Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 24, 1895, p. 3

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ffvv tttitt bank 0f hamilton head orrloe uabflbton ltknkhritlunfi tatqocmv yotjtt aaalts uhahitl board olfdi rectors oiw httmht a o iiauhay iroalitpnt iool ml lent inn i nfttton tiro iloatxi a t wmin a ii i kr torutito wii liimom u i tujinllui i oaalilsr ii h utpi llk aut csalilor ii 11 wathon liiitor hamilton ilarloiihl lavtaat fi 1 aiiuioii isrlin ctimlaviuaoraauwnurlniiljr j 1st iwl jliaknotv 14 1 it on unuiil korasl oratiiolllo twan hound 1 orl mglii ulmooo toronto vlnabsai bgitlah correspondent american corroapondvnta nmw yoix pourlli national hank an i llapovar national hank iiostow intarnallon al truaioo liuriaio uariiis hank cult tuo national hank or illinoa and 1 iilon national hank uinuit datrotl national i lank hansaa cirv nauonal llank of co in tuo too agents in montreal tub hank of toronto georgetown aobnoy ma lo o notas dliooununj and advouoca ablo saeanuas qollaouona mods an 1 droits bo until and aold on all aooaaalblo points in canada unlud hlatas qrsat britain snaltioconunantorkuropa awn moal favor a til tarms savings department withdrawal special deposits alio rocs i rod at correal ratss o intaraat m n u limnobtont adbul bibles nolhink boiler for a present than a dibit ws bavo ihera from 15ola lo 5 00 osoh wall bound clear typo albania in iluah and leather parson from fie upwarda now hum id daok aud bide oombi our atook la iho lamest oar phoes ilia i owrat oiud us n ckllm- oeo hyndsaoton ont i ji wkucn v otolik ffilje utan fvte ss thcksday octoilth 1 1j little local brieflets which caught th ey or er of fr preu ropartorathlo wank trada u rmthor quiet joat now iraodr tbo area many people from hrre visited iho fcrln fair yesterday tba canada qlove works ore atlll ran ning overtimo a large quantity of turuipa boo been t nee k our looal abou are securing una baga of hare tbaae day a fa ri ridges ire reported plenliful in 3d30 suol uai llila fall babocrbe now tho tints inua to january 1hu7 for 1 00 tbo fornnoea and ooal stove am ooming toto nquaiton again the largo brtok warehouse of heard more ft oo at tho station is being roofed in hou mr lanrler aiid party pawed through hero toaaday afternoon on ibn 99 train bound for qoh a aklrt that la divided oraluat itaslf cannot stand u a wag remarked when tbe new woman took a fall mra j b niokell ouooeedod in cap luring about tbfi 00 worth of priooe for her baiter at tbo naaaagaweya show iu wtber haley a pariah acton georgetown and ouatio alao fu mi abed a priwataroomin thenew bt joaoph uoipital qnalph 1ercarjf tha aoow atorma of bituriay night and sunday morning gam a vary wintry appoaranoa for a few hours old bol a rayaaooo diapalled tbeaaowy man tin it la raporbtd that tbe march aula have obtained a large anpply of weather with the daaign of oaing it for ohange ai it nmni to have a monoply of that article juat now ueve on observed avid a niorabent to a ooatomtr the handaomo advertiaa ment i bate on a feoaa between ited cloud and inavaler no replied the cm atom or bat if yon will eend tbe fanoe around to my honae 1 will try and read the annoaooe maot i read tbe papers and i haven t time to go around reading billboardi tnerohaot aoralcbed hia bead and the biekul uandaomo parlor wood btove ijoantity pipe 1iano lamp elogaot parlor sett bilk plaafa elegant new cherry bed room sail chairs fancy tabtu lagan t hall olookj book qose bcoretary orindidc btoaa parrot and other cages flower pota a thousand srtiolss at prices to pleas mrs b a becord cream of wttoh haael aoftnna ttto akin remotes roughness and irritation from tbe fsos and usods gives freahneea and tone to tha complexion only o a bottlo at knnawlo a drag btore ploedore oolle aweep lbs held iho following prises were taken by oolle eirod by tbe great german onaoh bone plcados 1st spd and srd al uaton ooonty fair open lo all lal at aotoo ul al barling ton 1st etoekvilla let at k reel ton and let sndandardat naaaagaweya good judges say thsy never saw a onar lot of oarriage oolu tbe abovs reoord should oonvinoe all fafmsri thai they are the right kind lo breed to secure good price ll only paye lo breed iba best thbstaob of con v alescence is at onoe in wresting and critics i the patient oarsfully guarded st tbia period and provided with ibe meant enentlal it r healtb may be enabled onoe more to on joy the inestimable blessing of health ou tbe other hand nag loot of even minor used a at this period u likajy to impose upon him tbe ufa long penally of 111 health resulting in a wasted life tba assimilative prooeaa aa are at ibis time sure to be impaired and nerve tone overtaxed ut its reslatanoo to lbs aaeaalla of disease will both sadly need iba impetoa which mallius with coca wine alone can give by iba action of u altlne with coca wine open iba digest vs processes which it rapidly strengthens and its permanent and striking influence upon ibe nervous system lo which l gives vigor eud lone lbs reetor stive power uf tbe eody la immensely increased an i atrengtb and vigor oome to the invalid so quickly ae lo seem almost imposslbls kipertsoce however has demonstrated its efflclanoy iu oonvslescence i well as in the various furms by which debility arising frum faulty nutiitwri mialfasu itself uold by all druggists if yoo want aril class ouelph aasb and doors si ouelph prioea t faaaus can till your order al his plauiug mill thb ne at h0mf montly of a loosl chsrotsrand varv item intdrostlnft novel uoary kmlmlmg jtoftam the bflrlin xav otys quits s qovel scliome 4b afd tbp town hoipltal was carried out last week by ilia eaboot ohil dron ily reqankl of the taaohara asoli qhilrf waa to bring two fioutoea two appro of fwo eggs and etsrybody is enr pricd at iho rosull wo are told thoy got some iu or 10 b hhbla of fwsucotn twolvo to twenty dozen of eggs and barrels of ap lei a mother tlnc monument mt fmlrvlcw the number o fine monuments now to be seen in frelrviow cemntary is remark able considering ibal il is comparatively a new cemetery tho majority of these livo born oreotwl by mr j ii hamilton uuelph from whoso yards a flue new one was placed tat week over the graves of hie late mr and mra john hoeiglit it it a beautiful red hwede granite of uew design oylindrioal m form with drsrmt urn and ootagon basa end aunds about twelve reel high tho worknjenahip it porfoct tbronghout a v cry ufy fftit iaml friday evening as foremen hasaon of the q u8 itsjii going wast was abonl to convey a apply of water from the tank to bit engine he slipped and fll off the tender o the platform below lie sustain ed a bad aih on the forehead a number of aerloua bruisoe and was bjlly kbakeu up generally he was taken lo bis home in bt ml ford and a fireman from a waiting freight train took bis place on the engiuo this accident is donbly unfortunate for be bad been very badly injured in the collision noar weston on ibe 6th of february last and it la only two months sinoa be recover ed auflioiantly to be out tho fir kngiue tamkm ground was broken last friday for the first of the now fire engine supply tanks al iho town hall and the others arringad for will be proceeded with in regular order al a speeial meeting of the h ire protection committee isst wednesday evening it waa decided to put in atone lanka inatead of pine aa at drat proposed a very favorable oontreo haa been made with mr n fcorbes mason tor these and the ooal will bo but a trilling amount in advanoe of the wooden tanks while a permanenoe is s oo used which is most desirable the feed pipes will bo of sewer pipe oomeutod and will be h or 0 inches in diameter amottt the lhurchcm owing to an accident to tbe heating apparatua the morning and evening services in the uelhodut chorcb were held in ibe baseman last sonday revival servioee at tbe baptist chorcb good music and stirring talks mr it j ed mi ton of aotoo preached very acceptable srrrooos al the metbodiat chorch in hvertou and at the brfck church on sunday itev it c till b a o toronto will preach in knoi church next bnnday at psotally address neighb nevs haws lioma supplier by oorraa- pbnrjants and exohnnirda uimehoyse volts a oumbnr from haw sited led i rin fair on wednesday mr ii i moovo proached in h19 mslho dial choroh bnnday evening three o ojir yoblbs aro said lo have gona to port haron on the bampftr wrndmre o t q l11 r lo uontrral on an extendod virit coming and going visitors to and from aoton and varloliabthar personal notaa crewsons cohnefis tho members of tbe christian endeavor booiety uev mr use will preach aoui versary sermon a in lorn ave 1reebytertan church parkdale advtmcit o fallow acton m imcc oakvillo ought to lake at lost i ono lesson from tho action of tbe progressive village of aoton ip porch asm g a steam ore engine oakville is no more esempt from the bavoo of the ore flood than is its neigtiioring town bear 00 1 y a week passes without some canadian town being almoit wiped out by are it has now become ibe rule for almost every town iu ontario to have a steam ore enginn aud hove station or a reliable system of w a tar works vet oakville with iu one real deuces and bust noss blocks remains protected by a band engine of a quarter oenlnr a exporieooe and no power except men a morale to raise the water pressure oakville slur tho georglm juhllcn com pen r the jubilee company which performed here monday and tuesday mjthta under the auapioea of tbe koroan catholic chorch was not very well patronised the attend euoe on ineaday waa better than on mon day however and the audience seemed to enjoy the performance the company has in mr liood ons of thoee wonderful bass vuloes wbioh are found only in color ed singers while the tenor is also good and the violinist has oopsiderablo skill the juartotte and chorufc singing waa spprect a led by the audience and the acting repro seoted various phseee of negro life in the booth on iho second night a eel of ailver spoons etc oonsiating of twonay seven piooei was drawn fur by all and obtained by mrs win gibbon sunday school convention 1 he annual convention of tbe provincial kunday bchool association prei opened un luesday morning in toronto 1 here were about hw delegate present tbe astoria lion is hampered by a persistent treasury delcll which will compel it iu abandon its miasion work and a boll sit lite omoe of nor mal brc rotary in spile of tbia however tbe delegates are as enthusiastic as ever and this oouveuliou bids fair to even aur pass previous ones in point uf excellence the morning of tuesday was chiefly given up to conferences of departments papers were read on molboda of normal work in couurclion with hunday tiobool leaching and the neoeaeity of paying more attention lo tbo training of teachers was alroogly urged in the aflernooo genoral reports were read which indicated thai ibe work throughout tbe province is in a healthy and progressive condition a speech by chan oellur llurwuh followed iu which he em pbaaised the iuiportanoo of sunday hchool work aa a preparation for oltisensblp the eleclluji uf ullloers closed tbo of ternoou pro cenliugs mr john a i a iter son ol lor onlu was olreicd president and llv mr lue of aoton was eleclod lo lbs com mi i toe the mealing in iho oven lug was public an i iho rhuioh was densely crowded mayor honuody welcomed tbe delegalee and was ropllwl to hi a happy speech by the reining ireeldont mr ii 1 moore iujv it 1 itovillc followed with a wcli on ml and kuuwlodice 1 wo baaentuvl 1 lorneula uf buooeaa in clinsian cbarac lor mr b ii ii lake oloeod ibe eveoiug meeting wllb a stirring address on haw and keeping in which bo stated that god bad given- us a reaping aa well aa a sowing time and ho expected a barvcal so thai all who du not look fur ref ult were uu worthy wurkart ivorine fob the teeth aaka oata lilsl uoaating will not whilru loath ivor lie for the teeth da latrevekeul oiaitta will not ten dor tbe breatl- sweat aud fragrant ivor ins never fails to do this ivorinefor tha teeth asks you fur an opportunity o demonstrate its value deuusu havs alurmad it aud tha publio corroborate professloua opinion hutduyoukuaw aa every tooth loving saau or womaq ought to kuow ivorioe for iba teeth is the besl t i the revifal services conducted by itnv messrs katle and vinner iu iho melho dial clmroh hero will likery oome to a close at tve end of this weak tlias meetings have been crowned with suocms tho q isrtorly ommunion sorvicus will bo willi the mothodlal uliurah or thj place on bun la nov trd tj10 snow storm on iiaturdaj and hun day waa very heavy for this time uf iho yoar the fro i on sunday night waa ory aevera and no doubt did considerable damage quite a number from here attended ihe world i- air at krin on wednesday mra h nlckhn returuod borne last week from lowell mich where alio ha been spending tho summer mrs jsa lumahsw vlaltrl irlmida 10 low lie last week erin the fall show has oomo and gone again a reneral change will take place io 110 teachers of erin publio school all the old teachers will be superseded by new ones for ihufl mr awrey of oiprlnge has been on n aged es principal mies lawson of brampton for the aeoonil department and miss moarlhur of boirouiilam fur tbe junior department the y p b c l or burns i urch lrin intend holding a social on tho oven ing of nov 1st the action brought by william mal thews of ihe townabip of i rin aainat william warne or the samo townalnp has been settlod the parties aro both farmers the case waa 0110 of slander tho lofun iaul having accused the plaintiff of atealing a settlement waa arrivod at in ouelph before going to trial the do fen dan i bavinfi apologised to tho plaintifl an i pail alt the tbo annual ploughing mutch uf ihe towoahij of rriu will ho bold uu the farm of mr webb ospnnga luesday oct nh mrs mark maw georgetown is the guest of her mother mra collier milton w it cockburn of die milton butler factory has purohasod iho brick atoto un the corner of main and browu atreeta and the frame dwelling on tho oaat aide uf it mr cockburn hai 00m neiiood aicsvatliig and intends erecting a one building for a batter factory on the ait milton curlers are included in group 11 of the ontario curlera aaiociallon thin yoar llenrylteld ayoutiumau from i aquosiiig was arrested by hief onulablo lira hoy on ihe evemug of tho ftir day for belug drnuk and disorderly mayor mo ollnm oned him tl ami ousts total s3 t0 j gibbons of h squesiuji also paid lor a similar offence coinm u01i a couple of years ago the congrewalluu of ku 1 c liuruli will meet oarly 10 n ivorobcr lo nuloraie i call lo a new peator judge hamilton who room my puruliauhl the rosidenoe ot judge snider ia cnlarkhig and modernising it the auniveraary lea meeting uf tho liornby metbodiat church will bo held on monday evening oct the irubleos of tho ctholat liurch are already maki ig preparalioua fur hold ing their am uil thankagiviuit huper ashorovb mi aud mis ld crawford and u ll lc uf uuelph viailcd fnondh here over sunday miss minuio nuon ia spending the week iu toronto mr win hood waa appointed telega le from the melhodul sabbath school lo ihe provincial association r rod n ixon stleuded a rccoj liuu 011 rriday ovcuiuu id oraoo liurch llrsmp ton given to the uon resident studouts uf the high and model schools mr ja oulauu has won 17 111 pnjw money un his oxford i iwn sheep this ml he seems hard to beat in that line mr george wriugloaworlh sol i a pan f carriage horses on monday iu mr donatio of toroulo for a handsome um mr and mrs wm preston and their daughter miss mary j have been ser onaty ill uf malarial lover mrs i ut u and miss mary are con valotceul but di tibia are entertaiued as iu mr 1 cs uu a recovery on wodncsdj f i 1 o k m liou 1 ottigrew uf nuival was 1111101 111 mar riage with miss 1 ixxie thompson 01 this plsoe ihe weddiug took place iu the r ugliah church norval ltev jus i aunol ufllclatiug mm cecil grilleu acted as bridesmaid and the groum was aaalated by bis brother a who number uf rolatives and friends were present at the oeramoiiy aud at tbo reorpllon lie id aflerwar i si iba bouse of tha brldn a father tbia ia must aptly called tho aleotilual age hlcntrioity it atlll almoal a novelty and it is impossible to tell bow far 11 will yel be developed on all sides we see it branoblng out lu uew outerpriaes 1 be latest form electrical enterprise lias taken in canada will be found in another column a strong company baa boon furniei wiui ihe object uf ruuuing an etootne railway from windsor lo moulrcsl ihe aim la uot to carry through freight and paaaou gors but to oatel lo local tralll it will run ou tho public highways and hi 1 air lu revolutionise the carry inn ira lo lietwaen tbeoo two plsoes hxa11t dibeahk of twenty ykaita standinq hkli1cved in a day aar ort nlo hole who has li on o rtw far m ro 7 yonre t whal h e kr lowe of or anna cur to r the hot rl ibis ib lo certify bal 1 havo uiukiii two bottles of lr aguew a t uro fur the heart for my wife who has been troubled tor the past twenty years with heart disease the firs i few doees gave relief and alio has had more bene lit frum it than all the doctorii g she ever did lbs remedy aola nko magic on a diseased heart 1 am pleased to give thia oer it float o asov nu ui n 1 oler borough farmera wanting hardy native block to plant this cotniug rail or spring may pay lor it in work wo want nieu with or without experience on lull or art time balary aud espensesur ooinmisslou write si ono for further information boo booths 1 h coui mi loutineulsl nurseries lorooto out the pash issji invlu all iu reedert to en tribute to lids column ii you or yoar friends aro uolnk away on a holiday trip or if yoo have frlaudsvlblilnit yon drop a card to tha fa as itov mr bryorsrolurned home saturday mr ooo boomer o gjlll juutoeadsy in town mrs ii ii wnrden is visiting friend in lriri this weob mr lxra hill of peru vinjled friends hero on saturday t s mr wm monsbb returned lost tbura day from a visit to detroit mrs k v nelson of ouelph spent the week itli rola lives in town mr bsmuel coleman and sun of btra bauo are visiting relatives here mr sod mrs john matthews visited friends in llors during the week mrs jos watson and master willi vitiled friends in norval last weak mr amos barbaree afjiaaamgaweya viaiied frienda in yown oobonday ltev g w cslverl of oakville left lail week for a deer hunting tripup north mr t ii harding and mra c h smith acted as judges at lriu show on tuesday mjis orrigau of now york cuy apenl laat thursday 111 town vialling mrs dr ureo mra samuel lird returned honie monday after apendiug a week with friend at niagara talli and hamilton hotf mr lue ilev mr howell and mr and mrs h i moore aro attending tbo sunday school convention in toronto this week mr a i altullo ot sewdnr ttrvtew woodstock apent bunday with h balmer ho left on monday on a trip to italy lor the bene fit of hia health oakville star among the in teres led participant in tbo opening ceremony at st joseph hospital on tuesday waa ltev p haley of acton tho itov gentleman hail been ill for a low daya but he braved the dangers of a relapse to be prose ut al the opening nf st joseph s ouelph herat i maddooks column acton october 1895 the t r bollert go mantle room news 1 1 i 1 it rnugn ihe juaton j oj triple 1 01 mily north aao of mantles and jackets knd a larger more com pic to more beaut ful or obeaper atook ot manlloa ll will puasla yon to find you would have lo go lo a larger oily that ouelph to do it and tben yoa wouldn i ond many unlike some other mantle dealers who profess to import from manufacturer but who pay to the oooimis ion house tbronuh whom they do their buainte a perceulatta for the use of their iiainn our gouda are bought direct without any commission or percentage to inter mojlary in una wo make clear aaviug our name is good enuugh to unlock iba door aud give ua entree to the beet menu faclures of tho world ibis however is not the real point of lutereet to jou tbo maiu thing to ou ia where can i buy my fall jacket to tbe beat advantage having regard lo select ion atyle mality and price we invite you to inspect every oompeiiug mantle department and put ours lu oritioal comparison we were tbe first in uuelph to import one german jackets direct to any extant and we have held our place tor the nicest goods in the city come luepeot oomparo and use your own ju iginent and wo ii court tbe oooseqosmoe terms cash ec bollert co lb and 37 wyndhsm street quelpu ont waters bros guelph headquarters for pictures frames cornice poles wail papers duo t be satisoed till you have seen ibeir slock sod prices just now ypfcia1 bargains wtmib bros near poet o01ls hi user 1 s b our stock wop dress goods t underwear flannelettes corsets overcoats clothing staple gooda and boots and shoas is now replete with the finest assortment of goods ever seen irr acton our ob ject is to get the besl possible goods at tub the lowest possible prices 4 in snow b lake lil- uoodj at 20 cmtb and lb a marvel of cheapnesb and beauty also out ijlla ciooiij al 6c 1 jcj 2 l 25c 30c 37jc 40c up to 85c men b union shuts and drawers we start at 25c each mens ribbed wool shirts and drawers at yc and 60c men s scutch wool plain culois 01 striped at 75c as well as a k many other lines it from 5c to 1 25 cich 1 1 111 tu tc mult 1 j that heavy width man icl i te at 8 c is a wondei u y s ovi it ili we at 1 30 out 1 ilcac uvlii 1 i n buys and ouths at 3 j u 6 oo were 5 50 and ci 00 last season heavy 1 nese overcoals for gents at 7 50 were sold lvery place list year at 10 men s overcoats we have jt j 95 4 5 5 5 6 75 7 5 8 50 and iff 10 00 in dollim we have never had anything approaching the varieties and vtlues that we have this scasoji for newness cheapness i d style we would like ccr person to examine goods compare val ues and then buy where they see fit jftatlcr jiggs sad fttatllitr laaes mmcmmm pc mad dock demand m m specikl s 3 x for kannawms baking powder is increasing daily because it is strong pure and fresh vhen your recipes call for baking powder use kanna wms to get the best results only 25 cents a pound at the drug store j v kannawin dbuooibt acton so most reliable alarm clocks arrived savage o vbu eh cuelph valuable property in ackis fob bali i uk boumand lot on ague huy1 i ocxraplad i y uia bnrur cum qultlm la bibr offarwl for ala tla hooa bin alao two bulldlo lota oo tka arono in huiliba him tanua rnaaooabla por patlloolara auplv lo ccii klclut or wu hruhtltket acton actou hat ittb 1kub we show this wctk special lines m ladies underwear uliuji and tan kid glow choice patterns in flannelette gents furnishings good value in i ndci wear collar ties etc best make of lined and i nlinetl gjomi groceries hoicc stock of groceries always on hand all ta moving prices a k gurney co mill street acton bibles bibles bibles oxford bible indexed cambridge bibles bagster bibles large type comprehensive 1 cachers bibles the latest teachers international bibles clear type all styles ol bindings presbyterian hymnals methodist hymn books bibles and prcsbytecian hymnal combined hnglish prayers and church hy mns combined bibles with illustrations and maps only 40c a big stock at reduced prices ia g s7wth lucats i and bookseller io wyndham st guelpll scalds ad burns ore soothe ucc with pfcn avas pain killer it take out the fire reduces the inflam mation and prevents blistering it is le quickest and must effectual remedy for pain that w known keep it by you furs i t oui inorchunlu huvo lutuly bwi- liu eb giving jou their reaaona for being able to sell a iurb clijdpor thau anybody olso tho result wan wo lolt a littlu luo until wo remembered bow ue bought our turn thin m the story luut lull eevunteeii ot tho leading morchujiu ot catiudu repru- nuuiing cities all tho wuy from montreal to windsor mot in toronto to discuss buying furs to the best advantage mr ryan nan ttunni- mouly appointed to arrange for tho best tonus from iho manufac turers accordingly last spring the seventeen mqrchuuth assembled at the queens hotel toronto whore they were mot by represent ativos ol the hve lending fur houses ot cuuada itnd pluccd their combined ordor n mounting 111 ull from twenty five to thirty thousand dollars our firm was ono ot tho seventeen und the result is that wo bought our furs tw cheap as tf wo personally bought 80000 worth for our own bueintss and tunlo huch uttet tion wua given to buyiug at close prices quulit y waa curetully consider ed with the result that we can this tall distance any past record tor real out and out values in furs only oisi phlcfc a b kyan dl oo mill atroot acton p s altlirftgh leather is up shoes are at old prices ti ib right hoi iu 1 uus loft groat attract ion a lor out of town buy or a our uaii dij iaitiuoi u y i itottsa of isrk olljr stock and uis city soau out prions is j goodh for instooos u inch twkhd dllfbh tloooh lor j6 imttar linos at k id i 1laidh worth mo to uaa ku rat variety of jaucrua at loc ami 60 i ad hi ur mantlfc8 for lad las miasn aud cliilurou at ilia prioe of ih ololh no troubl u i rt ilia u srblli t fl stylo oaunot bo aarpasssd if oqnallsd by iba best mautls roaatrs jjlaok ukavh i kl 1ki luubls biasld larfa lmittoos from 3 7ft op lo tlo if onabls lo coma to ilia oily send your bust rooasars willi in w i you tab to df dasoibidg whstbsr yoo want dssr clotb bsrge or uouolo aud s will sand to any address its blmnket wehther tba sharp air batsraon nlfht and morn inn tolls oa that a woolly warm juankot aroaldn t bs amiss w vo a atook of os vara bond rod varioaa aliura all tba basl of tbsir oioss wslghl s j h u aud iu loupds prloe from tj vj u ndkkwhah for mra woman and cblldrra rood analitlm man a all wool bbirta aud 1 anu for 60o oaoti botlsr at ooa womkfi 8 undkllwkalt w oommraoa with a goostiiatjtl o sach usrsjioul ouit stallk okiautmtnt is folf akuksd wiib klannlch cotton 8hketinoh and hlllhtlnqh l nknb of all dnoorlptloos bsmplss soot oo appucatlo ordsrs llllod saaia day oa rooaisod tiik iliout uoubb king si oast anrnr iloghsoa li qamfttau ootobor 101b isuft tisojstas c watikiiisrs

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