Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 28, 1895, p. 2

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c u np ik liaai i 10 h mhitawfy mi tni lay snr jnlin nnrtuli nfauuutilnr it m jt u n 7 si i nrtrli7truhiiil itir iuik 11 i lln win v mr in lu mr llirlin i ii ll mn sn ii iword n iii lint l j uo tt in lai n i jhiii i i ami ii a it malll i w annali i u t r iiil wiiiim uiiklui- r william link all of- miltm htmnmam at s tf tlk hll hiih i tra iiori 111 iii in ttnlm v ui i nt ivhov itr iwnlrr ii on i i ii if arum i am tuir t i i ll it i i kaimliaw of ltorkw tii ll i j i n artun ntttunadayvrtili no von ulllluili iv rgi hilly annul i ill tiio aiind jhorainl alt mniillia jv 3- i 1am ral llua llal ouolph aged 4i rers ohttlllllnaa mntiulia lllli iuiihjcs hoihja al or real li tli rail n ol tl lat win paiitcn ml ton ami f mm h hecird anion in tlio lib ffiljc arton jrcc rrss thlllthljvy nl mi1lh 1h0 notes and comments tho 1 retich lovenitmnl haa oltamod from tho khali of 1onu permision to aeewoh tho land j waste at iran for bnrlrd biblical cllioa a till an arrangement has broil ma lo al to sharing the archaeological treasure 1 he imperial goernminl proposes to ank for an inereaee of two million poll ode in llin coming hurlitot on the voto for alitp- biuluioc this will raian thn naval nil mate to twenty two million pound nearly half of wlucl will bo dooted to ship buililit io hcu commuaioncr leo of hi iouls baa soul a ictlor to iho pastors of hid j l tore nl religion denominations there which ha caused not a little excitement and criticism ho asks if they will uphold him ui a heroic rfforl to enforce tlio htioday ibu hi ht uun in tho mnltcr of liquor ocllinn on ilia linea pursued by com mi ski lie r iumscvciiiii now york thoy ay they will al a tnccluik of tlio onloru board of health bold in toronto recently report were received couipjiuitm of man who make a practice of feeding boga on dead horses horses aro bought in wo tarn ontario lit tl a e arcana and shipped to toroulo and other places aud then sold oat tl rouub the country aa food for hojts the charges wero vory definite and he board will make a very lliorounli investigation a deputation from thj chamber of commerce of montreal have aaked the government to send a delegation of bual umi men to trance to ascartam upon what bajn trado could be encc orated and deal uped sti frvba pioiiiiavd to rnuiral they also lodged a proleat akaitiat what ibey cwnaiderod a breach of faith ou the part of canada with france under tho treaty by the cuatoma rejiula lion eaaclitt a duty of 0 per cent on the package id which trench wioea were iaorted major i tnree a of detroit amona potatu plan for helping the poor of toil city to help tbetuaelte have been bubbly ucceeaful thia aocond ear e trial of thuh ulilixiott vacant lota in the clty hould remove whatever doubt eiimted mn to ihe practicability of the scheme and other n ic miv well adopt the plan tho cost lu the city has been 55 000 this joar and ihe vegetables raiaed will in the kfcienale amount lo about fm 000 a conservative estimate placing the potatoes alone al from w 00 to 70 000 baahals tin- london hi if publiafoa an article on the iacinq cable aijd tha propoaed fast tcaraahip service to cftfiada direct- ll says the success of the movement is largely due to canada it is understood that the uovernmonl will only so bald in the allan tio section of the australiattlaciflo service on coudillon that better time can be mada over tho canadun pacific i tail way than can now he made ander esuliug oonditioos liy the acceptance of this priociple canada obtaiak a position she baa never oooopied before aa the main highway of the dhuati lmpire parliambnt called 4 tho ofiy aftornow vonrnthn dnfo bot for tho 6ponlna cardwbll eletition 24th dec ort i n rjt4l7 a meeting oflho oauiuot was hold yrstdrday after nun ti nml at tho oloan i wo lniortaiit ailuonnantiictit were lorujcnmina 1 ho uovernmpnt has decided lo oall iarliamenl for the dcvpali h of bimiuota on llio jnd of jannary an i tha writ for cardwell wav i rile rod to ho j in nod thn dato of immination bnnii patd fir lecenilht i7ih and pnllini fur the da before h hristit a mr it jo lit tii of motto- mills ia roturnintt ofhoer manitoba school question acompromlne on tho trouhloaome quoatlon istnlkaci of wrntnrf nov jtt during the past lew edltohs table days ihorirtiave bewn rumors lu tho air of a possible oomiromiae oil 0o nlaniloba flchool g tieal ion ilffiirih have been made to intecylow jfr oroenway on the aubject but he dec 1 1 rim tq say a word lull mate friends of hntoknowledt howevdr that a deal is ou and that mr o mm way wil bo prepared to accept a mod tiled remedial measuro passed by parliament it is like ly therefore that tha bill which parliament will bo aikcd to adopt will provide fur the institution of calliulm bohoolt in province with tho riht of catholic course to instruct the pupil in the loiiota of their faith aud to mice i thuir own text book on history the bill will also provide for cerliticale teachers and ooverument ins peel ion the most important point in connectloii with the moaaiiro and uuo whih ia com fmtratlvoly new in canada provide thai provincial rant to the catholic achoola ahould be paid accord uijitottfrs toaalnrnr jwwwiul i thii existanca lu id is accepted eanunatio system which has txren 1 inland for many jeara by all drnouilualiohii it i known aa 1 atmeni by ltnaull news of thh day an epitome ot tho worlds dolnue uurlnu tha weak alsaka e is m 0ouo00 thb tope is ill tho coining ooiiti led jold outptit while the export of canadian cbeeae to ureal britain have koe on inoreaaing by leat and bounds those of the united hiatea have been docrcasiok al the same rate becretary morton of the depart main of agriculture at waahinitton says lu bis annual report that tho united 8 la tea trado with ilrttain shows a serious falling oft iu cheese and that on the british market the make of tho united hlalea ranks lowest in quality and prioa yet it is not so iqauy years afo since canadians makers were tmyiug the cheese busineas tha united stales dtd with britain 1bn bxporle for october fall h30 000 be w the nifuree fur october ihu4 tho exiorta ut akricuitural products laat month ainouuted to but tl hilu b6 tho total value ol coubor axwrls was fls vj7s 2fio tor the foar month uf tho current flaoal year the export were 4h 046 wj6 a decrrao of half a million compared with the exports for the eame period laat year the import for october amounted to jkljhglill au luoreaae uf two millions iho duty collected was l 764 760 an inoroase of a uarter of a million for the tour months of the current flaoal yej the imports ainouuted to 3htjia 078u looroaae of tola 000 the duty collected was 1ji rjo 100 an luoreaae of h7fl 000 1 ho school law that all children be twoeu eight aud fourteen yeara of ajre shall atleud school fur the full term during which the school ui the eectiou or municipality in which thoy reaido is opeu each year unleea excuse fur th n hbrwinaftar pan tloned and if the areola or goardiaus haviotf lal char ho of such children ahajl fail to send them lo school regularly tor said full term or if suoh ohlldreu shall abeeut i hern salves from achool without satisfactory eicaeoa sueh parenu guard laua aud oblldron shall be aabjoct to a ado of uot laaa thau f3 nor mora than hildren aro allowed to remain from school fur i lie following reaeous 1 the child la under affloiant inatraouoo at home or chew here j btokdeaa or other unavoidable cause 3 if there is no school within two mllea if hie child is uriairleo jtflin or 3 mtlm if over this age 4 if there ia no eooomo- datlon in ths school if the child haa been exouaad by the priaoipej or a jaalioe of the 1eaee 0 if tha child haa paaeajd the eutraooa examination oats the highest rnarkai prioa will be paid for uj qaanlity ot hood cjeeji pels delivered- at oeorgtown station hush them h now while tha roads are good wu mclkou uaorgctqwo have been poatkined dr springer ox m 1 hniitrar uf wen l worth county is dead wipnipeg mcrcrni u are moving to quash the early cloeiug by law mr itichard while haa eutored suit against j laraol tarle m 1 for libel chinese iroopa have been defeated by rebels who now dominate half the province of kan so r hobert clark and john olloton win nipeg railway employ oca were accidental ly killed on tuesday a complimentary banquet to mr bear geaot manager t it will be hold december 17 at montreal ifaefory a on tin dutton returned a verdict that mr urhn instigated tho are which destroyed his tore hamilton has already live candidates or next years mayor thoy aro mayor b ten art aldermen colquhuuo watkina brown and mr geo l tuckett lord and lady aberdeen visited the indian reserve near calgary on tuesday and lu the evening lady aberdeen address ed a meeting of women at calgary the imperial government proposes to uk for an increase ol m0 0o0 00o m the coming budget on the voto for ahipbmlding raising ihe naval appropriation thereby to slli 000 000 heavy oow to run are prevailing throughout the provinces of 1iudmonl and lignria id italj hail way trafna is cam pletely blocked aud trains are embedded in huge snow banks mrs harriet a haino died ou friday night at bt thomas unt bhe was with iu two months of being one huodied yoara old her father ran the first alceroer on the hudson river the experiment convicts in tho michigan bute prison at jackson became rlotou yeelerdey aud deputy warden northrup wu fatally hurt by a blow from a hammer after smashing a lot of machinery the rioters so boa it led a peon ilea tramp named maunoe bar ear who alept in a hamilton police station oa uandav night monday morning received a drajt for fifteen hundred pounds sterling from england being his share of bis father s thb hva twim tt1ial evlclonoo all in nntt tho rnoty llkoiy to boconoulou tht j wook tiimsin nm 1 flitiiiilot tin ir at miiiiihiiirlrr i rial in at usl i ellit thowetlnr nf loittmrmy wtlhui trmtmlnfr this uvt niirt nod nllowiiig ihrm for dm four ad ireism ti tint jury a vi r lint hill id rnlpl hnurly vnng tho iuiftiilvill ri llirtrtih it no u today afid ihr rnlmltul bihlinioiiv will all u in lofurn hi nj iiufimniit uf mm cuiil at t tin nitwit 11 ii c nrnmlioj fty thn de fcoti aa a nasli it ul has imt null rialixtd unlets tin oliu ie tupmn that npmtlalioi to the slnumriitn inade hj two employees of ihe china 1111 that 1 nderukar tliimphro rigwa sueii atainliuf in col borno hi reel about 11 uclmk j the jim w alttja tnr fur doccmber 1j lricr 9iatar tl for an months jo ctnla per number toronto william bripru iho docemlwr number n partii uatty rich in illuairatioti tho opcuiiig article describee thu rock hewo ttinlba and temples of the- wondrrful city of iotra redirvered in thia century after being forgotten fur a thousand years th aecond ia a graphic aketch of the rook fortroasof lllirallar with an account of ita heroic singe- and numitruus other fine article follow tho announcement ihj ia inruiulrl god ambracliiteveral strongly writirn rotial atonra graphic character to lien and coiouhi illuatri ptprmiin grratur uriiain homo life iatuatiue i ipnlar acionce the uomance of mismiouo aid tjocial tope etc t is a good i lino to subonbe a mileu touching the improvement of the coast defences uf the united hiatea special relevance to an interesting article which will appear in tho mano of far llf1vfoi novimbcr 10th uu ihe united btalos lrovlif roiimi al han ly hook wheru the orduauro tor i ho now oruiaera gunhoala and balttni a am tested two pagrn of llluatralloiin ahuu lug iii llfferent varlftlea of bi ura the hratily plated tarnn aun other tea tun a of i in tort cunurclrd with the teat hirtray vividly thu work at hanjy hook toother srtioli ut interest will treat ihj givint btaliatlca siecially to agriculturists while juliaft discusa bludiug art out w the practical commentary 11 y valuable laflph win the tlcming ii itovell company toronto and chicago have lanticheda rjew candidate for popular service in the sunday school world this i the practical comnuntary on ihe international snnday school lessons for lkmi it ia a large ootavo volume bound in full cloth contains a complete commentary on tho jear sons carefully edited b specialists in the various departments and is supplied post paid al only tiu cent about one half the price of tbe aliiiuaivotnme6tteaaon hotel heretofore iu use the practical common tarp i prepared by well known writers chief of whom is mrs t u arnold ills sound in doctrinal application replete helpful thoughts practical aidn questions and loach luge has primary departmentaud blackboard excorcis for each lesson an numerous maps aud illustrations it xuj inches has ilo pe and is boun in boston linen a fah0us reformer lu haa written and pruaahud oi both slden of the atlantlo ro cently tho victim of e popullor affllotion from whiali ho wu relessod in a marvollous manner booth bobton from at the llytmi trial ou saturday a num her of witn were called by ihe defouoe tenhow that the elevator waa defootive in reply to hi lordship oouusol for tho defenor alatod that they had twouty wit neasea to call mr j t uowerman president of the ottawa teacher association at a mealing of that organ sal ion on saturday predicted if matter continue a they are going it will not be long before male loach era will be com pletely extinct hev palbcr labollo of aylmer u io waa fined in hull on saturday fur slander ing warden courey of ottawa county hj saying he had been instrumental in haviug oue of his relatives children bap tiled by a proleslant minister agalnat the wishes of its mother a diver recently while eugead lu drlv log prlaa for a new pier at the gulden horn on reaching tho bottom found the bodies of about forty student standing upright with leaden weight to their feet who had evidently been baken ou by the police aud drowned in tha boaphorua limbhousfc mr lhlhp green and fanil y of ihe scotch lilook have moved to the village and are now living in the house formerly oocupiedby mrs duruo wo understand mr green haa bought tha property it la reported tbe trustees have engaged the servioea of mias turd of trafalgar a teaohar iu the aohool hare in ths piabo of loavtnp arcfarlal a gang of men arrived here ou monday morning and al onoe prooooded to put in new platform at tho g t it stattou aud make other general repair our cheaa and checker club is now pre pared to receive ohelleugoe from other do be in surrounding towns and village cbeaa dob are particularly requested to head in their appiioalioue several of our townamen are going lo armvenburat this weak to work in the quaxriea of tbe mcnrs tanubar oontrmo tat or vpcviiio mlm barbara lindaay of uuolph spent i wo or threat day al her old homo here lost weak mr and lira kannawin of aotoo spent thankaglving imv with mr and mrs john moore the motion eale of mr thomas han daraooa tftesla oondqoleov by auctioneer uamaireet on toattuy wu quite a auo- oeaa the who off tha stock and imple meoa beiug olwtraol out vj 1- rom hie iknuin iloi no 157 rmorao tho preen t homo of itcv i r u a i h ii tho recent recto uaxk a lpiacopal church al ai mont during the reform in which ha awopt ovur iloaton 1 man hai boon frciiuuutly hear through tlio various newspaper and although a rcaident of a comparatively reconldalr he haa exerted much public inllueuoe which has bseu increaaeti by tbe fact ihitt h waa ten years ago on a com miauou appointed in huglaod to inveeli gate the troublusome queation f ihe vice of great citiua he haa preached before cultured audiences in the old world aa well aa to tho rough pioneers in the uuuiug town uf the hooky mountain and his utterances aa well as his writings have been in tbe line of propose and liberality well acaaon ed with practical common aciist dr freeman 1 a written thia paper a letter which will be lead with interest hi aaya bomu uv jear lutoti luuud that doep atudy aud eioeslve literary work lu addi hun to my ordinary ministerial duties wore uiidormiumg my health i doloctod that 1 waa uuable lo understand ihinga as clearly as i usually did that afur but little thought and study i audnred from a dull pain lu tho head aud groat wterliiesa and all thorn hi and atudy becamo a trouble lo tue 1 lut apkille did not rollnh ordinary oult after oating nuftcrlug acute ialua in the cheat an 1 back 1 hero was soreness of ihe stomach and tho in ist of my food seemed to turu lu auur water with moat sickly end auflouating feeling in vomitlug up aiich sour water 1 vuia the victim of avcrn pat itsuim n rlifldinartaml wan almint nffli i to wrtlk arm ho renrm anil i nil this i una ultfsotl lit uo abatiuto real fruui all mctital work in fact t uf alrcnly ilnabln lo t ako any iut for lln mi en i ic tlui footing of omiipnj pnmttiiti in hhm- thn hast nxnrtlnn run hi id niu from rttn ilntj whatlivur and ll sppaarnd to in itilnil mial i wan vi r nrar in in n rfut wreck as for taking ivbuolujii nl i could not tako more than 1 did union it win id abnlnto a tajml in thu jriw i hi n it would have been nbsoliitc cnoiiili it is now quite three yrnrs sine in addition lo all the niim an i iwuiltim which i endured 1 found rrnej mu npnti ino a peculiar immune of thn ml limlm an i in fact could not walk about if 1 tried in walk t ha 1 to draf the lef t foot along the gromid llm jiovvrr of loco mo tlon atrmed to be intir sud 1 was oonant i with lha informalion thai it waa partial parelvi whether it wai or not i do nut know but this i do know i mil i not walk about aud i began in think my notion l cjiildhbod had cnmniencrd al tlio t go of ll years little a glorious aqe in which we uvu wit tmgtit iuovo frerjucuily tit utsl oiir tlmvilliuuhin tho uurvbllimtahlilovomonu ot i lie i in which we live in iho di part mi i i uf ii heine alotie there liaa iwtcn an nil air n thnlinf amnitiitg to mavi ti y tiimpll iu from pain kind v and aufli ic rhap iho dixbovinl utnat important lo ihamargo clnan or sodorors kimwn under ti ucrtl iloalgiiallou- of nervous thoac i ph al r ii down lu norve- and muacular forcn ii ruilhidlril in iho preparation known tt doctor ns maltlnctwilh coca witu a bull it r up uf in mcirjar and nerva tlasue id hla as n houjaticy and nerve not indeed by a fitful lvauixing that speedily exhausts ilaolf leaving the last condition oven more dcplorablo thau the flrnt no i medium with on wine gives the nredod imiotiih to iho hanging power of body and mind strengthens jho digestive organs improvch thu assimilsiive functions and hiiataiim thu vital force until by the im iruvol condltlonn it hringa alwiil the tiiiilibmim of rniiclloiia la returning and 1th ruptwed maltino with coca wins a great home paphr toronto turn out ome excellent homo aud gonpral uewsponera but utine that is superior in niiy ruteoct lolho wrrlty jluor 1 he ax flutcrpriho u ivull known and unreliability bh a medium for information haa also been its proud distinction no anadiaii journal devotes mora space lo purely canadian topics nor deata m canadian affairs more fairly uor more thoroughly 1 very canadian home is tbe better ol tha weekly visits of thu great just about twrr years ago or more- ministerial friendaino lo aoo me j to by all driilgiati 1 was sick in bed and oould haadly move and he was something liko otd jobs com forter although ndl quite ho had ouicil rogrot and cumtni ration vvliirh waaavrry poor balm for a aick man hut the best thing he did say waa thia dnfjon uvor see pink pill t i said who in tho world ia he he said why do yoa not try pluk pills he ai 1 good bye vory affoctionately eo much so that donbllmn he though i it waa the last farewell never theleas after thinking a little i just camo to tho oonclokion that i would mako an innovation and boo what pink ehih would enaral- atiy- good aaibly come out of thnso little pluk things anyway i would hoc i wm euiqiicloua of pink pills and i remembered tho old proverb sw i rutin tr suspicion ia the pasakrt to faith ho pitik pills i obtained an i i ink i ilu i swallowed hut ono lux lid not ouri nio nor did 1 loci any diflcunco lut aftvr i had taken nino or tun boxon of pilla i wee decidedly bettor ye 1 was certainly improving and alter ciht inoiilha of i ink pilla i oould get aboul 1 ho uuinbncaa of the left limb waa nearly gone tho pains in the head had entirely ceased tho appetite waa better i con id eujuv food an 1 i had a free qmet action dl the heart without pal pitalion iu fact in twolvo months 1 waa a new creature ejid to day i oan aland and apeak over two hours without a real i can perform all my public duties which devolve upon me without fatigue and do all the walking which i have to du and am thankful for it 1 can safoly aay 1 was never in a better state- of health than 1 am today and that 1 attribute to the patient persevering use of dr william link pills 1 fully cordially and alrougly command dr willi mi rink plllit to all or any who suffer in a aimnlar way and feel auro that anyone who adopts pink pilla with pcrso expectation s uoroalizod or thoir reasonable bopea blasted but ho will find that i less i cg wbioh ia ihe reward of a full trust in a true and reliable remedy 1 shall always wish aud defliro the greatest success fur dr williams pink pilla and alwaya chcr riah a deep feeling of rattludo to tho f rieud who drat said to mo buy lnik pills i have tried them and know their true value and am truly glad 1 did for i have found them from a good experience to do moro than la actually claimed for them y faithfully youra must be sold owing to the fifeat alterations amounting almost to re building our present store incorporating with it the conlec ioncry store recently occupied by mr george williamvand which we have purchased we are compelled to dispose of our stock we are today thursday taking advantage of the holiday as well as workng nights markings down the stock and on mondhy morning we will open up this great sale which will continue till the stock is disposed of as we expect people to come long distances to this sate and our space being limited we will take it as a favor if the citizens will come early j km 11 a 1 i after the grip no strength no ambition hood s snrsqpmrllla cavo perfect health til f 1 r kltir it irim n we ii known ul- hoods cures l ate roclor of ht mark montana dr williams pluk pilla contain in a condensed form all the element a uoconsary i to givo a new life aud richuoha to tho i blood and restore abatturcd nerves lucy are au unfailing specific for such dtaoaaea aa locomotor ataxia partial paralvaia si itua dance rcieliia neuralgia rheuinn tlam uervouancae headache tho after edict oflagnipo palpitation of iho heart palo and sallow complexion atl forma of weakness in male or female 1 ink i ilia are aold by all dealers or will bo sent post paid ou receipt of price cents a box or aix boxes for i i 50 thoy are uaver aold in bulk or by the 100 by add ream i dr williams medlciue company brook vitle out or schenectady n y ask your druggist for heart dwrjue ucliotrd in 3h uhiuua dr agnew cure fur thu heart glvos perfect relief iu atl cases uf organic or sympathetic heart disease in 30 mm u ten aud speedily fleet a- a cure ll is a pcerlca remedy for palpitation bhortuesa of ilreaab smulbenug dpell pain in left aide and all ay mjiloma of a dnuaaul heart quo doao oouviuooa sold by j kauua murray lanmans florida water a dainty i- loral lxtract tur itmndkcfctilcr toilet and bath the white front store 99 upper wyndham street a total eclipse 11 4 i iih tall ii ur fairly h i uttf all au ilea nal lo 1 rl i rxuiui ii tii i at this time i consulted eevaral phyal claua una said i waa run down another aald i bad chroulo indigestion but thia 1 do know that with all the preacrtptiout wbioh they gave me i waa hof improving for in addition 1 had pains iu i lie regions uf the kldpeya a very slugghih liver so much so that i was very much like a yellow man waa depressed iu ipiriu i mug iued all aorta of hinge aud was daily la oomidg worse aiiuttctt that i ahuuld aoou become a confirmed invalid it 1 did uot aoou understand my complaints i fulp od ihe ad v loo uf physicians moat aeveroly hut with all 1 waa completely uuablo to do my minlateriat duty and all i oould poe aibly do was to reel and try lo be thaukful after oightcqn inonaha troatnicnt 1 found our new furnishings mr j n tl 1 our special 4 pants t ou n i koted for nobby up to date gooda r enelson leading tailor and furnishei guelph hosiery sale direct from manufacturers wholesale profit jmo a iitiilliii da awfmramwmmmilifmwmk puiiuiuuiiuiuiuuiukiuuiuiuiuiuumuiiuul kortjklglit tlionsaml dollais wortli of drj gowih ilofliing hoots shoes hatej anil ps milliiicis mantles ladies furs and fur mantles gentlemens furs anil fur overcoats r few words as to this sale while there arc many socalled sales still a genuine opportunity of buying superior goods such as we are offering and at th prices we aie marking them does not often occur 1 lie question witt us is just this whether it were better to rent store room keep the goods here midst lime and rubbish as they would be when we commenced to build or give our friends i golden opportunity to save money thereby making them our faster triends in the future we have adopted the latter course tis now for ou jo embrace the opportunity salc lv1ky da frank dowler liib ghlm cash storl cuelph walker mcbean co ceorcetown v ajr goods the createst sale have ever had will commence on sal ukday i iing at 8 oclock when the big doorb will swing open to admit the eager crowd in every town and village in the surrounding countneb the people are talking about this htore i he knn huing public have confidence in us the same as the have of us in i okon i o and tnats what we want more than anything else wonderful the number of people who come for miles to trade with us because the can rely on what they buy from us if the were not saving money by buying from us it is not likely they would drive 12 to 15 miles over rough rqads we treat all alike rich and poor if you buy 10c worth ou get the same attention as if you bought 1000 worth we treat others as we like others to treat us q re at week in tbe clothing cuuimenoliiu tiaturdav luoruluii abell aell at lc klen 8iruok tweed rant wortb 4100 atais feloq at el 30 ta at m bleu twood nulls north 1000 al ihs3 anuu at idj 113 00 al l 49 hots lo i loco heavy canadlau t1 oit ii allt2 3j i iflo m30 ii s navv kolckar llo kent b3 worth aoo ivj uura tloavt frloo overeoau worth ij great week in gents fturnltthlnfl uso h in lauibawuei tuiirt and drawsra ttc worth t3c una a hisv lulbod hhirt aud drawer o wdrtb 19e lion a canlfkau jackau ilrown aud lllack one wortb rm f ribbed aoa all wool uuo worth 17 c sfim alu ino fedora hats lie aout lu tlx alt to uxx 4b fedora iuu 1 tt retailad lu toroulo al al rtaua hufl iuu fruui uo u ta90 worth i 3 un mantles and gapes ii u ui ly knew the juatiuly of jacket and cane w lh ider wbare all tlio ladfos eaui from oouta trow all over b jfcoa il lu the bum i ii ion kluo lllh llsaver cloul jackau llvrllu deateu bl3b9 worth euu vary ftn uslluu clotli larva buuuns aojoaold in toroulo tot tmo nry riue uelton oloui boi rook 1bjv tmiuua 4ilso worlb 1uxl i aw al all rlooa wa oan mil any also purae- millmory millinery a ontario llua tailoring tor dal u liktm mii jo wrltwl dt and we buaraiitse tl inm tui il a hoouili twavd hull uaallv liilalie ur ll u3 usual irtoa eltoo a hooiob tweed hull uaatty ftuiabed for jo uaual lute ljax overcoats the weatbar is getuiuj oulder sal our quotation tor a t all overaoai t i a vinoed that wa aro ueeter tliae auy or llis iiualftv of eooda we 1 vee waaavodaifeutlauiau lu toruuto klooooo an ovwreoat and we oan do tba uuti lo vou walker mcbean co ceorcetown and toronto 1 or lvo weeks we will ollt i spteiil bainihb 1 all and misses whsteil 1 losu i lo- llel ribbed wulsled hosiery a speeiil him of ho petion not in it ml wool hoi al coin qroceiies a fresh slot 1 coeoanut chi f new olates bor christmas baking we bae raisins currants ltelb liiiracts bpiees uaking iowder ete 4 lbs best cooking 1igs itr eeiils v a k gurnky 4 co mill stiect ac ion a ngtbt departure we hiu an iinmeuse stoek of goods which we ust dis i ose of to make room for our new goods arriving dail i herefore we h ivi deeldtd to oiler our customers the- follow ing bargains bargain tablenoj a lol l lltidim vim for 10c cftoh worth from soo itloor pir barg ta ho 2 a jab lol ol ira 10 is uio u 00u worb lion ii onu a 00 u florid wlor loo bohir worth jao bollfc remember the spot ll c s7ith hosp1thl st- watosikb in lowot whrrauii itf t a p symons tpiiactical watcfluxxbit and jbwelleil watches clesnod for 7f cents new malnsprinu 7 vents all woiik aiiiastr i a v hyuun main htreet attn aafarrtibrmrnlf l0fgelt wanted kana iukm oryjtti two heifer cahcs astray s tha pi upon hie nreuilaea lot h eo 1 eafiaeslnn about a tnonlb mqo two reel bailor calves owner will rite prove pruuerty mi obiienbas and take i hem awav duncan kbitjt fjpeja ida steer astjtav stitavftd npou tlio trrornlse of tbo lubacrib r let w coh 1 kaqnealnj a veartlaf steer red owner is requested to lrovs laroparty pay irenes and rem ova the aeltuaj sot istb ifiotv stee esr stitatkd about tbe 1st uay from tbe urem laaa of tbe andaralcnad lot ia ooa 0 kaq baleg atwo yess ol j slaialledv aayp lvlns information leading to its recovery will e siiitablv rein obottae eariuealns t o shooting gallery tdk underatanod haa ojienod a snooting 1j isry in lib atone baildlui at the foot ol church htreet rowl abet for ever evening troprtelfl settlement of account acaittlk number of tbe resldeata of aeton and vlelnitv are indebted to me for fleer and feed slo 1 must inatat apon setuementot all aoooenta befora uie beginning of tbe new year will all cusumuers in arrears plaaaa take douee and sail and set lie op promptly j no ailtduns acton nov 3tu lwo anton st lambert jersey ball for servi or for sale thk uuderalgned baa for servee al his stable on ualn htreet a thoroughbred pedigreed bt lambert jersey llull this fine animal ia also offered lor tale u o haiwib aeton april und 1mu rhai notice 0tick is hereby given that application will be made at the neat inlon of tha pmriuv or canada rer a t or authorui an mm u ineftrpafiu tot canadlan b i aetrie hallway and power company with power to build onerate and malntahi aa klectrio ttailarey rrom tbe city of lloutraal in tbe previnoa ol quebec to tha city of windsor in tbe county of essex tb droekvllle klnga- ton ilellttvuie toronto aod loodon with power to build a branch una from toronto or tit her point on tbe main una m be pension brtdw with power to build branch lines lor a raataa no exceeding twentyeve mllea from any point points on tba main line to enter into qj and arraagameata with all existing or ad arms or corporation along the partlealarty with exis surest or electric rail a light or power companies lor the purposes amwlseaiag arnalgamstlng or making afreet railway serviees la aweh dues and town en tbe line of aald rail way aa tbe company and mnnlelpalluaa muarasted may agree ou to build aald uallway ul seetioos aa mav be authorised to aoquire water pewers and atbaa or and build leetrtoal work in ooa uaetioa with said railway for tba porno generating slaetxieal energy to acquire tbt of way to tranamll and also tba right to stbarwiaa dlspoee of eleetrioaj energy light power and other purposes and to diauribute tbe unit with power to eaproprlata landa for tbe purpose ol tha undartaaiag a pro- vldad by tb halfway act with all otlter power di for constraeting and operating tbe aid electrical works and otbsrwlea fully oarry log on tb said unde with power to leso paid op stock ol tbe company in payment of ita obllgatlooa lor all or any of ths aaitl authorised any ol the u bduuxd ultlbtol iiowxaxd amtolui a iuubtui- toronto bollcitor for s pt leant right aalla htjndaxdb of dollars worth or bilvbr aivbh aw at to introduoa dr crays gwrmn oranuloa in canadtt bend 50 cents for a boa of thee oelebimterl oranuloa then pojuue your braina over the following problems in oompatilion for tbe magulfiaieiit rewards mentioned below qneatlou ho 1 if a bottle ot wine is wortb on dollar and ave oeula aod lbe ylne la wortb one dollar mora tban lbs bottle what la tbe bottle worthy change an ortlyarubroamea toll and aaya tbat twenty liar bill i obangad lor you ta a counterfeit i int my money back ll cte c back twenty llara in good money hew much la ll out by du ooarae of post we will give a superb allver quadruph plated tea aet eouautlng of twenty pianos vaiae auaod tba follow ing in what we give away to tbe sender ol tba middle oorreot answers to tbeabove two qnoatlona roceived and opened lu du ooarae of post we will give a superb allver i euo00 to lb sender ot tbe aral oorreot answers lo lbe above two question received and opened la the course of poet w will give a aaperfa allver quadruple plated tea eat qoaaistlng of twenty ale giaom eeoder of tha last correct answer rw- oaivad to lbw above two qo- du ooarae of ioal we wlfl a quadruple plated lea er- valne 130 to lb aendar ol every bund red lb oorrect ana to the above two queetioua reeelvad and x liver iptiea of tba auocaaefnl oomtwtltor a lour piece quadruple allver puvtad tea sat with tray a quadruple sllvwrplaisd tiller or a modern quedruplealltcrblaled apergue aji4gl0a at every lift nrsl correal an re two quealumie reoeivwj and opened in doe course of poal will give a band anna quadrupl plalad allver fro 1 1 aud ipuou veluewrjkii to the sa ul of every u7ui oot d tba above two quaatlooa received and ui a doe ooarae o ilwplatadgi tbe sender ol avwry 1 of post we will give a uadrui gold uned l oruqsand 0ooks jo wyndham st guelpbr id tne okhiu reuiala laoesb ete iteanov that haggard loa and beeatbe fresb eomplexlon sod build up mt auawer to tba above two queetioua received aod upstted in due course of poet we will rive iwu buies of dr j rays uermino clrauulee value luu to tba bandar of lb nra oorrrwl auawar le tbe abovw two gueetloua rolrj bim umowd in do qonree nl puel eafl morning who taut otberwia uuued la in will be given ooa itnsen gold almluuui lea ikhiu a decided no elty value tu tue will itd vuu ul lbe lilbdeetroyln imti ohuuu an i arsnepsia cure you ot liver aud kidney nmuplalni malaria hick hawdacbe ulllouaneaa coneli nation men mauo iaios lied lasts in th bring lbe wasted form dr nray whi do grays uermlne o ran u lea are not only the best spring and all tbe year round medicine but they are also the cheap eat to bey dr grays oenuineunwula u a ierteci wad tew yea do not require to laaa any other oedlclne with 11 uor do yon bare to la lhri four ptluata doee oue ill u a doaa try a 30ocut a boa plcaak notiojo tweognlad unless aeouejpsawtwitb utt7 ts for a bos of laruilne wlla tuesday november igui is tba nrat day ol eonrpeutiou uonday d itlrd 1 lb t dv of oompeullou lettara nc received on tbat day will be returned eomnaulora will 1m 101111011 lu kt neoharitae llut c uterloaiy ireigbt or sa tba nuw1 pruewlnaarswht be ihibllabad irom ttitto serty to lawk lulu tbeworfclngb of our buineee al any uumt tux qcru1ni qillmlcax co 77 viotoiua bt ixjliohto muitiom tuib iarsa m

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