Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 31, 1895, p. 2

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wim m i aetnti on hslunuy uh onlcilr tln ho of couirollior wlulami of a buii fjua at ihn mihill iiiuibp anion mi irl flay xmiiortnlmir hit jifirn fki lark ueu- walkirtoi tu elhrofllr 1 olluirdi itahttlllk j m iiii ifiti i ramosa ilt tliortial thtimaa nranuv l i all lo ulunrlllllv i 1rnrtiin r thomas i the church i nln ntfipuhm hml jorsdo hrliik colorado m hlilpnial null yoar lximxwat klmui thursday morning october aidlsw i ut pastor ol hi pauls chuaoh hamilton out aged m years tuiikbday octodmt jl ww notes and comments hir msckohaio iloell and sir pilaris ii tiipxr arrived in waliiiiftiii monrjy to lako irl in the itclirmit boa convention which opens thia wk tlio janatllan mhilsfnrs aro tlm miosis of hir julian iauncaforlo i s bocroury of tho nvy herbert lias dfciilod that in viow tlm aureomaiit bclwron llm united htatos and groal britain id respect to war vessels on the mat lakoe ha could not award tho oon traol for ilia construction of ono o tho gunboats sulhtirfnod by tho laat oonrraa lo th uotroit dry dock company olio ood rotult of tho enforcement of tho hunday closing law in new york city la ifon in tho losseiillik nuinbrr of naaea brtitiithl to the city unspiisla tor treatment a a thoruauit at sunday debauches aaloon ik lit nd domestic ijuarrcla tho hoa pitel officials hvo rfbtlood thia and fro tiently commented on ii chruutu hurt a aikiuflcant hit of tcsltmnny hi ft kurd to tho rtraiilta u no liccnao in cambrlde la given in the follow i nit at a to men i of aaviuga bank dtioaita tho laat year under saloon there worn l 10 wo of now deposits tho ueit year under i rolilbttun i hi 000 tho laat year under saloon bg1 new account a were opened id thu rasjug banks whilom the first year uuilor no license ifttj wore o pound tho mauilobx vw r say the ln adopted by the i h of taking wheat for land aold to seniors la workintf well it enahlea the larroor to hoi i hi whoat at all ovnit until the very day hla payment tti the company la duo if lie had to ralao ihu culi ha miihl bo abluicilo bcil icisul earlier and poialbly miai the benefit of an advance which might apring up id the i tho nlui opreaeutntivda of tiiatli auatr ha new zojod and llie south amen can oolonlra hold a mooting tuesday in bir charloa tup per a ollioo in londoi to diaouaa tho iaciflo cable achomo the oilotnoa are wiiunit to bear thoir thare of tho ripnnao of the oable and upon the return of mr joaepti hamberlalu lo london a dlacuaaion will be held at the olonial oflico 1 ho 1oier borough county council have aenl a deputation to inealuala the method f the neighboring county of ilaatlnga of maiiiuintng loading roada many yoara ao haalliifli made ood iiravollotl road a on all tho icadlnif llcoa aud tho roaolta have been moat aallafdotory ioterburo la about to embark in a aimfclar onlrpriae u might be well for hal ton oounty council lo take the a mo nutation into their careful ounaidermlion out ot the total revenue- of 300 000 000 germany apenda ii3h00mooo lor army and navy hiiland 1h0 000 000 out of 1bho0oo0o aud trance 174 000 000 out of 1670 000 000 dr mondea who ivo tbee fifcurea eatimataa thoannual military expenae of the united state at ttul000 ooo boi thia omit ju0 0oo000 for military ponaioua when thoao aro moludett lie total military exponas aro fracer than ihoio of any other country with tho poa albio exception of huaafa there were more aheop ahlopexf laat oek from tho port of montreal to tho old t mntry than durum previous week in the hiatory of tlio port a leadmx abippor waa aakod it it waa booauae prlooa were hih and he replied that although pnoea were good oarlior in tho aeaaou the on urea were nut now very high aud that tho aeoret of thn present tteavy ahlpmrute waa fouud hi the faol thai there wore a great many aheop in tho country and they had to tie got rid uf up to baturly j1u4 hrc have been ahtpia t our sun schools tho annunl provlnelnl convention at toronto attonrjo0 by 7ho doloflntati a year of progressive work an onlliijo of tho pnicortllnga lf lf llrat two daya of tho annual coiivonlion of tlm hahulhhohnolaaanclalimnf onlarit lit 1 1 in toronto laat wcok wn ivf tho last day of urn convention waa lastly ocruptmi with iholinaiintt bf femirla uio otolinn of ufllwn and with rniiaiilrrih lion of llio waya ami imiina for am aimiiiim year a iptifationr i ho allcndanoa ciiual to that of tho provloiia two daya and tho allcnliou monirtlcd a drop inierrat in tho worjt of tho aaaooiatlon tho roport of the general kxooulivo committee ra road by irrj j maolarrn it alatcd that miai jeatie a minro of thorold haitheep appointed correajwndinu hccretarj with a aalary of tm ier annum anil an ofllco obtilnod for her m manning amnio toronto at a rental of 1100 per year till flnaocial poaiuon of tho aaan elation wai one tlil hid ooiaitiou anxioty to thn atomniiteo t h run i hunt thu year at tlio dote of tho jerr in october 1h03 tho moclallon had on hand irh i1j fi after payment of all liabilitle in irvu them waa a deficit of thu 10 thia jcar tho dofloil htd increaaed lo 91 1 10 u after a careful roviow of tho aitualion at tho half yearly mooting in may it waa rcaolved to make apccial effort a to r goal io income and tixpcndltnre annua meant for thu end wero taken by if in qonerml ixcculive by tho crirtral linen live and by tho officer of tho aenocimion after a very careful consideration of tho whole jtiottion tlui commitloo waa com polled lo comn to llio couuluaion that an immodiato policy of rutronchmonl wai mi peralive a committee appointed to oanidor tho matter reported that the nor m secrolaryahiphatl boat bodiaconlitiuod the ixeculive had aocoptcti thia at the only courao and bo rccoinmlndrtl it to the aatooinlion tho commilloo wore of tho opinion that tlio accumulated dohl ahould be dtult with at ouc it ncomiiionded that the greater part uf n tx allotted cord lug to ochodulo to tho vanoua conn lira and oilica and tho hilapoo bo paid out of thu regular income fur tho cumin jcar it waa alao recuinmiudcd that tho uflitc f irlmarv heorutary bo coniblnod with that of orreaponding secretary 1 tin vmw waa ooiiqurreil in by hi oiionlim n thu report waa odopu i itev dr mclweu gavo a bruf biati of normal wtrk and offered tnu aorvicea for any ioalitutc work u often at thoy might b rciuirod a number of coiillimen exprcn e their appreciation of hla atrvitea aa normal teacher lncburaging rcporbjof thru variou d parlmenta wore given by mnaar alfrnl day eneral rtcrotary u john mr hwen normal secrulary mr jamna mcnabb trcaurcr mlaa joialo monro cor reapo ruling ecretarv atld itrb ttuu can primary secretary the report of mr ccorge m 1 lliott editor of the now organ of the association tar 8a sra wah moil gratifying notwithataiwliiig tint this ia tho drat year of ita publication it haa boon financially elf sustaining vnd has an n ret i ovtir timk paying aubacribera the report of iho comimtteo on lleaoln lions tondorcti tho thanks of the convention to tho paator and management uf ouke a church to the cilixeua uf toronto for their hospitality to the billeting and other com mitteca to the railway companies aud in the preaa to the ex president mr ii 1 moore for his faithful an ijulioiii lbra during tho pasl joar lo dr j j maclnren iluablo atirvioca aa chairman of the lieoutlve and ex pre sod itio pieasuro of the aasoctaliuii in having present at the convention iho chairman of the interna llonal hxeoutlve- mr ii jacobs f chicago mr j a lalloraon m a ioruut la the president for tho current jear and aaaociatcd with blm is the following ni tral hxeculivo which will meet monthly to iranaact tbo buaioras of the association j j maolaren itev v a hunter i lev or 1otta itev dr lalbraith jamca mc nabb i homaa caswoll ooorgo and or noil wm hamilton m le j j wood house a slue mia 11 meld rum mrs 1 iil lalue miss 0 iawaon it j bo re 1 w lleatllo j k mactionald hon s ii dlake alfred day itev j mai- wen mra wm duncan ii i moore o m r lliott iuv j ttbb w fc i illey hov j mt 1 hoolt a j donly mlaa jrsslo muuroaiid mr a i 1pwoll 1 ha convention next ear will be hold in iho now metropolian hurch i undnti r news jr till day anepltomo of tho worlds oolnua durlnu thu waok a lilting tho lutaraatlng ileum that gi make up snada a 1uolia accounts fur year ending juno joth tho jual been laaumi by tho kim is that pertaining lo hmeae nixm during the year tho w on tntiaii r brat ainotliilwi lo hl4ui hog ftrmiat men u i hi cqnt ei oil ihil the chlurao colony in lintli is not growing l aitualion briefly uut 1 1 nod it tblt iho tluitbd slates gals the immigranla auada ths foes chicag carwitwit american phizt hhoht arohies tha tti or wll faul ih modltloe 1 of ho kviild a aihiuuutvl a lliamri onwht i whioli they ofloreil ijoii in uiuos lor the boat uv hurl aiuriea by ciahn writer 1 lo mount rliilo inwi it 0lji i llllerol llto natoluisy ht julgud by the a i hat aovcu huiidretl iiiauu annpu wore rsoeivsj from ury writers in sihhsof ho lmimu h were puood in he hamla thoroughly oompolattt jtnlgn alu r much labor and rtieat oounldrlmi it io1 utu he ompsny iho names of ihc storm whluli tin y uousujered boat wurlhy ol ih prlaas 1 liase a lor lea bavo jual been laausd lu th furni of a handaoma paraphlol called prtaa httorl hturla aud s vary internal ingand readahu hook it is lo tho prafaoe to the work it is anuouuood that tho ultimata detflalou alto ttys merit of i ha stories is left to iho rsauaia uf tho pamph lol and a voting paper is given upon which they are aakod to aproaa their proforenoea a oopj of this iiainphlel will be mat lad poet paid to any of our reader who aond their address nlslnly written to the or wlllianll uetlieinfl cu llrockville out king callahan the profeasloual bridge jnmner leaped from tbs pougfikoapaio bridge into thji llntlaiin llivtr a distal oaol utttcbl he was probably fatally itijurtd mnuiloha hail lt flrt hfftvy h k vatnnn or huaoastin hiindiy jotint tie oor foiindur uf llm lliftikir ian culouius in mtiiitobit ihiluait the kliihof orou ins iiimui nimlher giiem to rtpruto ills uiutthjrid vtlfu iho maifclwh1 ootrniiuiit will mtub lish n free iwr kuikhii at wlnntpiu lliodiriutorn of the futiv do ivuphi hum tiocl id tm ru tp n tin hnnhon novum ber lih ihu ii tjuocll of hawaii it r ported lu havo ptiruhastil winter and mi itir rtal donees in ltsly majcir icneral oaiomguo waa ton do rod a bntjtdo mens dinmr at montreal on hsluidy night llolnei i- con liirtuig ills imn tiufuiioo at ihiiadelphia thn lawytrs iiaving with drawn from the vaau loronlo has j olo of bona ftl and 6j bills in oirculahtiii 1 ho iiiiiyterfcilfrs woro arretted laal wevk ht pelurs h c t hurch in iilbury east ono of tlm oldest iliiirtdiu in oninrio was burned on sntida anua meliiutl of tiarnia roio a milo nil tin road in ono minute i i t 1 buooiiiu llio laateat proforjiiaiioo on rtoor i for a ccllu liu amotmt ol new 1 nund rum stmt from iho purl of lloilon to africa has decreased in twoyyars fioni 1 w jju hl ions luulll 2wi or alexander hnynrs of nira i all out died biiddunly ul hi rosidenco on monday night mia wife died in itohestcr threo wcrka ajo lilut ol oibson i to rctir fnim the active coiiimarth of tho tlitrlfpnth hlt lion but he will lelain the honorary rank and titloof colon i rheumat victim t a kinos co n8 man suti itna -m- i- vojllono weary mom his t muo int mural lt h iuj fho i r r-t-i- hsinnul hdlir m a iii of ouolph hntl ranohntl n 8tna whon ho wnn wlm hamilton gmirerbiioo will urtnbln to turn in uotl wlltapiil bi in spoolal aid fftllrttlf cf oollnrn bnont i in thn bunroh rorflnllnr dr wll m mnwriil hv ll rmotoiit llnma pink plllo anln provii i tdnlr thoir wpndmtui hiuilth qlvinu aniilvrrnr v criii in woro virmlrjhad in powor j j hi iroshylirian imrch ib hujiday hy i r ii th lwuivniitlrct i l mr david o corhum hot i u lhowinrf mi gtiorqetown miry h fvilcu will hn held mr llm llrtv or rrnlfit nf kitikhtnih dr of scull m hay i smith irrturi ttt mini wy nvoning lo a ih hl fnrmit j nudi m a nn 1 hn ho i know him uf thn ih ul ihu nuuivi mary nniisi it ring ho change heiidieron cfe co overcoats frieze and tweed ulsters for- ri thtf huimu of hid tho inblit wiialhtr wt very riirnaasfu roiintv ha in naturally it hr i working ffiuirmni hiihjecl wan i ilubhah th ma 1 1 am 111 td i 1 li ho 1 oitr alllpalj sir atlnlphu ariiu and hagghil and muiiuiii ontario next mouth mr juhnmanomb ul maaunville out waa found dtad in lu- barn mi saturday l oiid of hit neighbors no ipimlcal will bo huld aa dealh waa duu lu heart fallurr hit lial of ii ii holiiiob f r llo inur lor of it uj i 1 leuol optlltd nl illlladol phis on monday hcvnral i uroutti wit uchnch are i hit e and i lie am ext it en irilutiae fchin fall show thu laat exhibition of tho l i about booo vlaltora v rrlii lair wan lull ftvuml with ii ciugeulal woather la it week yat thn mtoplr from all tho atljacotil country were in ow donee lu large numbcra i hn vlallora not only included many prouuneiil agrirultur lata but tho member- of pai liaiuml ol both houaos ft nil catli riding und many well ki life mrtl pursoubgrt thlbll xiatal pi iii s fow c i sales 11 alight falling oil and in olhnt hit rn v aa a decidod inroa iho agi icolluial hail waa filled with exhibits 1 hern was olio foaturo nollcablr huwuvnr and thai waa iho amall show uf polaloca in audi a famttl nitalo growing lownshlp aa i nn i too explanation given was that nvcrjono hati io gooti kitatoea that thoy were afraid to coin pole against heir neighbor iho outside a how waa too in all dupail menu i hare waa s remarkuhl tlm lot of horses llm roadatora were uiy gtml an i were hottn i lis dsvd oval twtil oti al r rln in fagl the rmam of till horars lu weliluglon halloo so1 ii lug did uol amount to ninth all r mid thn ahuw of horioa waa very good 1 heis wsa a good iliuw uf call lo and a itno exhibit uf sheep print i ally co i lob tor rhoh waa alvo a g 1 ahuwing of lowl and audio very lino itga 1 olaiil f hlua seeming lu be in advance i ho show of implement a larir mr c walker ilueve of lrlti had the laajal display and ahowstl jhmiii a linos uf hla goods crui show on lbs wholu was a gratifying bucosas much cretin fur this bolng due to jainoa kirkwood lrrsldeul arch mn lachlan vtco lrollonl j w hurl set lreaa fui tho clhaiinl alsu of dust lor a aud oomtnltlds uf insiiagonioitt the ililuourg and 1 rin hrata bun is playod in tho afteruuou ilpors ii and w hmealon ingle wood furpkhrd mualo oti the bapimi to cheer ihb liearln of scntlk aona win wure proaonl in 1 trjo lord caaininglon the new lover nor of jiirtmland will travel i hm t by wy 1 canada ue will atxil uxi uiuuth chriti chariod t tan days i ho eightntii olllbt lo or 11 llhtcbi uf knp n strong it nlwjyii to hn found huy nn hu pin o 1 ant winter ho hpcut the wholo bob in in lint itimbtir woods was strong and h illliy and worked as hard as an yon a mil it linn not always lorn hi in fact it is ihi won in r of tho nultjilinrhon i ihnl hn in it i in to work at all lllforn moving to hmti m luy it isd mr orkum lived at choaler itiunuburg o n r and whllu tliero wis n njnml auftoror from rhaumatinm which affected him in milch a way hat ho was unable to do mart iial labor or shy kind a boot this tfma he moved to his ptoeonthomo but ho could not rot a momonta renpile from tho fleet of hi disease i eellng that he must got well at apy oost ha had hia old doctor brought from hunter to luu rolnf bdl hn was unablt to do anything fur him he triod many kind of modlcino hupihg to receive beucllt but lo no avail iking dulprmijied nomo die without a atrugglo hn had doctors summoned from halifax but mill continued to got worse about threo year ago lip took to his bed and hi caao tlaveloparl into bona and muaola rheum hum of tho worst typo it spread through all hi bouoa up into his neck and into his arm canning partial uraly u of that limb riiuduring it utterly melt nn it nice ho ooul i not lift it a ho v but waul all iho strnuglli ltd his nnihhu an i ho waa limbic lo turn lu hd vilhuut aid ihi was nhln lo land upon hi fuol hut could not walk still tho doctors waiud npn him ami kt ill hu timk tilt ir mt dicint but with no benellcial rtatilt during ihi ifdl th rtuiruin lion i 11 thn tvenlng mi tjrirst john 7 17 dr smith will bo welcomed in ooorgelown by ol cnugreglmrs4 ho rnliirnb taln annlverairy hcrvices wrrn held lat sunday inth mniholist hurob hornby a tpuinilid tf mnnliiig lu raqiidoliou with tho ahum was glvru on monday evening addrtbmis worn dnliviirnd iy ueva moir toih riarhn ftntl wtlkinsoti rhomiiiilrlal meotuir of i lyi joorge tdwn ansntftatinn win huld in tho home of itev a j irwin ii o ngrval on men day 1 hn ithv mr moir read a paper on coadur nf thr htfurmatxin miss coumi htrnsoii ts visiting friaml in wll upr milton meltons beavers tweeds a ltrjo antl stylish assortment of overcoats at lowest pricls mr irk nn 1 u in su hn liistor out with llm ur atlai ian of lliti or i u town of lorfwdli head of lake suponor t fi ol 50 000 in any phrhi h who operate suit lllng ut rks al iii lie iron deposits m adjaw nurtliwisl allodia are mum tho world it idiould u it lumparativily easy uiallor tu obtain tho industry litre lial to go hi aud ocupy the held sulcebbwaru i lie above ih tho title of a 1 hmik m a hook for young men by i dwaid vv itoh i tor r 1 1 or of ih hi pagra ljino deouroled t i ilh top 100 published t y 1 hulling 11 kevtil ompai y new ork lnoa loronlo young men mr huh has shuwii that ha understands ytiui g men aa few writora do aud in this book lie deiuonslrales ihe fut1 bay und a doubt llo has done his work well ho has produced what wo havn long uemled a oniiiou nenao bonk fur mug men written ly a young man all the important phaaoa of a vouog man h uf o are cuvcred ben mr link lirl thapler on tho great oaseutial uf all auutii a correal kuowlcdko of dim s bull and bow lo ubtalll i hat knowledge ib exoollonl while his actuij clupler on what itoally ib succoas will auawcr a juoalniu that thousands of young men aro asking i hu auswer horo la frcah cuiicim and directly lu the point i hcu mr ituk plunges in and lakes up the bum liens xido uf a young into a life aud wrllea with a ulcarueaa bulii tt no uuo else has cter willlcii he wastes no words i ul fcooit direcliy lo the oint a youug man hutinelf barely thirty believe hu knows pricincly ihonu thnits which perplex yumi men an hn ininsrlf aays in hla priifan ho wrilrn n it as a patiiarth but willi the smoke t f the hatllo all around him ami from tho very tliuk of a ytiuti mail a alrou ir atieat 1 ur ytiuiii man it is un t mahlv thn bhk of tho lay nothing a g iud b lotll it ami o atlislble tina btini wiilltu nil t o haiinit i htullo self help it lll aland the teal uf ltog roal vur an 1 vi taii ahtmahkauu announltmtn i a 1 not paragraph tn hmill j 1 ial it u u thn inlrrrallngsiaiiiiouliuellkilila wtm h tin ih jmih maken tit thu tuiu n 1 only will aom of i hi moat hul niaiiy i 111 in l riliinent ii jifil an 1 no fnr lhi mir lug year deluhlf paper 11 f ihc hniel ml 1 biers are atnouuti i among lioni hvlilg tin hocrolaiy of agri iilmr wlioultou for a aubjmu arbor da the onlohraliou of which he orlgillatrri hectilary llorlwd villrs on what the ireldenl i the i tltod stales does 11 htielitry ii iku hi ith mi our lu httu in fa ualliu gr o t tf tll 1 i tho hr i of 11 i hervutl my j ptillua shl ittk it mil hloll tnll- 1 he if uiuie oulo ienril ni n a mile an lf r gles liivlui iho othl i si ai i isndaome foui i 10 in hi del free s handsome four pugo lmili 7 i 10 111 lllhoi phe i ii i oulura ihu retail pi li f whn h i ill rut the 1htm free rviiy wrek utlil january 1 hji tho 1 hankgivmt hn i ipa and new year s double ouiubi r free aud iho uulh t uiijiifi tllly iw weeks a full year to january 1 in 17 adtlro his iijk ohihihkh 1j i olunibu aveiiut llo liu outoi- tooth powueh1 thou ol ths bosl tlie best it 1 von no boat hcuaoae il whiteua the icath aud does not destroy the cuaitsl liuoj as the best lu irsraucoaudclcanli gjul l lngprotertlrs helltr than moat asll urn tilns no cld dustiuy hotter iiibii all b cause ploaaut frairaii whllouing all llio guild iin i von no for thn lerth sit ue tho beat orrhued hundrrd dollars in liar 1 cahh for tloctoi a bills aud modicjue all uf which did him mil one particle uf k aftor lying lu bmi for hltun monlhs his raso wai pro it iiintod hiimii sn and he was given up hy ah about thn lime ht heard of dr wll llama ill k pills and as a latl roiutirio ho rosolvtd lo give ihim a trial iho ural four boxes produced no noliaablo litdci uut al tho iflli hu bean lo iiotico u l halite heeliuj encouraged ho kupt on itnd from thai time ho rapidly improved and nfur using ihu pink pills fur tcrtod uf some twulvo weeks hn watt rt stonil to mrfetit health such was thu wonderful it lory told a ripresentalivt of llio tl ru n h r ty mr urkum it liorl timo at air orkum is now i vtarn of mo and per ftclly healthy and fet in yuungrr and better thanhb ban for yrnrw and nt htw retovcry solely lo the use of dr williams pills and ho is willing to prove tho truth uf those itttu in on t tu anyone who may uall it don him i hese jllln are a hsiuvo cm lor all troubles arising roll a wtinlml comlitluu of tho blikxl or a shaltt rod ncrvtiut system sold by all dealt rs or bv mall from tho or wilhuini mo homo ompany ilrock villi dot ur ttthei elady n al ai cent a box or ii boxes for bi vi i here agsioat win h ihr public la oauli iu d iti3 in thb natujitol t minus i hat aa agn advanoon llti ita i iliooliil lauts of wear au 1 tear some parts of the tltilionlu iniuhinnry of lltolxxly upon wtiuli tho vtgtir nn i health shnulti suffer drrahge doskiudeiioy aro tho algnala that nature tlirowa out to warn and woe lo him who llngloots iheati wbrulugi lor stvnie srn iht pnilalllnn stin ox an lit lo ju uktiii llll new vigor tho fsilin energies lo impart with renew us ono time fori itiest aro ih speual ton lmnius of 111 wondrous tonic and nutrltitil main no with otou wlnr ilglvrs strmigili lo iho lorviiis system and is lhit a mirvu ryttlomr il inarasus nutrition and is therefore a in- 1 buildor maltiuo uh km me by la power to add lo uervu forcm sll 1 lo iticteaan wol will imlomul by the debilitated an table hfo gutr mit it v d a m ur prtii tu day ov nl much aympalhy lo full for mlt hull of tlm ltiifh school tft in the doalh of her brother mr 1 n d unit of houthoiid wellaud imiily last iok a jiidgmtint debtor from i ero commit tod or contempt in not appearing at division coart fur examination on a julgemont summons wan taken tu milton and jailod laat wcrk llfrrnr til a iiirii ifuiitjim a mmnibolii oxrhaucn aays 1 ho local nowsimptrs aru hit town a looking glasaen tlslurt you bit tourmuin a otherb sen you ion aitulii on tin m and limy smile bark al on yon frown on thorn an i jou rn rt pud in km 1 i hey o the reflex of t tut n if th town ih tl hug business tho luvtsprtptr will show it in its advertising ulumiis if iho intiihttiiltt are spiritless inftlcsh ftllowb wliosti stores aro jumble of junk and jam tho tu wtfinpom will show it hy4hjek bmwmi luity lake ii you aant thu worl 1 t ku w that nii aro a live liu you an mil 11 it ih known through its lit wspap r turuntn on tart u vn pa uedit d poillnii may ho known lo you il ha luiih bctui known an i lubauribod to hy ilia medical prticiibii u maltino with oa wtoo gives streiiglt vigor and health sii b u liiiggmta abhliiovl m h h uudlnll uiii tl i c hufliu mian llullmaii lti hist uluts iiltian a unubnr if it 1 mlgn h f 1 pi 1 vi ii un 1 tl la v i mr 111 test 1 itlkaid t 1 okar1 i mr whi as weljis ever after taking hoods sarsaparilla cured of n sohoua dlaoaso t ii ir in hit ii known iu llrlkhl h r i i i in 1 i r tlti ul a i iiuilli t itril1iti n uiynelt 1 r lliri ve 1 lurtiif ttiat lllll 1 ii t 1 1 it in f 1 h 1 i llii i i 1 ipdlil nmldrrltitl mi tne t strtiikirlltt ithtrtltetl in ii 1 i try ii uotlli 1 found hoods sarsaparilla cures ihrd fiktnc half of a bo- rniiii liking tho dnt 1 y nnothrr nnil since i it i as well ax ever ml ultftt toronto hit ii ol mil ertlclent yet 11 liruugisli z3c r bristoivs pills i ui hiiii i sltk 1u1 atlli i s i i sl ur ml 11 si i i ii 1 i ulil slpii and ti all lei it i uf rarpberrlos full grown only lire i lug llm suuiifior war in ill to betune jierfeol branch a gutwily nainlkt from here alien i ml ilia i ru fair aud rapnrl b l oul the fair or i hr rt wd n 1 pi in s intnrrat lug at iii ii ow do il 1 tie fir who hd t aialuki his y uiig mr morn mr wn iouiiim1 i b hot hi i il i1i ifiird uam lids a i 1 a 1111 pathy la ft ii fo rri fl a id w year a l age wull known and a- ay a i the ag wro nleireu ttlvu hau lltun i 1 lo 1111 wtro taken lo hamilton whcio he had preathod fur i jour llion brought back lo uotirhrfluwii and lai 1 in iheir laal reatlug place llrlhl l ll lluilrv dlalreaalng kidney an i llladder diataia rillavud lu bix li nn bj im ural south amor loan klduoy urq ibis now roniotl i a great aurprlau and dollilit un act ount of ita oxooeding promplnoaa in relloving pain in the bladder kidnoya bauk and every part of the urinary passages in naie or fauiala it relivss re lent ion uf hater and pain iu iaaaing it alniuat im medfataly if you want juick mind and relhu la your rouibdy huld hy j urolul i aotou i brisitoivs pills i 7 u r i li- i 1 1 1 iud jo i imul bristoivs pills 1 vi p iiii iiiii im mini iiiii iii ii iii i ii ll 1 i llllllja hi i n nnil k ii jfr bristols pills the abc of our business a b c 1 i i n 1 i ih iiu i vi i i i i liu k tu t lij i i lriclt ml lint s iu full tiul i onijillt w nli tin lu st dutls to in mini ui w i u 1 1 ind our prrls lit ml mill t lltlllt overootklb from 13 to 320 sulta ut any prior pan la aro a specialty anil auis k pcilctt salisfit imi iiii it bnitalilc pntts a list t i s situ u ul trim initios tui s on h i ml n jbonnak plavoa i lilixlil mill rtret aol clocks e walohqs uewellery o q 3 tj a a spectacles in id o silverware 3d 09 fanoy goods 01 r vi alao repairing or lino complkuuod watches llo tobymon piaouoal watchmaker and jawollnr all work uarrsnutl a pymon ilrtu abbtrtisonmlf kstray k r l hie utnlor 17 algnoil a amall hruwn mara oi tilte faas and throw whit legs oanar can have tho same hy proving ilmpon and lauing i hi hrltt uoautihjt ixit it t i t bat at ey a mantles kk1 ii a new shipment ol m i the very latest henderson cq aclou walker mcbean fc co ceorcetown w ghg1p goods i he greatest 8ai c lvcr had will commence on a t u x oclotk vvh ii the hii dooiswill swiiif open to admit tflii i d in cvcr town and village in the i n unuing i tric the people aic talking about this aturc i he keen lniiiik puhlic have confidence in u tlic same ah thc hdtofushi lokonfl and thats whgt c want nioic than anything tlse wonderlul the numbci of people who cuinc fui ntica to trade with us because the can rel on what they buy frum us if the were not saving money b buying from us it is not hkel the would drive i to 15 miles over rough roads we treat all alike rich and poor if ou buy loc worth you get the same attention as if you bought 1000 worth we treat others as we like others to treat us great week in the clothing mi out hslurilaf ill two i i wm utii a tilruiit rah at si 5 atia0 at aa ale 1 ttl tiulli bl aa i i0 eiaio bl u1u o 1 1 u llw llora navy htilrkr hl w 1 itu a umy t rlomc ovmna great week in gentn ru lua lllll i hlnri autl urat wc nti lie hul atil lrwn wf worth tic uoi a cartilkaii jaatw iut u til itlaxk m twill l uaui lleavv rtbtwl au all wool lite autiti 17c unii mm rtua llsla mk north iv uou a i- luo kmlora mala tv kulil in iho ll ik klotis via hdlrallall s c in tuui xleti i hnalla bllfl llai- i lu lu tturlh i j m rr monties and capes ii iuu u kin il unulv ul jslkeu alnl lairi o i r nn ulun hlh lata hu ij millinery mlllinory tatlorlnd x ul t it h afuaniiile-lliu- a mt toh t hull nallt niiwh iw ell uol inr t a kttloh tood hull iuall n null oft for si3mi uaual jwlco flfiu overcoat lliu uto la m uliii i hr ct our tuitainua lu a i all o i art rhatk than ui tor thx lusllu uf goo -r- iflvo lu waavedairauuauiaii lu turaslo luotvsaat uvoroual auj noa walker mcbean georgetown and toronto vve are on to them you can fool all the people sometimes and some of the people all the time but you cant fool all the people all the time exaggerated prioe 7 00 9 00 19 oo ti mrm jiul iu iiib1 m law llbss which would not ba noticed nll lur ul dmuhi lu4bpapamisb w thlua lira would ha ulw ritfbt lo lollo it ail iis uioalla tbsli uauis hutu bus lush prlcoil i- oj lit u alt m 0vic uh ui a sis vary u i roauli ltd lo uisal it wi jot uoh uuioiihi iu ihat boi st uwoosl wo ha real value reduced price the lions price 5 b0 7 so 0 60 m 95 e 69 8 38 s4 39 6 38 7 89 t iiivm iha- isloa rf that siw m what ws rau du to uiaas ll lalatnaliim fur the bl for 250 wi will gie ou a iine fancy lngliih worsted i weed lined overcoat worth more intruiii ally llan llc onu exaggerated to ifij oo all boyi and mcnb suiu bold in bamc propottion j d williamson a co wyndham and macdonnell streets quelph hstrav tiiakd uhiu llm ireias or ilia untlsr- j ahjnsil a rear i irr hhmlla lieltrr having into alill athila upon ltir owner can hava unp by roln iiroiwrtj atirl na fifsnsss hto dot ilah ixil ih con i fupicalni st lambert jprhcyjiiin for servi or for sale ihk uudaralffntxt has fur uirvco al hla itahls on main htrwol a lliomuiih brail iwllerwd t 1amlmrt jorsoy hull ttila fltio aitltualli also orfnrrd for sal uo iiahiui clou atril xlnl ihb haksr sa1esm en v anted umhlna truitwohhy men lo r rrstont us in salrnl our hokt stirsry huwk htoclal na cotilrtillthl hy ti hlhnst haary or com mliainn 1 1 wiwkh hltaly employment lbs touiii outfit froa oiciubwd ttjirltory iwrlonro wrlloa 1 nnmsasry hl nay t lbln itociieater s y valuable ritoikim in acton fob 8alk iiu itotian antl lotou ahusa htrfnl formarly oocuplnl hv thaownar ur has ouhtnar ia hornhy ortaml for xaln the houatt la a ootji jnrtahls rouili csat with wood ah od and thorn la a cuotlalsula qfi ths trenua also two building lots on ijko avanna in hmluii hurvay taruia rtwaonsblo for particulars apply to c hihlflht or hluhtitkbt acton iclou spt mil iku notice no tu k la hortthy lv uiat application will bo ul ado at thn unxl analou of tba isrlta insdt of atiula for an act to incorporate ths uanajlan hlvclrtc kail way otid iowsr company itli tower to build inriii and maintain aa electric itallway fnim i lit city of uontnai in ths rrovlnra of g to ths city of windsor in th couiit o lasx rla lirock villa klcss tun i fail in 1 1 ii a tmoittu and iiidnl ithpnrw lo build a hraneh llua frum tosooto or olhsr point n uia main una tobusibaalon ilridfe with hwor lt bullil branch unas for a radio not tracootllng twont da tulles from any point or points on tlio main lino to en tar into con tracts and amucwuitmta with all nxiatlnit or authoria ail onus or corporatlooa along ths said routs jisnicilarly oilbtlnb strswt or olsctrlo rail way ihftit or jmwor comi aulas for tha purposes of aotiutrlul loaalno amalnniaung or making months arranganinnta with utue or to supply aaas wlfh boat lltbe or power to oatahltab tualnlaiu anil carry oo airoot railway aerrlos in auch cltlea and towns on the 1 1 tin uf said railway aa ths company and uiuulclnalluba ihlsrsstad ma sktwi its to liuild asid itallway lu sections aa diay h authorised to aotiulre water powers and alias lor aud build elecuncai works in oon- iiectlou with aald rillwa for tlio parpoeae of generating electrical auorsy to aenulra tbs a hi of way to tran unit and also the right to 1 and otherwise dlanoae of electrical energy light power and other purposes and lo n the uiue with twwer to eirotrtale the urioeea of lite undertaking a the liar dlstrlbuln rlded by the llaifway act with alt o lae fully carry lug on the aald undertaking will powrr to isau wjd upatock of tha coaipau in iyuieiil of ita oblige goaf or all or any uf tlio salt authorliml purposes snd witli all proper or usual powers gtveu or crauted to oouiauiea lucoriorated for any of thn purpoaca siuroajd i- dill sp ittllhtou lluui ami latiuiii t untktdth toronto sullcltoptor applicsnta new firm new ooons new prices gibsanm illargs qedrostown important aauounoement w list luat purvbad al greatly reduced irtcwe direct froui the tuauufactoiiea hlyliaii uatdy lo wear lutblug which we iuleod to eell for the uesl 10 day at oxtrvuiely low prloea our at kii ta larps and wsll aseurled lu uam otvrcoata itoy a orercoala boy s and ooli a tiulta of every deacrtpuou llafb odd kolfl i ants lloyaa tlualer llota underclotb ing itoy ralf an wluur cape un hosiery uaii a i udercluihiug aud everything in qaoli rurouhlnga llata l u klauuelettea ire and hlovched cottous and obewtiuga our stuck la alt u 1- laewhure thvr sra tons uf old atocx iiismiueradiug as uew thai uioau that you can i bs tun csreful iii liulug who lo ue where j s employed lu pino ordered clolbmiuj nab eu t cauadlaa ruuaeiiug uieuia of ncutch i ugllb inab rweeda overcoat i ua luihrted rruusorlugs etc s ihllltly luarautw ht aty f exkmaualilp to in nf the tnghoal order llilltb a still altt inoiihadinu our hlauile lartiueui as have all the loadlug hurt rlcoe lie nil our trade a exteud au luvllallou lu uuu and all it tight guodi at right pilcwe will du it we rill hate it 1i1ison ml 11 l a co i llc h look maiu utrcat u our its tow a tiling i tlivlu da j prin6le the jeweller graduate optician liavlng rcoalvedfals evittfitial ol ability iram naw yoik optical collee ha alao in bl employ two taduate iroui cuadiau inatrooiar making lriuitla a jswallry store io quelpur prubaot iho only place in canada whore there are llirca irr sou liu potlcctly uutlcralaud ntlluft ih y t iouhar kinds of alfhl out ul ths ordinary if 1ringlo himself is uol in atliau jou oall yoa can bo aorvetl tlal at roll by one or other of bia wurkux hs newer umvw hia alors wittiuut sums on be i um irfl in it who can mus a marriat jiobiibf rrpalr your wiuliut toilyouravta prinqle quoph

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