Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 24, 1895, p. 4

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gflje tm itt rcss tuunsday octoiiikiii j qb joun0 yolhi ulfkjv tffj j fallh fc lau may aay ttiot lllo u trouble wlmii lli u clmila en in uifl line hut a follow finds ii diiuliln wiidii liiu nolu tall hnrrow nothing but a liulltl that will vanish from tlie jlutlta trouble iroulilo troulto wllbtl ttio note palls duo anil uu eon i it room tu atublile anil um to it wtibare too anil it trouble trouble troiiliu wlien tlio note halls duo lo it hn1o file or doulilo ttiern ii be work enousti for you in a iiviqh world of trolibln wlian tha solo kalla tu a ham in 18011 i happened to mml won doll phillip it the alroeta of boston lis u sralhinff factor than usual whoro sro ypa floinni mr phillip t i uhod im hurryink t kkiieull hall therea moiling them president orsnl baa osjied on i troop i a now orliani to up prsss tha riots 1 rami bo ul the moetlntt i ud away he want 1 followed tho aloquont man than in hit prima at feneuil hall tharo raa a rroal denimrau orowd tho democrats wore fndijttiant at tha government and it wm dsniorou uspublloen lo sneak i nurod iti front and uat as i oaat my eye on tho platform i saw mr ibllipa bssjin to aaoend it from tha apaaaor a ntrauoe a demoaratia orator waa apeak ion but no sooner had mr ihillipa head appeared abovo the platform than tho people bean to about thllhpu ilnllipa vary toon he wu sulrossinit lha audienoa and endeavorod to conciliate and pacify hia hearer in all oaaaa whom ureal portl tooitixona mists ho aaid it la dm dut of the hovernmemt lo pro toot thorn no sooner bad ho puishsd ths sentence lhau nam bar of man began lo bis the kreat orator paused a moment and then an inspire 1 wrath took bold of him bia great aye gleamed and in a blaat of irony he oiolaimod troth thrown into the cauldron of bnll wwdbiaalika tbatl notes here jjd there lom of gen oral lntorot to rroo prpi noadara riip tnnimnii ivupli an abraham lincoln oallod thonslii not caro to fcrjtuo about their all men la what they want tt a mc liolno that will oiiro thnui tim almplo honest stsornont 1 kndw that llooda hariapanlu cured mo t the boat argument in favor of thla moilioiiin and chit a what many thousand voluntar uy aay llooda lilla are tho boat attar dinner pillt assist diflostlon ouro hoadaohf jfic you rotlun john will graduate thla urm7 he will if ho km met ao mo body to write hla valedictory atlanta jotf atttution u likjrf luillnn njnrlum thar j a possibility that the fervor exhibited by all classes for hip bloyolo oarriora with itatiolemontof dangur 1xor also is eaaontial to vigorlh boaltb but in diaoaae or lt lhoao oaaoa whore the muiou lar orooia grpatly reduond tho uao of tho wheel ihould bo emploed oautiooaly tho proprlotora or the very wel known remedy putnaoi a corn ikterminatr attribute tke lawnnoaa of their aalea not to the una of tha biayolo by the mtoplu of canada but to the ttbaolulo certainly o their prriraliim to remove tho moat painful and obntiualo corua in twenty fpnr hour lulnatti a com hxtermlnator la alway cortain mtv and painloaa try it men ahntdnot talk to pteaaothomaelvoa but thoao who hear ihen hbirno tpiitiiuiltiiiir ton ihouand lunoa oer iikvrd n iqouiral halaani haa proved itaolf a sure ouro for cnugha oolda bronchuia aatbma ore throat jmuimy and all pulmonary oomplainta tf shoes of blffehent nations straw aandala are alill in uao in china and jepin kiryptian ahoea ware mada of palm and papyrna interlaoed tha atiolenl peraiani woro uloao utting boot reaching to the kneaja the brogau of today gala ita name from the rawhide brog of too ancient dritona bgyptiau hieroglyphic abow the cobbler to hava been known in tha time of the ftolaonya kamoving the hoe n atill a mirk of ro pact in lb kaat aa it haa boon for thoua anda of year tho lloman women wore hooao alippera with oork aolea and inoreaaod llwir height by building up thcae aolea to groat thick tba ureeka of two iboaaand yeara agu wor ahoea oorroaponding oloaely lo tboae of tba prvaent thoaa of the women worn frequently groan lo color while the dudea wore white th luvnsd up too faabionable m iiut land daring the throe hundred yeara of the planlagpuet dynasty were aomnttmo two fact in length and were faateuod to the knoea by gold or ailvar chain the ble3sinos of fame old boodolipd uuhl youd like to marry uy daughter eh t what buaineaa ara you gaged in may 1 aak young odiatle no buaineaa air 1 am am inflnitaly above sordid trade air i am a poat yaw ao i have beard merely a poet merely air my poena air hav brought ma fame yea ao i have been told kama eb and what aroouul of inoome doe that fame represent wall air 1 have paid my board bllhi aa they oama due and 1 owe for only one amt of olollim the oua i bav ou exactly juat what i expeotd now what good haa your fame doue you t aoawar ma that la made ma aoijualuuil with you daughter air till bad not boau fur m fame we uevsr would bave mat aud if w hadn t met ahe never would have prontia ad la marry mc willy uilly by hook or by crook whether you oonaauted or tiol um ahem well i ouuaent qheat memohitb webaiar x aaid lo have boei ui t raiteat the miul if not all of 1 arailkai loaf hilomon aooordinx lo a hebrew tradl lion ouuld retoat all the proverb in im oolleolion neibuhr tba hlalohan read with eaai twoiity dldoranl laugugei and oould ouii versa in ten or twelve tha iwbbi libaltut coiuinmlu wi tba maatar of twelve languages allot which ha apoha with the utmost ooenoy alfitnilor the oreat knew homvr by heart ml oould rrpeal both the iii- and the odyssey from memory john iluuyan mala himself vary populsr araonit hi people by remembering lham all lis said a faoe never left htm chsrlemagu ouuld hold bla tongue in sight different lauguagsa ha made a penally of atudyui avoir language apoksu in lila empire lionb and bicycle it was an odd and atsrtiiug adventure ibat befell the ltov h p avha a miaalon ary lu atrloi wiilla louring od a bkoyoie lis bad got farto sdvaooe of bis porlvre and was spiunipg aloug at a pretty good apead wkb hia aya oo the path whan aud danly ha beard a niaa aaof auimala gallop ing besids him trua suough ou glancing to tba right ha uaoavarrd three mafciuqoont lone keeping him company j they wsre twenty or thirty yard to one aide aud kept along with bim for par haps a buudrod yarda ibeu tbay slapped looked at hiot for a momsol etraugs being he must have luoaod lu their ycs and bounded away at right auglse still topping uow aud thau lo look baqk till tbay dlispuvsrd id tho lung gran tub oxjbiiqymsw awd lay mew unite latholr prlnob of dj anno ontnr pcy tsuitig lliilliilim of iorniun itiht ii v a hwudlmiit n 11 1- thtcni nhuo leu ling inoiiilkra of um 1 sanity ol momsator hull nml imu like tho luv w ii witlirntv itud oiimih an rujiruauntllif lhimoiliuliuikiril nil vhym havo lokuii in hijih kiwh it l lui merits i lr agtiow a caurrltal powikr nml unite with lliosotlio warm niiihirnrmctit of ibis miidi cine ly the well known 1 iranlci jihirnalnl mr w i hm rtli as rinrtseiitiiig tho la meti aitd it iihiki a ijrautud that olerg moil and laniu are of una ttilnii touching this lruy itlcritun mu mmlilinr h 1 im truth in that may ono who ui tho moli i mo has a good word to h iy fur tt oun abort puff of tho hruttlt through the hlowor aupphod wiliroach bottle of dr aoutt catarrhal powder difluacs this ikiwiior over ibo aurfaoo of lllo nsail pan agca palnlcnh and ilulighlfil to uao it relievos in 10 minute mid permanently curoa ottarrh hay tovcr cttiit hoadachn mire throit toiiillltm nn drnftiraa ml units himtiple bottle and blowor aent on tiiiipt of two ihrte ocnt haiiipi h j uoicliarii ii liurch strut 1uronlo tha thnufihl la tho blosom lauuuiu iponing bun action tho fruit boliini i itceohor how to mo headache bonn- pl anfter untold misery day aft dy w hoadsahf tllore is rest uoiltier day or nlgl until tl nerves sre all uiatruig th oauae la generally a disordered slomacl and a euro oaii bo nftootod by uki parmelea s egoublo pills coiitainiii mandrake and da t i mr 1 ml wark ljaandor p i wrile 1 flu parmaleea iills a first class article t bilious headache he that foretolls hli own cslamty an mako events lialore thoy come doth twic endure the pains of eil dcstinj lrar bira turlbila long tiu blood was very bad large aoron out npow ma i a a anralnh i started to take your b b b which oompletoly cured me i rt com mended burdock blood bitters to all aurferiug tfroin bad blood oiiicoib i yaudouh out jsclkr o hli1 lours utalrttmirtit kid nny and llluililor dlarnihcs rollcttd in six lioiirbythoircat hiinilt alimncmi kihiov fnni mil nrw rnmn i j ih a gri ut nuriihii inl ih uiht on arcounl of u xfawj ul irifitn in niliiyiug juln in llm wml u r hi im buoh nml nvir part of ll iirnii v mihhi1 hi mitle or fniitln u nli ntoilim it vnti r and psiu tn pt- i u ilm t mi ijiotlirvuly uotiuant n k r li il nd- ourq this is your roiiiul h ll hy i ksahis acton a reporter in ilanarlbhig thwiiuirdr o anuui nsmiid lorkiua aaid um miir durcr was ovidi ntly in ijisl of nuiiiey bn inclul mr inrkliin drpilllilnll hu un la in tlui hank tho lu i hntorr h thnt ho loot nothing but lui if liiitirx li i- hi ilrl tsmuki 1 rciimiiieml milburnn cod liver hi fcnniltlm with pluasura 1ii julj ttrtoh conifpkmnn of ilio lungs and was in bod for four rtfnhv i wsa very wink and cmd not np nk abom a hiacr dr liwson of llivmiotn nltcud 1 me and aciit boule of milium s iiiulaioii it is i ho viry bnst inailii uinl soon restored my voice and brought mo jirk in licalth strain truly jour- n luirii llui mr msiuma ain l lhn0i uall in a funny man wh iitiimy what di 1 im l in church in dv lie look his iml nmiiud hid showed it to vvnr juod j 1 i he hen la cm what is ll nliovord usltrl n tciumr ill ouiilcluul 1 h est u uivcitd with llras retpoiidid the pupil 1ril i will i imih uminiiv ial hprlng i had a vory 1ipbv told it i i was thrrnlrncd with pin um in i i nid t billies of nowsy pins srup nl it complrlhj mini i tnu it li tho ilent n 1 nirlli ii for iv i niigh 1 i l m ioml 1 vhohiiali i apo hi eli pynypectoral i s csrtali rrntsal imucii mi a cdnr ki large dottle 25 ctnts my dear don i be so violent ou ai o m the wrjing entirely i know i am thats what makes me ao hopping mad nolhrrrlj urllrf llllllurr il is said of ao many rem od lea that they relieve for a time but tho disease after wards comes back burdock blood bitters being a radical ours not only relieves bol per mane ntly euros dyspepsia consumption biliousness biak headache bad blood etc tluudroda of healthy witnesses tell gladly that b b b urea to stay aured nu man can pass kilo ournily ui h i already in il farrar ob what a lict will you hoed the warulnk li perhaps of the sure approach ul thai mors turriblo disease ooosumptlun mk your ejvee if you can afford for the sake ot saving ooo to run the riak ami do nothing for il we know from mparieuoe that bhilohs ura will aura your coogh it never fatle hold by j ksiiiawui lu tm liiiloctnl la lu be not gulll i i liigsanil mteu turns imiii heart dibeask of 1 wiri i y yeah8 standi no rbuibvkd in a day mr aaron nlohola who has livod on one farrp for to voura toll whait ho knows of dr atfnqw s cur for tho heart i hla ii to orrllfy that 1 hav bought lw bolllesoflr aghov a uro for ibe heart or my wife who has boeu troub ad f r tho past twauly years with hoar disease the first fsw doaes gave rellof sjd alio has had more benefit franartl than all tho doctoring site ever did iho remedy sots ilka luagiu on a dlsoasod heart i aiu pleased to give ibis oerlifioate at nils ni iim i pelei borough scotts emulsion it cod liter oil cmuuificd or made casy ot dijrytiiin und ju aimtlaton i o this is added tho hypophobphius of lnno uiul suila whilh jul m the dieituai of llnoiliiiid uicilosl matcriully tlto polcucy at lititlt ll ii a ru in ark uhlo iil hjirndiiccr kmi- ciutcdaiiariiiii id i m unitiu pcrbons gnii 1l ii u um it vury rapid tno lombutuuuti la u moat happ uiil phyhician itcojniiu ita tu- penor nicnt in all luuuutunu uf waatmu it has lmd th- u- 4onincnt of tho medical pro- fc3lon fur jo ycanj oont u jmrsuastsd tolfauss autuu sua 4 lavsa rwiimo aoc ui n mike thought ifuiio new f stot sited itblf the fuel he had butter lny two sod mi vt it all 1 list was windoiu in lomparibou will the conduit of thu lans whoso litluence wuh hilui an her lover hsd nil olf hall hi irou ani then married inn to mil oil thu uthur hulf 11 bit u1kp ll ilrlrl in iii ullllllla ir aguow a lire for iho heart gives orfcct relief in all iuii of orustiia or tiympalhetic heart humane in tt miuulon stlft bpcottty rtfocts a enrr h isapuefs remedy lor ialpilatioii hhortueaa of breath smothering pollh ism in left side and all mitoaii of a i i sea ami heart oiiaduxicimviuldi bhl by j hniinit ilco ii loo blunali bul imu luk aid baalilh lia im ntoid two i niokdna away in hia bag um other infill hi t ap to iraivl lail i i lu um dalk 1- rce and easy ciu u rlin iiuinediblcly relieves and frea thu it rost and lungs from viscid phlegm and a medicine thai promolea this la um knl uiadiciue lo use for ouughs colls iiiluiiimslioi of the lungs and all lf lion or the thru- sod nliail llus is prniicly what 111 klo a ami con sumplivo syrup u hpin for snd wherever ubiki it haa hituii uuboiinled bat lataution children lihu it btaune it is pleaaalil adults like il bei iiisoul ttiliuvea and cures i hi disease blllourutss and 1 ivnr lomplul lie i sqhr eli are currd by mnriunk lilla a mixed up anthem apirtyof nnw york man uttil wimpn who mrru otilrlaliutii an kil1lnlimnn in lowsjr llf ntbir niajit wntnrl up tho nntiir ttlnmiml h kluglni thn uily at iho pi it mi plated aniorlc mid um ho ileus nyi to h r in tlar7ir7md nhl pleaao don i pluy l hut tlin rimnwiu diicovar 1101 wu don l knnw our uatimitl tuiig w aniiriftlih uro always iit m i rlilicnloas posltli ll when dili pall loll illuurt 001110 tip lvtiry fori igntr known inn own but wo iioui ol i x know ours it was too 1ule 1 luicoinpitiy caught iho 11 ml bar and fell lo hinging i vejybixly gnl na fnr aa of llu n i alui ii ii j then thn amuricnns began to n plnri the worda with la la la and luni lo him i im 1 uglislim in sang straight ahoud and lb ikhiosb loiko nl him in miiaimirtil 1i is um only m proeoul who knw4 thi wnrdx shn aid hho walked insr him and imlimod 1 hnli alio whisprrud thank h mi veil it ian t un llu is niiiig coil ulujtt her majesty in tho autnn tune or1m jesting i kalli bod ikih am luirrully not nutli miln iho cilnhintl onu iiltritmud to lnmltoxl for mihlniie ikit lio prolial id ngniiiht humiiiit thn inidiirlatter who had bluntiorcd into romiinf boforo the groat wit wan dend mil raid that ftm man im 1 only in n- lo um ii hrly iiohi is known lo ixi didlilly rthuplml si v rihi irws a cuiuark sonuimhnl ol the haino sort hlh is illlril o lord hchtuitiohl in his jul iiiiipb is uiidoubt odh sutlu title uuinleltlelil vai vurj ill and inn duuli was only a nmtllr of a few wrtks hut inn ph sicuui alvidud that he bo lal n for nn iftsj dnvo in hia jvrnng iwil in mnt tit an thu tiultmm pro rodmg alowly lilongh woa mid by a irtdy wtirt rrrnnrkfd phnmintly to lliu gnat innl d ah my lord 1 am glud lo oti an i he irufesnor i tilil i big you to loud tnu yenr clou at attention during llm remarks miuh i hate lu ud lnua lo ou on the subjicl nf the ililiu roj in f bi l it is ipiit impwkitvii for on to nil a i r ooiikptioii of this iiiimghlly oinnml lining you ciiuieiilrate iur attuulioii iixii ui kl i iiiil in a ibiv bulh arioan uhuiimali i i hluumiv umiuii ncurslgia radically curu in 1 lo l da lu ailim upon thusynlim u remarkiible and niyurion ll rr mo at on co the en u no and tin d i uiiiuidi atoly diaappcan- 1ho llial dimo grrntly beilrflta 7iceut h jhlbj f kalilin vrn joii roil i of tui l ii ii why rtplud mrs iu s f 1 hill i llbl it i wit cost hlw iih i waahtiikton hlr higus of worms nble apptil iichiug ul the noiu uic it ii won hyrup is thu btttl w li curea oonsumptl conubsoronp borst throat sold br all ijnisjruts oa a oumnvca for a um side back orchsmt bhilohs poraoa plaster will give great alkfacito caats shilohs vitalizcr m jetxrussd tor drbpojsjlo uox or kidbe trooblcuoxonla prior- tacts chj 1 0 hstcatar r h dmsasafflpremedy liar you catarrh t try this llopiedy itwlll positively rollavo andcuro jou wmwcu this injoctor for it buicosaful trtalmnnt la fumlabodrroo 11 miuil r hhlloh altemrxlhat kro sold on n iruanuium tu jrlio sutlofacuou v gt u l ltmllj ullo a palm o tar soap icultt wjixxj irciwnsta itu 5calc itutvts 1 rrt uhyntj mo y hhtnti nin jj j ltlnt uu i big ual pat up tnodli mo i ii iho niiuiuun i men lily ijoi i wi iil able l htft la geiioi aculoua urealor ijf aphlita vilahlv and slliuulatil lo tlu gnnoal orlilily f lhi ayalum tjuiiiinu lin a i 1 lit iiiprivv hoil has from tin tlrl hmvry of itu of ibi a bean one of ttu mollllooullv lioorl remedies ever olf end to tboubl 1 1 uue of iho hnal loiiia ui1 ubiuibi lifu giving alluiulanla iiml ihn nnxllcal profra sloil hava been rimwllrd tp reaogoias and prcacrlbe moibij nirlbroti it i iiibu o toronto have given tn the prejiaraliiiu t their pure juiiiiud vio tli rraal caroluo to lis imiortauia and iho slatidard rnl lonos of die brljolujwhlch thoy oiler tu tin publw nonirs into ihj inajtitil purge i of h hie defect a whlul skllfgl olimorvhou biii suleullflo opinion has kuiiui out in lusa inirfot itrepa rail iii f iho pl all drug gists aull ii la your uuw maid good about diisllui t duar nie yen i veonly hud her a week and 1 huveu t a whole vane left in the houae incase inter tcii nuiway im hjrup alren the lungs aud cures all ihriintt lnmblen oufcha old etc 1 wutil 1 have a man great in real ihnin and elegant in lillle llilugb inhnm i nlurrti u il ul in 1 lo vjlnil one abort pull of thu breath through the ttluwer supplied with nuili bottle ol ur agnewa alarrhsl 1 owdor dilluaoi this iowur over the aurfaco of iho naaal passages 1siiilena aud dchhllul lo use ll relieves nataiilly and permanently oarea atarrh luy b over i oldo lload aoho tijru xliroal 1 jnaililia aud doulnt a 10 ccuta al j hbiiuawiua 1 r- tiaixwau tim tab castor i a for infante and children hnttv y apyrsmilosfaf ctarm nrltlt tfc ptrmapw mt mtlllona o paflwwst parmlt s tn ar of it fs gw i sjumsihansmy tha t t rawly ftw isilsmt mma choarmm ilk it it w ltaui aryr kanrwsu it fcsurmlaaa ofcueiiw ilha it s kmm hmmlik it wdl aw thant ifywa im u mwthenra lua 1 a tdrn lust rfloll i i fllhlrti h ul i mlsn m imply ml werel a tjubhh wil a allhy old c i annua i b jii proptrty tin will it was m le by trie uhn died uloly in th the wholu of my nph tnd t bill under llu aolo t oiidlliuu that every one ol m nephews iiitirmn a woman iiaiinid autouiu and that every one of my murm mameaaiusn naiiiid anton 1 he twtlvc an furihur ninnd lo give iho chriatiau uamu antonio ur anion to uich llrnt txiru child nc ordinit an il turns out to br url or ui i ho marriage of eaoh nophew nml in la also to be ci bbratod ou one ot lie hi anthony b dsya either lanuiry 17 may it or 1 tile i i 1 sell n fiirthor re inrid to do tnarrud before lh- end of july imiii any nephew or niec rmaining uuiuuired to an antonio or mi aulou aflor that dulo forfoiu iralf of hia or lirr share of tho property their thirst for knowlkuct mama what day la thin una ia i rday dmr where a hu kunday u suit m llx in how did it cut there 1 i it haan t why di il hai win a keping ii v dutn 11 kuo when ll hnnhl- ids thespp o wkl la ahmlitajr sfa a prauosj peirfact a s ohllds smodleiw csmin jartraya warm csiptotru ajla rsr csitotl tirttswta tumitliei betmy qwra caatori owras dhwhcstai suad tgltol cmia cttatoru rsiusrria t thtmsr tramloa caatoru cnrm 0mstipurm mma vutnlmvt- casteha nentreobaae the egaot arf earfcesslo aclj arm any yelamcme sjy gmmutru doas not oomtstlh moryljma vr rikmr mirtlmipyj catoha aim 11 at a th food rawlmta u taaoh ad nowsoa fflsiiist hssalthy and batofstl alaap dastoru la pot up in aastlss aotuos emly i tobolfcr pont ajlow amy ono to asjl yon amrtm o p toai that it is jnat aa good oad wul rwsf tory ptgg boo that yon srt otabtoria grand trunk railway 7 om a ni 0 h a ui 111 lj a ui thsylkasiyallo adsfnotnro of tsonsrrstry children ory for pitchers cnstorla tired of bargains lilii luik v nitii ciinu in citcrdi and said vl jouuij fti d icliablc roods that arc not bargains i mj tired hearing ol them that i jjjst long to icc borne s that arc worth just whut is asked for thum wc nicd out blandest smile and tried to act as if wc had hcaid of a bargain and showld the following goods 35c s mu 50o n 1 an ihm assu i1l t msll j ifl in 1 ur lipriim j ji i n mall i i p ma i raaaeiil r 7 tt in ok ii ui lohu tot t totn aejav il to l leltig kaat id t a lo ami 411 i thla limn labln vieiit into i tim i u monday jnvniiilior lull ihui only r far an ntmtinril 1 831 tile gultivaton 1806 ami cointia ikntlkman the jlbist op the farm cixw nd ir6coxxoi hartirtrjturn i mjtorowajf livo a took srotf dairy jog while it alio lnrlulea all minor lniartuonla nf llural lnloril auob aa ioitllry lari lntoni ulogy line kriing irnoiilnmaa ami drapery ntnrluarv lldpllna i- arm jniilntia am aniwera f irnalilu lteaillng dotunailo cnnoiuy and a riiinuiary ol llinnqwa of tlio wnnk lu uarkel iteikirta am utilianallv conilln aud much atlnutlon la paid to tile lnlmntn nf lbs croh aa throwing llalit uihiii mm ol thn moat lnior taul if all juestloua wton to lluv an i wtino to kail it la liberally llluatratod and coiilalna morn readllir liiattnr llisil svnr iioiotb tiib aull rlpllon iirleo la it hi b jr ar hul wo offnr a hlhllai ltbl ction lu our club rates for 1806 two butilcrlptiona lu eiioroinlltaicn six bubncrlpuono 1 10 ton buboorlpllods b do 15 ibtu all new ttiibsctlbtri fur 1806 paying in advance now wo will send the msper weekly from our reoeipt t tba rq mtttsner to january 1st ihtm without oharjr tfi mv iiitrx bury addrera luther tucker son iubliibrrn albany n y atiteed huct nn cmui u pan ack aball have to baud uu ovur to you tallmr ilia baoda bio h im lbeu 1 not a lk- i diaordeia lho uuao win h allut lb bioalhlng organ nulltytlla laicltl llr 1 bouibb iukotilc 11 a puliii o boanowledgod cllluauy ll uro lainem biii auratioss wbou applied ealonbll uullud uuok and ciioh in thu tim h and tln lull loie jlkl ll i 1 hl1 lo mlhul lb n i i i i tiglu nlo 1 1 ol lo 1 bb lloublfu mll llhull 1 hjb oiu el itwioo lhtii liny lavn uol idl lrmelena 1 ills ro uiu bill li i ill lor thuiurt f i urr an i hi in y complini ij t uti lluad mrr lollttin hu dl ii l uwsy bad eas lo in- jy lui 1 1 ng n j n 1 iclulal llubbi ill i ill ai t ulum i 11 ll i i i i mn litnibla i1 minls imi1 lo l n l iy i lko u mluul- but to uk lh oltou 1 r duta doth south amurltun kldnuy cuu not unly huliuvua kunioy lmboucu liiimutllutoly but it atau houla urd homovoo tbu troublu 1 hoao diacgii imiim in dm loins 11 al are a onitnoii ay nrploiu of kidney trouble dovulup rapidly if an ilcliu trimly is not applied no mediinne ttl on the kidutys with such po lint bh moulh american hldnoy lure ll give relief in iho uioal ulatfeaalllg oaara iu a tot lion la tut it diwb not alnp bin it ia a gnat hnulrr and lie cnullnuoiii oio t lt ah rt tune lollipleluly baliialieh llu dlnuar fl it a aura for kidney inmblr and nly t but 14 oovor falls bar jut th rapilly under ui pblatabla ai llbt itlmd- lmk uil uu 1 leaaut b a i up i llilng e jnala it ai a voin mdiciue the name la molhel lrana worm bxtrriunator 1 lie greater itiiim loairoyer of the ci llopea la hho the sun which aa wi jouriuy toward tt uli tln shadow uf oui burden inhlud ur h hmiloa iht viruin ins in the slru4l- i th pno miluo 1 very grot wiu i wuo ul lilui lot hliil treat ol whil auljpct ho may mlo fllnutl i llu hi 1 bn otl uu aujlon 1 1 11 ilon i ball ural bogl d bll uoil bbakeaphoio hiowledm d will mi heads rlnte ul 1 i l olbri mc vied i la atleillv i their own uwpor toil rwiln ty f1vjl ybahs dunns baking powder thecooksbkt friend largcst saltim canada 100 100 ln itou tt lio hrouiont t j uo a ffla qc thr iiiuo i tit ilko1 llim oio ixjutflil ll ul m mult iiit all mini h vorn till f i 10 ii u1 i clmiii hiiim u yokrllvl wyotrwim in hlllllltluh bul 1j li i 625 liul liuliftilil lu ur uuu ul out hull t h- lli wuiuin wai i oiicl bulr sjjtj clioit the bebt slu viiil ihi liid ufllii iclii lower price but ntver i in i notil- j d williamson co ii am and macdonnell streets uiltlph jnw finn new stock new prices but old managem tjat 1 no llio i ni buaineaa it a clou so loi undor the name of john hkii 1 bon ib- been disoonlnuod but the old bukiueaa will k under the now uanio j a speight co mu ro- ii lh will u decldl obaii lo thn undertasllnc department ihia will bo must notiooable owiuk tu the hard times wears cullinn tlio priuos lu all lines of odlns c aakots and lurulihluk aud will aupply the whole uut ul at any roaaoualilo oiler you may mako wo liiivo nu ooimeotiuu with iiy undortakera combine and tjovern our own prloon t a j r m i t u re 1 i air uvliift protlt buggy wkgon l j il manner and al ptioee pt liapa llltlo luwhat o rlamly sol if ospeulally wo can do tin aiid lvo outir j a speight go ii 1 u i lln1 1 1 1 i ii i im 1 tin 11 llt iii t imty t lit lity tlii hi st 1 i juuiil ii in uiufu tui ctl 1 iii tjesx sk cheapest ylii pressc c until i ik i li l ik muni punting ottit l ii tin lnut it is lilit 1m t tmsti ut t um t i- 1111111111 ii ulil lintursthul in ill its p i ts ami ilot s mipcini wtnk 1 lie litul that ovury pruoa lo pani lor lu ouab ooabtoa lbe inuttuiaotui or s lo sail ibe 1iouty ut very low prices tbsro are no losses you can arrange to have iioujhi aud duly prepaid and nave ul bother of importation elu r v ml it uiul lot catalogue ami pruts to h p moore actonot sole agent for canada or in walker co manufacturers madison wis amolareh dentist 243 tsaqe st toronto flntrcuaalldbot of toath f or is t just spen his four quarters for a bottle of burdtflk blood bitters as all wfrislblc pcpplc do be- 2 sttpatlon biliousness sick headache bad blood and all al diseases of he stomach lifer kidneys bowels and blood from a coramun pimple lo the worst 2 scrofulous sore jh5 3 r l whyror jr i myiftgf mc tc ityurcd liks msoic ntu i tudrt bllb i mm rial i till i roukl not i if bli a l 4 u usi the perfect tea monsoon tea im tmi wo aid asw ssi thqm thk tt ptnt to the tc cub irrrrsi nstiv rurity mimawn tni li pwlinl nulr tlw upmihm i the tra biwsi snj i jerlmij nml4j br ihfip a biplct 1 1 e tni quauncol indian ami qalnn ttu tw hint rcbhhi llir ho lkl nun but hs ri frrji imti go- into mhikxi partr thi ut mwm lliaprtfccttcb oaabe kiu t the fcanii pruu mint i ira ll i u mbii dj of s ii lb bn j ii ami nu l tlnb tlji um ul uc vie bim 6v ii ii n jvt t itnp 1 irlllimui rl stfll llturrs llkmjllfnmbl most successful remedy for man or beast cfcrlaln in iu sffseu aad never litlahia rendulsspavincure i kjtisstil- i limrjiirl llraai asnd bob um nf vuor vn ktodau- hm fur 1u iik4manil i 1aoarrul iwxllclo i mlttd adlln i cjirttatamaas tountratj uua hmu kendalls spavin cure tl cbto apr tj mr am i liar um hwrkl inllln i ynnw lk imkaliuhlubl rvrt rt- ll t ll j tm ro 11 a kuiiih ila rrnumivuil ii t pukr my nuu p mitu ubkhi ilk s it tli i 1 llujll twjs wicavtai 0 1 tlftut fvtahk3w w copyrights tan ontaih a patent f in pronim anawair ssiil an hwwal oisulon arrtte iq hi ii km v i wbfliae tasa neulfnhr tears ailnrlonoe in the iwlanl ihlalnnaa rommwnlc hkiaairlollr omlmoiiual a llaihilbonkoi in wutsuan amrnin iairala anl boar lo oo- iin ibsoi saiii ires alau a oataloam ol n kl anil snlllw tmiika mui froo ilanu taken tbrmisb h ctv rsmra andal not to in t be hrlfwilta asrlrmh bih lli aa ar tirouslil wljsli belnr lbs pulilla srlth nut onm lo tbs- iwvstilor lula tpundld rstiwr isbosu waeklr lostajilltlliostrststsabf rajijui laneel rdutatluanf an adantloa srurk lb tuo world s3 a tsr bamrla oomea sent rras uolldlnf eullluo baoulblrfuqetr mlsatta mum j4 oasii kierjr uiunbsr oontsiim beau iftl plats in eolora amj nbewrni a ofnew htniaaslviia plbna piiabllna builders foahttkuiu latni1 uikim anj aanra n ml ran a 11 rem t- catarrw

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