Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 17, 1895, p. 4

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thulthpay ofitflfttilh 17 fflit young jdlhu mvnoo inrh a 11 1 n ln fllo1 lii ihlng w nr r united ahrnw ludoaaod ho in p fully rhlricph liafirn ihn nala tf llrshhia raradiaf ileal ijpii ilimni li rurgatnry mraluiia i bavo lieon marrind an i ho liuug 11 hnaii coma in oomo in 1 snd wnlrqmn t i inaon uarran anj iurtfalory are aa one in tlhw eitreine lis entered i toe van ilnor ami know ihn lillaa lie no or liail n ixtfon in atarro liail entered in tlm canton fair another hindoo sakod adiiilsaloit there tim mill same i oration jlrahma nkod attain itaat lan trrroufili iuriralury no what hen r thou canal not enlir did the god reply ha wlio wont in wan thorn no mora uian i all thai is trn lint hn has manlotl noun an1 i on nsrtli liaa auffnro1 fur li iln mariif tla well for i lnw marrimt twioa llebwuot we ii have no fools lu iarailiao riiirr luu humt utry 1 the journalism f thk sal vation army notes here and there l riaa otbpwco few reajlu what volume of periodical literature mach of it finished in lu uler 7 strfo handsome id it typosrsph and all of it admirably suited to ita porpose ia sent out nook by weak from i ho halvalion army headquarters throughout tho world general ilooth who began ai a wesleynn is thoroughly wesley an in hla conviction thai ihn devil muil bo fought with tho printing press and in nothing his bw executive ability been morn truly displayed than in tha way bo baa let graduates of burtipftn universities and american colleges aud practical journalists at work editing pubhahink the halvatlon rrny hlaratnre- kor fascinating laloa from real life for devotional literature that la born of aalvatioa but ia not tlm introspection of tner moralist thorn no current titer turn eijnallo that of the halvalion army thero t not a iniaaionary aociojy in christendom wboao monthly tnsgaxin begins o be aa international in ita aoope and as fasolustiiig at alt thr world the lliirtry ia issued weekly in real llrilam canada ilia united stales bolgiam djn mark france bwiuirland b inland cor many holland norway hwoden sooth africa australia new zealand and india and ceylon 0 different languages and bi weekly in italy and ho nth america ita circulation in aogual being ureal ilrltaln xx7kv a in trail a uox7 1 hi tod klalea sijoo hwmlon 19 a0 llullantl 19 000 saw ajand inavi canada 17300 dauoiark 4 norway iijoh houui afiira j no klhrwlivra 1su total ioi oil all the other publication of tbo army the aj souirr the sm- iamu the uutteai snlvatiomim and the ojuvr havt an ngaally phenomenal circa la t inn tfrnrip of jtrrtc an odd occupation tbo cfawa of men who live by wakinit op the toilera of paris daring the early morn lt in time for work have now a prototype or two in new york there ia an old cripple lit ing in william b tree i who gata ap at 3 m eaoh day and begina a tour of the bowery aud ita vicinity knocking at ooeaalooal aha tt are and windows to arouse bia inlitmrs ila ia av krsnnhm him self and was able to drum up a kd trade io almoal uo timo hlevassdtrain hands waujhmon stevedores and other timed workers patronise lilm and bia rates are a oent a day he bai nearly fifty customers and this novel work is done in about throe hours tbn rest of the time he presumably puts iu at another occupation when ho orat started the policemen on the various beata be traversed oyed him with auapiaion bat after he had explaluod niatlora there was no farther interference with him the number of bis clients jrjw ho rapidly that the cripple a wife left bcr waahtuband the pair doubled their rales now many a workinn k wt oaom liwt in daily dread of a flue for lateness at the shop or factory rest undisturbed knowing thai uranny will not fail with ber knock at the riht lima origin of pumicestont 1umice alone ia the theme of mr nor man douklasa opart transmitted to the foreign office by our ambassador at ilitne and this important item in tbo italian oi porta furnishes so mo inlrssliuh details says the iondon mulj arwt 1 a mice as la well known is of volooanio origin beiuit a traxhytic lava wtiich baa been re u do red light by the escape of gases wheu in a moi len utr it la found on most of ibo shores uf the tyrrhenian hoa aud elsewhere bul ia at prewoiit almost exclusively oblaiosd from i ho utile island of i ipari mnst uf the vol canoes of i pari have ejectod pum aoouua rook but hie boil alona is all tha product of ta mountain mimlo jhialca nearly 1 000 feet iii hsihl with ha two aooeaaory craters the dialriot in which the pumice la excavated ctvora an area of thrro iuare miles it baa been oalculaied that about i 0u0 handa are nikhl l tkla industry mm of whom are om ployed in oxtracuiim lbs mlnaral 1umlce la brought tu llto i urfaoo in laruje block or in baskets an i ia oarrel ihua sillier tu tho neibbur ig villao or to did muuhoro to bo taken tbetioa in boats 1 be supply la said tube practically inexhaustible an editor and his snap an odiuir w4 dol of atarvalioii after nuking dr lii nor ashaiitix of liuuaaji waa being ocorlol to heaven tjy ao s ol wbu bail immiii aent out tor that purpose uty t i kik l tho other plsoa befire we ssueinl lu atarnal bappllieaa h aaily ran tho aiiel hn thr wont hclnw and sktrmiahml aruuud lkn k in tlm altvhta i ha aurl lal tt it h tor wont oand hailra in hunt turn li found him ihintf byafiirualo latiiiliu linuialf ami pajunk with rpturn uii a lot ol k in the are 1 iujio waa a alitn on itio luruaoa whiih aalil leliuiueul aubacrtliera iimr aalil the attitel wo inuk be iroiiitf you kj uu atnl tha oijitor 1 in nut coiihiil iblala lleavail 00111 lor luu not in stock tt was lu a little new lumphlre vlllstfo amontf the uittuiilalns whrs the cuuutijr store arrved aa iusuifnae circulating library hie atttrr aud ovary lhini els combined that a f luston lajy ulanciiiit over the booh4tlulrl iua you llttiwlf in t no aautlhr attendant anmrwhat nhtstluliy and not juat kaowinj what kind ol an aril iv llrowiiliii m it lit in- we hive not llieu imro biiiihtl we have black intl aiil bluriitit aud liava a man who dues whlll g y on aaoiialy do plukiii would ayc these do t ktjninj- t ittmia of oanarnl intoroat to froo proas nondors wrftk and enon dosoribes tho oonditinn of thousands of people at ihh mcason tlmy tiavn no apiielllnrbnnol aletip ailt jconipalti of llio prnst owl me elt ct of warmer wcatlinr 1 hia rendition may be rcmrjlse i by hood s tisrsspslla wliioli rroatos an aim lilnand fones up all organs it itivos jooil health by mahngtha bloott pnrr- hood s illa are tlie best aflrr dinner pills assist digostion cure headache they who undergo no trials enjoy no irinmphs the acnrhtaptfct lllt ttra savsuts are having a very inlercsung time in determinink lbs age uf niagara falls and from the moat recent papers on the subject it is juito evident that ureal divrreily of opinion ciiata smonk those who have mstle it a mailer of ivesligallun mfe is till of problem tlio diversity of our common nature angiiosts equally inleresliuit iueslions wfiy aru things ao why not otherwise 7 now for instance the minor ailments that aflhet us hj should too ache not be srcablo instead of painful 7 why should sc many fraiiduhint and flesh aaling substsuoes for ililuam painless corn hx terminator be imposed upon the people t putnam a is s ire putnams is safe aud painless putnam s mskes no sore spot a use putnam s psln teat corn kxlerrmnator live ss though lifevas earliest and life will be so inflammatory itlieumahajn mr h aokormsii commercial traveller iollejille writes t borne years ago i uedlr thomas koleclric oil for inllammatory rheumallsin and throe bottle effected a complete cm i was the whole of qne summer unable to mote about with out crutahe and every movement caused excrucialmic paina 1 am now out on tho road and exposed to all kinds of weather but have nevrr been troubled wnh rheumatism since i how ver kept a bottle dr thomas oil on baud aud i alwaa recommend it tu ullinra aa it did ao much for me uueot 1 say landlord your iihmi i worse lhau it was laat int landlord impossible sir ten tboasiutd tlidra ten thousand times oter hagsrd a pectoral ilalsam has prosed itself a sure our for oorjghs oolds bronchitis asthma sore throat ijnlnsoy and all pulmonary l burdock cd blood bitters curbs dyspepsia bad bloob constipation kidney troubles headaohe biliousness bbit untuck all ts mc rt a i j fti ofi 11 nnuuiilirj uni tla t i i uitim u pun4a tu llio d il inofu r a man like a watch is to be valued fur his mauoer uf going there arc a number uf variolic of corns hollows a orn ure lll remuve any uf them call on jour druggist and jet a boltlo at once advios is seldom welcome tloso who need it moat ilka it least mrs celeste xjon hyrauuae n writes for years i could not eat many kinds of food without producing a burning excruciating pain in my stomach 1 took par melee a pills according to direo lion under the head of oyapepaia or indigestion one box entirely cured me 1 can now eat anything 1 choose without distressing ine the least these pills d not cause paid or gripinu and should bo used wheu a cathartic is required there is no sweeter reapuuse than that which is brought with labor korea prum had uiihhi lear birs for quite a lon s bluud waa very bad lartra sores wuuld break out upon me from a auiall satalch 1 started to take jour li ii ii which completely ourod me 1 rrootumended h unlock lilont itilloc li all auflorin from bad blood til 1iu 1 jb1 li i 1 ha ll way ftir a man i kel i lwy htallluit is to he roil pluutnial v oil live iu it doubled up with rheumat1hm william pagg nurwood iul bast hrlatmss i oould hardly walk and waa nearly duutilud up willi rhuuiiialialii i pruournl three hot lira ol h uth aomiian rheumatic ure v rum w lulheifnl drugkial of norwtmul and luuu 1 it tlm beat and quickest acting medicine i ever saw i ho ural doao gave relltf a ltd the throe buttlea coiupletely cured nir 1 liavo had ueilbor aha uur pain fruui rhoiiuia liamaiucs kld by j kivp wlto hnvatibdtl dr aknnvvn cntnr- rhnl powdorn nnl4tvmrlntreto orsuffotinu unmnnlty ny how much it hno rlono fprttiotn in tho rcolosishtical history ot canada tlm nsnmaof the illghl itov a bwoatman u l l lord uishop vl toronto and llnv lohii liwiglry m a l i tii i out rimimii il wiiijh lili own prih may im nd l d io hi mi tho ustnii of llin luv w h wlllinuih dr isngtry himrlar oiirati 1 tumu iilluman bullovo in toting out l he axiom uf llio good hook that hating i arncil of itxjlt whiuh has born a a iiiroi il lnn fit to tliniuiolves it is their duly to tell tho good news to others thcao threo clergy uioii of the i placopil rimrali havojpbrlr tiled dr ag now h talarrlial punvalor snd f lurnl that fur cold in i ho hoid ami catarrhal troubles il is a great helper and over their own signature llif l nb ll10 pu hint theso ihltiks sru no that uthtrs msy be likewise hemlllli mid holped otiu hhort puff of th breath tlirouuh tha blonrw supplied willi escl hot lit of dr agtinws starrhal p iwdrr dinuios him imiwder int r llio surfac of llio ussl paa ages pamirs an i ihliglittul lo use it roriuvis hi 10 iiiiniun snr pcrmsrroiitly euros calaxrh hay fovor oolds heailooho sora throat tonsllilis mid deafnosa go centa hold by i kimll witkproverbs but iloot try te path up unerring rohrh or ri i i iw uyng ejcniiiculol rerdk tiko pyny- pectoral hi all serv e with a lilmil m tiv a far uior u pla jlo than la rgn ai rvi with low i l in i lihl ruwnl ia m ait k rit i ha 1 a vciy ties i y old al waa threaten cd with pnui mm it 1 l xd iwo bottle or n rwsy imio it l the op a iot i it com rparll luoly i for a itt me k i ha evo ii u 1 j d ma illlial i scoffs emulsion k nl liter oil cmfikificd r m nlo t isy of tit vi t 11111 mill u- u i i ti 1 ihiiii uulcd lliu ujipln lnui of xiiu0 ttiul 1 i xhn h lii hit i1iemiiii iv l iiid h iv ia in lltriully l iv- oluqi j oi ixuh u b a 11 in trkithlc ilv11 pnnlm1 r im t- clllll li li i 1 v llluultl0 pjrnnh i 11 i u mmi it very i i a ih f i- v itubiiiatiun m a int l iapi u ih iictuns i n iintro ita hu- lknor iiitnt ia all cutiuiusftju uf ohtini it h had clu ti- tlrjwtatnt of the nntliiul pro- fvsmoit for aa irs i i ss asrsaamfsj fats a saesflrwia 6l 4 besrss twisvuls 50c sns i hcocomxgh t ape hrel met it lht livu llrllj on 1 null ii mk it thny wool i 1m car ful nol to k thoiiiarlvrs liouhle slid forh ax mmldl lug with what other people lo and say llcnil llltmr urll il hi i 11 i a lr akii urn lor tit hnatt 1 iwrtecl relief lu all aso4 of ordain or hympatholiu heart diaoavt in it iiiinutox and bpeo lily cited a euro ills a puvrlesi remedy fur palpitation bhortneaa of ltroatll hmotlieriug ipelu pain lu ml sldo aud all ymuomt of a ilisraaod heart ono done oouviuoea sold by j htlinn o our oikiiiv t iloalli and ho will make a good friend 1 rre aud easy expetl mil ll imtiioii ately rehoven si 1 rem ihi thr at and lungs from untl i phlegm and a medilhl lhsl proniulob thia is lljo bent ineillcnm lo usa fur loughs col lur liitlmiimm ton of tho luns and all alluttlon th throat an 1 ileal una i prtusely lial kn klo anil on sumpllve hrl is a pm ill f r an i whofovtr ii 1 u h- gntu unhiui lei at ifaclion hililr n like li btrstite n is pleaaaiit a inlln like it b i touu a rolilve and cure the di ho who has hut hill wealth and st tho bams llmi wtlul i be aaun 1 with loan h rich inough lo be hap y llilluutictt anil i urr i m plaint head aohe etc nro lii rod by llurdk 1 ilia all mothers who have used dalmo tar soap r kktt b5t bxby3 soap 0iv rorhjlisjlv c lie h j lu hv vl i dcs uol v t what la all ii i in i i it s i th k t io1 m i 1 1 i tu get ale eloaua tlf 1 ink h impulllle llll loan w 1 mini ikltyhl i im- mist in i nlani kg ll mrrtiir an 1 ate giiaraulit i ui h balltfarli n or llm m v ii ht re funded 1 h ahl 1 w4i i ii ill thiiil win h l i r i i if- hi i hr ib 1 iinlllll ii ag taii i li tho m rtt 1 nil i medium has lpu uirnnul i piiire aa li j iliius i rliii u i lo hill umu- f and ih 1 nivllty 1 n havt- im t ii pan i i 1 1 i h t i i t btnii elovau 1 h h h n wl o i ll i in v rtucliirshnyllls llir hint fllirri nits i rrcmiiniciul mtllmrii h cod llvijr xjtl lmiilslun vil1i plusturu 0at july i look cnntrnlim uf llio utiga and tvn tu lol for four wnks i wiib very vsvk aiid could nut p nk nbovo n whiprr dr iiwnnuf iiiihuln ull tirj oil uk mil iil a bntlbt ul miltiirn a i tikiuioii lmihimry ue innih mil soon rt stored my m i i i rolled utu buk tuliinllh iignin truly jou- an hiiiiii wheatland- mnn a lru horn il uiuro nftiin ho who i udurrn lhau h who dors llheiiiniilliii i uml in ii ihn houtb auinnn i krnnimatm iif for hhdiuunllsmniiii itnrslls radioall ourh in 1 lo ilaj i a ii n ilmii tltejhlem is n innrkulils nod mynli noiirt 1 1 r moves at on j ihn ruunn nil t tho iiuohko luiliindl atnly disappear i in 11 rut don yrrntly tmiufits 7ut hillbyl ksiitib he psaaimialim hoiiidllilirg nil within mn hho oalml why dnn t yon drink tillered waur vn hi tal ymiol niil r nlorl wlmnibn waa a child tlxitilodf itwiorla riiai becam ilia lui u l tnalurla utiohllinlotdddlli i i w hit nl aamria if you create onillhtng yoti mnut be something kigtis uf worms sro vnriabp spputito iuhuig at tho noiu etc dr low a worm hyrnp is tlie beat worm expnller nbirrli it lirtnl in 1i i i itil mlniil o iu ah rl pull of the breath through the hlovror nuppho i with eiiflt hillhr of ii aguews uinrhal 1 iwlur 1 lliism tin powder over die aiufnui of ihe uaaal paasagoa paliilcutt and lulightfill to use it rulmvus iimtsully aist priu nut ntly cures atarrh hay lever ohli lload nclu srlhrnl i imiiuh all i 1 ie 10 unta al j ktniiswiiu i or ihu lovn of mer y amanda a llov dr 1 ourlhly ailing lo iiih wilt in tonea of lliiiudar unit and tnho tin aqualhiig baby out ol i he rotini before li driven me craxy 1 in writing a sermon on iluanng une another s btmlcni i to uinl ruiip di hi hint 1 hae utetl li s ellow oil with all my ohildroii lur or wi anl i think it is tbo busl uu limine oe made i am never without ll mi th curcsconnn n llon juchfccrtjnp8ors throat s d 1 y n i i iniwuta on n gtiirsniw f r a uroa i s l t hct sblloh s puroua plaater wul eic i jaeimm 3j ccotb shilok valeser- lln t flll iri t iinictilonn tyat rmuluridlu t uwrowttatli frui icwrtxaro- 1 n p it uvir ur liinuy truubloitoxc 1 si x poinoly roll funilsliotl ir- winu muruhaiil will not look or bum i in tho bar ur i ilhaid nnm any uior il would a minor t up in a balloon n ch of k ki ii i edy i ll wltr i i i ou tain a bio in lis eiimnn alrt nth i a it aculuua uiilir of pprtllti vitality stimulant lo ll o k nrllllty 1 1 i li lid ior 1 ioni hili y ii 1 itutl li iia luhuvud in an hours b tho irrnt houth auiir liu kiiiioy ur i hi- new round is a real aurprinfl and delight on account u il rioeedinu proiruiluias in relieving aln hi the bladd r kilueyn bauk aud every pud of the urinary passages m male or female ll rallies rotuiilioii of walar aud pain in passnik it almual uu medialclj if you wsnl int k rh and i ure thifl ia your remedy hald by j k sswis ant i kcs into his jki hut what ho iquiu at iiitht uora into ins haraclor liagyard s pfcloral llu l cur n i i a told aathiua hmuliiui ai i all i hioal and 1 h 1 rouble i he eloclr lolttjl hill i ub f r ll joe f ua rtlli lirf vv 11 j u li the wan i lfln ol iho aurn apiroa ti llio in it lorn bit diaoaao ua iiupti iu tak y ur ilv all atlor i i r it ake f mini 0 u run hi iiak an i di uilliiii bir il wo know ro njkdn thai hhlloh u o will euro ymr uu h irvo tail- h 11 by i lun aw u 1 1 1 ih d ll l i ila i alat 1 u1 1 u 1 to hill t allr ll i tai ii i nits fur uirur ii eah tr j of ran box where ah xl i fall i 1 low wuiil i n t tail aa tin y lo now ni ruj a riilli ll 11 ii r tt im hlo uutiil ha from tht hrt liaovtrv iln i teat if i u i i llmtlii as a niolii al i rsmsdies ever ollrnl to tho puhli 1 1 u uue tf the grtttl ion ut 1 iialuial life giving atlmulaiils that ihu hhhiimi pi ft a slun have boon compelled to ruoniiio ai i preoribo moaii norlbmti t i man t toronto have h hi the preparnliu f llfnir purr jiiiniua w ure- the rest t r the 111 lis tnihtrtaiire ami the vial ilar i mil i imiobuf the ailiiilu winch ihsy ulkr lu ltio j publia mints into the luarkul purtiil ol all tbo do foe la which si llfl ohllvatloli nutl i ulentilld nplllloli hsn oliuuil out in itai perfect prsiramon uf li pan a ll it nt gists soil it i i i ou old tl n i ihn t kc 11 i r all i ml we an i i it wluh ut la i ui il t li iii ihu inintirr our busl judgment uitj atluil m s oft wild kill v fclt y hlli r ul to latrlea o k hullul wllti no uftur iinnlu uito buutli acimkicuii klilnoy coiu wli 11 hill ii ior ir ii ki i m j u 11 in ma iap1 w hi on are botai1 if limkcnlllslluu it lll kllle tlljoctlou la lav iinj ikuly l many rrimdira htnnt t i i hi on tb 1- uf ue as wrll h all i impuiaianlnrn thla la nevt uu um with hnulh aiitriibu hid an hour tud ii nun ninu t la billow lor in a almd ur n a caoir kl bitlro uuro i- rlfiolol lur la io other medicinn ike h oh imrnni ikljiixy umwa- ll a iimcdy lpc lliu kid ue a and blajdtr uid not a genrral loitiu that l sappipol lu ouio ovtry thing and rod a byi niiif uo curr houth n i rtcau h tincy uiu di iln particular work mid docs it well hoi 1 lv i lvshms awcfrnctiyn lie ajitm rciiali sdvoosto in tlm aourso nl hin iiillross to tho rotirt flourished bikjoi tim hnijl in h tell s mainiar na fa srmw nlf a uue lie t diainoiirl ring ho ws on n ij urxid looking and wss pleading for n inilyufqu illy who dnmnmlod a srpsrs lion from her hiihnl the limb in whoinppuuil i i h prnnit int rniptcd him in ihu uu i ho of a porjn i sul turning tu the jiid rxiiluimrd thoatrieil my i ird o will nppnrinte ihn ubi which m is dibplaymg akaiust tno and lbs hiiimrilyif hi nrgnmciit ivhmi nti arn iiiforiikii that the diamond ring ho wears in tlrti viry mm that i placed on my wife s fliilirun ihu day of thai union he ia so atixintin to di it solve jtho oourl was truck 4viih ualiiuishinnut run roajfin uiidiblit thftcbiisu urn lost and lb advocate tievir had anolhcr to sdd to llio tfiignaury of ole cataalropbr wan the luiowlc ign ihul the huahaiid n insinuation had no fiiuulalion whntvrr in fan hsn 1 r it no in o looini j1ib poub namfc v boy e uslilln polo wns fa to lied lo tlio rool si a irto on ihu rlvor bank and be was suifng in tho nun playing with bis dog i lling tho limo away an he ha i been fish ing sjl dkv snd caught nothing i lahnig- iiiquired the man pabmiig yi h iiiiwored i he boy lti doi you hnu then what is his name 7 lib lisli that a a quo r name for a dig what do you call him that for t ducbiiao he won t bite iliuii tha in in proceeded on his way 1 r lfr helpinq somtuody ll is sid that once ivliui tin wifenf kir llsrlle hriro had to motl lilm at llio rail wny htntion aim look wuh bur a aorta it who had ui ver sit ii hia tnaelcr ou must ho and took fur blr barth alio ordered hut biiswunti ihu uiinplufed servant how shall 1 hun him u id hady 1 rem i ook fur a tall tciillcman linlpuil noniilkmly ihu dencriptiou was hiillhlunl lor uil puck willo1 man he went ami fuiml kir itsrllo i rum helping- sn old lad out of rallwa carriat know linn al nice b the deaonpli in s it it n 1 urll r ilul i ur li li aald il no main reuieillca thai i il ino fur a tliuo bul ihu dlsnaso tor uiinu comes hick llirlk blood tillers b mi n rs lical euro u only ruhrmn bul permanoiitl curisi dhmipla ouaniiiptliiii illllouaneas hick headache had hjool etc hmidrotu of llnallby wltiiinhoh toll gladly hist tt ii 11 cures to itn vured luduluus nmco they most believe ilium nelvea and advise moat wiih their falsest hatter and worst inemy tlxir own self love with lm111 om with luvalids the aj jk tiloia caprc ioub aud uoeds auivxiug lhal it just lhc reason ihey improve bo rspidly uu lor rjcotts lmulsion which is as palatable a catarrh it is uol what people gam but what tin savii that makua tin m rich hope in the ru i ly muriilo 1 j iy rt collection i iln l lingr iu llio if hie hoait is willing to irap it hr lhal a uorllatlli well aud jitlioloualy almll ii t b foriittrn ty tho mulliludos that niiiil bin j ro ell lake when hu u cone let un lnuoi htm with uiu hi mid thterfuliils of heart wpllu he in pahvllil no man uuu fr un c i durable wrlod a poar one thing to hlmnelf nt aiiolhrr tu iho multiliidn without bocuming bewildered ss to which may bo ins true self when on make a miniako dun i look back al it lout lake the ruasou or the thing lutrfviur mind and llieu look for ward minlakoa are leant u ol wlstlum i he panl cannot bo t hau iho future ia yul in yuur power waters bros guelpb kiamua conio f i wul its it ntr i ki hi i what is castor i a cotorla im dr flarfttje pitchers proscription for lafltnu and cbtldron it contains noltlior opium bforpbloa nor other narootlo knbstomce it la a lmrmlexa nlntltqt for pnrocforlc drona sootnlntr byrops and cantor oil it la pleobant ita iraarantoo li thirty yearn hho by million of mothers caatorladontroys wormi and allays fovorlflhneas oaatorla prevents vomltitifr sour curd enrol diarrhoea and wind colic castorln rcllotea teethlnp trouble euros constipation trrrtl llatulanoy castorla nsslmllatea the fbod rctrulaten the atoiriacjt and howela nivinff healthy and natuwal aloen cab- torla la tho cblldrena panoeea the mother prlend castorla osstorta is on excellent medklnn for chri dmn uuthers have repcaledly told roe of lis pjodonactupaulbeucblldren xn- q o ownonn lowsll ubss csstarta is the best remedy forcbilrfrso of which i sm acojualnleit i bopo tho tlayta rot far distant when mothers illconauer tho real toterrst or tbclr children and uso ciatoru in stead of the torlousqaack nosunimawbuji ore drstruyliig ibeir loved oaea by forclns opium morpbiimi boothlng syrup and other hurtful agents down their throats thereby serai i nj ihesn tu prcmaluro crsvoa dsw j r kiscsndums oonway ar tks oamtauav cjsssspsmr ti mi castorln pastnrla li so woll adapted ft child rn thai i rrcnninmttml it aasuparhwioauy ptpscrtption known to mo n a ascnss it d 111 ro oxfonlslilrooklymk t our phyalrtans in tb childrens dspart- wnt hava snolcu highly of tholr sxpcrl encs hi ihejr outside practice with caatorli and allaouah wo oolss bam inraoi our medical aupplles what is known as regular praducta yet wo aro free td confess that lbs merits of castorla has won us to look with favor upon it usrrsn nosprrat sjm disrsanuav allxm c bwtm iwa nxysty bbitt nsrar tcrrlt olty a great siareep our millinery mode a great swoop j t the opening carrying tho city by storm the moot successful in our his lory more pieces sold than ever before j tuesday morning at j a llock l ixan a sale i damaged underwear adr iluooa healthful brand ladles and children a u j cuiug tuu warmth softness aud porosity meetin all the cuquiioi u of a del icau sense live akin wo will offer ihem at 50 c6nts llltidavaud i 111 hhday and on baltltda mnlu uc wo hava only tmu ileous and when iboy aro gone wa will not k ble to got j d williamson ou co v iiiaii arid macdonneil streets utltlph imew flrlft neiar stock neinr prices bulold manageiiient 1 ua iiiiii imiok buaitifaa m actuu au lu ig under tho uu ul jul dj ol t hun has been discontinued bul iho old bdnliiesb will go ou under tho new name j a speight co 1 ul re la ll will ho deemed chaises in l undertaking department lh h bo most nutlooablo owing to iho hard times wo are oultiiq llio prioos iii all lines of lnus i askots and furnishings and will supply the wholo out ht al any reasonable olfor you may make wo have no couuoolluu w llh ny undertakers combine and govern our own prices lair living prull buccv st wagon i manner and at pilars i tery low prices in lhc undertaking oapecially wa csii 1 orlainly soil id h entire j a speight co hailwaytime table grand trunk railway i iiioh i i a i i km 7 1 am mali i a i 1 n r v vi a iii i r i jl i i i llln in hi b in tlbi i im in mail it h 111 iai niinliu hi if j 111 lolniikal tll time novemlit r l1 ninl r lli pi i and ft b ri out into titui t u llilirtait alfh i dont rrd this but ou will regret it if iu dont fall fair when at the fair call snd ten mo 1 may have inmelhing you need in tha lino uf clnlhiug a new and first class stock to oboosn from blk worsted uuits biiywhoro from 18 lotjo aorcosls from u to 0 hootch tweed bulla 17 tom trouiers from ft i up lo 7 fif rheso itoods aro just imparted from tho 1oroign markets no old slock my expenses are small so i can give bettor values lhau ou oati posiibly procure elsewhuro a trial ao i idled i it snd wurkmsiialnp guaranteed n 1 bonnau romombor inrrjman dlock d mill street aoloo norway pine symp rich in the lanp haallng virtues oftha piss combined with ths socthinif and expectorant prapertlea of other pectoral harbi and bark a rcrtreot ouac fob coughs andcoldq hoarsansss alhms tironchltis sors throat croup and all throat bronchial sna lung diseases o bit inat o coacha which rstlit other remedies yield promptly to this pleasant piny syrup kfosrsrao mo soo mm ooirub jf o theanjorffiniiio sciatic hcuumisu fjnj in gach civsici qft ovftuscuunvi4 ij ue5 in using lntmu1 pt m1lii the perfect tea monsoon ih th would fwom the tta flant to the tk cusi in itb nstivt purity monanon tea li packvd nj r lhc unrnlilimi of the to trmrr and i adtariwnl anjauld liyhm a a aamnletr il be quahlirauf indian and csyuia tia h h lhal mason llir n iml none but tbo iff fteaii lcno u inlo murnu paiaaca tlluiy mono it perfect tss can b m at the ui pin ai tb lua ll u put up in aaalcl addca jiu j al luc and not 1 i imi in t tli1 i i iok i ii i i n nil 1 11 i n in l in h l niif t hi 1 m i m jtl u l lit in ylllllu lui t d i iii besr chehpest ppoaty picssct s itndi i iu it ii tin i uuuti pi inline i hill ih tlil lroul it i lilt 1 1 list ru htm ii i liuiiiiil n ulil uiulcistoofj in all its ji rtb aiul dot s superior uoih 1 i i nut vh a i vi y promt la paid lor in onsh auahloa the manufacturers to sell ibe piuuty nl vtfiy low ilii ihntu aru no 1 oases you nan urrantfa to havo fiojjbl and duty io iiiiun 1 duvct ull uu her uf luiportauon etc sliui atuiycc for catalogues and price to h p v oore actonont sole agent for cdnada l to walker co manufacturers madison wis most successful reuedy for man or bkart ivrlalu in ii fftvt an i nerer bllatanl toad wvufi mluw rehdaus spavin cure irhjl v j lintr s- i a t uf ju t fl ullml i r- llh ulttcm tll a 6- irrful ii n m11 ftl kavp tiulllv i iiaul all utu i luun truly kendalls spa lr r j eajrraiico 1 iw h i l nnl i til t ur kro 1 i n v t in iii i ri ii lk 11 11 i- 1 u t r l r atwl ark ml bfatlii i im w lla oaua ll ni ii tu rral mjr fi ir lli njr tuuul ilraan iul ak i uiitaim a iatkntff rur a mini anawer an an htmosl o lulun wrlto to si i ss a tt wtmihatahbdnoartrimrrsars ilhilvnoa in ilia patent ulalrjoi col ui nun i na il iaihrll uoutldenlui a iuvk oi lu- i nuatlun ooiiurruius laieis slid hw in ob tain ibsni sent frua also a oaiajxwua oi lud ami acleutlbo bonk miut frvo isionta taken i union li muun a c rervlrn lwlaiiuhlo in ihu i ir mine anterli nu and tuna aro brouulil budolr boittratb imllluwltlu out enat to tbs invilor tliu ul n lid jwinr laauntwimklv slssanilr lllnairalnil basbr farlhii lam oat circulali u of siv aeiuntlos work in tlio wiwid mitiu hai ilp onhinsaeni rroo lluildins ullii n mhitldy ftioajcnr h inula ennlaa jj cuia kvcry nuuilbr eoniainaljau tiiui plalaa in inra sul lniithirannsor now houatw with plailulalhi uuhton fo 1 iw tbn latt tpikiiail iwuh to iilrstna al irriw uunn a ihi- nlw luult ju1 itliuaiiwar for twentyfive years s baking powder thecooks best friend laroct sale in canada

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