Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 5, 1895, p. 3

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i j nbad orrjob jiajmlton r 1 ijuotno 1 woou board ofdir bo orf3 olf htlmllt a 0 llamhay i resident lcol real lonl 1ko ttoitii a- t wpnn wjl ulnaon u i tliimiuf i cj ksat cashier watbon inipwrtflr ii h ftfifcn abinoleb jonht i kealjuud ajuautd terllnt ctiaaloy oaornotbwnorlmsby latownl uekubw ml it on ununt forest orsiiirbvllle wen hooml i art liloiu hln eo toronto vinghem brltlnh correnpondonto amorioan corroaporidents nw vom fourth nation jlaiik si uhvsr national hank ilorrqawintarnau ii trualco llurrio ueriiiellank tn i national hank nmll end uul n nail n hank uarnott detroit natlnt el haul tiamsb cjrr national i lank of conjn orco agonto in bontroal omorqetown aobnoy montlyof lpoat chfiraotort and ovorv itam intoroatlna tcota foolta- ciofc notes discounted and advauct ableeathirlues collections madftan 1 drafts i on ell eoeessjblo points in canada unltoi great ilrilalu end tbe continent ofkuroi flu ilnt in canada united num bar moat favorable teniis jjavlnga department deposits qi bl and tiiwarda rwnlvnl i interest sdlo wed from data of dolkmit lb data withdrawal special qkiofllth alao received at current rates or interoat n u l1mnohtonj aomi mow row xwas dolls from ic upwards to s of every kind toy books from 5c biblcs from 15c acme skates 75c mas cards and booklets wojk bols albums watches jewellery silver ware knives i orks and spoons children s sleigtis rocking horses toy carts the greatest stock of mas presents will be found at ceo hynds santa claus heabquartlks acton ont ffilj utoit ttt jttsa thursday dlclmbelt c 18i5 x little local brieflets which cauirht tha eyas or ears of fra pran reporters this weak munioipal election in a i tern are remark ably jouk beraaajua old fashioned winter wilb its- merry sleigb bells and rood sleighing la here tbe slang phrase el a akate on hu mora significance now ulan it had iu aagast teaming baa been lively ihia weak tb sleighing baa brouytit in a greet deal of wood bbovollng idow coxy out bo very pop- uhvr at praseus but it id vory generally engaged la it always pays lo read t ksr 1 ukdb advertisements peruse tba proeaut christ mu announcements indications point to gbrfatmaa wad dinjts in various quarters horeabouta durtni tba oocotng holiday trade doae not run on aloda but ii devartbelaaa move a tittle faater wben now ia on the ground ttirthvluaiirrarstoar tirre7ni poultry flbow will be bald at quslpu next wednesday and thursday ad enjoyable tltbthiok party to george town look plaoa on uouday night 1 be young folks had a jolly time jamas ldsnooeoo a ouelpb grocer was sentenced lo ova years impnsoi ment for selling are to his store recently paderswakl was paid v 500 for bts last recital in london england who wotldn t braid and frixxle hla hair for auoh wagna t re mr melolyre ia holding epeail earvioea at everloo lie j h iluwoll m a is assisting for a oonple of day thia weak tbt oditor of a missouri paper oflera a jaaxa aabacriplioo lo tba youog woman who will writs him tho bast proposal of noarriajre- tba annual oanuu and obnatuiaa tree by tha obildran of bt albans sunday bobooi will be bald on monday evening iflrd december the gable and of geo liardy s fine ttew briok booaa 7th line enjoaaing near hornby waa blown in daring tba wind alorm isal week mr alas waldia raporu the doingaof a moat iadastrioas goose it use just oeesed laying and sine tba middle of hep tamber baa laid 23 egga fl of which were doable yolksd toe lagialative graqts to the gouuty high schools for tha first half of 1wi5 ware for oakvllla issa 04 and for georgetown 829 10 the county pays to each school a sum equivalent to these amounts ii yon ooclemplate taking a lour abroad do not overlook aogleaoa aud remember that llanfairwllgwyngyllger ohwyrnbwiiitorarohwyrnbwilllau diaillogo go k is tha oral atatiou past the monai tba white froat iu the furrow blue the morning airs are chilly tba last pale flower falls from the vidm eod shlveru g leans tba illy and now tba oak ore a biasing bright the alars have dearer glory the splendid day drills to lbs night of dreams and eoag and story mr john it kennedy has eeearwd iho sale of dr llekay a new book from far formosa edited by ilev j a maodonald it iaa buidaooaely bound volume many interesting experiences of dr mckay dor a gjhs twenty three years of service as a briallan missionary are detailed mr kennedy is scouring a good list of sub ecrlber aucnoa bau farm alork the prop arty of bsmual allan north east lot iu con r ermrooaa on friday lath december alio clock terms w roonllia wu ugusiaacr aaotiouerr 0t the highest market ptioo will be pid or any qusnlity of good ojcaa oautdall vexed at georgetown staling hash tbtai in now wbils tbs roads are good wu mclcoi- goorgclown at a wall attended mselln utt weak acton iloouny club waa organixed with a membership of firioon ot twenty the following- omoers wars eltotqd linn rnmidautid outbrio 1 ranldenttlarry jsana heoretsry treasurer j o malmiswa kvxiutlvoirad fftoray fredhmlil tllut rtta ii dor the fit sipects an enjoyablnaeasqnapd wiirilkoly have an enlargnil memborahtp sh aoon as the game bai commenoed in oarntat thro if fievafs in as mtmay liny nearly thrro montiia bad paaaad sing there was a funeral in acton i ut last week the unusual experience of three is as many ip was ours on thjuraday luo remains of v4llld thomas weroljlaid to ieat in fair vlnw rniiateryllove i liowaikjura u i ii ford ii a and j w lue olllaiutu h on 1 riday hie remalnaof miaa mijjk uarrla of dot roil sinter of mrs hugli modougall ware interred in falrview and on haturday the remalnaof mrs bwln bur no mother of mrs aum gardiner wore oorveed to durham the old hire 1lacc on cbriatpsam p melhodtet sunday bo hoot wilt have their usual entertainment on cbrlelmaa cvoi irig the programme will bo almost escluiively ion hy the scholars of the b outlay bchool bovertt novel and luler estiii fosturoa will be liitrodnoed borne thing a nl ue in the wsy of decorations will be an old faahionod flro pjaoe on tba plat form with chimney ample enough to per mil the descent of hants clsus with one of hla largest packs of presents for the chil dron the regular practice for cborastn eto will commence in the aahool roam oa saturday afternoon licit at three o clock aliarp ytwh at he cburohcm hev l 1errlo u a of goorrstown will reach in the died pies churoh next sunday morning hev mr blovens takes ilev mr ierrinawork hev j l howell m a will preach a sermon on tobaeoo iu the methodist lhuroh nest sunday evening on sunday lfith ii hev pr polh qaneral becrelary of education will preach a aormon in the in to ret t of tho educational institutions of the church in tbe methodist church special service will bo held every friday evenjng u hi alban a ohnrch daring advent season uev mr uodden la continuing hia course of jnatructiona on the tabernacle to the bible class of st alcana churoh every thursday evening lie will be glad to see any who would like to attend hal too county poor itauma th county council has not yet arrived at tho oouclualon that tho lime baa come wsu a house of iodoslry should be sstab labed in tha county tho matter baa been frequently up for oouaideratlon at last neeliuk the a iggcslion of peel county that the counties of peel and helton go into tbe matteriointly waa diaogaaod but that now itema stipnhad bv corrasi- pondsrtvb and cxonqnaoa -okonobtown- acberoe was dismiised by tbe following alutlo ur 11 iwruon i tl ai tl clerk uf u of tho actlou 14 d i houh juuitlua i dm i l1 i r ur iooro o couuly uf i mil be oollood bj it u oouucll on tba jiour nd wo i arabjr ex taai our oi lului in favor of a ki arate bouse for our own cuu t wl on tl b ui in aniva wbon we oonsldar it advisable to build aucb bouae carrlad the itood county oouocillor who framed ibe resolution does not bint when lbs lime fur action may be el pooled to be opportune the llcmutic ot winter winter with iu snowy mantle arrived ty is week in a uilil 1 oople retired on sunday evemug after enjoying the balmy alnioajliere which prevailed tbe early riser on monday morning waa rewarded brautlful sight as the sight hade lifted a spectacle of aurpassing boauly waa revealed the branch oa of the treea which previously shivered iu their wintry nakedueaa were ololbod in tbe 1rost king a feathery drapery drew piug lrsoofully to tbe anow oovered earth and glitter lug like diamonds in tbe subdued light uiat came slowly oat of tba east rbw aosne was- one to delight the eye ot tbe artist aud resembled the old fashioned winters our fathers talked about binoe monday there baa been eaoelloot eloigblng and bualuess has takeu ou a oheerlul and seasonable activity tfafrailpa army self dcnimi commandant booth the commissioner of tbe salvation army for canada and new fouudland has fixed the dateof the annual week of prayer and self denial for nov 50th to dec btb during tbie week atmry member of tha salvation army from tbe commiasioner to ths latest recruit along with thouaanda of army friend abstain from all luxuries slid indeed a great many of the necessities of life in order that they ay be able to contribute more liberally to the various operations and institutions of iho salvation army with thia in view oom tallies of sal vallomate during thia week are waiting the outlying towns aud villages wbere i o oorpa are located holding self denial meetina and asking all to join then li their apodal effort of salt denial and ray or a oompauy will vialt acton woduoaday aud thursday doc lltti aud liih aud will oonduot a meeting ilk the low u hell uu thursday evening at eight oolock apt halite boott will be iu charge eaalatod by lieut clarke bister liar wood and capt will a weloome ia aaaured to all tb jlro engine teat tl e dnal teat oi tho llouald bloam mrs bngiua look plaae last friday blx im portanl teata were mado and resulted as fullowa 1 buaoi waa raised from oold water iu 7 minutes j biro ma were thrown thnugh two lilies of ij i noli hose of iu feel each willi l a i it ntxslqj 3 ibroilkl iwulliieaof jj ii at i osr r00 fool coli will two 1 uoules i through ono line of j luul lioaa hh loel will i inob tiuule j iliruugb one lino of bosr 6u feet will h h ch iioule and one hue of j0 foot alamaaod into two lluoa of 100 feel oaob willi j mob iioasle i a hue of iliac was laid from the engine lialiunod at the lauk ou the ooruar of frederick and mill si tee la duwo frederick to ci urcli aud down church to st josej b s church a varlioal at ream was then thrown between forty and fifty fool inghor than the cross ou the top of the apire tho water waa alao thrown down cburch afreet to within a fow feel ol willow hireel a tine of 1000 feet of hose waa laid slung frederick tqd agnes street aud all tho buildldga at ibe corner of wilbur and agnes btreola were oanly oovered rtla lost was ooniidertd entirely satis factory ant ouly by tbe oi tisane committee but by dl who witnessed it with several hours aluady pumping tho water la tbo tank waa lowered only a fow inch if you waut tint olasa qualpbeaaband doors at gnelph prices t biuui oau fill year order at bur planing mill isat week wm moody wan fined is and cosrs iu each pf two charges of disturbing tha peaoe bypgbtlng and wm logan paid 5 for taking part in one of tho lights doth men fvo at ulenwillfams nrtin mr w ii itiddill s has inttrjioted life solicitor fo enter an action for libel against w hull of tho lrln a t corn if while up in musvoka hiintlug lis mouth mr hiddel 4 party and the i rfti party had a little diapnto about a deer which prom pled the i rinilea to liavg tho allrged libelloua piece put in the eny j ihu krs ir uf iirioi wi aonteiicoat monday monlig jy ilia hi nor judub jchnawick ol gu ipb lo two ors in tho contial i n n on a cliarru of foig r on the oh ui i against liim of writing obscene letters and bending nma through her majesty a post ofllor judgomool was rraervod and sentence wsa an ponded on the chaigoof theft milton municipal matters now disturb the etjasniniiiy of thia good lowp maor mocolloni announcca liia rctiifmrnt a oontoat is liktly to isko place between iteeve rtobcrtson and ex mayor dice dad boys have s ma a lied 417 lighta of glass in the akaliug rmk mrs young mother of sidney young manager of tho olectrio light plant fell last week and broke one of her wrists john dickio of trafalgar had tho mis fortune to lose several fingers last wediiea dhy tn a straw cutter tlie 15th anniversary of the milton methodiat sunday school will bo held on tbe bib an i 0th of dec sermons will bo preached by tbo itov c t bootl of st ibotnaa on monday eveulng the jill tbe annual la will be held iu the school room when short addresses will bo deliver ed by ibe ilev t scot l of si thomas l l boott of toronto h hamilton hat i slmervton and others vial tora to and from abton ana varlouaothar paraonttl notoa ttie knxit ntnmlntlth all iu rsir 16 oli irlbutetouils oolunin if you or jour friondi aro going away olt a holiday trli arlf you bavs frion la visiting you drop a card to tlie fitim liaas 1 mr j deacon p b i was in town on tuesday and via led the acflnriti htrr mrs thornas aililer who has been in very fodr health for aevaral months iaelow ly sinking mr- hector johneorr is home from uloversville n y and will remain till after christmas mrs william brown aud children re turneo home last week after a pleasant visit with friends at lira n i font ilev wm dryers returned home on tiiosdajafier ipeudiug a couple of weeks with rnrtida on old pastoral chsrgea at jar vis and caledonia mr and mrs alfred o eatorr of chr cago spent a coople nf days laat week at the parental homo they had been on a ad visit to montreal attending tha funor al of mrs 1 batons winter mr thomas j i dm is ton left yesterday morning for ii race bridge where be haa secured a situation he j be very much missed among the young people bare who follow him with very kindly wiahes bysvr busy busy- crbwsons corners put i ruumng his on tuosdajs we hear the beautiful chimes of wed ding delta in thediatance it appears that wiuler ia hero can eat tho eloigning la aplendld mr jes moore of tl 4ioore here on saturday mr wm cria is obopping mill iwloe a and fridays miss hannah hilton is atill u a very critical condition through typhoid fever miaa j mcdonald loach or of lorue school who haa beeu confined to her homo in alton tor tbe pint two woeka with throat trouble resumed her dultca on lueeday morning much ini roved in health dur ing her absence tho school waa ounduoied by mr wm watklns we andenitand that thn ftuprtnffn rphnn lmitrh nnrml mr watkina as their loacher fur islmt mr walkiua ia a very olovur y ung mat and ia highly eatwemihl and rcprciod in this vicinity a lecture will be glei in llio rowao is corners church doc kltl by 1 vangeliat a ii iner lectuio ei title 1 t rum tl e dar room to tbe pulpit i bo evaiigolial is now laboring at tho stouo church l ramose with marked rockwood tho hockwood lodge of the t o t uilc i giving a concert in tbo loau ball horo on dea i jtli which will eclipse anything before hold by them miaa houston olooum o at of toronto mrs c m mccarthy hock wood who tiaa delighted hockwood aud lenoca with hor awcelsiugiug harry hicb tbe popular loronto oumedian j w hen dell clariourl soloist will oomoso the programii e and mrs dr dr den will play tho boo uipauimenis hev hobt mcnair ujgh chief hanger of tho i o i ot oulario will apeak ou the advantage of tho order mr itubt clancy intends starting thia wek tq mon s trip lb rough ca ontario takini in kingaton and montreal miaa l s stout has returuod homo after a vialt uf several moutl e with relatives in koglsnd mr ed sluut of grand alloy visilod bis parents in ihe village last week miaa minnie lam be of toronto ia visit ing at mr john cura minus mrs t landy waa taken suddenly ill with diphtheria laat 1- iday and was re moved to tho guelph general hospital where she is doing extremely woll miae uattie pyko who haa been in ing in new york city for somo time ia married to mr brown we congratulate mr drown and mrs browi a many frtuu la wish ber muoh happiness invitations havo boon laauod by tbo a o v w lodge for an al home to be held in btiusou a hall on fr riday dveuli dec bib whet at o joyablo liuirj may bo ex pouted a3hchovl a i ui d iho i liaiikagivi g v lgbborhood wore j h nixon 1 cu lo w f 1 lokard itrainploti au 1 mas c po land ol guelph mr snd mra j wriggleaworlh aud master norman sprtit a fow laya in muiiul forest laal week miss mlunlo nixuh eiilorlalued a number of her frieuds from geurgoluu and vtoiuiiy one evening recently miaa c anderson uf aeluu waa tbo goes i of miaa anuie alexaudor ihe past week mr bam irtmble retususd home reooully from the north west messrs griffsu aud liorberl hobmaou uf 1 rafalgsr arc spoudiug a lorn ight wilb frieuds in and around elora mr g w c urahaiu haa boou ii o guott fur the put two weeks of 1 rsfalgar frioutla mr d i dltk speii l a fow da a iu loroulu duriug the weak hev a j irwiu d l reach od ths annual educational aormon in the metho hal church ou sunday mesara j and o w laii mteud spending the wiuler iu tbo viciully uf hathain buy lug aud i ceasing hay miaa kily luah was iho gool of her mill mrs b k huddell the past week again baa death halted us au i claimed two from evjr midst mr aid mr will cook are sorrowing uvor tbo death of a bright little bjh of three years iho family of the late wm preelon aiu now called uu to mouru iho loss of a mother mrs 1 roatuu paeaod away ou novouiber jalh after a liugotiug klloess among ihoee from a distance vf ho attended tne funeral ware g p 1 reston foreti mr dalmer and son calyluu and hov w galloway loudon the method is ta intend bo ding their s b anniversary ou dec iiuil aud ijrd kauuawio a condition powders for horses cattle bhesp and l ig are lira beat thfy impcove the appetite and cure cqugba colds and influent a judqp m hagicmilott a we known ontario judge advises the munioipal authorities to forestall all actioos for damages from defective sldswalka by having a standing advertisement in the local papers request ing all persona finding broken planks to promptly report the fact lo the strret committee- br sorasproper muniapkl officer mmablaery out to tbo weather on scores of farms throughout the country farming implements are to be seen lltiik unsheltered iu theoorners of fields and olaewhere now wben the fall work ia over ia a good time for farmers to gather all agricultural implements not in ass aid put them under oover many men lose a considerable sum every year by letting cultivators plows mowers and even binders stand out in the weather through the winter a few hours work in this line will save mauy dollars to the owners farmers wanting lardy native stock to plant this coming fait or spring may nay for it in work we wanl men wilb or without experience on full or part lime salary and eapeneea oroommtsalon write al otaoe for farther information dan darrriieiis coarnt continental n iraeriee toronto out uli wuat a tough we have novcr bad each a busy aaaaon as ihe pretent in our millinery i looms genuine merit telle every lime in the long ran compel u u of all kinds ere meet every day but in apite of all efforts to force cheap and trashy mill nary on be maisct our well known ooereol and tasty style of itood materiala and moderate firiora wieyfhe people and keep oar mill nery itoqrna in a stale of aotivlty while others are dall end rjulei oar material for ladies elegant winter millinery are aa verieorend new as at hid beginning of tbe eeaaon constant porch sees beep as well in touch with the novel li btory well dreeeed isdy of the tlogsml deeige dooms of fhe trade sill avail herself in oar millinery veilings well we believe we sell about of all the eillnge sold in gaelph the nasptflise we bay are somewhat enormous pleaee aooept our advice boy oor veiling in oar millinery doom and yon ii have tbe nicest snd beet new ones just received will you heed the warning tbe aigaal perhepe of the anre approach of that more terrible ijeeaae consumption ask your selves if you can afford for the aake of saving 60c to run the risk and do nothing for it we know from expenaoce that shltoh a cure will on re your cough tt nnvnr fails rnl1 h j v kannswi ffn leake osbawa out pains in the joints 4nfltmmtitory- swelilng a perfect cure by hoods saraa- parilla ii sffonts me much leaaure t recommei d ii hhi a harsanarllu my a n waa amtctnl ellti crrat inln in ibe julnts acmropaiiled with awcllh so bad laal ho could not get up stairs in bed without crawllug on linn la and knees i was very anxious about him and having rrad hoodscures ao much about hood s harsaparllla i deter mine t to try it onl git n ualfdoxen bottles four of which entirely cunil 1 1m una u a i akkoshawa ontario b ii lie sure to gel hood a tuniaparuu- l j rt mi tly sad st lambert jersey hull foh service or for sale 111 fec in lbfulgnwl la tor aarve al i la atal t uajn huviet a thurouahbred iwtlgml h u iilioil jnraay hull tl if flue animal alau ofloivd lur ib ma iiahbih iuk clu a i i i d iffji salksmen vvanim li a truatw rtl j tnau to roootrolled by u alen i i vwkli u toady ompl rouud outnl fpea sacloalve territory block bpetl stwirlauco work an rieclal lnduoentsnla to w rlto at uuo tor iieruoulara lo ai 1 kn nl khkhy go aaaured begiuuera fine high class tailoring gibsen millar ge t hoe block oeobajctown our sloes uf amarloaui aud kugllal ksduru bolt hard and crual auu fur ta la m atiuallad fur i rlo glyla an i quality wrnrnt w kb lanotaua llauga truui tho luvwl u ilia ii igbeet grades ldlaa kur oana urvoi lat i hawl alaska hablsaiidovarytllna li ldlna mulnlifur wi leal apeutally iu lilts uu olir u an auy ulliai ralall liouee li tl a uwlsai wa hava biee lal uiortuultlaa fur doing it wa an golug tw uiakk a elaarlug sale uf all out tall aud wlutn riuluuga trouaarluga sle a am gulug iwglvs tba uauple tba gooila al u o tluio urav aaed u atn al prkes tba will aa teulsh uiaui wa waut lo blake rouu lor our larga lui urtuoua of a ring guuda lo per oefil on all oents furniabjr for the next 30 days iu ovarnuala klauuela klauoal l r ty a great iwt uii1 r wi cordially l ank urn iiubllo f ir truiiaga ihvy bava eataudud iu iiiw lu ratal i uialr ouufldauoo uia liberal millad 4 co y hue uluck maiu street georgetown i ii our mului li iiaaa iayld eu alulltlou in the lueluuauuua of our rlvafv hollowing tba adlt of our men trtanda sueklue u ihe true iihociplue f bual uvea wo eau half1f olberv are loft by ll a say lie every day darjala dor jackets jackets jackets i adiea and children a jackets and coat a have gone out in larger numbers during november than in any rorreeponding month of other jeers good styles snd keen prices have doae ibe trade for as dut what we waut to aay specially to day ia about two eioellenl lines of beaver jackets with pur collars and luvera they were not made exactly to oar order end the manufacturer agreed to a large diacoaul oo ihe price provided we woald aooept them last friday and saturday hargaiu days ol eared as of a lot of them hut there are still a fall range of si see which wa will sell aa follows 0 is jacket for j 7o til so jacket for 19 75 dress goods uuods whatever your an ta la uua oome and see the unrivalled stock shelves tweeds and bui tl airs for street wesr delicate materials and abades for evening wear all kioda and aorta at prioee that tell in your favor we are especially strong in blaok mourning materials of iho very nicest makes priestly s fabrics are largely represented on our shelvrs no orjedit strictly qaflll rfr e r bollert a co jo axil 2 wyudnam street uufcllru ont thinking of the holidays luiluuiuaiiiiuuuiui crs ymi rmnktrig ot the prcbcntb ou will give and wc have been thinking of what will bct supply your needs with the result that our this year s assortment of celluloid novelies 1 ancy limoges china hooks for old or ouiil i he poets bibles and hymn books christmas und new yea cards md booklets calendars dames dolls imloto 1 la e ink stands ivrfumt brushes combs etc is the u fled we have we can suit ou u i ic call iwd st e us it the oruj store j v kanmwin duuguibt acton the rarrfn npalnne walrhrf tk bobby of prirgle the jeweller ouhlp i his long eiprneoce tu nkioed with hie practice ability and ojoaa attaouoa to the details of that pari of bis baaiaam makes him the best auallqed pauoau duoliib to dd any repairs lu your watch pair gold spex make a nice gift for iatlicr or mother for xmas our optician fits the eyes on scientific meth ods fri e of charge savage co jeweli eks guelph jul38i furs furs propertt caps muffs collars collarettes in be lvlf seal astrachan persian i imb oppossum and oltcr specihu v child s white lamb hoas mufis flnd bonnets ver pretty see us before buyiii 1 ur capes we can sae ou money on them f henderson cfe co hcton 1895 1895 christmas illustrated papers and annuals london news graphic black and white l idles 1ietori il pears pictorial saturday night boys own girl s own chatterbox sunday at home liar per s magazine scnbners yule tide star montreal elbghnt bibles big slock lowest prices w g s7vyith oftuoe and books 2o w ndham st gullph in aritot pob bale the doom aud lot occupied 1 y tbe i i hereby off ered for bi werlu1r cbaa qulttnar ia a good stsbja ou tha mtalaoa alao two building lots on lata arauuo in uu libs tlorvey hor partleulara m ty o tnm mason able tctoo ki t ittb i a meljirei oeitist tl tfi tl t00nt0 firstclhss trilornc it tailor and w h adams aliouundi g that ttly ai ratclaaa w irk of over di i uhumlm is uad bl til lor lui a call souoitkd inl h hokms boston 1 ul led leu u cultu fox beixi i xttt muutl a a illeetual centre for having been the scene of the opening uf hostdc demonstrations toward creat britain during col omal days for its excellent baked beans and is also nott d for the manufaetuie of a great variety of textile fabrics we arc to day in receipt of a late consilium ml i i art denims i l hual i bcautilull punlca i i i oific olon tg 1 best are ctcusivel v scd in 1 i a foi 1 looi covciins wall panellings cushions u i c i hfjse goods wc will open up at onct and utlei 01 j m lclioii i he aie especially seasonable jlisl io being oi making up christmas cuods v i cllt ly poj ul gl b ryan fc co guelci t right house oohntk kint hughsc my pec i value lu all departments our syslei yoo have tbe advantage of a large stock from win all of sboppltttf b iuil puts ibis large stor ro whloh to make your fcel a few lines canadian plann1- lettk make your kelections al pr 53 luohea i a worth loo loiriio our price hlo unolibh klannflettl- twilled u inches wide i i i i a lice 110 balibbuitv plannklb so ius wide very effective deeitua tor obi i ireu s a r toe ujo taulk linln 60 inobea wide half bleached well worth 4ao oar price sac tullrsno 3c m to tbe hlgbesl itrade ohey flannel best cvnp bell ford jtt inobaa wide car price jhc i- in l sel from ifw up 1 1 1 u i duesb goodb tweed 4s iaobee wide ioo renular prioe 870 better line same width 3 jo intular price 40c s eialle flood line tw aisle eeheel ar atlwoot berge vahoaaahadea it incbee wtde mo par yard woortulae tt ihehei v is ss 40and coc each a speoial in its peculiar olaae mantloa heavy black berge double breasted large sleeves bone but loos 94 00 a better one about same style 94 7fi and ao on any prioe yon may want lo pay iiobilry for boys good line heavy all wool commencing el 5o e pair woman m lloee oocnmenoin al j5c up to the qoeal imported our speoial hue of cash one re at aoo is worth goo lo moat any place men s and woman a underwear of every ripaie q wa a w h l b b f mib t s tt u k hbm fcld ever wbere for 7fo- wool dlankltb futlaisa 00 a tm o ibe weight fs j extra uality u si marob tbe present prioe being in many oases dooblo aud still risiug bkhd koil b ampler oulario prioee are baaed uu tho proe of wool freight or axpceaa prepaid on all purchases of to 00 and upwards to any railway atatiou tue biout uouhe klug s east corner uogbaon as uawiltou movtubor 30lb i6u0 tsomas o wxkitsri v

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