo iihh1 lidls lli hull ihe leaith eut it liiii a iimcalif orkmiia wli el ally drni aud pltttlta fcanhrfltttr t toronl hv lo ihn iui llujr ullimie altmtallh tiiil loir and ijibiid by i ho i ran at iwifu lu i i astoria grand trunk railway uoixitvi mum iubt riiro irftaiu i trqkm hail j i t iu iiuiuih oxiaiu frlwwtoonii-chllilrenr- i others do you know i mtan a imna fjnuny oanllal maay ancadlml boolbliff kyrtin and rooaf rttmedlra titr lilblmn an itnwl if opium or nkmrfilno r da tow kanrw ilia m ifml nwri jiliw on tii fyln i nnmlll imitmiian t pn yam kwww tliot in nu cnuiitrina drurxlaui aru uu railuad tu anil narcmtcs wttbouljahcilns uieui j l i f f do tim ksew that ym rjuiul1 not irrmlt any nxkllclno to be gimn jour chlkl unleasyuu or your ljiylian lutu a iml ii u rompoant t da yaw know tlial ju u rli 1 1 i imly rekutal4 prrpfirnllon oal that a hat of its inirredlnuta la taimudm clli t7 ixitlli do yow kaaw that 11 lorin u uh prrwriritlmi of ihr fitnetii it rnrr that it has been tn lino ft r m nrij thirty ynare ul that iihmtk cmfiru la no w al a vaaaaj rj ii nmlayt t pa tea kwcrw at um vuuyg ofllm ivwutrrwrt at fho i nllnl rtatrv and of ouanr countrlr luito uamil mi lu4n lirtit ia r pllcbor and hia aaslcna tn uan uh word castorla and lu fiuiiula and that to imltatn lbem in n atato mimm orronwt i do ten yatmr ttial uiw i i llw raaaim lor crwntldk thla en jrwncni imrtecilon waa bneauao caalimha twul tmn w n ui ih ab sola tad y hjsmla7 do yon kwnrr uin i 35 ataraca ilonls of uwioria are fumiahnd rar 36 oatsit or uue oont a doae t do yen kierw that when fmaamaeil of ihla perfect prnparaucn tout children may ill and that tti nio tuvm unlirukrn mat t irl ntrhor aow utan be kept wall the tnlwg m worth knowlnj thaw arafaets win knl y w tji 1 t w j i r aalftrla wi 1- h ini 1 1 for gloria h- imh in i i i l utoru utll iiu 141 i 1 in i k 11 arlurl a luluction uf htlool aluflud birds will be uiio of the attraction of a muueum now in oonrso of orollion at 1 odoo holland the builduik in aie will outrank any thing of iho kind iti iho world except tho ilrlttsh museum i or cholera morbus chuleia infantum cramp colic diarrhoea dysentery and hutmucr complaint lr i owlcr a i xtract of wild blrawberry ia a prompt nils and aure core ihat has been a popular favorite for noarly co yearfl ilitart pure ntrotitii nurt opuil in thouribs aud aynicini by turn over the hrindalono of inn- whifh at ilrl given i hem brillarioy and aliarpnom but finally wears them oul itnarol knoccabout watches vv l would kr i l hwlltl i mtklli tin id t lulit uf put i h iiin oiu oi oui kiiim i hutk wat it i tkt auh 1 i 1 u iv id ill tli i ks ol il ihii t i lu li n llll lltll tlllh k ijk is i holt iwh till l w t l i ii in fiom 5 to i it ll ill it mid lc wlicd on foi st t i il t us it it 1st savage jo jl w i i i 1 l j guelph waters j3ro guelph icnuquarteha 01 1 lurdu ltruifiou cuiuio iolo willi 1 i i- ii1u1 llll i pi i i 1 iw will uh h the ftmalmtlo ijnaatnr nt children cry for pitchers castorla pandoras box vvhilc nothing but evil roultcd fioui lln upcmng of pmdoras bo nothing but good icbultb from the vanoni sleeve puff like the lid of pa box it w not down cruhh it jt rebounds flatten tft it rises witr suprertie indifflrcncl doos away with interlining gives the right puff is light and graceful can be transferred from one mum to utfttir in just two minutes price 30c per pair c an onl be boughtit the lion dress goods arrivinc daily btcuro your dress now and got miss rosslaid to mu i while ether alorea aro marketlnr their mialake we are at ovln kfu al at i bulls ol 1 roncli itlnallatic loom arfvnd german textile industry backed up by tl a mom euduring uaiilirn of the hnnluh and hcolch producliuna j d williamson co wjiujliain and macdonnell streets butlph new firm jsteiar stock but old new prices i management 1 lie hint lulit bualnraa in atou ao iuiih under tllu ubie uf jul fijl a h ha been diaioulinuod but tho uld business will go ou under lb new name j a speight co 1 i rot uu there will be docldod chaugee lu llll undertaking department tl will bo most uotioeable owiug to iho hard limes we are cutliiij the prioe 111 all iiuca of ihiflitia flaskets and furulihlugn aud will supply the whole oul hi at any reasoiiahio ollor you may make wb have uu conaoouou with any underuutro combine and jovarn our own ptioob railwaytimb abiib- i jju flilik fial 1 h im ail tlia lluo um ril i soveiilnr ixlh ihh w llinii lirnilr wheels arii cliiiipcsl in llie k111i illda ilin r olalirall stem r n s tho suudobeat ughl wheel batll weighu 33 to 34 lb ptlcea ss to s110 alao columbia and faloooa thean whcix have a world wld itopn thoro tatldn o no belter built hi i- l i vi til j1 kt4le ill- tflir i m in a lli j 111 1 an i ll iblita zi to lb w stark acton ah nt mill acton and iiuchwood oouo crahps cholera diarrhoea dysentery cholera morbus cholera infantum and all smmarr comptalata and plh eftba dowel ii aafa d fcuabte for chiuica or auojta far sale by all deal- jowj ool tit i and ucour puns ttoaiq h yhot whytjor i slfrvtvaw ih mw puau v ra iftoot mi l one it cured like mdic t auflrinl alii itlimhuatlun la tij ihat i oultl t rril kiimi a it i i ur hct iiu ttjtkt i itanun lij at lrthll u 1 urn1tur6 i hand lair living i a1i rrobi buccy whcon 1 rjl iimuimm and at pi oo m i a a little luwo lui a ui i 11 iun iu carryuik u our huain aa oai l oll k cry low prkua iu the undortakinj oapouilly wo can du llia and entlr utiataetlou j a speight co 1 ui li i i i k i list li u il 11 1 an iii lit lh st 1 v juit c d ti i in diuf u luu d llll blst chehperbt i protitv yliilct presses hndt i ln ss lot h t iuntr punting ollu c ih the irout it is byht in i on it ruction t is luiiuin rdkir5 undersuiod in all its prrts and dors superior work 1 hu lul uial uvury ijiuaa la paid lor in oaah on able the manulaalurora lo soil uie 1ruuty at vury low ptlca them arp uo loaaea yqu can arraugo to hav irelghl aod duty inepuld and uave all bother of importation oto t n nd at olio at calatodcb aud mub lo h p moore acton ont sole agent for canada oi io walker co manufacturers madison wis j the perfect tea monsoon tea la 7mx woaio a moil tmk tta putwt to tmc tu cup im it ajatiwr fuhity mmunn tra u painl ndrr ihp haniwm tf thr tai rrwan and ajraluro aa bylhaaa a unplsif llmhnlqublu indiaai ad cnlaa tt k thai ikry m that now ba ik mj frail icsisa gu wlo mihiukw raaaa ttuinohf lu paweclta cask k4u at uw miih u aa wtihif tea ll ia nut uf in mtil j cauinorg wv ta aad j ilia and totd ihii llat ou at yic and 6oc iu ico htm ta vnh and ij fnat s most successful ft em eot fobj man or fjea8t vctela la uaastbcta and kmr nlna lemdausspaviiicubl i war kin i j ml wi hxwnnrtsll i jrosbf krnilall kntl1iri hllb r i i ii 1 si aoailrrtuj mrtllflbr i wrud a aaara kaa lak3 uamlithiu and an b4uca ttwa i lwo af alltkaiusm lininlraly oil ifjarau igidallsspivmcure i irai7e tr3oia tbluk ll ih lj uulwt 1 w assci i wnnliim i art aat llia baa la aal till aujartajla i turdakbr ohunofl lia vi imts va cav t m a 1 wul mwksimv f copyrights am i olitaih a ratkmtf fwr a nm i anawr ami an bonam uolnleal wittn tn si i sv4lbokabadam7kkrlrl iwttvnoolnlb latleiil ulmr- cdnnnlra iihu mrtctly cunoaentlid a llanrfvawkof la rormallumnnciartut palrala and bow in ob- ain tawaamn ires g tiansin tmlaaal arlaijtnio tmoia uut line i aula tafeaci ihruua liana a oa nmw armiaj autlmlnta rvlrmilae aaarrina and iiihs si broaalit wiaolr beluretb awulmwiui oul ct to the lnuir tblf ia55kl p nmuwkly vuillrtlliamrstlbxtabvari flt fisljl j anj ctoiae tnk la t iiaa ihiuiuo mmi 43 oeulv itvrt atfrnrm a rear mni maaa wta pfaua fiiabtin bulmrr lah w ta lalnl tnllilhlillaminoiwttrana auir ml n iu- klw yuhh jui diiiiiiiii for twentyfive yharfl dunns baking powder the cooks best friend lanokst salc in canada

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