Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 3, 1895, p. 3

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bank of hamilton iuld or nasi hamilton iriti lii ha lt sssbrvk fuxi totlh a mitts mtmb board op dlftrctors 0imhtuaht a itlmhay liwl tnt lool rml i not iim lholtom h host ii a t w mi a llj i kk i romnio v w clinitum u i tlllnhui ti caslilor ii h ktppiiin ami csiiw ii u w tbos lcci r agencies hamilton lururahtj r i n i alliaton tsrlln ctiaaloy uaontatonti llriitimly i utownl uflkoow ulftnu llarfnl formal ursngavms hound ion his in hi moo tort am vluuatn british cortoapondontfl london national 1 rovinclal lunh ul ki tt and ltd american gorreopondantn niw toms fourth sallnal liana an i iudotot ndlwal han llwro inlsroauo i sitraaico hurssao slarlnolianh in ao national hank of illinois uul union sliotml hank darvnrr otroli national liana sumsas oitt nauoual bank ol commnr aflonto mi montreal tbs nnkof toronto qhobqetown aqbnoy the news at home monvly ot n lrscal charmotwr and vow itfcim intorestlna notss dleeounlsd uul sdvaacss mad on t uiu monrlum oollaeuona mads and drafts boualit awl sold o all knn iblapptnta in canada uallad kisias orast ttrilalp atwsihactuiunaoloi knro l most favorable itrmi bavlngs deportment dsnaalla of tl and upwards roeahrsd aud intarast allowed from data of daiioalt to dais bf withdrawal bpkoial delobith alao rseslvsd at torrail rata of intarasl n m l1msqktom- aeiic headquarters for watches clocks jewellery spectacles rogers knives spoons and forks bring our rep uring in to os we always give s itts faction geo hynd8 acton ont jibe xton jfm rcss thursday octoiiht 3 lhjo uttle local brieflets which cauaht tha eyaa or estrs of fra prmi ra port ara this wk tantb montli october olo or l ho tiro iroloolio ii law b pi ra be r larurd a cold shoulder as it rslirsd the fire irotecuoit uy law nloulluu tab plaos on saturday hslton county btaow at mi lion titit tuesday and wednesday tha iroits of tha paat week liavo play ad havoa with tbo frardan flow era tlir riliibition joalerday waa dftapon sibls l lialf holiday in tbo 1 ablio bobool the ftxi psjcvi la the people a pa par what is bono without it only cenu lo january 1800 in rsply to an advertisement lor a pnblio bobool icwobrr the dnttoa bcbuol board received 107 applicants air j w oreta formerly of tha hild may otcrfh haa ooromencad tha publication of a papar in tavistock tha clinton new jtra umaoj a vary ooa ciroalar to tta coatomara laat week tha daaqpi is both prauy and artistic two of lha oaw luardmora balldinga ara about oomphited tha bnok work of tba larsa building will be nntahad thta waak jadaw hamilton mada hia drat vuut to anton laat thnnda in coo miction with um dtvisioa court aittiaft ha created a vary favorable inapt eaa i the diractora of tba klgin fr wlo had lo faca a daflcit this year have paid lha pfiaawindara 55 cants on tba dollar this show wiu ukaly ba diaoontlnoed tfaa baplial avaniceliauo acrvicaa are bcinr ooolldoad thia weak in the church ra ur wbyu and dsoghur ware abaeot tuesday a vent ok bat will ba prascnt tha rarnsinaat of tba waa acton la to have snother lawyer ur a j uaokinnon 11 a ltarruter who has been praotloio with franota a wardrop toronto tha past year baa decided lo oommauce toe praotioa of bia profeaaion bare ua will open an office above kop man alore sboat the 15th lost mr r k neleoa parposea making extensive improvemenu in bis merchant tailoring establishment on upper wynd bam sliest tberearwall will be moved beak toorteeo feethua enlarging and im proving the light m the cnuinic depart moo i a new stoat will also ho pat m ooelph brampton al about 4 o olook bstnrday u ii r odlnm a dwellink end brna uii od den atrcst ware discovered lo ba on re and were entirely oonaomod toatetber with moat of lha contents two boreea and a cow were warned loee about ta 000 wholly covered by insurance in tbo nor wiob ur joseph fellowbeld of uramptaa bas struok a alraak of ajosd furious bv tha death of so ancle in kaglsni uls sharp ll is said will fool up to tboassnda of dol lars whloh is staladtby aoma to bs iajo ooa he baa left to eimumd to boo about it lbs inberilanos thb book of thfc frair part xxii of this elaborate work u bafora os this pari la devoted osclesivaly to lha midway waieenoo that most eltreo live faatura the congress of nations at lha world a fair all day long and far mto tbe nuht this apaoiuaa throojthf srr a mils in length and coo feat in width was orowdad with sight eaura who whatever else they miaaed would make a toar of bie novel end heterogenous exhibition tbe liool uf tktr ftitr desc midway in de tail kviun copious and beautiful illuetra imbs and inlaraallnii latter preea particu bus of all its attraction tha ikxtt of tk pbir is lbs only work in sot wiee attempt ing to reprodoos lbs exhinitinu anura it ie pablitbetl in s3 parts at tl 00 par part and gives over s0o0 of the bueet llloatrs tlooa address tba bancroft co pabliah ra a editor iom unildinji chicago iii do you want white tebth uea ivoriwe ars signs of dsoav preeeat t ivorine retards decay and rendara it im possible if aaed resjalajly is tbe breath bsavy t ivorine psriase and awcelans ivorine preeervee and whilsoe lb ealh 6 gives tbem a dassjing brilliancy ivorine j abaolately free from enamel waaring nbsuaoee use ivorine for the teeth il is delightful and fragrant tj7 firnwtn n rvrrmt fanhtona 1 ho millinery pitalng al the gl sagos hmimffli haturdsy brought oat the lad tea in largs nnmbnrs the show rooms ward thronged during ilia afternoon and evening 1 he diaplsy embraced mkny- attractive ikntjition an i domonalrated ilia fact that hie mlllincra or moaara hendcraon a co uixlotlha aaporvialon of alue btooo jiavo lha ability of creating jovely things ont of feather and mourcra fihtwna far and fell the imming waa highly nrsllfying to lha arm tlir ofw at thy onfil tl e hildron a day service lipid by the hebbeth kchool of knm lhqroh laat bab bath afurnoon waa of a vary intaraeting character a large number of the parent a and frinda of the scholars were present lha programme waa the one prepared by the b b committee of tha doners assam bly and included reeponsive readingn s aeriea of appropriate hymns and two abort addrearea one to the young people by the rev j w ran and the other to the chil tren by mr ii i moore a foal urn of tlio sorvice waa the floral oftoringa a bo til a hundred boa aala of beaaliful cut flowers being contributed those were sent to tba hick children a hospital toronto on mon lay morning mr wm mcimiail rluprrintendent praaided at the eervice rraitr flofaua seal to central prfma the clever a treat of arthur ilolus by chief lawaon in nasasgaweya several week a ago was refcixnd lo by the i- skk i m the cuelph uermrj aaya thuradsy morning arthur liolua aha kydney iomptlorp wsa brought out for sentence before ilia honor judge had wick on the 2th of auguat ha atole a moii of clothes an overcoat and a hat from mr henry canr ntr hillaburg ho gave audi a plauaibla atory to the judge al the time of the trial that ilia honor wsa in clioed u believe hia tale and bn forts sen tenctng lum determined to make in uiry aa to lua premoua charaoler when ll waa neiqhdonh nhqcld news found that the man had a ved a loi lha central prison fur a aimllar offeuce onarudntly no amiatl waa found f r tlio pel non er and lie waa aontenceil to throe raru hi the pt llenllarv r nltlcd ml macouvcr tt c 1 hu marriage of alexander ho iduraon 11 snlmisa buaau raw lord mocra ncy m r i took place on b turd ay after noon ltlh bspt at 5 o clolk rev cover dale watson official n the groom is s son of a lei ilondarsou huj of 0hawa ont and a harr later of oagoode hsll tor onto he came lo uriliah columbia in ikj1 and la generally regarded aa one of the rising lighla of tha bar in the province of lua adoption tire bride thodaunhtcr of w mccrsney tiill of tl n city bhe in a native of helton la highlv aocom lliabod being oousidered one of tha best cloculluiilsla in tbo lroi re her frlniidn are legion wherever alio la known i he warmest fellcltsllona of a m id rtrclo of frien la aud aouaiiitaiicea are leu lerod the hoppy couple with beat wiahes for a a moot h aud proapcroua aall over the matrimonial anoouver b it urtd tbe sdndajr school aovlew terrier ltoviow bundsy lo ibe malhodiat sunday bcbool ia invariably anoocaaion of interest tbo luerlerlf- review srrvioe laat hunday took the form of a wolcono service ao well and a oooaawrabte number of- parents and fnenda were present tha programme in eluded the ainging of n amorous hymn scriptural reading in concert sacred aelec lions by the orchestra but the feature of tbe service waa the review of the lesaous of tbe juarter by mrs t u couleou of kden milla mrs coulaou ia a talentod and auoceaaful buodsy school worker end with tbe aid of colored charts ahe conduct ed a moat lutcreating aud inatructive re view in proaaljtg the leading ihoughla of each lesaon close attention waa mull festnl lb roug bout al the close a oordja vote of tbanks was scoordod mrs jl oulson upon motion of lleva howoll and uryers the schoolroom was taxod to sooomodato tbe attendanoe whloh numbered 283 mllttom s obatructioatmt the milton itefurmer in an editorial in last isaue relative to the abort aigbted policy of aoma members of ila town council and a number of ollixoua lu luarrelling with the only important manu factory in their town sooree theee abatruo tioniata in numeroua pointed paragraph a it aaya all i ton tafjuiet enough oveu with tha ahot faotory but what it would be like were there no auch an inautution here heaven only knowa la it nolhiug to the town to have 1j 000 a year paid oat in wages t la it nothing that so many of our young ineu and women anj boy a flud employ uieut in thia indualry t aak our aiater village ac too what it would not souuer do iban have her luduatnea leave there and locate somewhere else ws ara boand to aay ihey would io to cunaidarable langtha before thoy would eoe them pick lip aud cars aod yet bore lu kill too l horn are oar lain people doing their level best to rid iho lowi of her ohlcf indualry aa thougl ii were a cuare lu the lace lualcad of a hall artom t i t of iho chautau uk 1 itsrsiy and buloutltu circla for their fourth year e course of atudy waa held laat fc rids y ovenlngst tbe maples ir i ran proaldent occuiiod tba chair iho circle com men ooa the year with a good worktugmembershlp and 41 ie follow lug oftiaiary 1 resident h i moore 1 mice tor of 1 rogramuia dr i run bccretary c h moore treasurer mis inutile r bpeigbt i ho circle will uicot eadi friday avauiug irom tha iltst of october uulii tha end ot uoil june thia ia tha auadtaw an 1 american year and lto taxi book are highly interesting i ho i b has lovelued a ayslem of ua uwu wl icb aocuia ecullsriy arflaplod lo the work whlt1 it design to do tl awards a oertiocats for a four years course of road lug without requiring examination further than that uudrr lha auparvluon of the local circle lu aludouta trained in echoleatlo method till seema at first eight a most euiorncial arrangemeul dcaiguod lo on courage pour work hut a mora osralul and leas auperflaial viaw on the pert of the observer oonvinora hlin lliat tbo lh c plan ia a jflma one the object ot hit circle ia uol lo establish a school but tt serve as a guide lo aapiriog but bosy men snd women whooeed encouragement mure than cuminelioua in their work aa atudenla of btalory and literature commander kingamlll sou of judge kingvmill formerly uf this county baa been promoted to the independent command of a v i and u goiug to china to oo mm aod 11 m b arcbec a torpodoioraiear dr 11 morrow la confined to hia bed ue baa not beau feeling vevy wall for a few weeka and a abort lime ago took a holiday he returned un bstarday and bas sine beeiixouiluod lo bia bed tba oaaee ie a geoural rtruabag down of lha ayslatn cuolh jrxsrv news llama tjuppltod by corrr pondonta nntf erfchnnaoor cnewiionb cohncub i otato digging an 1 iall infra aro now the order of the dr the revival hrrvioe in the motliojlat church here com me need on tuoaday nlglu mr lflor ovaiigolial la naaiatinu rev mr koalle meset b waluiua and henry town erd are each iflilding large corn ailoe for thsir corn the corn orop in uil section of the oaanlry la heavier than it liaa ever been before mr win coleman arrived homo trom bultalo last wek miasdultield ol i rmou viallod in r uncle mr john oaborna jest weak milton ounly r air next lutaday and uodnea ds til town haa won its suit agsiual iho ahoo factory but u haa not improved ila reputation aa a deairal ie location for manufacturer the al age in the town bell has recently been fitted op with five acenea and a very fine drop curtain which imparl s wonder fully improved appearance lo the hall right itev lliahop hamilton officiated al grace hurch on bunday evonlug biduey kelly who waa aent bote from acton for trial waa sentence 1 last week by judge hamilton lo ihree months in jail at hard labor oeoroetown itev and mrs t a molr liavo been apending um week on their old charge al alma collector bearch report about ij0o0 received on the llrst instalment of lsxei those who pal i aeved g per cent georgetown seema to have run to lacrosse thia week 1 van lha high bchool wsa cloeed ye lord ay afternoon owing to a lacroaae match in rramntot lha annual harvest thauk aar viae of hi jul n a hurch btrwartlown will bo hull oil thursday october id al ho clock tn iho taejknorof the men uk will ho rev wm walal of llramp ijoou noot i erin fox at lu will piudm the largest crop ot polauma i rta biatorv lha oro engine jueatiun ia at ll a live laaue j i rouald uf llruraeln inter viewed the couunil ual a arthur liolua waa laat w k aent lo ceutral i neon for threo oara for atealing from henry lno rev mr hope ll e recently i ted psator of the dtaciple church ll llillahury who has boon very ill will bv able- t- c duct the aorvico next sundoy mr c overland waa the aral lobe rea ly to oimmo ice tii3 brick w irk on iim nnw tore moaara hutlui mil m 11 iv have osol purchased lota f r m m r join c ru ak au 1 have oo u noticed oioivaliuj f r ll o ooilara au 1 fouudalioi u mr hutloi a torn will bo adjoli lui mr overlau 1 si 1 thai mr mllloy eden mills i ho alora au i poat otllo al 1 j- mlll kepi by mr coulson was entered by burg lara ontueaday uighl or early wednesday morning oi last week aud ttto mgney in tba post office aud that of the weigh bcaloa company smu tilling tn all to about twelve dollar was atoleu m- coulaun waa in hamilton at tbe lime aud mr ixiulaou waa atayiug al the realdonce of her neigh bor mrs webb for the night ouleaviug sbo look all the mouey lu the alore till with her the burglar gained their entranoe through the window of the reeidouce and by forcing open two door uu iho loalde with an iron kir got luto lha al iro weigh analea and post office 1 1 appears thai lhay ouly wanted money ai they passed a gold watch which was llug lu full eight of tbem in loaving the pre mi no they buret open hie front door of ihe atore aud went away loaving il wide open ashurovl mr toll of chatham la the k of rev fred 1 hompson mr bcott of toronlu waa a goet l mr john urowurldge a over buuuay mr kirk wood calodou called on fileda bare daring tbe week ibe son of temoarauon elaalod the totlowiug bfficcra on tnday oveniug w i w blorey f w 1 u fiber y h nellie shank it b a i loo a npboll con krod blbbald i 8 f robiusou organist o hullmsn w a mabel hull man cbsp rev i 1 iuugh 1 rose o thompson all olive llufluisii a c nellie duuglaa oh 11 bhaud two uaudijalea wars li llmlod uu rnday hog hockwoou lu i uuou agriuauuisl b a gaged eaoclleul lain il tot ll o r m i tha hxju i l igl i ul ltoukwood altuw it e dili ul oo tuber mr mcarll ur a lml may mathoson uf llamlll j n fax lurouto aud the rook wood male quartette clut 1 took wood will lake pail mtas rdwarda ha 1 a aoriu i tlt l woek aud la uot yel able tu uu aroui d rov mr c ulbbart mr ulhburt d ctilld uf jahawa ara vial 11 if at alra btull a miaa auguala ulull l oal xwa la tail lug her multier here g mlaa a took la vieiln g at mr w oaborna a uf ihe vlllago tbe alorea uf mr bin aou ai i lit i aaa mors of rockwood ware vlaited hv burn lara lueajay n ghl f ul werk ij i a inautlty f rovlal al le tl era waa uo money lu olthor uf ihe tills al the u lie it ia the intentiuu of the h h aaaooia lion to have two r hires normal luali tutpa ill a fow weeka for iho bo until of the huuday boliuol leacheib luv mr rao ot aclot haa beei aaked 01 has oonseiitcd lo oouducl iheas ho baa boon vary auooeaaful in olher parte whare be haa done l hi kind of work snd thia abould be tskau advantage of by ail toe teacher in ihe lownahlj tha lusll luloa will ba arrange i al suitable jhilul id the lownahl ao thai all nay i laud nut a little aurpriee and dlaatlfaolioii was eaprsassd by lbs isranta aud guardian of puplla of georgetown high bcbool when llsraa reorled that tbe school waa to be closed yeaterday afternoon because or aoolh there was a championship lacrosse match in bramploa ibis certainly ia a trivial reaaou fur closing an knporlaut educational iuatitulmu there was not much objeoliou to closing a day last week for a townahip fair tbongb even on that occasion a hslt holiday might have anf qoed this wasting ot lime and fees snd rsilway fares fur so many pop i a imutf in ay tbe least unreasonable oil the part of the high bobool authorities aud unfair id the patrons who are not luterealed in pro feeaioual athletics cqming and going vlafltora to and frorr aotpnnd vajrlouaotheirpprarjtiril notal the vnsa i mesa nvlts al lis read are lo en irlliuia u thia column if rou or vour frlomlb srn jfflsn swayoil a hnll tar ul or if jfon have irltm la vlilllngyou dro a card to the fuse nsai mr thomas i salon loaves thia morning for chicago mr thome mcmaoknn uf ayr waa in town jaaterday mr ilitrrs of oaratrax visltn1 friends in tow ii hia week iuatinaator llandarson of ueorgetown waa in town on tuesday mn iiwry ir of onelpb haa haen tha gneal of anion frienda tbe peal week mr m i mccann of the worul toronto spout a couple of days thia week in town mnwj cm ma m moore of toronto baa been home for a few slays rest thie woek mr and mra w p brown of toronto woro in town a couple of days thia nook mr chaa willis and obiljren of aurora are gaeata at the home of principal moore mrfiart howell leavra to day for detroit to roanme bia course at detroit medical college ml maryjjonnar uf bolton wawibe guest of her brother mr n j ronnar thia wek mr finch of toronto was tbe gaeet of relatlvea at llie methodial pareonage the past week mr sod mrsqfhomas c moore a pent two or threevaya laat week with friende la georgetown ajtu andrew or ruakville viaiud frieuda thia week at lbs home of mr arch mcnabb dr wilkinaon attended the funeral of bia frfend ur j a robinson of brampton on saturday of laat week mra jas deans of in wood ont spent a fow ilaya last week at the home of her brother mr wm bdmiaton mr joseph first brook of toronto waa in town on monday inspecting tbe work al the now fwh hatchery pond mr w j watson late manager of ir inisnoti toronto made the ruan 1 i kmh a loaaaut rail un r ndsy mr robert moore aod family liavo rotuined from ursoebridge and will make aou n their homo lor lha future uin maggie hmiih returned laat week lo belleville to resume her aludiee at the- institute mita mary accompanied her as far as toronto mr aaa hall who haa born apending tl a summer at tb homo of hia sou at 1 enetang returned homo last week ho welcomed home by all mrs liov w bryera aud mr- diumti 1 aalou tra attending the at i ual meeting ot tlio h am tl lou conference brauoh of tba woman a mieaioner hoololy at st cath 1 ottli mtl ihow 1 u ivi uad i ollday hie pkst w eck lis waa aeriuualy lit for several day tt a public gouarally are glad to aoe it able lo rraumo hia dulina i i friti at v i a i 1 ljliinc y j 1 1 i i t n ntl whicl art im itt rylody oi r display ivill i usual vc think l the bet in the city uul no one should fail to l ike it in i urs m intlcs bilks 1hess goods 1 t iniiiinu etc ill l shown in m iinnilnsity of selection c onie md hriug our flu nets urttiiay friday sax t 27 26 in the year oi grace 1895 e r bollertdt co i ft an4 9t wyndbam straat ouclp1i ont i3hhe spot s for as new and fashionable dry goods the best possible goods at tlir the lowest possible prices ii ods at i h i i 1 1 6c 4 in i jnd it 40 in lijjc ill wool at 2 4 111 1 idillont ipool at 4 in tt iiiitinc 11 10c 4- in i igurld satiii ci ut 4 in w tit uiobctl scid ti i7jc 2 in n tin w sttitii suit nigs it 5 a ll tt t ly 1 votth t vldb i igurcd i wccdi biochc twccdb hcnnnctt b and puin goods of all kinda from 6c up to 85c and 1 00 per yard and all in short lengths and at from 5c to 151 per t ent cheaper than elsewhere our stock of clothing uc vci beuil fiea 1 ly as complete as it is lins ii reason nor have we ever had the values we have now md 1 00 men s 1 inu ul p i o up to s 75 boy s iuit it t 1 i 1 1 tn 4 00 ouih 1 suttj i js ij w 7 50 men s litt 1 i j uj t 1 y xi full uu 1 ol 1 or mt n m lttter mis it i uul 50 we 1 i i 1 ie v 1 neit lcictt i u ui 1 wet k f kq lvlt vv w ulel llkt evlly n in this vicinity to examine our goods omp ut styles and prices and convince them selves of the v ilue agents for buttrtck pattern p c maddock mill street acton sqtwt i ng jnesfl knowing tthcdemrttid for a first class article 4nd one that for purify ant strcngtli may always be relied on we have commenced the manufacture kaiiiiawink bakinc ponder it is pure strong and healthful containing onlj the purest ingredients and will always be freshly prepared when baking powder is men tiodcd in your recipes none but- kannawins freshly pre pared baking powder should be used to obtain satisfactory results only 25 ceuui a pound prepared only by j v kakmawin imuooibt acton so most reliable alarm clocks arrived savage ao jbw ll1 i k cuelpl salfcsmen wai 1 uablnc trualworttij tuan to ro m aa ia sals of our cboioa narsory bujck una isecoauollsd by ua lllguesl hsiar or x tnualoo sll wsskl hiewty eiui loyuient taaut maud oulflt iras ssxliuuvs terrltot sivrttmos not nenmssrr bbj pay aaaurad mrtm siiaclal itxluoauiaola to begtnnsr tt rile al tuice for part lou lars lo ll i kn st hhkh1 co the neiarest stock rvt th loiarest prices wc hixe just recejved 1 urefullj si leltcd slock which we will sell at the lowest possible prices j dress goods hosiery cottonades flannelettes gloves cottons shirtings flannels call and sec our special line of ladies 1 im oshanters assorted colors we have always on hand a choice stock of groceries all newiind fresh goods a k urney co mill street ac i on bibles bibles bibles oxford bible indextd cambridge bibles bagster bibles lirge t pc comprehensive 1 cu hers bibles uicliicsi teachers intern itionil bibles iliir t pc ill styles ot bindings presbyterian hymnals methodist ii mn books bibles and bresbyten in hymml i t 1 lnglish prajcrs and church hymns combin d bibles with illustrations ind maps on joe a big stock at reduced prices w g s7uuth and bookseller o vndhim bt gull 1 ii as many rood tilings ore likely to but ju arc safe in running the risk ir ou lccp a bottle of tf mm lrwts piry davis iyf killer at hand it s a neverfailing antidote for pains of ull sorts sold by all druggists a jb hyan fc co s motto owe price only i the principle upon wliiili wo couihict our bumnoah it in no now u ng will h i i j4buivu your coiihrntti na tnoro untl in oro in tbe conviction thut it m indmpcnhiblo u h j conducted buatneaa do ouielive in thia principle v we think ou do let u look into thu mutter u little huppoac you tuik tlio pnco ot a mantlu md tlio nuluawoiuun ol thu stow ot mini priceu toll a you the pnco if ou decide not to take it you are liable to ilnd by the tmio the heud ot thu btuirs u reached that she will accept a lower hguru you coutiuuu on your wuy but ut tbo door the proprietor intercepta you with another reduction und it atill uuwillini atill imothcr alico ia tukeu ofl the pnco you have at laat got the quotation ou bhoiild tiavc hud at hrat but thut wuu bctoro thoy found out jou would uot pay two or three prices tor the urticlu i lio iom ot thua mark ing goodit ut a high ouoilgh price to admit ot aeverul reductioiia trom tbo price hrat ipiotul aeema to ue rather hurd on tlioae truating people who rol on the merehunt a bonoi und puy tbu price hrat aaked la auch a bye loin honorable 1 in ll even boneat detydcdl iul should it over full to our lot lo piirchaae from uii oiil in ibe bul u i n ukin t i price we should inaimplo aohcletonce iwut down in price rentoraely iiitil wu but phtitily roue hod rock bottom even then we would icel thut we wen deiihng w ib u initn win would lake advantage ot us it he could now what guarantee hare you in titi mi iro in uiuieliunla of t bin out 1 be uu nhoppor ia probubty over churged bul tbe avoruo i ualomer n ccrtainl victiuiiid w b tl un hu trout thoae pnictiaiiig ao iniipjitouau at em v it jou w lab lo purchase gooda wbcie jou iblld will he uh udvunliipooualj treated ua iho moat uxperu in d ahoiiper ou will ilnd ibut j ll uana o have but oiio price with ull gooda marked in j lulu tigurec und full und otirteoua ti oiitiucnt tor ull a b ryan co gueljjli f thb right house ul hu jaui llj tdua j ly hluulli lisuls add luvlla 11 vlaitu un vii t a ui autrs lhlt iibau u dmldi lusir mil stcrjr mis bains wso lu ruvido fur tlio comfort ut laulos and ctnldioit laraa j arlors a11 1 lullol raoaii slo in tloos srs bsvs svarthius pa rta i ti log lo a laro city dry floods a to al ily urlocb wlnoli moans a very lar aavinn tnprios aa wall aa lbs adsaura ol s ffrsal arialy lu choose from lirrsa uuoda mlllluory bjlaituos artwlo lluuto furnishings lloautrj olovss undarwoar ueu a furniahinss 111 an ho u ijubu hheliiib rlanools rlo n our mantle department hi kc1al no 1 ladira llaasy ulaca lisan al a7i jscait duublv brcaalcd laiao but lour hi kcial no a ladlss ilaasy 11 lacs uargs jacket douuo breasted vulval oullsr all si mm al tit 7 tic d ua your boat sbcasuis sod ara oao si press you a jacket to fit dry goods department r blfcciax no i fanojr drssa taraaov 1 iuobaa wtda shot cffoou dark oolor 10o r yard bpkoial no i aoc7 ursaa twasd 4 inoban wids roottasd eflsets sk soo per ysrd worth 7fc bptcial no 5 nasy aou dlsok bare all arool 4s iochsa wide irom joo par yard hiecial no 1 all wool plaids many diqarsol dssigos 1j in chaa widr al 40q usually sold ai u oouu sr yard we bund samples free to any address on apj beation md pi carriage on all pur chases ot 5 and upwards to any part of ontario tjik 11iout ilouhl kloc al saal oornar unnbaaa alt ilamiltoo svpttmber s6tb ibm thomas c ttastsb

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