Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 12, 1895, p. 3

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5an 1thju julhum iubad orrioit j4vrratl iivr itstamva rul t torat aaurra iiauilton 1 ttottfm seinou awijiio boabt of dlillsotors qiin htuaht itaal ian i ohm 1 macro xlei a iiutkti a o iiaubat vloa- president roacn a t wi oronlo wuoibsosifl tuitiinui icsshlsr ii hhtifllihnast oaehier it u watson ldlfit4r aoshobbs hamilton tdsrtonsme rut rnrt a 111 ton 1rtlaolmala asotsstewnurimtuy mstowel oekaow ullion uaaax voreet oraaisvllle jwsa hound i art big a hlmoo toronto british odrravpobdanu nertotw corrospondento 4mrjkk national lupk and issiy hmtllonowinuniauon ys nprtouhnilaok cnicxoo c n eels end union national djjk- wrorr datrati national lleuk aganu in montreal tba hank of toronto i oborobtgwn aohtnoy motsfcbwonntsd and edvanoea inedo on atil- j4sseewrtue oelleetiessj tnada and drafts boaslit and sold 22j sf palntala oeaeda unllm fltataa ot britsja a4 uw oontlnaator unropa opon mat favevebl teems savings department deoeslle of ubdrawai bpkoiafj dkpobith alao rsesaved at entreat rataa of ibuml if ii uvinqhtonr agent montly of a loalcxratar and afy rvrni ntarwatfrtcr rie fvetrejif socaf fif neadjathmtdiria toofali are th lellt kind qf mon ay ratline oharoh entertain mant the outlay is mall and 111 fan t mid to fro of th tlo varietv a camden tlis popjji at l o model bohoo lest week and the pupils rtroeaqted the licet and n j lady holds ibe reooh for thread in eft cwum with a breailful marble mantle 14 noodles in thro minute whit the bait record for nun ii uf strx penolt iqar jiow for dolls from ic upwards toys of every kind toy books from 5c bibles from 15c acme skates 75c xmas cards and booklets work boxes albums watches jewellery silver ware knives forks and spoons childrens sleighs rocking horses toy carts the greatest stock of xmas presents will be found at geo hynds santa claus headquartlrs actoftvont fflje 2utim yrec flrcss thursday december 1j ww tm lo b which caujrht tha eyaia or ilnra of praa praaa reporter thla waak a lugbinff party want to glonwiiksme toswdav evemlng the atoraa ara now attraotivo with their christmas display tba railway annoanoa oboap area far tba christmas- ecd n aw year a holiday tba splendid slsigbing tba paat weak and a half baa been taken advantage of anarally tba post ofboa interior looka quite fresh and dainty in lu now drtsa of pain i and paper hanging on bob la popular with lbs boya again look oat for tba arm and lay and tba whip behind 4y4b fir brigade with tba new btaam fire engine last rharsdsy evening wis aait aatiafaotory tba yonog ladici of arnold broa qtova faotory wera antartainad by ur aod lira tbotnaa campball on taaaday avaaln tba inaprotomaata at tba tola loatbor taaaary and aetoo tannine company worka ara now wall advaooad toward eoeaptetloo jam wuaon bad ao nply fall into an empty vatal btorey tannery on saturday hi taoe vu oomawfaat duflgorad bat ha iaaroand agmln babaorihera who roaida at a dtatanoa form aotoo who wiab tba faax paaaa oonuflqad aboold romil daring tbii month of deoembar for 1806 tba provtnotel fat btook bbow at qaatph thla waak la proving a great oooasa 1b all raapaota a nninbar from aoton fjd proa ofila r alaigbing party vlalted oaorga- loam ueaday night tba marry peal of laogwtar mlagllng with tba moalo of tba ahrigh ball told of of happy company mr a p bymon has rrootd bia jawolry btora to lira baoord a btook on hill btraai lfr john byrooo will opan a atook of hardware in part of tba tor the aootlon bala of maasra baa wordaa on belordey ajurnooa was qolta a awooaaa tba attend aao waa good and the bidding apitilad anotionear xi am etreet had mattan wall in band lfaaara w b btorey a bon era j oat getubg oat aamplee of a new line of napa tan glores for tba oomlog eeaaon a trade napa tana ara a novelty u being tm pnerlme naul raoently togatian oolora on napaboafc icr and mr june moora enurtaload tba m of the cbaataaqaa cirole in a vary boopilabla manner latl friday evening tba evening waa tborooghly eninyad and tba aiodnaa of mr and mra moora very maob appreoiatad mr w d walker la more fortunate cue has asooredooatraots lor paint tba naw booses of messrs j a mcorail ii bweokbentsr adton and of mr a appuyard asventfa lias esfjaeaing mr b j flanamn of lowell mich wall known to fau psaaa raeders wlla 02 partner under the firm name tba michigan wood rim go hevo started a new braoab lb oonneotioo with thalr bast ewes for tba sjtanufaotar of bloyola rima the ollnlon jvcmm record of last weak was a highly mtereetlog number the jfamjvkrif haa always intarsstad itself in ooaaly mattats and in laat loeae gave an able liloatratad revisw of ths promotion end erection of the hooae of refuge of huron ooeipty it contains moon vaioaiu lafonbcuoo and oooldba stndled with profit by tba member of oar own ooanly ombou fob bt beet coal blove made with ovesj tba fanoy ooqateaa fine good ofnoaer klujbaai labia beeretary grinding beooa bad anything ales yoo wsot apply to mm s a bbcobd v u a ttfa end ltolbsr called llomm after a long period of eaffarlng mra thamsa miller dapartsd thie life isit thursday morning lo hops of a blessed immortality v iler sorrowing hmband daughter and three eons foal thalr lass keenly and have the sympathy of all in their affliction tho funeral last saturday was largely attended iuv j e howell m a aaiiated i y iuv wm dyora par jornvd the im sad htee hi atbma mxtamm ttattrtmlamemt no sunday sohool oommittee take groaur palm to provide aojoyable cbriat mu euurulombnta than that of bt albau a church aoh anooneding year they present aometblng new add novo thla yrr cnterulnment will be hold in tho town hall on monday evening 23rd deoembar when a pretty operetta entftled a marry oompanj or the oaaeta uoli day will beflhen 1 addition to ibia a programme of oarou anng no lalioni and dialogues will be prqaoutad the avonlng a procedinga will terminate witb tho diatrl button of presents and a good night song and ohorna the neaal prfcoeof admiielon will be charged itmjabilee yemr tba la the jobiueyoar of the montreal witmrv it haa reaobed iu half century with a iturdy and vigorona oonalilotion and enjoying a national popularity which mirtht well be to vied the wuntu has not been a limeserver uor hat it eonght either popularity with the many or favor tho powerful at tho eipedie of alienee on at y of the real principle wllh which it etarted out fifty yeara ago to whloh il has toadily adhered the ii if cut haa asked all old r ostler who have ol lowed the paper through tba fifty yeara to eood il tbeir portraits and remlnlsosnoes of ofty yeara ago the fhkk pnasa la ouriooi to know if there are any mob among ita readers if so will thoy kindly advise u the rupllm mt umltom jfotfej fiehooi the following report is intended to show the relative ability of each student to govern and toe oh a sobool as well as bis anbolarahip total mark obtainable 690 charles elenley 474 aonle ityaa 473 ida ford 4g0 margaret kirk wood 404 meyaf forster 400 millar prentlaa 413 julo seaman 439 emma nicholas 420 wm moore 42j j no boot i 410 charles smith 418 anoie hardy 410 cameron warren 41ft carrie summer 410 tena carrie 410 margaret mltoball 408 mary raid 409 thoe wylie 401 wm monair boa frank barber boo wm beamaa 877 annie we w nbwb itome auppllod corttti- pondonta nntl exanbnaoa milton pnlng match is one of thetty play to give n tna the men a ihow monday wore very snoasssfnl sad largely olook the bnndsy flahool anulvorstry urvloes tn the method it t oharoh on handsy end coming ami going vrloubotharprw4jpal motaa attended ilv o t soot i ot bt thorn a former pupil of i ho school preaahed 1o qient sermon mra ur uobertton will give a parlor concert on tnedy avenlng nrxt deo 17lh crewafins corners llokay 870 aroh hlodoan s7fi bale hmltr rah lfl qhrp wtl j 8 el s btandiah 840 hd bhortill b44 mary smyth b41 quuti bauir brook 830 sam wigyinn 300 roe new of tbtt charohcm itov mr howell mrmon on tobacco its use and effect attracted a largo ooogre gallon at i lie melbodul church last sunday eveuii r the aortnon waa an able oue and impressed many with the evil accompanying tba ua of tbe weed hov j w rsa preached oommuoion sermon in knox chnroh cuslpb on sunday hev it haddow b a of knox college occupied knox church pulpit bar id preaohed able aermon tbe aermon perrin b a of georgetown in tba disciples oharob last bandsy morning was much appreciated by the congregation rev w dryers baa been aulaling rav h j molntyre in tbe apocial aervjoe at hvertoo tui week tbe ouolph ittratt sayt handay wto commuuion sabbath in knox church tba rev mr re of aotoo preaohed a moat suitable end vary practical aermon rev john pott d d general beers tary of edooatton will preach in the metbodiat cburob noxt sunday morning dr pott ii one of the noeet orator and preacher in the church cefebrslad their golden wedding a julet but vary interesting even wee oalabraled at tbe borne of mr and mrs richard hemitreet milton on monday tbe oooasiou wm tbe commemoration of the fiftieth anniversary of the union in holy wedlook of rlohard hemitreet of trafalgar and rebecca voddeu of aoton at tbe residence of ibe bride lather on tbe 0th deoenber 1b4s this event has looked forward to with anticipated pleasure for some time and a larg gather ing of relative and friends was intended but owing to tbe lamented death of miss uaoqah the only daughter ot tba home a few months ego only the immediate mem bers of the fmly were present inlereel ing reminisoancee of event which have transpired daring tbeir half oentury ol happy wedded life were rehearsed mr uamatreet haa been a highly esteemed res dent uf ilalton coaqly for nearly seventy ave yeara lie was born in peon aylvania in 1818 sod came to canada with bia father three years later they eetlled ou lot 11 con 0 trafalgar and with tbe exception of nine era in milton mr hemstreet has ever altioe lived upon it he purchased the place from bis father s estate at hi marrago ofty year ago mrs hemstreet was born in englaod and at the age of three years cams to canada witb her father the late lewreooe voddeo they eettled in miramiobl n b and remained there for a few years but sub seqoently cama lo upper canada end eettled on tbe farm now ocoapled by mr archibald mop hereon their reaideuos being near ibcarte of tbe present new brio boos of mr martin flyun on tbe eeoond lio one lot below aotoo here the wedding was oousummalod fifty yeara ago they have been biassed with e family of eix i or vivo ton and a l in anion all eqlecpsiaiag march ante and doing well tbe n auy friend of mr and mrs hemstreet will congratulate them upuu reaching thla unusual epoch ud being eparedwo long to ob other if you want aral aless qoeiphhend door at ouelph prices t eieue can fill your order al hi planing mill llagyard pectoral balaam oars oough oolda asthma sore throat brooohitu and all diseases of the throat lungs and obeet kanuawin condition powder for horse cattle bbeep and figs are ibe tan tiioy improve th ipplju ma oor coughs colds and laflueoka farmere wanting hardy native btook to plant tbia coming fall or boring may nay for il in work w want men with or without expsrienoe on fall arprt time salary and expenses or com mi a ion write a once for further information baowx unotuski ooanui continental naraotlm toronto on ws are i a ipg beautiful winter weather the sleighfn cjjil i not bu bettor than it is al present tbe messrs and mluii wnlkfra took pari in the programme at the foresters social at eden mills last ihurtlsy eve i ing tioec fqri this plscn who t ad tho prlv uege- of hesrinfi tho rov j f howoll deliver hit larmun on the lvll efecti of tobacco last babbalh evening in acton malbcdist church were greatly interested and impressed tho sermon showe 1 plaid ly lho great evil u tho weed misi annie anderson who 1 as boen spending the psst two rnonlhsvery pleas satly with friend in milton potarnod home on saturday a number of the yonug people of ibis place and vicinity attended the assembly iu tbe foresters i all at hden mills on friday jilght last mr thomas lumber spent a few lay laat wetk with friends in oill nassaqawbva the pssh rasas invito ell its readers tn en- i tribute to till eolumn if you or you friinrt prli dlpal arid mrs lumen ehlsr ave golnr away on a holfdar trig or if yoo have friends visiting you drop a eard to the kgva prtasa mr j fyfe of barrle as in town during the week mr andmrelv campbehvislted friends in lather let week mr i eonerd campbell is visiting friends in toronto this week mis annie boomer visited friends in georgetown this weak mr john dee n of toronto was in lown with friends daring the week mralfred king of toronto visited bis fattier el dolly venten over flandsy rev 1- w hollli rake i a of uamil ton vitiled ac too friends last friday nfiaa clsra plelo retqneltq her homo in mildmay on wednesday of last week miae annie oammldge of arthur 1 i visliing ajlhehomeofmrs wm campbell mi and mrs j m busesjj of hornby sttenaed the fanorsl ot mrs thoe miller on saturday miss aeheeon ot oodarlch m a brief visit to friends e tha metftodtsi parsonage laat mey mrs r mckiunun left on saturday fos- oorbetton to attend ths funeral of her father tbe late edward thorn neon tbe misses may who have been at the home of mr thomas millar for some time returned home to hornby yesterday mr john l charles received the ead intimation last week that his falher who rssidss in dor ford had been emitteo with partial paralysis mr and mrs william hemstreet and mr a l hemstreet attended the golden wedding of mr and mrs richard hem street milton on monday mr w m kannawln wsa tbe repre ssntalive of queen s college kingston at the annual oonoenaalono of victoria uuiveraily toronto last friday evenint judge s ilder ia evidently as popular lu hia now oonsliloeney as he waa iu ilalton on tueeday the hamilton law assoc i a tionautertaiued his honor at a oomph mentary ban juet a letter lo the fiikk 1 iicst mys that dr huoa c kinsman preformed m major operaliot on mr j e mclaughlin of that cily formerly of aoto who waa very ill on the 3rd lust she is repldly im proving and a complete recovery la now hoped for rev j re of aoton waa then introduced and for three quarters of an hour delighted the audisnoe with brilliant dsdnotlons and poalle effusions regarding woman s hemisphere nrw narkrl kra in report of north york s 8 convention at bradford a bsppy event was consummated at the home of mr hugbaklns ou wednesday 4 in inst whan miss mary the eldest daughter and mr c a qed lex of paris were joined in wedlock ilev thomas a ny perf ru ed the ceremony rlisi msgfiie storey acted as bridesmaid and mr hugh akrae was the groomsman many handsome present were received the bride and groom intend mak ng the r homo in kingston the sunusl meeting of the r p worth league of christian endeavor of r imh exar cburob nessageweya was i eld lasltli ira day evening when the el tot ion of officer took place tl e folio wi g is their stuff for the ensuing year pre john marshall vice free of o e dept miss clara adam son vice pre of literary depl miss alios lelng vtco pros of social dept mian katie kingsbury sec miss florence fletchor treat quo t wilson organist miss maggie easter brook the league is prospering end doing a great work for tbe matter quite a number from lbei err oh u rob attended tbe revival meetings at the stone oharoh era moss ojxunilay bsimiiig btffxrtahcnnctt toronto ontario as well as ever aftor taking hoods saroaparfllw cur o a sorfous pliebio 1 t jrat s ifferlng from whnt is known ttrtghe t fllsesse for fjvo years and for days at a hole i have iwfcn utuit lb to ttralghten mrsstf up i was in be 1 for three weeks during that time i bad leeches applied an i derived no ben fit beclng hood a barssperllta advertised in ic papers i decided to try a bottle rftmnul hoods sareapanlla cures tbos wilsoo of knatohbull lost a one bull t tln rj fl ft ittppodtrni broke its fore leg at tho shoulder an tl al ii had to be slaughtered sleigh ng a sicollci i uruu 1 t cro at present erin tbe a iwcatt has msde ihe h ah able to the orsnuevillo h wl ureal eued suit for libel mr william beer of ii a uw i no of erin baa rented lbs mcdou- i saw m ii near the c i it station mr norman momurchy u a son of donald momuroby hillaburg baa been engaged se principal of tbe elora hih sobool at salary of 1 000 per anrjum the anniverssry servioes in burn cburob last sunday wero largolyet tended iuv w s ball formerly or ouolph preaohed eloquent sermons the children of burns church s s ara bosy preparing for their anniversary gath arlng end christ ma tree lo oomo off on tbe evening of tfie will a social uuder ibe suspices uf the methodist sunday bobc i was bold iu tbe union oharoh caaiogsby wedneedsy evening dec 4tb mr henry everdoll 6lh line erit but now attending the model school in greene villo baa been eugaged to take charge of the school at taylor s corners garsfrax for the incoming year ei j lsoey lost a flue cow last week she got choked while sating pot toes special eervioes sre now beiug oot ducted in tha erin centre disciple church by ibe rev mr hope georgetown ipecisl sermon to youug ma was preached in the baptist churoh by tho langfurd b a laat bunday evening on tburaday evening of list week tie anttual bible society mooting was i old in the leoture room of tho mo i bod i si ci urct lxcollent speeches were ifivof by iba revs duff and stephens tho choir of tie cburob furnished appropriate music the following aro ttio o moors for tie ensufug year i res rev r duff 1 a 1st vioei resident j laldlaw l ind vice president l l bennett l i ti toy tress a ii uibbard 1 a col ilion aud subscriptions 1100 00 last sunday morning tbe rev mr stephens preaohed a practical sermon lu ths presbyteriau church ou the words found in 3 peter 1 iu tbe method let people sre pra aring for a grand sunday school eutortaiument ou deo blot tbe rev john lotto d d the famous canadian orator will preaob lu tbe melho diel cburob next sunday oveoi ig tha torre coll people have a toameet ing on deo 10 lb revs molr irwin aud oliver are the apsakera tho georgetown methodist jjholr will supply the music hhnrihttr were tbe guests of mrs wm carriiueovor bunday rbos murray ii a of brampton wsa iu town last saturday a fine e lectio i uf now not ka has been placed in lb public library this holpfal institution is doing a grai d work in tha town the reading room is wall pat ronlaed tbe high school pupil who come on lie tralne appreciate the ihoughlfuluess of lbs board in providing lamps and a oomfortabls room so that tbey may study while waiting for tha traloainiiiaaviuiing monday nigbl was a red loiter one for ibe oddfellow her tbe degree team of l lxsig tt sud a n u visiting members were present and rxem pliflod tbe work of tbe order in oonfsrrlug degrees upon a dumber of osodldales oais tbe highest pisrksl prloo will be paid for euy quantity of good clsan oats delivered at georgetown station jneb thtm in uow while ibe roads are good wm mtxeou oforgetown ivorlna makes dlecolorod tenth urota- tl or preparations from use because il does good work d aooloralion and rough uru hi speedily re noved ai d the teeth rendered wl lie ald h gl ly pol shed ivurine n fragrai t and refreshiur prrsnr vallve to aout d teeth sod decay ruiartli ivoriuo removes tartar and dlaot loralion and ii akea ihe teeth lot k beautifully whito busy busy busy wo have never had such a buj as the preaaul in our millinery l too to uenuina merit tells every lima in tba long rue competition of all kinds wo meel every day but in spite of all efforts to force oho and trashy millinery on the market oar well known correct end tasty styles of good materials and moderate firloes win tbe people and keep oar mill nory rooms in a etats of activity while others ere dull and quiet oar material for ladle elogeol winter millinery are as varied and new as al ibe beginning of tbe season coos tan i purchase keep g well in touch with tbe novelties of the trade every well dressed lady will avail herself of the elegant designs in our millinery room veilings well we believe we sell about j uf all tba veilinga sold in gaelpb tba quantities wa buy are somewhat enormous pl accept our advloe bay jour veiling in oar no ones just received jackets jackets jackets ladios and bildrei i at- j have gone out in larger i umbers during november than iu any corresponding month of oilier years good styles sod ksen prices have done tbe trade for us but what we want lo say specially today is about two eioellenl linee of beaver jackets with fur collars and revere they were not mads exactly to our order and the manufacturer ag to a larg discount on lbs price provided we would aocapt them laat friday and saturday bargaiu daye cleared as of e lot of them but there are fill a full range of sixes wbioh weiwlll sell ss follows 9 7fl jacks for li75 t4 60 jackal for 19 7ft dress goods whatever your wants in dress oouda oome and sse the unrivalled slock on our shelve tweeds and baitings for street wser delicate- materials and shad as for evening wear all kinds and sorts al prioee thai tell in your favor w ara specially atrong in blsok mourulug meteriele of the vary nicest make prteetly e fabrics ara largely represented on our shelve no orxxut strictly oab1i e r bollert dc co 3s and 37 wyndham btreet- quelph ont relief before f 1 a t finished taking half of abet lie i gt i s r rt hnlp from taking the srst bottle tint i lecliel to try another and slnee king u o sppnn ijjittle t feel as wsuia ever m sansnr toronto obl skins u a ii lit my nth hood a p ha nre prompt and sffleteat yet sssy of action uom by alldroggnits oft thinking of the holidays scth ou thinking of the presents ou will give and we havf been thinking of what will best suppl jour needs with the result tint our this years assortment of celluloid novches rincy limoges china books for old or joung the poets bibles and hymn books christmas and new years cards and booklets calendars games dolls phot tramc ink stinds pcrfuml brusht comb eti is tin lirst 4 1 st v tried we htt e er shown we cm suit ou all in priee c ill ind s e us it the drug store j v druggist acton thr funil waomallb mandaiu iicii0nau l thk enolish lanodaqe it bu bodice uia 1 riov rtuclj lea lu taiouu riby li coutulu 43h ifi a odd illuatr uous lusdo oxuraielv for ibis work boijsu vooat ulery eru wblob la nearly two and ou lialf it a number of lenua id soy wit gl volume diouonart ao i about t300d more tiian in any otbar ilictlousry of tbo 1st uto mt kdllora aud tllieclallata auifsoo readan for quotation ware ansa uiuu thla work it ooat dearly uueutililou dul ara dismi h oiikui tu ed frolq 1 d i uauaulug iwlltoi alk tl toil i hsitet uhu il tiio u cuuuary i flrmt rank uf ttnsltati aud auierloau cb la rermulstlve ul all tbal la laieai u i u oal nivad lu tila oi dald of ri piorauluu auil isauareh and eacd la an seeartad utborlly lu 1 la ai 1 or fro baarluujoa to ami uia btandard uloliituarv la u work of mu u oroul ly rtui od iu tl a acl oola of aclaooa literature aud art aud of ai porta i ll baj dl crafts at d iradoa it ae ua u u r aairavaiju i nor liividloua to olajui tl al ao arscsjiavbla ami v uuruua body f workorf in touch wliii tba ljlt aud u uvau ut of tl a um baa vr beau called lu tl a uiaskig uf a dlatluuary lo any ian ifuaga aal u bou well aa4il tl la dlotluuary la in fail iba joint rwluol of uiauy inda re tlfrouuu tl wbula aoliolarabll of tl a rul sold only by bubboiuption blntflo rull auua sajj marvccu two hmtfttumstm ruu aiuufa full morocco pnicea volume eultio volume edition u ul a- 14 00 i is 00 10 oo i 17 oo 22 00 punk ot wagnalla company ihe careful ntalriug uf watches is i hnhhy nf pringie the jeweller ouelph his long experience ro ubined vfrh bis practical sbilily and close atisntion to tha detail- of thai part of bis bowoeae makee him tbo beat pjejinad person in uuelpb to do any repairs to your watch pair gold spfex makes i nice gift for father r mother for xmas i our optician fits the eyes on scientific meth ods fr l of charge savage co oewki i lrb cuelph valuable property li mfim for sale rlmlk bou ad lot on ag hlrmi i 1 ooouplid i ilb dmt ur b ju ll r i farsbr obroa lor i fliluw n lortabl rolialr i w wood i i ll ro i bochi lablo on tb rmlm aloo to bnlkllns iota on lah arc ur hu tb uura tnub rabboobbla ror pbilknur i ly i c hi pii1ht ot vu iiruhthkkt alo acton hoi i mb 1hu a molareh oehtibt t tfs st robonio nrstdesweubst of teeth for ft christmas koirelties wc have 1 well isiortcd stock ofchntmis loods ton sibling of 811k homstitchod handkorchlofs i croom silk brocado colorod silk brocado embroldorocl swiss fancy japanoho fonoy lowji foncy cotton silk tics in crcim liluc iihtr kid incj u liit nice range of j iulc n lpkins cashmeres m tight uluo ijnk and r itm our 25c silk lb t wonder groqeries fine stock of unsliiins giwcnes a e gurnk cv mill strclt al ion as you like it on a alyl oi 1 a f r af rorwai t ih im r k 11 olothaf a you will ilk ill b t esj rose tl w p itl h poerrcru ks 1 j- ll r nundos ulllyj 1 i 16 scotch tweed suits bejond th it price w i iiiik t uld lui il ilit t 72 pair striped tweed pants for s400 should charge 6 but tin n we would i k mji on imii where now we will sell inlf doen 13 scotch tweed suits last soatjons wero s2 i to s25 voursltruly or 12 so j d williamson co wyndham and maodonneh streets guhlph 00d enghavinc js photo encravinc half tones jljonls- boston la i olvtl ui ii tulluil lot bcin t li li i il 1 i lleetu il icntte for h i ing been the sllih ol the t jiliimi of hostile demonstr itions toward great brit tin duriiil c i onial dys for us excellent hiked beans ind is ilso mittd for the manuf icture of a re it v met t f u stik f lbru s we axe to day in receipt ol i laryi c niiliiin nt i art denims i buat i lcaulilull j lilllt- j i iconic uloil it 1 hte ir estt tiilvt i ctl i li i oaj foi i lot i c vcuns will j tut lliii- i sin us i l i hciic l ds wc will t ti uj it nt mil tl i liil ctlon i lie aic cj ct l illy stas n tbl just n i t i h vcty j uia lot tn taiii u c htiitni is ds v gb b ryan co guelpi i i i h right house luhnth kinc hughsc a a ty amclal valua iu all doartu el ts our ay at i i n f lore yoo bave ibe advantage ol a large atook from winch u make y ur milocl bo of by mail dealers take a low linee canaii an hann111 111 it idoswu pa r lit i on worth 10c to lluo our price bio kngl1u1i mannlltlll twilled jj oboe wk eat j ojrprtoello salisbury flannllb 30 iu wide very otlectiva dosig af r ol ildro am ifk ctr ios ia talllk linen go inol e w le half bleaohotl well wortl 4 our i rice wc i w i a u 1 m fr mjhto up to tbe highest grads gllbv flannm best gsn bellford jh iuchca wide curulcojfk i tl rlu 1 vi unel foam loo up urks8 goods tweed 44 inches wide hoo regatsr price 371c belter ii e urn v lit u u r i sp uiejiy good line for girls school dresses all wool berg various shsdee tn luohes w le be imr yh h i wile aoandaoo kaob a special iu u peculiar olass uauueeueavv black bergf duublo broastol lar lt b bu tone 1400 a better one about same slyls i 70 and so on auy price you may wi t lu m liobiery for boys good una heavy all wool common clog at jsc a air woo ei llf r i t at j ui i fluest imported our a peels line of gaabmar at 60o is worth buo in most any j i at uk a a d u t n i ti i rwdi of u dseoription good quality ail wool usavy liibbed sbiru and ucawore for timu for mi 1 uo uiuou d k at t h j ihara for 7a i voq i1lankktb full slse aoiho ft lbs wsighl 12 extra t t tl oso r cos ar t last ajaroh tb p price being in many oases uonblu an 1 still nan j bend rou bamlleh freight or ei press prepaid oo all rl a ol fu 00 an 1 u wardn i outer lo the rioqt uouhh king el eaet oorper llugbeoo at uaniilton novsmber hjtb ltfj- thiojeaa o votkiijsrts 1

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