r jy ban4 of hamilton naiad opriok hamilton carirh 1 aiu t itkixnvttkuki tqti ahkti 1 210006 rjftooo kwuhid boardop directors htshtuaitt a o iiamhav i maltlant viool roaulent n 1 itiwron oko itori a t wu 1 a n l rk toronto 1 wh fin ho- u i tiiiisiiui i oea lor ii h htkl ilkhaaat csaliltr 11 ikwathon it jkctor hamilton illerton u t pulf all slot lerlln oueainy learaetown urli ml y i ui wl tieknow milton mount koran orai ifovtlla iwen hound i art klftln him cm toro lo ingham britlnh gorreapondonto london neuonat i rovlnclal iu n at hug tad tlldj amorloan correspondent haw yona kourtli national llti k at i hanover natl jnal iisnk huston i alert tlon altraatco hurrajoblarlneliank utcxoo national hank of illinois n i union natloi a funk dntltoit detroit national uai k acir national hank or comma 00 agent in montreal the banyof toronto ohqrgetown agency noas dlaeountad and advances made o 1 null able eeenrlllee ool i actions made an 1 drafts i aught nl mild 00 all eaeesslble polau in canada united btstne araatjjriulnanduiocooutiontojkuroj upon mast favorable terms savings department deposits or end upwards rooelvad aid inter allowed front date of dapoalt to deto ol withdrawal rprcial depdsitb alao leeelved al ounent rataa of interact n u livinqhtonf aboi t knives forks and loons from tbe cheapest to tho beat of hosr a mtkc when you want any rive ui a call opeoinjt up new tinea in dolla toji game boohs bibles a i boms ilaodsonu wedding and rirthday prea all always in atooli oeo btndsaotonont rkwuxcni bronx ffibe tton 2fm fjress thursday novhudhu j8 1mis uttle local brieflets which cauaht tha eyae or ears of fre pneee raportara thla week coaooil mmtina next monday evening division court essmioc io town hallft day there is abating on the ponds agam today ch three weeks from next wednesday a aaate of genuine wiuur au sxper lanced daring the week adam cook bu atarted a shooting xallbry on bu pramiim the merry aleigb belli were hoard a ample oi day tbia week j d ronald will give the aeoond i oat ot hie aloain bra angina bare to day ttaa varlobi tbadkagivlnk aervioas held daring the week were wall attended the baakior on tbankakivtog day waa much enjoyed it oame 10 a digbl and departed as q aickly eaeex tnerohanu have decided to olote their atorae at elx o clock on toeedaye and friday dariof the fall ana winter toe qaalph mlcrtuty baa iutroduotd lypaeetung maahinee and a ooroplole oat- fll of new advertiaiug type of baantiful 8k alban huuday bobool ia praeuo nil a ghriatxnaa cautata two or tbrea nifhla a arcek lo ibe old alone school bailding tbe opening of tbe foolbll aoaaoi a ohroninled by lb tact thai longer hair on the beada of oar yoolbt la much in a daw poal ofaoa called uraamaa baa haap opaoed aboot foor milas from grand valley by ataga tn wellington osanty mr oao wood poetoiaiter daaioaas fa baalnesa play la play doth ara matnliala bat neither aboald be allowed to ran into the other they do not bartnoolia ouwidtrtit oroctr many utile itttna of new pereooala etc ara nlaeed beoaaee tboae who know ot them fall to band ibeiu in tor publication kindly aeod them in early every week tbe tank on mill and yonge atrecte era being paabod forward lo ooniplotiou they are ooarad and are being healed by atovas while the plasterers cement ibem a new laundry will be openod in oue of hie boudlnge on gbarob btreelby adam oook next week the manager who waa with the aoloo laundry here baa been aconrad w u adama tailor of norval baa porobaaad the bnainesa of n j bonnar heoooiea to anton well reoomnptoded and will bo doobt do a euooeaaful merchant tauorihf boalneea tbara waa a little ad that sung a utile song and sang it clearly sweetly to a wllhnkjeager throng ibe people gladly itatanad to each i odd haj py thought than booted that merchant up and bought and bought and bonghl tbe pan paaaa adterllaemenu alwaya praaaot an attractive appaaraaoai born tlnlsa them and eea a toronto advertiser write ihli weak we thank yon very mooh for ibe artiatlo change made in our advertisement from copy anbmlitad ifesara tbomaa c moore bon have diapoaed of their engine and boiler at their factory 00 main b treat to ueaara while a son loodoo tbey have purobaaed a portable saw and ah ingle- mill outfit and are now taking orders or outting ehluglea and lumber 00 the pramieaa of those who have timber wa mouooald a aoaak thief who took a 30 far cape frqm the rlore door ol k h bolbjrtdt co uualph on tueodayj last wae arraloged at the polioe court monday morning the tnaglalrele found him guilty and eenleuoed bim lo one year and oina rnoolha at bard labor in the central prison tbe ulltoo ittformtr baa oelebratad ita tanlb birthday the hard working proprl etor mr ft whiu deeervaa the aucceaa ba ija aroo he fa one of tbe few men not aftid ot work mental or physical lie as made the ilrfarmcr what it la and aid laea arduaua mefill urialai umapef itf labor in the future aocnoii bautou saturday 7lh la caoabar atonavolook credit aala of stock and implements the prcpedy of meesia bamuel aud alooao wordan lot 3j coo j qualii w ilainiaaax auoliooaar kanoawioi coudition loaders fgr itoraae oatua bbeep and iiga are the baau thoy improve the apprlite and care cdagui qoldi ftnd loflaeaa the ne at home montjy of a kooal chnrnotar nntf ovrv item intoroatlnir a hum fiinrc mvitli thtrnrirtrovg goli h on for auruo lima llnajly completed mr it i nelson a atoro on upper wynd ham strnel preaanta a very ohanged pimiaraneo it ia nl on 00 bright roomy and attract ivo tbo wluta front preeanu a leasing oontraal to tbo mora aombro colore of the other eloree an the street with tho inoremted attraatlvenasa and factlllim of hli premlim mr nolaoo baa added largely to bis stock and made it one ol the moat oxteaalvo and beat arleotod in tho oily qneph jtrr itj an 1m november talc tfiealmy breexe which playndao gently alio it one a aoe and froliokod arning tlio barrd 1 ranolioo of the treen early jtn ture day m rnlng developed into a terriua gale by the fni idle of tt6 forenoon a velocity of about iu miles an hour waa reached and much jmmo jraa donr through 00 1 the province 111 piia violbfty damago waa conflnwl lo the capsix ng of on one and a few insecure outbuildings but at many ouuiilc points buildings were wrecked hi 1 plnjt badly damaged and telegraph and telej bona polex were levelled the harden m dimmer ilia annjial liunar tendorn 1 ly lite w rile 1 of the county wap held at iho lle unit lluiae mlltun on iqoaday and proved a moat enjoyable function the warden preaided in tn characteristically graoeful manner lie was aurmunded by 7fi or 80 gaeata inoluding tbo roomban of tbo county council tbo county official the member of parliament the judiciary adunationfata and clergyman of the oonuty town and other the toaat lilt embraced atetp amdcehod forth many able and happy pooches the dinner llself waa a credit to the beouett house the menu embracing all ibe dainties of tbe aeaaou served in tho boat poaiiblc manner ramble tnrnnjfn ilrltala the annual ihaultsgivlng enlorlainment givsn by iba ldisaaid of si no oh arch leet 1 liurndrv evening waa wall attended after tea in the basement mr george llynds took the oliair and tho leotnrer of tl e evening ilev james b mullan ol irrgus waa introduced his lecture itaiubloa throogb britain was a well tol 1 description of a trip he enjoyed laat aduuner xhe journey acroaa tho allaolio through england boot i and and ireland wai rehoaraad with a vtvidueaa which inlorealcd the audience- prominent cities aud gnat public wora wan described in detail and for nearly two hours the audience was led in a delightful bummer ramble wilbsoexoellenlaguidoaa rev mr mullan a hearty expreaaiou of appreciation waa tendered tbe icoturor at the oloae the choir of the church rendered a number of anthema during the evening sudden jj- cajjcd im early life a weak ago laat saturday billy ihomaa aa he waa familiarly c tiled who had been ailing for some lime toot lo lift bed e 1 peeling a couple of days reel would l h m for work again by monday morning the physician who waa nailed in diaguoeed the oaae aud pmuounoed it a iritioal caae of malarial fever medical ektll aud oare ful nursing availed little and on tueaday ilng death claimed dim lie waa an only eon much beloved by his parenta and aialera who now feci keenly hia auddrn demise on tho eve of slapping over the threshold from youth lo manhood lie was a favorite with bia companions durlug the recent a peel a i services in the baptiat church he waa a regular and interested attendant and finally decided to live henceforth a christian life which decision waaoooacientionaly observed tor five years be was a faithful employee in the glove works of messrs w ii bloroy a son the remaioa will be laid at rest in fairview cemelery this afternoon at three u clock fire irateellaa llaudm delivered llcovo 1 raraou went to laronto o t 1 day to deliver lo maaara uume brown a o the fire 1 rotection bonds and receive the proceeds for ibe tt sootwiids he re ceived5 11t being the amount ol tender and accrued iniercat while in the city the ilrm whoo tender waa accepted dl poke i of tho bcmila to another final c al lu atitulion at a ainnll premium ery uim plimentary ihloge woro said tu tbe heeve not only in re or on co to aoloo a financial standing but to tho beautifully executed debenlurra which were admired ou all aides lliey are the moat arltsuo pro duction of the kind that have ever come lulo unr handa waa tho exclamatioo u mr browi a manager where did you 1 ave tt cm litbomaphod 7 tl y were not lithographed but were printed in the job department of our own printing ofllce at aolou iho altos ruti 1 uton itoeve 1 iarnon rcpue i with a brdotiable feeling of pride and phe aaiasmeiil ot ihoao lu the olllco wt evi leully imagined that aiytliug ao 11 uo must noooaaarily be rxcculod 11 toronto tfjtr sextette i ntcrtutnatvat ery aeldon ioea al y travelling u 1 i ny give a mora varied and generally ei j yablo ontertainmrnt her than tboae prcscnlc i by may a hextette ti the 1iwu hall ou monday and i una lay oveulnga the rerloire includes inoa dneta lo cun 10 aojiga charaotor impdraonatiot eloouliui at 1 sight uf hand 1 ha 00m pauy ia a atrui g one mark wllaou the tenor has a powerful rich and carefully trainod voice a u utoneman is a very yonnk baaa atuner but hia voloa ia superior and baa in it a fottunb for the young man i d blanucld baritone is a good amger bit a born actor ihe throe genllomon named form a atlondld trio and iboir aoloo liona wore heartily received aud invariably cuoorcd mr btaufiold ia also tbo funny mai uf the company but though hia per furii auooa t leaae a oeriait olemeut tbey are 1 ardly in keel ing with the utber high olaea feat irea of the prunraliima wallace uraham look his rl with tnuoh aooei t auoa lu h a humorous 1 atbetlc and leaorlpllve recilala le proved hlmeok an alouutiooiat uf bigb ardor ilia vuloo la well inudutatod moreover hia gentle manly bvaiing oominaiida t e re spool of all trauk may manager ot tbe company la tbe magician liu ring tbe fntrrtnitaion ho eulertaiua the audlenoe with a number of clevtr allgbtof hand ante which though tbey ara amusing aud well carried out cannot be characterised aa particularly modern i rof b mllohloy ibe acoom jamst waa oonalderably handicapped hero will being obliged lo use an organ instead u a 1 1000 may e bcxtetle will ha jivoi a 001 rtoliqu wherever llioir profornmuou baaaaaa haaa 1 mgiahnorhood news nawi itemw supfillad bif-corrja- pondonta and exahannan ebln the fiber day thi houair of willtarn delauey lot lu on lie 4th i no brhi oa tight fire from a defective chimney arid had ii not boon for tho timely aid of frank horrent ho oftnof would have aqatalnod a heavy loss aa it wan av largo holo about four feel e wai bnrned trrthtdof john fraaer or i rin waa committed for trial by magistrate hauudera toesday afternoon charged with writing and eon i ing obscene letters throngh iter majesty poal office at frin dr mnnaoghton has been vary ill for several weeks upton thaiikstivii aervicea wore told in bhrnb churah on thursday llev mr fowl a oonducledhem at tbe annual meeting of the ilib a society the branch waa re organised with ltev messrs i owlie frraideut gariiham vi ice 1 real ion i and mari nd ice it waad leoaitary mr j ii collier secretary treasurer hie committee- as botorr crewson8 corners coming and going s 1 vleltora to and prorn acton n0 vprlouaqt p notwa the faaa raaaa lavlta all itaraailara to en lril mihtiii f ton offflot gtija nolng away us a holiday utp or if you have rrldnblfuliliigyou drop a card 10 tbe vx laau mr w ii kbbago left laat prfday for chicago j miaa ily naleon vulted relativea at oshawa th paat week hov mr ivatle protohol a very imprea live thai kagiviug horinoi here laat buuday from the 11g i aalm aid li vorae what hall i reudtr unto the inrd tor all hia benefit toward me lbankagiviug day aaacd off very quietly here a number of our local aportameo wasted all their am monition but left ihe game for another day the raig on tuesday evening ldih in it aaured the postponement of the- iratore that waa to have been given by mr iner in the ktelhodlat cnnrctrnaro mvtbllrvtakla will give his lecture 11 the near future tho rain on monday did a great deal of good in aupplying much uceded water for took and domes tic uae mr and mrs geo ramahaw au i family of lrfiwvillr pent thaukagiving day with their son james hero mrs john meliaoghlin and daughler of i eota iii are viaiting friendajiere tho very atrong wind which prevailed tueaday morning wrocke 1 fences lcnarally milton mr hm mcrae toll his well know u stock farm lasl week five mjlra out of mil ton for 47 ooo the prno paid waa good in view ut iho low price which farm land baa been bringing during ihe paat few years tbo farm however ia an ex cop tiaually good one and ihe care which waa taken of it while in mr worse a possession was anawerable to a considerable extent for the excollotit price it brought tho pork industry 11 in juito a fluuriah ing condition round here last week mr john 1 ealbcrnlon ahippedjrotn bera about 230 live hoga their weight aggregating nearly twenty two tons or itttoo pounds for which bo paid the farmers delivering lham shoal u50q tho week baton be paid out about tbe aame amount the thanksgiving super iu the metho dist church waa highly aucoeraful tho wardei a dinner t the liem ott houae on tuesday wbb a a wt er j tyable affair thecouuly oouuo 1 and a numkr of othora fully eujojed dr tt el alrr a i oa pilality na9saoaweya tho uev john jio ign uf tuelpl preached iu the t bonezcr church laat bunday morning mr hough waa former ly pastor of tbe nbbgawea ct cult hia sermon waa u ich appreciated bv hia ol i congregation in the ahooimg mate al lden milla on ihaukaglviiig da james tt bite a aide came out victorious coring j pointa while jas plum roof a mon soured tjo wmts the losing side 1 aid fur tho supper after wbicl a social dai ce an i oil ct nca wore ongsgtd in 1 ho arot 1 d ai 1 ivtr ai ut tho r 1 of t 1 of t beucxer will bo i eld next hundaj in ll e mon ing the kav t amy aatar will roach and in tl e evouing the regular monthly meeting and consecration service will take p ace all will be made welcome oi thuridy evening olio win the election ot clhoors will be hoi 1 f r tho euauiug year iba recent ralua will tend to raise tbo water in the wells and uprinj bomo parly or parlies had ibe audacity lo shoot mr henry moore a d g on the evening of 1 1 aiikeglviiil day 11 r moore bad been at a neighbor a and waa on hia way homo ihe dog waa along with him and ral otalead lo i la gala what a shot waa fired and tl e dog howled came back lo hia owner and dropped dead on the road ho waa a valuable animal and it would bo well for the offender lo go aud acknowledge hia deed and so tile will mr monro or tbo law may hato aumotl iul t do with iho caae wcnky black uf nanaalawoya i a hia cho per 1 1 ruui lug urdrr agsl utorufctown i lun 1 hai kagiviug aorvioen ve t iu ducted by hov mr btepl una iu tho ilacl la ohurol ui thursday ot last week ad drosses woro mado by itovs i angfurd aud lorriu on temporal and spiritual b j casing i i e oonoert iu tbo lla tial church on thaukagiving aveuli g waa well attended a nod programme wet tendered by perlla from a dialauoe aaaielod by ibe oboir of tho ohuoh the aalor preaided i tu oeeda for im prove monta ibe luv wjxi aawell of toronto preached iu tbe malhodiat church with groat acceptability on bun lay eveuing last thla proa porous church will have lo furniah increased ocoomodallou it iba congregation continues to grow ibe way it has beau doing lately mr footer and mr job a were tho gucalaif mia liailub wltllama over sua day ii a norval moll od at cburul gava a auoosaatul concert laat thursday eveomg 1 woeeda about 111 00 ot i adlaa aid tbo lleve i a moir u u and a j irwlu u 1 are rxolaikiug 1 ul lu next buuday the fuuoral uf the widow of ihe late wm 1 realoo of thp lltl lino of 1- uebluk took plaoa ou 1 uoetlay lo ii 10 aahkrove cemotory a communication haa boot reoeived irom mr waind ot t lora in retrrauoe lo tbe aalabliabment of a glove industry in georgetown ibe aetna eaoruaio club uf tbla iwn were banqualled tlinkaglvlng ulghl at the clark houae in a way they will lung remember 1 horu woro over oue buudicd preoeul and it waa a jojoua aheriug or the meat victory of tl e club lu ire c 1 a mr urcn of medina visited hia eon br i ren during ihe week ltev it b 00k viaited friends at 1 alermo during the wamt mr oordoo iean of peoetang ia viail- ing friends hare lhiawaak mlsat maggie morrow of qoelph visited inonda in acton tbia week mr hackelt den tie t viailad hia hona near mono milla danng the sreeb mr b t llumberetone oft newton brook la the guest of friends here miaa 1 ily boomer of fjoodon ia ojijoy ing a week or iwo with acton friends mr t b speight dl8 ot loronlo mado acton friends a brief iait laat waalu miaa nellie drown of st marya haa been a guml at hiltatm plaoa tbo paat week aire t james moore and alias pearl of tsuolph visited anton friends thia miss ida tbomaa arrived home on tueaday niht to attend the funeral of her brother dr and miaa wilkineun spent thanks giving at lha old homo near b ram plod very pleasantly mr and mre wm findlay aud children toronto spool thanksgiving day al this week mr d henderson m j attended the thanksgiving aupper tendered the aetna i agrocea club of georgetown ltev and mre j j uaomitt ofsbelburne pent eeveral daya during the weak at tbe home of principal t t moot ltev 1l m craig end wife on leaving fergus for bantaro ware p resented with a puree of gold by mr craig a congregation ltev j f howell m a ia altandiug the theological 001 f m nre of tbe methodist church at ictoria college toronto this oram mr itobl ofaine and miaaca mag d tina of toronto pent a ednple of daya laat week at the homo of miaa maggie kennedy mr and mra l gray of toronto a pent a day or ao at tbe maples during tbe week raj rofe borne from a visit with relatives in michigan mra wm turten and miaa sadie who have been viaiting friends at duunvllla for several moot be raturned home last week mra turten u much imbroved in boalth mr k a wair of chicago and mra john c allan of aapan col who have baen enana at fatrvtow pfaaoa lor some time left for home eta detroit yeotorday morning mr william bayer woo waa ao vary low a ew wreke eo has ao tar recovered aa to be able lo drive to acton this week her many fnoo la ate glad to eee bar in regained health lr joseph coleman and family rangovod to acton laat week from btrabane the dundaa itnmmer aaya mr joseph colo- man ia removing lo aotou two ot hia eona borne already realdauta there mr cola l waa born in ireland bat oame to thla conutry when be waa six years ola he lived in daodea for three yeara when bia father kept aboe atoro bera uo haa lived on hia present farm lot 0 000 g waal hemboro for so year and on the adjoin log farm for 30 yeara making over a half oentnry uat ha has apeal here uo has been a good neighbor and bia family are a credit lo bim all hi neoda hope that ho and hia good alia may live long in their 1 ew home and are carry to part with them rockwood all carpets brussels tapestry wool union hemp cost pyice e r bollert co 3d and 3 wyulbam street oujclfh ont a bewitching smiue hocolra an ailded glory if it ooot roles teeth ut early whluncaa cara ol tho tcolb huw nnortanl yot nog locked often 10 the auarriogof tbair beauty or deatruc tiou by tho uacot enamel fating dentil rices ivorlne delightful rafreahiug impart a pearly whiteness to the tooth pre van la decay give firmness to the guuia and a dtlithlful frafranco lo tho broallk baa not jet been forgotten a long toaat hat was responded to by mr william mo leod ox roovo or w c hoe lbyi 1 ilonderann m i jihu it barber wtl ham barclay uev mr dull j bn uu j wbe lor w if kabra a i tbopjp on anl 11 i warren during llio oven log mr hubert sou it ot aotun waa presented with a handsome gold welcb charm by proeidoiil barclay in recognition of hia aor vices ut iho ulub an cugine coming down tbo gralo laal bunday bcoka an axle and wat laid np for i aat monday several oaaee were heard hero by judge jaenieaon tba caae of outfield va jago was decided in favor of j ago tbe judgement being for thirteen doll are aud 00 la jsa ksoogh aoed thoa lgerton for a moat bill amounting to eeveral dollar a and the case waa decided in hia tbe school concert wu a complete sue cess tbe drill wars executed in a stylo crediiablo lo tbe ohil iran and l heir taaoher the doll and flag arflla wore ibe praltlaat while the flag drill showed much skill and training may a sextette waa here laal oveulug and proved a irea not often enord in tba village lliete ia a wiitmt afoot to buy a tree i lamps fur the streets which ihould bo eupported by all aa tbo a tree la ara almost dangeroua on gloomy uighla audi aa we have bad tbla fall ltev j w baa of acton oooduoled a very interesting normal loatllute tueaday and yesterday under the euapioea ot tbo township sunday hobool association the incorporation of tba british america a bueiosea collage toronto baa led to wonderful changes io tba old methods ut hoainaaa training promioenl ailixawa such as b galdeooit president board ot trade fc it c clarkeoo i c a fred wyld and b f mokinoon wholesale merchants with bdward trout l k thompson q g and w mocabe hana nr north amorioan life loanraooa co bo now own thia ecbool inaiat upon ba mg ibe usweal and beet ayalam introdooad lu a word the student ah arse lha benefit uf inair ideas and axperianoa tbey are uo loogcr teajutrcd lo oopy from old hooka but at ones deal with facta not theories no time la wealed tbe work ia geuulue book keeping and olfioa practice david hoakina is tbe company e baoratary karmera wanting uerdy native stock to plant thu doming fall or upring may pay for it in work we want men with or without axpsrieuoa on full or part lime- salary and expensssor commission writs al ones for further information llaoai baotuaas courvt coo linen lal nuissrisa toronto oul if king luchard iii had lived in ibeao piping times of pesos he woaldoa4 require lo oiler hie kingdom for a boras tie oould tiok a fair aampla for a five dollar not a brantlorrt xa the faaa paai- heard of a good term horse being eold tba 1 1 1 hgll a arc 1 uinuif a id our hohdt gocm i mobt ever d y bnn ua bomcthin our assortment will be large and comprise m any new and useful presents for all either young or old be sure tnd sfce our jib plj next week i n hibleb wt lead j v kanmwim iii1uo0i8t acton fine high class tailoring gibsen millar lie bos block okohoetowm ilfriirs jturs furs santa claus sterling silver coffee spoons the latest fad savage co qtwlli lrs cluelph valuable property in ac10n fob sale l v barabr ottl lor tit bodh i tortmlilm tomtit out wltti wowlabm nil tl ur good atkbla on lb irroiul alao two uulldlnb lol on lake avenuo in uuiltlla uurm ttraa raaaonalila for atloulat aly to c hi kioht or wu hbutmiket act acto hai i 1711 iwo caps ufls collars collarettes in ucacr seal abtrclnn persian lamb opposbum mcl olter sp6cirl child s white lamb bois muds ind lloniit ts irj pretty sec us before buying jr clpes we em sni jmi money on them henderson fe co r kcton as you like it tl ate tl b way wo will 1 aha your fall hu of e irao w 1 i t 11 l rice i on a aiyiolud bo aorrv iflrilibrwiwii irwo can halp it t ri m olothsa aa you will ilka it lent better wav t 011 nm tl t nay w ii to r t ur hilt r overooat uila season vqur iqsa ot what you v ait la ut will r ynn i xhi- co i iuri 1 sorvlce is iwot re lor ml at a ljur hat k 1 luilly 16 scotch tweed suits beyond tint price we cannot ndd duribilit 72 pair striped tweed pants for s40o should charge l5 but then we would onlv sell oiu pur where now we will sell htlf a dozen 13 scotch twood suitslast seasons wero 2 i to 25 vours truly for 12 so j d williamson co wyndham and macdonnell streets gullph firstclkss trilornc w h adams ho ia pratarod to turn out nmclasa tk ut ovary udil uiuet rtoollo j riots uai 1 vsars ol ailwrlauco wll 1 ll o m1 n i belnu lu busli on i lu aull i as niiwl i lu nilml 1 suotaclory work a call solicited iaz m hdhws chrll6nce wt imvo no objection to uny hriu lu uuulph selling fibre ghutuoitt ut 1 c i tli i j ho but u o ntroi gly object to un tirm udvcrti mg b ibru clmmoiti ut 1 j ci wud u 1 th iu huppl mg their euntuuiun whli u nubatitutu aimilur in uppuuruiico but w b i mtlu c from he to 10c por ard iohh uud this uo vlaim won done lubt r ruin wo object becnutm tlie public uro duncrwug ol diflortut iroutmcut w u i n tit ih uiilioncbt we object btxuuho it ta uululr to tbo btnnirbtorw urd ad ertiier uiil i i public lo uutlorvaluo all othor alvo4tlbonionth of tho paper uo mutter how iritlhlul tho our htatcuiuii wua tbut u in iu tbe cit who udvcrtiacd 1 il ro 0 intuit in ut i 11 huckmmottl or lluckakiii nialeud wo urc proj arctl lo buck up our hiuu incut in tl h wu wo will place our muikod chotpio tor two hunihu 1 do i i alh 0n hi n il liiuida ol tho muor to be handed by him to any chuntublo institution in tliu 1 1 1 it wc unn i probo4tmt tho finn who ndvcrtiaod fibre chomom ut 1 per jard tor friday mild oi ibat du u subttiitull which coat 8c or 10c it jurd uisa himtcud ol llio genuine urticlo il re i unui whuli wu will tlo w itbi ulte oafatbck ol aioerloao and kutfuali 1alona boll hsrd aud crtiali elao kur ca- la un aiiuallad to ivioe btjla aadguajlty waal ao innmus uauas ironi um lossst u u a ulsbauaradsa wadsis hutex auluuaa tro4whluta ugta4i paoiila uta good si anasialli lu tnta uo cfaai tl ma wit oiaar rstall hossa lu tba tialaaa wa i aa m 1al orportuultloa lor dolna it- dui tall atid slutexbuluoaa wa ate olu toglvtruas paouli tba uu litay oasd uiaoi at iwltas uial llt ulaai wa waul to dinka ruuu lor lam lnimruuoo of slurluj uiku 10 par oeol off ail qania furnubi for the neat 30 days a btsat dria la oxixuala hauoaia kibuimi attaa blldrsd itoya aud ouuia hutu aud overoosta waoordlally tuauk ua tubllv torioia lllwral tatrooaa lhay liava aaiai tod to oa and aull oh lo rslmlu tlialr eona luno oibbon mil 1 ah a co y ftor ulook main 8 1 rest oaorketowo n u oar uiotlu laalorad to our own bual every day dsrgalu day on tho other bund it wo j rovo our umb challenge ia ucccpted n o stipulate tbut tbe guilty tirin ahull publicly itekiiuu letlgv in llicn ttdvortuiug apueo thul our ueeunallou wua correct uud thut tho did udvoitiae 1 ibre i hum ut 15c per yurd mid aupphed ihi ir cuatomera with u aubatitutc which t at from h to 10c kn n iw un thia ii a in ial oiioroim tlui ii ii i in t li ui them ao that thoy aiutid to loac uothn whutovc ciudltngu will bo ucio tod i mi k k 1 l iiius clllo w u i tii ill i v i tc8 hot oml ohb q b ryah sa jo ovclilbci li l0i quel pli 4t the right house corner kinu cl huqhson si i other da or 1 00 t ao ueuqn mu kbraasaluaa carnl a a uar bow tli amorioan llheutuaua curs or klteuiiia isni and nsaraliria radically curse lu i to j daya lla aalioa apou ibaeyateoi la remarkabla and myaleriooa it removee at unos tba oaua aud um diaaaee immedl alely diaapfiraaa tbe oret does grratly bsikllu 7ooula bulil by f v kauna ario ac saw mill colli and wood vauob jr7uibs brojnils airuvutiiiaaaiki i ulir lumbar laib hulimlaa coal aad wood id ci ant 04 ra ef f iulr i poal awl wood always la stuck aad rotnptl dsllversd to any itart al tbetown at maaoaablo patasa ilanl wood aad alabaent alove loualltlalss tuli uutu rouimuukatlou wa ultai to day aie4ilal ralua lo all dsparttoauu our ayatem uf abopnluh by all ula tl a u tu ro aa enr your own oouulry atoro you hare tho advadtaice of largs stock from whlon to make your bolocliitiia al r or- lar im thev oao be sold lor by small dealers take a few lines canadian h lannh i bll fc iu u olio wile i u pa teroa laat oolora srorth loo lo 1jlo our prloa hlo i nolihu flann t-lhttl- twilled 33 ttiobea wide wll reat lio our prioe llio ballblifjry flannkls 50 lua wido very efleative deaiua f r oblldre a w l6o oor prloa ulc talllfc linln 66loobea wttle ball blaaobad well worth iso our price 8hc r ill ra o f 1 altl in h fn m rtu op to the higbeat rrade guky klannfl beet gatn bellfurd jh ioabea wide rurincv k i iv u d kl uoel from lo op dubbb ooodb tweed h luobee wide ftoc rsifular price j7o hotter un saroo until l ten ilar n ilk hi lielly bood lioo foriiirls school drrsse all wool barge varioua shades i uoha4 wide u6o tier ysr 1 m 1 i 1st la i j i iliici w le so toandfloc taoh a special lu iu eauliar ulaaa maolisafiavv lllaolt berg double brcaalcd lark sleeve- imi 1 bo loua t im a better one about aaoie style tl 7fi aud ao on auy prtoo you may waul to av uohu uy f r boya uood lins basvy all wool cotnuiriiolo at i5o a pair wodiru hoar u i i u al j to ll qdaat imported our apodal hue of oaaumera at ouo la wortb uoo in moat aoy plaoe man a and wuuieu i u lorwear yl cuory daeoriptiou oood aality all wool heavy hi b bed ijbirla and drawers for moo for oo tbe famous o k al he aold every wbart for ioo wool hi an kl th full bim to a bo u lbs weight elra al ly i beau il aru ban i uu ihe rwul o i laal alarcu the pnaeut price boluk ti many oaace dot blu aud still nam hfcnd 1 oh ham1 lkh frsiht or ci press prrpaid011 all purohaaoa ol ut and u war la t a y railway alai on i ontario till iuuut iiou8l kin dut oomer ugfthaou at ilauitllou noveiobcr 20lb ibjj thomas a tbizlxasrk s