Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 5, 1895, p. 4

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ite mmt i rr r x jl miji-tfw-fwwfi- jtoxesjibbarherb tjiiiiihoay nrcrwnnh n iwn t fitlllf not jms4 a1sain ttllh i t 1 i tin linhil llmhr injlh alretifitli i itaiit in itl tin null r j ur llial iiid hit lliiral hi i msiii i in llir lalrllon lav uy da 1 in oiin i lll m t lau taln jbla wa i r jny lor lanra inair rrtiwilitm ilouhta ami afjaiil fhka tli ulili itoatit rir ftatira may 1 givi 1 in uim i shall mot i waul in ai i on i measure riiiinliiif oer alfl i ii lo aofirv hearta i want in pour tho aoswor oft that luriiflli o roth awsv 1 tl i ii t r ui ti 3 courtfrmp and no nonsenst a good story ii told of eu lnjj h nin later wlio lived about aovouty yntrt ego wo may call him kmilb and ito waa a bachelor ho resisted many porauasions to marry which bis friends wrre conslsnt ly m ski tip until ha lad reached a tolerably npo and ho himself befcan to feel the need of or at loaal houan in hava new idhae r the comfort of being turned with woman a gentle carr tihurtly after enter nig one of llio circuits a maiden lady alao of ripe yeara wan strongly rcoommended lo lnm and his friends again urged that ha had belter get married representing the utha lady named would not refbee to accept him notwithstanding his eccentricities do tuu think tho aaid the dominie for he had a very precepiible liap tben i ii go and thee iter ho wea si good a bla word till ring at the door ball waa answered by tha serv idk maid itli mtth 1 within t briakly bat calmly anted the lover yea air will itiooly walk in no i thank jou lie kind enough to thay to mlth i that i wtab to thpeak to her a momenlh mis p appeared ahd repeated tha invita j l ton lo walk in so thank you i ii thoou explain my bithcnelh m tho new metbodiat preach rt i in unmarried my fnenda think i d belter marry thoy recommend yon for a wife have ou any objection t why really mr 8m 1 hero don i anther now will call thuh day wck for oor reply good dy on that day ha appeared at the door of miss i a reaidence it waa promptly opened by the lady herself walk in mr bmilh cannot ma am i hava not time blarl on my circuit in half an hour it your anther ready ma am t oh do walk hi mr smith cant indeed ma am plaath anther me yeth or not well ur brmlh it is a very act matter i abould not like to get opt of tha i to mil of oanaral lntoroqlto pram proa noarjnrb tliptflmmini lynpir i ah abraham lincoln called 11 mm not care tor erinm about their ailments what they want ia a medicine that will ruru lliem the ilmpli houeat lalrmi ul 1 1 kniw that hoods harm nils nmd me tsthn iml argument tn favor of thla mediciiip atifllil la what mum thousands volnnlarity aay hood a pills ant thn brat afler dim pills assist digestion euro headache j tha aborleat and nurosl way lo lue with honor tn the world in to lie in rralily wjiat we would apjuar to br a gnrktinii m or coamo i iimujj 1uttanw corn i exterminator putnam a idiuleaa corn kxterminator baa len umvcraal aaliafao tion for it u aafe aure and aitileaa ijlka every article of real merit it haa a boat of imitator and wo would specially warn the public to tfuard ajjainat ihoao dangeroqa atibalilutch offered for the ten nine putnam a ixtraotor n c iolaon v go pmprletorv kin est on death 0bb1 i obbkbp rnurbranlin to t jiuut mm itoadbonnnof wlhcrift p o oni write i imvi nwl or annwa aufiitor im hrarl hiiich lait fall havinff c l cnttrnly likn aiintl r woman i aii 51 j car old and havn hern uouhled wilh heart lillnu fur uiunab twi uly cara wiiii hum fur lint lutiiia nl n lniu itnffrrllik midnah unit ah m rmira pn ft rnblo to thn pain ilm ui i i at wool i atnnd nut in irjui ixtadh iimih my fa ilnicart ciiri linn mn rfrlief from nlmti i die jlraa don anil haa proved a k hlonah g on are at lihi rly lo publiih thn letter it j oil lliink by mo ilulik any hd may be aoeoiiiilinitji hiifd by all ilruhifinta vft4vt4vv truth i ei truth are not srlaatuifl hut n itcvchcr i line i beil i ld4l okst in tho rdrly pirt of the wjnler 1 cauitht a bad cold fdllowod by a sever coiirti i cm 1 1 not aloep aa my lauga emed cloaed up i could walk only a few yard without stopping to ret breath i sent for milbarn a cod lier oil kmnl ion and before i had finished the third bottle the ooah waa koiio i could breathe freojy and fell like a new man i adviaa all auffarera from coukhx cold or aathtna to give mllborn a cod ilver oil kmulaion a trial jims rl hiik ten ny cape ilanta co n h heavy curae i in a fool a pocket i nberland hi what a couch way of pro v idem i perfectly understand you mlth p we will be married thilh day week i will call at lbith hoar plealh bo ready lie called oo that dy week at that hour hhe wa reavdy they were married and lived happily together for yeara mr j w ucoipdukb wboao fame aa a carlcatorlat aud hnmornt la wtda pred throughout the united states and canada 1m a tn trod oood aomething new in the way of bock making which will carry lauicbtar and inatruclton wbarever tha new book oca the up lo dale primer a tirat uook of loaaona tor little political leo no roiala it la compoaed of words of one ayllabie with pictures and la designed for use iu arboola collejea universities and other aeala of learning it ia an amuatng travealy uu the cinld a primer in uae in the public acboola it contain 70 leana with aa many cleverly conceived cartoon aud there a ape exoarciaesat tha bead of each leaaon the series qroaenl a com plate exposition of the theory taugbl tn the works of henry george notably a vary clear conception of tbe idea promulgated in his progress and poverty a book which many fail to dearly understand it is claimodlhal no person can read this primer and not lharoughly under land the whole matter it will be printed in large type w pp bound in limp cloth and sold at 25 cetu per copy tbe book will be ready al an oariy moment the hunk a wagnalla company 11 richmond bt west toronto are the publishers a polite savage uiabupc c panick of tbe pratastaut kpiaoopal hurub formerly missionary to africa tails una inoulaol it ia hardly neoesaary to nay that tb genial man ia recognised by boys aa tbeir special friend and when bopaaaca thorn without epesjdng they know aoraalhiug ia wrong paaaiug through tha atrrats one day iu doqp thought he met a boy with a atiok of oaudy 1 be awoct treaaura had not yet baon lasted but aa soon aa thr lad aaw hla friend ho broke the stick m two and handed half to the lllaliop who aooeptad without a wttrd of thanka or recognition tor a iiiomoul the giver lookod up in wou der thou aa a abaduw of dlaapoluiment oome over his ace he said presently ratbsr lo oall tha ilishop s bllanllou to tbe giver than lo offer a rebuke you the much obliged i the welooroe tho afrioau ad aaamplo in politeness might be lollowed by many while akinued htvi wiih advantage of course the uiahop who woulj douhtloaa have thanked him iu atioiltnr moiiieiii fdi more amuaod than ode ii lml a mineatubt world s faih v smxmju model tt tha worlds talr whito city wliiqli waa begun two years ago baa j list beau ooiuulelod the model will bo ahipped in aeolloua to ablaut where it wil be plaoed in a pavilioa within tha expueltiou grouuda after uta fair the model will be taken back to china go aud then taken lo tbe principal oil las of the world aa a aample of chicago snlarprise and ingenuity it will be plaoed on exhlbi tion al tbe paris lapoaiiun in 1uu0 mrs a our league of emancipated woma iijslilfc s hftfl ft loqlorn ou lhfl social cijuality of tbe eex yon must be sura to coma mrs ii certainly my my dear i a ball bring miss bmifh with me aa aha believes in social equality j- nnt v hw will you heed the warning tha aignal perhaps of tbe sore approach of thai more terrible disease consumption aak your selves if ou can afford for tho aake of aaving 60c to ran lb r k aud do nothing for it we know from experience that bhilohe care will aura yonr coagh it never faile sold by j v kannawm fvery family should know that vegetable j 6w1 1 plpamnl ami kt 1 i in i cutfl eld ailhnw itronchltls mthiracttcai sore throat i croup whunplng coukh quinsy ialn in the lhrt anil all thruat llroocblal and lung lliacsaea thelunlliiiantl ux i nptl w v i of hi n rwsy fine ooi tum i ii u ill i nr willi wild clierry an 1 iitliir tl mcrba nml llalaams to i ninwo a li no lilo f ir nil mnii o i la i illhinae uriiiidtiiitf price age anil gi ia a vaiy ramarkabls rsmady both rnr ih ttrnai and vxtkrstai oh and won darltl iu iu qulik aeuoo to rtllava dlauaaa painkiller rv nlll olnrrkaa n oibk painkiller tzpsjffsszr mlrl sir alrli ifpawaraic fwlai iih llark mr hlalin kkxaiauttuaa uh sraitwaala painkiller birvixvir painkiller s syrtf hraialr rnraacr rtasilrn malfar nl la lirt i lalrnull ar rtlrraalli no violent extremes endure moderation elands secure aleyn laablr louurl qtxnt i was troubled with liver com plaint so much that i waa unable to work because of ibe pain and sicklies it can sod tbe paiu under my abouldorn and in my aldee waa very severe i am glad to aay bat oo bottle of burdock blood ii it ten completely cured we and 1 am now in per foot health l uxueijue bte itoaedo laval quo uy jove i left my pocket book under my pillow oh wall your servant ia honest lent ebe t thats just it she ii take it right up to my wife mother craves worm hi terminator has the largert sale of any annular preparation aold in canada it always gives aatiafac tion by restoring health to tha lltllo folka it ih nstiiiiatld hint tho wnr m uba ia coaling hiuiin nn hunirnl ami forty thousand dullars a day lollow oil uod internally uurta or nlio aa croup asthma itoro thronl 1 rutioliitia anil similar nmjllnli i iuii mtornall on man or bvimt it i ilfmi ibaiiunvliam sprain bruiaoti gnlln cliilblituim froalbitca lumbago lamn hick ruin wbutida uiacat hues ou may llnd two witty mui uu clever men and twenty fooliall innti before you will lind one prudent nun talnrrh ull cl in hi to uu lllimtia one abort pufl of tho brnalh through tha hloacr mippliod with rauh but tin of or agiiows catarrhal iowdor diifuo ibis powder over tho surface of tlia nasal passages painlena and delightful to use it relievos uttantly and permanently cares catarrh hay hover colds head ache horotbrtl poitsililit and dralnesl fio cents at j kamiawiiis he was fuuii uf btugluj revival hymua and his wifu named the bah iurt ho that he would want to bold it bkept this ts unh an ago of skepticism bqt their m one po up ywiii lleifar itq rimniiriinuetlir kn6wn lrsvnti in tlm marilimn protinoee than wr 1 tnil amlrrann ttin ptipuur nrik niniivn of mmir r h kinnnu co hi lol n iv hiking bf norway pinoiii mr an tlnrann aja ll s the itrsl enngh ourn i havn rmr nm d an i 1 prrftr li loany otlit r i hamuimii ii to frioihth iiilno an i urpwry i in uuoull ho a dihn till lliaixu- now to indono urn in kxtsiiy ollii r lluuatd i hi a gural ou will lnl ulat all inikml ihllrl iu si llnr ltitruwiui klduny and iiuddrruia a relievtd in aii hoiuwttv th tlrtnt hon amtirtran vmnwv cim 1 hi m i isag4l irprlh and delimit lin- prittnpttifjs u ii r i llir l i i 1 1 rti mltr and pain ig pavai ledmlely if joil wan iiik nil f k ild by j tommy paw wli mil tho oid young mr kiug- 1 hoy don t r young ixtlauao thoy aru gooil hut thy at good because they die young to itemove rim or all km u fr children or adults ir i ow 4 worm h r la a nafo aid aura remedy a mllio u llkn a w niinii drrnn t when you hunt around it takoa a year two bciiuro tho knkrt can be foilml mr i homah mallard hyracnae n wfibrn i hava bean sllliolod for nearly a year with that moat to be droadad disc dycpapnia and at times worn out with pain ami want of sleep and aflcr trying almost every thing recommended i tried one box of parmelce a valuable pills i now marly well and believe they will on me i would hot be without thorn for a money i very n character foci the txx sriiruluiib ti ii original aiisilitary ilher umloralaiid or n life like himself icm are i u mors abcoases soreeea eruptiotih and ohstiuatrt akin diseases ilurdock itlood lltteri ourea all blood diseases from a ouminoii pimple to ibu worst scrofulous sore lu all casus of this nature wlilre the skill 1 broken auj soroa or ill eon mat tho outward application of u li b diluted with water if neoeaisry and applied on oft lit i oloths which pcraoiis scmaintcd with the subjoct agree namely that ir thomas lclectrio oil is a mod to i no which can be relied upon to aure a cough remove pain hual aoros of various kinds and benefit any inflamod part 3f tbe body tow i nob it m applied our complaint that others do nut sympathise with you doe not indi cale auy i hi ng except that probably yon do not eympallnxo with others norway pine hyrup euros congha colds and al throat and lung i rouble price aa and kc caauoll 1 tell ou tho jbo a great invention i aritnor for itaelf raph l marriage we own la a lottery yol hero a great difleranca 1ms there are limes when we do not envy tho men with lbe capital prise sick lioadache and utislipatioii are promptly cured by laurdook pills 1- aay u take sore in effect i hava soon a young girl marry yuouw nmu of dissolute habits aud remul of it aa long as she lives i took onahaiir bottlo of soutl anarton rheumatic turn and obtained parfact hoi lot thla rerriekly a i veer relief in e fuw hours nl usually curat in ortu to throe days j ii o arret t a prumuieut ioliliuiao ul liverpool n 8 makes for the bonelu of tba public the fullowing alatautant i was greatly troubbxl with rbebmatio patua fur a number of year4 uu several oooa alone i could not walk nut evon put my feet hi tb hoar i tried everything and all local physicians but my suffering auuuuod at last i was prevailed upon to try ho u ill amenoau kbaumatia cure i obuuuod perfect relief before 1 had taken half a bottle of the remedy and lo day regard it the only rodloal cure for rheumatism sold by alf druggists rover aud auuo and ltiliua llotaogo mauls are positively cuicd by tho use of parmoljo b pilla lh not only cleanse the aloeiach and bowuln ruin all bilioua nattor but they ohii tho herniary vusaals causing them to jwiur opiouj huhioiih from ibe blood lulu the tiwol at lor iviiich tho oorrrupleo iiibhi ii thrown out by datllutai4aaeu4u uf liiu hud lliny used ss a funeral farnilj mcdiciiia with the best result almost alwan lhe moat indigent art tlio moat generous htauisla us hagjard s pectoral ltalaatn aurea cougha colds aslhma aoru lliroat broucbllk anil all diseases of tho throat luugn and cheat a perfect cure ffow ibal wo arc i and have nothing to other how 1 in much did ou give tho r tmiended lo fried penoloa noeal from each 0 ueorge how tlie ural aiuertlminii many thousands of unsolicited loiters have reached tho manufacturers of bcotls hiiiulsion from thueo cured through its use uf consumption and bcrofqlous diseases noue can apeak so coo aden uy of its merits ei rt breait ui a cold in timo ynypectoral 1 h mlfrk lnm fr co hm i 1 in ltlt 1- itlton illtlh ulhilsm- clr jieartisasjililttradiiiiojinatsav rtr agnnwa unra for itm inart kv lirftct rullnf ft i sll mo pf flrgauin nr hyinpalliotlu llurt puiihn in 111 itllnuteu stirt itirinililltc cib a rurr ft isa rtfemeas kii y for l1piulim khorliiesn of una hi hmotlidug hpi ii ialn ill loft si lu mid all niii4juiiiof a ll iijatdl lluart on ilhro- icm sill ly kiiinn whai nil i thn em mini pa tor what has the bioyolo done for women jt has enabled her said urn nyuio on lhe back srat to tafcn hrr plarn in the middle of uim roal aluugwith lli liorars ii bruin ill ii i urtl in h urn konth annr ainly diaapihu ben ito 7 i at hi lite llyri tlmayal hii liy i v kan w w al an 11 i tt ix u la b l im 1 1 i la whalia oil limn ask l a ips lor of a in y ly nam is jlln was thn rrply whpro llm ti thn oae or i iirrrasl vly aaid yo should h ivf aaid julius and now ny lad lor ning to a no hor boy what is yonr a ia 111 ous arnera wanting hardy native block to plant this coming 1 all or hpring may pay for it in work we want mou with or without pxcriciire on full or part lltno halary and iiensea or cnmmisaiou wjite at once for further information mm itm iu tin llal nurseries toronto ool for twenty five years dunns baking powder thecooks best friend largest sale in canada waters bros guelph headquarters for pictures frames cornice po1qh dot wall papero i be satisflnl till you seeu their stock and arfdrtlj ff i tj gentlcmcn rtnti palmoiah s0at excellent it cleanses tut scalp helieve3 the oryness ano 30 pheven75 hair calling out ptlt up 25 urea cuiuba aiul my baby wiirt it livintr ttkxli tir twittl ho wasdyin i11lu ullll illultbtliji lucuiths lu tin luil tlo doc- miintt at i iitntlh nttliini strtiilhiiul or futtutilt lnm 1 bcgiur uwnj hgiilut- emiiuimt o oxlltvhir oil with hjjxphophltuh feed ing it l him nnclrubbin it into hi body ho bctvun to fatten jtiidn now x4lritiiufnldimplrl teal a bicycle mildly i i me aid ml 1 mioogh lor you ptueht and pah13h10nr miss mautflo melody ot hamilton uiud dr atfnuw a lulobrutsi liurch nelolua maggie melody ha 1 boon a aovuru autlerer from uitluiil 4i talhor ulutboy know how much tfuuj hla remedy had done in case of cold hi thu hrad with lumaolf aud rrcuinmeudod it ut maa melody lor hrr oaae who over her own signature haa written 1 have used lr agiiow a a tan ha powder tor luqueuaa and found ll a grpuid remedy in fact it iave me relief almoaral once i can will pleasure hgbv recommend it lu all who aro buffering from this ma lad a one short pull ul the breath through the bio wo r supplied with esch bottle of dr lr thirdly when you go to bod do you aay lhe beautiful hymn about if i should die before t wako 4 little hypatia of hoalon no iu torbal inaccura ciea grate upon mo if i should dia during aleep how could i wake t agnation in the world of homuipilhia medictuo has boeu us very soul of progress as in publics and icligiou llio difficulties of opinion and tho individuality of men have been parent to the disagreements by which tbe standard of these bodies hate been elevated ho with most of our famous preparations forcmoat tu illustration uf whilob truth stands the world famous remedy to general debility aud langour quinine wine and which whan ob tamable in iu gonuioo strength is a rairao uluua creator uf appetite vitality and alimulanl lo the general fertility of tbe system quinine vvlue and its improve moot haa from the flm disoowry of tbe groat virtues of tj ultimo as a medical agent boeu one of the most thoroughly discussed remedies ever offered to llio public it is one of the groat tonics and natural ufa giving sllmulaula winch the inedlnal pro feaaiuu have boon compelled to rooogmae and proscribe mesara norlhrop a 1 y man of i or on to have gifeu lu lhe props ration ul their pure quinine wine tho grual care duo lu ha impirlai- and the alaixlard oxiiolloiloo ol lhe afllijo which lh ohor lu iho public com oa into tho market purgod uf all iho deleot which nkilfut observation and acieuliuc opltilan naa po i tiled out lu less crfeot preparauous of lbe past all druggists m it jubt now special bargains castor i a tor infants anil children fcnfwt ysamri sellhests ef aasei latlas csmrtaaru with watowag ef ti wsi te st it mt ii shlkews arw hla stmsjweatlsmavir fca tssrt rssmajr fswf g witaa al atsjiwai tte w ass sw fciewm it is fcassa cltoavesi mte it is srlwe taawi iseau it wpl aar tkaar uwesw 1m vsutmjm sasssewwat wue is eewletal mmtm emat pasruaajlt iaart ea e obtlaps aea paatswf wawfjeya wsrs gaslerba aulaye tewsjeisasieasj caat arsrrasaa wassiltl besw oa c ssrss ilsssaa ast wlau oalta caate rsjiawaa taeta tawmasw caatasha ewraa cesslyaua aaal yiata oatah aawtswxtaes tke aafcats ef aayyamu aeu gave sjr ealsesiais air caa le art eawtafaaa planm aa sarsstto f b f p eeaaj resrw ft sua wsswlay tytsm healthy smsl aatsnr ajaay csstsrla is sat w la aa fcshtlae 1 ftest t aflasr t fa se thaula jt jaj sa4 fcwlfc law am lm aus thasv yaw sfwt oagtokia alatstatsnra f t children cry for pltohere castorla as you like it tlllf 1 111 nak r fall h uttaaiy m ioo 1 bfirrytir stlnrwanta if vncuitalilt tl know too oall wliatsrislit 111 claites as rou efll itka it ts a tmtter av lo azitrass uta wav w- will tailor your hull or ovarooat uila aeaaoti n ltaa ol uliat you waul la pul wlui our rears of ssfmrlaeea id liiaklag clotliea ami aauslaetlea la aura lo ba hi raault oelunit roar inll bars is com monclngrlfibtlr blvoa lotmllle to lu uaebileaaa and insures atabillty aud every auracuva hlght acrvlee la best nmilaml at a ogure that la mutually profitable ws raoom 16 scotch tweed suits beyond that price we cannot add durability 72 pair striped tweed pants for s400 should charge 6 but then we would onl sell one pair where now wc will sell half a dozen walhkh itjvj the london i f pi farm an home vt iii imi lun mliaitun fimiiiij hi- both pflpfrs for si 13 scotch tweed suitslast seasons wore 21 yours truly for si2so to 25 loln eattl s1a 111 btll a tu it oolnakal- 10 13 a m ami a ti t n thla llttip table went into itit c novembor imb iffh l 1831 corxtia the cultivator 1808 am- ukntleman the bkbt of the aaricoltural weeklies frm tyapa a ad procssva itakieultur rralt drawing ll v stbcm and bairjiaj- wbllhauoli ol j t ur i lliliirnal ology line lirvjli f tarlnarv lleiini- ft rest lie ittniillng doinhlla kconomy aua a atiuipiary of thn usws or ttie weak its uarkst uorti sro untisubllv romplala slid mueb sllotitloii la mii to tha proscia ol the crops aa ihnwion ll iioii ens of the most iftipor laiitolalloueatlona vtlisn to iluy an t whan to sell ll la liberally ii i out rated and con i al lis mora reading matter than over tiefore tha ubaf rllitinti nrlre in si w a year but we offar a hi kcial ifijlctios luour club rates for 1806 a le rrinlltance 4 and answers two subtcrlpuona i but bubacrlptlooa tan subsorlptlona do r- to all now huhsenbers for 1896 paying in advance nnw we will srjid the paper weekly from our receipt of the re mtttancri n january 1st 1h0c without qfh i r i a 01 ich ri nr addrers luther tucker a son fahirbera albany ny a holarei dkitiit 14 uag tt todohto v1niuaj0at dtmuicdrai a i just spend his four quarters for a bottle of burdock blood bitters j g pc t j cause it cures nrsncpsla ftin- stlpation biliousness sick ucadfttlc bad dlood and all diseases of die sfomaih liver kidneys hot els and blood tram l common pimple to ibe worst scrofulous sore baaa j- d williamson co 1 and maodonnell streets ulitlph nevir firui newstock new prices but old management is ejc the menthol plaster the perfect tea klkl i iikk iick uuiani one tli 11 ik r 1 in l lo iljiiuilriii lll iili i ismi tin dollabi illkkh ll r alf u u i ii i ti fm i fllkmhn i ihiiiu skpueas ooowha cwwrp sevw br sll unttvut os a quimmu ftacawctbbltobs hwtatufactip as ocnta 8 vitalize csusi oomn thrssk bbri tim lasts bid plaster willfh shilohj llrst ailswklnchaujinoocntiinnibitst tzstzmaf ror lrstirta uvcr cr klduer troubsaltcgopl prtcwtlcta catarrh remedy lautbltrrtbuitpomdr hwlli nnsltlvnlr rstuevo and cure you itioe w t ta tula injector for its sutccswtul imumeni m lurulsbod froa itomenilfhhlluhallofunlmir are sod on ft iruaranum tu iii i tit 11 mi v k 11 uiuil ul jl nml 1 l 1 111 ill 1i ill ll uk ithiuni i nit rt hi ktl 1u of i iii ill lllld rmln iii u 1ltl uolh papsra combined for si frum now until otaimtsr blal ivtml ki nl- wuiltl i u lion viiilit ii niiiliiinl f tlio free 1ress printing co london ontario i he arm doln buioess n acton so loi under the name of j hl a bon has been discontinued but tho old business will coon 00 ibe new name j a speiqht co tuutt1 t rcsimcu lbore will be decided obauraa iu tbn ii ndc rtamflmr department ihi will be most policsabll owin lo tb hard timei wjls eutlinn uie prioea in all lines of coffins c a ho la and farniahinrs and will aupply tbe whole out fit at any reasonable offer yon may make tfc wo have no oaatieouuu llli uiy daderiakwrs oombln and govorn our own prlocw j wbau reisiifd at sll oru i a 1 monsoon teh tmc woaid w aw rajqm twt tca plant to twc tu cub in ttl nattvat purity munaoon tra la paean unjrlbc ucvrruloa ol the tea gurnets and u ijfartnnl anj fc4j inrlhna a minnlcuf llta brat ualiticau indian and cayloa tea for that reason i hey are that ium but uta tiry frcab lea tea go into uooamb pacaacsa thaliiialijr monaoon i ha prrfocl taa caa bs aou at tho same futuo aa infirur tea it ia nut up in tealoj iajjwa of m tb rb aaj j i ha and sold la ihrva aaiouia al fuc juc and 6uc if riir gnvn- dn ik t krrp it tall rum to rite stfh ikutr i co i and ijpraatst buggy st whcon hand wlicb u 4 iir living profit a j f uruiture rill dispose of al itepanitii dona in tbe aame old aatiafaotory menusr and al rioea mrhaps a utile lowee e 11 e iieuaa iu oerryluk oo onr bual lhe iluderlahink qsii certainly rej ipeoially we can do this and give rntir tat torualo j a speight co ut jlliil i i l i liist lv n1 i a the world b kju in clitcago nttil jilia iuinufctucd k ho fwailoksiirlous do yon bnllava tn tha truth ollho sayliim alan prokiaia clod dtbpoeos hho archly ltdokuds ujion whom man proposes to voo ueed nut couh all iumiii and disturb best i in- chebpest prouty presses most svccessful rebedt for man or bkabt cartels tn its aetscta aa4 aanr hllalwa kendjursspwincurl bjjjki 2i js s esj ml hi cv wllfa ijwra lmv mud innumnliuu tksiasstauabss tomiiitiij vmam rowau kendalls sp1vim curl cavto ko apt t t w a j tuuu oo lair i kan a awi tmtba ot 700 v- nravta t ur- u awl imal tklk 11 tha br- u j ud ri r- tt aah u rwwailad i s a fittit rainm ursal ir all tl 4r cwaaauaarf rals 1 x j sj j clintlcr frth for tin t ountry priiibin office is the prouty ll ib hiht in conmiuction easy running readily undcrsioou in all its parts and does superior work tbe laot that evory proas la paid for in oaab enables the marujaamirarb to mil the roub at very low prices there are no i oases you can rnuifi tb have froblhi and dutj prepaid and save all bother of importation bio send at once for catalogues and prices to h p moore actonont sole agent for canada ui to walker co manufacturers madison wis fvten7 copyrights t caij i obtair a patent f mar issssstriero ktmad adcniiiie ftooas bsailfrm yjbtasqwbruwu flunn a co ranrln i la tne ttllb uia pultli b rarvlm she isn t in oar it may be weak aas aaid the dying editor bat i can 1 help bat fssd srejal to thla towo what for t fur ufa enough to lean il if you want first class o nel sash and doors at ouwlph prioea t eibaaa can nil your ofder at hla plauloft mill boy tho nuntljuii blcmjd to bupnly thaonu thihp needful mrs kthion willi wj muy 311891 cnvcfpnnirsja similar luttcru fixiut otlicr mothers jss u ssttsawi is mqii ub4tuuttf scstt 4 cewas dallsvu ur sad l atiewirfcatarrfcl iowdor difluaes th powder over tbe surface of the nasal pas aces rainless and delightful to use it rsdisves in ten minutes and permansutly curoi patarrb hay favor colds headache sore throat tonsilitu and jcafuosi co oeota vv sample bottle and illower rent uu aeteipt of tsro 3 sajtt atamps h ci detchoii ll cturob bttoruuto bold by all druyisti your iriendi there ijno ocoaaion fur you runuluk the risk uf ion trading in flauraftaii of the lun ur conauinption while you can gel ulokla s anti cuuslinip tivo hyrup tbls medicine ouros ouugbs colds iuiammation of the lupa and all tlirot and cheat troubles ll proimitas a free aud resy rlmiclostioii which ttn modlatidy ralivca lhe ihrtat and luds from viscid pbloui jill itllimi wat catarrh it uu4usi

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