Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 31, 1895, p. 3

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bank of hamilton iubat ofrioe hamilton j caririr in uc ijmpom itkskhvtt komi tm 001 tota aukt mu3htt board of directors qiinhthsmt a j itasihay 1 resident r vleelrestdefie m 1noftou tiro luiiui a t worn a it i km toronto m uiimkjm 11 i aqencies hamilton ilurtonht r pui put atluum mrlln tliesla leorueumiitlriuiaiiy i utnwnl mlcknow billion mount koreat orsuunvilla hound rurt fluln hluicoa toronto vltujhen british oorrobpondonu wthdon national 1 ravincisl hank of kn sad ltd amorioan corrorpondrmtn nsw tow rburui haiiunal hank an i tmi natl jub hank ileartimtntarnbtloii i trust co 1vwtaia usrlne llsnk tun sua nstlontf hank ol illinois mi union rational denot- dalroll national hank lm cl r t national luuk olwcoin tor adonta in montrottf thslunkof toronto akorobtol7n aqency i au advance uiaila o suit uoiimuom msde and draft iouflit and aatd on til s polnujn census united hum orssl britain and tsegonunenlorseurop upon most fatarabje terms savings department deposits of and upwards raced rod an i interest allowod from data of deiioslt to data ol withdraws special dkiobith alao looalted al current rata of lutorsai n u i ivinqktonf agent bibles nothinkbeltar for a present than i bible wo been them from lsete to 15 00 eacli wall boand cleer typo albums iti hush and leather porsob from 6c upward nssr lines in back and hide comb oar lock is i ba- larval oar price the lownl moiub u3 n ckulm- qko hynd8aolonont jkwslxsiit btoux b rtan tcb lrtss thubbpay 0ct0u1 k si ims little local brieflets which cauaht the eye or ears or proa press reporter this weak hellowe en to nlrht november cornea to morrow tha armor am buy with their tur nip yet potato aold for 13 cent a bin sacramental service will be held in tb uethodlat church neli sunday a largakngof workmen baa been en silted ou the new ore tank and ruaina the pest weak november breezes will blow through leafless trees the treea are bare earlier than oaokl mr j j liwaoo contraotor is batldino dwelling at the fir lib rook tub hatchery for tbe company utresrs lalng urotharb art now bold lag pboaojrraph oonoerta at hi louis and araistl tbmtsts of utseonrt mr j w doolie baa removed hi took from lira seoord a block and com msnosd boii in georgetown hotel keeper wynoa and kennedy of oskvills were eaoh flood 4w and ooeta laat week for aelling daring prohibited hour new anbaoribera continue to drop in to tba fwt paxaa l 00 in advance ta it nntil jan lit 18u7 lou t borrow any longer tbe berlin publishing go ham con oladad the parobaae of tbe weekly trie grapk from ita proprietor sir a mao- pbsraon there are uamarouaeiniuiriea couoern ing tbe new are protection debenture on lite part of capital tta in varioua parte ol the province mr tbomsi prout of erin haa pur abased four lota on boeue strat in dick aoiia anrvey sod la bailding a dwelling thereon when completed he will move mto town tba under of thoma bbbage of 101 for tbe erection of the new frame uook k lsddar honea 10 by 30 and flooring l ho bra ball with two inch plank baa been ooepled iuv k c tibb u a of lorouto pieenhri in knoa church ou hunday owing to the alorm there waa but a mall torn oat at the evening aervtoe when tbe y p 8 o e waa a pec tally addreeaed house bolder i keep a aharp lookout on yosr property to night lie tier faateu u dowo psreola r- keep jour hoy in to night altar aundowu police keep your we t bar eyea open and the oella eaay of accoaa aotou laundry bia removed to toronto owing to tbe free uao uf gaaolino lu tho operationa tba ml ley of tin building oooapied waa oaneclled no other buildlug waa available and removal waa oouaciuout ly imparstivv dr j n oadiaui ol now york gave so interesting lecture in the achool room of tbe llalbodlil chnrob laat eveuing tits objeol waa aloobol no medieiue and waa lilaslrattsd with interesting and oon vioolog obemioal sxpcrimeuu mr d uandsraonm p luforma ua that mr a- f brain public bohool teacher at ballidsfad baa bean appointed to a poailiou oo us lolaod ltsvenue aervios and will report at uuolph neat week mr uraiu psaaed tbe oivll eervice eaamiuktioua eumo time bi lie will make a very oompeleul omur hey tur ftm oo hallows en 1 bjiug some spplea ead and green eat tbe pretty frail s awimmiiig m a tub with water brimming while they float from ilde to aide and jour mouth ta open wide duck yaarhasd my little mau oateb an eppl if yoa can ones for red and twice for gin tbii la fan oq ilaluwe au buaubusndsluiie prior wood stove rjosntity pipe ltauo limp lagan t parlor ssll bilk plnsb elegant new cherry bodrooa bstl cheira fancy tabloa kojaol hail clock book case secretary orindlag stone parrot and other cages flower fpte a tboaaaud artlolea at prioea to plaass mra b a becord bsvsgs co the well known and reliable waller of guelph oiler any article in silverware at jjc ul tha dollar for a lew days cream ol wilch uaaal aoftiaa4he aain rstpovti roaghqeaa and irritation from the fsm and alaodi gives krsahoeaa aiid toue to the cojsplaalon ouly ioc a buttlu al lsadftwib e prog store the ne af hfjme montly of a loon chnrnotor and ovarv uom intorowtina tannivtrrmilry iiervlc tho earviaee in donnectloii wlyi theafly flrtl annivariary of the method latcharoli will ha hold on sunday lolh november sormona will bo preached by lie dr hriggfl u the mutliodiat book and pub hulling lloaae toronto or brim la one of i lie mail auto and otwaontrrcaciieri of the church aid hla vitit la looked forvrkrlt- to with plraaurabln anticipation by the conurrgbliuii it ia ton or twolvo yrara allien dr brigga haa vuitod acton it onrf then at he tfbrrf acton camp no u of the above ordor waa ioalllutod here laat waduosday evan ing vijlt a large memberabip roll the rotldwbiff officer wore duly eleoted and in alulled by ii d c u wm tlavfthorno nov w ii liuirny u l c ja umim i i f t vtelilkir atlv i t fluhn komioy itaukvr w n kennjty cimi j i- lrtu i byalclaii leo ilarrtanu kaeort lo anoasm alchmati loo htafnatii hetitrj uro twbun and ii clioyno no murnnt klaliaflera thf tatinctrm improvement 1 ho now building arid the uaahea and cooler it accomodate at the sola leather tannery are almoal completed and ready for oocupano the twelve immense new loaahna are built of rod cedsrplank jmort ed from louiaiana and are caicoled to bo vorydurablo the buildings at the o t it dlstion are also nearing completion the carptnttera have been on the roof the paat week and will jet listo lotnn cold finder before it ia uniahed workmen are huay thie week on sn addition to the yard at the acton tanning company a worka tliih ia an rxtenaion of 33 x srt feet and will alao include other improvement an tnjoy able illmmloanry ton mr and mrs thomaa t moore enter uincd tho member uf the woman a mi aionary sicmiy of tho mothodiat church an 1 a number of friends laal 1- rlday even i uk ibout fifty aat down to a aumptuooa tea after lea ltev j i- howell took the chair and mrs thou baston in a neat address thanked the host ami iiosicb and then proceeded to explain the alms and efforts or tho society she cite tided cor dial invitation to the ladies of the church getiorally lo mute with them headings by mrs norrish and mra jse 11 row o hurt addressee by ltev w jlayera and mr ii p moore music and aocial conver sstioti followed the evening waa enjoy abloand profitable to all who were preaent bpwortk e hcmtstag circle a reading cirole baa juat been orgamxod in connection with tbe hpworth league hure twenty one members of the league havo united with the circle this is a progressive step and will undoubtedly prove profitable to tho young people who i liters i themselves tn the course which extends over four yoara there ia a friendship in donrfl and the corapantonahtp of tho foi lowing works dunug the atudy of the pre cut year will be of value the life of hrtht by stalker johu wosley ins i ife and work by 1 olievre the firm 1 oundatiou of crnslian 1allh by prof boot aud my brother and i a selection of papers on aocial toptooy anou auth ore the cirole will meet each week on 1 ueaday atouing al the close of tho league service fur review fjapliat hpceimt hervjrca cjtused tho series of special services which have been conducted in the baptist huroh for the paal aeveu weeks closed with a social tea sod service on tuesday evening ilev j j wuytdhas endeared himself to the people on account of hi unswerving faith fulneas in in presentation of the whole truth and uothtng but the troth the result of mr whyto s proclamation of the fjospeliiaa been that a good u umber have ajoco oon verted and added to tbe chorch while saint hava been edified and made to feel more keeuly lhe responsibility that rest upon them ureal blessing bas certainly been brought to the church torough his preaching and wo hope that the good work may continue after bis departure too much aannot be aaid io acknowledgement of mis whyto a ass is lance lu the aingiug tbi was substan tially recognised at the meeting on tueaday ovening the church thinks very highly of their pastor ltev o lang ford whose able preachiug anb faithful pastoral work are fully appreciated by bis oongrs gallon tbe regular weekly prayer meet lug will be held on friday eveuing ef 7 30 0 clock luatead of on tuesday sunday school will be bold at 10 o clock tbe regular preaching service at j o clock aod tho youug peoples uiontiog at 7 p m cou use u jtsonesiss ttaitoat sons after a long illnoss the ltev dr lid law pastor uf st paul a 1 reahyterlau church hamilton diod al au early hour iburaday morning the resideuoe of hi brother in law mr ai gua mccoll near courgolown tor iumo time past hi death had hoeti nxptted ho was taken ill about two years ao and went to the hnuth iu tho hope that the trip would du hlsu good but unfortunately it did not proic cjpuejkoisl 1 he last time he preach ed hi bl 1 ul s hurch in july hq continued lu grow worse iini went lo reside villi relatives near ioorgetuwu deceased wi highly ojteuinod by the members uf hi paul congregation fur his luvoablo uliiica and scholarly learning aa a cit lacn lie hold tho respect of all dr 1 aid law was born in 1 aiucblug lowiitjllp lu lhki lo was a pupil uf the late itobert 1 titles r en inspector of publlo schoula for this county with whom be waa alwaya on tho in os l intimate terms of friendship mr 1 ittle waa his tutor iu classics aud so thorough was hit traluing that mr laid law completed his matriculation work solely under his lireoliuu he graduated from 1 riucetuii ullage sod bis itrai charge was iu iuluuibun ohio afterward bo bream paalur uf tlio 1 irst preabterian church al detroit about 1m7m ho received a ciil from st 1 aul s church hamilton he waa uf a kiudlv disposition and osrncst and faithful iu hia ministrations ua leaves a daughter miss alma i aid law aud hi n jomig sous hugh campbell and houerl mra laldlaw dlod about alghteeu months ago ir i aldlaw was a frr ucnt visitor to aotou and hla votoo has been heard from tho pulpit of uld knox hurch on numerous occasions his laav publu add re lu acton was at the union sunday kohool pic nio in prospect park three years ago ue loied hi uative county no friendships m later year aioluded those of his o r her life aod hla devotion lo early lies was reciprocated us was groomsmen at the wedding uf mr it little and also fur his ouuaiu mr d liandsraon m i ibe remains wore taken from mr mccoll s home via stewart town to ilamiltou on salur lay uioruiug and were drpoaltod lu iu ht paal t hurch until ijop m when juu wen taken by special train tooeorue town sooompamsd by several hundred member of the oougregat ion for inter incut in tho family plu at orosni wood cciwutar d lleuderiou m p mra pur vis dr llliutt and jultu it ktuncdy attcuded the luitersl from acton mows uom supptlorl bv corrue- pontlanto and cxohannoo ryulton the chbosrrsiid tmtior asiocislioii haa ffuns into liquidation ueaara hemtreetlt have disglvod partnership and mr j a llemtrorl i now comfortably installed in hit new store mr u l ilemslseet will conllnuo in the old aland i ltev joliul momcol ii a of km ollrge odenpied the pulpit uf knot huroh on sunday ami will oflloiatosgsiti on tie ird november mr itoaah who has been very ill wilh the fever is n6w convalescing and is in a fair way of rcdlivery although it will bo bo mo daje jet before lie will be well enough to resume hi duties sa agent at lhoo t it the i edin aid of knox huroh milton will give a rand halloween hoppnr in iho cliogl room to infill roqkwood a number of our ylllage peojilo took in lrin and naaaagaweya biioivs and ware pleased with the exhibitions a oouplo of lawsuits uf a private nature are disturbing the inhabitant of the village but as yot- have not been settled mr aud mrs w ii hloroy or acton viaited dr dryden last week mra dryden of i ramoaa v lulled hock wood friends latt week mr chaa pasmore has moved to arthur where he will engage iu the drug builuesa turnip shipping haa commenced and a lively trade ia being carried on the teachers of tho public achool are engaged ia leaching their pupil fancy drill and etc for the concert which is to be held the night after thnnksgivini mcaars ilarri a ljoub of the cuelph utrattt were in the village laat week takit g views of the scenery and of the industries of the village which are to be used in special number of tho jfrmlil w ich is be published about tho holiday nassaoaweya on s thjv bills are osted si and musical treat presbyterian hurch oct the hov tieapler will deliver 1 italy aud beouud a 1 iterary i tho nssaagawoya u tueaday evening d htrachan from h popular loci moon and iho ampbrll vllle male iinartotto will furnish music at intervals itevial service worn commencod in tho hbenrxer church isst kundny hov t amy and mr viner the avahelist will conduct them great good i hoped for tbo regular monthly meeting f the kp worth ioague of chrninu i udeavor will be postponed lor a few weeks owing to tho special ncrvice winch are now lu pro kress the guarlcrly c mmuniuu aul air mental service uf the 1 itcneair hurt li will be held nest sunday morning the ilev mr hsrrih of guelph will preach tho sermons f armors arc bua wllb their luriiim which are a kooi en p around hrre ihl section ohbwsuns cohnfertt mr hugh mclauuhllu rsid li d bank barn last thursday tho c aim were douald mcgregor and henry blcpli en son mr mcgregors sidn win tho race thj framework is beliik dono by mr mat sims of uuolph township laat 1 urslay while messrs hugh mclauphlin slid joseph dsrr were luading a stick of sijuaro timler on a waggon the stick slipped sud fofl on mr itarr s leg badly brcakiug it near tho ankle ho is gettlug along as well as can be c pooled but it will bo sever al weeks boforu he is able to be around again mr ueo moltaln who has been serious ly ill ur tho past week imj romi the revnal service in the molhodtat hurch of this place rajne to a oloie al f riday night 1 he mcel nia throuichoul have bee a well atteodod at tho close or the services quite s number joinod tbe church mr ioer s next qeld of ub r will be in the stone church hramosa mr 0o uuy lost a valuable horse last saturday it ol lulu a miro hle and before an one coul 1 find it it was smothered miss aumo anderson is vmlliig frioiids in milton mias t inma situation in 11 bpendiug two in friends here mr aud mrs jas moore and 1 mr howard moore uf loronlu ing friends hero mr and mrs coo llaiimhaw vllle speul a few iltjs laal i friend hero mr and mr wu l at visited friends hero over huoda rippa returned to her lloii isal week after ha vory iliaaaully with if vl ul u hi lit to rtrl ol if mr it ral iisik of the ltsptlat liualim ol both c ugreaii n i ho n clieia uu the lolh novoiiibui lha annual plowlug mati sliip was held on the farn webb sprin on i uusda the varuiua luaurancu ion jwi la l settled through their popular unt mi james ilruddy all the claims arising uu of tba late fire tho waterloo mutual hem the first to lead oft paytug in a row day- after o aims were sduatod all wen settled amicably and satisfactorily an old and highly roepeclod real lent ol eriu died ou friday morning in tin per son of mr mark ha i ton deceased wa born lu yorkshire h ngland aud livoi lliero fur some time after ins insrriaj li mis a pratt w lnu aume twu yeai ibis ouuntry lu thoi he came to aud so tiled in 1 ver tun where ho remained until 1j lln thou removed to i nn whore he roiidod up lo the time uf his death deoossed list been an tuvalid for the piat two rar or eo aud at the lime of uls desih was eighty years uf sge a family uf three buys aud two girls survivo him they ro itobert hdttou m a itou mark huttuu r ul 1 riu mra mary iu biuaoii uf 1 ramus mrs libsib boy too of lnoui an i mr william button of r riu mr huttuu w a tnainber uf iho methudlsl duuomluatiuit was a warm hearted friend aud devulod father and one whom by his uprightness and nobleness of character had endeared bimaelf to all lo whom ho had come lucou tact tbs funeral look place from his lalo residence lot 17 3rd couoosbioo r rin at 1 o dock ou sunday afternoon to contugsby oemetery and was ouo uf the largest eeu here for years farmers wauliug hardy native block to plant this coming hall or spring may pay for it iu work we waul men with or without experieuce ou full or part ima salary aud expenses or oummissluu wrilo ai unce for further information baowd dwuriikiui cumiint coutiuoutal arli nurseries toronto out llrarl lllic i liellevrd lu 311 tlluulr- lr agusw a cure lor tho heart givaa ix r feci roller in all cases of organic or hymisthelio heart disease lu 30 minutes aud sjienlily rffocts a cure ll is a poo rise to mod y fur i 1 pi tall on sborlucsa of llroalb h mothering dell pain iu left si lo aud all symptoms or a diseased heart ouo dun convtuces sold by j v kauna ii llnrd in m i i lluutrs oon abort rtid uf the breath through the blower sup plied wiib each bottle of dr aguswa catarrhal powder diffuse this 1 uwder over tbo surface uf tha naaal passage paiuloss aud delightful lo use it relieves nstanlly aud permanently cures catarrh hay hover colds head ache hire throat tunailllls and deafness lio crnlb al j kanpawuib there are too many ptuplo in tho world who mtateke launesa for dignity coming and going vleltora to nid from acton and varlouspthor porsonal not as r l the kiirti phksh invlts ell i ts rosd are to n irltmto to tills column if j on or your friends aro coltm a ita on a holiday trip or lfyou have frlon isvlaltlniiyoii drop a esnl lo tbe pnae i haas mr ales seoord has lieen on the sick ijat the pail week miss leans ilolrtina spent a fewdajs last week with friend in tor into mr john mccullum of mark isle pent a few day last w with hi daughter mrs a hopet mr it b jormyn was here this week packing ip bin hon behold goods preparatory to removing iq niagara fall mea ah i i jaard ilarry left saturday to ptad s oouple of week at r old home at newmarket william mcphsil and mr b char lee jeiiuyu stteuded the provtneui handsy school courrnlion st toronto last week ilev it m ralg of i org us will accept a call to the hirst presbyterian march at rianla i r new mexieo where he preached fcr sumo lime laat winter ltev and mrs t albert moore of falmerston made acton friends a short visit while fh riwe heme from the provjn clsl sunday school convention the official board of the oeorge street methodist church brock ville have extended an invitation to ltev w o llenderaoti of winnipeg to be their pastor next year messrs thomaa and itobert sattoo of johnstown n y made acton friend s pleasant visit during tho week shortly after their arrival their grandfather mr marko buttc u h riu died and they were able to lie prcseut at his funeral mr ueorgo wilaou jr son of tha late george wilson road superintendent of the n i n w ii it who resided in acton for a number of year was in town on a short visit this week mr wilson occupies a good poailiou in the offices of the lehigh alloy it ll at buffalo n y mr 1- t dunn who haa occupied tbe position of manager of tho aolon tanning company the past jear and a half has sev or oil his connection and returned last week to tho hone tannery at bian bridge que mr dunn was not only a successful man aner but a tarortle alike with the ompauy and all their employ to iho late mans gnr s brother mr jmes c duuu haa been secured lo fill the vacancy mr albert wilds son of mr james a wild- of clovernvillu n y formerly of aotou has just baen appointed lo the position ot foreman or the cutting depart meut of ihu national knitting co of milwaukee he is a vory young man for so i m port aul a po itto i but during five yearn apul with i iltauer br of in loirrsville haa proven himself a skilful workman and au upngjil young man rne harmrr s nmmc wnatod an exchange say a ducuaslou is going on in some aperb a to the advisability of evrrv farmer liming hit name painted on hli burn or some oilier prom i no u i place ou ills farm it is urgrd ihst iho pleasure of a dnve through the country aould be greatly enhance i mi knowing where so and so lltod one objection urged sinsl i he innovation is that it would really facilitate the operations of traveling pedlars and fakirs n l a bit fit such gentry do not wan lor aimlessly up and down ibe oon ccbittoi a looking for victim they have a hal of soft headed farmer purchased from other fakiis n ho hato loon over the routu an 1 kuow jnt where lo find thrir men the- uoj to haa their owners a number uf est ray advertisement appear this week advertising 14 tho best ay of finding owners for stray animal i well as the legal way for tho law ro ganling aiilu sis estray provides that a per son taking up estray stock shall give n ilea hist such animals are ou their premises by publinhlug thn o limes in a uew psper published within the section where the estray was found an 1 if the property im not called for in three weeks after the insertion of iho uuiice lu a no paper iho finder al all go lu a justice of the peace aud lake oath of finding and advertising if the property is uol claim within ouo year aud should not exceed 1 50 in value it then bnlongb to the party on whose premises it strayed if worth more than 150 it shall be advertised by the justice and sold and ills biarae of all cxpenica ahsll be paid over to tho county treasurer any person taking up an cslfay and neglecting lo cause the uiim tu bo adverlisod and appraised fiibii be liable to a fine uf lt 1 ho bubliieaa man oeod havo tio isitai t the disposition of his wares nor wall for irade with ltf ul ejrs if ho will but tjauiw wh io liuclih du nut fail lo ee atae i o hilvcrvaio uuo selling at i u m onlay i a fair rlaiiiple or tbe eipreaalou t rd dally posters aod arda lo hand 1 am much ploaaed with bo work aud slo with your promptness tf yuu waul ural class ouolpbaasb snd 1 tor at uuolph prices 1 blimui can 111 your order at in planing mill tho fellow who fooled wi the overcoatg neat ion udn t know it waa loaded and ot hart as naosl he invested in tbe prlnlere ink pot and proolsirmd 7 00 overooau for i 95 i he didn t know that we have the same identical overooau made by tbe asms msnufsotarer from tho same clolh bat dongm tff qi it a sonalderable dia ooanl from what lis got them fortkmmhat we sre selling them at 475 each ite dldn t know it waa loaded wo aje selling iota of these cosu and are not making mneb fasa aboat it either wedoo t consider it mooh of an achieve ment they are wortn what ws ask for them bat not sn swfal pile more the people wbo are asked to bits into these plume will find them soar enough m ing when they realise that they oonld asvs soc in each by buying fnom us oar pries for jheee coats is tl 7o eaoh tha 30o saved will boy sugar to sweeten the dose for the other fellow the goods v we urge oar easterners to bay are those of oar own manufaolar overooau ready to wear made ijy pnr own workpeople not folts so low in price bat cheaper fat beosaae more durable and better in every respect lhap the balk of the ready made ptnft which is really dear st any price no matter bow low beavor ovorcoats frloze ovorcoata twood ovorcoats worstod ovorcoata atfgo 10 iio0 llfiand higher if jou want something fine are here to abundance and people wbo once boy them become oar best advertiser they got fall value for their money and are satis jled ordered clothing we were going to write about ibe great value iu new butting overcoatings sod trowsennk for nice ordered clothing which have 0st oonie to band we have not room for details we can only invite you to see the kooda come look and compare yoa will hod that in every part of the clothing bnsinees whether ready made or ordered this home serves you better thar some very pretentions com t i lor ho didnt know e k bolleria co 36 wtd q7 wyndhaui sussl oublpu ont lmtfhnsk hvlk or walk 1 m iai t imvl tn e ll itujli i ul wall and ceiling f aj a worth 12 15 md 20 cents a roll to rush out at h and 10 cliitb a roll with a nine inch border lo match free window shades worth aoe arc oinjr at 25c only a few left 1 he first shipment of llul ida goods has anrivcd at the lru store j v kanmawin ijkuuuiht acton wednesday and saturday bmi weekly nol post omce this ia nearly as good aa a dally paper while tbe price is ouly tl 00 per ear if you subacribonow fur iwm1 we will send ibe balance of thia year rllkk of haituhi the earlier you subecribe llie mura y u gel fur your ii 00 sample copies ires on spplioatlon spectator printing co hattfltkw can waters bros guelph headquaftter9 for ploiuraa ftamei comloo poles wulpapors don t be satuhed till yoa have aeen ibeir stock and just now special bargain b wvtkllb uitos ner post office tit uoorgvebi savage cos 26 per cent discount sale -of- silverware -for- cash only winter liiid has no equal in ourin chapped jsands andlips aa for roughness of the skm an elegant preparation for the face after shaving prepared only by w g s7vitfcj druqoist nd bookselleb ao wj ndhim st guelph aayae jo jewll i lhj cuelph theatofjuring n scunu fitfumanau j -fit- pains n b- o5id if iif5 in using i 3 vjr limth0l plasll k neisr arrartrals just passed into stock third shipment of dress tweeds ind childrens cloakincs have advanced althougli woollen goods hve advanced we have them at the old prices just passed into stock 2 shipments of which we will offer at special prices all wool blankets new cream flannelettes cashmere oloes hosier ladiei unleneai etc kt cliuitc stoek of groceries tlwas on litiul butter and irgs taken as cash a k glrney jv co mill strict at 1 un the white front store 99 upper wymdham street headquarters for sthsii up to date suitings and overcoatings nawbbi lines in gents rurmshinib try a hull of wrtithl patent health i uderwear all iijvo and cheap b e nelson leading tailor and furnisher 09 uppor wyndham streot cuolph only jstixie days more viu the pluiui are ripe is the time to shake uk i the plums are ripe now and its your business to shake the tree at once a gicut uiuii iliii do uu buurdu utul wero dtiligliuil v llh thb n milt i t a uititi i i tipple exiroha thoir autpriae ut tho vuluo wu offtiretl in ovurmutt mm mml o iu on hutur dky laat rvhilo wo tully expottod ou to ilo jiibt wliut our hillrlicinctit tlatud now that wo in unin lutt lln ilk tll o do i nut wltut ot ctuully dome nmri hoo tho ijoodn itaeoiua to uu thutjou ar actuully doing i we veu t uro to ttay we sold us innu ovorcoata tin salurdnj art urc in tho ovorcoul hiihineaa would aoll in two monlh you aek why auch an unproceduntod hucclso in tho ovuiout btitiucia v we tipl lat tho public hutc lull fuith in our udvortiuotiienfti nd thuy found tbo good a even uxcoed in point ot vuluu what nu hiul roiuiecd tlteui our atatomont naa that wo would aell jou u f7 00 ovlrcout tor 4 u a m oven out ni u it and it 91 2 00 ovorcout for 8 3- bujh unj youth b ctmta iiut an t heap did wk do it f tliut a the queation ank tho mixtv puopk who put lun1 in it ua u 8ut irduv tho anawor will ho in every ciibo uuu jl jo h pi omit c wiih mure than 1 i only n1nk dab mokk in w inch to participate in ihm lhui own out halt in ttut titati wo t xpect to itavo tho buying public movltui huudiud ilollura iu not pinton puichailiig until it ib too into ci b ryan co at the right house lit llikti iiuum k udnnuii kr itrotiun lor out ul ciwn buy luutr hi dvaulatt ul lritn oiijr tuck nd lb cily koau uul pno uil tilr it tk dill hb odoii8 or ll 110 tl lcl mvlrl im1ihh iuciiih 1 jo i lrj wdol ll aidh wonu sootullso l o nrn 1 ilk j w 11 lower it ant1lh l ij ui- chill 1 tl rc ol tl olu no 1 ll t k it tl rnk 111 b o b b bt m11 mkr iilat h lib am 11 man m i h dau st its blanket wehther v tb bu it uiop nlnbl ilrowmok ml oot ovll ulnki uld t b y ol rar1 loudrou lou qolit ii tb but ol unit olu v 7 11 j iii kuj rio ion j ooo ws2sk m- wool bbl d lbu 0o0 ol bott 1 utw women h unulltwcalt oomnaenos with a good liuo st iu oauh rmoul linens ol lldorlojou hmpln ma on pollcuoo orjr llllcj u dy j ouinnnuu tub kiout uoutih kiog 1 baal ooiuar uuttbmuct umillor october ictb luso r c wtkitsrs h

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