Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 7, 1895, p. 3

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ijc- 8an of hamilton i bad o stick hauiltoh furita1 iaiii cr- ilkibtlvft kunu totai aukti i 130000 erajjori board of directors olin htuailt a o hamhay president loolroeliluiit nun ijmxroil oro llnacii a t wooii a ii lkwitorontol u flmtox u i tuitllull ii h htkiiikn aest cashlor ii m vvathun innmcur aokncie8 1 hamilton illation ut a kut knrl allltoti lerlln ehaalev osoroelowiiurlmilif i utow r joehnow mill on album vornt oraiiffovlllo n hound tort klajln ulinoov toajmu v ingham britlah oorrocpondonta london national provincial llauk u hui ana luld j amerioan corroapondontu tw vani fourth national hank an 1 lanort national llsnk hostum inlanisltou al trust co uurcaiuarine llauk em i national jlnk of illinois and i ulon national llaak drmit ualroil national hans kixui cirt nation hank ol commerce aganu in montreal tbe ileakof toronto aeobabtqwn agency fjolleouaaa midi end dnlti imhibiil ami on ell aooaas iblo points iu canada united i qret urttejn aodthscouuneritofbiirofio it favorable urmi savings department danaslls of ni upwards rncnlvfwl interest allowed trow data uf delimit to ilau withdrawal hntcial dkiobith also received at ettiront fates of lotarost n u uimnciktonp a 4 bibles nothing better tor present than diblr w be them from 15a is to h 00 edch wall bound clear type albums m ilush and leather porbofl from go upwards now 11dm in deck- end bido comb oar stock ia tba lariat our prioea the ioweat oiub us n ctl qko hynd8aotonont jzwkeeui stomk klje jutnn jtet 3rtss thursday nobmuhil 7 imtffi little local brieflets wrttotte tr gyt or ear frae prm remortsra thla wok indian bummer w oath or thu week thankagivlnit day two weeki rom today the aanahoua brightly npon the brtdoa of th week tb lovely nlumn weather experieno s3 uia bu bun muen ujoywi ooalph presbytery will moot in knos church oalph on tuesday i9th init d m koague will return this eveun and readme the dutiea of bta profession tba annual tnatttau uf hal ion tea otters asaooietioo will bo beld in actou baad all tba ad vert teamen la in tbia laana tba puxk pittas u the popular aj art lain g medium ex warden maurioe ihelen o oak till baa jual flmahed paokiotf i 20 barrela of applra from bia orchard us u elendsraoo u p haa rocom mended tba appointment o mr laaao faatborston aa poatmaatsr of lowvillr in rcaponas to a reoant advertiaamant for tcanbar for a junior department in harriaton pnbllo school there wen jui apnlloanta inleodinit anbaortbera to i ho h utt paaaa hoold atnd i their name at onoo and gat tba foil benefit of our preaout offer fl paya to tba end of ifm a ataoda for advrrtiairrg 11 for braina and c fur oapiv and tliay am tba qrat thraa latter in tba alpha hat uf hooaaa in baaioaaa obmwwh grucer owiny to the annivcrairy aerviooi in the metbodtat cbarcb the aveuiuk acrvica of knox charob bat brou withdrawn to allok tba oongraitaliou tu attend the auni teraary in lb slater church a now lamp poat haa been put up t tbeoomnrof mill and kliu sircou a farmer a team took a apurt a weak or ago and striking the lamp poat maahi poat lamp and iratno oompletely a wolf akin robi waa lakon from a boiniy in the metbodtat church abod laat sanday aenii preanmably by uiialake tho paraon who got it will oolk the uwuar by laavinft in tba t um iua ofh b tbellim paaaa jf- the cream uf the local and diauiol nawa bend ii tu your frianda at a dutanoa tow gllta will be mora thoroughly appreoiatad and ol yonr borrowing nalbbora to ubacribc tba ootnmanioo artca iu uta ualhodiat church laat suuday were larkey attandad the love feaat waa held iu the umrntdg and tba aaorament waa admima tard at tha oloaa of tbe evanlnit aorvioa meaara w u bturay a sou made a larger agjtbte of ahipmctila of luvua milta an4 laat mouth lhau daring any pravioua month in tho history of tba canada olove works ontario ptooaar aatabllabment diataucaa all compel itora ilefarring tu nurtb york kunday bcbool cooventlou at uradfurd tliia week tha newmarket hm aaya tho obief apaakar on friday ovqninit ui i to j w ttaa of acton ona of tbe moat aeaiuua workara on the lrovtuckal h u hoard aud a floaoi talker ilia aubjocl la women uamiapbere daauaina llandauuia 1 arlor wood stova ipiantlty pipe piano lamp oloaul parlor salt bilk ploab alagaot new cherry bed room belt chaira fancy tauloa leant uall clock book caae beoraury qnndinii btooe parrot and other cak flower pol a a thousand artiolea at prlcca toplaaar mia h a becord head tha naw announbeaaant of moaaia cltbaoo millar a co ueorkeluwn when lu uuelph do uot fall to ato bavaga a co a biiverware now alllaat at ti par oaut diaoouut bavaca a co the well known and reliable jawajlara of uualph ullcr any article la btlverware at joc uft tbe dollar for a faw daya craatn uf witch llaael aofleua llio aklu tanoca roqghuaaa aud irritation frum thr t llrt- naa hrchnrpa anil piiia to tba completion ouly itki a toitl kanuawlti a lroj huirr farmers wautiiig hardy native buxk to plant tbia coidiuk tall or bpriuk may pay for it in work wo want meu with or wltboot bsperionoe on foil or part tifpa balary and eiptnaaaoroommiaalon write at oaoa for farther iuforinaliuu umw uuorukaa cuut m ouuoeulat i nurcrie toronto out the news at home- montly of a loan crtnraotbr and ovorv horn intoroatlno- bjlnitalion hcrrlce nasi monday evouiufr at 7 jio con or ma tiun aervion wtl bo held in hi albana cliurali hiordihlp hlkliop hamilton will bo present to cunflrmt the oandtdalca a rpeclal offertory will be taken in behalf of the fplaoopal endowment fttftd nminl vi of tho pvf- the adnoal meeting of li6 womans 1 orvtn mlaalonary hoolaiy of knox burcb will be held nrslwednnday after noon in the ohorfih ttio aooiety haa n vilwt all tho ladioa of thn conrretfauon lo ihi prraotit also the mombera of the woman mlaiionary bocicty of the metho dial hit rch an intern tlri prnkramtna ai il n miamoiiar tea will occupy mia after iiihiii frnni thrbfl to ail hfty tlrt anntvmrnmry 1 he membaraof the motbodirt ho rch wlh hold their fifty drat anniversary i vicea nest bunday lie ur bripfi ilia well known man agar of tha method iat dqok and publishing hoaactorouto will preach at 10 10 a m and ft ho p m tr uriua is one uf llio moat oloqueiit prqaobera in ciuaila aiuj is rolcrrjid to aa lie silver loiikutnl preachtr he will no doubt bo welcomed by lare congrcuatiuiih hprcial ctilloctiona will ito taken duruig tba day hiar5ufl tfi irlrrrm a onuple of young follows ttuttt cm rn town with a uani of white huram cnl tuesday afternoon in town during tbelr visit they were liberal patrons of the hotel bars and by night werp hardly able to take cam uf thrmaclvea and not able to dno their tram propqrly about ehtht o clock i hoy druvo into the rig of mr william whitley nassagaweya at thu corner uf mill aud main streets and took a wheel oil hii buggy mr wbttley waa dot injured but one of the georgetown young men received a severe shaking up warrilj iihsirr litis and many other parts of ontario wtro probably never aa scares of water at this aoaaoo uf the joar ths wells creeks lnnvs and even the swamp are showing the eflects of the lack of tba osual fall rains bhonld winter aet in aa things are at present many farmers and others would be put to great inconvenienoa iu securing water placea that a year ago were cover cd with several inoboa of water are now perfectly dry and tt will take heavy fall of rain to nil up the swamp which it ia laid must be done before winter can sot in oruaut- tflommomm at dublltr tbe niohl i n urea t tog event of the aeaaon tn this part of ksrjntning townahfp waa enacted at tbe home of ales waldio hl one of onr moat prominent agncol turisls on tuesday afternoon at four o clock iu the preeence of a unp number of rolalivo aud friends mr waldie rave his daughter flora in wedlock to mr duncan mcdougall an enter prill ng young farmer ou of the late john mcdougall ntlghoonhopd news newt item suppllod by corroa- pondante nrd exohanaoa rockwoqd mr m p harry shipped four tbomaiid coming anjo going vlaltorn tq nnd prom aoton nrtd varlouaothorperaonnr noto m tho ymk tnnaa invito all iu roadtlra to on irlhuurnniiu column if you or vnur frintiila am i i1 il j awa oh a holiday trip or lfyou have bushels of lnrolpa to the amorlenmarkeu feirtault1iiyoi dro erl to the i ii last week hit llfaiocththurtcu of harriaton ia lallowoan nataed vy uellv friatli ln ho oll hntnc owing to tho diaaroeable wither mhe nf a dlituttor tlio small boyn and tho delight of tba property ownaru mr nell btrachan achild wasbaptiwyj ii tba presbyterian church laat bunday miss m mcatin vinilrd llockwood friends thla woek miu mario bltuart is visiting of the socoud line hnv j w hu preform ed tho ceremony tho wedding present were numerous aud gavo ample proof uf the rtpularllv of the young cuuplr lad hard of tare ell on monday evcuiug tbo meuih rs uf no churoh i b c k met at ilia home of miss uaaslo mjlbail nice prealdeul lo peud a social houj with tbo prosideut mr j hnnlh prior lo his removnl a very pleasant ovontng waa spent and tho follow g address waa prevented i r- kn i ci u i t h lltik hut ai itkoinaa tlailux isaiuod i i out intention to loavo our villain or ajiotiior ol i ut llnr your broliiara and alattm iu liriatlau i- udoavor ileal ra lo ilac on reoor4 ur tiltli a iweclallou ut rour work auionn ua 4 ttioul tor a oomlmumuiraly aboct uiiia wa tiavo bosu imruilllod ui aujor rout oounawl ajid irlouilal 1 vl jour atorlluk iulotfrltj ait i ou a lasung law lu uui 11 utll lal wullo r 11 fullu 1 it urn a lajxh- lilol u 1- lis livul ail aiitaikiua a ud couituilal u ul um ru 1 lo hou u t v aiii 1 lie l t i tl a uatar ill ultu jua 1 u 1 u 1 iti u man i te 1 in mr hmith has been a respected resident f acton tha past year and a bait ami arrloa willi lilm to his homo lu ilrutaola ho kindliest fcqluin of llio young rouple with whuiu bo las associalod in li wii a mrrtty nttlttlu ua llttn er avraur i ho bo mo of i lloudoraon 1 sq llio huiiuicd rrprnaciitatlvo of tho mty of hall on in tho llooo of amnion of an ojia waa liiofsiin yusterday aflcrnoun at ihrcu clock uf a jiiiol but very liappy aud nting ria4 of ii wan tho ud uui r bloomed tuwuamau 1 h m he the lipraiwo an 1 beautiful urcmii waa jerformed by hie paalur ul the bridal pair hcv j w ue in tho pruoiilo lh family and a few if ihclr inure mlltinie ft mod mibh maggie mocibbou of har nia very grarrfullv mrfurmod tbo olllcca u maid of honor while mr chas lunderaoii brother of iho bnlo alleudod tin grimiui iho bruio waa a 111 rod tu a dainty gown uf white ducheas satin en irani with marl trimming aud lace and rrird a buuiuol of whlto ruaca i ha brldoniuaiil win robed in while gloria ailk ohhfoiio t loo vol poarl irlminliig aud lace iho bride a going away gowu wal of a brown tlulh willi sable irlmmtlig 1 he groom a urvbuut to the bride was a uojd jun aet with sapphire and diamonds and lo tho brldcbtnai a gold iiu act with learls a bau isome gold watch aud chain waa pre beiilod thu bride by her parents aflur the ceremony slid tbouaual beaion fur txin giatulallons had ensued the lompauy aat dowu lu a sumptuous woddiug dojuuuer whore inert y iaii versa tiou and happy lullowalitp gac aat to the templing oul 1st ion i lie many frtonda ol ibw brtda who is a favurilo n all 1 1 roles lu which she has moved uis lo bur iho recipient uf nuni clous bcaulif ul and valuable tokens uf tbelr hoo1 will and hulciu wlahua lr aud mrs jl wool east ud iho evening train uu a budal tour nocoa airily briof owing tu professional duties they will return in a few days lu acllle duwu lu iho joys uf hootc makiug aud accepting the iuiigratulatioua ol iboir mauy friends i he ful lowing guests were prceout in attdl lion to iho families uf the prlucipala mr aud mis win gordon glcucoe mis lloliuca lucago ir aud mr liwry luetpli tho mtsaea mculbbun banna wu tt imn nassaqaweya the palmua or industry of orwhtn held- their annual ploughiou mstrh on tuesxlay on iho farm uf mr george hitch inn a lot of good jinxes were awarded tlio day waa an exenllent one fur iho occasion wm ii ashdown of hradfor1 pa u spending a few woeka with frinids at knaichbull aud intirndstbrhiingjn gncljih rnaconfocliuiory storr mr henry monro nf knaichbull has ranted hi farm to a mr ilosthwirk pimlinrh and it htunt a alr on f rlilav gtorgd laing haa runted thu farm in naagawoya from hi mother ihaiikagivmg day two week- from m vj ilmrsda ihob ya uill bo doing some big skirmishing that day tho marksmen of t den mills purpose having a shojling inalch shortly i ho looting aide to v for the supper crewsons corners die farmers in this vicinity will nttish taking up their turnips this week mrs d moore a auction sale passed ufl very successfully laat wednesday mrs mcdcrrrpit mr john and mm maggie modermotl of i- nn visitod at the home of mr jas itamahaw this week mr i ewist lann delivered a farewell address lu tin hahbath bcbool uf uu- place on sunday the 7lh of october mr nu haa been superintendent of the babbath bcbool for a number uf year ills remold is rogrottod your oorreapondenl was mistaken in stating that mr iner the evsngelut had gone to labor on tbo lramosa circuit loslesui he m laboring at i- bcuezcr mothu dist church nasaajawey tbe l loyal templars of this lace intend holding au open lodge on friday evening ol this wettlu alt are cordially invited tho side of tienry stephen win were the wiuuera at hugh mclaughliu a raiaitur laat week limehouse tho quarterly uroinniiioii aijrviir u h vert on ircuit wer held here last bui do ilav it j molutyre the pastorj wal aauiaal by u uuu aatou mrs john muore is albert moore at palnietbtoi iho uaual silly hallowe tu played last i buraday evcutf who usually arc very chary exerting ttiemselvra at any ui lltrllded i be a number from he at acton bunday cv unpreaseu with ltev mr ii well con m union sermon mr jaqios i ino haa ret r i f iui ing and movod to clmohoiisc baveral uf our onlliumulio moll udtal intend going to acton noil hon lay to hca ltev uf hngn tho liver tongurd iriah man mtsaea annie misnbb au 1 lai lumshaw vi i ted tmeudx her- thla swk bkin 1aulkea day by a aupntr al llo ilute luitclon tucalay rvnilu iho l i h 1 ur hum i i ui i held a social on friday cveulng in old uf iho huuday bcbool lj koblnson a ul prim juiah hcihni lilba and measured mj m m circimifor eiiui anl ji lit wiubauis prix puruips were over i fuel ion y his hiiiiloi in vrighetl iui lbs each ilev w walsh of itiampluu j treat he 1 to tbo 1- rlu orangemen and thulr friends in the i ugllh hurdi on hmnly evcuiug ijro walsh is lraaid haplain 1- iro i rolocliun n freely dtx 1 a public meeting laat 1 riday evening john fraser of h rlu charged will ti lug ubxccuo letlors lo dillrrrnt rpri lablo euple lu frio illage and fur whoso arrest a uumbar f war ran i a had been lanod by llm 1ullce mgialratr cuelpll wabarrettd on buuday evening by natable dllna of ihllbuk aomawbst i tho p i john while ex m v who haa bmi con lined to his bod lor the put six weeks is able lo be out aiain mr wm n has entered au appeal in tho suit of wmn vs milton at the last appeal trial judgment ws given in favor of tlto town i oat cm are uut anuounciiil tho special rrvices ii conuecllu i with the opening of tho new grace harcli which will take lirjr tl plaiti on tnrmtay nov 1j tho halton mould hoard association will hold their annual plowing mfloh on wrlurala nov 13 al a mooting of iho i ungn gallou uf hmi liurcllun monday ovolilng a all was txlouded to ltev a mahalty of muni roal iho call ban bean accept od and the toronto 1 rrahlcr hsa arranged foi the ordination a ltd lodurtiot lo takfl place on 1 ucaday 1 kh lint itllig ur h uy liprlac having h ill b e t tho lifted tituhut i own di mid has j u lock uf groctrl i lilt dollaj r ii it mel 11 u iu mm sssww sun vvtllaiidpoft iho misses llcnderaou milton ltev sod mia j w llio mil mr oi d mn j kauuawtn aclou au lie hiit wadneaday nov jotb alq of burses cattle pigs aud implements iid prujarty ul ucnj wallace lot 1h coil 7 nssiagavceya bale at ona o clock forms twelva mouths i i mt llniiu ka aublionttis whoso health baa nut beou k h i for sumo woe as is vialllng at his tathci a ml ullough of iviueainc tbo agrixmcut ihiiwcvii lh i o i the t and i ruuk itatlway fur supply uf water has been auiied scaled and delivi red i ho arrangement mcliuii d is fur ten years i ur tho ilrut liv the railway will pay iboo wr year aud fur tho romaiuiug uvo s70o per yiar 1 hs anniversary services in iho metho dial church laat huuday wqro a threat aucoeas 1 ho iiqv bamuel bollory m a it i ol tluclph was tbe preacher ilia aermiifia were logical an bo jncuj and matie a deep impressiun un bia audio cm lite congrealiuiis aero large in the o von lug aluiough there were two iuws ul chairs in tho aisles aud tho choir caller packed with people auiuo ialluii ivl gtjj luko tho church lb aihttr of the church dceervo airoial moiilloii ikiaum of the excellouca of their inunc i he cuntrlbu tluns fur iho day wofu upwards uf t7k una is eicoodjugly good aa the method lat eoplo are aymt in a aubicripliou uf 10 thla month on their beauliftil foiiia the ltev mr miluc ul msnsowuod preached in kuui hurci g uolph last buuday tho ilev a j irwiu h d conducted a song aervloo lu llio ulon williams metho dtst church laal bunday evening tho ltev d a muir it 11 has been luvltcd lo deliver the bible booley 11 illlmy i l tha miasm msddfln of arthur an ftumhi at bl joseph a iarsonao miss nllio mcdonald who is nnw resld ing in u uolph waa home over buoilaj mlsa i ibbj may of hornby it waiting her sister mrs tbo miller thla woe miss mulr of toronto waa a guest at tha homo of principal moore over bunday mr a lei kennedy was in town on mon day ills old friends were pleased to see dim mrs j bartle of niagara i- alia il a guusl at thn homo of her father ltev w dryer mr ii a lamond of ht louis mo is visiting hi mother who lis been very ill for some time mca plelch and dsughter uf mlldmay have been tho guesls oftur john lletoh during tint week mrs afary morton will jeave ill a week or so for alifnrnla where she will remain for a time with relailvca mr and mrs william coleman aud atira visited friends at the old home on the brock i load during iho week mr haa hill who sustained a serious injury to his back through a fall several weeks ajo ia able to bo nbout again mrs wm bayers of nasaagaweye who ban been very ill for sosne time lias made rapid peir towards recovery tho past few weeks mr joseph olrmau of hirebaur haa retired from farming and will shortly tako up his residence lu acton mr coleman and hi family will maka good oiliaena the pun phkmh is pleaaod to learn that mr w m ksnnawin who ia attending queen college king ton baa suocesafully paaaod hi divinity matriculation examlna tioua aud von a scholarship of 9 0 00 mil ton burglars viaiial milton again last week iho tinhl watchman didu t caloh thorn milton haa three bakers saln jamas mclnlonh formerly mail carrier on tho hornby ruulo dlod last week mr trod ml more for wiih lime an employee al mckcuxie cirrlsgo workf haa lefi fur toronto where he tuleiijs aiarlng buai his iho llcclert lied by 1 a ufltat mial uf ioomllesl w n itoboruon rilrai ford out on the third of juno wa remarkable exhibition of endurance in a purely amateur rldor the doctors scion line training would no doubt provo an tin krtaut factor unsuccessfully engineering such a diftioult omrallon though aa will be seen by idler published lu another txilotnir he does uut hesitate tu award doe cretin lot his prefi rmaiito to tho agent ho relied upuii in hi roal effort tho doctor a leal i mon y tu the marvolluualy aubataiuiug puwur ol maltlue with uoua wine is entirely spontaneous aud uusolioil od snd therefore of llio higher value ilia rrort will be read with interest by whoel men generally lu view of ills rial in that malllne with cocoa wine enabled him to pedal comfortably fur buura- afler llio mirtod that j abould have been exhausted without il ir ilubartaou tersely lum manses tho valuable action of malttne and oooa wlneju those casea of enervstion oummon among moat no vice on the wheel and aqlrius that it is a wonderful heart nustainor hub preparation may be ha i uf all droggials aud may be reliod uku as an skeut of luuulta value lu uer vuu roatraliuu aud brain eihaunuun rcaulting frum undue strain umiii the incu la or hjslcil rnerclea thiity umr july if lv iho maplo i al llamaliu l uf i kuiii will apioai iu iho lul liall u the evouiugs i f 1 nday and baturflay luth and iblh litat iteaprclliil iho apoaiauoe uf una rompatiy with its leu artists he itiaitiitou hihhii saya 1 bo maple ical draii a tic lub gave a clovor prodoclloii of the ooiiiedy drauia onlltud cittlo boll iu tho couoert hall on rlday night be pi 7th to a fair a i bed audience under the a u pice of the bona of tempatauoe mr rauclb clark the manscor is well kuowu in the ouuty of peel space will nut permit an eitcuslve account bothca il tu aay that the ooutpauy far aaoaedod tho eapeotallous of those preaant and should they return which tbey propom doing in the near future a warm welcome an i a larger au liouoe will uouoauedly i here was uu service lu tha ircehytcriaii liaptlal aud cunfrcialluual churches laat bunday svsning on aoeuuul uf thasuiai- versary acrvioe iu til mclljodlat church i he cpworlti league or tbo sjelhodif church are pirarliig fur a libraiy hoclpl on rnda ovctilut nov lllh alias mndaay and mirt hull were the guests of tbe ltev u a millhcp mlltuu over buuday 1 the fellow who fooled with the overcoat rjuestion didnt know il was loaded and hot hurt as usual llo in vested in the printers ink pot and proclaim id 7 00 overcoat for h ufl i ho didn t know that we have tha same identical overcoats msdo by tho same manufacturer from tbo aamo cloth but bonghl by ua al a considerable di count from what he got them for and thai we are sailing them at h 75 osoh he didnt koow tl waa leaded we are aelling lot of thesa coau aud are not making muofi fuss about it either we dopt consider it much of an achieve menl they are worth what wa ask for them but not au awful pile more the people who are asked to bite into these plums will find them soar enough eat inn when they realise that theycoold save mo in each by buying from us our prioe for thesa coats is tl 76 each 1 hs joc saved wllmtuy sugar to sweeten tho doae for the other fellow the goods wo urge of our own n overcoats ready to wear made by our awn workpeople not ijtiito bo low in prion but cheaper far iwoauae more durable and better in every respect than the bulk of the ready made si of which is really dear at any price no matter bow low boavor overcoats frleio overcoats tweed overcoats worsted overcoats blhh tlo tij 0 15 and higher if you want something que are here in abundance aud people who once buy thorn become our best sdverttsers they gel roll value for their money and are sail nod ordered clothing we were going o write about the groat value in new buitlngr overcoating aud trowaariug foe uioa ordered ololbiug which havo just come to hand we have not room for details we can only invito you lo see the goods come look and compare you will find that iu every part of the clothing huaiuesa whether ready made ir ordered this house serves you batter thsr some vary pretentious com potilora he didnt know fc k kftollert 4l oo it da wyndha sl vol ouklph owt 1m ihnhh slk ol v ll i t i i it t havt tl l li 4iali i wall and t tilint 1 in worth i i f nd 20 vehs 1 roll to rush out at h ind 10 tents 1 roll with 1 unit inch bortji 1 to match ficc window shades woith 40c arc tfoinfj it 51 only a few left 1 he in si shipment of 1 lol id i roods has arnncd it llu lru store j v kannavvin i lutbl acton wednesday and saturday iie euil weekly qpeottttoi 1 1 t 1 oat ofhce this la nearly as kjod a a daily paper whijo the price is only ii ooiierear ii you subscribe now for lhju wo will seud tbe balauoo of lhis yoar rill k ul i ii aug h 1 he earlior yuu subsurlbe tha mors you got for your ii 00 hauipla tuples free uu applicaliuu spectator printing go tta mil topt ai vyaters bros guelph prin6le the jewlller ourilph lit luug rcrloiico com blood with his prat ileal ability and close attention tu the details of that xirl of bia bumncas makes bun iho beat usliaad ikraoo lu luulph lod uy utairs tu your w uch headquarters for plolurob friuneb oortilco poleu wall psvpera don t bo satis led till jou nave mil in if hmi in it savage 8v cos 26 per cent discount sale -of- ilverware -for- cash only savage go jfcwlll lhoj cuelph whwalker s painter paper hanger decorator hte 11 m imiul lo aolou lla fortilor liuuic i ill slvo the bonoftt of his large arleo u thoao who dealro first class sod artistic work in house painting paiar hanging or dceoratlng lu all its branches hatlafsetory work always goarantsad aud at most reasonable prteos onlora left sl iearaon hardware hi ore r al 10 r roaldearo will rvoelvn irotu 1 allauuoo w h walker bower avenue xstw arrivals lllbl lilshud into btpcli third bliipmcnt nf brebs twccdb and ehfldrcnb clpakuigs have advanced although woollen goodb have ad anted we have them at the old pnecb i just passed inlo stock 2 shipments of all wool blankets which we will offer at special prices new cream flannelettes cashmere gloves hosier ladies ilidcnvear ktc etc choice stock of groceries always 011 hind r butter and lirgs taken as casli v a k glhney co mill street acton s jl 1 1 ii we are on to them t you can fool all the people sometimes and some of the people all the time but you cant fool all the people all the time wo gs ou ilia real condition olattalra ihiiow an i ii iw ri flwiirt ti luoet ii wo dnn i objoot ui anjroiio mil 1 1 11 p a hi ui overcoat lor at x u o am vary nuirh ail lirtod tu that sort of thing ouraolvbstlut wo say it lallot 11 most t rooroatut it as a 47 uvureoat wu hsvn soen tho ooata and have eomiaml tlioiu with tbia reaiilt exaggerated price 7 00 9 00 12 oo thesa prices are jui roal value 5 50 7 bo 9 60 reduced prioe tho llono price 4 95 6 69 3 38 s4 39 6 38 v 89 1 few llnoa alilrli would 11 1 apaco tbny oecnny in itin 1 lr eawatlunsy u i ul i i tulorlgbl tu lullowr hit ulvloa or that flrui au i write ii nllo thntr uamo llumbua sow soo what wo ran jo to uiako ii inlornallng lol tho ingb priced ln it for 250 we will tfive jou a 1 inc i ant i nhsli woisteti 1 weed lined overcoat woith moit intrinsically than the u ca i juu all boys and mens suits sold in same proportion j d williamson co wyndham and maodonnell streets guelph the white front store 99 upper wyndham street jkeja 1 cjk than ever ii a he tonvolico all i ai0iitioiilita of our alore greater ri ix ip a tfi lll tbo raafco an i aaanrtiuaiit 1 rim so- kalltu u ukrja 1 tjiv ticrf hu ui u i i iiiiorumi greater greater i i rf tkr clu a iioorhal ljiai 1 hriml i u al r e nelson leading tailor and fuimslioi 99 upper wyndhan st jmoii only jajixie lay jvlore vi u n llie pluxiiia fcue ripe is the time lo shake thu 1 1 the plums are ripe now and its your business to shake the tree at once ti hutu unit v a lu01 j lid d oi haluidu uiui uta ilolihuil ul tl h o i l o lu ex j retm ttitir aui jirittt ut the value wu otturutl iu l ert mitr lm j aitl n dt y laat rvlille wo tufly expeelvd jou to do jimt hut jour ailvei uauiiiliil tali il i hud tlio ioodn it hclmiib to uu that 3 oil uru uetually tluiti muro wu venture to naj we no id aa inuii ovoreoatd tin hitturdiij ua tut ik iidlh 1 liit think tl mi iu thy ovureout buniutah would uui i in two month votl ubk why btich un tuipreeudelitud met esn in ikotu 1 it imihimnn w n j l lot tlio public liai full inith in our advurtittumeiilri 2nd thuy found thu gooda even exteed in point of viilui ulmi in luul 1 1 m 1 t i unm our atat union t wua thut u would hull jou a 7 i oi en oat lor 1 1 u tl ouuoai en aud ti 12 00 overcoat lor h 3- llojii and youth a ctmlo tit an hnp did we do wi tlmt h tho imltititloii ak the mxt people who pun un i h 1 on hiitirdity tho timwor will be in evorj 1 aim kjana tt njnoniiti w nn more than iilhlh onl n1nk 1a8 mokk in ninth lo ttrtuiinu 111 thihknnl immt hult in t tlitu tvu i xpeet to trnvo tho buying pulille tievolul huiiilt t tl dirllnrn lo not pontunt pmeliu until it it too late 1 i at in r a b kyan ju gtuoi just now special barganib t1 hh ukoh near losl uulou bt wrju b 1 at thb right house i la itlull house u ullaring rroal attraotioua or out of town buyers 1 lur u order loiartuiuut yi ta lo uinl uubluuiora tho advauukes ul lanra oity slock and the city aoou out prioes tska ijulbb goodb for inatanoa 44 inch twhbd dltthh l iiiiim 1 r ou hetlr hnot at u tm a a u varda wool ilaidb worth foo lo tloo lu real varloly of atlertia at 40c and u heady lo wear uantihh for iadiaa kluses aud uuldrou at the price of the oluth no trouble 1 l k afle u11 u ikluy while the style oauut bw aqfpaasad iru41lod by the heat maullo makers itlach uianhlt uamllrt duuhu br aalad laro buttous from ftll 7fl op lo 10 1 noablo lu came lo the oily aend your bust measure with amount you wibii ic ay doaoribliifi wlartoer jou want uoar cloth bergo or uuuolo arjd wa will send lu any address its blanket wehther tba abarii air oetwosn aihl and morninn tells jou that a woolly warm blanket wouldu t bo am ian wc w a stock o il ji- ill iuiim 1 1 a t r 1 u i l unljfchwlau lor ueo wpmoo md childreo ood iiuallllea men a all wool hlnru snd 1 aula i oaih ultra al guc wumln ti ltnulhwtan wa ouiumsooa wllh s good line at 4oo esob uarmaul otlll btaims dklahtmenl la fully blocked with mannlljj cotion hlllfcllnuh d blliltllnub i 174 hnb of all dnaoriptlooa bamplaa aoul on application onlora tilled same day aa received tllh 111u1it houht kitm sl isati ooruat iiukbsod al uaimltuu lh lobar lbll lbjo tsoas c rtkzijsrs

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