Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 3, 1895, p. 2

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rjuviir1fi i imiiirijtfiifii it aieaauslnbiam oi fiovy in frill on tbursilsy tilth hepr j of lloliry near of sou uiiihfnkrfii on himw omii heploinler tlmiwifciuf w i us ki lfouf ii mnntla hnpi ill ilauuhkir tiidhut marshall luflilitni hw kiiawkslu prin mi tiiidar oct i- llm ii of aubiiii hwthlniimr nfssnn adm- lnsorvil tnkiidsv the wlfeuf mr w ii artsnis uiimmii i il i iniejinuiji pl uuli lb wife of mallard luuulitnr uahhtku hiwimin luimral iho residence ij 1rtdna father thursday rept o in tier t tlmllu w h barker ur ilnlmrt hinli n oimlpli to alias lou la u uamos of orlllls 1liiiciioimcsasvln llnmer hi metho dist church taneouvnr ii c nil koturdsy ulti hentsuiher by m dverdalo wstooli alan itsndsraoii ii a in busts iimikiiut f wm uatreiiay i m i formerly l ookvtlle lilhli m it it li at i luiolioiise on hoiit infant ilaufllilor of marshall ttiunbday ootoimn n tho finally citizens vote yttt years the msn and women who own property in acton hove been lolkinif about lhamern necessity of providing something adequate in tho rasller of flro protection for ilia first time they hsvs now tho opportunity to vats an lbs jusslion iat alt concerned now mm talklni but work and vola to provija the metui for tho pro taction of thsir homos and property from do t ruction by lire the following dual words may be helpful to soma in furnishing aatlsfsotory resaous why ihey should vole in favor of iho hr prolrolion dy law 1 wo ra in iminliiaul danger of s awsapinu oontlhruon at any time other i barn place wiihoal lira protection ha devaalstad io tbe silent or many thousands of dollar j wo should ihoughlful cttiane provida meani to protect our liomaii and families and business intereate j 3 thl proviiou of adequate tiro pro lection will kivo u a higher standing and reduce our insurance roles suflluently to meet lhe out ro coal ol rfnuout apparalua 4 ilooanaa ahould ilio business portlou ot our town be destroyed by firf tha cilra rat nccuaaary to ba levied ujwn the ra matnini property would amount lo more annually than the annual oot to ralrpajara of tha urn pro loot ion propomd 5 doc u so aoton hai only a iniall dabantura debt no part of tha principal on internal of which ie in arrears a hvery property owner ahould vole for the 13 y law beoauae evory property in towu will be protected and theoommumty of intereau should further induce ua to obeerve the goldeu rule and be ready alwayt lo help one another 7 iaatly every property owuer ahould vote for the by law beoauve tha coal of the ftppmrktui propoaed to be pur ohaaod will not aotail a burdeu of hcary elpenee upou any ratepayer the oost on ao aeaeaintanl of 1500 will be leu than fl 00 a year and ao on proper llonately aa property owners are more or laea wealthy la in property who would not ha willing- to pay tl 00 to is 00 per year la provide pro tection for hair own and their neighbor bomeat no oil toon of aolon euraly i thai all may vole inlellienlly we append a form of the ballot method in aooordanoa with the above oonolnaioaa actons exhibition ftno wojuhor bplondia attnndnndo nerthlbhly crodltablo show throunroutt it anows in pop iho nnul otflitbllloii th aoloit llorllonltural ntid arionlliiral flooloty hold hero on i uowiay mnil wodncilay il waaa finitirjliifl iucopai lo all oomcrrjihl the lino wcitllier oontribiltcd imiuh to iho etioocaehruhl olior days wlui tompora turn hinher lluwi h hml been for a number uflapreolik aolon liml rn iu i hiti and iicker fur tha occasion and novor loom belter in otlubor the rapid arrldea njde of late in now building and the o bxtotmlon of our moat important nimufac toriia fitrtnid aaiihjiwl of b anil our onlerpriink ouiaim eapreea their iutcnuou if kerliinit up iho ice blc ornily convinced thcro ib ft tiriltt fiiliiro for acton the orryiwh of the hro iro leollon dy lw tlu week will materially aid in till direction and in urmtfiiig thu town into rrcaler prominence amotitt ite aialer towns of the pro vine 1hftl the rribnhemont of aoton lxhibi lion ia in good hand wae fully ovi lunl from iho manner in which ovorythinjl wae carrlod out tuesday was a busy morninu for tlio oecrelary and other officer in takiiiff omnra rocoivtn arriiitih exhtbtu and getting everything into shape by noon the hall was woll filled in ery do nnrtmanl the juduing occupied iho after noon and by evening when the public was admitted iho hall prwntol a fairj bcouo of panoramic beaul 1 h tsalrful arraugbmonl of the laigo number of oxhib ita tlio honor and evergrooua and the brilliant illuiiiinalioii by uocheelrr lamps and chliicae ln arm each addrd it iuqta to the altrctldn uunu was liberally di coiirao1 liuitng llin evening v anon w not llalit and by ihe miikiua at kolly a nihil it of planua and oruau the rxhiiiia in the hall were much more general than iiiual nd m a whole h wm pcrliap the hist cililbitl in we havu evi had here 1 l produts of audi and don wore very line hoots were super u in all olsssra while gram was fairly wo represented the allow of afplea for ll society prl w for lhe b law ajainst the ry law i the election lakes place on baturday of his week ioiib will be open from umo a m until ove p en at the saaoe plwoes aa the laa municipal election all property ownara whose names appear au tha voters hat ladies or gsotlemeu have a right to vols news of the dav an bpltorr c manitoba wheat bat advsnoad htorl oenu this week iord lamlugtoo hsa been apliited uuvrrnor of queeuslaud ol friday last a barbvi in urattlfurd was coiled upon lo ooulrtbdle i ds bi the courts for ahavinm a man uu riuuday the csirswitch is in the last augea of ooq sumption and is uol expected lo aur le tha winter an attempt was made on saturday ou tha ufa of mariuis i la prima minister and pro ids til of the couuoll of japau osrman man of war in the far lt waters have bean ordered to hwstow aud chesfoo lo protect foreigners at tliusa places flrsutfurd s popalallou aooordiiik hi ilia vsaeasur s rsturua which have recently beau made up lomjun an increoaa of 1111 over last er word was reosived in loudou on balur dsytlialtbe uraud trunk haa dellulisly dcotded to rebuild lhe oar shops at that point as being lbs most central or west eru uulario treat damans was dona by prairie tire between llaasnfsld and drains rooeully duritik a heavy wind the fire swept over uto ai extensive sras destroying many wheal stock lieiit ol blr woller wilkin ki aid srman for lls urns hiroet word wai slstftsd iord mayor of london for the en suing ysar to auocred ilia iu hon hli jossph itsusls a young vgfnan callin haraalf miss aunts c gorman wssarrsstadst htrotfurd where she bad been oullacting for the vounn woman a chrisliau aoooiatiou without authority aeptbmpe ex a m nation 8 tim puplln who vari pip cos nt jho hoad of thwtr clnasas tnst month thnfollowimf list f pupils siil iho msrks limy muila in aclmi inlillr boliool mill iki rrwl with inlpmit hun 1 ash win rnoll luu mixirt 1rcii bloni i7ll lulo llariv ili i dwin i raiiris 1ms m innv dun w diss arilmr kinilh jtii usiay niokllu mabul use jls luiii henderson ji hon ul cla4ai i lilh nittkliu u 1 nllm laibsgt ilh luuh iiiruoy jl i marks poisihln tlh 1 i m hiuk losclier hoiuor iohs minmo arthur im ituhens wallaim 1hi lohu honor ik intcrmeiliatn lae lohu arthure 170 itllo mwrc willie 1 oirll 11j junior lose mb1 hopar 1 17 1 lli maponald ik lifiiiedanliuer 171 marks oihlo in any class mw mi lllll lrnclmr henlor ii iaih orvilto millar i71 willio harding 171 irrnul bwaokhsmnr iiu1 j ll liter 11 lms 1 lorriiou rlnpr ihl jossie hfephriistn i7l ida liird hi i part ii tlas aliso hi ftcoby 171 myrtle matthews ul alice lwm 117 mark pjstiblo jh i i li iracher hen ii lm i- tlm mntthrw 1hi ilithp holmes ik latinin nmphtdl 177 lut ii ulass mstxl i ilinislon i hi annij mccaiin 11h 1 illio hinghsm h junior ii llaoh walter molonnsn 17 lurold n iklin 171 carrol mssin 171 murlm nsuibli itml lantnt pilfmls who ilhtolill i th marks at iho rxaimust lirhl bohool dunug bcitcinlcr lias iima ciainbh j brown j3i msggtn hirno if i last is maud wutkiim jl editors taulc a y0ulg gikxs trial i d a i most y l otihrjiiqnibarihtl or hlh lyttwi la cuarablerucd bs immiy ont dooi heh parentb hai 0ven up hopfe neooverv door ftirjuif a hiintiuu ooiitum u sally silsp wtt u uhtn forhloyflo tir will havu ilm plsoc of oro hand minis bhi n honor ileauliful muv gown from imia tiouulit to i riolntr irilo a dti- will imi ilhielrttnl y lhsputs in hnr f hcinllh hbriiiiiiit msiiniv ml a variuty if toilet inn lor lhe niitiiinii will inn t every rriiilio li iti i u j m nl of mm in nunt lulerolliing it lor kit tiiptii nre vary iw ujli npsnlly iui i mux luuy will makn lhe numtwnynry htlrnclivt nulcp from thu novcrab woman h rollmrh wih nullum pinna iv cllno now th nd unnuty hi kki among lliu auritillurluls uf kniil minty nil who do mil know mr ii 1 war nan llm popular sgont for agrh ulliprn of m 1 ia itiver l a eprihuiitaliid wan in canverialio wllh of fn of enl foi feat in the for epjcial prices i hero was o vtry lit show of doiry protluota thu butter mail ltrc iai nd c by pastry was shown lance lhe ladies work and lino arts never tlio wed lo belter advontafto and dur ing the two days these departments ware the uoocs far all the ladios of the coi uy and beyond iho lro imm onirics of pniiieuahip by publn pupils was moil creditable i tier not hbe usual number of oxhibil merchanta thu year but the apco s occupied yesterday the woothor was briutit i worm and visitors aud exhibitors uou roonooil to arrivo from early moruiug j noon the town and the exhibiiun wei throngod lvory body wm in oioellei spirits the officers ond directors bocaui of the slgool success of the exhibition ll exlilbltors becauso of fair troatincnt and the poisessioii of the coveted prixe tickets the visitors because of tha general attrac tioos ol lhe exhibition and the delightful weather which rendered the day unusual pleasure tha show of stock was fully up to tho standard horses cattle aheop and pigs were well represented in nearly all clastic the entries of horses was unusually jfootl there was an excellent show of poultry aud some very alose oompetlliou lhe kliss ill cm will publish llm ul priae iibi iirkt week lxlra copies i ad ready fur mailing for three oeuls the fair concert was in progren ornniiik as we went lo proas mr n j honnsr merohout tailor o very sllraellvo exhibit of ululha rablertals the itsam morry go rounddid s ihr business a lot of reckless youths guilty of purloin ing apple throwing grain and other mi demeanors must be suppressed or sumo oi the beat exhibitors will vacata their place in future many exhibitor con facilitate the work of the svoretsrlos by sending lu their on trias before the drat day of tha exhibition christian endeavor union annual provlnolsl convention last weak at prantford last ink kudos vi i oat 1 the brtaliau convention ulosod thuraday oveuiuir after three day of moat instruo live weellng v lar number of prom iueul men of all ueuomlnaljiin were in at tend new at the twin venliou and through aul uifl mpsuiuu bore luunjugtiiy bjtrutuu lous ills oonventiou haa been perhapa tbe bosk which ho el been hold of iho christian kudoovur uuiuu a on th days previous the delegate preporml tiivii miuds for the day proceeding by attend ing a sunrise prayor moelinu in ion lrsabyterian church the rsmaiudor of ilia huh uiiik iv up lu drnomiuatloual rallisa at all ol which liileroatlux addreaaes wars by abla apaakers mr hol uf llraulforl cnuptwl u t lhe uf the tbs oassr uviug psrsou in western ontario is mrs mills of north yarmouth bb will bs 10h years in octobsr aud reoaully sudked lo a neighbor a sod back nsarly two miles four generation uf royally wrrs gatbsr sd an friday night al lis i moral where ox empress if rod aria k of oaraoany lriuosand 1riocsss usury of 1russia and ibsir son frioos waldemar srs viailiug lbs queen alargsond influsotisl dspatatiou from ontario wailed upon uir maokenais iluwell monday snd advooatad the claims of mr william bmilh h l for boulh ontario for tha portfolio of minister of aiiriaullure blr mslkensis told them ihsl wliile he soknowlsdgcd lhs claims uf mr bmilh the i rnsolutions wore passed includiuir porifulio piaai o in quaswr ji oulario favor of prohibition aud purs tu had her full nola cabiuul ministers sdmlustrslion the ofternoon ond lulroduoeii the vort seakrs the church was crowded to the doors ond o great deal of enthusiasm pro vailed mr ihos morru jun read the reort of tha uummittoo on numlualious which reoommaudsd the following lhe olfioers for the ensuing yrar wlm ware oicotml 1res iuv a t mctlreor 11 whmi alock vloe 1resldanta llev h 1 kuowloa ollaws mr h a hardy u a 1 litdsay ho clcurka muuru 11 a hoinllton itev win juhuatou vordavllle ueueral hoc rotary mr 1 homos morris jun 1 wei lluktou street hamilton 1 rcaaurer mr w j uoherty utudou lditor itev j a r itiokaou usll huierlntudeut uf junior work miss l h wlkgins lorouio with mr j alkueon mimlou asalb lant counolllora llov j barker ilamlllou itev or cochran flrauifurd itev james vanwyck uainilton thoss wore uoanimuusly e looted it was decided lo hold the nrxt ouuven tlon lu ullawo on foasikii missious lhe ore apeaksr was iuv 1l 1 mckay turei missionary tiecrslary of the irrabyleriau hurcti his subjoot was tha uissiauary outlook itev mr dadeon of wood look spoko ou holf sacrifice for missions the pressnos of 1u lr t htrk llm father of the c k movement sraa a ociie diction lo tbs convention i chief tobias pi ths ualswore indians mm mnrsvianluwn nave an inleresliug address and sng a h inn luhu uatlva tanitua m iiuuilwir nf mr warmnn nceilly when the suhjrcl ul r william il ik pills wm inciilciilly lonrhcil uon mr warmsn asld he was a staunch luluvrr in thoir nurstivn pro iwrliu- and injuslily his upiiuon h r 1st ml the curi of his hi utr mli iimiu wsr man k d 1 wlmt h aid had been almofl wrohliii from llm uravo by lr willism ilok 1ilu mi- wftimii haa lieon suffiirtiik for no irly a uar with trouble nmideit tu glrlhovl him auflr walker mcbeaxi co rnaop goods a atrihing hirlrait uf 1oruno 1i 41 prasldnnt of mixxo form the rninlisplri of thr toth r number of iho it accoiiniiiin au illiiatralcd nrtlcl oi tlip ihpiihlm of masirn hy arllim inkcrslcj it a ii 11 amonu tin many attractions of this imnn i a imantt fully illiislrsted arllcln ou jlmdu carv lugs ohiwiug mini i nf the cxiufilo dcsigunrud skillful wnrkmaahip displayed on the iioiisl of l lie no artistic oplc np i i lm i i in t ouuroii jill i iin mi donal 1 jl m dontld 1 i utiuo lii lu 11 llllr id 11 ixilhn mcllonald lss i lomi jihlkin 1 il 1 r marks pnnstlile y d ah the following n the result of tho inopth ly examination uf the pupils of dublin public school hold last weuk thu names of those who took hihcat innrki in i resoclivo i iosolb aro ivm tth laaa andrew arthur il walloon 10 willio mlllllll 1 hi hrd lae herbert mc isaac 177 lor wallace llij ilcrtmiillin 1m ind class holla arilmr lt mi botncrvihe illi and mused a ulij msle mulliolland 11 port ii j 1 knih n tir i 1m ea houlhcr 1 fori i ul m i htcit jm 1 homervilie 1r joe mulhollsod jjl irl 1 c all koiih 1 hproul ri mabel hwallow ill mark poaslble in earh ulass tm low out iiuiiilmr present y daj ireatost number present any day average alluudanuo for lhs uiuuth jl mu ie nhei jurilngb from thh far v luurunt hion although i ry lor fai other n alley jwi1 la sltuatud an i alt wliiuli hove beei fit tbe last hi iho world famed hod llivo uttlrj iho slilhla ol ploiiulilof slock i uk and thtashliig wuuld iijitm the f of an oastoru torinor tlicro are a 01 many ausdians farnilnn uvor hiro 1 woa wall onterloiued only a lew ulliu o ou a large farm owned by a snail his wheal crop this year was it 00 bushels aud altogether he had il mx i bushel uf urkin hut prices oro low ami no wunder i ho crop i so larjjo iboy scarcely can dud room lo store ll one elevator where 1 was bought mm bushel of wheat yeatordsy i pretty ood lur oun day a buynik uut hold your broalh olulo 1 j ll u setuething ll la awlul trtit lru lu iliat soma town of ouu people there i inly ouo charch a fine oue too in which 1 itsve my oouoerl lait iilklil but it haa ltii uloihd fur the loot threo iiiui tin until liar veal la uvor 1 hoy thrash on hunjay and dmr wheal to tlie olovotois just tho ilno as ou week da i hn mall with whom wo arraux pd our oouuort km a moo follow aud lie told mo that he was a wheal bnjar an1 s canadian 1 llniw ha aoid ho never worked on huulay tii 111 hn oainn out here hut tho mtiool keeps coming in ull da huudoy and qn haa lo work or the u mipany would tel auolhoi man he i loiin no one would o lo church wbllo iho harveal la ou oud further he sold it wuul i imvttr ili for a machine lo top on rlundsy foi all lhe null would not df uuk and llt w dd out 1 on hand on monday sod i baliuve ihsl for while till a a irulllblli in stale i lintn ubaarvod all along that ll i a dutd lo ll i 1 drunken men daily ambling to is among tha icadlui profeaiioii uut here kind regard you itesimnlllvly a i iisin 1 hrpl j7t 1mj north lukoti china has ylfclufcu rrooivad uifurinalii n that hu a ha od to the praaaiim of the llriliali uilin by drgradiug iho mproy of hod and octainliug i ureal hfilall a iuspolili llrltuh adini full the nlhur dnniiuili of in hhal glial that the hullo loiuiusiidliitf tha hlocse a luadruu orruiti al woo hun on halurdoy mi urd iho warahip ldnjr iho ottier i iiglih raht 1 wh hung sro the oruisors ooroltti uudaluitod and artbtr ami lliu liispoflth bust alacrity lhs wsr sloop llaphui and iho gunboat rirobraud asoxhhaughoi and at various jmirto up the oug 1 so kiouit tin tha cruis era hoiuihiw kpirun and auulua and ths gunboat plover an i hwifl thanksgiving day i bus xoil hor thursday mot novum bar thu us day a weak lnter tral oil ihursday nov j a on proclaimed lliaiiknttlviug day hue ir 1 his is about the as fn ie year on lnt year allh mgh in ilotliedoto fall on ihr fourth ihurxuy n irder in ntitinul w pistrd hajurdny irxiti ilm j 1st p tilal i hrrr ul health i net hi ed from severe and almont constant head a i lie dilun heart palpitation and was pale and bloodle and evontsslly became o weak and mscialad that her parents lhoiihi that she was in consumption and had all but given up hope of hor recovery her father mr ltehard war man who i a well to do farmer npiru1 uo xpenrn lo procure relief lor lhe poor utterer i he bunt avatlahlu mrdicsl sdvicx was employ l but no relief cnin and olthimigh the pirrutu were almol in doapsir ihey bftil struts tu ilixl tlio iiicann of restoring tlnlc ol i mr wai like id reads lhe now paper many marvellous cures of lr williams 1ink una other likiked upon uvery imdy she i had road of ill elfr toi h the i pills hut like theso stories an miro patent medicino sdverlimimoiit r however as everything olaa had failed no determine i that pink illls should bo kiveu a trial with a reeull no l msrvohou ihsn lhl of many other caea reulml llirou i hi nrrs ir willismi 1 ink 1 nls havecmplotnl mreil iho ouun lady hi llial in a few mouth from a helpless au 1 tu pidi dying girl sht had bcromo s picture uf health and activity iho warmau family la o woll known in this part of the oiuulry that uo one would think uf dlipuling anv slate maul in alio by an of it mimlmri mr ii 11 warmsn mi ai ouul ol hi- hiiaiocna as salesman for agricultural machinery u personally aniusi tiled with utarly ctoiy boily in lhe couuly and wo col aisurcd so ei d of hi i he gratifyiiik nauli- fulluwiuit hi of llr wllllsm im i i ill m lhe cue of mtss wsruau prove that iiiiy are etjiiollui aa a blooil hujldcta aud in tonic 1 ii oso of outik girls who pale or hall i llntieaa koublod will lluttoriiiu or palpilalion of the hcait w and easily tired no hum ahould i lost of dr llll which will pee oud bring a rosy iluw choek 1 hoy otu a peculiar to lumolea buoii irrcgulailties aud all foi hi ill hi ihry illril a ra ooaea aiibliil frmn uimil wll ll irli tho blood llr wiilim od by the di hrockville i ji i and arc sold in by iho doxeu oi 1 uk i ills williams and huhei u ady n i kl fo ll i hi rout o boi j tg and may be had at all druggist- or direct hy mail from lr william motuiiiio ompiny al either oddreaa passed spurious coin rns chum td with ha uut del 1 lief oro i this loruiiig h ll e u uha k wit wsiiiig s t in da a uxii a imiilg voi mn iii lw en houi d for a a oh no whin he wot bri k lice f lhe i aoi bha al id 1 m h ul rdoer wo srr sled and s lit lub photo i h li the mind li tho a u later become u pair ient u uf i sig frt r vital force hleepleeaiiois loo ruiues to rub the sullerer of nature a sweetest solace ond re biuret and a dlaordore i digestive tunctluii uoulrlhulea its iiinta lo ihti olruady lull cup miry itm i iblr ay i t bealrt iglh eoi euod the diicaativu end lion must be roeluted mslllno wllh oca wli other preparation known bines the two obauulial i umoa uailiuo will oca ux p loiin pnertles that are dircolod very apeclol way to tha uerve cciilrei luu iham lone vior aud the slayii so inucliueodod while usl sa afh too doo it oiil and truirftlwni ail of digestion lliua we havo iho pr lion uf all the olominu of a irmatu i tlou which inovllahly t ceiloin lu heallh atrsiigth aud vig ir mattlne oca wine is sold by all ilrukklsls arordlug to tha imdon hie irili laud ueslluu will be eellicd uexl year snd una will imi followed in lh7 by an irish idkal i h rim m atnre which mil probably include iho ureal i un of s con tral ouucll in dublin ll i rumored that the uuvoruninul uf er orejsuwov tuleud bringing on iho broken in health that ttrod feeling constipation and pain in tho bade appctlto and hoalth restored by hoods snrcaparltl c i nnodco loudl mavi for s unmix t o yi irt i liavr i villi it gfiirrttl llred frrlliir h irln uihi in tlm hick in i constlpatl m ml little rest at night on arcouni i v ii m uiiiij vn1 ronr i tried n re it uuttil er nl me it li i ml did uol rci any pcruuuicui relief from n hoods cures murct- until upon rocunimcudalloti i if i jmrrhavd a hotte ol hixmi s kirii 1 rhlcli msiln me frel iwtter nt unre llnirr n lulled lu uie liavltir uucn ihr lioltli il i feel like a now man lid k iippllle frlnt njoj kre i ret s i hood s p it l abk your druggist f murray lanmans norida water ai hokal ltraci i lundkcrctalcf toilet and lath dont romu fin fe it if yhu ic r all fbir illk w rslod hnl ir hie i 9 1 up t 7 o jll et jdorkot no old slock my eapruaub aio auiall ou i laiu bettor voluea than iu vail kialt f pt ulanwhere a trial solicited hit ami workmanahipguaianl i n honnak hamsmlior mill ktieel a waters bros guelph mfcaoquar ieh8 hun 1ioluruu frumoa cornlcu pola just now bpecittl barganib s liuiiliiii jcim hull crand millinery opening- our 1 all millinery opening all thij wo the oraalesl griridesc and heal thai bo acan anywherr we hsva tried oar very beat lo gat together tha mewsal the latest and most arllalio hals and ilonnels ihsl can be looked nron in ontario ao thai mobeanaco n to those in the ladr kirtlo cnmo and aee we ezlnnd a hearty welooma to alf tha bos uly of nature in our h how room dross qoods tjoma al ttip nowjdit reas qoodn can bq usn at our place snoli i kr nv iho twink lalcr u nov jh molify jusstiin in ih mipls will bo i ti iturid jur lr il ii haitlllh hawr worn by tho jead ing fashionable ladies in lsri new york and ijoudou wo keep for oil classes we have dross goods suitable for kitchen work fur i0u a yard we have them suitable for market nig lu for jl to ija we have ihim suit able for ohurch and for marriage all under llm roof of tho mammoth house ready made clothing li bosu fcll repnlw amy how walker a mcdoati can sell ready to wear clolhitig so mnoh cheaper than lbs itoros in tor onto do wall it is ssaily e plained wo buy direct from the manufacturers horns say ihey do iftst who don l but that a their businoss not ours hatn and capo if you want a osn of any kind you can our asles srs increasing right along for ni it al walker modeau a co s the for dresa oods because our prices are lower boms in hats we carry a i a rue stock ond than others for soma quality of woods l prices bat dafy com petit ion that s our method of doing bnsinesa to lead and lei othern follow houaekoaperfl what about carpsla we have few row clocks w atoh ea jewellety spoctacleb silverware fanoy goods also repntrlnu of flnfl oomplicatod walcboi oo to symon piantlcal walchmnknr and jeweller i jj cd cd x c 0 tn on a p upon ijttu abbfrticfmfnu j mai kinnon luuiiihtsn hoi ii itou onirvma n r orin till and main hlreeta hoick coknkr lot for saaue thousands yards of corps remaining of r naif mantles direcl from iho factory a bettor and moleod a co a stock that is going tor liner selection cannol be aeon anywhero nrioos janl si good as if bough i i hli season heaver mantle large aleevos for 1 1 75 loep insnd sse how wo are selling them worth at least s 00 itoaver m ah ties a bs ooqvinoed that this is tbs piaoe to latest design 14 0 worth 7 00 we have f yoo w r goods for little them up lo 118 oil money others have bean convinced so will vti y y w or come and see we will long ulatora only cofno a mm wb wlu jo ilh medium sleeves from i o lo ft i f i 00 money tailoring department hi nee wo msde a ahsnge lu this do part me nt il has incseoaei beyond ourespoetslions we haven t lo go lu the street and pull people in to buy our goods no good people il t isu l our way of doing business our way is to invite you to our store aud sss whst wo hove got oud if j ou con buy reliable eoods ehosrmr tbsn we srs selling tbsm w would coll you foolish to buy from us if you onuld iftiy cheaper eloswhure wo sro not afraid of that icople go to oilier store snd then come 10 us because our prlocs are ao uli less and you can always rely on the linings and trimmings of our suits good htrong hulls for u h6 worth c1100 h ino twoed huiih for 111 00 worth h 00 kcolch tweed suits for 11 1 ill worth til 00 hootch 1 weed ruils for 111 0 worth 1x1 00 yuu con hosr our price quoted all over halton county ond men auknualedge thai icj ton sftvo v 00 to tlo 00 a suit by buying it from walker mcbean c co georgetown and toronto hioiidard 1 attorns ond magasmes in for ootobor v sshion b heels free call and gel ont henderson co fall 1895 millinery opening vi befj tu announcl to tht ladies that our i will be lormallj opened on saturday sept 28th miss stone will be in charge again this season we can 1 i iinisc ou will be able to inspect the choicest and most sthsli coiltltion of ladies trimmed hats bonnets etc that it has elr been oui pnvilege tu oiler mantles a largo range of m j u ij t i j and ills lierfocl and prloea low you certainly stiouid if i u ihl depot nietil t 1 k before the choicest goods are picked up dress goods stylish hoods oitro value- a i- iio- i i aweat ttilun in herges twocds rupoub etc iwiaamkr o ru lack uress goods of all kinds henriettas serges crepons riguroa and holcila ore the best values obtainable auywheir pleased tu allow these goods whether you buy or uol somo very slyli mils week staples an baioiisivo rantte f staple iruuds ot all kind- al out riixw 4x tlukliik aac twill hhieling hloschtd tt a 2o 1 will bheeliug urey at luo lijoprinu for be to clear out tho whole pile jood dark and light patterns and the very best cloths in market for only flannelettes from i oauta up hpoalal values lu ladles hosiery lu both ribbed plain luii i tail lo te our dinptoy if millinery on saturday to which all are welo henderson go acton a gxeat sweep r mullnory raaao a groat iwesu t uie opening carrying tho cjty by uti rra the most aucoensful in our hia lory more plooea sold than ever before i tuesday mornir- at j o eloek we big in n sale n maged underwear a oo iloooa hrialthful llrond 1 adie oud hlldrou j u tou wmriiilli aoftursi and mroaily meotiii all tha rt ut kate soiiaalive akin we will ulfer ihom at so cersts m i nlav ud llil uhiiay ltd un ha 1 1 hdak tiitn j d williamson sl co 411 and macdonnell streets perfection f sud workoisnsltlp ond yuucoatinus and and vvl all i new in olln quality sud workiusnsbip ond tha very latest i 1 io 1a1 1 htlirinoh oyuuloatinus and tkomifculnoh of 1 1kb aud uhnitt 1 aukitlt as ualb lhe lstcsl r e nelson leading tailor and furnisher 09 upper wyndham street guelph imifc lot crtriior lliuroh and luelpk htreels noorht it nation ktnnn rounaaan all rsatly tor building vosy di ilralile ibtln alilily al iloe cottage to john ii cameiios auton machim ami repair shops hhnit oillsdkll iraiirlotor ahv woll eulppsd with all tha msebldarv uoeessary to sssluib ol rensir lo nisebin ory and agrlaultural implsnisols snd lo do al kinds of atasin oujba liorsasboaing sndgsnersl black sin i lb i uu woodwork rs pairs mrfomnd in a sstlsfsctory inanuer wo can repair any itiaehiiie nr luiplsuiant of snymsko baw kuiumliiii ami diiiik duno valuable ikolkfm in acton fob sale 1lll- lioinand lot on amiss htrswt forrusrir outlhl 1 f tho owner jr efass qulltnsr a liereby ortarixl fur sle the bouse is a oom iirtotile roiiuh coal with woodsbsd ond tbero o ror particulars tp to c c hphtoht or wll hfilhtitkkt acton wednesday and saturday th9 seiniwceklj qpebtator a pudlsshkd i m 1 u umoes thia is nsarly as 4 od daily paper while tbs price is only 1 00 per j oar if yoo subscribe now for jmwfl wo will send the balanoe of ibis yesvuile ob rilailqh lhe earlier you subscribe the mors you gel for your tl 00 sample copies free ou opplicaliou spectator printing go hamilton can t prin6le the jeweller oublph graduate optician having received his certificate of ability from now voik optical college ho bos also in bis employ two graduates from canadiau instructor making pnojilss jewellry store in guelph probably ths only place in canada where there are ihrss par sous who perfectly uuderslsud filling tbs sysw of psouliar kinds of sight out of tha ordluary if iringlo himself is not in wtieu you call you coo bo served josl as well by ouo or other of his workman as be never leavos his store without soras one beiiik left in it who can issus a morrisue license repair your watch or tost your eyes pringle quelph iibw ll km hdw oooos nkw priceu iibbqnmillarg0 qkohoetown lriul ulici hullow 111 mnetailii lid u i iiiaa itoy a ua until and itur s ovre at i aiiu tu llala caw lu all iho unweat bklua mou vv t i i f oat tdlaijlal skill 111 nail au i truth wi atlrtliule our l u lar o spits to u in hi t it i-rus- skill lu kmsnlii- li i i lire lu buy obsarvouon fool uf our ou trult uui yes it is a fact ii o iwple lisvu fount ml wliure t h i uio rnoal atyltah ileal ntln beal irlgiinuu hobt luailo aeeoml lu uoue untsred olollil trtiui lliu fact thol tbe uuuilrar of ordsra u liavs tokeu slues we cauiuieucwl laublueos los tiean unpra csxieulahl w lot a ilia lorgoat asfl6niuaut of all the nueal imihirtml ovaruobllun hulllus in houich kiihubii irlrli twwla cheviots aud flue liniwrta1 wutaonli truuserluaa ale ai irlea uover hoard of uafurs hi tuwli wn uoralitss loattlvely aerliiilii first a laaa we ore liars lo full value to tba imoiila fur tltslr monsy aud will do it our tlsuu rur utsbluss r till out if uow ouiuilate 0 hate all mbe latsal in hhurta ollora tlio ufla uiuve uuitercloltiliir llutsory fur men and llovs llraeoa irrohrsllas ste t juli jm i fur 1 uwluil lu ills iraluaudlqua wla if our t lavu els and vlaaualatlaa ws bsva lii n rkiat lur order iwloe aud ws slill bsve a lantn alock u haul we tisvs slao o full hue if irey otuina ihiukiii ol o prlps tbat 111 iiilii ui ul iiitrhll tlie larger bouses wo oualu bluoerlv thauk urn many fiieud mid llieulilto lu keuurol fur their liwal psl uu uslviiusd to us uthhon miixvh co y ltoe niock mslu u it eoructown n tl it tr e llr thu only firm lu luwu bond bverr dai j hull the vuliratml itloi f iuirtllttnafr li 1 ul ra i t

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