Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 10, 1895, p. 4

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y l 1 f v l ffiljc ctrnt m press tiiuv3daxx potoiimi lot iho fflje jjounjj ypllifi pjjj t i ten liltlotraumosoino niignn tan little ftuof nsili ptuirlusti the piano boat taring oror i bo acarne cliehiod ami elaoklug ami eiturlnc i- act lotho otlior olio a way wtiat rymit ami shilling and crying to load j llulo children to ilsy c to ular t i eall it woikiuu wbon un little nnoers ilka ml no ara bumpier an 1 elumilmi and uiuuii iria ami netor will tall lulo lino ttiey fumbls and tumble sod stumble they mp and limy ship afxl lliojr hn and jusl whau uib muslo la sayeat thar noma to an obstinate atop til do yon tlilnh ibat manie a pretty losers that auajlile and dauoe on tlia key while tile uiualc la rippling below ihnlii war eer an clumsy aa mine 7 i would work i would patleutlr practice how nauanllyl day alter day ii i thought that my i rsclloti and pallonca would and in such baautltul play kltta chrtur in thr srptemtr airaom notes hereand there toms or oanarar litraal to- froo proao raodora il vnit frtfrllilnk that you can not bo wtll iiiiimi you have purr rioli blood if you are wtak tired languid ami all run down it c because jour blood la mpovsr tailed d ok vitality theso troubles may bo on orconn by lloqhi hsrsnflarllla because uoods harm pari 1 1 a makes ptlrf rich blood it ia in i r u lb tba gnat blood purifior pesth3 n1ws- tba telephone newspaper orgsnhted at peath hungary has now boon working eucoesafally far two yeara it i tba only newspaper of tho kind in tha world it ia o all ad the telephone illraondo or herald ooata 3 cents ilka a printed paper and la valuable to paraona who are unabla or too leiy la nan their ojee ur oanuot real it haa 0 000 aqbiorlbers who receive the news a lhay would ordinary telephone messages a apecial wire lfw nilea lontl runa slon tbe win lows of the houses of subigribers which ar connected with the main una by separata wires and special apparatus which proven t a ilia blocking of thr system by an avoidant at auy oua of tbeatatioua with in tba bouaa long flexible wirea make it possible to carry the reoeivsr to the bad or any other part of tba room tha nawa ia not delivered aa it happen a to oom in but ia carefully edited and arranged according to printed schedule ao that a aabaonbar at any lime knowa what part of tba papar he ia going to hear it begins with tba uiht telegram from all parta of ha rope than oomts the calendar of events for tha day with tbe cily nawa aod tha liata of strangers at the hotala after that follows artiolei ou mmic art and literature tba ataff la organised ilka that of any other newspaper and la on doty from 7 so in the morning till 0 30 at night after tbe oopy has pasted through tba editor a handa for tha paper ia subject to the limn raelriotiona aa ordinary nawa papara and ia liable for commbdicationa it ia given to tha apaakar thaae are ten man with alrong voicua and clear enunaia uoll who work in ablfta of two at a tims and talk tbe nawa through the telephone there are twenty eight adiliona uttered a day additions to tba flrat edition are an noanoed aa nawa items to fill up tba time when no nawa ia coming in lbs aabeoribera are enurtained with vocal and inetrnmaqul eoooarta tbaa war at first given for them especially in tbe offloe ol tbe hlrnondo bat now tbe wire la oommanloaud with tbe opera aod tbe ramie halls and on bandars ana saints days with the ohnrobea the mosio is transmitted at tlmse to other places lo aoatrohangary aod reosntly tbahiroondo miobropbone was oonneoted with the circa i i gcitrg from trieste through vienna bremen and pesth to berlin tbe mnaio being beard in all tba places with equal clear neaa and foroe the happy hungarian can lie abed all day and hear everything that ia going on in hla town fined for tobacco spitting in tbe diviaion court ottawa on tues day an interesting judgment was given which will serve as a warning to those who obew tobeooo and eipeatorate the juioe sround prurotsenoaaly to tbe snnoyanoe of other people oo june is when the capi tela and sham rooks mat in their first match there mr o d noohesur a railway mall clerk attended with hla wife when they left tbe stand ur rochester found that the back of bis wife dree was oovared with tobeooo and ruined as far aa further wear was concerned he sued the men charles darkin end wm burns millwrights em ployed at cbaodiere for the recovery of dam ages for injury to tbe dress the aooueed denied the charge but judge moe grove deemed it proved und ordered tbe men to pay to damages for the dress and 6 so ooeu postaqe stamps postage atamps in tbe form of tain analvopee says oeyer stationer were first need by m do valayar who owned a private post in tbe city of 1aris in the reign of louis xiv over a century later in 176h m da cbamoaset also ill e propria lor of a post issued printed postage slips to be attached to lot ten in spain in 1716 and in italy also stamped covera for mall mattara were tried but it waa not until 1b10 that stamps w know them now were put iii uae tula was in tun land the government adoplilik the ejatem devieed by itowlend 11 ill itraall was tbe bret country lo take up ilio new invention hum la adopied the postage aump uesl in 1hbji theu bwitserland in lhlfl and march lnm7 the oongresa of ihe united btaios authorised tbe iaaus of paataiie atamps wisdom of thb funmaker8 truth was atrangar than fiolion to an a side show eltractlou- pretty prodle uoaumental here a good many grave rjpalrs tieooud marriattca in what mouth do women lla amml i la february afeu a man la rxpeoted to bt tha archl teol of his wu in law b lorluue liloblw why do you oll one of your ralalivea auul and lha uthor awut hlobba well tbe other haa uionay klderly coiiger how did ou alnip li nlghl profassuf t lrulcaur 1 rklua lying down inadewe where thb timber ooijb tbe enormous amount of wood uow used for making paper every jpar may be judged from lha fant that the irtu junrtuil wliiob bae a ol reals tlou uf over a million oopies a day on wood pulp paper consumes in a twalvemouth 1 mi 000 ur trees of au average height of oofl this is equivalent to lha anunel thinning uf 4u 000 aaree ol forest tble euortuoub amuuut ul wood ia required to form the raw material fur a elngls paper i in sweden auatrls and germany lbs great oantrra of the producliou of woodnpuln tbe usstkuu of lbs dselrnollou of foreeu u saya ittuiiinl kirruutc beoom tng a eerwus one hi aeriou indeed ibat a u less some new material cvnifi lutu use before lung the priiiijitg irpn will iat up uw foreele of kumpe hoods pi 111 cure liver ills oooatipaliun bllloniuma jbundloe sick hesdscbe ndl guation msuibtrala now tell mo why you atolo lliatcvatah 1riaoiior- oh juat lo while away the time adolphus wh lthel are you look ing at me so in ion i ly 7 libel dreainily i was gasiug at vacancy uolly linn t wn itriiirinbrrirfiug ago as ihe years roll on we more and morn reoall the evenle pf ihe past holiool dy willi their taaka and choros come v back again to ub in memory but with tho glamour and onahantrpeut of distant views the olrfvihrwl and church the boys and and girla we romped with fathers voica mothers smile urn joy of the holiday no pleasures of ttio prsbenlotitwmnpsre wiilt those enioyed in the days now locked up in the eternity of the past in a similar way we reoall the old time toaled friend of the past putnam a psjinleaa- coru exterminator that never failed na then and la juat aa sure lo boroui now iuknern a painless corn exterminator la aura a air und painless i an no other ool made man a thought mau made the wurda tu cxprosi it hrtrre diarrhea nrril dtii rirt 1 waa in a very low oomli lion wirh uiarrjioea when ur fowler a lxtrbol of wild strawlmrry was given me one botllo cured mo and i cannot praise il too highly i tatmu itolhaav ont iive only tho pontic name for orupcr amoul uhrtimatuui t brril in a a south american nhcunnlio cmo lur hheumaiihmand n jmlgia radically onrca m 1 to 1 days us action upon tbe ayntom is romarkafitt and myatenons it removes st once hie caoao and the disease immedi alaly disappears the first dose greatly benefits 7g oents bold by j v kanna a vutwiah ihtim itk wajl ourod of fluuorlnk of tho honri and smothnrlnp 8 poll it by dr aanawn curl fbr jha howrtlt alwoya rollovpn in thirty mln- ii la 8 and thtia snvon thousand of llvo mr ii ii miydelinaii member uf tho j a it woisspnrt pa writes i have nxid hollies of dr amrw u nru for iho heart and havo veil uutlrely cured f palmltjon or llutteriug of lln hiarlnl snidllinriug spells i look ion uiltlos at sarsspsrilla bfit it fitilrll in nuy way in relievo me i do not think the valun of tho heart curo can ul call mated it has wrought sulii a chango in my condition ihat kce liko a new man do tint delay in getting relief for tho little folks mother uravre worm lx terminator ia a pie ana nl slid nuro onro it yon love your child why il you lot it sutler when a remedy ia o near at baud i am very anrry karl yon don t ad mir rfty new froiik 1 vurylly says il a charnflug r riotids my dear pay jou omptlmriils i pay your hills tv i ills iii moikalj yonr druggiat in honoal if when yoo sak him fdr a bottle of hantl s limulsioo he gives you iisl what you iik for he knowa this is the best form in whioti to lake oil uver oil ireeii lea or dlack tea miss inuirml tha bhonman n sort of modioo ledaidi mail nor idon t think it matters said tha girl musus is color wind tho medioino for livtr am kidney umplaini mr ictor auger oiuwa writes 1 lake great pleasure in reeom mending to iho general public iarmelee a pills as a euro for liwr and kidney touiplaliils i hav doctored for the laal throe joars with loailini pbysioiana a have laftau many medicines which w rocommeiided tu mo withont relief but after taking tghl ul iarmolros pills i wssitnite relieved and now re as free from tho disease as be lor o 1 was troubled when 1 llrul look hold f ibis place atid hie uw proprietor or ihe grocery store on the corner it was doing absolutely uothiin and now tho business has doubled the most prompt pleasant and 1 fett cure ur ceugas csms asihnu braackltu moarasawas sere throat pala ra the i brewdiul aad laag diseases i tn healing- antlconauraptlve virtues i ttl the nerwey ptasrare combined in i this mmllttnc with wild cherry 1 otfier pcli ral itsrbe and balbeass to make a truo apeclflc for all forma of i dlaeam orlluung from luij price sbc and 50c women are less charitable 111 thought than man are but they are more charitable in action a short hoed to health was openod to iboea suffering from chronic coughs asthma bronchitis catarrh lumbago turn ors rheumatism excoriated nipples or in flamed breast and kidney complaints hy the introduction of the inexpensive and effective remed ur 1 nomas loloatric oil nature aald uncle lben doeu nebber bee tow all her gifts on one indivijilo uo lighluin bug am t got no altuger au do skeetor sin i got uo lamp norway llne syrup strengthens tbe lunge and ouroo all ihroal truubloe cougha colds etc a man may gel his alaudard of houealy ao high tbat it may topple over vxry hxlprnl to ladies quick relief with no after unuuaa ntnaii oomoi to those who uae south american kidney curs whilst both sexes are sufferers from ki 1 nay trouble in many reapocta women axo liable to peculiar wsakoeaase end palu beoauae ol disorganisation of the kidneya objeatkon ia taken and rightly lo many remedies because uf tho met hod of use as well aa after unploaaanlueba thla in never the case with soulh amcrioan kid ney ure u givoa hh to lha patlaut in an hours and no annoying hi re in follow tor in a short time oven in sitgrateled oases an entire pure ih rlfecled 1 here ia 110 other uiediciuo like suub vmonoan kidney oure ills a remedy lor the kid oeys and bladder ouly not a uenrral apeoifia that u aupoaed l cure every tiling aud ends by rllecling no oure bontlt ametioau kidney ure doea us parlicula work bn doe it well sold by j when one woftinrmoli anolbn ii r oumes lha lug of war uollirr should itmd lr lows worm byrup curca worms uf all kluds in children or adolla nu uallir lie is required es it both destroy a aud ax pela the worms iuikttniitliin sinml jji tit stiutt rlhrro ynw ago troilhlril with n nnjly onijli mid iboimht i wonhl l ninmpil hi frlenu sdviaul m t try llrh ininl tlrssm an hud imlllu mo mui relief at tor it ing four ttittlni i truthfully say i i m never bail a r slncr mui hi mm wallultbtirg hato your lisggtgn hmiko 1 aald the man with a handful of brass disk if il is all thn same li you repltiri i iiunli man 1 d prater lo havo you put a chock on thn man who handles tho bsgni it 1i i in mi hour- was fiuly m dislrimising ki inny and bladder luaaos relieved in six bourn by the oreal k0111i1 amor can ki in y ure ibis new re in ml j is atrreo nurprimi end delight on sccounl ij its rxeco link prmnplncbb in rolinviiigisiu in llm hlnddtr kisnnjs back aud ovary part of tho uriinrv passaos in mats or fomalo it reliivtm ruleiiliun of aater atwfpain in panning it nlinoot im mediately if you want pilck relief and curd tbi i yuur rcmody h ild by 1 ksnwin aotun fooledov an anttst l most p novf lie tails this good slory of 11 arllats prankshim national academy r ilesign ih fltr inncm ih aauntertiig almllt and cliancnd foifiotk friend a diaf mute who was euiivirsintmiith fi cnmpnuldu ku ihonign sugiine flrihiting loin h oortfially the luaf niitttt drew mil a nin iwok ntiil pencil nnd after a hritf pi nrrtavjd paiar conver rntiin iptrudnnud li in tp 111 pan ion hy tho mini itieami ml shortly after withdrew jonca and the stranger tlisctiumd thn ploturrs pleasantly for twenty miuuiea or mure meanwhile covering the backs uf sundry ontoloea and scrapt of psper wfth their pcuoilihgh when a fourth character in this mlllo drama chmn upin ttfo scene a friend of junes hibw made acffnaiiitanoe hollo irnrgo 1 said the dumb man to tho uow coiner familiarly how do you like thn pli lures ibis year 7 hy junu i exoufrnod lours in surpriao can you ulk i well i should smile eaiil uta gentlu nun ciguslly hiirprlacd as ho hastily put away jm ncil an 1 paor ann t ou drnf and dumb not hy a hng tight fnuok replied thrusting into his jiookek an onvelnpe nearly covered with pencil marks but i ii kill dummy next lime 1 aeo him i tho lawyur wni foolad wiirihy u ihlenr iho buuiss of hoods barsaparllla in couigucring scrofula in whalover way it may manifest ilaelf tu vouchwl fur by thousands who woto aillictod ly this pre vitent diaeauo but who uow mjoijo over a permanent cum by hoods harsa peril la borofula may appear aa a hurnot or it may attack tho n of iho urck or limbs attacking the mucoua moiubraiio il nisj devolop into catarrh or lodging in the lungs i rati to consumption do you think aanl chappie that a goutlcmau rught to speak to his barber when he meets htm on tbe street corietnly said hrigg it is about tbe only chauco ho has lo get a word in heart dlsraar tellrtrd in 3l ii i nit a ur aguow a cure for tbu heart gives perfect roliof in all oases of organic or hympatholia heart disease in it miuulei and speelily cffocls a eg re it is a poor lost remedy for 1alpilalion shortness of breath bmolbering dcllk pain lu loft side aud all symptom of a uisaasod heart ouedoso oonviuoes bold by j kiuq you are working loo hard said a polioe man to a man who was drilling a bole in a safe at i o dock in tbe morning what a that asked the burglar lu a discontented lono 1 lay you nood arrest illlloosiicai and liver ompuiit has i ache etc are cured by burdock ill le a successful speculator in not the aiulii led of his own fortune ub hal i us i will you hood the warning 1 n k perhaps of the snro approach of that morn terrible diseasu onsumptlou ask yuur selvoa if ou can afford for the sakaai saving 50c lo run ilio rink ami do uosbsi lor it wo know from oxpeneuoo that bhiluh a ure will euro your cough it never falls bold by j kaunawlii doctor whahsjjood j 1 for cloansnig the scalp and tkair i seem lo liavc tried everytniri aid an n depa r whymralhitery besirhais palmo tah s0p ifis splendid for wiahrtj il tfirhdrcvct h tlius puf an cd to dandrufi md fixahens ihf k ntely 25 foh tl vblt t physicians prescribe btott s umultdon of ctxt lrver oil und hpophos phitda because they find their patients can tolerate it fur t long time is it docs not upset the btomach nir derange th- digestion liko the plain oil bcott a uituilsiuii is uh much cujiicr to digest than the plaui oil as milk is easier to digest than butter besides tha hsh fat taste is taken out of the oil and it is almost palatable tho way bickly children emuciated amcmic and consumptive adultit ain flesh on scott urpulwun 1 very remarknblc asal syasttwes lo esrjpl s rttttlhtul fcsttsiawwes issilll aot uu l lkxi i you and it lalltst luuely hem askol hollv wtlli u bthly to ulk t yea alio refilled snil ll gelliith worse a dinner illl mm jki t uruliatuik ioii sltor isrlskn f linartj dinner ihe foul silkli like a bsll of load umiu the nlomavh so i inslod uf being a lisarty iiulllimi i il incon es a polaiiu lo the system li iinirli n egolable 1 ills ace iihi lmi i iiinrulivt ol auoh trouble i hey rorroct si idlly ohii tho aeprelloiia and convert thn iikhi parts kru of into healthy nutriment rhey ara juat the inedlclou to lak 1 if troilblu i with indiealiu or 1 ysjits julomur lbrn it users lot sll just nub about my hips 1 sllor i hoy re all rlht wlisl jot tire i is sumo thing more tfnue pooki 1 vglsu i in hie ill i rnalbl niedluie has un m ul it progfuaa as hi poillica and religion tbe dllhuullles ul opinion si1 the 10 ll ivsjily of men have biieli paruul tu the illssureeniculs by which hie alan ur i of ihese ihhiibs hae beu elovalod h 1 will mosl f our famous prepnralio4ii ltieoit 111 illsslralion of wlnuli irullt slsn is ili w rl i anions remedy to gri rl del ihly sol umiimn cjuiulue wuir and wbi b when ub lain a tile in its genuine strong tli la tnlr aculoun creator of appetite viis1 ly an 1 stimuunl to the koneral fertility of the syslem junuiie wine aud its iniprov mutit haa from the irs i discovery great v it tur of cjuiolne aa a medical a em been one of the most thoroughly diacuaaed remodios ever nfferrd to the public it la uua uf iho great tonics aud natnial life giving alimulnls thai the inodlcal pmfee siuu have been compelleil lo rooognisa and preaorlbe moaari northrop a i ynian ol torouui have given to the preiarailuii u llielr pure juiiiiiid w 1110 tho ireal caro duo to its imhrtanoa and ihe staiiijsril r lonoe of ihe arliolowlith tlioy olfir to the public rumre into the markef purgxl of all ibe dr tools whhli skilful obaermlum suit solonlillo opinion 4ias kilnteji nut in lea perfect preiarallim f the past allrut gists sell it jmi treoembnrnpuonoonelisvciwwftfiejtw tliroau belj by all drurslua on e j oosrssi fm a lame eldo tackorchcubblloha poroa puuur will give r tsatlsfactlo es cants shiuohswitalizer un t rliawllrt9chnttanoobn ifdulstki ecuacd- forliwponsijlllvtjrorjadaor ujmtciool rrlooibcta ehjlohscatarrh dbeselsremedy llavnyoucnlnrrhttr tldsnomedr hwlll poeluvoly relu o and curo ou irioo 60 eta thla injector for lu eurocuaful treatment is turpbdwdfrw ilmnetnir shllnh sltomodlos sssltrjninnrattiutco tu tivo sullsfaouoo emswwtllj troubldho if the average- jealous pjrsoil know wli ho was jealoui he could bo mrcd a ilium mill a lllmhi to miitiklud halyard n yellow oil the gnat pain du slroyer aud healing ruiilily for extori a i and internal use yllo oil ires all pains and aches rhuumalism lame hack aoro ihroal croup floaf nois 1 ramjii 1 1111 tracted cords and lamciiriw we repsrd the attuatlon from the present kiinl of view at h ink niujnrnj ing l atarrli itllrred lu 1 to 111 mltnite- ooo short puff of lha breath through the lllowue supplied with ouch bottle of jlr aguewa t aurrhal low lor diflonoi ibis powder over tho surface of the nana i psssagos iaiulens and delightful to use it rellevei uilantly an 1 iermaueully cortm ailarrli lly iftvut culds head ache hiratliril 1 oitsilili an 1 i ruf nrm fio oents at j ktnnswins ho did 1 fool j hi i birth hachiitora of day asked one o another wh 1 is biininug to troiv olj never happier or friskier in my life sal he hut 1 had a bad hoadarhe next morn lug hagyard a 1 ectoral llalssmuurrs oiib colds asthma itronolillis and all 1 tiros and lung troubles the ik a life a nfcol teilo cold finally into lonsumptiwi s eak up j caujih fl pyny- pectoral tmfc quick cullfc oouqhs oldb bnonohitis hoarbiniu6 sro larxc ueillr xm lis utriual economy and external push ur howler a lxlraol uf wild htra- berry cures diarrhoea uyaculeryt ramps oiil cholera morbus t holers lifsiilum and all looseuesb of the bowels sever travel without 11 1 rice t ih ihe ilje d r lollevcs ai 1 frees the ibisl su i lilies irom visuid phlegm a il s mmli ttmllisl promotes ibis is ho boat meillcine to use for ooukiib ool da lufummalffjiti f thi u and all alfmitims of lli throst 11 i nlesl i bla is precisely whsl hi kle anil 011 uuiilivo hjrron sw ill f r sin whorovel isod ii lias given iilitu 111i1 1 aat isfaclluu i hlhlrrm like t 1jsiis it 1 pleasant ahiltnlike u l is ii r liuves and earns ih llsiss a ik the lleall ii i 11 fsnl able woinon a writing disk is s luiiuss botllo with a spoil 10 stopper i his is lot m ed a lougue de ul iho botllo la tilled will i lorlda water and lie wot a lopes it also a iitlln ihe lalnty missive 1 thltttk noted hriacofal 1anu who have uaocs dr aunuw a lului rhul powuiiro uritl in tho kituoats of buffurlny humanity any how much ii iiub iloru for thorn iii lie rolvsilhl hlauny if iliiln ibe names of the itijil he a h sin in 1 i u i i rl llsh 1 t lo and hev j bn 1 uhtftry m v i i i stan 1 uul protiilm ul i itll i s w 11 l km iii ihe ltev w lt willi m- hr i snlry opular lorsu 1 uiau gcllllojiiou bolmve in actiuw ml hie axiom of 11 e oo ul l ks thai havluu learned of itist wltul lias been a aourco uf iwuofll to thrmsolvos it ib their duly lu lull the g hh news t lerj these three iirujinoii it iho i ptaeupsl huroli have li oied ir aj now a atsrrhal 1owilcr an i i und ihat fur lull 111 the head aud catarrhal troubles ii la a great helper and over their own signature luv i i bin- thai thtsmi ihuisis are so that nlhria nay be likewise briiculed and helpe t ouo short pull uf iho breath lhluiij i in blower sui piled with oath ixilth if 1 x anow s catarrhal 1uwdor diflosis una powdir oser the surfaui if llm nssl pi saten hinle an i ilrliiittil to null relic v s in lu uliiol s and aimsoiill cures cajflarrh hay fever twt4s hi i h oie ihnat louallilia an i li ml tejiis holi by j iumoms now mr i 11 1 lieuen tho lawytr who conducted tho cross rumination is ii not a fact that ynnliarbor a frmalu who goea by the name of mrs i ish yes oir uo you not eupporl her i do sir is alio your logs wife t no nir jaroru scrowled yon will admit although you have never boon married to her aha lives with you t es sir that is all uiu may tep down ihe lfal ll loukol viotonoualy at ilio ur one inumeiil mr i lak sal 1 thooppos lug lawyer hat relation xiata between yoo and tho lady relerrod to hi10 is my grandmother two very valuable notfcs in ilio ihlrteenlh century the chlueae lovernmcut issued no 1110 paper currency tu dav there aro probably hut two notes of that it sue extant one lb 111 the hrlush museum aud tho oilier in tho possession ol ttio oridiital bociely of bt iolersburg these notes were issued in the colgu of hung uo the fuunder nf the n uil uyuaaty who died in 11 ih iho face value of ihe nofu is about a dollar and ibat issue of paer curruuey was tho ouly ouo ever granted by the hiueo oovern nient lo lay hibsl notes lire probably the rarusl und most valuable ol currency laauua nearly all note collectors and hliiese hankers are fully aware ol thuir existence aud their taluu 1 ttuut liiblc fil catarrh irth ii utlijil in t ild mims i have use1 ur 1 owlei 1 xlrat uf wild hirawborry and flu i it a certain guru fur all bummer umplaiula it in worth lis weight in gold mm tu lnavt ihu o 1 lll help cried the man wl was but ui robbed i aim yourm11 said tbe highwayman i dun t uoed any basis islllr hlgus if worms are vaiuble tite ilclmig ul ilio 1 no elo ir i s worm hyrup is the bust worm oxpullor ail is a ilnishliig touch of ualuie luiu u ui custorla lllul tcbsultto if you waul ural ulasa uuelphasll aij doors at uuolph price t bntuis can llll yuur urdoral his planing mill waters bros guelph xl a uu at t e rs a r k 1 ilttrott frumea cot lit o fult wlul 1 l o ulul nil ve sei ll 11 iok 4 rl us bd cysitorla for infantoonti children bb sbbssbbbsasasxi bsbsssa absaasi aaaexaaasa asssasss others do you know nw dalemans drops godfrey s onnual many sooalled bootblnir hyrupa and tnoat rernmhthi fur cluldran are comjiisstiil of oiliim or morphine t pe ytvsi kxlerw tlut oriiimanal morpluneamstunblylnit aarooue potsonst pe yost klrw tlial in meet ocunlrtea druipjlata are not permitted lo sell narooucs wtlhout labollnx tliem plna t pa tost kwotst thf l you should not pnrmll any medicine to ho given your child nnloaa you or your phyalilan know of atial it it nmposod f pa vam kntrw that castorloji n purely vecotabla nrtrirtttlon and that a llat 04 its inbradlenm is puhllahod wltli rrmry botun j tt yos tcbiny lliol cn torlo u tho prnaerlptlon of he fimmrs tr rtnmwl ntchsr that llliaa boon in use for ncr ly ihlrlj years and thai more castoru is now sold than of all other remedies for children combined t pa ttotx kstosr u two raumt office neixrtment of iho nnltad fuates and at other conouiea liora uumril dclusivo right tn dr pitcher and his s ca4ort and lt formula and uuu to imitate them is a state p po ton know uial one f hie reasons rbr jrrarturut this rrarnnstnt isrotectionwas becauaa caalorlk hail bw 11 xin to be abaolntaoy kusraalaaat po tnn kw lunl 05 avoravsj doses of caatoru aro rtntilshad for 95 osmta or 000 oenla doao f pe yen know that when prsjeaaod of thla perfect prvparauon your be kept well aod ibat ywi may nave unbroken rest t thaae tariwg rrs worth fakowlne they are facta railway time tadlk grand trunk railway nmn wi st uoikovabj liproas 1 fi in 1 1 1 tolam uall is 1 ls lijltm rsnress j i 1 tr 10 ul a ill uall fl iw t 111 mail n f p m i asastignr t rt m xlli i 10 13 j in ool tig west ll 25 a in aud fl 10 111 doing kaal 111 ii a m and a vi 11 thla tlinn talilf want into iflm t 1 11 alunday november imli ihui only rvius atar m hlrstftir i dont rkd this lipt jou will rerct it if jou doit fall fair tha facalmllii atrriatnrv nf children cry for pltohera castorla agimiii mewabasbsbbssabgsmsami a great sweep our millinery made a great sweep ul the opening carrying the olty by storm the most rmcceasful in our his tory more pieces bold than aver before tuesday morning at j j clock wc began a hale of damaged underwear aqf ilooea healthful brand lad lee aod children a undo minlng huu warmlb aoftnea and porosity meeting all tbe reotireruetla of a del icalo senaaiivo skin wo will offer them at so ceints ll rooa and till hbday aud on batuhuay nlutll tu member wo havo ouly 4h0 ileoes and when ihey are gone wa will not be hie to gel any moro j d williamson co ilium and maodonnell streets uutlph new fixill new stock new prices but old management i bo firm doliik bualncss 111 acton so lung under the name of john uuelght t bon lies been discontinued but tho old business will go on under tho new name j a speight co 11 ouuh u oma roepoole thore will bo decided obangea in tbe undertaking department tbl moal uolioeable owmg to the hard limes we are cutting the prices in all lines of offina caskets and furnishings and will suppty the whole out fit at any reasonable offer you may make ifc we have ao connection with uiy undertakers combine and govern our own prices un ithjulrud al sllhtly uim i 1urnitur6 lit hand wi loh u fair living profit buggy whcon ro manner and al prioes porhape a little loweal lie 1 h li voi 11 miwum in carrying ou our buaiueas we can certainly aell it very low prices lu lha lludoriakiiig especially we can do ibis aud give outiro j a speight co lit 1 1 ul i v linili 1 i 11 1 i k i 11 l 1 ni a i lit- wullil b 1 all in llniiyi n l lnj lli ht m 1 hii il pit iiiinufacturtd i iii best si chehpest prodty gyliiylcr presses c limit 1 tnii fin 1 hi ivunlry pnutiny oiiicl ii the hroutj it is liht in tonmruction c is iunniiij- 11 ulil understood in all itb prts ind doc superior work 1 he luot thai every pmaa la paid tor lu oean enables iho inenufaoluier to sell the ptouty ul vary low jnloen there aro no lossos you can arrpjjujeto nave frotght and duly inopuldand uavo ull bouwr of importauoa elo si ml at once fur catalogues ami prieca la h p hoore act0n ont sole aent tor panada oi u walter co manufacturers madison wis when at the fair call endate mo 1 may have inmettung you nrod frrttra hnft of clothing a new and first olaaa stock to chooso from tjlki worsted huits auywhero from tlh loljg overcoata from slj to uo bcotch tweed bniu f 17 to t tronsera from i np lo 17 50 these rood a are inst imported from itn orcign markets no old stock my nipensea are small ao i can give better values than m can possibly procure else where a trial solicited ril aud workmanship huaranlced n 1 bonn a it remember ierrmaiis itloci puce kill street acton siiaiayijj a nithakv 1 s mm vi tow 3wkii yl a s just spend his four quarters for a bottle of burdock blood bitters s as all s lc people do be- cause 11 oures dyspepsia con- s stlpstli 1 11 11 miss slck ucailat c bid liood and all da diseases ol uic stiinach llrer j kidneys bovcls ard bloodfrom a common pimple lo the wont scroiulous sore t a tjunctuai or ht nuous ac roa axutic rime htrxtrtae ka3 the perfect tea monsoon tea im thi would aw rnoia thi tua suiht to twk tx cup in its nstivi wuritt muoswntrals iojct ih hinmslus tirinniiuuli ajtrrtisnlanjaaji tnr base ainplsiil dtstsatl qusliwsuf indian asslcaylua ru lhai ressiwi htr thai a icrj fmh loans n lolo llookma pscki thsiisih mam- ihe perfect tea caa be sulu bt dte same pmc as muf hw tea ll is rl up l awj uddxs of k ih th snj j lbs and sold in thtym ftsurs si sue ic ass 6oc if yimir anxrr tkics not krrp il tell bun to writs 1 stfh haythr 6 co nand 13 praat su most successful rebeor fo mam or biaflt osrtala tn its asnaesa aad sawev tirislw btsed nseoqi usisiiw leldallsspivincurl n assrfci wiir tvaai 1 n oh m tunr i hvufessbdunltin lsauabslmsiof r hklaljlsb aaa4aulaau raauetsalj leu rosnj kendalls spivtn cure lllal d trlin t asra suwl srml hxtks nt ruaf irsiklihllll imt iu mwh sucvsn taisk u tas bass unlnssot 1 wrri d m r sewstsm ra mi4 isu st hurd ssi im hu un ivqbsssndsd ii to srwsj tf sbcnroas ulil bra nwjkiikasnl vita nlbtpa luaptrhlii 1 v s ulm r 11 ijii hnans isara vliit rsn 1 lisi a oslrrtyl bbomlssl 1 kmi s sss 1u1 ssd can i optajm a patkntt for a htisti s7s setlmwatjm siimtsssaemuie nalani b coaumankat 11 sw mrtotlr eosiailentlal a llaaststswk of la- loitaatlon baooernioa paleale bimiihiw to ob in ishd mi frss triif mnrhsn ksj souautsaillno taooka sent free lelnls lafcan tkruosh hatio a co iwecsn ora and saaiearranas or new mmlnacanesmi losht- u- milest ovslima auu aseure oimtraela a i li m for twentyrivb years dunns baking powder thecooks best friend lasoist an incansda 1 t

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