Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 7, 1895, p. 1

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irtrt j- v 1 fcg i volume xxi no iii acton ontaiuo th0hh1ay noviwiltlch 7 l8l5 iiuck timee cents ffilw rton jro rtss la runtitiai evkhy thuhbday m0hk1n0 at thk free prrsbhteain irlntlnxotllrc uuhthret acton ont tasjiwor huoaui one dollar per year utolly in ad v anew all aubscrlitlona dtacun tinned whan ilia lluia fur whleti ihay havebeen paid hot expired tlia jala to which avery rl j ul- j aotmmtimimo llatm tran en i ad lortl aw dents id cants par nonpareil hdb for llrat hi asrtion s oanta jwr ins or boob aut insertion colmuct iutkbtiio follpwluit table shows mr rates or tlia insertion of advertisements fur speclfled penrlodai jhta l m 6 uo a mo i mo d lnoba i saoou i savoo i tgn00 tju 0 inches u 00 moo 1100 100 sinoba- hub i isoo im ajjo l mob i coo aj t oo 1 oo advsrtleamenb will he changed one each month if desired for ohancwa oltanar than oooa a month tlia composition nmat ba paid for al rasnlaj rata khstiffm for oontraet advertisements must l in tba ofoee by noon on tuesdays ii p uoohk editor and propria lor vusiness fiirectorp t f orhn m d c m b elliott m ii orriik o or the drur hloro acton m clean a uclhan itarrlatara hollallor notartee uutiuui to private funds to loan otoce town hal acton wat a mclum jo a mclsa d ouqla8 a muhuay itamnistkjia fioticltot notaslks ktc urricka hflwqnoan tt- porkdal motorlaglieuibara si victoria hi telephone j7 tumomto jonx dotut as a lkat e w uoyd it lierrtater boflcitor notary cuuximicm hullml to lfoax omroliootba lllock- uahtbr xnttolf iceat htreotsvllla each wadneeday ariaraoou palace uakorv lilck juop direst a j uakinnon luliniatbli rol li it r j hcnadh clatk fourth division court louuly til tlai ton conveyance asanl tiro and lif aaauranca ileal atat asant juouey to loan lc t q mitilebona j u mclkod lamlbtesia houiltom comnwibm asorgstowu and uiium uonay to loan at lowest rati roun day i ahcuitlct uutu14 jkt no a wynquam blml h hollctlor of patanu tor lovonuo a applications lor t lean and europe ho i trail on ol putst thirty two v f rancis nunan uookuindkh wynonam m lo aooounl ilooka of all hlniia uiada in ordar 1ariodlcals ol arary daaiailfitlonoarafullyuouud itultnr dwilt and promptly uoua job pttlntlno imluuinu ivinka pampltlau pualaitf till lloada circular dc e mmulwl lu tin boat atyla ol tba art at modarata prlcaa and ot all or t rotlca 4pplv or tddraa ii r uoxnu rim pnaaaomo ac to rpm moiiton h llaullhlt biior 0kltci urua hloro kit li btmjtkl a lui 0ait fruui n lu u ui walnwli iu haturday dvaulnua lalar walunfton uutuai fire insurance comoany bbtaniaanxu lbto inb011ancb on mutual plan any chmuwu oatlona furvardad to uty addraaa itoi vm u talapbona oh will ba uutupu attatmsd lu w m hlmstrelt llobmaali aocttunkaa yo tba coubiim ol walllngton add lio ordaraufl at tba kabm iftaaa ohlca aclou m at my raaldaooa lu acton will ba prutnjitly al laodadlo i- roducod lo oo fob farm balks alao moual to loan ou tba uioat larorabla arma and at tba lowaal rataa ol inlaraat la aaniaof amoandupwarda aljton macliine ami urjuiir shops numli iltlmjhll i iu atlh wall wijjmh1 wlili all lb tuaoaluai nacoaaary tdaikula all iwalra uldiatblu ory and aitrloultural lluplauiauta and tb du all bluda of ulnaiii ntllu bona abuatn aiiitaaimral blaajaatulllilh wuudwiirk taiira imiltinned in a aatlafaotory uiauuar w oau raiair any nacblue or lulaaiuut of any utaka tiaw kuuiutlnu null fuluh uuun wantkij akhu man in our uuicl lo latairi iba kiuuilll nuniiul tauada otrut tuianrsa tba larilaat ilia domini lai ttuu wrluuiul ttalary ui i uutuilaaluu totlakk willi uia incioaamii duuiand tui irult a oal tlon wltli ua aa aalaauiau will j batln ihui aiaid lu larni wutk hand ua you u and it will abow uu bow to aar hobuol laabara i iu jmt tba uilu fui m durlncthwauumiai xtrlia lor artlcular turuuu but thk mkthopitst church avciqjcl ftkv j e uo well if a paator iaiaoaatfa doaatataaur publlo ttarloa lawt m and 3di ui hunday olioolaraa ulblaclaaaoondueaadbytba laaloi alloordlajly iuviuhi icpwurtb uaaua of ctirtatlan fcudaamr uih uutuix tl ullthkwi praaldant uoauavarytuaailay avaulnf all young iaojila lurltud we have about 200 teachers bibles assorted sics wjnoli will lie sold off ht cost and some of them iviy below cost i trat donm rou tho beat valou davs book slouk dill iim day hki 1 s iii tl the traders bank op oanai5x canltal aiittinrlaotl capitol paid up llnat ouelph branch nt withdrawal or roiiihinl ll 3lat uay ami jotb novriilr iiajr jvarli ilopoalt ititnljiu iimiiih paitnara milia iiucoiiiiuhi tba culluflllim of aalon noh n a hiiral tnkl bulina lr url a h 1 i jonkh maliai williams boot shoe store our pouoy wb vral mir alora on a ilatarmluod policy of fair uinare dcalliih backed by roaourcpa and ability tbla uiaana that wa nlva tlia cilaloiufrra dm baiiefll iif tlie lowoat wla poaaibin ovory tlnin wo do not lauplierour ffood nor aac rlflcn any iimcla una lo bolatar up another but purcbaan caralnlly buy eloarly am art- hum euablad lo anil un narrow iiiarqllia ol prtini a baa won a rdiutatlon tor rnaaoiiable priroa lb a l wo intend aball atay with ua ami tlili prill clpla u in inirailoii in o ory ileparlumiit and on aory arttolo in our atock it naya to tra b barn lxcaurn you lot what you llkn and wlial lu iiivhi it aaa yon lo dnal bnr ihhbuki lllorti li a nicd lioucat ayalom o valui uui btuu in tatupotn in aval ln- u lauast aitd moat taabioumblo atylm in mens lodlon olrlo boys and children- boots shoes william williams mill st acton atom wig- a itttwdad to jiiwni- pmiiiitllr j h hamilton mm ble and granite hamilton ul ouelph t ttjo new conal iholu juil llul raniti tl a 1 3 norway swede rusala imullbh irish scott i of best uuality it and lna h ii uil lli skahdn 1 umi1ik rntutuliih lliaukaluuui i roni for ibalr i literal aupport lu tba paat wa wiab to lulorm you that aa bare aiileiad into an arrauseniaut with it htowalt uualb tokaaubonatautlyou liaud a full atock of tba ordinary also of sash doors etc ami will alao aupply any aiwclal aiara uu al ui i uollcaal tual loat frames of all kinds iuultuonlar wa alao kasp lu atock a in j tlaae wiudow and door laalnu corner lilocaa ac aat lunbr r urrakjl willie uo mali prlrr 0 per u jit t vltbar wood or iruu puuipa oib lly ii work guarautcvtl aatlafacturv 1leaaa call aud luapacl bfura uicbalua toon fcudage muuatr 4ctoit kvkhion mllls lvortoi i y iu 10 ita ball luil io c sll ui wllottt henry bortop acton flour mill chevne a chevne proprietors auolr iuuiiiiiu lip hi jkjsiuu ui auiiil ul nu ui tlidlmulli kltll fiour bran 8hort8 at riqht prices lll la dallvorad tii auy pari uf tba uu our iuiiiii ar cab and ona rlro loi all ikxil foraal to pauoulao boma ujut y j lira ua a fair trial and wa will loaa tlia niallot fur you to dec ida aa lu ule ijuallty of llie gooda ordara taksu al uiamdi or at j vtianuawtu lliu hloro oheyne ohkyne w barber bros papier makkbb next time in town it the jou dont drop in and see our lm7vtps sm the prices open our ee ilucs milt want to liu all right come aiiva alwijs pleased tcj show jou goods bond bt co hardware i guelph clqth hhl1- vt aic doing the siiiu iicdltablt class ol business that i ha e ilwajb ik en noted fui and wih he glad to see our acton friends who are in need ol good i all aiul ter clothing yours rcspn tfull shaw 6l turner miachant i ailo- hhllway faro clioortully rotuiidod full shoes now in i is w lt pi uct boota evoiy imi guaitinteg 1 w mcltaren ge ilklph georgetown ont maia i aractabti or machine finished book papers 111111 httadk wkckl1 htsvh tlia paper uaod lu tliia journal la frvui uia above milla wm daitdell bros main street planing mills acton ont john cameron a chltect and contractoi john cameron propriety acton i i k r y lil ail i kt ihwllullya ii i i pa m u t ta uf ilia ullu and luforui tbam ibal will equlppad audslyllbb riga oil al waja ba saaured at blaataltlva a ooliiloltal in lua moe tralna lelwoaii w a in ami h in i in araful aiumtloii u l aelywrdnt joiin wnii ms vvh walker riuiu i ij iajici llitgf i olllol 1 t had retimioil i ann lu i imul i uui will glva tlia linniltlif lila laiui nprlrmi iboaa wbu daaliv flil oiau anl tliatlr wr tlouao paiulltiu lapr llannnh i lia nallti hatlafactury tuil alwaji guanmtpffr and at w h walkth bqwvr of try tuk u ikaf lu day or tore roni llrilaln a abnro wolfo iho daunllabb licro oaiim and planbhl firm llrltannla flati on caiiailanfalrdomalii i horn w n nor lxal our rl in aud lulnnl in lore tofiiuior tim tlilallti hlia iii rook itoao anlwlnn tim ftlapla liaf rornvnr i cliiibl h tho klaplu laf our nuillrtn dear tlie uaplo lnaf furtlvnr tlmt aavo our juean and una ton lilrtaa tlia maple ljaf lorotor al giioonilon iieliu and lundy i ana our bravajaliinnaula by aliio kor froodom bnmoaaud lorod pnm doar plunly abmitl and nobly dfnd and tboasdoar rlgtiu wliioli they maintalnnd t awaar to yield tlinm nnvor our w a tnli word otoruioro aliall lw thi mpn liar lorovnr our fair dominion now oilon l kroij aim harm lo nootka hound may uacn foravor lfi our lot and peiitotm atoraa bihiuiiii and may iboae tlin irf lovo t oura v bloli dlaconl cannot aevrtr ami fliturlab crean oer pro doni limno tba maple ijraf foravor cnoai h tlia maple laf our embleni dear tim uaile laf furxvor the maple fororer on morry i- iiulaml far liuinl laud uay kind koaton awaetly mnllo ihi lleaa old hcotlaiul ovariiloro and irtiland kmerald lalu tim n wall tlie aemu imtb lull- 1 and loin nln blnlrolollib wbo an roal hull i u aru in ainiiniilclrtumiunmia i bavo no doubt but alinliftdvlaod nf bnr linlploaalmaa all i i iruntn kivnrty limy will romn to imr r ii f him ran diirbtu ibla mil i wi atln r lo riiniiivii 1 tim dlalaliraiint ihiiiiu tral will nut be loo fallil l on will umleralalidlbal i wlh to auuif at a tmtiici wllb imr kindred ixiluit it nl llnpllik irll lihitfully joiira 111 r ml tor ohlhvoourgneonand i tint maplu la fiimver sltlttt jamiln junumg wua t vvoi tli oiil i i kkk of nmico on jlui 1 noiw a vbtilolicd ijillokly un otitoruijj ills wife a tajty aitliu rcxjin wliotu ba found tbat matronly louklilk lllllo ixxly nnlartaiiiliik a half duxcu or mora u lur relative jubn rubbed bla bund with ovidoit ail tafaciun excla lining i an very jjlad to m jw viry lal in ai1 never wa an yud btforr and ajoiiud from olio lo die olber bo wlnl abakuift thalr liumln and really look ink juat wltal lie bbii what an amount of tratclltiik around wit a m -by- thw wppmtrtwtw- il i waul to matte irracnt i ahould bko you all to aliaro it but aa i can proartll it only to otlf to hold and in hop 1 am iu rittber a delicate pom tio i i don t want lo abotv a prrftrrem c rniusrn in favor uf my wifr- now wbo ta to bavo it it h tixnctbiiik f valui nvo it to uio no to mi i m 1 1m ulilrat i i n cod ll more llii u li 1 licac wpro tlio oritj all broun 1 id mra 4ubo boiuif lou poll to lo u jjo lie claima in jirefcroucu td hur kueatu only iih kod wbat alio tliunbt tbat john waa nut a bit smart or bo would have kopt wlialaver it waa and aald notbluk abuul it until the ulka were all yona and than bavo klvrn u lo bar wii now wbat am 1 lo do llc y u irr mccca ncpliewa coualna ural awcond aud lit if d all aunaklnjt al uiiu and all taur lo have what 1 liava to uive no their i olo alleul elloub wli bttk 1 ou don t ui i uliliiio in i auioaa jnn iblnk yon will aland no uiauca nb all i heart matronn or aro juu auoouleul wilb wbat jim bavo now m want uotbink mom t ab lloto tall tale bluabca well 1 mual bo huntiiifj up a wrdduik prccn i purbapa bia mi lit not bo aiiropoa hut now lu btibiucaa i bert la but one way to declda till luu will bavo to draw lola lvary ono before drawing will bavo lu oromina to bo fully aa tlllcd with ilia result all rl m tlie aimullaoeuu lioir wuia yn ku i luw feeble my im- 1 1 ij u aud llat h i almiil the inipurlitio i of n b in krpl from any monpy rjnrnttoti tt puttrtirt 1 atn willing to brio llri 1 i mill w lib n nko tirr alio la liur uicd t tu i 11 i old f 11 i m i 1 1 totalnh rb old ha it ixrt ml id iiimi jobn went i jf apor wtulc l bo table llliik ill alike ml prcaculud lulj poi ibnl kaliotla i aupkaa ii ib 1 ui ri l a it boloc ito not l in jou a until all dra h n oh ka ir aa you aro 1111 k lrt jou 1 hall dra lw licit although i jilte woitld put you du not kuow but olll laat 1 ii aw ow lo u 1 want yuu to rouilra ui lol irle sham wilb jou if yon t it it wa uuiood mil ii join mot 1 1 i bet ol be i lio ft huialo u in dm l ll i do draw 11 1 abajl nut krr t if lid jjcuowa 1 aaih lu a u in uiboi o 1 if lu uiib iiih 1 n till ilka ll wuiib batlulf ana win 1 hub ii yo 1 wlllt john al eal only lima well tbora 1 no l ui tl h i i ma bo it may ba jou if lot ic ba u iba priao ilia fourth lo draw waa mra wo widuw ijcntlo klud with an amount of worldly k inula h out ibo little roll abo aald if i ahould bo lllu furtuntu tb ptiao 1 acton sdw mills coaijanu wood v altuh jtx7wvibs brown llanlwout and a una o uu band tlr liouu euiuiuu block and priuti i uf iba loan at lrl a el lilra llarlt bla jkxikot a lollo fur aovoral anobu nflnr tho lotlar wak foldcil and relurnml to lubu i nltuu a ioo kottldl a work waa apoken at tontli mra jlartly ixitn to noinprnln id the ait uailon john fulton aim oscuimrd you bavo droaivrd mnt i iblnk you havoacteu vary onkciitlomanly in jinir own houau loo i to iniponn on a iltiual h oonlllmiuti t wall air at there wtia no prian notlilii l aluo in ba wun i think i inn fru lu di- ohno rlctuiny tho bunleti oii ib to ahift from your own hboiiblnra uud lninru on ma shall nut i oust lit to i my dear 1 think wo tilil wo hvo ample room hi nan mr llitrtly a liua bsinl tun think intorriiplml mm lurllj i itnow u is mm ply iniktmbh what wilh my dulkaaa priaubnt of tbu ladma ilumo miaaioti tico pretlilcia uf i ho hun ovuleut horilt and mi nvtary of the hew iii irck every momunl of my urn takon up every dollar thai can spare jubn 1 ilium lake aunt llti- v y ouraelf jf kate mihiiut t villi coriainly titlrvo ou lhmnjdm ob udd uiliil i unul i oh i whut n oii ibinklnu ulml men now tnioya do ban tlw t nat omndi nil ion fur women ii w tin i bav i r i only keep oipt amaiit and with hit i bildn u too i raiiinil stand un iv idh luniil ritrrt aud john if sou hv auv n v to aiinrii i wish 1 bad known u imfon lmir chil dreu every utir of ih iii b tlolh a i ii mil put off u mill mhnppiiix mmllii t day luke nit i hi vn the hr1 dnst 1 anir karnostly ha pi cad oil but iuu draw firmer hbo woibl not add an mlra paro to ao truo ft lioatl tctgently aha put him off raylnif v will oo wait a iiltlo while ilut iiidd aunt lliw ifrow so ill thifra waa nojrhanco for tboilitlita uf tho happy time one day aha oalleil iii atij aid my darluik ood llttlo lou i with i ooiiltl laivu you nomclhinjj to provo how muah i luvu tan i va only tba liltla lliinkq i fetched hero m must have all all i va but the poor blue lip ao 4iiq anil tiithtly ilrlwn aivered- hut willie a picturoarwanl lo lalto tbat with mr inl it wilh ma dear wa raisaod onrh uiiu r bore maybo we i find oach otlior in bravru i don t juat kuow wbat arnl him uo i uaeil to thiuk bo loved ma home one told him falio i think but niter mi nil that now all ia youra but thtu la tharlle down ataim 7 yen aunty do you wiili lo sco him aunty asaentetl and lou aleppnl joioajly out a few momenta more and charles oattaou stood with lou braulo tho bed i want you to write my will aunt llia whiaperod feebly i aint jjot much but i want loa tn have whit therw is sod un trouble sboul it can you do l mt to nnmi l a a veulv ii m qul n mrv lumh u lohl ui d lo ymir wrl u uuld 1 yu n itot ll ou wm l mini mayoatil sunly iaii 1 u limr uo uhlldron jour hiihaiid la ion h n o d hum nl in du do iliuvu llioio pojr luki care of aunt i behov vou illeula 1 lx um if 1 ah h lin un b a woiill h hi ten muiu y i n an 1 nu no won ild have hit mrpl little i u llaylon noili lally k- ii lud epokin ill alio uh 1i- rth i of alolklo but i hi unluly wu kind hearted and i u wm ell ulln and lately vety happy in tin pnrl m lharllo dawu a uive i i wh d lol saved aomitlunu for h r vmddiin ktiea which lulhr a i ivm nld ihi iirodod mkiu hileully she haltiim u nlll all lnil ipokn thoo llll uura in b ofl brown oyer aho baked t ouio lmua di d not muiuiua lit of yuu ill on n my bu 1 ir i r my pan 1 will ali i i 1 e uiutl of tall bed ixdatir and ii half duen ol palcbwork iiillla a pall f well wot u an 1 darutd blaukida iiuiurr un old pu 1 1 n uf cul hl mi i days aud reloa i f leprl 1 frlrnla fit silver p u i imtinilail 1 t bold annul ul a bumbk home aunt 1 lit n my luppy will lb uftbo klud intention hiulad alluld to u k aald j hi a wile a i length all weio d awn all vino ric o know their ate john tfivj llm woid and iulokly tho slips wero unrollod iiimi aany uul mrs ilartly i lulbinalloub of disappointment danil the lips of all aavo mrn w in tb ami lltfla iau what la ll ou show ll or toll mo what it la i on i uacrly juhu irwfk from opciiiu 11 he aald i cannot flow ll pial no cousin milt dont be uneaay you aliall not loan what you havd fairly won lu a row day 1 bom lu put you lu imiaacaalou of iho prlae john lead out huh v i ton kao uhin hia i am iba ujmlkal adtlaei all i frlsnijot ulaa kllaa wall ttouia uara aav i bad tba pleabure uf uieuuu you allhouuh yuu aia not a ralallvw of ttm aliovu uauiod lady i bavodauruiliieil ui laka tbo lbarty uf wrlllnu aud luluruduti o of tier destlluia noiidilluu 1 am t utlrrly unacijualutad wltb any uf b t kin drvd i liaiieve your wllo is nearly relaind a llitm bucit lufotuiid aevral ot ulaa walla 1 t kin a to wollh l and novo ptj b 1 u wrlluitf w iho lulappoal i iu atttnkth w wuikld at urn ilm wallo1 ll her lhall to fool bc ai no ho oovir ihuuj very ureal i an mi worth rultoti abuiiu 1 mr mra john a filunf ot uliinala ntciaaui lug a uiirau to o w nd s 1ci1 lulotuivd aeiral ot alltol ldol aud him b burden uh i an i john unolvl ndii ihaiikr i bnby retjuir itahd mothor ki mire of tha john aikums and irnjipfnn her head on cbarlioa shoo j a cup o cold water dor lou kohbod forlli bar aorrow th- mmn by te window iooki ami charlie bniva fellow t wanlol to ool th ltr that wa attll noisy in uko hia dear lova all iho more ami ri ipu of n paoo ii it iranio away wanted lo alioiimor tlio burden him- up lown hiaps there ware church ixl i lha ed ny profc amit ila sura on know what lo say iol antj aud all i may our have put that word lu ever bate who know wbo know aha whimpered willmu tn humor her harlie did her bidding ami in a low moments i old her it was alt null tuul lliai a mind was baier than they lhiuht she inaiated thai tlio landlsdv sod her aui be acul fur lo hear tho will read aud witneaa ll that done barliu upiwrleil in r while aba wrote bur name rrtiuenlly inurmurliio wbo knows ahe soon foil into a ulet sleep a lew daya aflcr came tho day which wan lo have been lou a weddin day aunt j il aeemed paarinu h ntly away x be low aoulhiuu tones of the man of lod had just ccaaed wl en a alight knock waa ard al iho door barlla dswsuu uiened ll lo admit a atraiier to all a few hurried words uf lha alrautter approached tho bod nldc aunty tbla thtloman al ilea to apeak you are you able to ha leu charlie acd i bo half loacd eyes ueued with mure lolllkaiice in them than for many lioura 1 ho aliaiior who waa a lawyer drew nrrr and told her be bruuifbl her lid llia rum one who bad but lately passed way lrom wliilot aoni kh mmiuurcd i a carco audlblu voice von from willie tho lawyer told nd lhaii pridiiink a dooaiiiaul bo road while tho woudarinit frieuds llivoluu itily drow nearer lo watch the effect of lie atrauito now run i bo dying wumiu william tlarner a will it waa all ot bla n moil no fur i mm ha bad left lo bis unly ve in tho advuul of bor doath to thoao caret to her 1 always lliou wlllr l me in no kd lu know ho did be does auul llaa wblbpored a aofi aweot aiillle aett iiutf over iho nrtd face katferly her eyea i i i the i ha ihey diew nearer with iwible etlui i e tried to join the hand ut each and hinered tlio nmlilnr a name alt pioaaul mnl or stood the uupokcn mil u ilb claapcti hands lou aud t harhe stood bt f ore iho ciojk man a litllo while more and barlla lod bis bride oloser lu lle bed plaoe 1 her hand attain in aunt 1 ilea i and hi a low rarueol 11 tank uu aunmo 111 oss ood oblldr oo 111 fui ir a ako al lilt t- llaa aid b voioe wli nit al moat too am it lu bo u tide i stood mil ly 1 ho oy llda di oowd aalu w llllc luvi 1 mo 1u in aid kln f lllllo a ei ltlo l b and aunt tll a nl wa willie w h i 1 ult would llbtl ll i id ii 1 ir uld ou 1 ha k ui a al idonl llarll i 1 oar 1 ilea i it to nk wl 1 mt- hi ba o been llut bow iiilbb anu lltlhtablm i 111 nowapa- mo ki 1 ntjir1 dukoa many amerluaii ea and ao aro htcklii beoauae an ltiifmi naiiy ijtillnh dukea y tl ink ibal ibeir daiilitt ri ouhl uu du braaaa and we lliluk that our men iiitfl lo looinn uio imoliand 1 dlkn will till liuruau heiioa i i am llk wl ill llllr ui and lb wluuh ll ii buy it and oo out mkiiik ia we llilihl juat aa irini te our rciialclraul euerqb lut tbiiik in wltltti llioir esleijlae would ttitive i bully kilukui bucket u k lr fc lnubhinl bltamtms deiioil ury douk mpauy vm urt the hren of lake llalkal woe h iwria ibreu kreat iuo uruahiuit t lei rlnirlri oat in the hi eased country h know jual how the clear sweat call rauu across the farm land a from iho lllllo white mootlnm bouse 1ml down hare waa no bum ffoalion of audi music tho bund ay nliave hod brouiht out all tho furrows of bis weathdr beaten face and lha leisure of tha day allowed a weary disappointed look jo aotlla about his alon abut mouth aud faded bluo oa ho waa jookitik at tfu dinky laco curtain with a bunch uf iatrr llowers pinned aroartly ajjainst against ii that flapjied and fluttered before an upen window aoroaa tha way but hia heart saw a very different plot are a small county farm house miles and miles away and a clean brmlit win duw gay with acfolel bloom and vivid greeners tba tnouth shot a iiltlo cloaer and lha knotty finder drummed a nervous tattoo ou tho widow ledite ibot drew a troubled j lance from a swnel srreno woman wio waa moving uielly but brink ly about salutiy tha room in order putting awat uia breakfast dishes and d im the scare of small unnotmaablo llnu by which lha truo homomakcr anls her aoal upon her domain now alhera tbinkliift about uld tunes atain she said to heraolf rr mi ho never can kit wonted to living in lowu htlll the nervous ileal went ou and preeently alio spoke i ttuets i bettor til on my lliiiis it s oonul able of a pi old in cborub uu it a clean hau kcrchlf father t her hosbaud put ins band in hit hcket mechanically and turned to fain her 1 was llinklnit lie said slowly 1 duuno a i care very much about hi lo meeliii iblh moruiii homeliuw i don t eem lo feel lo home ho atop awallowod hard aud cleared hia throat taint lu ustur wa ahould liviu all our llveh lu tho country astculed tbo woman aud 1 do a poae it co men harder ou you than hie home la homo to wimmct- folks wherever tu and you vo always imon so atirnti but if i ddu i uo lo incellu 1 ah d feel as it i cot luto a treadmill aud was jobi ttoin round an round forever i thought the alin was real upllfliu last bunday did ye wall somcllmob 1 loely afraid i va fell from raoo tbo lhla that itiut to 10111 through my mind rlhl lu meatiu and ibb bauday i couldnt linn of b tolrjbwt ititdfr bat ibm there pleco that ouoey bimmoua spoke lu the sociable kind ot silly 1 thought it ra thin and uol any ways suitable ftj- cburali aoiu s but it ut run in my bead till i dldu i da st tu jiuc in iho doxoluity leai i should biiit lit a u a viaiiiii baik lu jrikki by btallon i ho lauithod aud looked at bla wifo lu a abamo faoed fashion ibeu he wipod his wyes on bla clean bandanna handkerchief and blew ila nose vikoroubly iho uixhi woman laughed also but aba had her back toward bim lakiiik her beat bonuui from iba lop drawer of iba bureau aud tha only aid what a momury you have nut fur veraca fattier 1 bat pieco am t ciautly pious but 1 duuno aa tboy a any barm in it aud it is real louchiu tboy went down tho nanuw dark alalia aud out upou tbo alroot and iiothiuu mum was aald for soma lime iiut whon they were walking through tlio park ibay always waul that way ttt awe tb apavaewwa llultac llko drifts of brown leaves abuul tbo ravel walks auj the muky everrtrcou the wilo aaii keutly i tell yo father how 1 do i juaa make b licvc lo my aolf 1 vo loiiio here a vinilin and dou i cal lata lo atay louk and if thiuk dun i null 1 aa woll 1 can make ll du till 1 b homo and ao 1 don i aculo dowu to oellugs aa if 1 wa u t ftolu back 1 dun i a pose a mail ouuld do tbat way but you know paul ke up ha bporrlla by say in be waa joel a sojourner without any couliuooiu city it waa an uufaabiouably oarly hour when tboy reached tba church and slipped iuial ly into a paw near iho door tbo janllur klancod critically at thorn an bu oamo mlu their uolgbborhikid to not llmbuluf ttuunri aeol by iho ilurial or uio rortpil deura tloiia a lall beautiful k 1 black look the flower al the altar and rapt lly airaiik ed them lu tao slender v itaoa aud aa aire lifted ibom from their nafn oivcriu the odor hhe looked fruui lliuo lu tuna at tba bliadkora oapculally al ilia woman whose eager oyea followed ovciy motion of tier lluttera aud when her wurk was uuui ploled abo oamo rapidly down llio alalo wilb lite empt boi aud ui a pale pink rose lu bet baud opposite iho pow alio lunu la led an inslaul tlio i hur faco u laliod and what a lu i m ulj u be tbuuxbl sluppliik al lo duui tu look batik ukiii them i wiab i darwd and llluu aba did daro hbu went back lu uio and aail kontly i lliluk you aru alraukra would yuu iui like lo mule lurther lo thejruul away irpm the diaubl ol the door i ah like lo take you lu our pow iba old coup in iba plans of uf tbat blcaaed cuunlry i without pruluat to ouo ill the aynakukno 1 bo haai i tbo ilie1 foal lbu laiko pi uu aolellod fur ll ut lbeir keonniaa uf vial rme lani cully upuu il o tu uatoluod to all hrouith all tho yonta y llo followed hot if ibu luef aoala in voa that ha i aud iho lovelr the doatrt lu an i 1 t and ikii m reely i cbildi in a alariinnk extent r ai th a www iat him know bow inu h she uocdod help 1 ho noblg k pt up a bravo h nl and cheer tul lllllo aud can fully k it her bullous tbuukbls itoiu all but ba a duwaun wo cannot b untried juue lot r lie aha said her llpe tremblin a btlli ob luu you will not treat mo ai cruelly barlla aiiawiteil his ii tie ec fall uf rrppmiul and than the uiaiu 1 heart failed with itos to uir hibena hoad for tbo veaaola will ba iiumii ol after iho hi l and mault hto mme wluub wem built tor u40 ou lulh south hhnro t atlantic ltoaui for all ear uio aqtoai tba atrsiis of mackinaw hero bey aro clteu compel lod to break loo wadjowa live jxpc thiuk which the du wilb ease iba vaseou aro buill with two wheela uuo aa ordinarily al iho aleru tor l a a a iu at l atom warkluk ataiusl tbo prualllul furtw to creatu a current under tbo loo ahead to hnau it up i bo boa la carry tl loadod tan il uiaka iii miloa an hour throumb i o n ol thick ihey bavo never beau dulad mure lhnu a few houra 1ha uew ruasiati veaaola will be larger and will have 7 00 horae hwar each aji iiiaohlnory on tbo like uaikl veaaela wtu be built a i oetrult baid iho man as tboy vent back through lha park lion i it aeem lo you mollmr ibal vouu woman aurl ul favor i larloe huluni lu i llli i nco hho oouldu i very well favor em both said his wile ioaplii into tho folds uf llei liandkortblef in aeo if her loao waa safe aearlp one a li au tbo olhor a dark cuinplocted i kueaa it a juat cause aha oeulal llko yuur own fulka down u oniikjby htaliuu ho looked al his wife in mild astonish moot that abj ahould abuw a trtvolou spirit uu huuday aud then a reapunniii tuk fav1t of thk aol tha fault uf tbu ab la a mad aiidoavor to leap to imiilhu that wore in ado 14 ollntu lly a burst ofatrnnmh or a lbnunbl that la ntovi wn plan to outwit and fun- tall lime we acorn to wall fur the thlnu worth liavhin wn wanl i lull noon al iho day a dim lawn wo dud un pbiaaiim lu lol hi and savlnn aa our tondailiiira did in the iod tliuus nu wn form our rmi0 before tholr aessull toblihitn biidhloaautil that wi may war an i tin il wn wolidnr ami aak llin rnaatin why pnruct bu l aru ao fow an i ran a tbo bill luaplaii the utunh mt thu wealth not aa a ruwfard lu aul ibii slrmiitth thai fritlim woublfella rial or in id a to to onvnl urn prise yi t skrllik irou the wlunlii to llilral for ulory ynl fear hid nhl why what can it load tu at last hut suuiltit to inuntal languor ami moral bllnht llottir um slow uld way of atrlvlnu true courtesy general lea waa in the cares ioinu lo lhihmoid orio day and was auato i st tho and farthest i rum tlio door lliu olb r seata wure lillul wilh oflioara and soldietn an old woman poorly dreeaed uutcrcd nl one of the station slid luidluif nu itrmt aud noue hwiui bsaii btltirad tu bur appruacbvd tba end where tho loneral wan reate1 lie iminedlaloly ruse arid vo in r hi aeat inn tan lly thorn wn a k risuiit ittch mm uffeiiu ins neat lo tho oner i hut ho chilly said no k men if lliort wsn uu neat fur tho lullrm id v uui fur i iho iitcl was reuikikablr onu afl r anolher kul nut nf thn ar 1 ho nil- aeemel lu ba loo hot for them i hn ooti eral and lha ol lady ninli bnd die cur 1 thclllbtlioa iho ii in h t wllcrwt wlk with a fllend in winhllltoi who a i 1 i ed man iaaaiiit by bowed very luw t luui mr webster rotiuned ai deop an oboibbii oo you bow ui that way to a darku bhkcd hia friend would ou have me outdone in politeneaa by nero rcpllud lliu treal hlalcaiuaii aud in his replv there is itrtnt mdom none uf un inn afford lo bo outdoiia in ih la by one or uilhir a poorer or richer courtesy a wise bird at llm columbian exposition i uim f uio kucrios uf lha electrical buildlnc i camo anions au esbiblt that would allfbtl euoral atteullou i iblnk but which renl ly micro led me ll waa a aectiuii uf a redwood poit thnl bad been pa of a telegraph pule uu uiiu i tho 1aolflc lums iba poat was literal i houoycombvd with holes and ui mam of them waa uloaely fitted an acorn cilbur en tiro or partly dccayctl 1 ahould have beon at a luaa lu uu lo land iba maauinit uf this minima uila bad uol a card which was lucked tu lli poat enlightened me 1 hn boles it slated weio undo by tl woodecker and the aoorua j laced in lln in by this providoiil bird lu oriel hint 1 mlrli i ubtaiu food when winter was al at hand aud tbo deep auown uf that 1 1101 covured llie earth iho woodeckor doea uol oal iho a 1 1 bul lota it remain ulllll it bolua lu decs 1 lieu luseuls ul varioun mda feed on 11 whon the bird viails ua alora uf aoorua aul llluc bl will oil tba luiiuj iroaluci bu nnda lliore a wise and ucoilou bud la it nut i oh uhluukrt logic wheu tboy were trylmt or hriim nil 11 e trcabylery tlioy anked very hard iicu 11011 or hrikk tho moderator 1 you bohovo tho lluly hcnpluroi oontaiii tho word ut uod ye aa traualalo by no oo you bdiovo tbat moaoa muiu iln noi moxloralor while mui audi tor ahaim w llal part did wnu iho moluralu lhluklii the lbui bad walked lulu a lisp well er or the ac i death au 1 then iho doctor lo ntly a uio tl wi wbllu npp e rt rooted the aleu mo local n sulltsbrul bcj 111 hill ii you c i ho b hi 1 eye aul pi an i planted thorn in the aul laid by the in lease of lbem 111 iba iuiiuwiuh n im n hoplautid tbo larger crop galhel proviuun auiumo 1 he potatue beallbily and did well and iiib year a i bushel iho la utite1 lo f ner akol u lu twinkle oamo into li is owi 11 ayes tthna tb 1 tuat oho that a realise aha waa any kin tu ua with a whin laical sadoebb r uyo alittr 4 ar ji rrjll 1 i uyrrowod iroublea are lha heaviuit ltoura to cold damp winds may result 111 puaumutila ua4aa iia suateiu n kepi luvliturbled with mood hariaparilla planting wuuld umi all iii laud vulyutltli illi 0 lu den 1 iho lay ul mall llmp i loiame cullttl lauhhhal duafnub strung anil uurdaurwu lualliru uf tliu lurstlvo puworg or ui aituw t cutarrltal powdor vctlonaaak luiuoj tluu w 11 i 1 john mac i nu of wililu a 11 1 it n ri madi uao ot l t uuim powder and say 1 in 1 lb uu li un according tu dtroctluua an i f 11111 1 ll ui hi a jbuwlarful tun for caliirtm deilnui 1 can hear at g ol aa evoi v ii will iln 1 ao imuu uboloul f ir wlliuo ploaaa setrtl in auolher bultlo alter rcouiiu ndunj th catarrhal euro lo my uuighbor alio niii tlio wuudoiful kihxi il baa duuo mc wai i a bolllo nojou will ploao aoud a uiul and blower tu her alao ouo short pull uf iho breath through ih tutferlliptoi tr agiow a catarrhal 1ow lor ditfuaen un tiowdor over lha aurlaou nf i bo uaapl pay agoa 1ainlcatt and dellblful to imt i ruliovoa in tun miilntua and peimam nil euros oaturrh hay lover uolde lioadaclu soro throat lonaililis and dajiluer n couu ham ule bottle and blower suit receipt uf two thrao tent alaiupn h 1 deuhoii iii kuirth htrett luronti 1

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