Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 17, 1895, p. 3

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r jiiririr i- bank of iibad ornas okpitai all up itaautrk kuhii tata aaallta hamilton hamilton laanonr 874 000 oh tm iho tioaltd op direjotorb ohnbtuaiit a a iiauhav j iroatitsnt vlaa1rmliliirit him pnfcton u horn a t worn a iy ttorontoi y unisex u 1 t uuhu vlmmjtf ilb utblmkkamt ctijor 1 ii m watson ifiinwjlor agencies ljftnrlotiht a kul urn alluton lln till vy onifluiwi ilatownl rtekaow uyian uount tottot oranaovlllo hoandl iort ki hlthooe toronto brltialgprrespondenta lohpoirnftuoiiaj 1 roylnelal llsnk of knit md ltd amerloah oorreapondonto hw vans fourth national llanh an 1 i u horalolrnaudu altroaloa ii urrslouarln liana umuaa national hank of illinois and union national hank da rattit tialroll national hank iumbu gitt national dank of com tun roc agonu in montreal tha dank of toronto qlilorgetown agency ooluouona mads and dralts ucmslit and aold on all aooatalbla point in canada united ststaa olrssturitsjnsnathaconlinantorkuropa upon boat favorsbu terms bavlnga dopartmont dapoalli of tl and nnwsrda rocalvart and intsrsat alio wad from data of daucsll to data uf withdrawal bpbcul deposits alao reoatved at o arrant rsjaa of interstl n u l1vinortonb affonl the news at home mostly of a loon charaotar and vorv ltm interomtlno headquarters for watches clicks jewellery spectacles rogers jvniveb bpoont and forks bring your repairing in to us we always give satis faction oeo hynd8aotonont jjxwkujky rrodk thursday octobfcn 17 1hu little local brieflets which cauaht tha eyas or eara of froa praaa rapohar thla waak naasagawsya talr lo morrow tba froat la on lbs golden rod sunday m a model antomn day the now all whaal u looking well the fbek pasta to january 1hu7 tor 1 00 all aobacriptiona in advance a oouaidsrsbla nam bar ot our citiieena atundad milton and rock wood shows last wmk a ooo pe of yoadf men were fined in milton hl weak or xaal driving on the treat potatoes are proving even more prolific than wu expected the farmer are bnay diguing tbam now daring tho last week mr noble miller of nerval ship pod 3000 barrela ot hoar to tba lower provinces balarday wu tbe beat day for buaineaa oor roarehanta have had thu all h lores wtre tbrodbcd all day iha alloa joiim mill l rebuilt waa destroyed by ore last friday evening the reflootion wu clearly observed bere dr urtn bad the misfortune one day leaf weak to eeverly apraln bla riut aukle he baa gotten about wilb dimonlty cornflower blue ia tbe new fashionable boa for moo a neck ware but the old oorujaice red will itill be in favor for noao lint on wednesday ot laal week the oboir of kdox choreb apenl a very enjoyable analog at tba home of their leader mr a t maoo oakvlllea rale thie ear la iu jm mllla with an additional ian per oonl or those who do not pay their latos before dtoa ruber tjoe zingar hotelkseper lden mills wu fined j0 and ooala at goelph on tueeday tor obatrooting the luapeotor daring a viait meeara lroaalay and huuter held tbeir farewell services in quelph ou hunday over 5000 persons were preseut at tbe evening aervicca a man wbo get mad at what ihe newspaper aay of bio should return lhauka thrae timet daily for what tbey know abaut him but dont aay mr r troai la in town in the internal ot tbtfoanadian order of woodmen o the world he bopae to orgaoiaa a camp of thie order in acton thprios of potato la thu aax the lowest in biatory tbey ara bailing at 10 oenu a bag in erin and are only jo oetila bere delivered in tha cellar mr john millar of tbe 7th hoe baa bought tbe 100 acre farm lot m cou u laqoeelng belonging to the eeute of ihe lata oaorge aokert for 2mk a mammoth potato gruwn on the farm of air henry lane lrio la on exhibition at tbie ofuoo ii weigba aoond s ouooci it la of the ikao of trio variety the reader of a newepiper abould make it a point lo patrouiae lie advert laera tor if it were no for tbe advartlaing pat- ronaga the abaoriplioo prioe would have to be doubled in order to afford the pub v habere any prool moreover lliuee who are no afraid to advertiee their warea libarally moat have faith in iheir value and tbe buyer can be reasonably certain of getting a good artlale the rale ot abrawd advertlaora i tint tu be euro you havo a good article than advaruaa liberally 1176 long dooufor 1 40 haturday oot 10th nbui tub huui man ouoljih lartiea wanting baled bay will by leaving tbeir order with he ne a r bey no be auppltod in tbe oourea uf a few day terma atrutly oaab craam of wibh uaael eoficna the aklu removes roogboeea and irritation iroui the feoa and hands gives freeh noea and toue to the oompleaioo only io a bottle- at kaadswia drag blore auction bais farm block aodimple maota tha property of mrs u c tbomp- on o lot 37 god 0 nessagaweye bale on thureday lolb oot at one a olook terms twelve moo tba wm uamatreet aaetlooaar fwmars wanting hardy native block 10 plaal thjs ooming fall or bprlng may pay for ll in work wa waul rneo with or wllbool ezpadenoa on full or part lima balary aod eipeotesorobmmiaalon write at onoa lor farther information daowx baotuass coiirsmv txinllnautal nurtaiim toronto oat n fatarxtt concern 1 ho national ian lorn inn ca whlah ppusrod in llio town hall lest wovglwa oveiilnga did not win rnnch favor liora their programme wa ot a vary tw order both in point of morals and ability thay failed to aotlla sdrnul tnelrbtlli nora snd oakvillo aroditora are reported tohsvo pal in claims daring thwr ilay hern t t rmnollthl hldmwm klncerdlrfs tabuliitivirr granolitbio aide walls from end to and of the main btui neea atreel one uiird of ilia ooit ia raised by general taxation and the remaining two tliirdt rtl pafd for by a frontage lax iheaoalde walka coat ooiiaiderahty moro than plank walkn at the fkrst but in tho end llinyare aaid lo lw the oheapfir of the two the huptimt charch bcrrleem although the attendanoa at the aervioos in the oaptiat church hu lootoatod between very large and vary email aongra galiona there haa been a alcady growth in piritual power bvaogellal whyte preaohea the ooapel with apoalolla wimpllo ity and jtower uite unaffected by modern i do an aud prevalent ouatoma bon la era bring naved tho ordinanon of baptiam waa ail nun i u rod on monday aud tueeday nights and will be repeated every night as occasion may require coir a ulmmlannry at homo tho at home given by the woman a miaaionary homely of the method iat church on wednesday evening of last week at the lsrsonago was well attended an informs programme wu presented conaiat ing of selectiona by the orchestra inter poeod with a reading by mis clara moor a piano nolo bv wiat mary hewoll and a reel tut i on by miaa mine walker which latter eipecially showed excellent taato in tho selection and wu very feelingly rendered afresh 03 en is games and social that occupied the reel of the time and the company broke up with the verdict that a moat enjoyable evening had been apenl jai osllcc statlmtlcm last week waa the annual enumeration week at the poat office thla ia taken twice a year in epring and fall poat masfor matthewa has banded ua the following si tho llguraa for the wcek irfttiora i it p ml crl jui 1 aiwrm 1u mrill laas ualtor 1 third cismii liuux btcj 1 lleglalarod idttara 17 i oalal lucnii i for above l h the above enumeration doea not include the number of newspapers received from the offices of publication for transmission sud delivery the journal it hlch t reel tho ihiminion tkmfclfow aaya 1rubably the very beat local paper publiahod in ou lario la tbe ktlby chrvnule the don tiihin aud the oritta facttt might be rated aaetjuala foraeooud place tbetypograph cal appearance of tbe chrun clt la aupenor to thai of the paper mentioned and in tie oor pa of correspondent i il ia uurivallod fcor first plaoe as an artistically end uu formally well printed journal we wmild mention tbe actum fee inraa published by u 1 moore ii ia a deny for bright reliable odi torsi pkragrapba the lmiuia liimnrr and the ctihniiia irealyurian would lake high potittona in any country tlriau in tbe sewn there la not a now paper man in the universe who osotot sympathise with the western editor who broke out ihni news newe news ita enough to give a roan the blues nobody married slid nobody died nobody broken an arm or a head nobody cornea in to talk of iho crap no one got booxy and atarted a aorap no one got ruu in for taking a horn nobody buried and nobody born ob for a racket a not a fusa i bonis one to oome in and kiok up a musa some one to atir up ihe peace laden air ioron one to talk of tbe sight of the fair some one thumped within an inob ot bla life ao me body ruu off with another mu a wile some one lo come in sud pay up hi duo anything anylhlug jul so il newa llmltoa h h convenfioa a meeting of the executive of heltou hunday school association was hoh at milton laal wednesday tbe meeting wu repreaeutativa in character member being present from nearly all sectiuna of the county 1 1 wa decided in view of ihe uiiueual claim upon ibe provincial aaaooi auou thla year lo raiae an additional tit before the oonveuliou uext weok making 100 u halton r contribution for 1h05 tho delegates to the iioviuoisi conven lion were empowered to pledge hs 00 or next year the prog r amino for ibeannual conveutlou to be hell at burliugtou next february waa arranged ll id uf a very practical and instructive character treats altnoateaalualvely of the sunday bchoolsl work and devotes a aeaaion to each depart incut ot tbn sobool oniong those wbo are to take part are a large u umber of well known workera in iho oouuly aud several prominent apoakors rum a diilancr oesi church la cerent iho uf our pastor wcro abaout lium uicir pulpit on buuday preachiuu auut vrraary icrinoua at a dialsuce llov j w use wu at dutlon snd ilev j l howell m a at 1 isltavlllo mr john mel horaou uf knox lolte hi led ibe vacancy at kuox church very acoeptably llev a r hmllh ti 1 t of ilaluvllle occujilml tho pulpit of tbo metlkodisl church and preached very cxosllent aenuuua in the morning bla aubject avaa upou tho duly i chrlatiana working d uixl aud putting tbo lalcula with whioh tboy are endowed lulu operaliou ibe dlr course waa baaod ujioii matt j aud lo another ou many new luiproaalii thuuhla were proaauted theis were numoruu oloiiiiut paasages ihooveuluk aermou wa from laalah fib g ll wan an earoeat appeal to aiunere lo turu t uod aud ooutatned many kindly exhortation to the youog in particular ur built h auppliod tbia pulpit throe muuth ur lie ii llobbs while he wa on a viait lu 1 iiglaud lu lhiu ilia preaeut viall mvived raomuclm uf the earlier day and waa much eujored hieijbha nrijvs noysltorrm supplied by cqrros- r pondont nrid bxahnno ho woo mr 0 1shmoro am mrs id moro were each preionlml with an uy chnir sud sn addreia by their hockwood frlomla llic ars about to leave for arthur whoro they inland residing forths fulnra tha show isat week waa not a success financially on icoonnt of the bad wosthcr but tho exhibition uf flna arte sn ono of tho beil to bo laon at any or tha township hows the concert in tho evening waa alio getharr a success mr aguoa mcarlhur fnldlted itio hlgheet exncctalioni of tbe audience mil may mathcoon danced with hor naual graoesnd akill delighting llio audience jim i ax waa of roiirae up in data and lis ouinic wa thoroughly eujood the mala uartutlo club aurpriacd tonic uf the audience who did not expat such a good ihlug from home talent mr alex buiwart haa returned after ponding the an miner at mount 1 orcat geohqetown tlev i rwt tliompsou of tctoriat ollege wm in town on tueadsy itev jo fcunoll preaoliod anuivorsary ermnna last huhday on an ol i charge iii pulpit waa ably auppliod by a student from wycliffe college bpeeial aermons to young people were proschod in the methodlat aud ireabj torlan ohurohes last sunday evening tbe llev d a moir a object waa llcliglun at six teen itev l perriu s tho third com mandment the itev prof walloof i d of via toria college toronto preanhod an elooucnl ermon on wldom laal sunday evening in glen williams at a meeting of the exoculivo of tho local branch of iho hiblo society on 1 ridav evening il wu decided to hold tho aunusl public meeting in the molhodial church on december flth tho duoiplea havo changed their hour of service from ovemnglu afternoon tha llov mr blephona resahed sn interesting ermon usl hunday iho mcthodiatn and i roabyterians aro holding cot la go prayer mooting on alter uate tuesday evenings in htewartlnwu milton ajirtgc court ot appeal h iuliui to tho v uter i lit of tho town will bo held ou tucaday next mr u a hematrrci opeued hla no new store yraterdav wtih a well assorted block of grocorioa boots t ahoes crockery snd wall paper ho hat quo uf the ilueat store in iho country complete convenient and modern io every respect an enjoyable farewell dinner was ten dered judge mcuibbou at the wallace uouae on tueaday ovoiuug by hi milion fnenda itev g a milcholl ufmillou an i itev ii l hill of 1 roe it on exchanged pulpit last buuday the executive uf hallou sunday bcliool aaoaalfou met here last wednesday with mr w llopkioa 1 resident n the obair a very intereating programme waa outlined for the annual conveuliuu taxes aro due on tbe 11 november tbe till inatalinenl ia asked for on ndv 2nd and tbe second and last on dec loth the team of a cmiplo of drunknn moo ran away on fair night lemoliahud an other rig and ihroe paraoue were moro or less injured milton public ictiuol bold coimnuuoeinaut dsy exeraises in the uiwu hall on 1 ueadsy evening a good programme waa pruvi 1ml crewsons cohntrs ibe new was reoently recuivod hero uf the death of mrs llissbelh btuirt for thirty two yean a iraident of this vicinity for aetcral year mrs stuart haa reaidod at i a lttvere man sud she dioj at her home ou monday evening ilrd september trusting lu her savior whom bo wu well prepared lo meet mrs bluart speul last winter with ber sou mr richard uher lock in toronto and returned to her homo lu manitoba iu april lut in od heailh bhe wu taken ill boido three munthi previous to her death aud buffered much during her laat hours of tllnesa during her residence bore mrs hluarl enjoyed the esteem of those who knew her bbu waa in hor 7 jib yoar mr lewis canu a a tie uu monday pass ed ull uccctetully a number from here lln 1 the c r ley anil huuter a rest ull service uuolh ou huuda llov i boa amy ul 1 lieutm luwk pal i lu the revival aer vices here on monday nlghl ihe service aro progro eolug favor ably mr j and mli llotum uuble of this place and mr il itobbu a of hck wood visited at tie homo u mr win madlll in uueljh i in week mrs jaa jam bio haa a g n d hs been laying etu into about li e nri uf hoptcmbor uallinahad lllgl u scrtlouj riobll t u i in kov a u ilaoi i t i i i a wore laigo oourf gati n both i ulovoulug iho m toming and going visitors to and prom aoton and vairlpusotho notss the knsspnsas invite ajl iu readers to sn tribute to thla column if you or yourjrlande sro going sway on a holiday trip or if you bava frlomla visiting yoil drop a card to the fnsn insaa mlie fannie ilryara vitelfrieiid in toronto this weak dr j n ilrown of torpnlo wss in town over bundsy mr holland broith of ualt waa in town a few daye thia weak ly tliomss t moore apont saturday with frienda at ouelph mr and mrs v b hall of hornby were guests at trio maples yesterday mr jsmea mai am waa a judge on osrrisgca etc at tbo oouuly show laat wednesday llev j w use waa oil of the principal peskers at the nurlli york b b oonvep tion st bradford laat weak llev j f howell m a attended tha meeting of the conferanoe olissionary committee at hamilton thla week mr smith of tho o t il palmeraton u in town visiting friend on saturday he made the frrk pngaa a pleasant call llev j l farmer d d who lias been a aucocaaful pastor at ilscine wis tbe past five year haa been stationed at marinette wia mr john mclhorain the divjoity slu dent who preached in knox church on bunday is a son of the late aroh mopber eon who tsrrght school for some time lo krin townehip mass msry howell la at lin wood to day acting in tha capacity of bridesmaid st the wedding of mis jesn lioomrr daughter oj alfred iloomcr laq aud mr john i mussulman of her i in llev mr llae had a buey time during ilia viait at dutlon he preached on saturday three times on bunday again on monday morning and addressed the christian r udeavor society after earvioe on sunday demand e dr j specikl cek spcci t r bollert co mantle room news ihr ugn the uloi i ail purohasu of mantle aud jatil lu nd a larger more oorqjilcte more beau ful or cheaper alook uf mantles it will puus you to hud you would have to go lo a larger oily that ouelph to do it aod then yoa wouldu t and many unlike some other mentis dealers who profess to mi tor i from manufacturer but who pay lo tbe coaamia loo bouse through whom they du thslr bualika a percentage for the use of their name our good are bought direct without auy commission or pcrcautsge la inter modlary in this we make a clear saving our name ia good enough to unlock tbe dour aud give us outrce lu the beat menu lauurcb o the world 1 hie however la in i the leal xjlnl of interest to i he in mo ibuik lo ou la where cau i buy my fall jacket lo tho best advantage 7 having regard to selection style quality aud prifr wu invits you lo inspect every competing tnautlo department and put ours lu antics comparison wo wero the oral in uuelph lu import duo uormsu jaukota direct to any rauul aud w have held our lace for the ill cost gouda lu the city cume tuspecl loiupsre aud use jour own jiidgiiiont and u ii court the oonaeiuonce t a shameful practice many tooth praparatiuaa contain aub atauoea that apeedily destroy tbe enamel and beauty of tba teeth tot this reason the greatest care ehould ba exeroisad in tbe election uf a deolfrioo i v urine for the is lb ia uflersd with the ssuroo that il ia absolutely tree irorn objectionable ingred louts an admirable cleanser la lvonne imparting daullng wbltausss to the troth flrmum lu the gum and renders ibe brralh a went and fragrant batuiday oov lulb neil i tbs bhoe mabuuelph will bavea spaclal of laathar long fiools tor ottaday only- jo cante off every dollar uilioururaa aud liver coinplaiut head ache etc are cured iy ii ur dock fill was tulto a auiuesa although suvorul apoakors who worn ujkitcd worn unablo to bo preauiil their place were well tilled by those who occupied the plait inn itev j uurn ham ii il t mi b very interesting and pruutsblu bddrcaa ho ured thu nrcrsillv ol hikving hi evnv life primijle t urpoae til rreevnrai oo ilu bidmci that all g xxl pun 1 it ice founded un tho it i i i tl i hal cvciy life willi lit u purpoao a a failuic u i oraeuraiiuo will in inplml luum llisi genius llev 1 1ar juhaiaon ol i lnudo n li doublo capacity uf chairman aud speaker related omu very immorou snujoui illuatrallve of huolul life and character ho aiiiii ho wsa in a k a li n lo cak uf hw tubmen btuid h lis i aiu them ho had boon there aud aa liu apeaka with strung hculoh aiocul hi to murk were very characteristic ho aald one inaii has lie unod a boutthmaii as u nan lu keeps the babbalh and overytl n g else ho cm gut hold of ho alno foisted the nl ry ot the aberdoan yonlh who when asked whioh is ibe greatest country in the world prompt ly replied scotland snd that ha cajiilal waa aberdeen the inuaiu reudorrd by ihe acton 1 res vytertaii choir wa pirlliulaily good i lis aelectiuu being cjasaical snd rendered per eotly ihere being lew peakersi tboy were asked lu givo j eunaulrrable part of tha program nt wbioh ihey did lu a cheer ful manner and the people uf uatllnafad have reason to remember the act oh choir ury kindly j 76 long huuis for j 10 bsturday llhsuit nsiu tiitt bin man uuelpb terma cash e r bollert sc co if aod j wyndhain strsst qucurll ont wednesday and saturday ith6- gemi weeklj spectator n rtiiusukd vtu moat post offices this ia uasrly sa good u a dally psper while tbe prut i ouly 1 00 per year it yoa ubscribonow ur lmjb wa will send ibe balauos of this yoar mtfcl ol cllargl iba earlier you bubscribs lbs mors yuu get fur our 1 00 heruplo ooiiiaa ires on spp 11 cation addrrm spectator printing go hamilton can our stock ttof dress coods underwear flannelettes corsets overcoats clothing staple coods and boots and shout is now replete with the finest assortment of goods ever seen in acton our ob ject is to get the best possible goods at thk the lowest possible prices lu ji w 1 lake 1 e- ojj at 20 ctttb and n a marvel uf hcapiicit and beaut alilo uul lic33 utioij ut tc 12c1 i 25l 3oc jjc jl 40c up to 85c mens union shirta and drawer we btart at 25c each mlii kibbed wool shirtb ad drawers it oc and 60c men a scotch wool plain eolors 01 striped at 75l as well as a rtat many other lines at from 5c to 1 25 i hit luiv idh 1m il it hk is a wondei out 1 lllji wvt o- i i i t and joutl s at jj3 nd p0 00 were 5 50 and j3 00 last season heavy 1 ucsc overeoatsi for cents at 50 were sold lmi pi tie last jiar at men a jvttluata we have at ijb 1 v 5 5 6 a 7 5 h yt and 5f 10 00 in clothing we have icvcr had an tiling approaching the varieties and tlues that we liave this season for newness cheapness tnd style we would like very person to examine goods compare val ues and then bu where they see fit flutter tgmhil iuutlry sjres mm css p c maodock mill streat acton p s although leather is up shoes are at old prices for kannawins baking powder is increasing daily because it is strong pure and fjresh when your recipes cah for baking powder use kanna wins to get the beat results only 25 cento a pound at the drug store tsbaattbfe j v kannawin acton most reliable alarm clocks arrived savage 8c jfcwlll fck cuelph valuable 1kolebty in nli v fob balb rhk tmom mml lot on ago bttml 1mb w ooeapud br um nwlli chaa qalmw barws aaam lot aa tba booaa la a eou tortabla raoall oaat wllb woodabad and uiaf la a sood atabla on ua paamlaaa alao two boildlac lota ua laaa avanaa in nroltfab harray tarma raaaonaltla for narttaalara appljr to e l kpkmiiit or wu 11kutukkt acu u acton havt lltb into we show this week special lines in bailies underwear black and tan kid glovcx choice 1attenih in flannelette gents farniuhings good value in uiidorivcai- coilam tics etc best make uf lined and i nlined glomes groceries 1 choice stock of groceries always on hand all at moving prices a k gurne1t co mill sircct acton bibles bibles bibles oxford bible indexed cambridge bibles bagster bibles large type comprehensive i ea hers bibles tlje latest teachers international bibles elear tjpe all styles ol bindings presbyterian hymnals methodist ii mn books bibles and presbyterian 11 i inticd lnglish prayers and church irnins combinct bibles with illustrations and maps only 40c a big stock at reduced price lisl g s7vnth lauict and bookseller jowyndham st gulll ill creat pdmkitter awcisabiio ami arra ilfip hcrn a bt- tuclt kilts emy tuna of viirma or internal ismi a unamnafal in bmit furs 1 ou itoihunth huvo lulol be on toltii ill giving ou their reoaonn for being uble to ll t utt 1 tu r thai anybody else the result won we lolt a hitlu hie ut til wo remembered how we bought onr turn thin m tho utor lunt tall toveoteon ot the leading merctiauu ol cunuda rupru ouiiling citioti all tho wuy from montreal to wniduo mot in toronto to dincubs buying fure to tho lbt advantage mr utt wub tinitm- mouy appointed to arrange tor tho best tormu from ihe inaiintae turura aceordingly last npntig tho boventeott morcliuntt anlinblcd at the queeu b uotel toroato where tbey wero mot by repreent ativca ol the five leading fur houtcft ol canada and pluced their combined order amounting 111 irll from twenty five to thirty thousand dollars our farm wuh ono dt the seventeen und the ruault ia that we bought our iura at ehoap an if wc uerttonally bought 80000 worth fur our own btuiiivtw and while mith uttoutton was given to buying at ciohd prices uullty waa caretul conaider ed with the result that wo can thin tail distance uny puat record tor real out aud out values in tun tgnly ont pklgfc a b kyansioo the right ho o ulttina fraal si tract ions for out ot town buyera ala at lant slock aod lh city koso cut prices iooodb uriuataoos 41incb twkkd uhkhh ooouh il jo llaidb worth soo to 0o lu rest variety ol aitariu at ilia aud w tull ittelot liatlliio avi i ti air hantlkb for ladlas miaars and cbilurcu at tho prion ul tho cloth no trout i 1 iu am stsla oaoooi ba sarpaaaad if nailed bv tba best inantlo inskors black i1ka h it i m m largt imttoas froaam 75 op to 910 if noabls to come to lbs city a oil yonr bust moasnrc will a i h baoribing whslbar 700 want baavar cloth bargs or uoncls aud ws will send to soy audnrsa its blanket wehther laru air bslsreso nifbt and tubrnioil tallk joa thai a woolly warm blanket wouldn i ba amiss m rad vsrioaa qmlilica ali tha basljof tbsir class waijtbt 0 7 3 1u pounds irioa from 1 1 1 tbs sbsrp air bat rat baodi undehwkah for use wofin and cbllatan rood qoalilia tfcjuusrs oommsots with a food lina at vo a ulock ol soo women 8 undetiwb 1 also a all wool bbirta aud isuls tor mk each oottsr at aba sacb gar men l ouit btaplk department ia tally slocked with flannel cotton sllrktinuh net bulktirjuu linenb of all daacrlptlooa samplsa soul on application ordsra tluad sama day as raooivod till r1qut uoube king st aaal ooroar ilaffbaoa at us mi ton october igth 1806 tbow a s o wtxni

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