Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 24, 1895, p. 2

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ostufn krln no oelober ttllh lliawllo of ir tlnar prln ofeban lfaamrraloekvllla on wednesday the mill october uio wliu of o 1 mvl daughter r i r ua an if n 1 htttithhwtlinwiihmln tl n b nortel on wednesday oct trt i y tt 4 llsv job fennel ur iw rwlgrawof nonal lo miss tslo thompson ot mtfot- ut hhki ukllnoutuln the methodist rliurrli i inwonrt on thiirarfsy jttli october ly hot john neott w a ur oli till shismlman of ilerlln tnjoen rtbiiahlertfl alfred llooi mr v i inwnod ilisnv on wednesday t hor fathers rosl too in windsor on ilia illh ootolor isehalle ulllen youngest daughter of itsv j il dandy aged it year ancpltomo or th ormi dptna during tha wook haitth be jttton 3fm ms thursday octodkh it ibqfi notes and comments oan ad a a a i porta for iho psel month show a decrease of one million and a half bat lb inorofcm far tb oatrur roaches the total of thibaso the imports daring september increased half a million ellboagh for tha quarter tliara la a decrease oflmjcbo tha revenue collected from customs increased 1200 000 during the month and for lha t outer it ahowa an increase or i30 hj7 it dona not appear that thr- oanadian live stock trade la likely to and a serious competitor in australia on tha i a teat live stock shipment from the antipodes to knglsnd i hero wss a loss of m0 000 which attributed to four osusoj tha nnauitmbla nature of lha autck eicesslve felgh and insurance conditions of transit and mortality at aaa tan per oant of lha cattle died and 10 per cant of the aheap according to official advioee received to day the total seal lug catch for the canadian fleet lhia aeaaon amount to 17j0o against 11 471 laal yeoj- hie falling off waa in iho oaloh on the asiatic aide of tha pacific owing lo bad weather in the spring the take in dohring boa waa 10 750 aa against jgsu last stetson tina by far the largest oatoh in behrtng sea on reoard there wore 12 canadian vessels there lhia year the report made to iho now york btate medical association upou tha roaulla of the aaa of anil toxin in diphtheria i favorable to the now methol of treatment the mortality from lha disease in new york city during tha nine montha of thii yeer baa only been aboalone bait aa large a it waa in previous years both in america and in lha coin tries or europe medio experience haa jnatiued the uae of the and toxin applications for railway legislation next session at ottawa are commencing to poor in a striking application is that to iooorpormu tha canadian hloctrlo railway and iowcr co lo build an electric railway front montreal to windsor via d rock vt lie kingston belleville toronto and london witb power lo fcr lhranob line from toronto or olhfljkjintrt 1 lloa to bbapenslon brage sjhor with power to bnild braeob fines iqr a radius not exoeed ing 3a mitea from any point or point on the main line tba summer jual passed was the mlldeat ever known in greenland aooording to reports just brought from that oouutry the mountain for tba aral time ever known are bare of ioe and enow and wild animals aoooalomed to extreme cold have been compelled to go furthur north birds are plentiful aa well aa other kinds of game particularly gronee blueberries were plan liful for the first umo in many years the water about the southern ooaat of i bo island waa warm enough to bathe in a luxury in which the natives seldom in dalge the duks of marlborough finds his path in the free kepablia across the border a rough sod thorny one th barriers of sate being swept away he bu been roughly jostled against tha common people ills laical adventure was with a new york poliosman who considering a dake and a made as one suffered no pangs of remorse on discovering that be had baen handling a peer of britain in justioe to ilia oreoe ll must bo ooafesaod thai be bears his notoriety with good nature and would probably look at it all as a huge oka ware ho not n englishman h xpert medioal testimony stebllahss the faot that hhortia tha valley field mur darsr la a victim of congenital conaump lion and insanity said dr daniel clark i find that his grandmother hie unols bis father a sister and brother also those on bis mother a slda went insane else that bis cousins and in in bars of thi family oo both sides died of consumption tba dagdnareta line has localised upon the prisoner it is said that marriages are mads in heaven but even the wildest imagination cannot surely quote divine authority for a uniou of consumption i insanity tha rogulsllou of marrlsga is base with difoaltlos though cms cannot bat bold that there should be a way of guarding against tha publia peril snd pri vale injury of such union with tbsir insvilehla issue canadian copyhiuht hope is expressed in iondon by the many friends of canada that lha lioiuln ion government will not in he matter of canadian oopy right recede from the poiioy of the lata premier bir john thompson who declared on ihs morning of the event fnl day when ho left london for windsor that tba uastloo of canada s right wee paramount and that the aol of 1hmi agreed to by tba canadian copyright ao ciatiou was must rsasunabla aiidoonsislaul with joslior all lisra raly upon tha copy right association standing firm upon iho poiioy ihui aitvuualod for it la o be rem membsred that tbs interests of amorioen publishers srs a struug fsctor against canada sir hall caiuo allusion lo the smell number of publisher in caoa u pro okas s smile herr and lha hupo is outer tsuned ibat hi oxperienoe in toronto will effoolusjiy change that opluluu mussulman vs chhistian advioee received at constantinople from ismid tod usndak say thai lbs mussul man muoks upon cbriatiaos continue troops have bean baafily despalabed to the scens of lbs dlstarbftnossj aooording to new received from adeue aleppo revo lutionsry agents are trevsrelng tle country and ere enrolling young armsuians while quantities of arme ammunition end dynamite ere being unagslsd serosa the i nnttera or use another edvenoe in col prlouii it ro ported t tlio boilam is falling out of african slocks air h 8 white llss resigned his east i isrhsaian m raemhor for csrdwoll burglar proof cars are nbw carrying the mslls hotween new york itnd bl 1 oulc itanfrews rate for protestants ihit yorfr j2j mill and for uelholioa jh 1 1 mills mrm joseph young port blanley was killed by fallttig throogh a trap door in her residence tha dnka of merlbourgh wax arrested n now york e day or iwo ago for soorolilng in tha perk mrs john lsnglols of ostlnoau iuinl ou milled suicide by taking a dose of paris groen an order baa been istuod prohibiting u x it egenu from soospling amorioan sivar st par bir ldwln arnold is now oonfldautly mwitioned assuocesaor to tennyson in the poet laurlstosbip t ij mccarthy rodo a half mile down jarvis streei toronto sl saturday morn ing in tj i ft seconds an inquiry into the working of tht hamilton polico force has been dotorminai upon by iho commissioners tlieturnlito water carls have boon call ad iti the water in the mains being now purer than thaf in the carta john w msokay jun son of lha ban franciaoo millionaire was thrown from his horse at mange france and killed at berlin assises the grand jury re turned a true bill agatnsl kurschinskl for murder and the trial began yesterday the land in scotland and the west of i nj land covered with snow on tuesday though tha trees are still in full folisge spirks from au engine started n prairtu ore iu minneaola last work whiclf destroy ed property lo iho value of over at ww guelph council has dect lo 1 to consult a spec a1 ougineer in regard lo the estab liabment of a system of sewerage iu that city the liverpool cl ms lo havo found the head of oliver cromwell in iho joses sion of the wllkesou family of scalcharl kent ur queriu the i ibcral oandidato in the montreal byo election for ho local house was returned on tuosday by a large majority the queen s hotel hamilton wai gull ed by fire on tuesday night and the i ro prielor jur koch hwl hi life in irymg to save bis children corboll and fitxsimraous oanuol and a spot in north marine in which to damage each other fven new mexico the land of bolt oghts will not admit them it is reported that oreat britain has issued en ultimslura to eocxuela demand ing apology and reparation for her altaok on bntit h police and for overstepping liar boundary line a roar end ool h si on look place between two freight trains oo tba bridge at ticker iog one angina and several cars wero smashed end lha engineer end fireman narrowly saved their lives by jumping two man have been arrested in toronto charged with a peculiar crime tbsy have bean cleaning used postage stamps aud selling them as new between five aud six hundred dollars worth of these stamps as good as new were found in their possession the bsrln jtrcord says james uoleod alias wilson alias klnu one of the confidence sharks who helped bunco mr angus mobean a farmer living near oall out of ii 600 on august ulb last has boon arrested in london onl snd will be brought to berlin this evening it is understood that th postal olllcials in washington hsve asked the dominion government for permission to run uuited stales mail oar with olorka on board through canadian territory and they are sanguine thai lha pormissiou will ho granted t hall caina representing tha british authors and publishers is now the most talked of man in canada ho baa been subjected to interviews innumerable aud as a natural result has said or is ro ported to have said rather injudicious thing uut ha baa learned his lesson sud tha reporters now find it very hard lo make him talk of his iniasjon si sll mayor w r b kuowle of dundas was assaulted by a tramp uainod john mcdonald on monday bul with the assis tanos of joseph vaughn who was in tlo mayor a office at iho timr the tramp was ovsr powered and arrested latar on be was brought before i bo mayor sud ox mayor wardoll magistrates of the 1 oaco and was senteuoed lo six mouths iu jsil at hard labor h s while m 1 csrdwoll his sent sis resignation to tfpoaker white of tho commons it is said thai he refuses iu sit another session for csrdwoll with the publia knowledge thai ho i iu beoomo collector uf customs st montreal si uio close of tba sestiou ihu destroying bis indaimce as a member of the house ll is also understood lb at- be is nol at odd with his wnliaans on the boh ool tjuastiau tha first vrbmau to obtain n diploma from tba valerluery college of loroulo canada is miss edith oakoy she is st present preoliciug st bandeva ohio a rlob gr axing country where she haa every opportunity uf perfecting herself hi hor spec si braboh which is ilia dlsossa of inlloh oowr sba hat in bar emj luy two men who rolls ve her of much of the manual labour she has beau vary success ful block burned at qodehich the albion hotel end several btoroo consumed orrttettwralay night got kmicii ool ill saturday evening firs destroyed lha albion hotel sud tha wbou block from south street to kingstou street the stores adeeming tha hotel wsra w u uoodo druggist w t mur nay bu loner ii hi host grocer 1 bo following companies suffer the hoy a i sbuut 46000 northern 13000 i london assurance 5000 and some loss in the wee urn assurance tbs albiun wse one of tba best known hoi sis in the dis riot of ilujrou aud was rabuill a fsw years sgo quolph man robbed in detroit building in to bo hrnotod for thci hook nrnd ladclor truck t th6 cvuuall mot in rogtiur hi weekly session last morfuay cetiing ftt m clack ltenvn lcsron n tho chslr jtiopibtjisih prtunl tho minutes of la meeting woro resd an ronllrmci 1 ha sixltonluratinrl f llm com ml tics i ihstico wnn prpsinte i ns follows maladtv that hab lon baffled ultdloal 8ktcw a spekkty curo vor tho trouble at lftet oiboovarocltrixw of a llttlo olrl who vrln n sovnro suffornr j i i vhir t i f a hot iilrsot nil i r t t mil r x ti lories rlihiin s si hit i v in i itsi i 110 n in u to mckliu fcondwl by i u rcart i i nance arricii moved by a 1 1 rancis that lb commfltco jiial read be si lop let i moved by oco hevill srcoiided by john william thai lliu clerk ba instructed th a ivortlio for tenders few biiihllng a hook and i adder hi use snd slso for tho flooring of tha ctigino room plaits and pociuce lions to bo ttoon al iho hceos ofliee lender toho in not istor than monday oat mtli carried upon motion of john willmms snd leo iiillngrsnlof twonlj iotlars was made to the ilpovo for urposes of clibrity the council thru lfmroed a v l a successful show kmiii rlis otlsea ji inist- in a handsome brick residence on tho 10 lit linn of uonlbom township 4rluiu lives mr tlioe bradley dim of ooul born a most successful farmers iu mr jlrsdley n faintly is a bright httlodaiirhler h years of sgc who had been a severn sufferer frorri bl itus daticp an i who had been treated by physician without any beneficial malts having learned that the llttlo one had been fully restored to health by the u o of dr william pink ills a cor res pond on t of the janrnt osllnd nam id a ballding boom has been iu urokross iu joelph during tbs past arawu the operations for thvsl year usl something i like 000- very creditable showing drtaoit oct si a youug andrew boli who said he was f unslph ont waa drsgged from tba t here st 1 a m yesterday by iatroli csmpball l said a negru struck sud stuuned him and look i0 an i his r tlokai to odelph trom bim naasauawaya annual exhlrjltlor hnvorod with splendid woathor nassstjawoja aghaultnral society mire forinnala in its choice of a day for the siioual show tlm lasi iho woaltior was everything that ooul 1 tic desired tho attendance urto and the show a good one in otery rospocl ilioinorobio in the number of entries this year win piicoursgiut lliero being htj ss sgstdst soma goo ust oir a gain of about u in tin hall ihu isdie- work and fancy goodh wore txielletit t the best seen hub sohot 1 he mot exhibit ssi good an i on a j or with in si of the shows yel unite i i lie show it fruit coiioiderlug ihu iinuv tal le nuait n was very flno host ufii tht jor iti iho tine do urtiimi i ihore wrro nil itlatiy en i nullher wm there a lsro disj isy lloweis o illdo lliero was slock die nlriek pjultrj woro in ich yasrs there wero tut tho exhibit of cs not on nr mill tli like many of the hell in i the usual i horses wan excellent i vorylhink passed it pleasantly aud juietl an 1 everybody seemed to havo had in enjoyable day in the evening a concert was giv i lie hall i he alten lanco waa fairly good an i the programme wss an excellent one througlioul iho luolrumeilla selections by llie arthurs family wero much sppreo talcd an 1 loudly encored mr jno htraclisti iho vary ojiulr ontcrtaitier was prone i an i uxoolled lilmaolf mrs i biio and mibi ii injj sang a duol with much taste an i sweetness 1 he blooms bury luaitctlo also did llioir share toward the entertainment aud their numbers were much appreciated by tlio hu titmice tho old bul ever popular drama tan niglil in a bar room was given very eftoclivoly by a number of the young people who set them vtrry hue exhibit of n sheep swlua a od rger than in previous me tood cattle shown le on the whole was rest t the show b nd liows this year hit ll th e show of io at oukvlll 1 rovmcibl do tec lives uroor an 1 ilogers of loroulo havo been at ojkvtue tho past fow days investigation a series uf incendiary tires which have occurred in 1 refelgsr i nelson townships duru g the pesl the iiinoipal sufferer has been a walker smith ibrun urns and a brick house belonging tu lliiu isitiy having been sat on lira sud lestrood the tiros occurring on august 17 september i and seplam j7 tho bsrna of wm iosbock ant the school house a short distance iwi wrr also burnod iho tires on tbu siullh eslstu were uu doubtcdly of incou liary orutiu and a si run chaiu of circumstantial evidenca has beei welded against tho suspected nrobug li order t brii g out sll tho facts in ounnec ll iti with tho case it has boon decided lo hold a ooiuner a in uosl luloalj lliocirci siauoos aud tuniy crown attorney dcwarl of loronlo has boon ongaged by lha townships to con i uot iho t rosccullun i he inquest will open m h odrtesdey next thk lditoh b tablb iho 1hjo willi urlww il ij rice tj a yusr tl f iooeitls r number ion brlg a apioialntoroil in this number is the piper uu hyj uoliaiu by profosior 1 raoy uf loruulo nikeraily and a char actor stu ly of jaanna lark utiwil by a anl li bclooco 1 wjluror in tbe lluivarsiiv dr 1 11 hlhorl ul the foruulu asylum fur the lnaaue oiulrib utea a gra hlu account if a day a routiua in thai instil illiii full ul internal lu minders lbs i ala ice if tie li i iu bur aualaitia lis uaual exoclloil- ii p n oiiiui miui i ik imi is ullol iho lhatiks suiilwr sud illustrates a bawil icnug lu1i of vutuiiin aud win it r fanlilixib a iloval lamrtura in luilhiiory la u to i an i tlm ctlor am oinbiiibtiuiis 111 thu seas u a lrns toudi aro altiaotltoty locnbeil mra 11 gor a lr ir ruriilahoh a g is y an i circuiujjsil lial acuuunt of dinner giving hi aociotv an jullol i urm i writes nloroalingly i lo moat il wervioo a a at omplii maul 1 ho besl km i i ihatikslvit g i timer rtbo1 all lain i bull uh 1 iron an 1 a- ulla will bo dolighted lo loan ust i w tba 0r o iakr brownies arn llia1 an 1 lll ho cturea uf those buiutllik hale fig ifta ha met ho til fob hows h w 1 ml w k dr thrall i may be 1 pliod t n lr iu p rlior a at 1 nnimuro ihsioi lh utusl nlor tl ill g to labia chat aa wall tt a s in otie ilal tnfc some art lalla st roeub ll r al work fur iho koilli latliiik add reus all coaiuiuuiutliotia lo the iki h nu r 1 ubhshlug o hubaarlplioii rlco uf tho mthiilur 11 uu jhr yaar 1 ouiila or siuglo oo y ntw ellctmic lint there baa been luoorpuratod the llarrie allendale lloctric strool hallway om ysoy with a tola aapilal uf ijo 000 iu ivo shares the protuutara aro moasra j 11 mokoggie j wlr u hudy s j ban fold and j dickinson it is proposed tu lay out a park uu tha shut a of kimpeufaldl bay s mils and a half from iho town aud run i he usrsoul there walker mcbean co aue asiirwj jfkjn mut uiw at iho family residence for the purpose of ascertaining the facts and found tlio little girl a picture of brightness and good health mr fsulkner a sister of the lilllo one gave iho following information about eighteen months ago alvita us attacked by that terrible malady st vitus danea and became so bad that we called iu two doctor who held out no hope lo us of hei ultimata cure and she waa so bi lly affect ad with the dance as lo require almost constant watching about this lime we read iu the ottawa j rit of a similar case cured by the um of dr williams pink pills which i renewed hope wo procured a oouple of buxm and before those sera all used there wan perceptible improvement after using six boxes more she was entirely free from tho disease aud and aa you can see is enjoying the besl ol health several months have passed since the use of tbe pink pills was discontinued but there has been no nlurn of the malady nor any symptoms of it wo nre put certain dr williams pink pill cured her and strongly recommenl them in iin cases dr williams pink pills are in unfailing spocifia for spch diseases ss locomotor ataxia partial paralysis bl hub dance sciatica neuralgia rheumatism nervous headache the after eftccls uf la grippe palpltatioo of iho heart jielo and sallow complexion all forms of weakness cither in mala or female 1 ink i ill arc sold by all dealers or will be sent postpaid receipt of prior m con i- a box or six boxes fir si 60 by aidrcasuig dr williams medicine co flrockville onl or bchenec lady n y toronto s new union tho now union at toronto tu l ooenod in two wtvctku a palatial station another fortnight will likely see tba o union station the centre of activity building that has been slowly creeping up for many months has almost reach otl com plelion snd many of the losses of railway offices about tho town oxp re with tbe prenenl month when finished lha station both lust lo and out will bo exceedingly prsttj the arch over the front street on trance ta tbe largest stone arch in america ll it fifty feet wide and built of nothing bul rod sandstone the lower now that tbe abed in front have been cleared away looks very imposing and trtnn its lop iho country tor mi irs around the city can be scanned there are in faot few places in lordnto from wbioh a greater cipiuse of scenery can bo viewed but the interior is mora uiloresliiij on enlertug the doors iho ticket dftloee are mot almost on the very lb rah old thou oomo other office on either siae of uio spacious oorrldor which begios al rrutu strool and ouda in a splendid large wailing room along lhia oorrldor are two rows of magulfioenl aud massive marble pillars atd tbe floor u likewise of marble tastufully and luminously arranged iu pretty designs on either aide of this immense pieaso arc small storou which are fur hire and which are intended for ulboo news an i fruit stands the wsltlug room lias a high arched colling a watnaroitmg ruaps 11 f teen fool high extends up tho wall to moot iho ouiiniiifjly wrougbl plaster tinted lu liar m my willi its surround i nga the ll wr ol this room is slu msdo ofrnsrble on no aide uf lha room wilt bo tho face snd restaurant and a auioking room ou the it her aido aro retiring rooms for ladles which it la intended ui carpel richly and furnish extravagantly tu roach the trains it is nocmsary u step out uu a bridgt an 1 lonoond by stairs lu tba lovel of ilia cars ample pruvuluu will i nado lu turulab tour lata with in tor ma lion and lu keep 111 he who occupy tho aitlinx r k iti mtod i u i lie niuvanioula uf lha tralua thai i as beneath i hem i he upper storey a ul the now dojhit are arrange for ollloors aud all the railway uxhoos that are now distributed in many parts uf the oily will be there couconlraled iree aud easy i pec lor a i wn luiuiad slaty rallbvesj si d froes the ihruai anil luiitta from viscid lilegm aiul a medicine ihal prumutee this la tho best medicine lo um fur ouughshilda inllammaitoti uf the luoti aud all slfrclluds uf lllo ibruat aud nhosl this is precisely wbal lllckle a autl uu sumptlve syrup la a spout no f r and wherever uaed ll baa given uttbuu lei il isfactluu till lrrii ilka 11 becauaa ll is pleasant adull like and cures the dlaeaai y fflahk l bake odhjtwk out pains inthe joints causod by inflammatory 8wa1lins a perfect cura by hoods saraa- parllla li nlfnrls me mucti i lens ure in recmnmeihl 11 hi i hiipwiwirltli m w urns sftircteil llli pr i i uu lu the tliits nrn mpnnlcil with nurlllm no i ad tlmt lie mill i li i set u stairs to ik- i with ul crnu ling on h in in an i knees i waa very jtuxluus annul him and having read hoodvpfcures mmli nthhil jloott s strsitirllla i uctor- u ik i td iry ii onl tf i lintrl uon bottles liurut nhlcli entirely iitnil him mua u a ukr hlinwn itnlnrlu n ii ul sun t ut iimi i karw parllla hoods plllo nl h i i rnmplly and omclciitli uu um hvr uu i bow da ic ask your druggist for murray lanmans florida water a dainty floral extract for handkerchief toilet and bath bonnkr thie triloh something new in citings hl lutiful ptttcrns in lik uid other rimins m 15 buits lie fius fur the money hi ilr worsted suiti at rici s to suit the tunes overcoats tn ti ious sli ides 11 1 iejtl ieduetd prieeb jui wm k is hrjit tlass id set find to mine 1 perienced workmen em plowed n j hon n alt uomombor 1 arry uiaii s block placo ikl all hi reel a clou wednesday and saturday iikh qpecxatur gtiin nncckl a ualistfkv j a llally i sor whlu tl o pric la u ly l mlper jtar if you suueortbe now lor ihw wo will aoud tho balm 100 of lhia year 1 ii r 1 oh f 11 a ho h i he ear liar you subscribe ll a get fur your 11 00 hamplo copies free o a uoall addros spectator printing co ha mil toh acton saw mills oal ami t uut a uihi jrmes brown lltarl u a ltl t tl fl um 1 at raoatu rllea j ai i slab ou read read read tn 11 1 urami ion has pa ted b by law for a free tlmrhilii friday ami sal 111 day shirts knd drhwers worth 75c each only 45c 3 oay only r e nelson leading tailor and furnisher oo uppor wyn1hann street cuolph t iom uoitton h iiaiihi ii shop wheels revolving taster than ever r i- ojhu k mommoth ouso bn br ollffl h now coods come rqlling in lor ih h d 1 t tllorlng dprtm01 tor lr 7 clooks watohes jewellery spectacles silverware fanoy goods auo ropolrtng or una ootnpllofttad witohoa oo to bymon praouot wktahmikor and jowollor f d cd tn o 3j 9 all rb vi anlid a p symon iliin aibcrtisratrnii 0mit from h a ui i j m hbiunlsv avonlnlrk islr lanltai hslrdrokilnkln any s tllorlnfl department suits thai r are selllne for 00 other stores ere trying to net lu 00 13 50 scotch tsreede worth 18u0 blk worst ad sails from f 15 00 to fis00 25 less than 0u can ret similar goods read ona firm wo are told la trying to make people behove that we pal inferior trimm ings in our salts bot the fiabllq is getting on tpil wo invite every aeatlsman far and near lo oqme and inspect the trimming we ere rlin and they will say the same as a treat many have said lately the report circulated is an on troth but 11 is beinfl dons beeaee we are tekiuii tho groom of trade from them bul never mind time will tell wo iteup nothing bat reliable foods prove if any one boyimj roods from as and after taking thsm boms and find them not as represented bring the roods bask and hi refund the money paid for thi sl ib that sguauht way wo do bosloi thai oottonadeo- liic cottonadcs worth jao 16o cotton doe worth itoo ioc coltonadea worth j5o dretra qoqdn thoy srs lha talk of tbs whole country side from 10c to tl jo a yard spaoe will nol permit as lo quote prices bat oome and see them fltumeln- iiow our flan nol s are seilinir 1j tjuiuu flannels worth 10c 15 all wool flannels worth k5c vll rampbellfoed funnels worth ijc ij navy flannels worth 3c flannelettes 5o manneleltes worth 7o go klanue ottos worth 9o 70 flaroelettes worth 10o mulinery ii au and bonnets are boomlnn with as yoa ceo easily save t2 00 to is 00 oq a hat or bonnet by baying it from walker mobeeil a co boots and sboon aatoabding how this department is in oreeaimi every month the prloes tell every time a lady from toronto showed aa the other day a shoe she gave 1 00 for on yones st toronto thai we are selling for i 00 end they know we are the cheap est for reliable boot and shoes in the country mens underwear have yog sera oar onderweer 4uo worth fuo goo worth hoc 75c worth tl 00 men s ties 25c worth hue mens soi ijjo or 1 for 35o worth double roys bulla boys i piece salts tl jo buys i pico suiu l 50 and up lssiol ills uniler laars with white o white lairs own or nan hafs ills ma iiroparty snd aylli a x pensee iii i1fiit uoautiilit lot it oon nassspiwsys tkndeits wanted rpfsuphh will i received 1 tin under- i alcnad up to uotiday oc lobar with lor tha eroctloii ol a linos and ladilsr hodbo also for lloorldit iho r ifttlna i loom in th town halt 1 una and almoin a tlooa may bo seen at ills itoevo s orloe j 11 i p ail bon tuesday oct juil sl st lambert jersey bull for servi or for sale i iip nnilnrlnol has ir aarvce at i in stal li on maiif htffcot a uior uul bre 1 inrillerlai ll iatnlart jnraor hull tbla nun auluial is alsu uftore i fur aald u o iiattltlh llakoi lot ai rll ata 1mo salesmen wanted hats and gaps where do yon gel your lists money and bay ihem from walker mcbean co georgetown and toronto henderson db fall 1896 millinery opening wl beg to announce to the ladieb that our arc now open vc can luj lu it1 j i l ltjlil t aud lly slwuld give this dspenment u lovk beforv the miss tonc will u iii uliaigc again thib sea ptumisc ou will be able to inspect the choiccat and mobt stylish collection of ladies trimmed hath bonnctb etc that it hats ever been our privilege to offer mantles a large range of i mi1 fits perfect snd prices low you oersainl choicest goods are picked up dress goods btyliah goods extra vejaoe end a large oho toe la what wr eweal things in barges tweeds ore poos etc item em bar leak drees goods of ell kinds henriettas serges crepons figures end soleils ere the beat values obtainable any whore wo aro always pleased to show these goods whether ou buy or not some very stylish iovallios lo band this week aro showing hare lha s make a specially of staples an extensive rang uf stspl o ituoda uf all alii ja at out u 100 j j- i iinu at 1 jo uoo twill hheoling h leached al vic i5c twill bbeetiug iroy at loo lifto prinu or 8c lo clear out iho whole pile good dark and light patterns and tbe very beet clothe in the market for only he klan nelettes from 1 oonu up special values i ladles hosiery in both ribbed end plain 4on t tail to see our display of millinery on balurday to which all are welcome henderson co acton v boo ijit hundreo kubber qc xiu i from canadian rubbar co to be sold cheap cuelph umo ny truatwortl r man to rn rosant us in i of our i leo nuraory htoca uiieclal luclltxl 1 y ua hl hslarv or coin missiou rial t wotisly hloaily emi loymant tha year rami i outfll roe oiclutlvo territory bicliance uot dooosaary big pay assured workors seelal lutluoc not in u beiiliiuara write at oi co for l articular u ai i i- s st llhr 111 co ilooboalsr s 1 notice jotu ii ai t at canada for an act lo lncornrata ttia oaiiadlati elocliio hallway and i oor ctimamiy wllli mor to build oitarato sod m slit lain an floctrlo lullway fmu tho city ol u ntroal lu tha i rovlnce of quaboc to uio city ol windsor in the county of rssei via llrockvllla kings ion oliotllo torniito and lon loo wllli jtower to i ulld a branch hi a from toronto ur othsr liolnluii uio inalu 11 e ubusmiisiou ilrl iod wllh power t tiullil 1 rai ah lluai tor b radius lot aicaaallub twenty fire uillaa from any ont or kiinta o e it iii u hun to ouler into ooalraoti and am u mauls with all eilillud or aulborli od ftriiis or corroratloos along tlio said routs liartla ilsrly with existing street or aloolrlo rail wi llalil nr wmibinlai ffr ft pn amaljraiua a wllh ssu power to sstsbliab mstntaln sud carry ou iltoel railway ssrvloos in audi cities aud towns ou the line of said railway aa the company and uiuolel pall mas lutorastad may stirne a to boild said llallway in soetlous as may bo authorised to aoqulra water iiowara aud toa for snehiuild aloetrlcaj works lu oon n action wltli said railway tor lbs j urpoaoe of gnnarattub oloclrlcal anuroy to aoqulra tbs r is 111 of way to iran mil and also ths right iq sail and ouiorwlse dlauoaa ot alsctrlcsi snargy far heat light power and olhar i nrosas sad ta dlstrll uto ilia aame wllh irnvtr lo einoprteta lands for tlio l urpoeea of lite undartaaliig ss pro- vldad by uio luuiway act wllli all oilier powsrs said electrical works and othsrwlso fully carry luu on ibo said undertaking wlti powrr to issue paid up stock of tlis cotupenv in pay in out of its obligations lor all or any of the said authorised purposes an i with alt proper or uiual powars given or mmulod to ooiupsiites tncorioraud tor any of tba purposes siuraaald eduund itltlhtol llowuil atutoi1 i a huirtui taroi lo bauoitur for s llcsiils new kibm new goods nhw prices gibsgfimillargs oboroetcywrt important announoement we have just l u roll seed al greatly reduced 1 rices direct from ttia uialiu fae lorl ss tltyllsh toady t wear clothing winch we lulaud lo soil lor u uul 10 days al eilrouiely low riosa our alock is larss aud well aaaorlod lu lisa s overcoats iluy s overcoats hay aud oulh a hulls ul every daacrii uon iloy odd h ilo i suu boyss hosiery hoys lndsrelothliig hoy i- all attd wlnur ca uaiis hosiery udui t u lorclolliliig and everything lu gents rumlshlnas lists c ou manuelallo uray sud liiaocuod co i to in su i khoatltuis our stock is all now llsawliora lboro aro lulls of old sloott liiaaiiuarading aa on thai uioau thai you oau i be umi iaraful tu buy lug otuo lu ua whore fiu can al now brlgl t aud tyllati gouds a jok uirouul our laco ul huslnoaa lioio sud v uieatail uf hands wa alroa ly lisvq oul loyod ill will uj floe ordered clothing tim turu ovor lu tula dansrluieut hsa boou su great thai we have oi o i1 tho largaal uiurl uietilaof hcutcli i- ugliali irish anl lauadian t woods ovsrcoatlubs ltiihried truuserlug ate vv poaillvely guars iloo ft l style wurkmanshli lo ba of tlio higboat unlar ladibhvvo huh allk inoiieauinu our htanlo lsiartuioul wo liavo all uid loading hues tu nanuala hloochod aud uray coturna al mill irlooa wa waul your trada uu axlaud an uvlloliou ui um an 1 all if rigtll guuds at right 1 rioos will do ll wa will have ll gibson hiiitikaooy itoe block main btreet cloorgelown iatauloro b k sliub v hull ul citing itidut iu uiwu j llaigal pringle the jeweller oaalph craduate optician ilsviiig received bis oortllloale of ability from new voik opliaal collage ua has slso in his employ two graduates from canadian instructors maktug 1riugle e jewellry store iu uuejph probably the only place in canada where there are three per sous who perfectly understand atllsuf tbe ayss of praillsr kinds of sight out of the ordiusry tt trii gle himself is uot in whon uu oall yiu can l aurvel lust aa wall by ona ur ithor of hi- wurkn as bo never luuvoa his store whbout b ana una bring led in it who can isa is a marriage license repair yuur vaaloli or tuat your eyes prinqle guelph

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