Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 14, 1895, p. 3

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a bank of hamilton iibad otioe hamilton garltai ialk 1i ifkhknvn h llvn totll aaattta iilioono 171000 6rcmuhiu board op directors omnfitumct a iiaubav leoiresllont a t wool tlllbnu i tuiimiuiijiaahhir ii b htkliiknaut cshler ii u wathon inspector aqenoteb hamilton iilarloofu 14 kul pint million terllnchmloy llaoroetowii urlinsby illl ueknow illllon ununl forest orbiitfovllla wn hound tort klfllu hi in coo torojtu vtnntiain brltlbh oorroapondonta london national provincial llsuk of j nit sjidrlllri i amorloun corroapondcmtii nbw vorikrfiurlli national hank am hanover national liana iioston liitarniifln i truatoo ilun ciiinoa nauopal liens or illinois and union national hank 4anmit detroit national llauk kansas ci rr national hank ot commerce aflcnto ixrihontrdal tit bank of toronto qldorgetown agency i suit noise discounted and advanoob able eeourlues collections mad ami itraf la imunht ml void on oil aeossslble point in canada united hutn qrsat uritmln auduioconllnonlof huron upon most favorable terms savings department withdrawal 8pkcial dkiobith also received at ourrent rates of internal n u liwnghtonr auetll bibles nothing better for a present than i bible we have them from loots to to 00 cscli well bound clear type ajbama in llaah anil leather paries from 5c upward new liaee in dock and hide comb our atoohr li be largest oar trlcea the lowest oiub us n ckll nclqhqonhood news n tooiii character and geo hynd8 acton ont ntttlltnt ituut i ffilje tton jrce 3rtss tudr8day little local br ets which caught the eyes or ears of ftoprai reponrara tht weak thinkrgivmg nasi thursday council meeting next monday evening ilay ia selling at to sid a ton in gastpb christmas festival arc now bclok oooaidersd milton has llfn hrtrra anil bread la idoqta nnd exahnrtnaa organised u i caw a lliu llpworlh losguu of tho id ink church linn bran in ohtonou fbr nay cur nnd hau ciijofi a tury j noon rnl 115 exwr luttao 1 ho t fllccru for tlio accond yrar worn olueltcl laht tu a follows lion rmafdniit itov it i mctntyrc 1realhont my leilic i hi joo xmideqt wm lambtr jmi ico rrcnidont irank wot den hocrotcj klla 8ndor treaanror itichanl joluialon orkntil dora word on ample water for hr furpomcm 1 1 ha water unki al the town hall nnd at thu corner of mill and frodoriok at root m ro canidelcd and ft i led with water nut vflthalandin thu quealloiiinua of many tmthlcfl ohaervtr ttio nine iuclt jravlta lion mniiia lilt the tauka likn a charm and nu ma iter how iliiaatrnua a ii ro wn may haw at any in no 111 the future tliero will alwbna bo an ample anpply of water to feed ilia cii1iic an uach main ima a capacity urur than llio hiikiuo will ulilifeo r tjllum per inimitc tlioatanka liult botwean h mm and 10 000 rllon llio lanka in tho ktream croatinft main alreet arc nlao rdwly fur uao and workmen kre now engaged in putlinft down llio one on ouutt htmot rr itfcntnu ft llrlclt lhurili during the paat two woeka rapaira atd uiiprovenictila havo been under wy at the buck hurah above actor i huto m ill ba cqinpldtod lltii week and llio occaaiun will baobaervrd with re oponlnk aerviara next hunday and mondaj on sunday aormoni will be proachird at 10 jo and 7 o olook by ltov t w lacbaon ot tcrttu a tea meet i ii h will be ktven on monday ovonfnr at which tlio followink uantlenuin have been invited to deliver addnmoi iteva jaokaon llnwoll itna and kealle the choir of the methodlal lhiifoli aolon will contiibute lire muiloal pari of the pro kramme and miiara clara moore aoton and annie currie ojprinse will render rrfitalioiia 1 or the accomodation of our a it ice nu who may deaire lo attend convey ancca will leave tho toil oltloo at 1 10 look i alrrcil intti kent kuv i athur dnttiorttrr am of 111- brat pmcmta to miuiator to the roijrrpilioni of ftl ionl a hnrch in uitir old cjmrch at liithu it mi at iiidph uhi tnday cvoomjj afler a lunk lllnuaa thu luiv father wax bum 111 limlouaa v runco 1 eb ihth ihlm havinii rcaihod manhood and attained a i i in ral 1 1 rduoatiun ho camr to amci ica about lrth ueveral jean ware apnt 111 hi was then lent to saw york ulo and entered 1 ordbim colknc wticro be was proftiimor of i aim for three year uutil removed to ciuelph on augual hlh 1m id loaaaiathov father ilollser who waa wnrli jntt and ltov 1 at li r mlojjo in iuiaaionar work i bo laltei the news at home vorv horn intoroatlnh milton tho- open inn of ilia una nnw uracil jhurcb wui an intp ovont the aerviooa dnrpi tho clay ware uruly attended next buuday the opinmu acr vicch will bo ounilniiefl tav mr mahaffy the new jtaalor of kuox church will bo indoclod tox tuom day the moderator will prealde tho kev mr mcmillan will prciaco tho hevdr lrrt will oddreas tho minialor nijtl llio jllov mr mnnaon tho pooplo erin r anveral yei down 10 0 ccnu the wel her thia week haa not l he ioromi mir of laat week a hue daya the brick work of mr mcoril line new botim ia approachuik completion next mtoluik of the hijuuiinn low 11 ahip couucil will be on the aocoud uf deoember mx illrua imacjdiajumci u tiuilduju a eccoad home au hta proper ly on main stroai near cburcli hi reel arrtnge tbia week to pravido fur the comfort of otbera leu fortuuato than jour elf on tbnluhivin ijy advert lao your ttrayed atock lu the jtbxx pncua wi have beeu very aucoeaa fol in aiding owners in thu way the towotbip oouncil haa juit paid angm motaviah iti1t for repair to the oroaa road between lota 2 and fi con 1 kiquoaink mr leorye ilariiaoti blackaniilh at orindell macbtro ahtiji racuivod a aovcrt abaking op while working with a drivitik belt laat wedoeaday laat week the biloanjlpworth leauuo dm i in laaluia bchoul uouae and ou moti day evening of thia wtfek at the homo of mr p wordcn trear tho church the oontinttod rama on friday and batardav ware timely and very bcucllcial farmer in parttoalae and iha xjouie ciioe rally appreciated tile ahohcra oau sold at from j5 to and barley at from 3h to 42c per buihol polatoca at from 30 to 23s pr bag and ecc per doxon on julph markol yeaterday hie lidica aid o kuui l hurob will give tboir annual tea aud licture uu tbankagiviui evcunik liev mr mullan of fentua will dehvtr hit ictturo my rirublea lu ijrilaln llov j r howell m a gonluno caatle on tbaukaicivltik ovenint lo deliver hit odalreaa ou tbe new woman under the aoapiooa of the ladiea id uf the uethodut church there tha railway are advortiaiiik biukiv far rate for ttiauhauiviiik gyna k nov 30 and 21 ijooi to return nov 2 tbl is a good opparlunlty lu vuit the old home and anjoy ibe thanksgiving day dinner the secretary of a ichool board in erin towuahlp aenl llio folluwlnil roply u ao applicant for the acbool yure uaino ia not in it yure soiree lo liib you ahould have sent a ua stamp 1 m lo out yurea truly teawwawr arifa tfas will of the lat llov it j ludlaw li d was entered foe probate laat woak tba nauu ii valued at iu 000 which it beqaolbsd to hi children one daughter aua three son an go mccoil o lsiooiii brother in law uf deceased aud w a logie uf li ami i ton are tbe rxeonlors a o umber of tbe workmoo of tlio ac ion tanning company eihl or leu havo received notice of tbe tormiuftliuii of thru engagement 1 wo reason are lvon lor this course a dull loalher markot aud llio introduction of labor saving machuierj tbe equrt baa ovldeully uoeu aa far aa poiaibla uuv to dlaturb marriod in en kannawiua louditlou 1owdera for horses gallia ubrep and lig sra i hi beat tboy improve h19 aiprtite aud euro coughs cold aud luflutun oii lbs hlgheat mireel pi no will be paid fur any ijuanlity uf g mki cue11 1 ou delivered at ueoritotown ataliun hush them in now wbilo the roada aro good wu uoleui uturgeuiwn jtarmsr wautinx uarily naiivs block to plant this coming fall or bprhiti may pay for il in wurk we want men with ftr l mtptrltn e nil full nr narl time salary aud cxprnsetor ooromiaaiuu writ once for further information iloowv unotiixtui coin im coulineutal nurseries toruntu out antiubua wedntaday nov jolb sale of horatn cattle phi ud luiulcmoina tba property of dip j wallacr lot id con 7 himbvr et uno uolock trs twelve moiilha in nuntllni n aooliooeers prieal id iho v ontabliahing and taking ctiarl of thu vor dud ll mill rk of fell to falhe jjuu upt ui- itlffir tnx t plttccb including flora fergus itnt uu w4l herfllud rlhur ml format 11 erl town aclnu kockwooj 1 r a 111 ill ltrrlin liiailrr i imira lra ton iti irrll x via in tl t lltii ink and on foot u11 ho itlli uf may ll llio koldeii juhilr 1 alhor dun oitnr ordlu atiun waa culcbralod hi nuelph with appropinxlu oteuiunioo 1 he he gentle muih bulokad by lho pnople uiong gir i rulealaiiln lit had many warm fiiund crlfliralrtl their tulilam cdllag 1 ift uar ao thin mi nib thomas 1urrmiiau thuu o matkliapi and bila clark daughter of the late john lark ororkolowu uom utulcd in liuly wetilock at loruuto i bia happy evint wan com mcmuraled by u plcaaint galhcring of rulalivia ami friends at thu home of the aged couple corner mill an 1 jnhti alrivlp luit 1 ndaj evening 1 hu hiptibin ul a graudchihl oiilcd inlerrat tu tho o libioii a bountiful uod uiiiipio aupxr trni pr liken uf and a most eujuj able evuiilug wan voil and iiiatrnmeutal nimic luter eating remliiiaceiioca and word uf ohcir and comfort was aponl nniiieioua hand auino and unfnl preocnta vvoru rtcuned mr 1errj man waa born 111 ucvunnlnro 1 upland on the lat october i hi 11 and in coia 111 hl holh mr ho came lo umwu 111 1m4 i and aoltud 111 acton with inn young wllu lu 1mm ver aiucc tlitj havu bcuu eatecuitil romdouta of acton and vimiiii with thu eiceptlon 1 f few yasru hi ullltigwoo1 mr rorrmaii ban work cd at bin tjalo if alono maaon f r 1 iar hi i inland walta uud auadw and in ttill a bio lo do a k day a wotk ho built lho tlrt bink iiuuhi in llun till handing oil main alreet al tlio cut ran to tu lho school i a li hu alao built llin mctho ill hurch at italliuafad mr and mr- lerrmsli havo iwrn blottd with an in id rlii llvo uf whom arc imliy and rem ic invniiliit to tho h jiih i lit a rod pireula uiy tuia uunjr citation alloiidod the u ntlru aliun aorvicco in hi albausthurili m nday evouiiig 111 i ordahip lho itiu t lumilloii nidnlod tho arrvico uaaialod by lho hov mr ojdrti lho paatui lloforo liiiitlrmiuu lho raiididaloo nlovcn in number tho itlahop delivered an iddrofiawliili wua liateuad lu with markoj tlenlloii ii waa haaod utoli the lollow iu propoailloiia lat i hu counrmatkon service toalille lo lho aorupuluua adberenco llbavtuuaeuw kiiiand to the iliblo thia aorvice beinu mdoiillcaj with lhal uf llio apoello see acts ull 17 j ii altesla to lho tin broken huo ot lbo ohuich from lirlal and the apostles to tho pre tnl time and jrd it attoata u ths fact ot llfu in lho church i u ufa luitlalcl al ilaptieni nourtatieaby care and leaoblug durinit the lutvrveniiih yoara la by llna servico l ami on it r mod aud in ouuiict lion with lhiiirvc ho hoi llot 1 veil lu gumlo and ttucllly durluit the reniallidor i till life lho llubup iwoll uikiii llio lnikirlaliia uf till llio a wull aa tlio aro dial ahiiuhl ho escerciaed lu it development lu addition to hi address hi 1 urdolup laid down oruo rule by which llio tunllrmcd ehuald regulate their live ho rmphaiaod 4 ill korvur and nitorcal lho following 1rlvaui prayer family prayur church prayer no vor to bo absent fioiu olthor uuleaa uukvuidable iho boium uaolul 111 llio church nut idle or un irulltablo lho aetliug apart a crrtam aiuouut ul what i j hi kivea lu uistu lat tho aupport uf tlio chuxoiiaud iho faithful attendance upon the commuuioii i bo illahup alio baptlaod tlio infant daughter f tho pialor uf the church 1 btajvlrole service uvxmpyiag twu huurr waa uf ruat jixi pcupfo stteudsd tbo llioeliuj uf ho yuuug won a i literal club in ouolpll juuday oveuliig hon i w ilua and lr i biidorkiu wen lho smakir aitiki hut uu luasday iih no vein bur mr 1 1 o- lleudertvu lot jo lou b i lucajng whu has given up farm iu fwill sell her stocky aud imnleiubiit halo al 1 o olook term ft and 12 mini i hit win llcninlnrul auctioneer mr john lloiutmi w haa been mausgcr gl tho lrm at xnlr ban severed hi ioimecum ilh that paper he has btteu tins a1i1 trihr right hand ihau and will be missed ttioofllcer for iho i i h i impriyo are as follow for the ensuing i munllih im mr j ii w millar ice preb mil hmma ilaldio itec aro mr john motavisbcur aec mi limioj ileed tres mian kstlo hinolair the -ronrth- ladles of uiluburrf havu orgaulxed a olnb to l4 known a tho jarnalion club the pbjeoti to pro mole iiitellcalual nullum among thu tnung jxsoplo of the villanf a tenant farmer living near a ichool house on tho fifth liuf i notoritu for his ton 1 profanity during hla ordinary work on tbe farm the neighbor aro much sinmy oi and a number of the parents of school children are talking of taking the matter beforo a magistrate in order to stop the on seemly blasphemy nassagaweya tho mpccial services which have been carried uu by lho ltov mr amy and mr mor lho evangel 11 1 will probably onme to a close uoxt sunday otciiinn much good ha been done providing the apecisl uutlttiga cloae 111 tho i benexer hurch nrxl sunday oveuiug mr tticr the evauuelit will doluor a lecturo iu the tuwn hall brookville on monday evening nov ihth oil his life from tho liar 10 tn lo lho iuli h all aro cordially luvitod lo attend ll will bo free to all lho 1 ale on 1 1 laat 1 ridayfu nutwittihtaudiu weather la the of lleiij m rr niicy r l tho rain gf hvu i riday an i h did an uutold anion nl uf goud home of thu armor havo their full ptotigliliik lluistred for this jrnr ihe pluugbmit match at corwhin was a decided auccean ijmto a number uf prixo came to nnaawos which shown lhat ihe nuaiuiuweja imj a aru nol 11111 g to be behind their neilib r lu rrgard lu go 1 ploughing bvtrton the annual turrn ttie nembra nt f t rrf s 1r preached lart hunday vtluk by itt h j uclutxro tu tho lhclili- hurch 1 hla talented y nin pn achrr an 0 oiient acriimu haard iikui thu tripln ti at 1rcv ih jl matl lb mil act- j 1 i there 1 a friend thl atiukrlh toer than a brother 1 boil nhalt ion thy rigbbor aa ibvnelf vd all lhal be lloted were uigctlur and llail all lliiui kooda aud artad ibem tu all iiieu a 1 every ma j had need i ho aubjrcl wai hl handled an i lial maii inipr aaivo ibuughta ihe c ji rrullim wfti a very mr marshall lho now iierchnl aud pualmaator grow in upulanly aa ho become acquainted with lho cummuuily mr juhu hmallhoru who haa lieeu tory hi wilh pneumonia fur atvcnl week aud vtry low ul time bai rallied un i il hoped ho will ihiii ba unliroly ruciivorod ihe misconduct of a no 111 be r of unruly boal iho die iplca t iiunh haa nooxai taled publia relcrruco by ltov mr luker thin action will no ituubtprovo aalulary owiiik tu lho to 1 wnuig kcrvtcta at llio itriuk hurch un ihla circuit nrit hunday lho uual arrvico hero 1 withdrawn limehoubt mr john i mdaay inlenda haaing tho farm aud iuuwu lo ihe village f it it ia 101 orlrl lhat mm i boa 11 11 lerai 1 r lai iii mr mclunatrf and mtuda iikktui ut ltr reel driico 111 i tun our luan li clon a iuin mr j 1i111 mooir mauaxtrif tin i iniolo ii1110 toa wurkt lion haa purchufcil a carload uf pressed hay for their own uao ullo a number hum hero weul lo cluti sunday vrliuig lit hear the km lr llllgg and rrtort ilia biiiiiuii pule a 1 1 till lhcruwillbo minim n lho mclho tlal i hurch licio iml subblli iviiiiiif uphrtuulty of ivltundliik lho n opcniiik of ihe llmk hurch abuvu acton mr lttborl tiaiilu paid 1 llj 1 h iu itm ho fan ti 11 allh hlu ha hern a i lig lull mr jaa plant of acton hnabvtiiuit iu ul her muthur a ihi wrok mr ivou of loinnto lyimo 1 i h whu was ifviiik at tlio nolly una inimoi wilh hla faintly has wo underalaii 1 bought part of tholiiwt f m j l 1 lt anil luteiidi bnrldluk himaell a r iiianrtil abhuhovt m a roen of liluwel la ho 11 utat uf mra jas mu rduck mrs wm 1 roauin la bliu 1 vo ry lu- her brother mr italmir ol t aleduu kiallod her laal week m a jein 0 lallowy ia a 0 ii wilh mala na lover master w ler wriglowut 1 1 recsvvar lug 1 rum a tfe voro allack of dl blhu lla m and m hiuhatrd diuk poll u low day with ir citda iu aloduu dur tho mioa ltiuah tlalica uf i imlleuhain ha beou ougagod lu succeed mlaa coulaon a loachor of lho public auhuul hare lloruky huua uf i oniprr ncc aiaialcd in tho prugrauimo tiveil al a lea inciting held by lho llullonvillu dihaion 011 iburaday evuiuud uru 11 1 lluwdeu wrlitruiotl tho dulius ot chairman 111 hla usual grace ful majiner lire lj nliyu rcooivod hearty applattao for his excellently roudur cd rccltalluus and oltler who took part wcro well recolvod fart of tho urohcatra 011 iho way over uauio lo nol mr jaiuus ulhuny do ran uul an 1 ltichlcncd john p ti w th throwing out tbo ocoupinu uf lho buggy aud atsrled ull roaumably for homo ml hliaitkh wm luhliy injured wlcflo thu otbors ulsa ollio bttsnka and mr vlbort llobuinou raoaiui unhurt 1 hetr viullna were however erkuaily damsgid if yau waut first alassoualphsoah and doors at clhslph pricew 1 luuvib cam till yuur urdvr rtiiti vl4aujjjilll i cojhing and gqino visitors o and prom aoton and varlouwothorporaonal notos tin ntikm im us invito all i u res or to oil tribute lo till col bin 11 if jou or tour fnenilh aro gofitpyaway uira holiday trip or if ysu havo frhuda vlmltluu ou drop a rard lo die him mr duiiald mulonuan uf juhnstown n t tiiome on holidays mra arch monabb is apanding a few weeks with mend at croc mo re mr 4c0i l allan has boon very ill the paat week but 1 now omo bolter mra chrialio is spend or a faw wwelri wilh friends at welland and alunburgh itev mj- goddrn attended lho opening norvicos of orsoe clilirnli milton on tuosday mr n j hoinar apeut a few da durjng lho vcek wilh friudn lit hi old hoinn at floltdu mr mark butlou left on tuesday for johmtawu n 1 where he inlands in the future to rcajdo mr jmim lirown xpent coupla of days this week a tba home of mr william coaler of loru whu 1 lying at the point ot death mr jamoi brown who ha been confined to lho bone with au altootion of the knee joints tlio paal two month is slowly recovering mr levi lambert aud family are remov ing thia week lo hlghgate they have been good ciltxenn and will ito much miod in several circles mr jeorgo nloklm who left hsro acme time to for olovcraville n y uow occupies a lucrative position in tho 00m miltre room of the hfpublipau parly in that city mr alfred hoper has boaffht a lot and 1 buihhhg a house in georgetown the family will move thero shortly daring their tsy in acton mr bud mrs 80 per made numoruu friends mr hubert o 11 row n returned home from tho nurlhwet on tuesday ho hfteitt tbe mual ot thu ihroo months ou the farm of mr hamuel mcoormsn of ardon formerly of crowhoua urners mcsir frank uaniblu and it chard jitliiikon who went out to lie north west about three tiinulba ntfo rnturno1 home oil hsturil they e jl heir trip very miih hut 1 refer tliilarin a pla o for dress gtood8 mbjl- ul f iii i bojird of sorlh hlreot methxlial hurch iiiderirh tho board by a uiiautmou voir invlodlherpaattr ltov jorpb i ig lo oiinliiiuii hta ohiteotiit witli lha oh u roll for lho ihird oar j 1 the furnduf mra haa knees forti erly o acton and now it i in hope a ill be a ny lu learn unit a1 uho waa leavitii in r risid once l he other ovrtiinti hhe alpel on ihe duirntrli whirl waa loitrd vt lh in fall mi heavily and break lug her ml le between tho kueo and auk e itofei tin to tho if kr dr i n w r nf aw l the a mvflnn arrvl o of kiuu atriel cliur i i n i 1 tho f rr i r it lhal ver r it hutu g ad hraa an i 11 ves ulter an 10 lu i i though ta 111 eli- null r no i i itenna and with a lull clor vuk hi rhrtonual power aro u and il h acrpte a call tu the atkin btreot hurch nrit year aa la hi 11 tod lho uralr of the motlutdint pulpite 111 tin city will bo 11 iderably cuhauced lhtwsons corners 1 in wednesday cveuiug laat iullo lai number uf lho oouuregatlou of tbo crew boiib urnera molhodist church met at lho homo uf mr i own caun to apoud a aocialcvcninc with him aud ills family be i or o lltcir departure fur iheir lb norm in 1 uthcr iuring the ouurao uf tho even ing mr wm tiray railed the moetliik lo order when mia i urena mel aughllu road tlu inllowin neal y worded addroia and at lh promr time mrs win dray and mu martha moore putsontod m and mra aim with two beautiful uphildorod eay chuira ihe address wan aa t lluws 11 ar oubiiuiiim bam s ii u iat and kalolull torcourao villi iou an 1 in 111 all klutla of lirll im rrmsrilod ttioao vltotu thttra rf tlaiiti4 uttllt u 1 ivplicd la a very feeling aiiitcr thaukluit ihe qongronatiob for ihclr kinduasa lu him and hla family durlug iheir rualdeiico bore ihla he said was lho second ocoaalou uf a presentation tu him by lho t fewsuue or nor a hurch lbo i il bcluit ihe proaeutatiuii uf a beautiful allvaf watch itev mr kealle made a abort addrrja eiprvsniuit hla regret al mr t tun and hta family a removal frum amuug us yet with kindly fcolinga he tendered bun our best w latin lur future success after the ladle uf ibe church bad served refreshments the gathering broke up alter spoudlng a pleasant oveuliig lung tu be romem bared mr csun will out only be uilasod by ihe church kmiple uf rowroua or nor but alau i y tlio neighborhiktd in general ilia koch wood molhodlbl itcull quarterly hoard taeoit a resolulou at tbuir nuvoui bur inccttug ei pressing ibsir regrei at bis rouioval mr howard muum loft f r toronto uil hslurdsy a ituinucr uf yuunt mou iroin uil bttundod a auclal daucv in tlio town hall lli millw ia lursjav tho pro eminent position which oar dross goods trade holds in unelph is partly accounted for by ths- also of oar took loo dont ond such another di play tu the cjty tiooda from the iowmi to llio very highest grades and pnoe ant here in abunilsaca the mr prise of the fashion world are here constant xhip fncnta from hnrope add avsr prase n i noveltsud fresh noes nowhere nlsain the oitv have you sanli a choice and where do you find the valuss excelled t just how we show an iinmeusa slock black coods hint k cunitntrin bluek liuurilthu illuck crepo 1 lot iii black anmiren hluck solieu black biarril bltiek brolhen htnck frnp dc tonloti black silk wurp black atnazonh bliitk sim got black ctinlrt black cnpoiih costume tweeds 11 inch 1 wrthla at 20o 2ic joo 3v and ai iiijii il tj 1bt yard i llioh cood at r ioc mc jhi and at high as 2 m wr yard i aucy and runl ilresa ci toils in variety almoal bowtldorlni aud to meet the rruire men i ul everybody tiur atircibl lino uf an w ool bcrge at jo la iilraurdiuary value wo cummnid uur reaaruakiug whloli under the cliaro of mlaa leitncx la kivtng such excellent satisfaction we are con atautly receiving and exoculimi orders hundred of miles lu the oast sod as far to the weal aa wnccuver and ictoria we i htsl l wiak l the 125c off the noy in csnads no betfttr style work are turned out iji t6robi6 tt iw0 or three llmra iho prices we charge i lho ld e in pur eiiskl tl r boltert a co 2b hnd 37 wyrdbaui auou c1uklfu ont yes bll wly 1 arid h v i ik h ci lit illl t 11 til vil 1 itual i iw t 1 t uu it ijsc liiolii in i s 1 up h uics ct i tun mil l tull j1 fin l llllt ixhtit tu patid only i j v kannaw 4 itltutuibt acton uktll after atoudliig two weeks vory pleasantly witblruiida heru mr slid mr las mourn relumed to tin ir immu 11 1 uroiilu uu 1 uoa day last mr 1 owl aim anl family moved lo their uow homo in luther un friday ii uu wiuti orst olas winter uutfll uticsp cheap cheap call wilhm two wrtka iihit uouuar lho 1ailur acton lbo areful rrptiniii f w a lubes la hubh uf prihgle the jewrler uublpu hi lung expend ia ml mod with hla practical ability aoy cloao attstnttoa tu ibe details uf that part ul hla busluosa makes hlui lbo brat iuihal pcusuu in tiuelpb toidu auy repairs lu your watch ourfc is a genu ine discount sale ot silverware the old prices are on each article we 1 take the discount off at tirfic of sale savage co ii j m 1 1 1 1 i cuelph bankrupt s4ock all newr goods bkrchin dky zhrv phy call and examine our stock a i- clunky a co mill street ac ion varnarik fob saiyb 1 ioouinl i y th oui ui clu guuitu i horvbi offorihl fi ul tlie ihiuh t a r m i molareh otltist k 43 yaw m forohto r of teeth for we are on to them you can fool all the people sometimes and some of the people all the time but you cant fool all trre people all irmtrhe vi ml a ju tbe real condition ofaflalra txluw ainl in w wo lulriil u net ii u r ion i i joct n anyone miiiiu i jl ovnrcmit for si w me aro vit uiilnli ad llriwl lo dial aurl men ibacoala and havo eiaikvrnl then nlth ttiu riwiilt bxogilonfcted pnoe ron value reduced prico the lions prioe s 7 00 9 00 ia 00 5 50 7 50 9 60 v 4 95 6 69 8 38 14 39 6 38 7 89 tlimm rtoa am jitt t oirel a llin lilrl wo il i not ih ih tlro mn jit i ir lho alsn of bitacatbey occuiy 111 tlm iair ui ll ink uil houiii i u illo n t lu follow llio sow boo what wo ran do lu make it ni for tin iuth urlced i- i for s250 u will ne j 011 a mi 1 imj 1 nli i v u 1 1 ul lhkll overcoat worth morl intrinycall than uil urn lui iaiid tu sj j all lid and mens suits sold m sum proportion j d williamson co wymjkoni and macdonnell streets gutlph pram owe mebponfifat hi a naif sta v painkiller ir rntlk iwsisa if eeritawwavt chrll6nge- vv uvt no olijttlliii to un tlliillti juclpll belling klltru c liumnh tit 1 tc it ih 1 no init wu trot gl object to an in in ittixcrtl ing jilru clnunow nl 1 n put itiil un 1 u it huppinig their cuatoiaera uitli a hubatituto hiiuilur iu appciirutill iml wlmli tealu l u jiii be to 10c per jurd leas und llna c clmtu wua donu lurit kntia we object itecnum the puhl c uro tlcrti r ing ol ilihorent trcmttincnt t nlitil iili hiihc it ia i i lion est we object becatiiiu it ih unfair to thu utraigli lurv aril alv i rliicr im it i miv i tbe public to uiutervulue ull other udvertitiuiiieiitm ijl lie pupil no mat tor btn truthful uur htuteuieii uub that u tirri in thi lit who ndveitinctl immu iuliikmh ut 1 tt ottltl itucknttaeltt or bucknkin nihteml wu un prlpnrrtl to hack up out statt ntciit m thw w n we till place our muikecl cbcmpic ttr two iii muthl dllkb iou uu a th hantlrt ot tho mayor to be liuudod bj htlil to anj charitable hihi it ut nu in tbe ci ilu lannnt probe thut the lirin who advertimed kibiu chaiuoia ut im per jitnl tor fruhn sold on that din a aubtititotu which coat 8c or 10c a urd lcrn uiu nd ot jie lrutiuitii at t u le vibru haiiuiit on thu other bund it wu prove our aancrliou nbicb uc will lo within uu hour altct ibe chullenlco lo accepted wo htipulato that the guilt tirtii ulinll ptiblu i atktiowkdgi in their adurtiblin space thut our accunation wan correct uud ih it i hey did ud ci tlc kibru chaiimin at 16c per yurct and httpplied tin ir ctiitoincrn willi a hublitulc wlikb kihi fioiu m to luc less now ith thin li a uioit genoroui ntlei on utti pm i i hav int aaked no tuontlai i hk irom hem bo thut they hliuid lo lone nothing w hitlew r v tuns eanoiiuhl expect thai uui challenge will he un opted w u kuop r u i iu kot omh drr a b ky aim isb u guciii st luiiiliert jvi cy dull foii uhhvicb oh i un salb llfc uudt rain dad lias ur awrvue at uta blaltla 1 ou uaiu hunt a uturuualibnd peiusruod ht 1ujbort jursor hull tbf hue auluial laajaoorlarsd ur bsjs u j iimtkih 1 liaktr vctuu t il jill it- si jtthe right housi lbs ilia- 1 1 ituuh i oflatltig cloal attiutloo for oul uf luwu bufoia u mail ikdci 1 i i u i m jb lu t luuters ihe advantage of large city stock aud che city koeu oul prices take oklbu umjih for lustavuoe 1 1 inch 1 vll1 lutlhh owiih t lti lines at it to 0 w tnla wool ilaiub worut soo to uto in great variety uf pallerua at uk aud lleody to wear uantlbb for ladies ulasra aud hlldrcn at llio price of tlio cloth nu tioublo i i a u mi iitf while tbe stylsvoaunui be surpassed ll euailod by tlio tirol iuull luairri itlach iiiwhi mami in doub br iled large but tuna froip i 71 op lo 10 if uuable tu uiuo ut llio lty scud yuur hual muasun wilh am ut i vou wih t pay describing whether you waut lluvcr cloth bergu ur uouch ami wu will auud to any addles l its 13lhnket wehther 1 bo sbarp oir betw night and tnoruing tolls you that a woolly warm illaukrt wouldn i ho aniiau wtm a alook ot severs u various ualilir alhuot t wbl t t ind 1 l 1i t up unuhllwi all for men women and bildren roimi ushliie men vii wool blurts and iaitu lor ik each iwlur al ulk wuukn ti ctnubltwbah wo oummutoa wilb a good at lo oaub gbruioul otlh htallh itfclalttalkwl i fully slocked uli 1ianniih lotihin hiiikllnuh ami pnilttinoh i i nlnfi of all descriptions bstnplee scut uu application order illlid saiue day as received 111b uiout 1iouhl king at vast oorosr uaghsou si 1 llbiuiltuii october tblb 16jo tibioivt a s o wjtkiastb

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