Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 21, 1895, p. 3

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nggaaggg trim llzq u-k- 1 y bank of hampton hkadorriae hamilton u1ti pain vr 30000 ilujuirk kiini ajrtaoou tottilutn mjbttmllg board of directors oiinhttuakt irs nin faootom tiao a ii laa toronto a u ilamfuy i ildnnt icoiseshlenl laoijtocu a t wood wm ulmflkul it ii watbon lowcu t aqenoneb hamilton iltartonhtl but nil alllu tsxlln theater usorgatown urlmahy i iitowi sueknow milton umttit voraat orsngovlllo lwen hound iort klein hi u icon toronto brltiah gorroapondento london nation 1 rorinoul hank of rng and lad i american oorreopondentn naw toaa fourth national hank ami hanover netlenal liana uootoh interna llou eltruatoo llurrsl uertnellank tin tn nauouej rank or illlnou anil union rational llank darmnrr detroit national hank kaxaaa cirr national hank of commoroo agonts in montreal tba llank of toronto aiilorqetown agency note dleeountad and advances made on suit able eeeurlues fiwll wads sad d add on all aoeaattbl orest britain a moat favorable tevma savings department deposits of and upwerda tntaraal allowed front dat withdrawal spboiai dkpowth ato raoelvad at current rataa of interest n u xi inohtonk a gout knives forks and spoons from tha cheapest to tho beat of itojer make when you want an jvc us a call opening op now lines in loa toja oamsa book blblea albums handsome wedding and birthday pre enta always id stock oeo hynd8aot6nont jivelunr stuus otije xton jfree rtss tuuribdiv wntuniu ji this little local brieflets which cuaht tha eyoe or ear of fr proas r a port or a this wank tli an kr giving day i thankaglving lea and i eel ore in knox church this evening tba thanksgiving torfcey shufllod ot lb mortal coll yesterday ft 00 will pay for tha f x pur it till january 1807 subscribe now chaal will vole oo a h 000 by law tor a cow school building on rderatmnl 4 ad mr wm hampshire n aster at sootch bio k re mr john turner foeignod tba brussels aaya ua j d i too aid of ilia i town will give tho second teat of hia suarn fire engiu at aclon thia tha weather lataly haa favorad tba build era and tba carpenters are uow rnabiui forward iba buildine npou which they are anjtaga november woodi are baro and alill november days are clear and bright each dood barns op tba morning a oh ill tha morning anow la gone by night a man who goau to mo a girl twice wea and takes bar to an occasional entertainment u legally engaged to ber aooordlng to a regent court decision a abooling match was held on tuesday by mr it n garvin on hia farm in the orst concession mr adam cook will hold one tola afternoon at the foot of church a treat bevcrel of the oroialug on mill street which were very nice iu dry weather when rraldoadad would now almost require a aamroh warrant to ascertain there where a bo a la the last meeting of hid oounty oounoil hajatwiribrhdrtrttiwraday whh inat dr webster tbe genial warden will entertain bit friends at din nor at the beunau uoaae at two p ra tha nsnal winter time table of the orand trunk railway went into effect on monday on the main hue which passes through acton no altrraltoua are made in tbe lime of running the trains owing w the shortness of straw this year thrtaher as a role find that they oan ibrnh oot a baru in from one half to two ibirrja of the time generally occninod tlte grain however generally yields well lvery aubaeiibcr of ihe v axr iiiuui pays in advance tbe r s litw la a welooma visitor and the tl 00 neoessary to ansa re tba tegular weakly visits of thia newly rlend la annually paid with pleasure what have we to iheuk lor t bays one whatt here is a little liet of ihaoomrnonar evarydayileaalnga health slrengtb raiment bo mo friend food peace and plenty generally within our border p i saw jour advertisement in the jus jpaaas u an eaay thing to say when you go a bopping and it often does tbe paper a lot of good moat of tbe merchants however oan tall that yoq saw il by tb way you deal whether yon aay or not at tha last meeting of iloneaiug council tha following euma were voled for beep killed by dogs w i noble 4 abeep and iambi flu b3 coo chiholm 1 sheep and t lambs k u ieleim ole j lamu 13 80 john t oclea 2 lamb 3 60 tha tarry bound star celebrated its twenty brat birthday by potting lu a new power prase new type and effecting other important improvement friend ireland has faitb in tba future of parry bound and manifest it by his extensive investments tho star i a vastly improved paper the news at home monily of a lpaal chnrnotor and ovarv itom lyttttrastlna jnrntpra luhtlttjte 1 ho dates of the i armors institute meet lugs for thii ooniinx aeaaou bavq been dxed tho hallou meellul will bo held at milton on jan 7th and hth ttiio speakers are mtsara meniil of windsor ilaroourt of juclph and i ralfcitof uaad firl jwa at tho chvrehr a thanksgiving aervico wis held by ihe ljpwgrtli ijoaguu in the methodist lhnruh nti i uoaday evaninjl the usual thanks firing services will be held in knox church title morning at 11 o clock and in the baptist lioroh lo morrow evening at 7 30 o clock nrxi holiday hot j v howell m a will preach a thanksgiving sermon in ihe morning and a discourse lo young on in llnevnlng itrichtcht lutyn krmtl tbe setrttpaprr a newspaiwr is alwae printed in aruali there is alwayaaomatliinitin iathataboold have been left out or something- loft out that should have been put in it is so rot times loo quick to act but with all its faults arid shortcomings thorc is more educatioitm a bright miway paper thau tlicre is in a novel tou will find tho brightest bn on practice eruiible every day iufstiiiis in tho boy who reads the iicwapcrb halloa liotclkcepvrm mulcted a number ol tlio hotolkeepri i i lit ton county will psse in critical review before tbe 1 icense comminoners before liconsee arc renewed for another year in various parts of the oounty fines have been imposed at intervals during tha year and tbe own bar charged with violation of iho lice nee law and qned haa heen larger than usual jthnjasl halcii olvioiaiiujloamo bclnrn u- ii konneil j i at georgetown last week at the ins la n oo of inspector rdy nolds they were moqibbou bros the new irsrea of tbe clark uouao oenrgelown mrs molnerny uutnwilllamn and n ustrsnder hornby in esch case a hue wasimpoaed the flues and coats am regal ing 17 17 an invitation lor jvrl civic uolllmy during hi visit to actou this week mr a hall one of the municipal father of iuuelanguishina in dilating to the hiitr pm a upon the beauties and advantages of his town remarked liy the way i ice by the tnrf 1utnn hi at acti n always has an anuuil holiday an 1 excuraioo to some out side point why not coma up to ienetatk next j ear it i one of tho mo attrac tlvepots in outario ha beautiful bj pi end id boating picturesque surroundings and historical points render it worth a trip any time if acton will get up an excor siou there we llido al we can to mtlto it pleasant the largo and well kept grounds of the i rovincial reformatory will be at your dlnpohtl and ienetsng is not ao far and just as easily rcaclnxi a otlllts where you went last year iv net an g will wol come acton if you decide to come this fktntinvitation will no3ouhl have due oon mlrain h i h y tiav ii actpn mu council a larao hudbot of aooauntspmootr inajof klro protootldn i commlttuai osr excursiuu arrangements in ban 1 annuml utselitiq of lb w h m h iho annual mooting of tho woman a rorei missionary bociety of knox hurch was hold in lite aobool room last wednesday afternoon iu addition to the members of tho bociety a number of the ladies of tho congregation and the ineaibem of tho woman s missionary bocirty of the melhodiut church were also present upon im iution the business of the after noon included tbe presentation of reports aud election of ameers tor the ensuing year which resulted as follows traal lent urm u hniidnrxh 11 mca i m mrs j thn i ai trr 1 r the municipal council mat on monday ftoniug at it o c cck hoove tears n in tho chair anouibcr proioni councillot wil llama nioklin francis ami hatlll the minutes of lat meeting were rcad and confirmed the com milt oo on i n ihrir 10th report of accounts rrcomi ing payment as follows uodorlck mchltinon on hit jicnted coming and going visitor to n4 prom acton and vnrlouaothor pwraonnl notoa ir nun i nor go llltellln i 1 alirani htaiiftur do j ftlctiart chk i jolin thmnaa ilo tlourgn tlmot do jntitl orinlall u jerri i dorian hay- l 1 llotit hlallmm i vni timltli i jss klrsllirihk i i it uorrvw uo david alllta work ontlmm a fclasoti ihi f runmrvllli wopd lor liall ire i ruucttlmt 1 l a l tt hall atll and a on molinn of john willi nicklin tho report of thn inanen immil tee ss real was adopted a oommunicitmn was rrcuivt i from the acton ornol lliu i rrjtiesting lh conil erationof the grant of ft j ml whmh was asked for some time ago after general dlaousnion it was movid by i irmucis seconded by a r nicklin that tho acton cornet band be granted the sum of iwotity five dollars si rrtguest od arried a rpefitinc of tlp i ito irotccllou u mill co was held at tho doiioiusiuii or the bum nest of tho council members present moists w ii htorev j a mcurail a cheync ii orindell and tha members of tho onnpil a communlcslion from mr it nsld retiestiiig tha naming u date fur tho final lost of the tiro i iigine was reoeitcd it wss deciled to have tha ust at mr it maids convenience moved hy w ii htore aocouded by jco hnvill that coo alcltuuaii bo appointed engineer at ins offer of 11 y dollars per jiar salary to atari upxi ur chase uf tho 01111110 and tluu mi srs ii grind oil 11 hwsckhaiiimnr an i in cent bu apoiileil tu net in jiim sbmi rriel moved by john mugrail sccondel by a i sickliu that tho offer of llo c t it lor filling tank on young btrnel be bmlr and that tho ltrco be instructtd to rile to tho authorllios to have an agreement prepared carried after oonti irmblo discukiou ronrdn thebest m til xlaof acoimp llinif t u 1 oralis millcnt 111 cniuikcliiii with ihe r im 1 ro tecllon tuilw 0i1 tli ommltlro ai the fnkrtriwiflb invite all its rnailrn u en irllutifi tilts eoluiuii it j oil nrjour frlniiiu srog ilng away on a lioll lay lrii or if you have irliinila visiting you ilroji a card to tlin flimlf 1 uksa b mr j 7 ahal uf peholngiilsheir ws in lawn this- week itcv j w hsn ks to korui ihls oven ing to addrois tho lliblo bociely there itiv j i howe i m a hta gono to nowcaitle loppeak at aniilvrrasry services there miss ada komorviltn has returned homo after spending a mouth with friends in toronto mr j tn os drown attiimlod the funeral of the latp mr william center at l this week misses bella and ksteduff of campbell illfl are vivitinf at ihe liomajar kfvl janet andevson mr a j murray of ttockwood apent several dsv in town this weak thagucstof tha measr i aing mr asa ilsll has iteon at the homo of his brother in la the late wm center of rwru the past weak mrs john mclaughlin sod daughter o lioria iii arc giinati at the home uf mr row son mel xughlin mikh a 11 tiio boom or returned from bay tty on monday after a pleasant six weeka visit with mend there mr graham liwsou left last week for iron mountain minn where ho intends peuding a month or ao mr charles cameron of uttoxoler was in town during the week hi many fnond here were glad lo see him stain mrs elisabeth thurtell who haa been visiting friend in her old home for some wenks returned to harriiton ou monday itev j w hae moderator and mr i henderson m i were 111 ouolph on turslay attundlng the meeting of ti i roabytery itev i w jackson ul fergus who preached tho reopening serin in at the ilrick hurch on flunday rpeut monday with frien la in acton mf william nnlro ol 1mi i uosiug on lured into real isil friday hn was in ills ho h tear an i had birii an eteemel real lent f ilallon for ii oar the funeral on bnnday wm largely atloiilel mm miry m jd rim loaven to movrow in her trip tuora alley ci her- many frien is regret hrr remival bit wiah i er a safe j uruey and 111 n h leaauro lu her now imme in thefafweal w i w to 11 of iiih loroiito h w aici loruilrly ulitor of iho blciuii ii iu has bought thn iaris itrnein rum ihe present publisher wm lw ii formevtj of mitchell and mil onlor lulo oa4oasinu st ai the meetiiig of llm wuimu m sry hociety at knox church lent wodne crewson3 corners mr wm andemoii has bo i tlii im acre lot in inn iowikiiiji from mr 1 m jrr adj lining tho pri pert i n ixjuiil iat spring at a very fair fluurt mr wesley moore has rtlni1 imno from dracebridge and rtntnl hu tn thir farm much he intends to work mo m cripp slartoit bu clu piu mill ou tuesday ho will rhup once a week until it freezes up every lueslsy we arc glad to see mr it inert brown back in hi aoe as loader cf i he methodist ohoir her aflur in rxtcu led vi il iu man afle i 1 la tha incorporation of tbe bntiab a mar loan business college toronto has lad io wooderf ul ohangas in ttjs old mat bods of bualofm training iromident citiaena such aa 8 caldacolt president board cf trado e r c clarkson f c a fred wyld and p f mbkinoon wholesale marnbanta with bwward trout d h thoropao q 0 nd w ttlccab maua gar north american life insurance co who now own this school insist upon bav ins tha oawaal and beat avatem introduced la awonl tha student shares lbs benefit of wp id ud as t aw no longar rwaratr py fronjold books bat al ooo deal with fsofa not theories no tjme i wajlad the work la genuine bsmk kewping id uffloc ufactiur david lloaklna la ihocsorapaoya bacralary om ttm higbast markak- price will ha paid tor any divntity of good claao oats dafmrsxl at ueorgatowa station hash tbaofio now whilanba reads ara good wm olsov georgetown a lhank offering of about vio naa taken at tho conclusion of business a brief pro grammo was preaeuted iu which dustts were gfteu by meadamea orry aud ksua win and reeding by mrs a ampbell aud mr wm mophsil the tory inter pricecdlt a uf tho afternoon terminated with a social tea tendered by tho ladles ol ihe w f m b to their guest a clever fos conpany tho ma i l dramatic o ol toronto occupied l ho- boards at iho towp hsll on friday and haturday evening 1 hoy jkcrn favarciluutli a well filled huuna each evening their audience were apparently well please l both otetuuge aud tho 111 o tubers of the company are very kindly apoketi of friday evening the fuimuy drams little bell was glveu mr francis laijt iho manager of tho om party wat foinicrly a rotldoul of acton when engaged at his trade uf baker he played tho role of kichkrd bell and charlie llklns and wsa ulle aucceasful the character of richard ball ho proved his sillily so an emolluual aolot hhuuk kept iho audieucj iu gnod botnor by his doclauiatiuu uf tho character uf maj r fllspatrick mls j os id i re as marlon iho i ng lool laughler of ulnhrd ball and miss helena wan j ss joule morns alsi sue oeded in ra luring tho audience attd wure greet od with coiisl lerablo applause 1 lie other members of the cl ib wire mis r lark remembered in dor girlhood daya in aclon as mis ablgis1 hunter messrs w wallsc 11 w uuug 11 1 rooter audit hunter all of whom ad lod much to iho nroohs uf the entertainment the old homestead was p aved on ha ur lay 1111 hi sacred tflttlcc ucuutiticd about iho end ol october tho brick church near actor wa given into the bauds uf carpenters paiutecs and paper hangers and during tho woek following a delightful transformation waa effected neocsiary repairs lu tho exterior wore made but it i imido where tha mo i striking channel era tu be seen ihe walls an i ceil mg woro papered with ueat designs ut paper lu uiot tints iho celling belug sktl fully pa 11 all ad with p easing aoecl ihe pews and woodwork haa ajl baau tainled the ul it and choir plalfuruta orjeled and new wludow shades huug ou the wiuduw 1 bo ol building ereclad over thirty years agy has renewed itf youth and la now a uioel attractive edifice 1 be re opciilug servloes were hold ou uunday and monday llwjueut sermon were preached ou tiunday uioraiug aud evoulug by the luv t w jackaou of 1ertub wbbae visit aud iraciioal aid wets much appreciated by pastor aud people on monday evening a very eujiyablotoa meet mg waa held there waa a good attend auce the energetic young pastor he ii j mclnlyre lo whom muoh credit is due for uie successful ooniumiuln of tho i m prow ai aula occupied the chair ad d rosae coubidrrmbly above the average tea meeting spacel were made by llavs j l iloell uaj w iu and 1 w prayei ovcuiug uth mat a bmimea meeting of the molhotltst buudsy bjliool was hoi i and iho following officer were ilaatml for iho coming utr huhirintendinl w 11 gray hccrctsry c haa mch wi troaann r nictulat 1 or lm teaohnrb miasea mary moure llcnrtelta mikeown and mr nicholas forbra blbk isr tuclitr i r gsnist miss martha moon mr i 1 crowkun of 1 ml 1 tiller mailed friends lilrc ust week il n many frtauds hero sjmpsithibc nub i 1 111 in lis sad bereavement i lie lost f his estimable wife a bou l a 111 until ago mrs rewsoit underwent an per a lion in fergus having ibrcu sections of tlio backbone removed io o or come aii aiihcsii n uf the spinsl cord wuich had bruuhhl on total arslsls 1 ho ojicralljii was sqoceisfu1ly performed feeling was return 11 g to the limbs rap ily as could be expectod and there waa a hoic ful proaprt of her full rtlory but she took a turn fur the worse a boil i iho ji ii october and gradually sink hi ill shn broalhed her last four days inter l iras ed was the secind daugbtcr uf mr idh coram if wot i ullier wsa txirn 1u j k dress qoods w4f reel lent of a very km iu wordoj sddres au 1 a ael ol i ilium room furniture on lhl of iho society an 1 the la lies of the lreiall 111 iho in inly have tho boat la lies of all far nllo trth 11 tholr now tionlo al hlhhgite i ii r 1 our money at jlitwc ihe btreoiavilo hrmete says munc i our villagers go lo toronto with dibit ready money aa well aa ueighboiing farm er and got their gocdi but when the caah is low thev h to our merchants and ask credit then tnvse same people will ask hie iucstlun why is it that we b to 1 ay mure for oods here tbau in torou lo ihorwasou is aa stated local mer ohatit have to have interest on their money or largo prohl lo make up for the credit hpend uur money at buino run jnur face 10 toronto and ace how it goe scnalur vfklnilnry agmltt tortuuntc hi ytarn a henauir mcklnl ey ul ihla 1 011 nty was fortmiate in coining nil posieaaion of a farm nuar milton ou which llitre n a rich deposll of alay suit able for tho manufacture of terra colta bri k he aold tho form lo a company for ftiowmj laat week ll waa retried that valuable dr posit a of giaphtlo have been illncov ereil un proper tie lu brougham ontario county in which he is- largely lnlereslcd ho is now forming a compsny lo uporale work for taking out tho mioeial graphite is worth from to it ao a pound ai d besides being used in iho manufacture ut loid pencil is made loto tho following tho pro eminent position which our ureas jfjoud trade hold in utielph is partly accounted for by the bibo of our stock you don t find such another dia play tu the city uooda from the lowest lo tho vary highest grades and prina ara here iu abundance the surprises of the fashion world ara hare constant ahip meflnr from larope add ever present novelty and freshness nowhere elsoia the oily have you auclf a choice slid where do you find the values excelled 7 just now wo ahow an immense stock 1 black goods bluxk cnrilimereh 13 luck iicnrictlqfl hluck crcpo clotlih bluck armtircd it luck solieln btulk rfarni ijhick itrtichch black drap du toulon iuulic silk warp black amamih blurk scigth black cortu black rcpopn costume tweeds il inch 1n ol lllgli as fa 7 u at juo 2c hoc sue ss inch oods st so a h gh as f2 m per yard fancy and plain i almost bewildering ment ol norybodj 0 hot jhj aud s goods in vaiely o meet the rrijaire we commend our ureas making which mlleul 1 itiefactiuu we are con slant i y ivceiviiig aud emucnttn ordere hundreds of miles lo the oast and as far to the wrat aa ancouver and ictoiia we claim to do ihe best dressmaking for the money hi canada no better styles or work are turned out in torou to at two or three times the 1 rlora we charge our brat services 1 of the ladle who pitr oresamakliig doparlit tho ilovo poll ut f r casllugr iblei ubrioallls aud fai dei ih ua la with i her 17lh i ui ill wlir 1 lor lhibnl bought 71 it 1 grai lout bualix are fourlo eiiatid it la hi n ku jackson the acton methodist choir special praiao fur their ouperiur music and miaa clara k moors waa loudly applauded for bar reading the deacon s sermon tbe financial aspect of the ro opening ear vice if dnotdely gratifyiug iba receipt at tba uuuday services aud on mowday svsning agxragaled a trifle ovr 1u0 and thia sum will meet all expenses of tba imnrovomcbls r- 11 1 two laukh 11 aril i and tha rtat aro liviuj ul biuiit willi thu oxuup lion of ivru ions in manitoba llecoasod was a devoted iiioinbur of ilia lioil hurch hlia waa htghl y rniplolod in the neighborhood all j greatly uoluvnl by i it bereaved husbtn i and family whoareuow grief strlckeu utur ber dealb miss hal nab biltoli i ser old lit w lb a relapie uf typhoid lover nabbauawh ya iho specm service in ihe 1 ijenrter i hurcli oondnotod by llov mr amy aud mr iner evaugellat caiie lo a oiihmi ou huuday evoulug great good ha beau aooomplished on moday availing mr v mor en tua lecture lu ihe oliurcli ou tha alory of hi life fruin the bar room to the pulpit lu hia lecturo ho showed what tha almighty can do fur a mau adieu ho will let him mould him a clay lu the hands uf tbe potter i here ws a i ergo gathering tu hear tho lecture mr luer gave a lecture in the 1 alrou bail knalchbull laat wednesday c veiling it was an exoellou tempuranus lecture this morning ho loaves lor lu new hold of labor on tba fraiuoa ciicmt and will lake with him the prayers and beet wisiee uf this community for hi sucica ihe man mills shootiug match takes plaoa to day thanksgiving day the cap tains are jas 1 iu minor and jas wlute tba 001 lest will be a keen our 1 he losing sldctuaeto pay tor lbs supper al mr plum mar a natdeuco iba hpwurlh league of chriatiau ln dcavor will hold their regular weekly meeting each 1 butaday evoulug we hop to sea tho league prosper aud accomplish much koud iu luatruaiiug the young pouple cu tha ways uf i ruth atld righteousness mias mary taylor who hasboen pending a few weeks with friends iu aolob returned homo thigjsck tdltoh it tatllt iriaima number of ttio e r bollerl a oo ib kud 27 wyndhaia surfit uuelph ont yes but why i and ho 1 25c off the cp i ours lb a jnc discount oi silverware old enu- z sale the prices arc on each article we take the discount ot at time of sale savage co jlv 1 1 1 1 ifi cuelph a4 we are onto them 44 you can fool all the people sometimes and some of tbo people all the time but yoiccanlt fool all the people all the time v pk n ac for sale imil house aud lot on agnoa hlrmt fori i ooculm1 i y ibo owner ur lias w l heraby ooorod f ir sala ttie buusn i a fortablo rough cast with woudabad an i is a good itablo ot tho rauiluia also two building lots ou cako avci hniltbs hurvoy tamil rossonal id v or arliaulara a i c c kir ttlllt or wu hfubtlllkt acton tiit nib inav a holarei dchtist 241 vaaaa l t0r0n1o rtraocuastlobot of teach for gl een tha easts sllii lis exnjjfjoratod t prtco 7 00 o oa ia 00 n prloa are jui n 1 11 hi 11 1 1 n ry uiimtisl ns a dr ovt 1 i spare till advlea of thai firm and write o now see what wo ran do to 1 roni volurj 35 50 7 6o 9 50 iper e we il in roduood prioo 34 95 6 69 8 3b au 1st tho llqjin prloo 34 39 6 38 7 89 ibil ii hll we will give jou a linc tweed lined lilhli 1 rlenl te ij in for 250 aiu 1 pflibh woructl overcoat worth more intrinsically than the one liglratcd to 9 00 all boys and men s suits sold in same proportion v j d williamson co wyndfiam and maodonnell streets gullph you cant improve some ui old i s uld also limits ulns ion i i s u tl lilt ii sllk s uhl v k 1 ih i 1 mill i il if 1 lit sjllllls cuelph chmll6nge mil 11 i seasonoblo hy the ailitic lahio islll or holy inery plate- a ng cauiiol be lv in aldi lei- beautifully i t f llostirl vea a boll lay air to 1 i ho a geuuit ie iroal to bo iterejllug a inagaxine all if i hi 1 iho ii 1 low i cu ii ilium in i sm t vt r 1 1 111 tnd t for 1 la i 1 p d i v kamflaw imtt ikiihl actoll i im rcliiil 1 r lire of italian oil as shly lo ot 1 to i by albert tjhew in the iruru i wrnfif i r novemlwr the im provemeuts uf the past twenty flvo years in italian ally government sanitary aud bu iding regulations aud various aria ot oivinbixi life are akelched lu dulail and ilia showing that is made for itunio milan gen 1 lot in i loreuou naples ialermu aii ciiim is truly a romarkable one lblaaludy of ltaliau oity rno vat ion la full of sugvosllun lu our ameiluau inuulolial relurmcra iba arliule baa caccial i lino lluoaa 111 view uf the reoeul celebralluus ut llie tweuly uftti auuiverfarji of the italian unity a j deferriug advertising to a ruoie couve moot seaauu is like building a dam in a stream bed after the water la gone if yi u waut a urat class winter outfit cheap cheap cheap call within i wet weeka upon bouiiar tbe tailor actual iho in lb of ueik- fcobruary it is uo gnu orally known will be tha only iuth of february till 1 since the year ltkio which moat people ara looking forwarusio as a losp year will really not be so r ccoii ixnd alvli n hiir ou luasday ju h ovwwtaw usxlua 11uu1iiuuljb1 it cuu 0 1 s gueaing whu baa given up farm ink wi sell iter stock and implements hsbi alio clock 1 erms fo and is months wm hemstrcel auctioneer 4 forly year sgj ihe markhsm ooi wasoatablhlhed iu tha village ol markbam aud ha alnoo wielded a wide iti hue nee iu 1 ast york tbo hcvhiutlii has lately pot oil a due oaw dress messrs corfon a bon ara eittouoed jourualiiu bristoivs pills curt biliousness sick hinl ache dypcpsn bluislt i ivcr anil all stotti irh 1 toublis bristoivs pills j 1 i i till- vv iavo no utijcction to ay tlim m uuclph ntliiijl illni inttiniin ui 1 n it 1 ho but wo htni gly objeet to mi linn uilvtrti iti ilbrt t littinou til 1 m pn 11 in nupplj lug the r cuutomera with u rjubatitutu ttimilur 111 itppuarutilu but uliuli tl tn he to 10c per juril lens utul thia wo claim wan douo lal kriiia wo obllt betiiuht tlio public nro iumi rvmg ot dillcictit 1 rut tint ut v i 1 w t in im iheboncht wo ol jeet btcautiu it in uuiair to tho ntruigli forward mk l i net in il tt public to undervaluo all other ailvertiaomunth the papt i no nuiitcr how tnitliiul our ttuluiiicn huh that a hrii in the city who utlvcitmed 1ilnu miutnom at hiiekrauiotto or huikrikiii liiateui wo arc prupnoil to back up mil htaletneut n wo will pbteo our marked cheiuc lor 1 wo luimhoi dollalt wih in lutudn ol tho mil or to bo handed h b m to dii ilwtritablu iitrtliluli nin the nl il we iui uobu that tho hnn who advcrtiaud filiie t ha mom at 1 ptr aid lot i i nhi x 11 oi that a bubstiiutc which eont 8e or loe a iltd ilmi inteiul ol she jcnuim hi tb ie 1 ilnu h unot on tho oilier hand it wo pro o o r am it ion w hn h w e u ill do w it inn un houi ntu t thullcngo in accepted o stipulate that the uill in in hhull i ublu in u i udvortlbing npaeo that our acciihatlon wtttt ooncel and that the di 1 udteitiau h ilr thai at 15c per urd mid hitpplicd thfir untoineru w itlt u mil ntitutt win h t m liom s t 10 k now un thin is it lltoit enot tun otlct onoui put i he i utility ink i n in ml i liotii ihcin bo that llioy ittund to lone in lliiiig w hnte i u ina ihalhngu will bo ucupted old win tin 1 s i ll wo kuti fn u oich not omh oh- g b hx aln go arr 1 uiely vtl 1 ible clen tntly suj ir coated and do not rit or bickcn bristoivs pills aet jjciilly but proi thoniuybly ihe m medicine p i dm iptly aud st family msts kt tp bristovs pills artnn saw mill copland wood yauob brown t thl right housti johnth iinlj hughso yatolu uf sho iiui own oouulry a lorn hei cba aold fur by small daaiet alt rna fast color worth loo to liic cur price hlo fwoj 1h11 f i an whersjwt uo our price lljc aallhilt it y vi annklh liotla wide k value iii all departmeuta i bave the a1 vantage of a large auiok f tako a few line- i anadian 1 i ann1 i f 1 11 miql 1h11 fi ann i i f tti twillcl j lucnei irrjat uo our price 1 1 jc aai rinmklh uouib wide very ollectme dealgtis for cbll 1 ifie obj- prtoe uc taulf unfn oo inohes wide half bleached well worth lot our prico m- 1 i frai iia up ta tba liigheat grade oiiky kcannfcl boat campbell lord jh inches wide cur price jw fis uel from hwup uhhbh dooubtwewd ii luohee wtdo 10c regular price tt heller line same wiltih specially ooqd lioo fur girls school drraaes allwooi herge various shades j inches wido jo per yar i rv w u l ltm naculiar olaaa ueulleaheavv black horgedunblo bteai he 85 40 and goo each a bpaclai vu iu peculiar olaaa uanlloa uaavy hlacl button i 00 a batuir one about same alyla ft 74 and su un any price you may ant to pay m 1 11 1- u 1 largv sreeon iiobibbv for boys good una hsavy all wool commencing at 25c a pair imported our spoiallin of ha-bmr- at mo la ortb aoc in muat any lac ivy lubbad bblrts add drawers for n jhmss f aauraotumia inn ui vuta i luuiher catb hblaglsa 1 i and wood coal eut wood atwajt lu atuuk aud ioutmir dallverad to m part of lb town at raaduable prices hardwood end slab out stove laogth alwajs uu band tolephuuo guuiiuutilcaiiou oneal imported our spiol daacription good quality all wool ii w for a wool ulankktb full ai 00 a 0 0 lb wigbt u a lra quality isat uarcb tha prwsnt prios bsing in mnyas duoble and still rising ui cine at jii u uuderwr k at 6o a oplol if ovc id etn ilieso prices aro bant i hknd fo bami ouurio bktt freight o of ik and upwards tllb ilight hoube king at nasi corner uugheou si uamiltoo nortmboi 0lh 180o j i attatkiisra vi

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