Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 28, 1895, p. 1

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kv wwrrww h- ccfrwv tzi volumk xxi no 25 acpon ontario tiiuuhday novemitkh lih 1803 she retort xn rfss every tiiurbday morning at tbi free pre steam printing oftlrr utilbthkkt oton ost tinned when the time for which they beve lioeii paid hu aspired the date l which every ilbaisrjptlon la paji u denoted on the editress lolly in tinned whan the tlma foi litlon la pan la di almlbtlslna haras transient advertise jmdu looenta per nonpareil line for brat in mttlon s bents per llua far each subaeuuont insertion ooxtoict lurxa tho following table ahowa aof rata for uia j pacified periods toinehaa i si 00 mnahoa woo llpoh i 6j advortj sam ante without spool a directions rlllwiomrtml till forbid mh nbaigod moord infly transient ad vertlm mania must bo paid a will be ml poi eh i oompoaltii 69 cts in the days of auld lang syne price reduced to- 69 cents the tracers bank op canada capital aulhoruod capital i aid up ileal al 000 000 dot 100 hv000 ltdvartleameriu will ba changed rnjobth if desired per ehanoee oflaner than oao a roootb lb a i at rwgnlai ralaa utt ba paid for mt b u r uooiib kdlmr and proprietor husiiuss diwtorp j p uhhnm d c m otfoe and reside noeuorner will at frederick recta acton ab elliott m i acton okioc- alain htreet third door preebylerlau ctiuroh aotou jc wilkinoond u s l l 8 daktiat orru ovar the dni bio re acton flpeclal ufflna da llun lay tumlif and friday l m clean i mcllan days bookstore williams boot it shoe store our policy wn niwrato omr torwera a flg p af lair ao flare dealing hacked by reaonroaa end ttllity till luaana that wo edva tba cob torn sr the benefit of the lowest price bbibln a tory offloa town hail aaton wm amoiimajf o a mcjubam uajuubtkiui bolicitoca norntr tc orncia lflmquoan bt tarkdele victoria chambers 61 victoria bt telephone w7 toronto jon douolhaa a uvkut je boyd uajtlatar uoflcitor notary conveyancer moxit to lioam offlco uootb a illock alain bl lilllou office el blrwalavllle each wednesday afternoon lelace liekorv hi- ok quu bvwt a j mackinnon ilajjuarvm uoulitou coxtatauci r t monadd clark fourth division court county of j litajuaui to m4thebon di j d moleod aj amjuatkaa bouciroka coxvxyakcxna oaorsotown aod uutoo uooaj lo loan at lowaat ratoa john day ahohitect qniiru out imcit wyidbmci bitmi lucut phral bouollor of pilaou for invantlon alo atm apphoauoos for th caoaj1 amar and xaromad patent otfloea aitd for tba ultatlon of trade uaxba band tor lm f ranoib nunan uookbindeil aoooanl books of all kinds mads to order f aaiodlcals of every daaorlpmonoarmtully bound ttauu neaiilv and promptly dooa jofe printing heads ci re a la ao ae aseoutad in tba boat atyle of the atet moderata prioaa and ou hortdolice ipplf or addrefta mom morton b barber bdop oppualte drui store blltit btmsmt awtuh open from h m to u i m wadnoeda aud haturday vanlnss la tar ladlaabairdreealnitrn atty style wsulnton mutuaj firo insurance company hrabuaukd ibio nuiunob on untoal piao aoyootuuuul a oatlons forwarded to wy adjraaa boa tw o lalaphona th whibepromplly atuoded to vym uembtueet liashasd aocnojia for la ooaouee of welllnetou and helton ordaralafl at tba tajia ikam offlo aotou or at my raaldaneelo aoton wil ba promptly at uadad lo keaa radboed to oo for raru 8aub also money to lon on the uioal ravorabla rma and at tba loweet rates of in ureal to urns of moo and upward aoton machine ami repair shops hunlly quindbjl lroprlet auk wall an el p pad with aii ilia roacblury lunaanrj toeaetute all repair ui uiafiblu erjr end agrlouhunil implement aiid ta do all hlude of staain flluou bona abuelufl aud enerl blaoksuilthina woodwork repairs perfuruiod in a batlafaairy uiauuer we 00 repejr au uiaohiue or iuipleuaeut of any uiaaa be kuiutulim aud au dona wanted hi ooo d man lu your dlaulut lo rapreeeut lbs routblll nurearlaaof cauadk over lb larueal lp doniililoii fuel 1 psraiaueut kp commlaaloi with tba inoreaalng doniand tor fruit a usl tlon with ua m aaiaauiau will pay you batter ibao euxacliib lu iajid work hand us your apptloaliou aud wo will sbuw yuu bow to hru good money babool uaoberel lu just tba thing for uu during bteuuuaor wrlte for pexiioulan btonk a wclunuton toruuto uiit tlunietliodtstcintrch aoton rbv j b howill u a plor iatsouaga uowaranu iublioowrvioea 1030 andftjop m hundy auhooltjx ulbleclbasooaduotedbyiba puior ailaordully invited alwkya waloonie at straucra and vbdum alwi tatlva usbars at lb door ubars cpwtf rib laetu of clirlillan iuiiba mihhuauuiuii uttiihws lr utmuovrytuuedtiy eveului all vuuwsluoptu luviluj iy iimolal line to bolster up another but purohass carefully buy cloealy end mrr thus enabled lo sell on narrow uiamius ol profit we have won a reputation for reasonable prt oas that ws intend biiaii stay with as eod this pnn clplo 1 in ojieralion in aery doparlmcnl and rmemry arttotv inonrftock it pays to trade bire lieoeure you net what you like and what you hoed it saves you to deal here bacauae there m a ried hanoat systaw of aluo our block u com pi alo lo ovary line of the i a teat and moat fashionable atyle in r menn itadlos qlrls boys nnd childrens boots shoes william williams mill 8t acton j h hamilton marble and granite hamiltons block gublph laru now consltinmant jus kocelvod a lark louslgniuaut of granite i soot oh of debt quality kuown in outaiio calf and inspect j ii lillll toi seas0il5 in the past we wish to luiorn you that wa have entarad into an arrangement wltb it htewart quolnh to koep constantly on hand a full stock of the ordinary alsea of sash doors etc and will aibo supply any special biaee an abort notloaat gualpl taloet frames of all kinds made to order we also keen in block line of llase window and door cajung corner lllooka ac your lumber ureaxitl while yon watt- price u0pcr h llelua better able iban herelofoi we will auiiply either wood or iron pumps promptly all work guarantced satisfactory ileaae call and inspect before purchasing elsewhere thohebback hmaiiater 4 c ton kverton mills naal ruu of 10 bushels of over gruuuit kvertou ullts ou lloller prooees for 10 oauta er bnabel rlouh bkjkm chof ri cash for wheat henry hortop acton flou mill cheynr x cheync proprietors we have uur roller mill now in oouiplete aitd aiufa4iirv ruuului order and era in a position ui supply tba eaula uf tba public wltb flour bran shorts and all kinds of feed at rioht prices krery order will rooelve prompt alleutlouand will be del stared lo any art of uta lown nm terms are cash aud one price for art dou t ctuet to patrunlae bouia iuduslry flive qa a fmr trial and wa will leave the mailer fur yoq to dstslde as lo the ijusjlly of the gouds we uiauufaotlhw orders taksrfat ibehlll or at j v kanuawlu- urug uiore 1 oheyne ft chkyne w balilier iiros paper bftakirb gepftqetown ont aaa a araculti or j machine finistvad book papers ii10ii uuaplt wkkkm nkwh tlio taper uwod a this journal from the abovu mllla r wat barber tv uuob ouelph branch ji ikit tknt inthltkht paid mi siima f d 9 and upward from lint of dimlt to d ol wltbdrawej up hniipuuded half ynarly slst llsy aitd 30th nuvotiilhir dapoalt itacolpia issued fat mars note discounted the oollectlou or sales itolra a iwoiallty a son oral datiklnu buslnras traitsacteil the holiday season will eoon ba liarr dan t leave ottbaytnii yonr prcwnli until hie list motnrnt gome in anil fee us wo vo lou 6f protly ami use fa things for clirlatmaf it will lie a pleasure for ua to boo jou whether juu buy or not ilease rrmembrr thia bond sco hardware cuelph tkoi lff in tiik choi it tlicirn was snmntliliig so unusual in the undliim qf llm ohntr that lh cilfler loukea up mildly from tin tenth of jrrimiull and oltli roadjustiwl eyahleu lcmkrt1 alnnt llm while a irt a bcloi hi in lallln 1 rnllitim tlmudiir qiimoi disturb alio i liitai there waa praaauo oman s toua just uia piiii of llm plnlliiu ore thb battle awful iiim or tho lun mitt uf llm h id lea ore the orahoslrs bouiu an unimju hood obenrvor might iiav half an eye there au sluit an m plosion that hull all iky high or kiiunhiii onmbuillou tliat a the allltlu jin pi a i to 1u with st lorth 1 in 1 11 luor with her book rd in sugar 011 llm alto litotier willi au elevat cuelph cloth hrll wc arc doinfj the sirnc creditable class of business that we have alwa s been noted for and wil be glad to sec our acton friends who arc in need of good hall and vvin- yours respectfull shaw a turner merchant i allots railway tun cbeerlully refunded wavrm and warm lined boots 6c rsliobb comfortable winter shoes -roh- mfln womod and cblldicu from- 35c up tha t1ng hboa slois w mclaren gt gueliii main street planing mills acton ont john cameron architect and contractor alanufacturer ol hash doors frames moulding lu all styles drxsslno af j tvhimo bo mouiuinu lo urdar on short notice well iuui ll stock ou iibuj st ilirs i ul john cameron proprietor acton uvkry bus link wall equipped andstyilab riga oan a waya ba saourad atblaatablea a oomfortable trains bajym okrefulsalo the wanta of contu john wjuiamh whwalker hunter jrj paper huir uecorator hly tui ol to a lrt eahrlewv d rllli i relnuug lamr llaukluu or drtotiuuk all its branebva l aud at uioal reasonable prlooa orders left at ieanou a furdwarc slixv of el utjlaeudenco will rooalvn prumpl alluutluii w h walkbh bowar vtnue acton saw mills 0oaland woouyaltdu jhmes mamiffadtaaam amu uaamia im lumbar la lb hhlnglea coal and wooo- inforu her in 00 with bar backcomb tui ur tho bass while the tenor stood i and ilia urrsulst pawed madly al the pntlala alillllol 1q0a mow could any one bill annuls aliifl alum limy were fool i tin 1 tlioimli llm hymn was hong of umiikhu limy woulitmake ll hounds of vo i ion wo siiiu alfoul devotion some dovotloli wo must fool or our plelntlve lonns ol worship will hrlako liui tlmalto isiig her olu aud tlicu lift ll lo the baa who waa giiawlng al hli tmiuilaclie sud i okllt or the plaon wlilln llio unjailist in siilnr saug the loailliiu an i the umor triad to follow but it audod in a an urn horror slrlckrii o in ltmil the dl cord rlsluu lilulmr ll nu patent to the llm lout llioro was troublu lu tbooliulr and uie organist lu furj ol isod thu orjnu wuli i ii hu car a to httlii for n i will make vtey sure list io ilwi nnt yd ass i osre one whit fur him jtul sam she shall i ovar ihukii at mi though liu du not luvo mid hlio shall rikol hid snil ntvtr liitcu iter power wliulexur nln i frtil amltm tlioy mot aimi jmrtnl ty afior mul no mm uoiacii unit snyllilnit troubled llm iiiriai but rank milliiril jjul only tv thu alum i mull millunl ah i tail a sist r lluth aw how pulo iaul row iimir uulli who in lior terror asked i rank i luard min ilay if ha lhotikut that paul woro il uoibbo iiullko himsoir nhu nsi i i a in rriklitciiul mr millnnl and i mnk had r ft il i lliink that our lirothor cun not bt very 111 if anjtlnuu trnublra linn that will puts a ay lint to you know ol atiytliiurt that uau troublu 1aul t aakod huth ami i rank hail aiiswerail iorlisjis i uiicrn at fliitm tliiuu bui 1 am not curtain limy worn touathor a kxl dnal i rank millard ajid kuili it lnl uubirod isul s liosd at limch that tlim follnw liked his istur very wull of into tliat it w pibhi bio that ho loved hor dot llulh at suvon loon adtncd a aliill lo inm aa uhehai abiuittu worked very hard but toil oould not baitiali ilia haunted thought of his life it urow itrotikrr in thick three cent nlesuotrttotiui at las i hu renulvlil lo uy i krank u ml uie alder to rocouclli the sopralia told told hi it appeared the wrolciio iucoxl a girl wll i a lr iclllii style liuu to cap lbs bitter ol tines litis uurjmr vrorti a hat jusladunk a goui a beauty slid it made the bald hoc a use lala s du uid ban luforlued uio oldot tliel help nil up ihe u wl wsasu kplscopaluu and ii people hod take b from a llaptut ll ey ba heriiui aume thing ll cliuie it book an 1 uie olilot oterhfla alio ul oi en uudortoi 1 ilium u tie ol 1 logy eii i iblod down ilia stracl la biwclkcloa ou tils hli eat mlli hie i aud i leejly lug oil uii ilia trpublad sua or ho 111 mi o llm doaooo ellh hli i leoplo all a tuuv llm orgau galbura oobwi hslhor grace alloy coro orulmall ui lo alley urn u 1 wild ul 1 cuius so i tl o peoplu tluu to llio doe luvtl ituiiirltrtihij part ol j pri hardwood and elebeeul stove lauglb alwaji oubaud tulephouo com m u u lea uou select jfamtlt ktrfinng a r ioy roposul 11 in ell our live yuu need lua it thata iioiild over be anylliinu that 1 can do fur yuu i swear lu do it you osu ask uie tiuihing which t an peraouel sorilloo 1 will nui ondravor lo aoooitiiviah yuu aro rich i tin mxtr you are somabody 1 ami nobody hut tho urrio may come whoti tho promise will bo worth soinothlii am 1 will keep l an hour before tills spceoll wae made 1rauk millard had savrd 1aul holbrooke alitor from a watery tfravu ami brought her sale in bis atrong arms to the vrry spot upon llio boaoh at newport whore tho two men uow a loo j lotlollier ihure never wore two men so ullurly un like ab laul ilolbrook and prank milurd 1 be brat a hard wurkiug irofesilonal mail who had strutted fur auoii mttlo suocom ab as falo had rttoutl out to 111 in uilaiiinfl save by hlsuwu hand aud bruin the olhor a man who had fortune fur his frnmd from his birih who bad uallbar toiled uur apuu who was a man ol eootolv a member of olubs and one with whom women always ell in luvo truiil hut day thoy wore friends alid so ll oatno lo s walklii duwn 1 ifth avenue one day arm in arm they met hoe low is ttiat 1 rauk intro duoed her lo laul that thoy turned ami walked a block wllh hor and thai a law cveninge afterward 1rauk look iaul ti call ujhtii her hho was beaullful uul hat lolls you nolhiutf about the woman che frank wool womanly woman with whom l u i fell lu love before lie bad kuuwn her a month wrapped up in his proloelon oimroesod by blruiylea or brrad aud butler atiob while flioy aoldom irovmii a man i from duiug tjreat thliigk always uuttl him ifur auciity pkul had kuowu few woiooii ho had uo cperioiioo by which to guido htmwlf ly wuutb to ma a sura iua oiu feollugs tor a while ha did not kugee that ho was in lovr and fco waa drawu nearer to llio whirlpool uulil when truth t last ilawnod uhiii iuui ihoru waa uo ro- truul it was out of thw iiuoatiou that shu should like him it was impossible or him lo ooabo to lovo hor to boliappy with out tier that she oliould care fbr hfni navcr riilcrad 111 nittid that alie did would iiava bten au absurdity loo prejioa lornua to ilieam ilulif wh trur nevur iholom h osaui what cliarm ihuru mifthl hu in nbvunco to luavo lint cily forbidding liimaclf to moat ihe woman hu li tksdy adortii ami vnilnik hi in self of an i tor which promincd to ho a stepping stone to hu profrasiunal aucoesb put a harm r uf miloi uf land and ivntrr lie i wool himaulf and itcau ijwii at ihe vame lirno ituoc aoorninit heraalf for tha lnfaltieil ui which nhu could not control hsil also rradud to iravu a place where uvcry day boru in us urtnn a ohsi biltly of moo mm hit nmu who with indif aocn no tokorj of nny liklntt for him in your fnoe nor licftrdjt hi your voice yol lie would havo yoti hoar hl story and know ilia fa to org you mo parted from him ilia namo itut llion n nliarp aiitsm of palfi uanilit llio hroath ho pnuiodor au intsnl in that instant hoao turnril lauaril liltn ami put hrr hand lu his my lovo ia not not wnrlh much shn asid tearfully dot hinae oi vaiiio il so highly it u yours ll always into bpcu- iitoa i first know you ami tear came faster and woman a hysterical eoba and what aouhl ha do bat lake in hin arms this woman wham ho ilorci and who hsil just adtiiitlod hor love for him tltidor tho impression thai hu had proposed to hor 7 ho was almost mad hu waa iiuilo dia traiittht imlord 1 ho amldenni bb of hli hspplnnii war llsolf unotigh and then thuro was tho awful conicioiinnean of a trrrihlu hreaoli of trual iii nt lor joy and hu woeful ehamo minutud thumsolvcs ui his tool havlok hidden itoao adieu ho found frank waiting for hi in 1 rank looked at him ha turned away ills head what hava you been iloinc asked fore hi ml idlk hi peooh still hauutu i htr prieuntio nt jmr intuutly and olluwliit au mini pie already ot by ilium f hur fanlnoiiah o friends o to hiiropr 1 hu a b wuru moiiifj and tha it s blm should have plunxanl company on the voyafju rilio uti 1 lo l rank millard ou ihe hiim ovoning i lo brook apoko of his doparlure lo houili amnrici ll 4 a mood ollrr lio slid i shall make money and pil on of ouilrst us hard lo lovo ltuth alone hut ihe will board klih an old friend arid lu well pro tccted miaad lt wrll hero ral 1 1 rank doublfu ly in one asnaa yes in another uu a man must nol pe his husllh frank aakud no esplansliuu i lie dsys llow by hi no waa ready or hor lour 1 mi i fur ills driarlurc i- rank hsd soeii a good deal of bo iii of them hfio muniiiik he nt in isul room and lalkod as people do wliun iheir mindn are tin soma subject which they halo lo mo ut loo al laatheaikcd iuo ua bidden kkd byo lo uuao lewis tau llushcii alii slikk li head it doe not i iaii nol probably he id srt ict sijaiu ti ir i nl 1 i milk 1 think she w i will hurl her iiy koni iaul fhouk his hosii tt hho will not ctro why ehunld iuj and he turned hu ltn 1 aw y lo say un rd lu bur your promisu could ak at you 1 iiavc nerd ot y u lrik npokc aueln iirilhcr a hsahfii met but ik of yu you remrm u rrfu0 in iiuthux 1 i lie tliuu hasboma when ir aid will you i ve it lull im what you to lt11 hur am tha courage to lull in to 1 igwhcll i lue myself to tell ho lo l fa and s to ll as ill you do uf 1aul blood dismsycd ho lie of al men to undorlaku such a tank us ihis in who hived it so so tittlly me tood ho wllderetl uu i rank splciidl i fullov hci mate in wealth position and uppaiancr loved the jirl ab if o she cojild not fall lo low iuui in tliirn they on uiade for ubcii othtr i 1ml fancy thai aim rd itul dn iii wi nisii b heart sweet 111 i la all right it was natural hut why chooao mo ur a go between 1 du not refuse itauk he faltered i ut you need nut hho will luvo yon i in l 1 1 inwur told uu 1 hi mil llai lint 1- t k wei llul l n l int of mi oil tiling 1 ha yours ni thu lolllnj hu wacdeuthly wli if ou unlioodiugly loll her a at iry it i iu kn iw a man who has loved her long but who lias uevcr dated to ttk au ho feels lhal ills own desert aro loo small lu entitle lilm to hope hut on the ive of parting ho uun re slrfln himaclf uu lonitr ho must lull hr ihsl hrr luvo is tho only llntio wurlh stnv lug fur he must ask her lu llils trance way becauao he has uot courage rnuuli to do other w lao to bid him iiomi or dra imlr then alio will aak who this luvtir la aud yuu may toll liar not till then not uulll at the en i of hit lory ul yuu hill i il turned a ghastly i ju will tell thu lelu jnat she suld as alio iml 1 on t h r hai i 1 hu i h only bowed and siuti 1 i iub if brel le hoi in a moment he sail 1 have come upol i rr itm 1 that wll btirpriee yn i m us 1 1 h ll turn mis stoned lu tell on n itui rv llat mn kr wrw she sskcl you live only u a thai yuu know hi to be lu uol it i i 4vxtl in it is a story ul n i k i a 111 h said but uul a uiil 1 118 iis uic 1 re ni hied a glfl that on y tun 1 cau i ve you of all the wortd hhe lookrtl al him si ily uov v 1er eyt lids dropped 1 knov a man ht ha loved yu i fu loug limr ho woul uu lul nig now a tlurwi and hltlir pleaiuiu in tin- i roul uasgu of hlmacllf 1 ur munlha h thought ot you by day and by ui ntil there ta bul ond woman in tliu wntl iahtm you of iii the ubjocls that there are upon the horlaon fit tliu iuinro he aooa only your mou hu txiuld du any thlug fur your nuke witlionl you ho will bo jiollilng uo hu how can i evor nisko you heliuvo thai i havo not puycd you falae7 fallered 1aul and 1ruuk burst into a laugh mt havo proposed to her hu eaid and ahe has accepted you 1aul did not answer you havo ihe right lo take my life luoj aid bul do you think 1 wanted to marry itoae snid trunk or that 1 d re rt rued he would satvpt mo 1 resd your hearle too well i knew your lovo and prl o i ibw two who were made tor each olhof tearing ihcmiuuei asunder and i took advantage of y our foolish prom i so to plaott you in a posi lion from which tl was linpotaiblo for you toconcoal your true fealnjgi bomohow 1 full siiro you would understand each olhor aud at the worst i should only hava a ra fusal my happiness as i thmk yuu must gueas m dependent ou what uuth will am wer me aoma day and i think i hall have ooorago enough ta do without your aid in this oa no whuu jtoite i ewia returned from her european lour a very bnef one there wm a double wedding and since itoae aud huth wore tho names of tlie two brides il in easy to gtioai who were their bride grooms ot which hi timee thousands af scholars won tho head at ihs interview the jiorpli dug oration was what can be dune fur jerry 7 anil it was hnallt decide i that lie mul lo doharrod the privilege of comtnx wlmro nil were int itet homntl lug tinver lurfont thought of much ions done after ihe diniiw ttio daiwlilrr uald to tho bupenulondenl mr mill you form a now otm put into it tw or llirtn other toys of tho ago of jerry and install meastoachor hi eipuli m mty be ll loss of a aoul that hnat dn1 u avn ou the uexl sunday mirniug the new clasa was for mod and thu new teacher introduced to the oholar jerry aid ug them imilaiitly as it seemed ho blan to os tlma to his ohaucea of victory in the trial ho rexolvad to prrcipllait no worda oan tell the atorv it waa coarae insolence on the part of the boy aud tho most loving teuder expostulations on the part of tho tuaohur freoluig at length i thai he was being vamjuiahod in his lea paratlou ho spat in hi teacher a faoe quietly the drfllemunt waa removed the vila act waa repeated a eecoud tiuie but there was no ahango in the teachor a manuor or words deaperalo in his now oonscious defeat jerry said 1 11 never storibs 0 mr oladstone a writer in tho lurma aiiwle who as visited llawardou castle mr gud tones rosidehoe baya the ollowlng aneo dutes of the grand old man and his wife wero related lo blur by the neighbors i maldcii lady left alone by the death of her rulatives bul having money ouough lo support her oomfortably opened a lillla tore tho store did not pay very well bul kopl her employed and ao shalivod on happily in in thn eojoymaul of hor null icume news came to mr lladstouo that lha eulerprisa in whiih all hor money was uivoblai had ailed ha at ouoe order od tliat she should nover ho told tho lute rest was paid regularly until her death the secret waa kopl and ahe wont tu her grave supoaiiig that her small fortune waa in text a lady who iia i been ill some lime bowed mo iwo rosea wluoh mta oladstuuo had h rough i whou she camo to aoo her the day before and insisted upon giving me one aayiug hue will come again and bring more i uu know he a all for book ahe doe t uaro ao much about books bat she is all the time dutug oraethtug for somebody ilebidos looking after hor or pliansge which is loaide the castle gruuadn jusl acroaa tbe carriage road from the dial i alio vlaila lha aiok and the poor aud everybody loves hor all old servauu who have boon honorably discharged rum the cabiio are invited book avory year fur a weak a holiday and mr uladslouu glvtw each a bouiucl which ho has gat lie red the morning they lo away ouo can hardly imagiua a more ideal old age than llio great elaloaman le enjoying in lua woll rarned roliromoul ium ioiiiicaj dutiei and strife not repeatfco andy timilb is a bright boy ao l ia lu no way tuoliuod to hide bis light uuder abuah el bum time ayo he ran away with a oiroua and when he returned was mora l hall over disposed to leach ihe neighbor boot rapoolally the boys with whom ho associated ouo day auolbor uruus oaiiio to tbe town and andy was promptly un baud aaauming all the airs of a proprietor aa he showed hi friends aroun i at elephant was aliioux tha attractions and andy aot ually male him knoel and ralae his trunk aud m through other simple per form auoeei hut al lait the elephant aeomed to grow tlrod af this or he suddenly threw his trunk round audy waial aud tossed him luth up into the air andy cams duwu with a tremendous thud on all fours uooll good i cried the boys thlnkiug u pari uf the iwrfuriitenoe do u ogam andy that was splendid andy rose dolllwratoly end wimh1 the dirl oil ln aoe nn no ixiys ho raid lhat aci is er reealed 1 1 would spoil he alephsnt a uuy a chanctb i hem are mauy who will agree lhat buys who have tu work fur a living sbould be oil on u raged rather than u jiiimlaoralod i heir ohauoes of aohieviug real success are al lutsl eigual to if nol greater than huae of buys who atari life with riches it j llurdetle says truthfully thai the wurkiiag lau ifuiug lull o grit reaohos uut an 1 takes all the uhsncea withuut waltiug ui havt mo kvon him llul or the poor man thu i tld would havo oaat anchor sit thou aaml years ago and bo u ivorod wllh uioaa and luhenstu day like a mled blatee iiaii of war oeorgo leabujy was a boy lo a small grocery llaujamin t ran kiln the printer thai euu of a tallow orrandiar i john adams the na of a poor farmer gilford tho urat odttur of tho guarlerly uaview a oommou sailor lohu milton tho son u a soriveiier anilruw jatksoi llio euu of a puut trlshmau andrew jultll sun tailor latlloll a boy uf all work too our tti eon havo a trade grant a laui i r and i uiooln a kooiboatinmi ami atummuii far nih aud if theres a patch un youv knee and your elbow an tflojjy there is amne huiie fur you but uevar say hint tho pnu iniy lias no olutrrflu he moiioilblijicsali llio clianccs there aro jenn ho la tha worst boy that i evor saw jio icrirn to bo taught iu mischief aiiij bolpad mi it by kalan jjjiiuelf neither kindness nor threat has the luaal rffoct on ills incarnation of avi four panuimt were tutting a a loaded labia ju lha dining room of a ooutly reel denoa in una of our lid and cities tho man at lis hnad was peat his threescore hoc oessful biisinoas hail hrouwht him fortune nd cbrislian work growth in mind and heart opposite him him was his wife younger in years she was lha helper of bar husband aud of as mny others aa hor weat wordf and alms feeds could ngnli datween tho iwo sat a daughter heaven hodollrned of tha pareiiti three children he apine waa left a woman of rare beauty education had dnon much for her and years of christian nervne had greatly enlarged a warm sympatliumg c iritrt araled heart the gaosl was suporiulrn huil of ouo of tho largoil sunday hj hoots m our whole country a man whote success with chil dren was widely known once in two weeks for years ha hail it a l with this hu band and wife and daughter m this table to plan in lha in t emits 6t religion mtiiiy tho igtoroste of thu bchqj with it w vv al llm j ha a r iieuwlf um il ft i i get i you again they uo more 1 11 leave the city and tho teacher repliod vell jerry wherever you are remember hal there are two who lovo you christ and your teacher and thai i shall pray for you a long as but as you are going away please caii at no btrcel tuesday morning vad will ii ve you a psckagr and god bleaa you jerry ou ihe day named jerry called aud the servant handed him a large pasteboard bux itetiriiig lo a near alley he opouod it au 1 found undergarments aud an uuter suit iraobiug upon him the gill uf indlng him thai daily pravor would bootferol in hltf behalf to the bav ir uf meu ibo boy was overwhelmed 1 ayer wo already being auswerod in tbe pirit s ofteuiug subduing work upon a niot obdurate heart he unnl irrinbllugly bauk to the door to leave his thanks lustred ol the servant hi teaclier met hi in he wont in it was a lung lime bofura ha camel oul but when bo did a beautiful woman kissed ou the dour s threshold tho tear ntreaked cheeks ol a transformed boy several woeku after jerry lha uowaboy white trying to baud a papor tu a paaiengfcr ou a mutiny tram tripped and both log were horribly crushed arriol tu the hospital unly oue poraou would ho aee that waa hi teacher aud while holding his hand in hor the earth life of jerry slowly euded aud the hraven itfu began idjrxm rurarr shfc blamed the fountain pen uuabul called a rich lineman wifo tba ban lor aa sho heard the front door olote oe maiuiua replied a sweet girlish voice aud annabel carta slowly framed herself in tho darkueas uf tho staircase was that mr tophi annabel it do you know it la twenty olevou as mo lu ooid lot es frum lite wrap porod llguro tu the upper hall mamma wo hadu t the allheal idea it was ao late said tho youug lady oarnoally yuu aee aba cuulluuad mr i upltf bae boon lolling me about i hlua and japan ho si id everybody oughl lu know boul the war aud 11 was au hilurealiiig v uover thought how late it waa lotting do you know ttiamma added iho awcul girl o she roohotl tho landing tha in hlua they did mi lopllfdraw a imp t i hnib your face auuabol aiked mr imrla atemly wtty utamlqa 7 sail uie dau in startled louea ihe young girl rushed tu a uiirrni and saw with hurrur sliokou glamc thl tlte left silo uf her faro warn sleeked aud stained with ink hueidti aud earth aha sreamod his fountain jwo must ha to leaked kilo his walnt ouat pockol and with a rjiiiek uf hurrur lha beautiful k tell uintit tu tht lahu playinu al homb au ao falher ur inolimr pray the iurd a iraycr as jeaua laught 11 aud leach their children lo play cold iu tho home i write lhjnli 1 drown what would be thouuhl uf lha uiuutal etaln ol lha molhor who would put a raaur in her baby a hand and pray that it might uul out ileal i uu i knowing how lu puy card dangerous ktiuwlcdhe and la it auy aalur to eat fruit fiuiu lhat liuu ihao it mi fur i tu lu oat frum llio futbudau true in bdeu la it uut true thai thuusauds u piuleaaloual gamblers learuetf tbair ural oaona lu their mot her e par hire f t uut if only one had star tod irorjt lha pit by lhat route would tot thai be aulncienl tu rove il a way uf j dffligrr mui wliluh un parnl he 1 a tind kiveu liht to load a child a father al niagara uiilleuu ually throw hi illllu daughter into thu oliyas bat it lulled her jut lha tamo aa though ho had dune ll pur poke 1 am uured aiuou laklug hood a tiaraap arllla is wbalmaiiy thousands are sayinj it rltci rcncwcrl ltnlitv anil vigor thinking iliai 1 i my bin ll jojl an now i liai uut llcrsl in lll tvhlvpifll 1 my h uul ixrtll like lo be relieved apart from and mora imporlun evou au her manner to a guest who happons in for an hour or a day is tho manner of a daughter lu her fnther and m liter the father returns to hi home after a wearying day al buaiuee he is tire i iu body and mind coming back as his latoh key t mho homo door he un joyoi rdl at lha thought uf tho desx ones he meet after hours uf ahueuce his young daughter iu a pretiy g wn w ilh the tu aud freshneim old girlhood wuars ahould be ready to kite him the itlleutiuiis ho lotos the kins ihe hirer word to help her molhor and the rent in letting her fathi r ace how much he in luted al home i give up a great deal fur itieir fttilules icir lime their struukut the ktutwlrdko they have gained in life a cxpericuod they bjicud every lhui ireely f ir their home a aake and the homo nhuuld piy lis debt lu much oulapukeu love ni power liomt heat el if l reel cars pruiled and ly hill liny am heated ire placid in c ii iui praises fraura and all uory are ojiortlr 1 by alec nily are lu lighted i y electri by electric radio kinds uf mai 1 force pump- ul etrotr rook ut ushcib it ib in i uun ana i t ace uu llm trecl a n oilar itiliur allached lo au elect i ic wire lea inn iluu o irom a olr iho mtanrants cook by eiecirtmty tho bulcher empl lyn il to chop hi nauaagca tho eruccr to giiul ins ullir r ltd i icily looked upon a a tw 1 uuip blessing in every liume ihe lioticn m n r in their sew lug machine and iuui their i it iron by loctrkily the bako thuu cukrn in wooden i eel no cako oven a hint tit bu act away ou ihe alii if like paetcb mrd 1j they havo oloutric builern lroikr and tea kettles ihe hydraulic wurks an 1 piwer huunra alo rltclrtahpm tlr mih- fr mil the clly on the bank uf thu mieui i m lulrail ttii uu mo yuu aio n doll l bu lilt tl lull to eb ui uia etull uf ovou your most ultimata t iciid duu t undetntlu enylhniai be nuau j mi dull 1 puhscbb it doll l brlietu that erl mi j le in uie the world is happier iii on tun d in 1 oouul ide thel y iu lmt- i im e bad ey ophjrtliiiltlra 111 your 111 dim 1 boliovo all the ovi uu 1 u1 dull t repont k i ton ii uo 1 ul el a inwd dull i lo iintl 1 t uk plea ij tel attry body known you dull t im i lido l i 1 i is ii boclal puelllu duu l oct or jul ie duu t n i jill a a io 111 to oj lit j ut lore yuu iwrfoollt iindoruid ha l yu are talking about dun t jeer at auylhidya rellgn ua belief i nttuino a hhbt a hcultlbii eoiilrt n prutt 1 1 ihelr uiiiiiaur with a sum uf mutiny aud sent him till lu the con linen 1 tor a lu diday a ut ionian jiel bauk liuiu the ouulluout ct a piuminenl uiciiiler uf thu church daalllohiiu oh b the byo i met ur miuielcr iu ccrmu hw wae lol g very wrll he didn i luuk as llloui be reded a re i no eld the t hutuh embets very cxlmly il waa ua huu 11 aa the uougroatiuu that wai n o hug a juy la au eihaiige j t ll hlls t cod is fur two ftir elkituuit munllto unnllu lo liu oowntn uoil a tnuiilojiiiihioii citlxuft oawlul lupaiiuiicu with heart dim u 1 j i ulullu ju 1 iui i v u ll 1 utl lh i ubilu uru i 1 the hearl i hat will heart tluaao tit i bed ur nxht mulheruh bk lie uiklii i would hav itdlowa m il lo wur treatiug will a ben it urrly liuublrd nd nusblu t i lio down tt manths owing to ud pal llali in 1 itch i lu he jnmp i uji by ktp fruriuilhtrille i huvi rnl midiusl tnoii i uihi a botlla ul tho heart ur viler taking the llrt duee w reliretl aud slept sunudly until mutlilug t und ouo bnttto and hava not taken any of the lemwdy for aoton wooke but the heart trouble hsanll raappearu 1 i iou idur it it j lralt t r mitly in niiiico fof heart tllactio i 2 a daughter 3 part at home 0uo rtlnteut rthtnts ti can du lncevef k ps irtluularly utt im iiisu u cordial inenimr m p iltarly dlliiij 11 nol land r oh in thn middle thu t huh and buw coldly ud formally to ih lr en 1 1 vhu hss called walk vrr ui nit el her kite her your hand aud ray lrrttntl y lit a i you are very lad lo her i attain hull oold and for mul waya of gret 1 un rormnil luucta aro illt irtiler in e irl tv o ii nig 10 hu iu her alhci a house v daiikh ler i pari is to eimtil her ttiotljjr on uvrry ei olll o caiinn ihe g1 ibo lla iii htr drawing rthiiii when fnelidx 1 hop in at live o clock in di- vll1 ii ud l proont bhe htlj th e kurstn to 1 he aniid wiohea aud thu aattt s ttluth are krveil l live o clock tea and herc1f h tod- tho cup and takes them iron i llir k t w ho wuuld

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