Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 10, 1895, p. 3

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8ank of hamutoim muatoman hauiwoh curitir ilin ur- ithbhtm vcmu i tot i mtiooo board of directors dnn btuaht a q 1uuhay lroeldotit vlriwveuleril tun i aootow llao roanr a t wo l a ii lap toronto m linaox ii i tuitnlluil cashier ii h utuiiiknaxl caliw ii m wathon ltiimtor agencies hamilton lllarton rt keat km allutan terlln glimlny aaaritatownuriiiiaby i llowr uaknow ml lion uoanl poml onttitfntljja twma bound rati klein hi mean tofguio vlngliaoi brltlih gorrespondaiits amarloan corronpondpnta shw vouk fourth national llank and hanover nallinal llank iiam latatnatlou eltruatoo liuwwtua ueriuallank ciiicano national lunk of illinois ami union national llank dinwit detroit natlpoaj hank auw city national hank ol comutyrco atfanta in montrool tba llank of toronto oworqetown aoisnoy notea dlaodantexl and advance u aile on salt aula amurluae collaotiona made and tlraila booahl nff boui on all aooaaaibla point in canadaunited huim qreat britain and uicantgenlorhnnti ujmo moat favorable tarnia saving department dapoella o tl and urw arils rafcolveil aril inlrfdat alio ad from data of dapoall to data ol withdrawal breoiax dbroultu also reoaivad at onrrant rataa of interaat n u livincjbtonk a headquarters for watches clocks jewellery spectacles rogers knives spoons and forks bring jout repairing in to us we always give satis faction qbo hyndsaotonont jawxijv ttonc kb ktttm 3fr fjrrss tbdr8day octoilth 10 1hu5 little local br1eflets which cauaht tha ey or ears of croat proaa roportora thla vmk brin fair oct 22od and 43rd ilallowean rartleaare now botin talked or nufakwci abow oo friday ihth loal tbo canada glove work la working overtime onllia ratepayer will nay 21 milla tbie yaar today and friday lnmott sbow will be 1ld ml rook wood ttwre are mora walla dry in town at praams than i bore ever warn before in any donnar iba tailor baa jut i ad3ad a floe fall length pier glaaa mirror to bia lor dlahlok extra oepiea of lb pkk paxa may ba bad wrappad raady for mailing for ibraa oanu tbs annaaj hooting matob for tha daltan batlaltoo win ba bold in george town on toaaday oat 16th a mail bag which wu atolen at guelph eight years ago waa found id a obimoay of tb city hotel ihera leal weak walla wajkiofl through iba bttah laat saoday morning mn a f bmitb loond a wild strawbarsy plant in lull bloom an at dome waa given at tha iar aooara laat availing by tba woman a mia aooaxy society of tba itothodlel church itav j w baa praaobaa annivaraary aarmooa at dalton on hunday knox chorea will ba aupplied from knox col iftfe tba acton tanning company ia run nlng on thraamioartar tltnt joat now owing to an oraretooh of laathar and a acaroity ofbilaa aoton i a good town and the poopta pull pretty wall togatbar on public que tiooa tha fira protaolion dy law lu tancaa thla tha tarmara and atock men ar now filling op their alio a number of now one have been built in thia araiion iba mr danoan qraul raoanlly parcbaaad tbk hooaa of tha late mr jamea urant on peal etreet and sold bia houaa oo yonga atrastto ifr mallby tba etna laoroeaa glob of ooorke town woo tba intermediate obampionahip of tba o i a defeating onllia game to two at orampton laat wadnaaday tha mattel pantomine and vend villa oo ware giving an atartalnmant to a good audience in the town llall aa we went to preea they appear again thla even log the water in tba dam at cbeyne a cheyne a mill ia ave feet below bili water mark at present thia ia lower than it ha avar been in tba reoolleoliou of the oldest ioheblunl the public behool teacher of thla vicinity appreciate very much tbekindnoaa of mr d handsraon m p in aapplying them with oaretollj prepared ontlina maps of the county of halloo mr w c king of arnold uroa glove leather tannery cat hi right knee badly oo day laat week he was naing a very harp arm stake whiob ellpped and gaabed hi hoe severing aoartery several atllcb ae wars required in dreealog it llev bam jones aaye tbe mnet beanti lot ilabt in tba world la to aee a family gathered around a beerthatoosavwtlh tba baao of the booesbold raadiug the local paper paid in ajvanoa all lam ilia who take tba kaaa paaaa may be bappy than for every aboription ia paid in elvenoe mr arcb ucuragur naaaagawaya wbo was seriously injured by a fall several weeks ago is slowly ronovertng fie waa twaeplag hlo barn and aupplog backward through an open door fell to the ground a distance of eboat ten feet he alighted ou hie bead and shoulder slightly injuring ma spina an eobeng aays a lawyer in a oaart room may call a man a liar a aooandrel a villain and oo one makee a ooenplalnt whan tba oourt adjourn if a mwapapar prints uoh a reflection oo a man ohereotar there la a libel aoit or a dod editor this il save is owing to tba teal that tba people believe what lb editor y- cream ot wltob uaael eottena the ln rtdorswrogboea and inrilalioo from the fbm and lunda givea vraabnaaa and tooa to tha compuaion only wo a bottle at jubuawlns drag blor the kews at home montly alra loom chsiraoter and var itam intorttatlna the tlmmlmt special herrjceaw tib uvanotlalio service of dor tha auaiioos of the dentist ctiuroti have cmitjnaad in prograaa tins week the inlrrclit ceremony of- baptiim was oonferfrd nnon a sindldste at the meeting uwprrtajr evernnn thrre was a vary lsro aliendtnch acton tempermmtt uttlao i the following qflloers for the currant term were installed at the ipeetirru of tbn union last friday evening president warren pollard vioe pre duncan mo don hi i chaplain thoa fdmiaton trramircr mist annie hteptenaon fieoro trv misa helfa htephenson assist bee it kmiervtl1e taller mia i dna tliura ion beutinol i rei hmllb organbt mias nellie matlliewa the union commences fall and winter inrms with excellent proepeete s a anther fine itrmutcnre moasra drardmore a co have lei the contracts for a one new briok honae for tha mitmcrr of of their solo leather tannery mr j a moorsil it will be built on i ho aite of the old honse on main street tha colonial aljle will be followed and it will be two nloriea with attic and bnilt of proceed brick mr jol n cameron has the oontrsct for the carpenter work mr n forbes for tc r work an i mr smith of toronto who ia building the warehouse at the g t ii station will do ihe brickwork the building will noat jn the neighborhood of 3 000 cmamdimmm taare wmralmj in acme of tha canadian paper we notice the advertisement of thames a co broker chftlfta thla firm ia of the bucket ahop order and according to sll account 1 en rd in swindling anatomon its office ia in the rlatto building baa been vacated and no member of the hrro can at present be found we edsriaa canadian to peuee a llttla before bonding money to thom t co chicago ctmailmn amm ran the adverljsment of tbia shady firm waa offered tha 1 nir paaaa at a liberal ngurc but the faot that it waa a uembhnif concern at beat waa so manifest that wo wonder some rood new pa per eooepted and iiiaerlod it toe tatr night concert acton i- ihibitiou oonclnded with a poti cert at niftht in the town hall which was crowded lo iu utmost capacity the pnn cipal perlormera were mlaa laldlaw ueorgetown vocalist orenvlmep kleiacr elocutiomat toronto the shand slater london highland dancers geo matbiaon champion hifthlasc dancer james fax toronto comic all of whom were well received little be in co hhand was the favorite and made rjoile a hit in her topical aongi miss tanny lee ofrockwood was tha accompanist and did her work sdroir ably ml laid law made a very fine im preeaion her eelections were all well rendered and won repeated encores messrs klelaer and hex were both enjoyed in their several appearance their chief effort was apparently to keep the lrjce audience in good humor and they aucoeeded admirably ihui jrixe nimaern anion k tha priatf winners el eaueinjt fair were the following from acton and vicinity wm uomstreel seoond lor bia team of roadsters a wsldie first for letoester ram pair ewes pair shearling ewes pair owe lamb and second or sow leghorn chicken and rowan ducks jeans warden first usmburgs wyandot chickens and second for ham burg chicken and langahana chtcetras j l warren first for pumpkins second for maple ay rap crayon drawing white oats aod crock of butter j a jordan aral on ram lamb and seoond on leloeeler ram and owe lambs miss gordon first on hop yeaat bread maple syrbp patch juilt oombined wool and beads table acarf oil painting on aetin plaid flaunel plain flannel aeooud in tutted ijuilt apph on work toilet mat oil painting and third for best collection of fanc work to slert ttor tmetury i urmndom the following from the hrandoo tiaw refea to mr george garret wbo was aome lime an esteemed resident of aoton mr george garrett of gloveraville new york ia in the city mr garret ia a manufacturer of hlo and ia here with a view to establishing a factory in the city he has ben calling on n- ember of the ily council the board or trade and other prominent oitiasn and ha met with nicourageroeut on every hand mr garret proposes to employ at the outset fuuen to twenty hand and iheae would manufacture about 3 000 doaena of 1 ivca in the year as tho trade grew a larger btatt of hand would be needed and that the trade would urow joioaly mr darroll appear lo bo confident in tbjfnorth western country the demand for ulovee it euormoua aud we all know la bound to to increase the proposition he will make to tho council i lo out a blink hla factory in brandon if tho uj will givo hi m a bonu of i0o0 georgetown ii univenary eervtoes of tba di-i-n-l- ijiuioll look plane laat sunday llev coo munro ol uamlltuti preached lutereaun aermona uiormng aud evening his aub eola were christ constraining love 1 cor 6 h 1j aud the holy spirit ilorveat ihankagiving aervioea ware col ducted in ht ucortt a church en sunday by the lie mr ml knot of milton 1 est sabbath was kaoramenl sunday in the presbyterian churobee of george town aud limebonas the uev l perrin preached on 1 be immutability of chrlat ueb 13 h iheltoy a j irwin uf nerval return ed on saturday from a jileaaant viail at the coder lob parsouagc mlaa uerty and mr chaa wklllama aaug a beautiful dnet at the fp worth league of the methodist hutch oo mon dsy evening a cbiueae laun tr he been tar ted lu towi ihr itev ur htnitti of kiujpuou will preach the aiiuiverssry aermona on ool j7th anniversary servioes will bo held in tbo methodist churoh on nov 3rd key hamuelbelley maud of luelpli will be the preacher mlaa bade carriqoe haa been spending a few days with friend a in colling wood mr iboa murray u a of brampton was in town on tieturdej mr and mrs john hlllolt wre the rueetsolwm carri jne hbq over bun dv tte bicycle oluh tlflfidgi dltloe aerviol a law mile out of ueorgetown uu sunday altar noun atcnus sil farm atook andmple ment the pruuerty ol mra u o tbomp- on oa lut i can u naaaagawaya bale on ihursuay igtb oc at ooe u clock lertna twelve months wui heinslraat auctioneer fire bylaw carried tho ppqporty ownolu say tfyiy want flro jrotaotlon nnd voto tha monoy to pnyfor it the counci acts promptly the ily law tojturchaaeva bttam lira engine and apparatus connec tad uioruwitli to protld for tho ravtatrnntion of water tanks and lo anthorixi the itmo of do hen tares itflnenidnnt of ttfioooo for tho parpoae of pajing for the aamo was tofetl on by tha property owners on katnrda the reanlt waaaa snliclpstoil and ia very gratifying to all i lit arc ted in acton a eoj ream and it protectiortacainat dlaatlrotia oonflagration the vote waa icryijutetly lakon i hero waa no effort to coerce or tin july inll lotiro votes either fur or against the by inw at theolotu of tl i pou at fle o clock the n hlilt ronalpd o in a follows so i s i t 11 tortfiemrlaw ahalusl the hy law ii j li majority for ll n ly ian 47 iho nutflbor of volts csal 111 would avom to be itmslj but it was really the bend vote of prnpolty owner npon ar l law at the municiptlily the lat money 1 law voted upon waa tho 1 ark ily law on 1 riday 0th beit ihrim for ft 1 004 on that ocoavion only ki vole were polls the result f l ho vole on tbo 1 ire my law w a rry htrung feelinu in favor of ihe aeournim of adr aleflro proltolimi and the council and lltixciis conimtltro aum uted with themwtll r lo procure the ap paralui uecraiary with the feeing that the people are at their back with bolh moral and financial iupprl the council mot in rrular aesaion mon day evening the principal businraa being the final palnk of tho by law anil making provision for promptly pulling it into i fleet iteeve 1 carton occupieil the chair and all iho member wero proaout excorit councillor nioklin the commute on riusiico preaeniihl their fifteen lli report rocommendini pay ment of account aa follow l p uoora oik un blrfwla m3 hi i t tl rr w work rt slrihils l li j a biwlcbl ii lt- i r ln- iir tio 17 7 movcil ly 1 i raucis aecoi led by in william that tho report if h urn ice i in mlttee j iat read bo adopted carrlo 1 the municipal lork fluially n o imi that the by law fur lyre irotecin u auh milled lo hie ofxhe pinprrly wutr of iho municipality ou haturd sth ooli her waa duly orr od by a majnui f 17 vi to moved by jeorgd ilavill atioiilol by jolin willlamr that ily law to j rondo for ihe purchase of a steam tire engine and apparatus conitocled there with lo provide for the conatniclion of water lank an 1 10 authorise the mno u lebei tures to ihe amoonl of ft ki 01 for iho li t if tho itmo be now read a third lime andpaaaed carried the by law and pasted ihe lerk and ihe then read a third time ben u moved by uerge ilamll rem lo 1 ly john william lhaltliet irrk bo malruclod lo advertiao for ten ler for 1 ire i r l i li i by law dotwlilurrn in iho ll i v it i t kmi trr all i liluin three lllsoill i a communication from 1 mad luck re ucslinit a rebate of u3 00 on laaui at i on reel ami ieraonal projiert in virw of the fact that ho had pat 1 ft 0 mi ler tho tratialeul trailer bylaw v lion ho camo to aoton waa read uovod by geo ilavill aeoouded by 1 franait that tbo council iuatruct the col lector of tp to credit 1 c mad lock in the turn of sixteen dollars being tho amoiiot of laxea i n ilia jioraoiial roper ty and that ho bo gitou a rixcipi fir thai f i m tied it waa alatnl thai ll radically been iaoetl tu f i ia aredll ot mr maddook to be liquidated by the a oainuja won of laic from year tu year uu his pox oust property ihis payment la not applicable to leuaut property however tfteregular bublueaa of tbo council be log oomplotod the member ot tho cltixcna committee appointed at the recent publls rotating to act in conjunction with tbo council in the mailer uf tiro 1 ruuetiou were invited lo take aeata mill tho ouucll there wore pre ut messrs w 11 storey john id l tall j mra mel am john cntinerui thuniaa 1 bbgo he ry ortndelj and a uioynr after coiiaultatiuii at tu plana uf work lug elc it waa muved by v ii biuret acoonded by ifvnry cnndell that thia committer acting in oouoert with tbo coun oil of this municipality recommauil tha purchase uf iho uunald 1- nglllo o0w tn iho care if tho iuuiiili allly also tho hoae omlpmoul ah uld they seu n wr initio in teres t of ihe j romrly wi ora j r iviuiug aatlataclory arrai gemot a aa i n w ijiii be made with mr ll mall anuil muved by i i ri i- arooi le1 by jol mcorall that ucovo 1 oar u ail w ii storey be a luinimtlbo to viail luiuil tu lusietil aa to lire lioao etc an i t h rl at licit mealing arrlc i moved by geo ilavill 101 kd li vv ii hlorey thai meaara mcgrail m 1 n i rindeli ameroii jbeyig a 1 i r bbalo be a oumui tin lo iaiiiii iir tie 1 k allot method of onatructi 1 ol if the n oca aary lauka and ti rept rt aa 1 m u aa jkissi bit arriod limmltteo adjuui 1 lu ntal al ii ill of tho ilve all hun down thia la ll o condition uf ihuuaatidi- squanderers have they been f sleep reat and fiually uf hoaiti 1 lie mad j urauit uf place power and lf leavoa iboin hruken in spirit weak in budv ahallerod li neive lu the world but uo lui ger uf il heir day are epenl in dealre lmiuteul and pur poeelosa for ihoy have bankrupted health thousands aro on the road 1 hoy hoed uot the warn lug lhal nature gives uleeploaanees luorlls desikindoiioy aud fatigue add their mournful uuloe to tha till aad music uf humanity tired i ilred tired 1 you need aid tern requires a staff ujhju whloh to lean and your brain reat fur iiitrreaainit vigils i health sad strength aro tho alternative frotn decay and death cues combined with majttue affurda that ntaff it will gto tune tu the nervuua ayetem alrength to the ahatfyed uerjres alat p to the weary ayee aud real lo the tired bin maltluo with cooa wine wllj build up the body and ivo atreugth vigor and health lo the week and debllilatod mai chio with coca wine ia sull by all drug wist- hennere wautlng hardy native block to plant ibis coming isll or bpriut may pay for it lu work we want man coming and gohno visitors to and ifrom aoton and varlouaothnr poraortaf notaa tho fit a a i iiiun invite all itsraadar amn trllitite n this eolnnin if jou or your frtsnila are going easy ana holiday trip or ii you hat frloii la vlaliliijiyottrmrop a eard to tlis knaa i iiksa mlai anmvttoomor left laat tliursdsy fur hay oil mich hoove and mra walker or lrln v 11 ted frfon3 hero last weak mr wulio monabbiefoa thtiraday to visit friend al detroit councillor a 1 nioklfn is home from port huron for a tew days mrs bollen and children of guelph visited friend here laat week mr ilobt wallace and mnaltobin are tithing irian la al samia ijlaa ilouis of ht marys was tlio gueat of mia c muj lisjl last week air jyjin monro of i imehtjuee left laat week oira trip lo i anoaalar ohio lli n wm nrty waa re a lac ted by aa alamatiou al kingston on toaaday mr it j and mis jeurtle pdrolaton are apen hug a week with friends in fergoa mr jonen and children of baro a are gueata at the home of tier sister mrs taj lor mra or tlroo aturned laat week from hi mary a where aha had been vlalilng for al eka nd mauler cecil attend nrvioes at knox college llov j use ed the re opening laat wcdueadey mr b w nicklm who haa been visiting relstives at lowell mioh for several monllih relurnetl home laat tim red y llev wm ilryers left last week for priuce albert where he is engaged in h van gehslic work with itcv j c wilmott m a a former colleague mr joe m moore of the on george town wan in town on friday ha waa highly elated at ihe aetna a auocee in winning the lacrosse champlonahip mr ualriel well ot lverlou waa in towfi on saturday his interest in mun icipil matter continue and to manifest ins 1 yalty lu acton prorress lie camo d iwn lo voto for tho tire protection by mr it bn wi i u favored the i- ara 1 k willi neejirvt b m an psiwre a or bfive 1 therein in wl l t is cllae iod far mor oar iii tow 1 ll roahed ihe ro lu cla 1 ill acr es w ich yieldid os ulle la lo ll o acre i ouu milton ult tho y 1 air n lade town ihta cok tha thirty two model aobuol attdenlaare hard at work mrs itov it lladdow is here ou a viail to hor 1 arentr ito and mr haddow have boon sumroriug 111 new brunswick the llojal templars purpose having an ojieii meeting on the evening of the 10th an i are srrangiug for a good programme 1 he 1adiee aid uf kn 1 church li lend i avion a llalluweeii huuial on i huraday cvcnintt oct lis 1 adtcrtu it i its a like rip bare in pro e r bollert go mantle boom news uroha ha f ma ilk k 1 ju a u larger mure apletw iniire bau ul uloane loci ut iiaulloa it will pat to find you wuuld have to go 0 a largsi wltltout experieuce 01 timu salary and expenses o wrllo al unoa tor further haoa m uwitukiut cuui aj nuraarias toronto out full or part oomuilsaiuu lufurnialiuu coutinanlal oity thai guelph to do it and lhsu yoa w uldn i find mauy unlike aotue other maulle dealer who profeaa lo import from manufacturer but wbo pay to the com mi aiou house through whom they do their businr a pereeulaga for tba uaa of their name ur tcood are bought direct without any cum 111 lie ion or percentage lo inter mejlary lu thia we make a clear aavlun our name la good enough lu unlock the door aud give ua entree lo the beat uieuu act urea uf iho world 1 bia however la nut the real point uf in to real to you tb tnalu thing to yon i where can i buy my fall jacket to lb beat advantage t having regard lo selection atyle uahty aud price wo iuvtte you j uiaact every 00m pet lug mantle department aud put our iu critical oompariaou wo were the oral in guelph to hnporl fine german jackal a direct to auy extent aud we have bald our place fur the uiceal good hi tha city come iuapcot com pare aud uae your own judgment aud wo 11 court ihe oooecquenoe terms 13ash e r bollert a co u5 and i wyndham street oublpu out j our stock dress coods underwear flannelettes corsets overcoats clothing staple good t and boots and sh lb now replete with tlie 1 ist ihsurtmcnt of floods ever seen in acton our c4 jlct is to gct the best posslblb boods at th1c the lowest possible prices i v t lak 1 aoil tl 2i clltb hi i 1 1 marvel jf cheapness and beaut 6c ijcj l 51 jot ijt 37ic 4 up lo 3 mcn b union shirts and drawer wt tart it 25c ath mens ribbed wool shirts and drawers at oc and 60c mm h scotch wool plain eulors or striped at 75c as well as t fieat many other lines it from c to 1 25 each savage jhwbll lusi w cuelph valdable lr0phrt in kis fob sale it hi 1 vy id i imt is t wundci 1 i 0 t out 1 1 u fui li ys and out s al 3 lid ifit 00 were jd 5 and j i 00 last season heavy 1 nese overcoats for icnts it 7 50 were sold every plat 1 last year at 10 men s ovcicoat we have jt j j5 5 5 5 b 75 7 5 o unci 10 00 in clothing we have ncvci had anjthin tpnroaehing the varieties and vtlues that we have this season for newness cheapness tnd style w would like ever person to examine goods c inpare val ues and then buy where they see fit i f 1 i aawa i i i 4w at the loiarest pri6esa 1 or kannawms baking powder is increasing drtilj because it is strong pure and fresh when your recipes call for baking powder use kanna win s to get the best results only 25 centa a pound at the drug store j v kmnawin dhugg1bt acton so most reliable alarm clocks arrived uk bousa and iota aniii htrt for in oooapled i y tba ownwui rba qolilni la hentby off far aaja tba bouaa la a oooa fnrtat teuab eaat wltb woodabed and tbare la a ooil alabl on iba iimralaea also lo building lot oo laka avenue lu smiths hurvsv term reaaonal la km- particular iy tu cu bi t nth mm we have just received a carefully selected stock which we will sell at the lowest possible prices dress goods hosiery cottonadep flannelettes gloves cottons shirtings flannels call and see our special hue of ladies tarn osliantcrs assorted colors we have alwas on hind a choice stocv of groceries all new and fresh goods a k uuitney co mill strlct acion bibles bibles bibles 1 oxford bible indexed cambridge bibles bagster bibles large t pe comprehensive i eic hers biblt s t ht latest teachers intern itional bibles clear tpe all styles ol bindings presbyterian hjmnals a methodist iljmn bools bibles and presbyterian h3111nil e uibined i nglish praters and church h inns 1 onibined bibles with illustrations ind maps onl 4tc a big stock at reduced prices w g s7vtith uiai and bookseller 2o w ndham st gubl 1 11 stove time ifta oiuvi llii huj lotllc a ill wll lliltl lttll ne old btovl nov lor a rcat many ycais h nv al i l i i in cloth that goes undtr the itovc lsn t it rather tin i in bonie places corners and edges pretty well chewed up with the tacks you have been driving in it for the i isi fliv years we rather think if you knew how cheap li k in co sell moor oil cloths and linoleums you wuuld tluow the old shalby piece out of the back door and buy i nen piece and make the room look a little more respect ibk oil glothb at t 30 40 ctiid t0o liiiioleunib at 50 75 90 uud i oo u b ry an k go r rilce only fhb right ho full muiml for tha atttoiuu 1 raje auil lutita all viai i it iu at i vialt every care baluk takeo to provldo lor tba comfort of laillaa ai a ultililieii urj a we hava everything uartaloluij to a large 04 ly lry o inula atota al 1 all aa tha advautag of a ftreal vartoly to obooae rum urea jootla j ulovaa u oder wear mau a jr urtnabioara illaukela i loou bliceliiif niiiiu jn 4 r hcjntle department jtjjaaod poultry ainei i-c- i p c maddock mill stroot k acton p s although leather is up shoes areut old prices 111 0 al no 1 ladlea qaavy fllack llamvor jacket lout to breasted lat luituiir 10 utio ul t4 7o 111 icial no s iaadtaa iaavy ulaok snta jackal doublo breasted valval collar mil kiaos al u boat meaanra aod oan aaprcaa you a jacket to fit dry goods department bphglal no j fanoy draaa twoad 44 inobaa wide ahot aflaou dark color 40o par yard bpc1c1al no t kaooy draaa twaed 41 inchaa wlda mottled effaota at 40a nor yard worth 7c bpecial no 8 naty and dlaok barga all wool 13 tdohaa wide from hoc per yard hpecial no 1ai1 wool plalda maoy dlflaraul daaijrtia 4j luchea wide at loo usaally aold al wl an 1 r ya d we send samples free to any address on ap lication au p carriage on all pur chases ol 5 and upward to any part of ontario tllk juoht uouul king al eaat ooruar llugbaoo al hamilton september 85 lb llk tihioivr a s c kta tdkiiisris

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