Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 5, 1895, p. 2

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xrssbieaaaxsfssis 3l 7 aajt 1 llrnwu of a w it null loljiibnll afil rlit ml tu yi ffijjc rtcit jfm flrcss 1 iiditkday dmlmbkh ihu5 noye3 and comments y although lli mu mwi of itihh has been wijmrt off the statute book by order lii council the privileges it conferred npoo ii li i tod htates fisherman bra still attended as matter of grace to them on ilia pay ment of the prescribed license for lrof marcus liaker in scientific lecture in vvaihinglou on haturday even init in oharacterietlg spread eagle style referring lo the alaskan boundary dispute aid the only arbitration admlaatblo u tho arbitration of battle if ilia qrtlith claim ihould be lusiatod on they slaughter tbo oat tin wo wood lo hugland and they kill our sheep oo arrival el tbe trade survives bui it may as wall bo understood that when tbo english doter mine to adroit only dead horses that hraiioh of the live atook export trad a will top inslaully jfait ami hmpm a proclamation baa bean issued submit liug tba scott aot lo tba electors of wmi moreland n b on tba sixth of january next more ttian one fonrth of all tha electors of tbo county rcceotly petitioned tbai they be given an opportunity to pass again upbn tbo measure westmoreland baa atood by the scott act since 187u it la reported that representatives of cauadien atlantic ataamabip line srho bevo bean in new york off sari on the paat fortnight have made an agreement with the american linea to raise tba steerage rale after next thursday the sixteen dollar rate that passengers have enjoyed for soma time paat will probably be raised to 123 or 26 a despatch from cooitaolinoplo say tbat after a moating of the ambassador tuesday sir 1 hllip carrie lbs british ambassador notified the turkish govern moot thai if the firmans traction permit- loo for extra jmardihipi to pass through the bospborus are not granted by saturday flfie engi pu a a ton la now in rosea rbi on of a riratclaaa 8temm plrajtnfitne- hobo and hqatt ttoola nnd avr fnlnp wntfir- supply flf company r8orqani2ed the final teal of tha itonatit hljuuii i iro lnglno lield irtat j riday was in lljwpactj saliafsatoryjiud at a meetiiiii pftiio com mittoo on fire irolootlon and biihsoftienl ly of ilia municipal council tho engine hose and liuserosla tsars purchased aeton lias now s oomploto ayalem of i ire vrofin lion which will afford a foaling of aanrlty looar citizens not licmtoforo resllited tho coin ii i ties nn 1ire rrotociion met at eight o clock on rmilav evening 1 be teat uf the si ram nrn unitino ilunnit the dsy was oonsidorcd anl ho follom report was praaenuul wa jrnur oouiliilnoa adllih on txtlibfr of tlio itiaal oltll tli council of ilia corhiralliiii t svihk wltlimbmhl iii irtt n llwl ui thn itluitl i htosiii kirs kn i 111 rau ur oiitlr istufsotloii lharrlll an 1 rooominan i j our lioiiorabll council la urcliua asl 1 anjjliid an i lllpmoiit pu iuqii lariiis as am doomed ly jou at la factory to ttntcjrporllon htkil i w h btoitp john oaurnon ilicnity ouinukll tiloa hit haul j a moouaii tbo council limit nonl into sotaion and reoeivod the report a conmualion with ur j i itonsld ibo price for engine snil equipment was llxed si 13450 moved by goo havill ardonded by a e nioklln that the council purchase from the j d jtonald co tba tiro engine hose ltonls iloae and all other cquipmonti b tnginc as recommended by tha citixons committee snd endorsed by tho council and tbat tho itoevo snd treaiurer be authorised to isme their cheque for the eum of thirlv four hundred snd fifty dol isrs 13430 00 an per agreement when satisfactory arrangements have been sftoct ed carried the coo soil then adjourned on t bustwill hi mot ibroogb with out tba saltan permission it is reported thst sir mackensie bowel ha cabled to london asking sir char id tapper tbe canadian ii mh commissionar to proceed at onoe from london to ottaw lo consult wilb the government respecting tbe fast stsamabip tenders it is stated unofficially thst the miniatar of trade sad commerce will aborlly go to bog land on business connected with tba poopossd lm ierisj subsidy for tha fat atlsntlo aarvtce to can ads tbe reports of the copyright negotiations si ottawa bsve been read in london with great interest by satbors sod psblisbers if s compromise has basn arnuisad wbiob will not excite criticism and resentment jlin the unilad sutea tbe neootistor of tt will be received with opso srms upon bis return it bss been an open secret thai tho fr orelgn and colonial offices have basn most anxioui lo have this quastloo settled since it will be imprantlbls to veto oot ribt causds s assuoied ngbl to legislate tin oopyrtgbt tbe tramp problsm is likalv to prove a m sarioas one daring the present winter and municipal bodies should be prepared to deal with tba perambalaung gentry tbe municipal stons pile scheme has beao found to work wall in soma places its auooaea doea not ha la iba sooamulaioo of a lot of oloely broken stone as a pile of a cord or two will but for many years the presence of the pile is an effectual means of avoiding visits of tramps who soon ret posted and keep away from towns wnere aat tbe couucil mot iu regular session on monday evening at eight o clock ftoeve pearson in tbe chair members present councillors havill williams ami nioklin tbe rotnaioa of lst meeting ware road and confirmed tbe commit too on jinsnoe prose n tod their nineteenth report recommending the payment of the following accounts ueo mmdssuuouary gk v f i i 3 jaa orown work in isrk a 1 j kannswln coal oil for atrseu 13 01 john cameron lakes for couialorji t u jss wsrren survey of oonmuny w uu ltasvs isarsoa sspenssa lo toruulo on firs iroiacuon j uo grnsnlesa ilros lumlxtr plralrouw uon xt 1 itobl wilson work on flro i roloc uon i jossh aocisrsun work snd danism m moved bjr a b mickiin seconded by john williams tbat tba tjth report of the f iuaooo committee ax read he adopted carried a w r6m iho acton kir brigade requesting tbe purchase i of tt pair rubber boots tt rubber coats h rubber belts h pir rubber gauntlets jo feel of extra hoeo moved by geo itavill secomlml by john williams that tbe pelilion of the tire company for rubbn bouts coals etc bo reoeivod tbat their request be granted and that tne iteove be iiiatmctod to pnrchssa same carried the council then adjourned board of education l nbwb qfthb day ancphtomo of tho world dolnan purlnor tha wo ok two itioliwcro foun i rroxnn fn death in ht lntlttlit wook jiiov jiiilns ilughen dl i at a imrnn it thn hllth j osr of liissr i io united htn jxramry g i i rmirvo in now down 670 7 i laill two i nglinh niinrl uinm minn rniji ntly rfiiirdcru i in mm li durinu a riot tim death is suuouuuttkat llnmlnn nf fjeitoral utbourne who llrat saw srrvico in tho iindimi robollloi of m th 1 lie latent conaus slicwh thst llicra arc aoooo canadians in d uj far ihr lireslrkt fortiigi rpru4nilsli in iftthu city 1 ho nisrntfn or iniiri mti i of wb s and i mice lutl f sweden uill 1 underatihxl iskn pln in cm in in j ilii msliolm it met ualk j i mi lout of lclirry roiiuty n deslh by a lamp exploding bnnitid lu i a i ottdon not lot y pajmr aays list ihn xuchoes of york la a very cluljful uajfe and alwaa consulia her huabsnd on matters of dress a consignment of the now nflui fur thn rausdisti militia baa arrive i 1 linrn art a thoiiaind i ce isirlor i rifbs an i three bundled carbine a rurxoof liochiwan jreiuntod to ir ilarnanlo tu iiudon on tueaday lant in rocitonltion of hia ttoatl wirk in fuundiug homes for destitute children in london and canada four thousand voices were lifted in prayer by members of tbe cbriiti 1 ndesvonr and 1 pworth i eague societies in cleveland for tho converaiou of itobert c injioraoll tho agiioatlo on moinfo public school examinatjons tho puplla roltof honor for tho pnat month n work iho uiusl mnthly oxiinilum of tbo pupila uf acton public holiool was held last i riday 1 bo rosull was aa foliowi cubu maggio i aird jhfi msgio wallace jh1 gordon henderson jh1 clsas i senior wm arnold j7i ijooiis holmes john hlooro aud has moiam j7u jesaio hsrvoy 2u claaa i junior daisy niokljn ji mabel use m minnio harding snd clara t obban a class hon lor iii berths hpoglit aud lottie i bbao 21 1 dith ntokln ilo hva iorrtnsn 1 0 msrke wsaible h00 t t m k toschur kceiimi i bl mtutnt senior class minnie arthur j17 hsrry coveys ill j huliia wsllsoo and john arthurs jf junior class 1 ttto mcduuald io mabel soper and jamos widn 1m jeo arnold 41 la marks ponsble u c ui tti u toller aaawillle hardit tho staff of teacher for tho coming voar anuowuu they ara made work tbe report of the u pi ted stales sacre tary of agriooliare id regard to tbe oondi tioe of the farmer and tha stale ef 4be farming industry n that coo a try states thst the total value of tbe farms through ool tbe oouotry la estimated al iis 000 000 000 tbey number 4 604 01 their average bm is 187 acres and their average value ti mj on each farm there are implements of in average value of l00 and domestic animals aod snodriss to tbe value of 1800 making tba average individ nal wealth of the united stales farmer w000 a loss to methodism rev dr shaw assistant secretary of m lesions succumb to hla raoenx injuries tusomo deo 4 tba accident wbiob befell lies dr shaw on november iff last proved fatal tuesday evening lie died al tbe residence of his sou in law ur alax mills h1 ontario street where he bad barn aver since tbe unfortunate ooourreuoe which os used bis death on lbs sveoiug of tbsl dav lbs reverend i koutiomsu who was sn ardsnt bicyclist i wss wbosling acrosse yonge street from richmond street wbeu be collided wilba south bound osr tbu fsndar prevented him from going under tbe wheels bul pushed him alou the ground for some distance he rooelved a severs snalp wouad aud was badly ahakau up troin tbe first litlls hop wss held qui mrs bev dr sbaw died jaus 17tb last the hvams acquitted the jury brlnif in a verdict of not qullty in 30 minutes foaoito deo i ilarry place hyams and dalles theodore ujams wars oo list urday found not guilty of the chary of having on jan 10 ltm3 killed aod murder od william chin nock wells tbs jury war out oole as roinales vbsn the verdict had been formally iwuras mi lordship disobarged both meo bul they wars at oooe re arrested on a oharg uf oonspiraoy to defraud the losv anoa oompaale aod murdsr alartba waua ilyarna mr usur oodaladed ms address at 1330 aooo and his iordsblp charged the jury tor over two boars largely in favor of tbo prisoners tba trial has beec a long and expensive one u iaesid thai the ii yams defsnoe d000 tbe board of iruateos of acton 1 ublto sahool met on i riday ovenlug st h o cluck members all prtsout chairman hynda presiding tbe minutes of the previuua meeting ware read and oooqrmed tha committee on rineuco prasented their sixth report aud recommended isy meul of soeounts ss follow a n korbss liuililluu no baaouinui an s u 4 h i uoorssilcrualuj jo moved by il swackhamraor soooudod by itdwarl wallaoe that the fl nance report josl read be adopted carried tbo engagement of teachers for the coming year tbsn came up for consideration moved by james mclam seconded by itobert wallaoe that tbo teaching staff be reengaged for tbe year itkhj aa follows tho t alooro priusliial ot 00 lllsa a klelfasil snd dei ua ou susi ida k patterson and ospt 71 00 uisb ulnois nstson tb dopt k 00 and that tbo secretary be instructed to prepare tbs necessary agreements carried tbe property committee was instructed to impact tbe nsw storm windows when completed and report to the chairmsn board adjourned al 0 40 p m acton fire briuade the qood men and true who will flaht fires and protect our homes eta tbe flro brigade has boon vary active lately meeting have been frnjueut aud organisation is now oom plate sad sellsfsi tary tba members are proud of the line aquipman wbioh has been placed in thoir bands aud ara dslarrnluod to jierfoct them selves in its use so as to bo able to attaiu the greatest degree of proficiency and cftoc tle service tbe brigade is now office rod as follows cmtr john cameron 1st lisot j j lawaon sod ltkirr ii b johnson bxcmxtsst taamusxa c c henderson kxuisasa george mclenusu uoss llaxx no 1 w 11 walker cspt c henderson j j pearson l worden l williams matthews hoax iuk no j itobert htatham cspt john warwick murray mcdonald henry bauer richard couk a lumshew lluuxs lib liaiii kimj j lswsou apt t gibbons jos anderson johu llsrvqy w andorsoo a 1 awson jss mo lam j a speigbl geo soper j agnow w turbos d mcdonald j wilson j ii matthews jno kvsna a lurnoy pred ityder bahius cosrm cspt 11 swaokhamor lat lieut tbo gamble jml 1 lout w williams if weather is as rare bio tbe brigade will be out with engine and ladders to uigbt for i practice senior rrelle 1w r in bwaokbamer ih1 junior class ida lsird hid josio hlephonuin 114 algia lowia 1hj part ii laas alice lewis 1uj mlua ituddick 1j0 mytutrtosmhows lmt mark poaaibls ju0 iia l 1 iteuimi leaoher t i nru i eiiututhi senior claaa part ii jennie irani iiw litis mstthewa uj moreuce murray t h lilt claaa i art ii ins keuuuy 17j illlio uiitgbam itu jeuuie uaidiuit llirl junior 1 url ii llruld nickltu 1u j oh i lurvia 17 t w alter molenuau a crrat a pnincfi edwxllb island lady speaks for the bcimerit of hen sex had rfo apputo was polo nnjl enolly pxhntinnrl 9ubofct to sovoro spnlla ot olzxlnosu nnd othor dlstroselnn bymntoma tliiswii v i i mny iflth ihj1 tutb i lit tr f i llniortlal j nn kin i aen li uitr isjnr tho napiun of ininy who hatn ireevi tmiiclllcd by iho use of pr wjiimtn pink tll i fool that i oiifihl in lot my tn to known aa i am euro that many uonioti niiglii be banertedks i have nitti lor a mi in hi r lira i liftvn hn n alnicmt an invsli i i of yoti did not know th had a tirnd frl least lertiiiu ver pale i dawn netm- to nvrhh irificii wiiiiiiik duri slum of my malady i bnuig exhaiibtol at the is i no itpptilitn and was m iiitih felt hbo lying r m v d would ln inn lo drop wliro i k ilu e xplla f dixxtness a dtxuft wouiit tivrmu i bad it roaring sound in my head i took medical treatment hut found no rollcf my husband and father both drew my atlon lion to tho many articles which spjicarod from time to umo in jour paper concern iiir the en ana wrought by dr williams pink pills al llrat i had no faith in them in fact i had lost fallh in all madiciuns and was rcslguud to my lot thinking thai my days wura numbered in this wc rid finally howovor i donnoiitod to try pink pills i had uol taken them long bnfurtt i felt an improvemnnl and hope revived ordered inure and contiuuud taking tho pills for ihroo nioiillia an 1 i njunl say thst to day 1 am sa well an i atroiil an ovor and the many ailiiienla win h i ha i arc m plalely cured i nttrihuto my r nnplele recovery l the dr william i i k pills and ho o by lolling jul lliia l tint olliera may be imnofltol i y them mbi wnii u i n in after rouiiug the tthovo luttor wu a ul a reporter to mtorvitw mrs 1 orry an i ah repeatci what alio bad already slstud in her letter her husband william lorry and her father mr j ii i widr j p and ailiory aurdon oorrolwralotl her alato ments 1 d i impartial ur william- 1 ink i ila for i alu 1 cut iu make pure rich blood rrutorc ahsttorod nerves snd drive out diaoauo tli cum when other modioinei fad aud are beyond nu t g llfint m aver discoverod sold by all loslora but only in ho tea the wrappur sroutxl which bears tho fall irs le mark dr u illiams pink pilla for pale i c pie p ua offered in louao form by the h in ire 1 i r oiiiwe are imltat mm an i ahoul i h av id i aa thr aro w irll iran at i urhaj a lander ua death seemed preferable 10 the aoonizino pain i tors nfoatifo i quit dxwngnalui toroulo hava nesrljmkrty tliirlmf ihimirijf mfttir thrmiuf thn httarior a hhakiesre in winch mid ii i cosh 1 1 ios of expurgation cpn iluiuntlikr and cctiialolon ss generally ivoknowk ttfrn hsvt lecn insdn ly d c llell ofloiflon siilhurof tire htatidard 1 incutinrilbv lo this aorloa is inuindod secially fur thn use of achools collorhs privsti and family rraliiil snd fur public or platform delivery i s play ja ao conriuiintd thai it invy bs read about sn hour the nrst volumi loud in co nt sins tha hhorlal nlaju lduiibii aud roman rim prirn per volume olnlh bounds will be si anothir book i by tho name dim uf lomlf n ibo ex ly tiudp a prfhr ktalra inikhfi hia book li coin l tw iaund 111 in by 1 orliel lerl nrorallal who recent usl vlit lo the t nltoil i i necnlrioitlna pa pra ia the title and lojiui of important in for uy lug iho homn edti ini nt th very jouny snd in a book whicll parent a nli i ovury x rami having llm oare of infanli tr young children liiud carefully road it will bo if mo ljllpacb cloth bound prico m cants a great feat isy mra hoxdhousc or w illisoroft 1 tve uboii dr akik tskel n fur the all 170 r i la i ft 1 11 llu 1hh malcolm mel ach m holmtb must dili pitil4ii um dec 1 iu tho court of oyer and terminer saturday judge ar nold rofusw to grant herman w mudgotta aiiaa ii ii llolmns who wai euiiviolml on nov in 1 for murder in ihia cilj on hupl jnd 1hj4 of ii p pitexel a mw trial and sentenced tho condemned vnurderer to death when tho words thst sealed his doom worn pronounced ui luw impressive tones holmes wa unmoved during tbs entire lime be did not flinoh but looked tbo judge squarely in the eye aud as tho laal sound died away bo turned tu ono of his altornyi snd remarked juioilj wolj that s all ijo wax then led from tho dock early canadian methuuiam anojlir u nd have roly i years old heart dianaae for m i aomoliiiioh fur live i such agony that dea tho palu i ho oold iu ureal beads upon nd 1 now feci i r u bled with 1 ho hiryclo nni of itm nulo mirforinod by dr w n itoliertsun of stratfnnl out on iho lr 1 of juno wsh a ri inarkahle xhihitiun of en tursneo in a jiiutly ainatour ri lor i ho doctor a aoien tine training would no doubt prove an important factor in successfully engineering such a difficult operation though as will bo scon by latter publlahod in another col umii he docs not hesilate lo award due credit far hia jterformanoe to the agent he roll til upon in his great effort the doc tor a lealiiuoiiy tu the marvalloualy sui laiiiinu ower of msltino with oca wine is entirely spnntaneoua and nnsollaited and therefore of tha higher value his rejkirt will bo mad with iilroit by wheel mi ii unnnrall in v nw of in claim that msltino with cooa wine enabled him to pedal comfortably tor houra after tho period thai i should hsvo bcon exhaualed withnul it dr hohinaou tersely aum msriscs tha valuable action of maltine with ocn wine in ihsao canea of enervation common among moat novices on iho wheel and amrma that ii ia a wonderful heart aualalnor tina prtparatlon may be had of all druggists and may bo rolled optrtj aa so agent of inflnito value in nervous prontratimi and brain exhaustion resulting from undue strain upon tho montal or physical cuurgiea daily uu july ft 1mii i ho funeral of alexandre dumas loak i lam in pari on saturday and was tiikisti nlatiuiia in aocordsneo with tbe wishoa uf tho deceased enthor bristoivs saraapa rlu ti in ltiiiu gout ni ur ili i scrofult ttirf i i rtipttoni bristols sarsapa cuiuj lir stomich and knliu iiouhlcs hid clcinscs the filo ii of ill impurities jum at a lllllu suiteriug lh aiauiod pruferablu to tvca1 wutil 1 stand out dtiau snd i as i iai llm simpliali ivd ble bnrly t plitillali till i initio ul j hmi n hoi i by 11 lr n bristoivs sarsaparillaj cures oli chidiuc c ists w here ill other re me i it ftil be sure and ask jour druggisl for i bristoivs jsarsaparillal no time toadirertise m oo busy selling i his is a positive fact that so busy have wc lccn all last wecj wc could not find time to prepare lists lvt n though the fjoods have been marked down it is evident our pru c s advertise thcmsclvch wc have made lurtlu r st nous reductions on many lines we arc dctermin- t ti ui io into our new premises with a completely new stock we want you lo bear this in mind the present stock must be cleared t40sfrit704 tu purchase extroardinary yd jh u ribbon and 00 pairs of kid jiovch these will be on wale from monday morning ycii can make up your mind they are chcap no matter how much you will expect you will find them still better value than ou expected wc will lose no time in furnishing lists of cut prices of other lines so soon as the demands of our customers will permit no humbug about this sale frank dowler cash stohi cuelph walker mcbean fc co georgetown t7 av they stand first bar bar a ueek a tale of ha rly melho diam lu anada by w h withrow iuoii istll rant ton i urta mothodlal book ltooi ns 1 uroiilo mou treal slid halifax pagea j3m 1 rito 7 coi la many young t newfoundlands flnancku newfoandland etftmnoe for october and movembar tb year was a7u411 beiog lbtio la axosee of the same period last year tbo re va for november yjltytax was iim 000 tha in tares i due oo railway bonds and iosaribed stock for the correal half year will be paid on deo 81 out of current revenue custom receipt without trsoobiog on loe rsoenl loan and a band some balance will alill be lata aoctiom saui on baiurday 7th de oamber at on o olook oredil aale ef aaook and bnplsmeots the property of messrs banosi tnd alodso word an lot si coo j jjttjmbibf wu ilamitiaaat auctioneer i i tisdetuato ooiicoptlun of tho loumno and romantic interoat surroundlujt the story of early motbudiam in ttila land 1 here is no more heroic record than that uf the iiouoer method i a u of atiada who fur fallh and freedom furaook the oldur neitleiiieulb uf tbo u tuled stales ou tbo uutbroak of iho luvolulionary war aud laid the founds tious of empire in the thou nor i horn wilder noss prominout nitiung ibis brsve baud wss barbara heck tho mother uf methodism iu uio new world in the form uf a a lory tlie author uf thla book has endeavored lo iraoe the ad von lures of the little xruup uf palatine eml grant who loft irulaud for now vurk aud subsequently for siisjib a ruitianliu i ulereat la nlvon u llm story ly tracing ihe adveuiures of tho lrt twu mmhilivl una sluuarlo to canada bulb if wtiuin fell in love with tho saimlvhartiii it kirl i or ihu piulurea uf luiieer hfi of iba ejuaher sulllftuoi i f the irun la ixyal lata of tho baikwimtlsosiii m of the domtuiliti xirseuuli n uf hoiual 1 1 amber una uung melbollal pruachor sod the tragic eplaode uf ihu last scixe of ouebpc oar read or are roforreo to the volume hoe if the book ia brought out lu exoelluut style by tbo method la l pubjishlug house m cuiciuuati with four enitravias aud is balug reprinted iu canada from duplicate plates it will be a suitable glfl book fur tha holiday aud will furnish attractive aud instructive reading fur bundsy school aud buoie librarian thspearlor ohbat prick lillii 1 lu 1 i lii 111 klu 1 1 in ilbi j oulinai tllcic is liu itlllh w i it k lit wc ki tin 111 i 1 lull men the fail water ia ntirfj bin i mook or misses bins wet tnd too one hundred pairs ol ii sljlish i in li t 1 i luiu li oi ui thin lc kill 11 mu t 1 i 1111 uul lylllduw skjli the createst sale have ever had will commence on saltjklay nii iimj at 8 oclock when the big doors will swing open to admit the eager crowd in ever town and village in the surrounding countries the people are talking about this store 1 he keen buying public have confidence in us the same as the haeof us in 1 qkonto and that s what we want more than an thing else wonderlul the number of people who lome foi miles to tiade with us because the can rely on what they buy from us if the were nut saving money by buying from us it is not likely they would drive 12 to 15 miles over rough roads we treat allallke rich and poor if you buy 10c worth 0u get the same attention as if you bought 1000 worth we treat others as we like others to treat us 0 re at week in the clothing 1 uuiii nciiik halunuy intimitis ahsll sail at imc lien a berong twtrad 1 aula worth slju at 1 j3 aflo- at si 30 73 at aa0 moll a twtxxl hulu wo rlu 10 00 at at 90 sihjio at aiooq 11300 st l 4u bon two ileo heavy canadian tweed hulu ourtb 5u at aio s3ju llora navy kulokr tlaavy ueiva hoa worth 30o 330 hoys ilaavy frless ovorooau wortb rlaq siok watghkb in luwnl where is it 7 ii leal a p symons phaotioat watoiiuakjcit and jewellkil watches cleaned for 7 cents tew msinaprina 7 cnntl al u woltk waitkantil a v hyi0 msin street fltta afjbthidrmrnlr tho heifer vnhes astray sthahl upon tltf jmti ilsea lot in eon 1 ksnusslnn simxii a uinntli ana am red iislfsrc 1 ruvs irtpetly owner will snd take llinm awav utst an kk1th hlkjalle job pkintik isci udino hooka pafuphlata roalera lll lloada circular o ac executed in the beet atyla of lha art at m odors i frlcea snd on abort voiles ply or addrssa stee esi uiisiok a two yssr old ateer sll roil any poison flvfng information isadlnn to lis rscovory will e sullsbly remunerated rooms to let with or without boaju shoorino 0vllek 1llr lr cliurob hi h htnwl fowl abot for vvorv eveuins t cioam st wu e clock iliarp ovary nhjut settlempiil f xccomits and fsd eto i tnuil insist uton aetilement o all sooouuta befors tbe baffiuulng of the new year will all customers in arrosra plosse taka notice snd call and selue up promptly jno ajitiiliih acton nov rtli 1h03 aetou card of thanks huaelf sttd tbank durlnj our lays of bare vem ell t snd lo tbo r allow employees of lbs canada qjoro narks of our dscassed tovsd one for the doral tokens llaxl uon tlie casket ws are slooa in aeton ss fsr sa relatives are ooneoruoal aud lhasa luanlfasta tlona have boon lie wore fully at predated john tuouah notice psrjia niont of canada for an ael lo inenrpfiraia tha canadian ulsotrle 1 tail way nod 1 owsr companic wllb posjs to build fmrrstn snl uialutam sn kleotlic itallway roui tbe city of alontnwj in tha province ol quebac to tba city of windsor in the couuty of tasnx ls hroekrills kings ton itsllsvhis toronto and lornloa with wwr lu build a branch hue from toronto or oibsr point on tba tnsln unetofluaiiauaioullridm with powor to build breach line ur a radius not eiceedluf twenty bve mlloa from say point or poiuts ou tbs main line to cut into omim anil arrsbgemeuu wiili all eilatlns or autborls- ad flnub or oorporsdona along the aaid roata lisrtlo i tarty wilb asiaung treat or eleotrle rail wsy llabt or ixwr companies for tha purposes of scmilrlna isaaioo ainaljrainaliui or making running arraogsuisnla with same or to uoiily aatnewlth hol liall or owar to establish maintain and carry on street railway sen loos id such cities snd town ou the hue ttt aald railway aa lbs comwny snd municipalities interested my ssrra oa lo build aald itallway in section as may be authorised to acquire water iipsart snd sites for snd build elaelrlcal works in ooo neetlon wttb said railway for tbe purposes ol gwnorattni alaclrlaal auaiay to aequlre ilia atit of wsy lo iran unit sun alsc laudo- alao the right i all aud ottlerwlae d la pom of alaetrloal saersr for heat light power and other purposes sad to dutrlbutc the sauia with power to sprotriats landa for lha purpoaaa uf t it uadrtakin aa pro vided by tha itailwsy aot with all otbar powara nseeaaary for cbustructlur and operating tha said eleeirlcal worka and otherwise fully carry lug ou tbe aaid undertaklnn wltti iower o lasus isjd up stock of lha company in pavtnant of its obligation tor all or any of the a purposes sodrtirrurpecpc given or granted to eotupaula any of tbs purposes aforesaid bduukd imtstol llovlivd aanolui a llnmroe toronto solicitor for appllcaota iny of tlie aaulau thoxiiod rpfeper or urn si pown nipaulcm inooriioratad for trtmrjrxds of dollars worth op silver given a wat to introduce c granule qreat week in dents fnrnlahlnga uoti klua lambs woo i shirt and drsesrs okf worui t3o mott ittavy itibbad mlilrt add drawer tde worth t3o klau elardlgau jseasta ilrawu and lilsak tsta worth 1 h- klsu a heavy ribbed bob all wool uuc worth lfo r lieu a floe v adore ii au 30a worth 7ic uon a klne fedora hats t3c sold lu the city lor s1ou men a flue kodors i lata 91jo retailed la toronto at 1 ia mou l curlsua hmo uau frum c to eajo woui 1 s mora 1j yop ouly huew tbo mantles and gapes io 1 oik foi ti in in finn hlk heaver clolh jachou hariin laalii aia3iuwortbcuua ry ana mellon cloth 4ama 1 utiuus sfl30 sold lu toronto for skuo ory fiuo ualluu cloth boi trout large buttoita sij0 worth sit 00 apss al all prloaa w can ault auy alto i urse mluinery mllunory iojt iiblo fur ulllluary lu outario huy a ofoi run ueud 0 ceuu for a box of these celebrated granules then puaala your brains over tbe following problems in oom petition for the magnlflaieot rewards mentioned below question no 1 if a boiiio uf wins u wortli ons dollar sod flro ceo la and tuo wins la worth one dollar mora than uia buttle wbal la the bottle wortli t dollar till 1 ohanifsd i monayuack in good uioney is iransactii augf l k shortly after oomoa toll and aaya tbat twenty hul j dollar in gooduioney hew utuob is x nut by tba the whole transaction thai twenty a coon uriel i f cbaok i went the following la what v tailoring tea usd yitt a i eitoot fit a a rluutoti twaad hull uoallv rllllabax a ruxitoh toed hull usaijy nulahed for ta 30 u al ii t u a ai9 0d the w l we aro oheaharthanbiiy we saved a gentleman overcoat tbat la galling ooldar ct our guotadous for a kail ovarouat i y for tjjqmii ol good a we give vo toronto 10i0 on an ovarooat and wa call lo walker mcbean st co ceorcetown andonomro o slva wy is ml idle oorrsct ana wan to ud unonod in upsrb silver lusdrupin latad ua aal cunalstliiat of twenty laoea aluu s13o00 to tba bandera of m tral ourreal anawsrs to rvoalvod and opened in silver i o tha son dan of i ihaabove two juaa due coerss of ioae we will giva a jusdrupin islad ua aal plooee aluu stmioo to tba bonders uf m hi lha ebov two u rwoelvod and opa iho oourso of post we will give s superb itiedrui lc plated taa l oooalstlug ui i llacvs alue suooo cu3lph the white front store 1 90 upper wyndham street to woman la besuly flsauly jb key that unlookl every dour commands dsfsr euoe luspires homage liu i baautyjif face cap not satisfy uutoat the addflluoal grace boauly of leatb adds its ohsrto 1iia testb sweat breath rippling laughter three graces thai always go togsthsr ivor ins imparts dasxllng pearly llko whits usee rsmof ss disoulorttion aud tartar from che loath and renders th breaui as fragrant aa tlower a a total eclipse ol l l un alui uur uowmuan fairly 1 1 1 ii hi- all ouiumiiu aulllaaa tittu i it a of uui truuaurlutia if llefuty hlyle aud our new furnlshipgs our special 4 pants totjuur 1 notzo rorf nobdv ur to datjc oooua r e nelson leading tailor and furnisher guelph direct hosiery sale from manufacturers wholesale profit no 1 or two weeks wc will oiler special bargains in ladies and misses worsted uositr boys htfav kibbed worsted hosiery a spet ul line of boyt petion not in it all wool hose at joc com- n two iumuuiu aod onanec duo oourae of tnml wa will glva buparl srvr luadrupl plated taa see oonslsliug of b itleces value 130 to tbe aender of every huodrwdlh eorreel an or to the above two uoatiooa race red and opsnsd lu tha due course of posk ws will ve at tfta option of lha aucoassful oontpeutor a four pteoe ausdrupla allvar datd ta set with tray a fusdrupla allver nlatetl ullsa or a modern lusdrupl silver nlaud epargns alus uoo to ibf ssndar of every bftyorat eorrset ana war to the above two ueslious rwoslvsd snd opened in due couraaof post will give a band aoine quadruple plated allvar fruit and apoou to the sen lai of of vary stth oorrsel sua war u the abova two jusstian received so i oirsnod lu dueooqrsaof post we will give a luadruple allvar platsovgold lined oaks basket value m to to eender of every lltb oorrsct answer to tlie above ism quaatloua rvoalved aud uteuad lu lue oourse of poal we will vlvu two ikiids of ur grayii qertulus tlrauulsa value pi uu to tba sender of ths oral aurrvet snawar to tbs above two questions rooelroit aud iiieaad in due oourse of pas eacb morning vjbo isn t otberwlse eulltlnd lu a gill will iw slven one ilnsen gold alu liium i ajhroua a daelded nov alty value 3 what are oo nine granules groceries tor christmas baking wc have a fresh stock of new kaisins currants peels ixtracts cocoattut chocolates spices baking powder etc lbs best cooking fijs tor j5 cents a e gurney co mill street acton tlay will rlt you uf uia llfadestniilng ludl enatiun s i lrapla cur you of fjver aud iduey puuillalut malaria ulok llsadsoba llllluususss cotuupauon neuralgia audllbau uialle lalus uad taste in the mouth krnjaie uoaknass sto jtemove that lisghsrd liiok sod urlug back tha fresh couiplsslau snd build up iho wealed form ur urays wilt d le dr oraya uarmlns oranules are not uoly lbs best aptiui and all tha ysar round uiadlclue but tbay ar also ths eboaixist lo buy driray s osrnllna ci ran u lee ta a perfect rued ulne von do not raoit iro to lake auy utbsr niedlntne with it uor do you have lo tak tbree or four pills al a duae ouv pill is a dose try a iraaluisut of dr iray a tleruilua oratiultw ud you will aot only have uo other bul aayp any dollars 1rio 10 osnls a bos rubabe notigk lattera sunlalnlug a currrct snawar al i uul be racoguiaad unless acbpaiill will qfty oeuu for s u t f oeruiloe i hit tuesday riorembor istli in he qni day dojuhfutiirti kluiidsv hwe wrd a tils laal of eimijhjlllutft letttfts m ruifjlul uu it iiiihltlll iii be r 111 bo liutlflod lm rsucrraafiil ct aiir frslghl or ail rnsa 1 hn uamus of lirlau wluusra will ba ubllcliuj in u i lulu tu ryii look lulu uy lima the a ermine obemioal 00 77 victbnia st toronto uturriom tuiiitairu uiedlately no oharg titors to ay rrslgbl g any oii lb marking of our budnu r

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