Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 12, 1895, p. 2

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ifyjti8tezta s i m 4 exmbmsmz fwtfl 7 i itairim n u llilrl l llll if i h ai i 91 lay hjc rton 3f rcss rilllhhdll i 1 i mill it u ihofi notf9 and comments iii illrrx ilih f bonatnr mornliy at m i rral ll h lira lay luavn ion vaoan ir ii ii fcv ipnnile vo of ll i irl ii qioim two yi ontario two id new briuihwiok and oiid la nov r urtcn vj i 1 i h imiu inlv i i if ma nlobo who irmly 1 col m ml to j ivti ii ii monday k rt frr reorter cro would bo no mid vn i 4 lite mat y uiiih introduced li i nu i htatn banato till wet k was ana by mr allen hfrnioliini any citixen of ihe i ui- huton who til all aolioit or aocept a i tie patri t of ol till or detfrmf of honor fr in a oriin i alion and iuniithin tliii cr in t both lino and impriajn incut i lie i mlon ii glvea currency to a ro ii r tl at hir liarlea tuppcr will not return in i titflan her liia vlait to canada it tl a 1 la iliat it ia tho belief that the hon mnrkrt zix ii well will reaitn llio premier at of lu d n ininn at d that sir lharlri lujr ii luraumo lliu ofllce mm brcra llio chntiai amentia wio uan i trial at llio loronlo criminal a us ou a cliarii of manslaughter in l i i rati n with tl o dualli of lercy deck nan llal arte 1 uy order of mr j or ilex i aicoti bridge tho ju le held that if any criminal nculeit t ok laoo ibo parents of tho boy an 1 li t the ocouaed man r it jxhankik ktfu with ibe three african ohlefa wt o had been vlaltinr ioudou ibe quean laat weak told them ii at alio h hly approved of their deli mmalmu lo exolude atronu drink from il cir ooiintry and kerp ureal a fr in their people tho lnoeu rckirt coi oludoa added that ahe fell very air i it 1 the matter at newmarket llio bell telephone co v an uiaeaaed for poraonal property and ihi nmpany pot tn wa appeal to tha court of iuvihi n the ourt decided in favor of i and tbo company appealed llio corpuratu lo tin judf week judge morgan ii alto decided in favor of tbo company will now ii or appeal to higher t tl e co m m j municipal oloolion in went i umburu tho elector will be aaked lo uu on the luoation of reducing the nun bur of hotol demises in the townahip at i rvbbut them are aaven licensee leaned all tu country hotels but a good many rcaidenla think the number abould be rrluoul to two and the voliug will be on ihat jubniioi ihu regular ballot will hvu i uxtra cuupuu for thoao who wiah t utc i r or ataiual thi roduclion an uiloreetjnii feature of the alaakan bo n dary dupute la developed by tha am titirtitnciit that the canadian govern tnei i im let a contraot for the oarrvintf of tl mail f7m juntan alaaka to forty m in reek which la in the territory claim ed by the i nlted btatca but whiob a lada olaima thia move ia taken aa an imliouliou of canada a delrrninatioo to wihlmi the dmpotod territory the mail aarvicej will ljm deoetnber 13lb an intorcatium judttmeul and nne lo which worklutimeii generally are oononrnod waa rendered in the montreal cqurt of iteview the other day a alonoontter who had incurred the diapleaaure of the union 1 ad been boycotted caviled a aob cud other lu the union would uot work for auyonu euiployioii hltn in thia way hia employ or a were oompalled to diamiaa him in orijlor to tot o there to atay at work ue a mled to the oourta in a amt of damaee and the reaull la that ho kela a jud foment fttaint the union and may asatn eae who i ever the persecution la renewed tlia rilu lo iu upkrt unity to earn a liviujt ia thus viudioatod 4 if vuicial ireaaurcr ilaroourt haa ex jroaol im willlt uuoaa to meet a deputa tiui fr in tho ii lei keeper aaaociation with roferni oe lo tho lauitary reform for vlnoh tl a oommcrcial travallera of the i run too itro reaa ng upon thursday tile i lh mat t ia inioratood that the depu lali i will ikj a larito ono and will luolode roprcaoi ttlvoa from nearly every oounty it ihu pr vn oo i ho ontario orjvero not l it ta aaid will n t accodo to tha wial na f th cumiuoroial traveller wbu muoted that an inapoptor of holela ahoold bo n pouiteil to aee thai the aauitary oondt tmi of ubhc huuaoa waa aatlafaotory i i government may lo tha looal board f ii altl wi tor uwora aud thetravellen aaaoclaliou tileiid lu ace that ihe retfula inn are ruroroltl i trttior dunalderaliuu of the aubjeol of llreut trade between traiioe end canada i aa oreau i a doubt in the mind of ibe mli lalnr f 1 rade ajid commeroe to wholt nr bolter raaulla lundi nut barobtalrr u i by ira lu k 1 hordoau or aum mr litprraieai port with an elenaiou to manitoba resolote 1 wilt malta no combrorniao and a no mod la i pilfcm bo intro- duop0fit ottawa all neooyattonb fail uivsfrrn drn id ir u now cortam that thourooiiway oovornmenl hrotdeter riiinrai to reiterate llielr prevloua dooialm not lu i hvparaui aohoola an a remodg lo tho jrlnvanco of tbo human catholic f manijoh homo kind of a compromiao rat believed in bo undar way but it haay fallnn ihroofih r a gentleman from ontti rcpnneultn at loft lornn of tho ulnutera at ottawa waa hern for day a and had aoveral inter view with mr oreenway tha jiremior of manfioba waa willfno to make a norrrtwrr of ooooaaio in the rohool law of b- provliriw buljie would not give haparate ihool pnro an 1 aim lit had no obioc hon to cthollb eleolintc he trdaleo in catholic school beolion or catholics belnfr ppoliiuwl teaoliora and ha waa quit v ijatt to have iho law adjuated o iha olerejf nf all donommatloiu could have tho oloing hour for relitfiou inatruclion itut mr uroenway toill i nut oanceda the b pa rate aohoola tlia gonlloman who was tha intermodiary waa inclined to aooept anon a eeltlemont bo i tha power at ottawa and the representative of the church inewlau on ihe keparale aohoola and ao the ntgo tationa ended mr greonvray haa authoriaotl a a i ale ment ihat practically admila tha above and aaya no heparate achoola will be con dan mann 8 bonanza an acton boy a gold mlno expaotod to yield ssoooo par month muvtimi dec ii mr ian mann already well known aa a lealing railway contractor ia deatined to becorno ihe john w mackay nf ilntiah columbia mr p armatrong mauagvr of the upper columbia navigation company whoarri ed in tho citj retard y report that tha north star mine whnh waa purcbaeed by mr mann not i on ago for 10 000 ha developed lata a rerular bonanxa and that nearly 10 000 toua of ore will be shipped uezt aeaaon mr armatrong then oompnr ed ihe north star lo tho cro l rlocin ktr of weil kooienay for which ii 251000 haa been ref uaed becauao the owner aaya ho make no icai than 50 000 par month aa aooo aa all tlia work are completed u deecrihei mr mann property tbua the vain in lu cropping ia from itt lo u feet wida of solid ore or carbonates tha drift now being worked ia li feet hih by u feet wtoat and of thia not more than ten per oent la of too poor a quality forahiproent mr armatrong aaya thai this ta joal aa promiaing aa the slocan star m although it haa not reached the same atate of developement the bye elections l of- to t placet within a month the varioa dominion byo election arc announced i take place aa follows north ontario thursday deo u candidal mcgitivary conservative gilheapie liberal brandon patron conservative majority at laat election us cardwall tuesday doc h candidates willoughby conservative henry lib eral btnbb mccarthy lie conseavattva majority at last elect ion j4h montreal centre friday deo 21 cao didatea hiofrton canaer relive mo bbaoas liberal couservatlve majority at laat esolion 1 414 jacques c artier monday deo so can dida tea conservative not aelsoted char bonne a liberal con aerva live majority at last election mh west huron thursday jan j caodi dates conservative uot aelectod t am eroo liberal conservsllve majority at laat election 1j charlevoix date uot yet chosen news of thedav ieoltomouof tho world dolnsa during tha weak lial 11 a i ooul 1 be eapeotfd by traying at iouluu ur havre or any ulhtr orl in tho tori i of franca it apt ear thai tbo chief demand tor can ad an lumber as i nah to mo from lb south aptvandov and ii a uueaiionebia therefore whether it iiiiht nut be better to bav lirecl couoectiuu with the auutb than with the north gain italy ia proposiaii to ii ce canada lo dlsou reciprocal trade and it ii not at all unlikely that negotla tljusnuw jjutiik on may reaull in ome- lliloj radical w4mt llttufajoumdlamp bmajlpnz is reported in ohio tha american missionaries in asia minor are reported safa the premier aaya tha election for west huron will be bald oo january 0th uerr do tha inventor of tha bol let- proof ooal ia dying at wisabaden a doablatraok railway ta lo bo bail from pekin lo tien tain in china it u now aaid the larl of darby will aaooeed the marquis of duffer in aa british ambassador at paris david ilutohiaon waa accidantly ahol by a man named deaobean near bnrk m tail and died from bis injuries monday the firm of bam son kennedy a co of toronto of which mayor kennedy ia aenlor parlnar has bean plaoed in the band of a ceiver aptain dreyfus a krvucb offloer who waa aeutenoed to penal aervltods for aelllnk military secreui lo other powers i report ed lo bavasbaas his escape itobart marshall oomroitled auunds at ontlia ilia wife bad been away from borne for a few day and on returning on mouday found her fauaband dead the atcnieou toueaa a bauu fa bail road was aold under tha hammer lor 00 000 000 to mr kiog of new york re re ssnling the reorganised company mr orr an inmate of the house of industry in kingston aged 110 waa bap tiaed in bl uonrge cathedral there by itev o u beam tab on balurdav a report ia beine circulated iu uonatani iuofoe by palaos ofueiala that uaid paaba t urasy and ii ia auertod upon the same authority that his brother died insane the postmaster general of maw booth wales victoria and lueeo aland met to diacoee lbs pn j so ted paoifio oable aoberoa tli d lu wmif t municipal politics there lia been onmparaliwl hlla lalk tlm tar onjicamlng the ppninnet or tha monfcipal council of drm it waa pretty generally aonoadctl thvt aa the coanct hay ao bucdeeafnil oonaiim dialed iha aeanrlng of an adequate system nf ft re protection during the proas nt jtar they hnnkl bo ittyvrtrfl aj iho comiim e ecttnw bv ace i a alion tlie i- arr iauu learn however that iteoe pearson does not intend to bccrpt a place iu ihencil toanetf tbe foil iwiim parakrapli front lha uilloo jlrfurmrr waa the aral public intimation oj thia dectalnpt r tl ll a vrlen dinner hoar reeraon nf acton i 1 1 adlau in the m labors at the coeety aualneaa he did not lautod to aeoapl mmj ildfal omoe nest year ur peeraaa i bsn a uaef ul mombov ol tbe county coendl in order to ascertain if tlie ai element was anlhehlia onr reporter interviewed ur lrn who drelsred himself to be qatp decided in iha matter dnatneaai alairna waa one of faia principal rraanna fnr rtttr infl but in aildilion to thia n said he had no desire to monopolix the offlca of chief magiatratr he had ooonpiod it tot threw year haa been in the council for aaven year and now feela ihat in jaatioa to other he ehoald etrp down and allow tbe honors tajpaas aroatid heave pearson a retirement will leave a vacancy in ilia ouncil and liters will now no doom be naw aspirant a fur manicipal honor aa might be anticipated council lor havill name ia pot forward for tha itwivoehip whether he will bva oppoi lion or not remains for tha nomination proceeding lo reveal in retiring from municipal offlcs mr pearson has joat reason to feel that ha haa served the mnniotpalily to iha beat of bis ability and that ta ba accomplished tha pn no i pal reenlta be sooxht npoo entering the council wears free to say that he retire with more fnend than when ha en u red pnblio hfe a result n si ways enjoyed by public men when first else tad to ihe council ha waa by many ro launder atood on the other hand be waa bimaalf a trtflo too auapictoua of the motives of those with whom he differed as a natural coo aeqnenoo fi met atroog oppodlion in sum quarters years of eaperienoe in dealing with public matters have however modi fled mr pearson a views and at the as me lime have won for him concurrence in action and personal friendship oo tbe part ol former opponent and aa baa been aaid he retires with many additional friends limehouse hale and hear at 70 wtatfathbir thinks op a ppplmaf riejbledy sufrarwd for twenty yaara from haart troubloahia doctor said ho mjerht drop dnad mx amy momanttolla how ho ovor- oamo ho trouble faetn uto inceraoll ltlroniela that a anwnd mind in a aoand body is one of the beat and greatest gifts of a kind providanoa no one will deny mankind in all ages have aoaghk to obtain tha alitir of i iff have honied for aotna means of pro longing health vior and itall y hava in in fact hoped uiat they might and ftoms muha mm or bright allxlrpeerlea umj oooljt drlik an so bacu n immortsi bat while matfian hardly hop to attain that covet ad aia ihta aids of tlia eternal erorld yet it ta svi lit to all who rive tha gam therg another fair l with tha taaplt ihat th rhftimatlam kaa all gdna out of my itonee and i have not bean troubled a bit with it ainoa kverynne aaid tha old man a he waied warm over tha thought of his happy si parlance who known old pathef tool i know thatwhat battel i is tha truth after thanking mr toull fur i ia kindnaaa and courtaay tha reporter isf t ihe ahop with tho aaina apintory a to the truth of hia at element and im pressed with tha belief that from hit rugged hearty appearance and cheerful jjapoaitiop tha old gentleman ia atlll good for many year of a healthful contented life dr williama pinltpilu are tha greatest blood builder and nerva reatorer known to madlcal acienoa anq cure whan all other retnqdiea falf if not k by yoor de lhay will ha sent poet pal i on receipt of so oenta a box or is bokea for 1350 by tha toronto lima o a wood yard present a very busy scans onoa more from early morn until lata at oibt teaina are oominjt in with wood mr and mrs john lindsay ara now comfortably in tailed in their new noma tbe new dot room wsa opened op laat week and is going ahead with a rneb tha members ara all wall pleased with tha venture andrew ihablaeaamith report a boa ii pood haa had i i a b da ba the way they say andrew plays a atroog game of cbeas makes it hot for soma of the older pi a vers jaa grant one of oar enlrrpriaing far mars seem to have adopted ths right lines for raising eggs lie baa a atova in fata ban bona whlcb be nrea up every day and tha bens do ths real mum msjtgie grant baa bean oonfiuod to ihe bonae through illness for some time we hope to see her aroanauagain aooo the editors table no periodical in canada ever collected between one sat of cov aa many oontn bullosa from aa many of canada a leading writer aa haa the chmadtam maya- ia its chnatmaa number still better things ara prom lead for the opening volume of tha new year tbe brilliant yoong editor mr j a cooper ia giving tbe camadtn mag aunt a foremost place in popular litsrautra a real indian chief muei y this month in the field of pertodioal literature bimon i oka gon of tbe pouawsuomies oontn botes lo the renew of kenemm a bnaf state ment of hia vmws about tha indian terri tory squaw men and the nnaatlon of indian rsaarvauona hia article ia sen tan tioua and direct and withal not lacking in the picturesque phraaaulcbiy of tog indian a language bi j us mid deo 10 tuporu of deatiluliun from the northern ooaat ouu tluue to be received meaaagoa received luti that iho inhabitants of whlu bay are in a ounditiou of almoal actual atarva lion trader ara afraid tu viail oaruin local it lea aeekiug tuh fsaring thai tbalr stucka will be taken bj the alarving peopla ureal drilaiu will eatabllah a prountor ale over lower slam tlblaifllba iu hi ooufsrsnea the by law to grant tlo 000 towards the oatabliabnkenl of tbe natioual couaump tivs banitorium in graven hurst waa carried amid the greateel enthusiasm by uvar 17 par oent of the votes cast mr joseph blilea the promo tor of lbs international hxbibllisn at montreal waa bann netted al tbe windsor uatal ue lutaraatad british capital in tha and tha fair will be bald nasi loan mar hie william van hnraa told tha ofooe oorrsapondant in montreal thai ha daairad a reel and while ba might resign tha praai dsnoy of tbe c p it in sis month il may pp mm u- f tha klemenu of lligbcr cntiotam by andrew c euoe profesaor of bibacal theology in mocormick tbaological bern inary chicago cloth ixmo 2gh pp tl 00 new york london toronto funk a v agnails co what ia tbe higher criticism as method of atodyt applied to tha bible la there any legitimate apbere for anon a thing t momentary s these may be lo tbe wall informed they aaked by many tboiiaanda intelligent fair minded men thia new book the llementa of higher ritiotam by profesaor acatm i ossonlially au eapoai lion yielding cunchmi end uoo conlroversiai anawcra tu lb above u ration the scope of the work is uot lo advocate or oppose any ec of result bat lo elate and explain tho principle end molboda of the higher- oriticiam wttb reference to the large and growing p nodical and book literature on the eubjenl and aa an aid to atudenla who are about to approach the ortliclam as a part of ibeir pcrpvratlon fur teaching and preaching lbs bible elao as a book of inlurmalioo fur any intelligent and in teres tad reader it ia aafe to eay that there ia no oilier book of thia kind on thia subject 1 1 la tha book for etudenta a text book for theological seminaries a book for tho intelligent gooersl reader and for evert- library having boohs on pertinent lopias tbe fskk 1iih i m receipt of u elegant illustrated souvenir number of tbe brantford lpttttr issued on ths a iha npalies by la a atirp auhjml any conoidsrstien that modei taddresatng the urwlllitm medpina-oo- kill and adacafktn tu iha treat meat of tha ilia tn hash ia heir to have worked wonder a rastoting the human body lo iu original form divine and in relieving many anfferars from untold misery bringing them beak to health and happine and giving them h feeling that lira ia indeed worth living a caaa in point inoar own town having reached tha ears of a reporter nf tha cmrammu tha ecrtbe determined to aatfafy his cariosity by calling on the party who had bad each a happy experience and inveaktifeta for him tsawyai iforr aair ii called at tha boot and ahoa ahop of mr john too king at re weat and on entering tha bnilding iha reporter fonnd father tonll ubaii familiarly known in town basil y at work on a pajr nf shone for oo of hia many customers at iha same time humming over to himealf the tone of a eharianad byran for by tha way in hia yoanger day a mr tool waa oonatdered a good local preacher among tha method lata of thia section and ireooenlly filled the pulpits of aotna of our looal chnrobaa in the pastor s absence and be alii i lovaa to aing praaofa or upostutnia on eoroe arriptura theme of favorite hymn tha reporter waa cordially received and on making known his bnaineaa tha old man a countenance brightanad and hia ayea aparfcled with delight it waa interesting to note tha fervency with which ha vol an teerad aa ba aaid for tha aalce of humanity to latf what ha conjd of tha caaa and wa will la it ba told in his own words ua- aaid for twenty year i was aubjeol to hear trouble and could get no relief although i had tried almoal everything that kind fr recommaoded to me my family phyatoian would somatimea give ma some rood ioine that would help ma for a abort lima but without permanent benefit he told me i might drop dead at any moment and i ball you i expected to do ao on many oocaatoue i had heard of dr williams pink pdla whan they first came out but 1 had used so many remedies that i just about lost faith in everything of that hind and had become resigned to aay fata however i name tn contact with an many that bad used pink pius and who assured ma that ibey had bean bane fitted by thetr use and si last i decided to give them a trial also and arverel years ago i c taking ibem 1 oontinu ad their use until i bsd taken otgbt boxes and i am now happy to say that 1 have never bad a symptom of ibe disease since and 1 am nonvinoad that by tha blaeaiog of god pink pills cored me i might also aay that laat fail i waa attacked with rbaumatiam which became ao bad thai i ooold eoaroaly walk from my work to the bouse and for a long time i could not gel oat lo church i triad a number of things recommended to me bat received no good from their ana ao i aaid to aysalf one day pirul pdla did ma ao much good before for my haart trouble 1 11 try them again ao i ii ruck vi lie onl or schenectady n y gel tha genuine imitation and aubsli tules are worthless perhaps dangeroua it leads them all 1 tho weekly atoix of toronto easily bolua its place aa tha teat of tha metropolitan weekly nowapapar it axoela in fresh nee and vigor in all ila varied departments km pact ally aa a purveyor of nawa it lead all iu oanteroporarlea lo enterprising methods of fjealiug with greet canadian topic and event of apeoial interest it takes a broad liborel candid viaw of all noeationa of general imporunoe and aa a reaull iu influence ia wholesome and far reaching the weakly otube baa a first class commercial page an up lodau agri cultural department a variety ot good atoriaa a live telegraphic earvioe and a large staff of apeoial contributors can heart failure be pre vented startling and brief tbe announcement buddan death caused by heart failure booh la tha stereotyped announcement of ooronera juries and reporters arousing the foreboding of thoaa victima of indlgoe- uon and mal nutrition who ao frequently disturb ibemeelvea upon the man ilea utloo in palpitation or flultanng of funotnal diaturbanos of tbe heart aymptoma which they ara foolishly prone- lo aooept aa lbs aigna of an incurable and paedity fatal malady mal una with coca win ia potent in realoriogoondiliona that oo loo gar render possible such ejermior disturbing symptoms mal tine with coca wine through iu remedial influence upon iha nervous system sooth es ioto oalmnaaa ths disorganised nerves tho heart in ra- apooaa to increased nerve force no longer plonges and beau aa if determined to maitine with coca wine haa long beeo reoognuad aa the moat pleasant and afnoient remedy for thoao functional derange men ta that find man use tattoo in lassitude sleep- lesanea despondency and loss of appaliu and uig pu a nerve to m- body boildar a nutrient and dinaativa agent of inestimable value all druggiau aell it george augaatua jouroaliat ia dead lbs eminent bristols pills curt liiliousncbs sick i lead aclit dyspcpsii sluggish i ivcr ind all stonnch 1 roubles bristoivs pills an purely vegetable elegantly bug ircoated and do not gnpc or sicken r bristoivs pills act gently but promptly and thoroughly the safest family medicine all druggists keep bristoivs pills n the charge again charles a treble iha canadian of procuring naturalisation papers by fraud at daffalo baa bean with drawn raoorda at washington showing tha prooaedinge ware ragular tauctiom bali farm atona the prop- arty of berauel allan north baa lo 10 coa 0 hramoea no friday 191b december at i oclock term is mouths w uxmsraut auctioneer wall known journal of one of tha band aomeal newspaper office on the oootinenl tha arwifiw is now in it crd ywar and the aouvanir number gives a graph lo bia torioal akatoh of iu birth beiivbood youtli and manhood reel ling many dataila of interest brantford indaatrlal and com manual life ara also vividly portrayed and aasrtee of valuable aruolae by sxprr ianoad journalists gpv log rem lalsos noes of journalistic ventures nf earlier days tha jjfjwwfcir haa sajayud a mi lafal oaraar but this aooossa waa never mora manifrnt fban daring the past half doaan years its present editor and proprietor mr t it preston ula president of tha l ii i llii 1 i ai iilaa ia frna af t new goods arriving daily at w g smiths christmas box depot no iruutila lo al lunuaoibav dadfu li dcj uar iuuda vo uliligatluu lu 1 ay ircliaaa jmir trrtatiuaa canla n lustbbl aaa uiiua kulltil 1 ho oar pboui krsiwas iba isles aljrlaa in u don l luraet to aiaiulne our tarfumoa id baoui wa bava an liuiuaoaa aloob ol itooka ol mnry daacrluuu luail ut homotblaa in istmolaaan for iu btiuos aee on 1w aura sail h no inwitoa to alw goods our u 1riob tase lb loaj w has silra h hilcwa try tboui our llaalnc foanlar la a rsllabla aad ht hilar aa ovoi kllu ua m ttft iroa have not triad it do ao and rm oill nae uo odior our nargsic tab law a ral anorea ll will us lo four idtu 1d u u lracrtpuaai cajwutljt parml iaz g s7vuth 20 wyndham st guiilph drugs and books x7vms bhrchins s b mel bar b shtufdhy dec lt llsraslua in ui ulo auuihuila j brbrhlsat and most praotical nuarepaner aluined and with him at tha helm ibe baas bright future mr john w neahtll ulnar of mr wellaoa nesbiu q c died al bis home in tbertewanwr farwaw ml ilaltfax for llvarpou on saturday with sou troopa tintaaspirad man and lavalida u talra of rants ragalar 1 a till hamlna is tumaants of twsad ooeae wllb iba orowd for imrsalns cavari and on r e ni oo wyndham street kur u ullk llandkorol i of a nook tlaa ttua hrso onlor laksh ou aatorday lur 310 lsgn white front jvcondajr mornitig we will place on sale the balance of our tweed stock it will he an interesting time for those wjio want to buy clothingxjiejip we only ask you to come and examine the goods and compare the prices it is not at all likely the people would keep up the rush for goods if there was not something in it the best bargains ever offered in dress goods will be offered on monday morning it is one thing to sell if you can and another to sell if you must and must is our master in this case except we wish to lose money just as well lose it j to our customers the sale is going straight on from day to day come on monday morning there are a few new lines added which will be a surprise if you want a fur coat if you wants a fur mounte if you want a fur muff if you want a ladies mounte if you want millinery tf you want underclothing if you want a boys suit if you want a boy s ovdrcoat if you want rubbers if you want felt boots ii you want to spend money to advantage visit this sale frank dowler tor kick watorrid hospithl 1 m i iji tmlitjwiir ta ii ta a psymons piuotxgaij watoraf akxd watches atavned fnr 76 sent haw uaineprlntf 7u cent ai i woltk waltluxtkd a 1 byuon wain htraai i iu great cash store cuelph mcbean co georgetown the greatest sale w have ever had will commence on saturday uu iiung at 8 oclock when the big doors will swing open to admit the eager crowd in every town nnd village in the surrounding countries the people are talking about this store 1 he keen buying public have confidence in us the same as they have of us in loronio and thats what we want more than anything else wonderlul the number of people who come for miles to trade with us because tljey can rely on what they buy from us if they were notsavtng money by buing from us it is not likely they would drive 12 to 15 miles over rough roads wo treatall alike rich and poor if you buy 10c worth you get the same attention aa if you bought 1000 worth we treat others as we like others to treat us qret week in the clothing commenelng ttataraai martins w dial all al sao ueo a suvna twd rant worth aijo allljt altl jo llii st aaju ilea a tweed boibj worth aiclox ai tajs aisjo ataiooo v anno at l dora two pleee heavy ceo twaad bulla m taito oreat week in oent purnuhlnga uu klne lsaibawool rflilrt and drawera ba worth tbe mens hiavv lulbed bhlrt and drawer to worth tfto uan uerdnjan jaeksta drown and tllaes km worth aijo uan haavv ribbed ao all wool late worth lto mans pins fedora ilsta boo worui tso uans pin psdora hal t3a aold in the oltr for loa un pine rwdore hata l0 retailed in toronto st at tu uoo a chruua 8uh lists from mo to atlsl worth 1 a mw mantles and oapw ii you aalr ttuv u quauuly d jaskau uid chi wa ba uder wl are all lb isdioaoawa fruni cum from all over btjsua owaai lu iha domialou klualllk lleever ooth jackata lurliu daeian almhiiruitim vary sua ualion clolli lant nuuotaa aajoaold in toronto or aitu vary fina tfsllon aloth bai irani larfa butlona bjal worth 1100 catwa al al irloe wa ou aull acy aiaa puna ua xftbertlnftitftilr twi heifer ealrcsstray strayed apan iha rwarnuwe im vl mm 1 kanoaalnn about a moaui afeo two ran halfsr eslvss owner will pises prove nronerty nay airwaaas and lake irmm awsv duncan kritif ttptaldv rooms to let with ob wtthotjjr doaud coupoittahlr rooms well firralahwl and wall heated with or wltboat board 7 apply at nteb rnksa omck sheep astkay stitaybd npon ihe pram leas of the aaasr- alaasd lot a oon i ban assise sbeat tae brat af november two awaa sad owe lamb owner will pleees prove properly pay iwrimn sad rernove tbam john bsowh shooting gallery tub nnuniaaed baa etaoed babaauas asi- lery in hi tone but idle ai the footef chareb btraat fowl abot for every a crock aharp avwry altbl tdul oook proprutav settlement of accounts and vielnlty are indebted la ms for bear and read ete i mast instal npoa aatuaaaeatef sllseeoant bsfors th beatnalac of tae new year will all caetomera in arreara nlaass take notioa and est sad aatlla qp procnptly ja arthuka acton jfov stih lflta aston n nov st lambert jersey ball for service or for sale jerser alms li elao oaared far bale if q tfahriw bsver handsome panels given frkk kjuws ift at tho leading shoe store cuotph racx sjtppmrm jbroeeaafaa anobars aan ormrmkom lowest pricks all aoiubla for xmaa doaaa w mclaren fo guelph shaws drug store bookwood 1or pure drugs cherai eals patent medicines school books stationery shaws hazeline winter i tuid an elegant prepara tion lor the face and hands of great use to gentlemen after shaving relieving the rntating effect of the soap fine high class tailoring gibsen millar gs row block qboroktown rum 1st mi lh nary millinery i las i t u miliary in ontario iluay aa at x buuual tfoui ua tailoring k houlsh twmj null u l a4mvludal overoofttav 1 ba waalriar la oiuu ooldar nt our quvtau tar a all ovsroual i ara ara oueeper than any for th uualltv of food we give vo waaavadaceutlaniau lu torontolojjo on so ovsroost and waoandoll yw walker mcbean co ceqrcetown and toronto w do you waist boy o you 9uit9 oar btooa of aotarleea sad knchab padorss bofu herd sod crush slao for can is ssi eqaaludfor prioa btyl aadtroajllywsaaow hl i fdlas far oapaa aroaolsod baal alaaka hafate sad svarvu ins in ldua and owls ran w dasl pselslly in thia lia rhasa lhaa ear otbar retail bonaa in iba trade aa wa nave ao- lal oiihmtnniue for douui il we as kotaa to make a otasrlaa aale of alt onr fall and lalsr saitlaca tnsjsrjh wa are aotne kiflve tha people the good si lbs time they seed tbean si prkea lbs will ss- xaelsb thaen we want to mas moan for our lent imports uoo of aprlag sonde 10 par oant oft all cants rnmisuncs for tha next 30 days a iraeldrivs in ovsrooata puvaasla tlauael- tutklblldran boy sad toatba balu and wa oordully uimok tbe pubue for lbs liberal inlnwap thai have aitsodad to ua and alul bop to retain ibatr conadanos tjidbon millar a coy boa blank main street oeonratoarn k d our motto la stuad to onr own bast psylnasqattanuoti o tbs liiainiialiiaw if ourrtvalr rollowlna theadvloa of our aiaay rruod atlohiac jo the true prtactplas of boai aa w oan i help if others are left by tha way brary daj bargain day notice ua iuvm iua viaiiuh leal of laaaila to an act lo ibm anadlsu klaetrlo hailay sd im ith pusar to build ouarala and applloattoa will o of tba parlbv inonrpnaata the wwrosaapaay a aa 1 rstclhss tw1lorj no w h adams ilea pi sa lu aaaoanolna tbat ba baa pwrehaaarl tba business old i lloaaar aarchaa tailor sad pat la ulosly assartsd slooh of clolbs of hia own aslsatlon ha m prepared lo tarn oal arstuaa work of every deeortptlom lu tha laleat atylaa led at attest ranaabl prioss haa j vaara at sspariaaes with mim of lbs boat uulurlnb booses in canada aa wall afcaaaaj la baataea blnaeslf baa ottau blui for lumlut out u parlor and awtlafaelorv a oail bouoitkd iz h rxdrms in order tu make room for our incoming stuck of clothing wt are offering our entire stock of bos and youths suits at prices that will sell this in a chance to get keliab6 ulollulig a bargain prices henderson fe co acton the best the cheapest hi hajlafille toronto end london wllbuowaa- i bath a branch ila from toronio or otbes i- ii hnannn h rides wllh lwar to build hreaeb line forsdtssw moaadlna iwsntyivs miles frooa ear potato poiau on tae raaia una to eater into ooatrast and atrsassineaia with au sajsttaa or aataarta- nartbausrb w1xtlwa urm or ajaouvrj i k pua far tltaass af aaaalrla1aal a or waaiaa iwltfiaa liarba itala sad earry oe at ls and earrv aa street railway ssrvtaasta aaabaia and tawaa aa tba ila af aaidremwsj aa tba company and nuaibtpelltlaauteraslad awr acres oa j ta baim fsid aajjasj la sesuoaa aerhai sl aas m m ai l p a s alaetrleal aaeta to seublra iba tjn jraaawitl andnao ihvttjbt to aall and otaarwisa djaeeas of alaetrlesl aaaiai ftl fw- nowm v otaariairposss aad lo dlatrtbutelotaaine wfih power to esproprlata land rnratsjea nf inaiinilaalatl- aaiaas- uadby tbe g3z wattsaarowr t 5traeua aad oprstui tba atd taalrisaj works mid bmmimjlvutzrn ins on ibe aa dandartakli im wllb tnwvr in tasus yjn with jlprapar duumo hmutol uaoanorslad fa ir i l

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