Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 7, 1895, p. 2

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jjwbspvuwtjrii vj h hi iilnltlllnu on friday nov ul hid wife til luuruu uotbiir ol a mn kill i ik al hlollwtlllsins mi kaliinuj ilih oct iho wife of t alulllll nn h jua uhtrn a llm mil iilnwii out dailla oimiiktt c utitrl tirnth ihiiiiiiu tii day hiiittr nlli ty lu i n lliuinaa itinllttt 1i mary i rtorlr birth at tihrkuuw mnlitiv moonl al ilia rvsib iirmimlii 1 ride lloi r bj1li i a mnlr ii john htiltlo mortoi of lnni1t out in imaua nursiiin v latin ftloatu if llooruotowh jiinth llminiitfat moslmro al llin rllhm urn hrido father mi wodnrailay mill oot bv ltiv w h hall uftornuut a ml jntwe kbij iiiiuatfor of ilia trad or hank llunlili luuaruamt only daughter of julm i llobeon mthkatiua hkklmlwon al tbe reeldcnoo of ilia bride parents howar annum acton on urliimuy bth november by iter j w kan k a mohuagui u i id aluen to i font laiujhlur of llavlil llaiiilursou kw m 1 all of aqu11 i 1 itonou hmtl ivlllr f llll f ii lejoo of u 1uv u w mi dot al i wl nir al mm re id on co of the hrltlu a parents koiuk ti liteertar mou liiil tli november by luiv j t llee mr lluuoan uedouuail sun uf the late jnhu me duuftell to flora a daughter or al waliiln r both of kujumiiih tilt it tuijiiblay nommiu 7 1h0s notts and comments iuitmxaiot hva boon notified dial a direct parcel ooal service bo i woo 11 canada and ilonjj k my has ino inio effegl vancouver the rtih aromiran cents per round ll la new reported iti wuinipok that the ceuialaxurp of manitoba will mtrl before the data ol i ho meeting ul lsrliament lo oouniler tlio reply tu tho last communioa tluu irotn ottawa oon corning the sahoula a remarkable orjjatiisalion to one depart tuoni of their work baa beau ealabhsbod by 10 now lork ohurches they have united for charitable and philanthropic work to tho to no moo i house diairiol and ttioir plau ta to divide the territory and out common fuud provide fur iho needy jioople who livo in ll judge w w chapjn of tho recorders court detroit has atruck terror to thi saloonkeepers and hotel man by hia an nop need decision t ha will horcaflef actid to jail without tho option of a ny violator of tho injuor law who oomoa bflforo him aa a reaull liquor balling on sunday 1 now very carefully undertaken accordltin to ofllcia1 return the ltod indiana now iitaluded within the i 11 1 ted htaea mtntboe atwut-a- of mtllluo of ihoae about 75 per cent aro nolf aup krtinj of whom over 1 per cent mve out aide iho reservation pay te and are counted in the fjeneral jopolatioo faat year tht indiana raised over eleven million buahola of wheat beside other products after ao many ears of decline tho rem nam of tha once numerous raoo aeema like ly tourviie ilia following almhcftiilolaubo apjmared in the addrcua from the throne at ihe owiiiig of the lueleo iarlitmant at jue brc last week ilitacnpetaiica oonlinuea to oaiiae ft real ravafjda in tho midst of bur ouuutioi it ib the duly of ilia lovrrn tneut to have tho laws govern mtf the ala of intoxiotttntf hguoni oarrttd out still mure vnorniialy an 1 tlllolcntlj and it la your duty aa uood llllriib lo aaaiat in the a ten in lillxhniciil of ita uak it does nul uko uh lo loarn how to evade laws euaclo 1 lor the jirotootton of aoclely against the daiihorn of this trafllc theroforo you will this yoar again be otlloil iun lo amend those uwt a liable movaake haa been reoeived by the department of trae and om moron direct from new zealand to the cllool that the bill introduced into tho leulaturo by tho hon j u ward providing fur reciprocity aa to cuatouia duties between that colony and other ijrltiah colon lea with aptcial rafarenoe to canada failed lo paaa when ll came up for its aeooiid reading on tuesday laat opinions aecm to have been pretty ovenly divided 011 tho bill a the majority against ll was ouly two so that it may be that tho proponed reciprocity irreuioiil which was an outcome ot the olunlal conference last oar has not 1 oon wholly defeated but merely paiponcd 500 selsf0r 5105 actons sound financial poaufoj 4ttraottno attention of prdm- inant capitalists finb debentures well sold i he citizen o this flood town may well coiijjratulato themselves npdii actolt a liiili standing in tho nnanalal cenlrm of the dominion the oaple who msko tho placs lirtvo always foil a pndn in the aleady irufino wliich has aharaclanxod acloti utur sincu its incorporation there haa been con slant improvement yoar after year our borders have i teen enlarged by lour new surveys now at root a have been opened mauy fine now buildings hate bean cjcpcled and oar mann facta ring industrie ami con currently our population havaieen 00 ur stantly incrravlng- as ihe municipallly has adianrpd in importation and in wealth iho council have from limn tojlime bffrcli d such improve mou la in new bmldinn- park streets oiulproenl s wero beat calcu ated lo keep the town in a foremost position and rondrr it attractive in visitors and proa pro live resilient thoaa improvements liavoalwaja jieen kept within tho means of ufa munbipality debenture coupons and interrsl hsve invariably been jaid when due and ainkiax funds are annually provided for at a reault wo have a town in which tho popl lake a jnel prido wlmro public buildlota and improvement aro modern and np lo the tiinra and whore the annual sate of isxation is lower lliau that of meat places of our pjpulation i hi reault baa not only commended itself to oar own aitixen and riven ihtm the highest conlldeiico in acton a solidity bol it has attracted the atlenliou nf the financial world and whenever wo have munloiil debentures lo place upon the market they are eagerly sought for by the keneat unsocial oeralor no more sstisfactory proof of this could be desired than thai revealed at thoconucil on monday evening at tho o of tho tenders for tho debentures for our latest advance in municipal equipment the new steam ore engine and apptirtenanoeii no leas than eleven tenders were received from well known capitalists and fluanctal insti lotions and the successful tenderer agrcis to pay the handaomo rate of mi 17 or our h wo flvo per cent twenty year debentures 1 hi is equivalent tu a pro mium of 115 and will piy the internal for nearly throe years thia is certainly the highest compliment that could be paid to ihe fluanauu standing of anymamci paiity wtten critical flnaocilm are ao generous in their bids for our municipal paper surely there is no just reason for pessimistic talk from any quarter reaped 1 g acton s future the council met ou monday cvoniug ill regular scaaiou iteevo ivarsun in the chair member all present ihe minute of laa inoetiu were read and confirmed the committee on finance presented their seven taon lb report recommending pa menl of the following ace uuta u 1 uooro irliillu ate 3 u j oil 11 llarvoy umillllllll tllo im i- ire klajl 1rluuns co alverllrlna latxu turns t 0 ulobe 1rluuua hi ajlfciru1 11k to a1u111 xmk uracel for kli llauilltou ho or 1 liw rk for lira i rutoctlui 1 ii iiomi t ban r bbaun lllclianl tuob 1 c ttluiaill acton public school t nnmon of tho pupils whp took ffrtihobt stnndlna in thn oototuir i ewnmlnntlorm tho tolloainh lathe roiult of iho otsml nations for octolier in tip pnljlic school here 1 nihi 1 r 1 tin mi m jltii mnrit lnint- jr mfil wsllarr- jio lonlon lliinitcrson 10 kn f cuik win a ill jm hsrlra mclm inoua ilolmn- 2 11 jim l i lass tv nivalin mul luoaud clr ohbau jll lorn lleiideraoti a ml minnie harding 22 ill las livalorrjutkn sit erth hoiuhl 1dj kdltli nujklin i millie 1 bbae and mary harny 1h0 marks mm t t mmii teaaher hciiior- minniri arlliurn hsi lntrruiidisti i ihn ar unr- j j i arthur mulionsld jij 1 lit 1 warwick jju junior mabel boprr 227 rtto mo donald ik nolaon itilrr ill j antes wilds j0i mark posiiblo 2ai m int i metier iiiiuk 1 irtiiruisr huiir la hlnr 11 red i is irtt drvile millar lfo u anl kwach hammer 1h1 junior na itndnr ii iu iiirl i1m1 florence hoaer 1w jo no htihmi son iw part ii laat llador 1 mina hud dick vjo myrtk matthews ikf alice ijowla l marks k 21m1 i i 1iiimf s loacher iart ii hllie matthew h nl i hi 1 tia vr it las part 11 imio jlimjiam ill 1 he condon newspaper in r upland the ullu ilial tuppowd to voice uublio arnllmunt in that country ll would be imikiaalblo say tho 7iwtr lo tlud anything which aland fur ao much luas lu soul body and oalate as iho public house i veil if we accept tho best lhat can bo made fur it 111 principle iho fact is it is till a lingo nuisance slid misery there is uot a vioo ur dl miami or disorder or a aro it y of any kind thai has not us frequent rukd in the public house again tho public house dog ratio rulna and hrulaliara a largo fraction of the llntlsh people it would tax tho liifminuty of a prohibition tlmo thcao tht hyams twinson trial without oirrioulty ow in protrroata ioiuimto nov 0 4 welvo good inou and truo were sworn al u ml u clock last oven tog lu doterimno upon tho guilt or inuo ce 1100 of the twins harry ilace hyama and dallas thoodorfi xi jam ao far aa thuy may bavn ikkii oouiiectod with tha niyslenuua doalh uf william hiuiiock walla 111 the warehouse ot tho acuuasd iu colborue stroot lo ibis city uu tho mum lug of jau id 1hjl m justice 1 orgua iu was uo tho ho noli i ho c uuael engaged uu the ease are from among the lllml bi llllalit legal minds uu tha american continent and ihoir presoiioo will havu muah lo do with the liittftost whlih will fullnw the pronooulioii uf tha acuusad youog uieu duriug the rsst few woeka dnpuly alloruey unsl arlwright mr it 11 o j and wwii vlliirnojs dowarl aud t urry rarront ilia row n while w luunt ij 1 an i mr w murduik roproaeul llatry llama slid mr 1- 1 ll joluaoii j hi d mr i horn represent dallaa h yams aanooialed with thoaa ouanallors aro mr francis l wejimau and ur w w luocli of new york as ua wsat ts t tbl moved by a h ni al ac 1 j by j willi at thai th scveuunlh tejkjiluf tin h insuoe cjommillee jtut road be adopted 1 be lendeia for thi the hire irotoliiiii debeuture were opouod by the iteeve aud found to be aa lolluwa hum llruw wco to 11 o llara a 6011 tu roll to loo a buoaoii toioiiu ontario uutual uln lua ai a jarvla tortmilo j a ualdruui iuel ll uu imjulvalolit ul ilauuiu llrua kluutroal iuui dui atjcotutau llaoillum i j lu llliift uf hamlluiu iduikviuhii util til muvod by a 1 nickllo atyxiuded by 1 fcrauci lhat the teudor of mesara hume itrown a co toronto of klo- 00 for the tire iroloction debeuturo iiu llin high eal be accepted tar nod ihe j tlim aud with the hire lrotoolioti omitutm mesara hluroy amrroo urui mcdrail bbafr li tudellaiid li no wore praaaut mr m matthew rtqiraaculliig iho cauada hubbcr co was pnaeut and inter v lowed the 0111 mil toe in regard lo pur baaing tbe hone aupplio with ihu euglua he guaranteed tho hoae fur five veai when vote being la son it a aa ornrl uiiammoualy thal the oflet of ml j h i tonal roe acceplni via lhat he should give another teat uf the angina and lioao and if tbe huae withstood the pneaurr and nu breakage occurs tbe council purchase the hose after uinlderablo consideration anif diaaussiou it was thuuglit advisable ilial tho members of tho committee meet at t 0 clock uu i uobday morning al tho place where tho mains aro being constructed lu consider tbe beat method 1 f laying the 1 lie approaching thu jjouil and slao tbua outer lug ll ommlttea tbeu adjouiued al a 1 1 otep watbrwavs w-uiis-to- nov i i ndar authority of act uf ungrcua providing tor a juinl canadiaji and t nited htalyv cumrniaaiou to ouquire aud report on the feaaibillty of ealabllshlng dnep waterways between ihe great lakes aud the atlantic lmn the 1rraldoul has apjiululod jaiuea 11 augrll of ulohlgan john t rubhii 4 uassachu set la and lyiuaa j cooloy uf illinois aa american oninnnaslonora ihe gentlemen aolacted by ilr cluvelaud to rspnaeut tha dolled htata are uf juu lass lurl 11 ktruld nicklm 170 arnil mason inl john 1urvia 111 ken lass iart i malcolm mot aoh eruii ihj artie ltamnhaw 1h0 hilton joii 17 1 mark- jmblo joo m 1 nti s tcaijici rut vehdict quiltv uuth shumla and holman um provun gallty of murder during thn week two notorious criminals have been declared guilty hy tho juries em pannelcd lo hear etidinre in tlioir rospec live casta llmi iiai n t nov i the siiirtlo trial eudod hi 10 iiioruiug tlie prisoucr was brought into ourl at lootittiil seiitrucc of death aneii upon him si emu at ihu moment hhortln btrpit 4mm the nleelif tt mirt me hi addressed bun as follow prisoner j on have been indicted tiled and conncttd of the 11114 ler of loliil lo 011 the ural of march 1ki have jou auylhiiig ti uflcr wti bcnloucc of dratli nb old not be pro nuunced agamat jm accurdltig tu the law if ii have jou must oiler it now and you ah all bo heard when the last ui nliun ttas put to lilt prlbonur he aiiswerctl 10 a cluar steady wiee nothing llisnk you his houor judge mathn11 uot addroaal the primmer as fulluwn the sentence of iho tuurt aud of our sovereign lady tho juocu is that you 1- rancla alentine uthbcrl hhortls be taken to the cimmoii f of this district of iteauhariiuls mil llnro kept 111 strict cutloily mil 1 1 tin thud day of january lirxl al pistil 1 iloutltilhi lilt ruing when yt u will in lakeu t ihf plaeo uf nltltitlon ami thrrc im nliall ihi hauieil by the uuck until uu an iluul and uioji lxl bikii pit almost dead ptiaule condition of a yuu no t oirl in toronto a myntorlous lllnoibdootorn won unnblo to olvo hor any notluf hor unolnu story of tho cgktu u btpry c i n tin v i hu reiiiarkabln rulunry of ora from a inyatenoii iiiiikhs lint bill1el two ot tho heal known phymoi uih of wilt toronto hai lieen tho ulj it of u oil luil of talk among tho niilnh 111 th iirighbirlimilof minor ulr t in i union wiuk avonuo an it wt 1 xrixuiviily put by a neiglibjr bo was ail but duadvjiut suddenly hn begui to rugain stroiudi aji 1 1 in a hliort tnno wni out 011 tho atroe1 wilh tho color rssloroof 1 imr chtuk and the hrightiioaa to hor jaruing of tin cto u re rrinrlr called ml her unnli mplinu uinmni who is the pfoprulor of ihe iii or hum hlun store at lilt norm r of iimiii wk ivv uilc aud with wliiuti shu his liwl lmt from iurackiay on learning that his vnilor wu relmrter ho was lomawhtt huh to apoah of thp case everybody about here knew of the ca ho said j and i will bo glad to tell an j ufforot all about it but would rathur iol have it publlilmd when- the rcporer iwinled nut lhat lie wa in a position- lo ht thousands know aud probably lie tho moann of giving them information chat would hal in thur recovery he began to liuullate aud ihislly ha gavo a brief account of the girl u imrsc iilou restoration heiald my nieoi tu more llku a daughter to mo hho has been in my care since shu was a child and when alio wa taken aiok a few month ago i was heart broke- 11 i got two of the boat doctors 10 tho west otid to pro iforibr- far tier but ihuir mcdluiueu mado her worho instead uf bcttir hho uid in bed week after week looking liko a cor put oallog nothing nnd apparently wastlnj was thin ami xior and jviiiiomi oviry day there was a clinno fur thu wornn she could nut takti tho dix tor 1 pn scriptioiia for uho sickened at tailo of ttium hllo she was in tint btat of worry nulnuxn l man oamu around out da delivt ring pamplet and ho threw one into tuy shop 1 pioked it up and road an 11 sill dimcnptioii of tlfo illness with wliuh my meci wan suoering 1 lie remedy proscribed for thu cure of the malady dcscrlbtd was 11 u illiams pink 1ilu i nnt f r a bo and cora took them in a uicclisuicnt kind uf a way well ir when she had taken th m four days a chsnu omno uvir hor htio began to eat wilh s relish a id every day she boomed to gain fresh btrenjlli tjlm adhered faitliljlly to ho dlroctdiis anil lodli four boica ily that lime thu roses had returned tu hor chvukn and alio was a dinerent locking k hi dihcunlliiued taking the pills and inlic the mino uitui 1 feeling began to crcup over hur so she ilhot uut aud la uutv nu iumlll well as over shu wa- ibal is the whuh story u i lotl m the da v oof auld la no syne ihi in flm tlltn of it how horrirrtiyhsnt mnilurtii jimt put upon iho wiftwscvfma pnliliiiuiioiiu titn pluming 11 ho vol i ompii 1urouto at 11 j ai in well linowii i tu mndarcii is iho author or 11 ido tho i 11 nil il r iludi one of llm moot 11 pnfir h iohh ot iho prosgnt kiitury ilhixulni llui tiller work mr ci iihitmiih hay 1 hunt iibh never been nil ll im of tliiind flinr tlinn llm akaloh ol lh uury ijiutor und thu dotlon uinhim tin muiiihtit a rolloclluti of t- mini 1 it i 1 tlrn 1 tint f ir luuiior patlinj nlid a run hilt rinliigl li of comedy 1 huitii to r ink nmong 1 hu ctanic 1 hu ljy of aiild i ing hynn lua ampiel lo ihe jl mule liner lluih anj continues the hctcral ol araolurs previously introduced wilh a iiiiiuhi r of now oiiih v 1 ho skelchei aro l piilly t harming the nharsour del in nlinih j itl rt trti lollf- ill pathoh aa nt h an i hi- humor an mellow as iu iho prtniom wrtljiigs of thu tiftd author i ti 1 dmkcin nketuiu true to tho drum toohty olj am tun que and illimitable 1 he i took ihroughnul is powerful and impro sive ami it dostiund to bit fully a popular aa it prlduccaasr a fhtvcent calendar free llm lulilirhtrif tin y nh futnkiimm am mm hug no to th subhnriberi to the r hulrtmi four ti i alendar 7i o111 lithographi t 11 colorr it is mill up of hmr ohnrming picturos ouch plsaiiui 111 disikti uitr 10i1 of which aro iho monthly 1 ileiir fur iho year in mi 1 he retail pnci of ihu oalou lar i 51 a nlrt now nub ribnr to tho fimuiiiiih will room vu tint beautiful alundar free and bonder ihu f iuii m freo every week until january i 1 ml also the thanka giving lirntmns 11 ml new year doubfu nti m bore free and tho cimiuiuim fifty two wlok a full yoar lo january i 1h7 liroan tho 1 tt 1 mi iin ltl col unit on avmiut ft out on ht ihei t bo 1 for olhurx bull boliovu tin su publiuily on imr auotxiiil k ill other sulforcr will bo betiultlti nig of ilns remedy i cniinol highly uf i uk pitlf 1 rcoin toeveryuuo i ku w ami 1 take seir mr luu 1 unn uf lln i man 111 his neighborhood 1 1 lulendeul of the suiidn ho 1 uurebtiuiial hurih an i hi pills y lie tin 1a it iwik year lenl i ttl in jii i ill 11 ii 11 iluit fir killini at 1 o 1trk salurdsy ml iteii 1 p 1 i 1 be jury relircii l l at 1 u clock in the afuirnooii vcci rdlug to of iheir notnlr ihey had readied th rdlc imfoi the 11 ror huui a take ikrst llirt they lo l guilty uf closed up ii tile ate their sp ballot soil will of lhl twoho ai tho ural drgrn liumtillalely afti r llm iinutiiictuiciit ul the trdicl tho usual application fur lovi lo tile a mulluii fur a new trial was made district attorney tiraham did 11 i oppox ihe motion slid j udko arnold iuo1 nov im for a lioridk hhoul i a nuw trial ik rcfuactl an pl all bu taken to tin huprriue oufl and argument hoard at lit licit wtlitn in january lefll hi ovrli ll everything gkb against him 11 dim hai yell some lime lu kh i 011 lli iith from winch he 1 alleid ti liuo m it m 1111 v follow mortals hey ewb of i hb day ml 0 0 r th 0 wuilu a d j tr ik t 10 wuuk r v ji will bo 1 itlonal epuu iruf angell i prcal dwit uf tiia uocrlty of michigan and 1 i uil khmlut iii uo i 1111 hlala ltt ltd lal pal 1 if iho i ocas hllerl molt mil i 1 hull k ii died 00 saturday aged i fire dealroyutl i aiiuaal 1 1 llk i l rary the luuderauu and hi bl k and a number uf other building during katurday iilkhl llin vault al ht mary a emelery kingston waa blown upeli aud several bodlu uure aloleli ihu aeen oat uld dautjilef f lll morurau of v lidui v aa 1 irn1 it irtl lu han i inli i a l hi wa lluowmg coal oil lulu iho kilt hen tnr between 7 o l k and imdiil 1 r ulu lay a tout rd aeldom a proaohctl in ii letco of wlinll he ht about tu 1 doiiklai hathurl dnula th lkht mil i tbl i ib a boo n 111 1 uh 1 dl any iceplic who han lli 11 i111i i visit mr hamaay mil ihi ulr un oelvod nu doubt and ihu irnnimu craukly rolaled hi grntujt lor wit h the bweetnbbbok mklt inc foam pit fur tha icetb eflluieut beyiti 1 elluieiic foi 11 btfuidllig bilihaiit as swrel an t fi lower hjgl t ul an indian ualll prluoa albtrt hlihltlful pi pat jrlna o uraul into turlli b11 brenlli nl a- thai of the mr j atclde chaussj mnnirrnl i a marvelous medicine whenever given 1 fair trtal hoods proveb it3 merit 1 i f ii ni 1 it r it li 1 mm jl moiuru mn 1 1 1ihu1 1 1 1 m tmrllalor nti t i 101 iii j ilmlltlu 1 tm n rf may my v iblit a li- i hoods sarsaparilla cures 11 h 1 to lkn iihi i n knranpnrllln it b i f ftiio i llilnk hthht iihtrt imillli 11 r 11 ut 1 11 in 1 iimii n y in u i am your ttrnggist for i if r j sr murray lanmanri l ioriua water jty t luuau i a tkai 1 llandkcrvhicf toilet ood oatb henderson fe co overcoats frieze and tweed ulsters meltons beavers tweeds a luthc and stylish assortment of overcoats at lowest prices jvlantles kkivhu a mw shipment ol m i the very latest henderson co acton walker mcbean fe co rchfjp 600d3 av i r an ol lallm ii ii it j ihi all at 1 hitu john i lam u of mr t lovbiaiid wif uf lliu 1 rcaideut attempted ti ctuumit auiuido by ihhiiiij hliubeif lu tho iikiulh mill a c ualibi harbor lri uunl which i 1111 led one uf ihe prlmipal lihtlnmn in newfuanillaiid pal lly fuundered ou hulur day ll i e peeled that the ligluliuun will collawo william m uidy if run ll h tiarlca djy lu men who wrnl lu maui cheap shoes i v friday afternoon 20 cents off the dollar i hi il sli i s the greatest salb l ever had will commence on ba i k t clock ii tlu tug dimhs will hwinj open to admit l i gc i i everj town and vrijagc in the h urcunding t4ie people hft trttkiiif about thie btore kit n luinn puliht htvc confidence in ui the amc me li ivl of us in hljnlo and that what we want mule than an tiling cist wonderful the number of people who coiiie foi miles to tiadc with us becaust the can rely on what they buy from us if the wltc not saung niuney b buying from us it is nut likely the would dnc u to i5imleb over rough roadb v treat all alike rich and poor if jou buy 10c worth i d itrtc 1 lu get the same attention as if jou bought 1000 worth tieat others as we like others to treat us great week in the clothing 1 jl ultn1- 1 mjmi itfirfl iwiy 4a hulki ll si 3- hi m j 0 ihif uvavy rrlrx ofoicoala uuilli u ore nt week in gtmtu jfutfxitxlu jmu m liilnwool tilurt and lrafn 4lfl w rib tc ilnn uav itil iwl kblil au i drawer it worth j so linn anllkaii jaraeu llniwi an i ttlrk tc worth pi ai iloli hutt rlblhhl i all wtml ll oilb 17c uuii flue ftxlura hal vxj klne twlola hi7v a illt in tore man u8 aud cape i liiii an i llfl i coma fr kli illl 1 ta ii illn llki u ueluiu la y i- ii 0 uliou l th ui i trout laruo bulli u uj0 wu hospithl fs aiok watonbo in town 1 when m it ii i al a psymons vnacttgai watohlukjcr and jewkllkh watohm ale nod for 72 cents new mainaprink 75 renta au wohh wailltantfi a i avmon uain htraat jftchi aftbtrtistmenu kstttay- stmavfii upon hie inrmnlsea of lbs under lstiwt a small irrown mare wtth wlilla ian ami tiiree wlilla irea owner can hasi the salna uy proiii inotairty and payinit eipanaaa 1imiki1t uoalttiii it lol yt eon t kaaataawsv khtraiy- sthaki upon tbn prenilans el the ander- slgixml a jnullns llrindls half or bavins 11 1 in sihiie siioia opoo hr ownsr can have hyprtln itorharty aud ile aipanaaa upo tmji lfah iol ii- coo i kauaaln job pkintintj inciddino itooba iampfaleu rosters nil haada clrenlan e ate anentvrl in th baat styla of tha art al moderat prloaa wad oo abort police tpply or addraaa st lanilmirt jersey bull for servi or for sale pilk underalaithl baa lor s x onuain hirswt a thorn kl imbott jermy hull this ada animal is also oflarad tat sals u q iialutlb llasi aclon a mlnd iffiu salesmen wanted iublos truit worthy man to reprsnt us in tha aaia ol oar cboiea nuraary hleeb spskdal laa ooouoilail by us ugliest salary or oon mission paid weakly btasuly anmloymanl iha war rooixl ontflt fraa excloslra tanitory irrlmm not necswaaxy btg pay aaanrad wortsra awclal intlaeeutenla to bslnnara writs at otirt far particulars to allen si itbktty co itochaslaw n t valuable pkopeim in acton for salb thk bouaa andloton acuaa rtraee formerly oceaplad in tha owner ur chas qnlhnar is baraby oflarad for sals tbe boose la a eon lortable rooati cast with woodshed and there u a good stable on the premises also two bonding lots on lake avenue in htnltbs hurray tsrrna reasonable for particular apply to r c htunllt at wu heuhtitkfct acton acou hoot ittb ihkk notice n oticr is hereby given uiat spplloallon a til be made at tha neat iftn of tbe parlta- tueol of cana for an act lo inoorpnrab tbe ca klwctrta itailwey and iowar company with powwr to build ooerate and maintain an uectrte railway irotn tha city of aloatrasd in the rtovlnee of qnba to tha city of windsor in tbe coanly of lsaas via unmarvilla klngw- ton hajlevjllw toronto udumdm wiul power in bnild a branch line from toronto or other imlnt on the main line tobospanaloo bridge wilh power tu bolld branoh liojea for a radios not aieemtlng twenty ova nillce from any point or points on the mala una to antaw into dth all aalsuag or tlons along the ng strawt or eleetrie rail ipanlaa for the purrs balsa ting or niaklag 1th bum or to sannly wuablob leata wlui all aatsuai oornoretiona along tf particularly with existing street o ed rrnia or i r aatboaia way lutht of aeqauing rqnning arrange sum with bait light i maintain and carrr on street railway b snch eillaai and towns on tb line of said railway as tbe company and munldpajtuaa mtarastad may agrwa on to build said hallway la sections as may be authorised to eonnlra watar power and ailea for and build electrical works in oon neeuon with said railway for tbe purposes of generating electrical energy id acquire tbe anlo v n ian distribute ine same with power to upropctats nicibbary for reostraetlna sad oparauag tha said eleaurieal woras and otbarwisw folly earry log on tbe aaid undartaalng with nowrr to isaoe paid upatoca of the company in panueat of iu obligations lor all or any of the aaid authorised parpoaea and with all proper or nanal owefa ilea incorporated lot any of tbe purposes afore aid kdmvud iiiiihtol gibson millar ge ron block oionoetown lu umuuuoa a great cloarlng sale ot chi a lur and youiba lotniog ovorooau tbflm guoda must all b old io uu next 30 days 1 ai 1 ml i hht h ms l h 1 ih i his mi dots not nu knit kubbir ihkn mulmory mlllluory i uilllun lii outarlt huay a i ionl fioit ua tudlordag v ihi ikii hi ami no uuaraiitne tbe beat ot 11 hull iiuatli nitlliorfor all im uaual rloe htllt liuatly tllluliud lot 13 ao usual prise overcoat jlllutiu i net our iiuuuuou lur a i all tliau ant fur tb lualilv uf uuo1 we 11 vo umaiiiu turuutoilooouuanovorooalau walker ceorcet mcbean wm and toronto j hcu boy well ml wa arecalag to afford uirui tba opportunity todoso theaa rood aill ail be sold roitardloa come early and aeeare ihe great bar- will offer a big trade is tbe reward aplug lu our tailoring deparuuenl for io urge amt one ao aaaurtmaut ot waralads overeoatincs trousarlnga rooda are iwwslaluied ills bigbeal in trada and tbe lowaat iu ieo te are trading uu uiarit and seal and iioe dutiable luetlioda uave uo part wlui ua wa do lul u n silver uaa give mrtecuuu lu nt myla aid workmen bii vlhba lowrcat poamible prions we bake a hu aa act i on ul ilanu rurulab llala cai lu all tb laadlug tlylan ura kto tkhi i imurrt uf ntapla ie aruueot as we lu iod u make a clearing aalalu tliat hue flan tela ran nail at tea dray and v bile coltuua wo iii glvs bargain unlwerd of aveextaod an luvliatitmi lo all lo oouie aud latpacl hir aumik mu trui bb tu mltom good lkxi i urge tba 4ao ciuhon ml cla it a 0 ltoe ulook main 8 treat georgetown w we bava a large mbnuou ut storey mia u brata1 glovta ami bavs tbe vmrr i ulva ribl uf aclliug llartal them lu luwu i z winter fluid has no equal in curin chapped hands and lips and for roughness of the skin an elegant preparation for 3 p titer sh the abc of our business a al ihnl l i to m b h in m here lics for a bii fall tiade all lines arc full and complete with the best oods t6 be found 1113 where and our prices are second to none ovroou- from 13 to920 suits at any prlae pauu want i bfaululiy can lawyer will havo tin voice iu iho jiro ccptlnn brlnii merely iertnlttod lu enn sull wall an i adfiao the luoal barnalera in ihslr ruiuluol of the dafentfot oaae waa one of the american representative on tbe t anadtan i lahodee ouiiiuiibbiuii tt uubarll 1 hie wall known uaaaaohu ets pemocrstio kilitican and lawyer ur oailev i a iiuluriil chiuaio capita hal who has illvru inulli atlenliou to ihu uauaurtatloll ou the h laat s iu xrauk j nnbusun a ivull knui htayr uf ti out a jhorai atuidtiilallt shot by lutuiiipaiiiiii mr ii yala a iiechanl uf cornwall wlio on 1 uratla november utli ihaliberals shu linn franuib mr wra wallinuton will hold a oouvenllon nlulntaou died when about half a mile from ly lo noiiiioain a candidate for tha thoarrurr looah a i i touk tor the harvot ham bcrn brat named on thu railway and in a thn ahltiu sccidiiit mr- it il iho urli uf ueii o nirthod tf lira iii i lu allrtiilauui uu ill b lr llhk ulun he dltl and fit warrant was itsmil by iuwu curry ihe day afuruo iuourst herrolf up lu lie aulhutlliea in au i waa nleanl untftr amt uu of inauslau m r i v i delkvrrd kalitrdsy a chaia cffiesflm cve5lrh the face after shaving prepared only by w g s7ith 3ruooist and 0ookselleh m wytullljdl st gukjlhh and ihis k perfect salisfnliiil ind u suitable trices a lirtt clibs stock of trim jiuntp alttajs on hand nj bonn a it uiajubcr lcr wu uloc

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