Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 28, 1895, p. 4

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xhjp r iti j s2ss bssriajsjiasiwiw y r r 0tijc rtnit3trcjcss ilulinom nuim1ult jh imis ffljf ijouiih 30iufi 4 isoaf oj i lmjwks pi marvm rl i i rtt laro i tli kill i nrt iti n uk llhl llitti laiuiaii lr i pi laenifh uiihltr in u i i lt tltl i mm mirth i iiit limtoi mi i lurtiiih rrrv land iiurn vvklti ii i ni li i ur1il an at r 1 tare hi r hi i ulili oulo iihi ii iifi ol urn ttllfit initio rn in i him ullq limm rnfliafl it tli ltn task tin liaiil can iry tli lullrl riun lot inly hgmll i hlurtfr a i tat tlmtm klilrtty plnrt- la mil ihu i worlil of nnrs pan i wnrlvaixv- i i 11 llli how rt r km i on i ut itnl trsli lul hcarta tin t in hri iii n a in i- a queer facts about a watqh upon nur watch and look at lis hi ho wheels springs anil icrtw esoh an india pensibte prt of i ho wliolo wonderful machine notice llio busy liltte balance wheel it hies to and fro unceasingly jay and uighl rar in ani year out tnla wonderful hltlo machine i the result of hundreds of tears of study and riper moot the watch carried by tho iwingii i notes here and there w itoria of general interest to free praii rondors i iftili la wimilrrlul no leaa than wnndnrfu aro l ho onrus jrnplislind hy i loo i ksraaparilla oen eftr other prrpsrelinn anil phai jana prescript inim hatnfnlbl llio rraautlt however la alrrrple when thn i loif la cnri iiil puriflrd disease riihapprara and cool hidllh returns ammoodm har atpariue la hie onn i rue hi nm 1 nnrllw riimhl a illlilm prompt and i mount and do not purge pain or gripe tta people who never hunk of anybody hut themeelvee arealweya illlln no matter bow bid i hoy teal t have phuiki that no remedy in tho market affgidi audi prompt relirf in toolhsfihr nenralga and rheumatism aa ndrvilino anil ita ant ion in oaaea of orampa ooiio to ja aiinpl marvollana ilomarkinfl una to a phyairian of uarunob ho staled lliat from hi know iwiko ofuiohbompoauin of norrtlino no raroedy contd anrrjaii it aa a family remedy and lliat in ovary hooaohold k boltlo of narvllina ahould bo availahlo for omtriout doroandg unadcrjof this pipor ahonhl iry norvihne in human lifo thoro ja con a tan i ohankaof fortune and it ia anroaaonabla to cxpeat an asemption from iho common a to life ilaolf deoaya and all tllnr aro dally changing ttrtlrr in hli ibiara nmied of ninrty mhl pieces and ita auufaoture rnibracom rooro than j000 dihlincl and aaparato opermtiona botno ol the am alios l acrewa aro ao mint to that tha unaldrd eoa cannot dlatlnkuiah them from ltd hlinjja or aecka of dirt under a jkiw rful riiaknifylnit luaaa a parfeol acrw a romalrd the alii in ihn head la two one thouaandtha of an inch wtdo it taki toh 001 of ihrae acrewa to weitth a pound anil a jmuud ia worth 1 uu tbo hair aiiriijria a alrip of the flneat ateel about ifiiie and one half inchoa idtlk odd one bnndredth of an inch wide and twenty mrn ten iliouaandtha of an inch thick it la roilod up in ajiiral form and noely tctniered the procraa of leniperlnk th apniic km lout held aa a aeorat by the few foriutiafr oura poaaeaalut it and own now ia not kimio rally known their rono facture rrqmrra lire i kill and oar tbo alrip ia ituaed to twrnty odd ihnuaandthi of an inch but no meaaarinc mat rumen t haa rt been doviaed callable of fine enoueh yuagiin to determine btorclijd by tha alio of the atrip what the atrensth of tbo h mailed aprim will be a twenty one thousandth jar i of an inch dlfterenoo in the ihickoamkof llm atrip makea a difference in he running of a watch of about all minulea iu hour the value of tbcae aprint when flniah r a p in ratctn tli cburrnoni nroportion to the ruaterial from which i hey are made a comuariaoo will riva a kh idta k ton of ateel made up into halrapriiitdi urhru in watchea la worth uiirac titan iwrltn aul a half limca the value of the anie weight in pore ifold saved by kindness i he fullowitik recital waa reoently made by a alalwart tcmerauca man i bad been a driukint man for twenty ymn had rulprd m chancea iu life and made my f initly wrclcted did not believe in god or huniauit i whiakey aoaked brain ia not adapted to any noblo form of faith cither for thia world or that which ia to came one day about ae von team yrara atpi when 1 returned from the ahop 10 tny little home which waa bare of almost awry ccmfurt to aay notbinn of inxurioa my ifo luld me that a udy had been to aso na and left an orange apiece for the throat children aud eoroo pretty carda nobody ever camr to our bouae thoaa dayi and 1 waa aurpriacd for this lady waa tba wifa of one of tbe traateea in the groat anivr ally a buameaa man who atood very hiflh aud a ho bad plenty of monoy poaition education and occupation indeed aha had everything that we bad not bo i aat myaelf down to try lo reaaon oat tome bad mulie for her coming aa it waa tny oaa torn then lo look for bad moliveo in people rather tbao good on en ilut aa hor haa band waa not in politic and could not deairo my vote and aa ha waa not m any poaition whero 1 oould be of service to btm and aa neither he nor aba could ain anything from as although i racked my brain lo dud aomothinn that they could gain i waa obliged lo aay lo myself it mual have boon what christiana call the love of god and when i bad come lo this ooncluaioa my bcart melted a little and 1 said to my aelf if it ia true that lbre la nob a thing aa tbo love of god 1 shall reform and from that day 1 have never laauad intoxicating liquors i mrut sifmai in case of war p- a wggjtfkho pa t1ctjbbt of hnmllton flov mthorjplin j hlnohoy pnntqrorpt jommrib church hnrpllton qonrn toatl- mpny to tlio untllmnitntl worth of j powdor in ihn pirnon or iho it v mm i ii ui f ht forpha rinrol it c llaiinlliin ih f lime who dot l hi high est credit in llm aull aawilli tug uurk in wlin hn in mnurd llm in ml i in art cnijlnniii irmnnljitq it u ffl k n i mm i il id lumillon all knpw i bmi nal to linr li atuiimiy nip iu itv dratie ih relieved in aii houra by tha oreat south amarlcan lflftny np xbia remedy la a great aurpriae and delight aooounl of ita exceeding promptuosa in relieving pain in the bladdnr kidnoya back aud ovary part of the urinary paaaagoa in male or female it roll uvea retention of water and pain in paaalng it at moat iin mediately if you want ijulck relief and euro thia ia your remedy hold by j kaxxiwix anion hmploymeut givea health sobriety and moral a constant employment ami welt paid labor produce in a country liko oura general prosperity oouleulmeul and cheer fnlncaa in muring and litll gkxth i have taken burdock ijiood bitters eery a prion and f blood pan dor for several years and find it doea great good building up my ayatem and making me feel like a new man my wife alaouu taken it for nervous debility and weakueea receiving great benefit when doctors medicine beamed to do uo good hi rna aeni north aguala ont vp others euseo dalmotar0p know th n is the best babys soap for hwliny tl c 1 urtais i mlih lorvs an hssd and isffa hm lua icrj than unu rl ikln ibrrsitm amoolti aud 1 tfm crhnili rll usj ilutiun cmlltoa there aeema to be a prevailing idea amoug miainformed pcraona aaya tbe ckwjo llrituk cauajna that great brivaiu mual be the ally of aoroe one power in case 61 war 1 bo reverao of the propo ailiou ia true all and each of the great powers before going to war are anxious to kuow what will the liou do l the com paralivcly insignificant area of great ilrllaln aud ireland gives nee to the doabta aa tu capacity to do or dee bat tbare is a greater britain encoding beyond the mere bouudarira of the queen of the heaa no longer can her dtimlnion be alltgnod or limited by her lauded possess ion a tba vide iieii uoeau of which most uudoubt cdly ilrllaln ia oiislreaui offers a doiuaiu for cunlcsl couiiuoal aud victory or defeat uhun itnim iaaea to fly iter flag on crry sea llioii nhe msy hate to soak an allay at jireaunl ttioiu m no power nu uarth can drly her aurpremaoy or dare to ciitci lulu any coveiiaiil whore by her oom mercis1 uilorala aro tiujwnllod wllboul drst coiiuliint bur vnd ao huaala hesi i ilea to war at any kjihi whether in asia or 1 urokc wfthout try anitously euiuir nig bupioaa ilrltaiu docau i like it t what thent known by itbmiuits a favorite retort from lbs luver uf nu reainctcd liijuor lo the advocate of temper ance ia that lea and oolyoe aro atimalauta aud that those who drink thorn are guilty uf intern pereuse as mucl sa liquor drinkers old john hmilh ever beat bis wife after uivo indulgence iu tea t did bill in all evils which admit a reraody im patience ahould be avoided because it wastes that lime and attention in com plaints which if properly applied might remove the cease oh nhat a cuugh will you heed the warning the aigaal perhaps of the sure approach of that more terrible dteeaae consumption ask your selves if you can afford for the bake of aeving 60c to ran tbe riakand do nothing for it wo know from experience that 8bitoba care will core your cough it never fails bold by j v karma win pedantry in tbe common acceptation of the world mosma an absurd ostentation of learning and stiffness of pbraaooloajy pro ceeding from a misguidod knowledge of books and a total ignorance of men coughs colds sore throat aauima brooch i ub aud all lung troeblea are quickly cared by hegyard s pectoral bal rnult inject ihliikliiit more of ith 111 an hlum ilf ho hni li mi a a ifforrr u cold in thn head nud ita alinnsl r lain anuociate rularrh uccntly ho mailo use of lr agnow suetirrhtl inwdor and baa found in it so groat rein f thai lumlfeme ita jilojiiirti lo tnll otlii uui it haa done him on h finll of he brklh llxoiigh the blowir oiipphiil wtih oaili hail of dr auiuw itarrlial towder dilttite tbo po ill r ilr llm surface of llm miaal pnili s luiiihaa mil duliglilful lo nir it mm in tin uiiliutos and iormnutilly cures catarrh hay kuvor colda lload ache hprc throsltonaililiaaud duafni go cenla sample boltln and blowortcv on receipt f two i caul stamp s 0 uetchon a i church hi torotu thireeananmpugnlji rnrett ibold by sll uniexbii i on a oearulse rnrvtza elds h or chct bbilohorotul shtloh8 vitalixbr uratt 8 hawkins omfwirnonnanyat tssred for lhaporala uvor or kidney titmhloltcjocja rrlcolacta lcatarrh tnta fnloctar lor in ourful lwjm furntahcdtroo itetuoml rhtilll altomedlc are sold on r ffmironio i i n tutlafiictlon hi biiollirr coiipln of inoiillia llin inoli pal elerliona will be v ll l piwtu that mrrihaiiln ahnlild kirp thiir eyes oprn for good nu n lo njirmcut llwm j good merchant ttlaoelatuiol utiantmhlli ould ilnnll siiml hiun iaal wtiiunr m ulhtr had auch a cough he could hardly iak lln waa persuaded to try hai ari ti ivciorsi lulsain at last aud waa completely cured by half of one bo 11 it mii m urtrmin hmkiwiii out pleasure especially ia never an luvarl ablo effect of parlirular circunulancof largely that ia pleanure winch ia thought kliruitmtun id hi u tin tf s hob uiusu eis wr n tan rant after iar taking of too much ooffes why uot t because tea aud coffee are not the same kiud uf stimulants that beer and gtjshiakvy are a 4reo is known by its fruits and thus judged tea and coffee are trees uf a bene flee n i species while tba dl0eteat kinds of liquors are trees whoae deadly fruits too of ten blast tba hand that ptcka aud tba lip that toaonea them if we can advance propoaitioua both true and new theee are oar own by right of discovery and if we can repeat what is old more briefly and brightly than others this also beeomee our owu by right of conquest parmeleea pills po tbe power of acting epbcincelly upon tbe diseased organs stimulating to action tbe dormant energies of the system thereby removing disease lo feat so great is tbe power of this medtolne tooleslnaa and purify that diseases of almost every name and nature are driven from the body mr d cars well carswell p o out writes 1 have tried parmeleea pllla and flud them an excellent medicine snd one that will sell wall over jo 000 patient b are treated weekly lu hnglanda hospitals i au a cured man kidney oleeaee vanquished tjy south amarloan kldnay cure the remedy whloh relievae in six hours adam boper burk a fails out 1 suffered much paiu for mouths from kid ueyend blender disease i received ski hod medical treairnonl and tried all kinds uf mediaiuee to no purpoeo lo fact 1 did out ouaalu any relief until booth american kidney cure was used it seemed to lit my case exactly jiving mo immediate reliof i have now used six bottles and oau say pueitlarely that i am a cured man 1 believe one buttle uf uiu remedy would convince anyoue of its groat w or tli r- f houth a mar lean llhoumetio cure for lthnuwauimi and neuralgia radically oura in 1 to da ita action upon tha ayad ta remarkable and inaterioua jl removes at once tho cautto and the disease irmn atoly diaaimiearr tin 11 ml duaa greatly bonrqta 7 ceuu hjld by j kanna auy out may do a cauaal act of good nature but a loiiliuuatiuti a them allow it a pari of the temperament ragged out none but thoau who have become fagged out kuow what depressed miserable feeling ll la all utreugllt la gone and tenxndeiicy haa lakuti hold of the sufforera they fl aa though thai la nothing to lire for utter howover a euro oue box af iartnolce a egulable pills will do wonder p in ruatorim alronglh and health mandrsku and iatidnliun are two of iho articles entering into the ct position of parmnleaa pills l burdock izz blood bitters curbs dyspepsia bad blood constipation kidney troubles headache biliousness b u ii untucks all ll srcicil oni indomotti h great medicine codliver oil is useful beyond any praise it has ever won and yet few aie willing or can taki it in ub natira tate scptts em of codliver oil is not offensive it ib ol- msm paint rusj ilcaauru and ialti stin nut so much from tho uature of lliin aa iroin uui mail nor of oouaidurmg iho in yellow oil use i internally and ealerual ly ourca aatlima croup coughs aore threat broil chills and annular tuinplfiuta bxternally 11 cures rheumatism lumbago apralua bruises outi- ohllbulna froil bllea aud sprains and aohea uf all kind a cigar with a whltlc lu una end is one of the tioveltua lu this inrkol ii ihal la ll tiling hi this market we have ltgara with wiud bags ou oio ond llioro noior va- and novor wll t a ilia lo which llosh la heir tlo vei y uuluo of many mmtlvls being m b lhal aero iho genua of oilier ami diluiuy aialed diananua looted in ilia stom of the patlnul what would ruiiove ona ill lu turn would aggravate the olhor wo havr liowevor catarrh kllrtail in 10 in qy 1 limlr uno short puff of thn broalli throuili llm lllowcr sqpjihed wiih uitli bnttl t dr axiiows citar p djioai mils powkr nvor the surtacn th thn ial paunagfif pailllewn slid t1fliilltfur to u it nihmn uaajiily iki rdi niuully oiirrri aarrli ii fnvor cold- llnsd aclu hir llro i tmailitf id l uln ml i uls t 1 v hiniiawiu- hum ikitaelt uf ta it77 uimh at luni t walih ll iilglt nltd tin for a nud yia viil nivir sen it growing hn ixliirii sier iwu iiiuiilhi and jou ill lind it all leniiig for thn liaint hucli and an ijiiipcrccpliblii mi llio atngtn of lln ir motion a ihn mlorina of the trnlard ii prrwand 1 ruplc i waa curod coflf nhoumntlam in twontyfour hburo it irti kngllth ouphultder liaac ivctl lit clinlhtvm n b ovrr forty j tiara iiavteprlrtp 1 look arvrrepanwin my hned- wllijdi ctniiiiiitd wltli awttlllng inhl m up fr six win w during whiih 1 1 mo i omirnd grrnt iifring i sau kjuu amerirsn itbtumutiii lnriudvet hnlbam llri aild prmur a 1hiu within im mo fiur hmit i ws ui iwilntoly frre 4ium ihsuuatiaik not been hlbul with it 1im if jou tnnixil rmllo your ideal jpu can al lunal idcslin jour real dorttor rcromnimilnnrvay pine hyrop bioaun u ia llio lx nl cilrt for oouuha and colda price jo and auc at druggists ahsliiro for iipiln nmtiphun billion hi it urnlnrh hulliny 111 f nfij nil hi- iki11 of i h alomarli hvor ihiwi la and hlnii ilirloik itlol ilitlnra l pnrcd by ir si ind ptiblilt alikr ihrriaiou la that ll iilunll dhs all lhal ia olaimeil for ii tho huilana niilhur who rules tho herom ia aloud nllowml to go about un veiled bull another triumph mr thomas b itullon sundcruiid writus 1 or four teen yens i was artliotch with piles ant frequently i waa unable lu walk or ail but four yrarrt ago i waa ctirni hy using or hiomas holeclncoil i have also been stibjoct lo guiuaoy for over forty yosra but lloetrla oil cured h and it was a pcrmnu ent cure in both casoa as neilbor the piles uor qniiiaey have troubled me since prof ii nx to j wlduw has recrned a tlill lll iniihioo of lilm it unlock ihu do not grim or hioken i hey care oiinlipatiou and hick head ache v witt n hahv w ant wo c iirr wlwn lw wiutii cuhi li ritl for uu tarts when alio bocamo jiim rlii rliiitf to castorla wliililmlkhltln it i jiiilliin aaluru what is a gxnl inclinaiiuii is but iho hrsl rudo draft of virtuu norway pine hvtup cures rlh cilds iloarsnncas bore throal aitlims bron chilinelc a con temporary aaa that whon a mer chsnl tics up a parcel ho givrs it a wrigh and whan hn soils on credit a parcel of goods lo a dead heal he gfvea it avay milburn n id iivor oil kmulaion with wild cherry and ilykphoaplnmm is the surest and best sure for coughs colda hoaraeneaa bronchitis and aatlima price ooc and 91 01 pur bottle i iin grnatcat truths are the simplest and ao aro iho grralrsl men iii tilling boo is and ehoca cause corns iiollowayh corn lire u tho arliulo tu uno det a bolllu at oiiui and auro your coriih iowho runs in debt generally llili llio only way out n to crawl out norway pino byrup euros coughs norway pine byrup cures broticluiis norway pino brup lila ihu lungs wrfkpwvcrb but ilon t 1 17 to patch up a 11 need na iiiilfh or mil by irylna eijwniurtitsj rvineillaa taha pyny- pectoral kdtr lluui 31 coins lvatigelicil musso liver iho mm that move the woild are the oura who do not kl tho world move them llirj 11ni llelnir au utter loss of hojm is nut uiarauteria tic of coustimptivea though no other form of disease la ao fatal uuloaa ita irogreaa la arretted by use f beat kumlalon whioli a god liver oil made as palatable ss uoldcii bulu to preach abuul hnst ta lo present a bill of fare to preach christ it to spread a feast it may be only a iritling cold but ueg loot it and it will faeteu ita fangs in your lungs 4ndyou will aouu be carried lo aa untimely grave in this country wo have sudden chaugea aud mual expect to have igha and colds we cannot avoid lhem but wo can effect a cure by uving lliukle a jlnli couaumptivo kyrup tho medicine that has never been known to fail iu earing ugbs colds brouchitis aud all effcolioub of the throat luuga and ohool joseph cook a church silent on tho uostluu of temporonco discredits itself aa much at a church tilutit on tho iiuusliuu of dishonesty heart lllsrasr itrllrtrd lu jh lilmtcs or agnewo cure fur tho heart gives rfocl relief in all cases of organic or hympelhalio heart lhaoaae 111 30 mlnutea aud opoclily clloata a cure 11 la a peerless otnody for palpitation b hor in ess of llroath hmothoriug rfill paiu iu left sidu and all bywuploms of a diseased floart ouo doae ooiiviuooe bold by j kanna of plain common sense life current coin is made to destroy worms and expel them from children or adulla 1110 dr liw s worm by r up we carry our worst enemioi within ua mali with an awful toothache meet a a friutid and telle him his woes iho friend ah 1 had just aa jaad a toothache an you yesterday and i went home and my wife icttod mo and kiaaed me and made ao much of me that the tooth ache disapeered you take my tip the a obey i no is your wife at home doouthinkt whon a man becomes a grumbler and faua finder it in pretty clear lhal he haa failed ta keep up with the progress of the day and lo appreciate hia surroundings if he was ever useful he has outlived hia day sid ought to rutiro into the abadea uf private life he would llm find content monl in his decline and cease to be a thorn in the flesh of hi progressive and better tempered brethren for twenty ftve ybajts dunns rl mr powder thecooks best friend largest sauc in canada iho carclnl repairing of welches is tbe bubby of prihgle the jeweller oue1lph his long experience combiqed with his prececal ability and cloee attention to tbe details of that part of bis business makea bins tho best iju ell fled per boo iu luolph to do any repairs lo your watch castoria i castorlt la ir bomael lhtchrn prescription fbv inftbu and ohlldron it contains noltbttr opium horphlae nor other narcotic jnibatnnce it tu a liarmleni ntbvtltnttt for pnreffohc droptt bootblntr syrapfl and goator ouu it is pkaiaaiit iu frojumntoo la thirty years nso by utlllons or pothers caatorladostivtswonnsandallaysi ftorerighneas castoria provonta tomltlna soar card cares dlarrbosa and wind colle castoria relieve teethlir troables cures constipation and flatulency castoria asslmllateti tho food reffnlates the stomach and bowels riving heafthy and nataral sleep cos torla is tbo cnuurona pnnaoea tbo mothers friend rairjwaaj time table grand truitk rollway uoutflwtht iflkuxlkt kspn-ai- i u s 0 i r- 7 4 a m r ivlmi castoria la aa evseoeait mrdletne for rhl dren llothava have repeatedly teu nmof us pod effect upon than cblures- do a a oeneen lowell llase casaorta ki the bast nwoady ror chlldrati of whtch 1 am acgnalnt 1 i bopo tho day u not im distant alswiimillania wlilnaiillai llm mil intnioruwtsuldreskajidumcsatarialn- nswbicharo destroyw ihcu- jovvj osbsb hy roreiatfoptunv roorphlae eonthma syrup and oilier hurtful sranta down their throats ihoreby svdlaa las j r xmtmmmm tka cesrtstanr c fhf tv mi caatorlol castoria la ao woll adaptad to ohtmrea thai i reooeanod itabsujmfiorloanypreaeridtleai kaown lo mo il a aaestaa u dj 111 bo oxford gl drookfans h y h oct rdqralctusa la lbs ehlldreae deparv nrnt have anoken highly of uastr expwrl- eaca la tbatr outside practice with caatorta and althovgh we only nave antong onr meeeallsrpiuea whet la haowa aa regnlar ien tm to eoahwwttib usi na tolook wtth tavorupoa it damn nosrfrat aa dnawneaunr dostemataw aiuaa bkitm yea www ftnat varw tesrk oh winter fluid has no equal in curing chapged hands and lips and for roughness of the skin an elegant preparation for the face after shaving prepared only by w g smith 1 and bookseller jo w nclham st g 1 1 i 1 i i ooluiil0 34b in amiaiiii 1 uoiligkaatmua 111 otid 0 10 p 1 till unix table mutt i11i0 0 iwnrehilkr ihili jmi ouly lima far a htrskml 1831 th cultivatou igqq rorntkv ukntlkman the best op the aoricultdral wbeklhts arm crops naif pracrsstim horticujtum a rruitonwiax livtt stock and dairying while ilalau lurjudeaall inttipr tlepartmenls of ltiiral lul ureal iudii as louitvsril kntom nlogy lion hropiiir nreenliouao and drapery eterlnary ilenllea farm jnoallnna ana answers mreslds heading domestic economy snd a lira mar y ol tbo nowa ol iho week ita liar kit t deports aro unusually complain and much attention la neld to tlio proapoela of iho crops as throwing lighttrtioii one of lit moat kniwr tantoajijuellonswliento hoy and vfati to belf it is liberally illustrated snd contains moro reedluft matter tlian aver liefors tlio subscription nrleo la ssjo a year but we offer a btkcial huduction 10 our club rat1cs for 18q6 two bubuirlptlona lu ocorcmitunco- 4 six subscriptions da do 10 tan subscription do do 16 r to all new subscribers for 1896 pes lug in advance now we will amd the paier weekly frnm our receipt ol the re v mittancr to january lat lhor wilhoj hargr fsjfi t ciyts in iih rlikk addreii luther tucker son iuliliihrra albany ny a molaren deitist 243 yenee t toronto flrstlaailuaet of teeth for woods norway pine yrupi rich in the lungbsailnff virtues ef lbs plae conbbud with the soothlea and expectorant propsrtlsa of other pectoral barbs snd barks jl rwtot ouhb roit coughs and cold3 hoarsanna asthma brooch lib sore threat creep sad all throat bronchlalaad lung diseases obrtuiateeoaiaswfckli resist other is yiald nronptly to tba plsaaant ploy lymp rmiom aso aaro soo na momm newfirm newstock maters bros guelph the london lu iuii 1 wit adultralod alatr a remedy fur many and grlovoua ills ily ilsgradusl jujiciuys use the frailest syaleins are loil inuioonval oatieucc and hnaltb by the lutlueiico which juiuiue oserlo uu naluros own restore tlves it relieves lbs drooping spirits of those with whom a ohrunio slats uf morbid doaponrteuoy aud laok ol interest iu life la a disease and by irainjiillixiiig lhe nerves dispose lu auuud and refrosbiig sloop imparts vigor to tbo action uf tbo blood whisb ksliril v it tf out tbe vieua trencthouing the heajthy animal funcliona of the ayatom ihoieby making aolivlly a nocorsary result strengthening tho frsinojand giving llfs to the digestive organs whloh naturally demand inoreaaod substance result im proved apetllo noilbrup 1 lyman of toronto have glvau lo the publto their quiuine wiuo at tlio yaual rate and go aged by tho opinion o aaieullsla inik wn ma the mark til all druggiau tail it farm slxll i ill- ii kiiiiicih 1 mlilu imiih jiul k kij mr k papers -i- for si lb umkm lilt i in i tllm vsi ii it i in ln onil 1 ii 1 1 n 1 n 1 1 hi iki ikiiih 1 i a 1 one dollar tin i in k im i ib u li liim nil mitaln i inn i l 1 mi d11i11i it iniui 1 li 1 ii 1 inidxli h v f 1 m lllll iiii1ik lit f ll iii i ii l- tl hkm i 111 k ill i w m 1 i ll it 111 iltlipi fmlli iii lit iii i i rillll i 4111 uiiihiu iii flhm vmi htiuh inlitiliinwl lllll iu i ii 111 llll iwlllllllllllli iiljiil4aiulliti stnk tin fiun niallh ivnl l ur 1- 1 uill lln i in iu uik nhiiiiliiiit t of m 11 iiiiihl a m11 lul talr ir ai hiiift inli mill iht ati tntmksbllik ftlr f tl ultkkiy kltku iltkhm both pjapersj combined tor l fron now until december slat ib bo akj1iiiiu1 tiviythtn ilditn jl ttfiiiitiiuitniiiia ui lhn free press prihting co london ontario headquarters for fio lures pnunea comlua poloa wall r lon i bo satin fled till you tiavo scon their stuck aud jliol now special bargains hi ooorge a bij netflr prices but old management the firm doing business in acton eo long under tbo name ol john speigh jl bon baa been discontinued bat tba old business will go oq under tbe new name j a speight co ihouich iu some respect there will be decided c ban gee in tbe undertaking departm1ent hte will be rooet nouoeable cuiuu4j the prions iu all lines of toffins caskets an whole oat hi at any reasonable offer yon may make department this will be rooet noticeable owing to the hard lirnee we oulutmt tiprtoos in all hoes oi comna caskets and furnishing and will supply the go will be mule we have no connection with any undertakers combine and govern our own price whaii rouirod at slightly ooi uuai au 1 furniture buccy st whcaini i luaaner s being under very small expense in carrying oq our busiuess we can certain it very low price ii the undertaking eepeoially we can do thia aud give wlisfactiou j a speight co a carefully j l 1 urulture on hand wlinb i rid dimeo of at fair living profit pa uui done in the us old satisfactory luaaner aud al prices imr lisps a little lowee fielj jure aclkj ja t wfli mucular ftinj aid im ijdg jut put on bval rjjj ly bantker of backchc 5c2- jhf moflwl puym the perfect tea monsoon tea rairat tea lh la thc woslo tkom tmk tat putwt to tm tha cup in it native purity m tie la packed nndrr the ai the aunsrvniimi of i ha tos brumra and u sdvartisnl and u by t ban a sampuof llm best qualiltsaof indtao endcayloa tw fur that ruwn llwy sc thai rjooe but tba ltry roll lsatea gu into mimisuuo picfcaaa tkal ia why mooi tha perfect tsb can be ll is it up in sealed l of k lb anj j lbs ami sold in ihrn il oc juc a 1 he inuit c linijc r lnss took 1 11m viijm al ilu worlds lair in chicago as bring tlu lit st low imi jin ss m inufacturccl nr 1 1 1 ii best st chehpest prouty presses ost successful remedy pon man or biabt aendillstpaviiicure kenoallsspavincure pr ft j ksse4uro prji isn band arrrral ithum rii ntefiiibis rnjwvsl wrfw trk ltlml aparntaa tf4 ll shiih ivihdbviulhl 11 to pj b aijr tttrwim k r huts ilntasd wlu aadssvpu itjjii iril lj i i yr i ooii i raoui oenri cavtaldiiuutluiwssw w copyrights 1 cab iobyain a ratrntt ftar airjs3i rorasauom oonostmbb patsele aol bow to ob tain tkebtsatit roe a leu a eatajasiie ui u taienis uviou tbruusu visun a rn reetii aeouial uogoelntba rwleetflloaaherlraa sin luv a rcm muk a children like it it is codliver oil made more effectual and combined with the hypophobphites its stienktheninj and fleshforming powers are largely increased amf juaat4 la oett n tlitu4 r ct4 s i flocwtfft cylnuki ivls- fur ili lountry printing otlict ia the pruty it is light 111 construction cis running icdily understood in all its prts and dots superior work tba met tbftl of arr prwui u paid lor in oaafa enabloa ttavjiiaiiutooturarb to ml tba fiouly at taiy low pilot tha ar no loaaea you cftd amna lo bava rtajubt aod dul ptapakl and aavo all bolbor or tmpotion alo 1 t send aljncc for catalogues and pnefcs tu h p moore actonont sole agent for canada or to walker covmariufactiirers jjadlson wis w rtaoa ueimti forcatanll la 1 neat r to oaa ami chcapwl catarrh uu br dragguuveaaut by mall ate 1 kt uuanlltims wm int u m a 0 rt stfli tit

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