Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 25, 1895, p. 2

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i iu in ok on friday neeamber mat tint wife of james hamilton itockwoodnf a daiiuhter komiitfov krwrtirln tlainlllon wert itae mli hy- itev lr kreier llnhert llnhert om fit llainlllon toimilaa j kenned third lauclilvt of ilinlinriiavj i kennedy ouelph menim ailbo reaidencn nf mr jot in irfwlitt faili r nl the liri if olenwiulaina nn winliieadav 1 llth by lho liar ij iarrla mr kdwanl mnrria ol ilia tnwnatlf f lt to 111m rilaa jane ia1ley at bil 1 1 k lljtmtt al itia rnaldaiire ol tint iriilo mother milton nn wadnasdar wee ihth hythollev j w ii milne ewlaled by a tlahsfiy h a william alftksnder nhifir- unceel unalnc i ilanc titer ol cmln liifirchaiil lo karali of the lata james hume ki ilium mil ijt at uia reshhnra lritoafalhrir on friday mtli loemili- lev 1 henderson i d mr v c iler- rlaen 11 ft a ilaeterlnoeiat al tha o a c to mnorlo uoaeltnds daughter rjamaamllla iii1 i rind of tha ontario asrleultural coiixrb coal pli nlpli nn thursday v c henderson d donald oulhrle ii a nf lit lllril hc4mrr u ol fluthrle i man in henrietta kt our i ill ilausutnr oft h heard it it- i i itrw in ah o du thursday lutli onto in i wr john infantum of j v uron m i ajrad 6 daya atsimaomln acton on tuesday mom in a bee flluj raralr wife of henry atkinson aged im yeaje fnaea in ouelph on thursday december itkh william parker aed do years end i month ai i- in ouotnh 1h al hla rsaldeno allan in lila hbui yol fltlj tto jfm rcss wepnebday december 5 1805 notes and comments it ia rgmored that italy will attend to tha united states and creel britain an offer to arbitrate xhe venezuelan d lineally tbo hrtun ia eultan over the vans xaolan d ideally which ba expects will prevent groat uritaio interfering with bia massacre of armenians in dealing with a anil for allayed distress laat thursday judge morgan atalad thai under the laws at ontario since may 10 laat distress for rant ia illegal tbo by a election la iotoria b c ne oessitated by the appointment of col prior to tha conlrollership of inland revenue will take place on j an oar y 6tb nomination a week earlier advices reoelved from vladivoatock amy that the secret treaty between russia and china ia an scoornplisbftd fact and that a survey of tbo proposed railway from siberia through manchuria baa been ordered a raeetlnjrof tbe manitoba cabin m bald laat friday when a reply to tbe do minion government on the remedial order as ado i uway sl that hit povernment won id no rnrmfln from ita poaition it on be taken for granted that there will be uo war and the people of canada on proceed to tpsko their cbrialmaa aa merry m the aharaalar of the festival will warrant tbe belligerent rellowe on the o her aide of the line may do their merry making as tbey aee fit premier green way and bia cabinet bald another meeting tin batorday and com plated their reply to tbe dominion govern menta laat communication on tbe eabool rroeelion the mini tare have plainly intimated that they refaea to entertain any proposition a for oompromiea judge moreon toronto haa decided that the aeament aet ia not pom pi tad with if an eeeeeaor fail a to ascertain the owner ehip of the property aeeeaaed and that tbe belonginga of a tenant aeiaed under ibeae oimamataooea are illegally eeued why aboald any tenant a gooda be oaad ior a buidlord taxes t be ask tha intereeting oemmnnication of mr w b l howell b a iq another column gives a terse and load ynopele of tbe history of the yfuenela baaodary qoea tlon it ia the reealt of oarefal reading of all tbe dataila of the qnesuon which la jnat now absorbing the attention of all people on both aides of tbe atlantic thrtatarm war with qront britain dutcommpn soriao will avoid any 8uofi dlsoator thk president is rebuked t t tw nrw yohk dec ih tie firealtluifta veneanelsn rneaaaga was tho one topic nf bonversatinuliers laf night the limit aaya tlio meaaage which iroaidantvlevclatnlaent luoongrcaa yoatcr day gives a new end highly intercating phaanta tbe yodhtioun boundary diinuto tho preatdents action takes tho veoemol en nealion for the preaont at leeai out of the realmf diplomacy awl tamrft in ttio handa of oougreaa it ia now for that body to determine what oouraa shall be taken that it ia a rava matter and oells fpr calm and patriotic deliberation muft be obvtooa to ell meanwhile in thiasountry and great bnuin the people and their offlola represents i um will have en oppor tunlty to reftect aoberly and pitriotioally op en leant freujjht with auch grave oonaeiaon oca to twfi great nations poacs honorable abd era d i table to rach ahonld be the high eat aim of stateamanahip and pstrotlam of both menacing aa the aspect which affairs havs not assumed iaia to be hoped thai tbe itane may be settled without die t orbing the friendly relatioua exiting between the twdnoan tries tbe new york world makra initio alrictureaon troaident cleveland a mee which allow that tliere laat leaat oue nnwa paper in the united stales that can aee through the banoombo of the third term candidate tbe aaaumption that the policy of great britain in veuezqele la a menace to tbe peace and aafety of the united states ia as tha world savs sbaord and thla ia tbe ooly ground on which tbe threatening meaaago of the president is justified nkw york doc 23 tho congress baa paaaed tbo vsnvaaetan commission bill and voted 100000 for urn ex pen sea tlia venaanelan boundary oomraieeion will probably not be cnnounoed by preaident cleveland until the latter part of thla woek or tha oral part of neat week it will con aist most hkely of three members 1 he president s aim ia lo pot on the conunia sion only snch men aa will itiaptrc reanocl and oonndenoo on both aidoa of the atlantic luximix doc jl the jatt halt gulu today prints an article in reference to tho relation between great bnlaiu and ibe united stales in wmu it says wo are atill friends of the americana and an tbo excitement ebbe tbe tide of senau returns it ia for every eogllab luhuenoe lo apread calmer thoughts and build a golden bridge by which the former kindneaa may return nswyofek dec il tbo bvejiutu iuu prints tbe following editorial on tbp message of president cleveland regarding tbe venexuelan djspole as was lo have been expected the president ouu vers ran to the jingo view or tbe monroe doctrine baa bad an electrify ing effect upon all tbe booth american trrvenezuelah tpoublcr at mail or- our rtnilcr aro pritnbly not cimvcraant with tin h jjiinliij and flrat tepa uf tho irgubtu ethic rninn voiuxiioia wihlii ij now aauiiilnj no adrioiiu ail jtajhiut i take tha liberty of prrnontlnj herewith a brief rtxuino f thu mpro imjkirtant paint in tho lulur uf tha diipitto lhe tlitluil kuimiii piiiitiu uula a uttigj amfircular alio out ol tho north cuaaluf bunth inenci lu gnnloal lcnill iruui cant lu noil id about 1000 imlth cum nnriji tajdiith nbmit 770 1 he population unhi r n few iboiwatnl muini a iiuiuw til iihn rind n nru iinjurity or half liramlu i i in country in rxcolinfly fertile in parta atnl rich in minorau colmnbus discovered tmrxuulo in i41ih and it remaliicd in urn posarmimi of hpiin till itill lu that ear aba rtvolird and declared heraelf nub pnnihnl and aim haa boon in llin fnver of revolution intermit tentl from that lo tlua in hil bolne alienipt wm inn in at oranuitioti and a cuihluitliiii w aluplid mulellod faithfully ajlor lho cunatltiitlnn nf the united hutca of amenta witlliqonaider able ainondiueiil thia rim una lodaj ai the conalitution ol nmrxuola the licmparatively small colony of uriliah luiana htia n oixzuola on tho east it haa an area of alioul 100 000 rtuaro nuca and a pop u latum of over j 00 000 ii waa dfcovurcl ahoiil llm hhuio tune aa enexncla and alter many iluuigra in owncrahip waa himllj ceded to thu engliah bv tho dutch in 18u hut enczuola lias never admit loci ltigland claim lo the western half of what ia known as drttiah guiana in imal england aont out hor most emlnont engineer sir iloborl bohom burg to determine tho proper boundary lino hit investigation ronultod in what la known aa tho sihomburg lino which waa accepted by britain in apitu nf iho vloraua protculu from vourmuela aa an kproximaliou to tlio true boundary llus ib tho line which appenri in moat maps as tho wo4teru limit of guiaim and it la tbo laud within this lino nlnch britain leftiaca to biibnilt to arbiuatiun but from tho nature uf ibe conn there waa and la iiucon aarily munh uucortainty and bduui has made uevural other t tempt al arrnuij at a correct ohlimatr vmlii lho reault that alio now claim a largo tract of land uutidr the hchombuig lino coiilainiui uumoroiia gulii mine unj inhabited by 10 000 r ugliah colotnalo hucll la tbo baam of tlio dirijiuto betwoen v ngland and rnriiuta n w in 1hji preaident monroe of lhe tinted htatrs or america in hianasshago to cunureaa apoko thua with reference lo the attempt of spain and her allied powers lo rugaiu tha lonlpoa- aoaaiana in south america at ii if t april lib t lr willi u mijiriiiu jo gasriihcn while ilin entirely iinii irary lu the ciihlom of tlio im linat jrofni sion toundaraoncmcommonil any of the so calldl proprlnflry proparalinii 1 alia11 iiuvcrtholcth gin you nnnoanuiit if oimnif jiiy wonderful oxj orloiioea with joir prnp araliiiu dr willi mi pink lill for ivu palo people th fact u wull known that modioal pranlitionnr du nnt aa a rule reoognis muah km ue propiratiuua of ihla kind oonamj i ntly tlio lody of lliem have no lelli lie kimwjo l or heir virtue or link t r it bul axinlly uiulouin i bom all unli nil a irui huuti n cunrao u man htiatly ahuir tjtti i ntijiisf aud 1 for our priijmao lo give my pailful lhe beat treat inunt knnvil to nir for tbo inrtioular dlaeaae wiih which tliny am anlfjrlng no matter what it la whore or how ohtalm i was flrat bought to preiuribo dr wll repubuoi 1bey are all out gunning lor a and seeolmtieub saaeebteg uareagh mis btraets of their capital cheering and ahouting and declaring their determination lo fight all creation and especially all bo ropes o powcra with which iboy may be al odds because now tbey fool aure that tbe united states will take their aide in every socb sbindy what a prospect thia opens for us a movement is aaid lo be on foot for a conference of all tbe south american republics on tbe sobject of the monroe doctrine with a view to bringing them into line coder it with the united states as the champion and protector of all of them we would need a standi ug army of 600 000 men a navy of j00 ahipa and a war expenditure of 1 000 000 000 a year to sustain ihla role and we should also bavs to give up sll other businoas and devote oorselvee exclusively to war news of the day an eplton an atria has lbs od usual pleasure of see ing a surplus in ita accounts of twenty million florins for tbe year 1804 in spile of the unusual expenditure of twenty four million florins in putting the sorrency on a gold basis and the prospect of an equally large surplus for ltfi5 at tbe same uroo tbe public debt has been reduced by 4h 000 000 florins the burlington hecord says thar it si too license commiaaioners have en tend an action for 15000 damages for libel sgainat its j p mcqnarris of bt anna tbe alleged libel was contained in correspond enos published by the defendant nearly a year ago in tbe oekvtue stmr in which he said thai tho plaintiffs bett bribed ooneec vatlve hotel keepers to ohange their politics by giving them licensee which would other wise have been refused nelsons population has now reached a point tbal entitles bar lo a seoond deputy reeve so that in mis neat county council she will have three representatives instead of two aa at present this important event in tbe history of this well governed towoabip ought to ba flttiogly remrstnusad by the county council and in our opinion qo more appropriate way could be da vised in celebration of tbe event mian by honor ing tbe towoabip with the wardsnablp for ibm milton reformer better buy the swamp nsw yoaa deo joohsuocey m de lew said to day tbo war hss already oosl the oounlry oua billion dollars in de- precielsd values and it baa been goiog on for ooly three daya i met the man yes tarda y who owns most nf lbs swamp tn vanasoela which ts lu dispute and be said bs would sell il to ms for 315 000 oreenways reply sent manitobas premier tho country in will appwal february onm deo ill a despatch received by a member of the government statea ihal the reply of the manitoba govern meat to tbe second order in council on mm school oestion left thai city for ottawa today it is undsrsloob thai mr green way will now immediately dissolve tha legislature and appeal for a bww lease of power on the platform of hla school polioy the slsotions will take place in february a ten year old eon of mr david a bay of paris waa drowned in tha river than jwv james whiting task of tha for eel methodise church dropped dead al nia home there thursday morning lie was go years old mrs nancy melons wee burued to death at markham last thursday miss fluke a school teacher waa drowned while skating at desert lake in frontanao county bev james whiting pastor of lho r oral methddist charcb dropped dead at hie residence thursday a man wearing tbe victoria cross was recently eenteuoed to eighteen mouth a bard laboj in kogland for bigamy bev thomas alexander lhe- oldest preebytarian minister in canada died al brentford aged 01 years on thursday tbo dntton fire inquest was concluded yesterday by uie magistrates com milling a d urlin and bis son george for having set ore to their store in dutlon tbe case of murderer holmes under oooviotion at philadelphia haa been appeal ed u4be bopreroe court january 20 baa bean appointed for the argument tbe by law to aid by the way of a loan of 15000 theo 4oellncr a co furniture manufacturers of moout t ureal was carried last thursday by a good majority frank bleakly a small boy wbo was aooidanmy shot by hla brother at water down ont on august 5ib and bad linger ed evsr since with a bullet iu his head died friday tbe proaeoumon against mr eras us wiman for forgery will probably be abend ed as be has won his appeal for a new trial in lbs court of appeals al albany tbe fourth suooessful appeal in tbe case tbs ooorts have granted aommoni calling upon the shareholders of tbo commercial bank of winnipeg to show why tbey aboald nol pay lbs doable liability which uie liquidator says is nooesaary lo moot tbo demands of tbe creditors without delay a pretty wedding took place al wmm peg isat wednesday night at tbo reel deuce ol attorney general btftou at brandou n miss gussis burrowa uf dundee oat aialsr of mrs blflou was married to sheriff belles ex m p p of 11 race bridge ont tbs ooogregauon or lbs eld queou s avenue method 1st church loudon which was destroyed by ore bavo resolved to name their handsome new structure tbe first methodist church it is ssid to be one uf ibe largest and oootliret of the douum ui tlon in wealeru oniatio two leu yearold boye drifted out into the niagara river al br id go burg on- sunday in a boat without oars they jumped into the river and atlempted lo ooe was drowned and the other mod by a lad earned willie col oleogb aged io who was passing s the tun through tbe slipping out of a ball t tha oriilla aeclrio tighl elation one cf dynamos was stopped on sunday nigbl and tbe presbyterian church plunged into darkness dy s strange coincidence dr orajits lesson that evening was tbs story of tsn vlrglna sod ha had just reached the point where lbs foolish said to tha ryaawail ibcrulore la csnuur ilcoiilo relations oxlatlnk bctwoou il 0ioo ikjftira u luular bui ii nw amlaaiotr willi iii i prtneliln nrlliclr katltl ty owrllulu llnuu hi irion ih uajmmlluli ukliowledtod w hon t t tho i uri trulllliu in aiij m mau jxuruf lu ifoautloti nf all till i nltnlhlatoi thia alatemeul ol 1raaideul monroe tho united statea embodied in her code of principles under lho title uf tbe mourou doctrine and they apply it lu the eu rauelan queation under the contention inat lngland a attompl at enlarging ber bouodary of guiana la an attempt to ox loud her ayatem so aa iboy are lhe moat powerful kepublio in america thoy have championed the cauae of vouexaela and lu july laat pceildeut levaland fur warded a alatemeul lo j ord haliabury in wbiob he claimed the rutin u interfere on tho baa i a uf the monruo duolrine an 1 demanded that lngland aliuuld refer the whole matter lu arbitration after aix mouth oonalderaliou sniiabnry cuurteoua ly but ilrmly rfuani m accooti to ber demand ou tbo grouud tbal tbo monroe doctrine was not a canon uf international thai it did not applj to liuglsnd a boundary dtapule with veuexueu and that n any case ii waa no affair of tbe united states on 1 uoaday tbo 10th lust proai dent cloveland laid una reply before on greaa and asked or a oommiaalun to decide what ia the true bouudary lino pramiaiug to force lnglaud if neceeaary lo abide by tho deciaion of thia oommiaaiuii i be oom miaaiuu haa bceu grantod and lb matter rest w it 1 1 airot doc juh ihjj everton relates some rxprrienceb in j his o pra doiiovoh modloir curn r wllllan- covury riadommonclinu any thnt mr knaws will pntlnntbthlnkn br pink pllln n croat ola- tito aiiqmtd lllimtratod turn bar of tbo ouolpli herald was isaliod last week it nol only a morfloriniia work fif srl hnf diaplayh huriucn fofothniihtitain- polfax wbiob will rosult in fcitnrp profit nrarly nviry hualfun of lho ronnty has hern vialted pbutua takuu uf irmiilnanl lea ida ids and biihiiinia paeca ami well written akelohna iuiiiiiiy th m iwottirlwiiiaa f will im koi ufit for from a wide area ii cummer lir puhllaher ii nnvur caughl nappintt i j d ailrjlt i unit pink illla about after having asou home re rem their use ueuben heading pa waa a pruie and builder wbild an k or dreoting a lurgi or drei two yoara ago marks lu roaulta hoover now of iitieul contractor per i n tend ing tho building during cold weather ho ecu traded what thought lo bo notation ho bavink aral nolioed il oua in online in ml being i to sriae from lua bod after the ui truatmont for thin diaaao bo filled to prove but on tho oonlrary grow rapidly worae tho caao duvtlopim into liorniphlcgii or partial paralyaih of thu entire rikht aic of lhe body ivlcolricity tonics and ma mage etc were all given a trial i but nothing gave any beucut and lho paralyi ooaliduod lu dcapatr ho waa compelled to hear hm phyaician aniiottuco that lnu caao was hopelnss about that tim his wife nolioed onof jour advertisement ami connludud to iry pink i illu ho had given up hope and it n- nrcd great deal of begttluu oil lho pari or hli wife to pcratiado bun to lake them reg ho ho did i nhe deaired and if ndical uk he health llm bulla appearaucch i one would iii bit paralyaia wh eay lu i l t improve in two daya aud in lour ur llo weekn 1 waa entirely well an 1 at work having aeon theae rtaultn 1 conchi led thatauoh a remedy in surely worth a trial al the hands of any phyainian and ouimo quontly when a short tunc later 1 waa called upon to iroal a lady suffering from palpitation if the heart aud great ueruua prostration after lho usual rumodiea fa hod tn relieve i ordered dr williams 1ltik illla tho reault waa hjiiietbing nnluninh ing her attacks bocanio lota re juetil and alao leaa lu uovorlly until by heir uou for a period of mil v t uiuntha alio waa tlio picluro of health roay uheuked and bright ood aa well ait oyer and hie has continued ounul to day more than me year aiuoe alio took any uiaiil ine i have found thosu pila a apouillo fur chorus or ah moro commonly known tit itun dauct aa beneficial roaulla haw in all laitee marked their uae aa a aprlug luiuo any one who from overwork ur uurvuua atraiu during a long winter haa become pile and lauguil the piuk illla will do wonders in buoying the nplrila bringing roaea lu tho palid lips and renewing the funntsin of youth iptutfully i burn in no mure ultlng droign lor the chriilrnns llmo than ih ktar 1bo guid i ui star of the i sal with itamilrraol ing ray a whloh the 1 ua fnfutin has sdnptod for its t hrislmis cover the con tenia or thla holiday number are a treasure house of the betl and brjghleat or alorj history auood jui humor etc fifty twn itirhitij in opat only 91 7a wnlhir i carny i and harry drake worn lined 1100 each fur mugging drena lnoda from wmdaor in del roll patteraon a orliu a car wnrka at bl catnarinoa wero doaunyet by fire tburs los f ij 000 tnsnranoe e000 e meaara james shd rrancii dorrardarrrj armera lu wel garofrsxa have mad au aaaigninent for the benefit of their crulitora riio date fur holding tho iriah national ooforenco has now been fixed fur may america australia new kealand and hoglb africa will send delegates the exocutivoof tho methodist mission bosrd decided not to all the position of the late dr shew the work will be carried on by mr shannon who has been connect od wilh lho department for some years coca and its uses wo are wont to associate this new drug of inartolloua modiclnal properties with uio lreatul bev or ago of tbe break fas i table bul they are quite different in source aui in properties oca is a mosl beneficent gift to the sick and tiff or ing as is attested by its rapid riao in estimation and tbo reliance now placbd upon it by tho moat eminent practitioners in luropo aud amc rice maltinc with coca wine is the moat reliahlo form iu whioh tho full mediainal al io of coca may be obtained and tbe striking reaultn derived from ita use iu norvoua exhaustion debility weakness or palpitation of the heart warrant the high appreciation of iu merits expressed by medical men who have used it in iheir practlcu malline with coca wioe it not a patent medicine bul a highly apeoialixod pharmaceutical product designed to cure disease in the only way disesse can be cured vix by helping nature this it does by aiding donation and aaaimilation aud by imparting tone to tbe norvoua ayatem maltinc withcoca wine ia worthy uf your coufidence hold by all druggtala kchogs oim u fr mr wiw the drugjhlore cold ailing aud artifice teeth a special charo nt reaaonable aa olaewherr fjpecial uflice- daya moo day tuesday aud i rijaj uu die highest market price will be paid fur any quantity of good clean oali delivered at georgetown atatlon hush them in now while the roads are good wii mclei l georgetown llebt geological calculations make the earth 1 r 710 0041 years pld if you waul first class u aelph aaah aud doors at ouolph prices t humus can 1111 your order at bia planing mill bristoivs sarsaparilla curv rliumatibin gout sliuki nturtlgn scrofula sorrs mid nit knipttoni brzstoivs sarsaparilla j i m i merry merry c hrialmaa lu ii sir mci achcru the now ioaut mill tako charge of the 1 vurlmi kciioui ltor now years he will reside in lho village i he apeclat sorvicea are atlll in prugruaa lu tho ho uioil m tiurch muub inlereel haa boon iiiaiufealod aud a i nieldurablo number are oar neatly booking salvation ihoauuual hriatmau outorlaiiiiiient of the dlaoiple sunday school waa held laal thursday cloning ll was well alleuded and ijsito biicoes i ho i briatmas trees woro a groat allracllou to tho ohlldren the enlertaiumeut waa largely given by tho ohlldren uf lhe nohooi the miaies day olioroutu aro vimting at thu homo of u i a j hot lho mlaaea abbott are tiiuch ni dumaitij alentartainmetita tlusauaa u 1 heir iluotla are highly apprecratod metiers aro booming at tho dqnrlng mill ibere la no bcaroity of water power now hevs lluwell aud bryora uf aoloo and keelle uf uuckwood bavo aaaiate1 itev mr mclulyre at the a pro ml borvlors the paat week havu yuu iubaaritol for the 1 ut 1 uia fur 1uuu milton mr rry brlalniaa lu aij itev 1 t mignul who haa boot very 111 la able to porforiu bia oloiloa1 duliea again tlio teudor uf uroeulcoa lirua for the delivery uf 40 curda of arat ulaae hardwood iu jsil jard at j jm per cord has been aoceplod by lho county iroaaursr and jailer mr and mra henry wtllmotl of mam toba are vlrltlng relativea in tlllauoighbur bond mr james jardiue has purohased the hums farm near milton tbs iarlur concert held recently st tbo heme of dr itobcrlson was a gratifying euooesa al the re rues of tbe w 1 u the ooonoil bai provided a readme roam for young men lo be opeuod iwu hours every nigbl have yon mbecribed fur the hu piicsb for i bjg 7 quebec ltcilslature closed llout qovernor chaplunu uxprunu- oi conuratulutlc and roifruta guuiti dec j4 lhe goobtu lxgia lalivo auaombly waa prorogued laat kalur day evening 1 he speech from lho 1 hrutio congralulatod tho inenibuta on lho ulcutlou leglfllatiun baaed uu thu laua now lu force in the dulled kingdom oaprruscd naliafuc tlou al liie sgrloulturat prugren- which has attslned auch developetiimil throu lilt oucouregemoiit givou it amlrigroltod thai lhe preeeiil resources of lis proviuco tui nut permit the government to grunt uu applications for railway aiibiiitun w tilth were submitted to it 1 1 lieutenant tiovoruor goes uu lu nay thai tho financial itualluii uf liiu province la iiiprovin in a marked manner aud be ia dunvincuti thai with renewed lgllanco tlio li vtrnmenl will auooocd in tiiainialiilng the rod it ol the province llm arm hnuiuu keunedy a i o 1 o unto formally aaalgued ihuraday aud the ulhoe uf mayor bouamo thereby vacaut among lhe canadian orodilora are 1 hi rorbos co ltd heapolor ft h1h 07 u penman mauufaclurlug o 1arla hi uji jl brodle a do heapulor ii 10 hm gall kuiltiug i o i id oalt 1 m j 07 and tbo lana wincey mill 1an i 71 i3 rhaorant as the hlowkhb 1b the new aud deltghlful loolb prepara ulug 1 v uharmiuglv pleaaaut to uu a dollgbl lu tbo oeliaea amj poaacn marvelliina way the properly of i the teeth white and brilliant cuixs liver stomtch and kidiily trouble h and claiibcs the illood of all impurities bristoivs sarsaparilla cuns old chionic c its wlitrc itl other rcmnliti ail be sure and ask jour druggibl for i bristoivs sarsaparilla kvkkton mills evekton on t cash roi wheat henry hqhtop acton livkity bus link rhhmtfulla llrllal x well equipped and btylut ttlga can al ways be seoured ms tha gurc pravi npsrla to the breath a delightful frag and ill i arelal trava uet john willlame s ol luumiarelal trsval loralullr wet greeting m qreat of tiik at ad khoqjiiiou doaur b nou ii 0 u u ailranuy iooo lu be dlalnbutotl moqj ui loauoa wurkli0umooplr wllluoi irlu of wulni 11 iu i wu au qlnn at jaar oil far cat uaipa drakaej aa 1 tidy wlill olau fuh aratfoaaoal from uau lil iu lb til i wrnauu nvr wc ylbh j ou merry christmas iii a happy new year rr r e nelson i 99wyndham 8treex- white fronti frhnk doiatlfrs thin ovont linn hlirrod tho coininuinu to ita vary contra day nftor day tho ctowiih inctoniio and im tho timo growg nhortoi lho noceamty for a kpuody lloiinnico hocomos moro apparent ittnkob a lot ol lulling to clenrs49000 00 worth of dry gooda it ih only ii low wuokh nil down come tho wrfljs nnd oat cornea tht iront it will nol hu no hard tn find tho gront caah hoaao in tho lijttiro nn uo expect to have tho hoat and most convoniont nloro from toronto to hnrimi whero jou can coruo and buy everything tor homo comfort and firmjly uaohut wo liavo got to clour tho atock ii rat ladies mantles we sold more njs titles in jwo moolhs tbjsfjll did all last winter because the prion and goods were right qui now we will clear lbs balaae at nomlusl prices don t buy a maullo till you have seen our stock compare our m 00 mantles with what thoy ak if 00 for elsewhere and pretend to rive you disoounl com pare our u 00 mantle with ant 44 00 mantle in the oil 14 fur genoa bo me aa low as 17 00 aomerbeaotiee of long ones for 91300 ladies fur mantles from w 00 to f40 00 and such beauties fine furs aro a bpeol line of ours and will be more so in future you may want clothing every bull ana overcoat in oar alack has been marked down in price we nave too many boys overcoats tbey come in for a heavy out men efor goats we bavo ten isfl yat this is a obanoe for yoo to get one cheap millinery department we do ihcbest trade in guslph id this line because we get op lb best and moat atyliah millinery the sale gives yon a chance here also ladlssfsu hats were 11 10 and 1 25 now 35c onr 0000 yards of ribbon were plaosd on sale last month at loo and 12jo the balance wil be placed on sale at 8c end 10c or s little isea than halt tbe uaual price boots and shoes we keep one of if not the finest atock of iloote and bhoee in ouolph mons shoes 8sc mens lined rubbers 50 i hero may be lower quotations but the goods are brslolaae tluu ia a lomtniuorv utile with ue and remombtr goods are being nold lit micnhxe price- tho anlo continues from day to doy frank dowler llll oil i 1 cabll stohl cuelph hospithl biok watonia wlicnt i il ii ta 1 in town a p symon8 pn actio al wasohuajrjnn and jkwellkr watohos olesned for 7 cents now mslnapring 75 otmis al i wouk waii1iantiu a p bymon main htrrel siiooti ga tub undaraldiiod bsaoimnad a ahootlng sal lary in ida atona building at the toot of chureh hlreet- koel abot fur avarv bribing no unaedinlr isnguaoa nr oordorjt all owed oallory oloaoaat ten ccloek aliarp avery nigbl adu cook uruphalof scttlcmeiit of accounts- end vieltiltjiara indebted to me for flour and feed ste i meat insist apon sett lament of all aeoounla befcre the bsalnnlng of the new year will sll ouatanisrs tn erreera ntsess take nouoe and cell and aeltnrtrrpromplv jno authlub acton nov 37ui 1hb9 aaton st lambert jersey bull for service or for sale hl lambert jersey null thla ft no animal is also offered for sale aotou april s3ud 1803 it ib uaker salesmen wanted tuablnff trustworthy men to renreaenlua in tbe aale of our cboloe nursery hloek gneelal tlaaoontrollsd by ua illohesl salary or com muaiofl paid weekly ataady amplaymant tbr raer round on uh free aieluaivs unitary almrlenea not naeaaaa big pay assured work ara apodal induoameals to oealnnets rartloulatb to llbn nuitsbitv co itoebeater n y write at one u -t- holiday qoods our hobday goods require no pushing our christ nab trade wab a buccesshut there are dozeiib of ubeful novelticb jlt for the holiday trade including holiday neckwear holiday handkerchiefs brocade oushlon covers kid cloves fancy side combs table napkins umbrellas fancy chenille tablo cot o wish ri lnj nl a e uulilh mnl w notice to trespassers rpne uuderalgned haa caused to be placed ou i their prnmlaaa ootlooa forbidding tree passers no objection la raised to parties walk isf over our property hut there are aerioua oxilaetlana to tbe cutting of avarersaos ale sad tbu we nut prohibit eo that tbs aprinsa wbleb apply our works with bnrtng water may not be jeopardised a o iibauduouk see acton tanning co get your boiled oh raw unseed oil machine oil castor oil cattle spioe bulpbar 7 lbs ioo 30 lbs it 00 lpsom ball 7 lbs 15 at right prices su ibe 1 1 m at shaws drug store rockwood shaw he dispenses proscriptions acton saw mills coal amd wood yaiids jhmes brown aiorotom jtan naauta is lumbar lath bblnglaa coal and wood coal suit wood always la atock aod promptly pri- tore langth always uulcatlon walker mcbean co georgetown fe m i to aijie vthat excitemein lie wi walker mcliean co art iui aihiiiiin department suits that ic i i t i do and oo for a car ago you can uu iji ity ior i i j3 and 13 00 you see what jou an save 1 lu in ftii cash ta clear sawng of about luu per cent why its the talk of the whole countryside our suits to ordei for 15 ob and if 17 00 are marvellously cheap sold in i oronto for 47 00 and 30 00 leave your order the first time ou are in town boots and shoes jlu all lilt tiilu u tuui llitluy uooth and hit oku 1 wauuch uobkak oo li amn tbal a millinery department u aitlo io iho unit 10 daya cuuie you oau buy al igui 01 mantles and capes w barber bros paper makers georgetown ont suae 1 araoialtt or machine finished book papers asr ii itill 0ra0k wuuy nkwb t be paperinkic ibe above mills in this journal la ft wu babbbb bros fine high class tailoring gibson millar cos i lhe reahlonebla nleoa to ffat your olotbitik wsde if yuu want clothes that ara irfaet in at nntab aud irituutlnn aud in boat of work luanahlp yoo will ba ih la laevtus your orders wttb ua wb hava tho lanreal aod baal aaaorted look in loam to boose froru oents rurnlsnings a floe lhrlatuiu auurtuicat uf tlas hhlrta collars cufta lloroa huaitaaders aud underwear all uie laloal ilylea in bale cans aud leilloa pur cspea a hlivalally h1croml1fi uul try looda ilaiwrti and will kjon have ever lhu day eut just received a lorse oiinaimiiiiiaik lu ucuia lltin and utl aoftrooala ituya aud oullli hulla bio wbleb uiuat u cleared b tb flm of jiuuarjr luok out fur oboa uarbblualu uila line anil raumuilisr w liava uo uld aloek kerytbln new lirleht and ui to date lunllu uulkulvm qiiihon mili ah a co i itoe illock main utreet oeorietowa uiwu of kii1iii lb 01 lebratwl hlor llovaia notice n otil k it ui manila i iii matilj li ii uautlt for ohi 30 wurl for elttl wort fur elno wurl fur capes laa man a r al man wholesale boueae are aalllng iboiy ready made clothing ha tiaaduiiartars fiw rra ty uiidca t fiolu 1 ai woi voutln nulla iroui j 111 uou a huilt iroul sj4j lo i carpets oilcloths dec- a lull rautfti lo oliuoso from dress goods wo bane dune ao well iu dsees oeeals tbal we eaa east a aft sell tha bslanse el wlater wooda away down wbarwould be a aloer prsasnt ihsa so gtve vqttr aire er dantfaoc a uae dress aa au xtoes nrrseot uaae ber happy for tbe abole vear we wish all oar frieods and ouslomers a very merbrtalina r walker mcbean co caorqktown and toronto b thai aiiloetlon will a uiwia ai uia null aoaaluu of tba iarlla if caiiaila lor lu a i lo inoocporate tbe lwuwtiau hlokkir itallway aud lowst oouipaajr with ihiwur t bull i iwrate end main tain an klaelrin llallwav trtiui ilia city of uoutraal lu uia pro lu uf uuob to the city of windsor iu lli 1 1 ir i rcaoei via llrocktlha kiiibb- uu lullatllla torouloand loudou wluinowsr u i ulld a branch hue front toroulu or olhar lululou tba uialu line toauapausloe hrtdaw with 4owr to build b ranch lines for a redlua not bioanlluf temty live oilloa froui say ttoiul or mute 00 tba main line to uut into oouuaols and arraugeuianu with all astatine or author 1 ed flruib or oorpareuona ajoa lbs aaid route partleulaily wlili fibula atreel or lae trie rail way ihrht or power oouipanlos for tha purposes of acquiring laaaing atualsaiauu or tnafeing ruuuuaarrauinuiiants with sent a or to buiiidy aara will neat light or w to eatabliab i malauiaandeamr on alrset railway aarvlooa lu aueh elues end towns ou tbs hue uf said railway as ibe comneoy and tueuleliiallusa iu tare tad ua eftree oa to build aaid hallway lu boo tlou as may be authorised toaeaiulre waur lowon aadsiteefarandbadd electrical wovka iu ooa aeetleawttta said railway tor tbs imrikwas ol ffaderauus slsetrloal anarsy lo aeulra tba rtablof way totranarall anot alao tlio rbjbt to sell end otherwise dlsnoss of alootrlcal eaeray for baat llaht iwwer and other urua aod lo ustribnts tbs sams with iwwar to aaroirlele lends for thapurpoese al the uudbfiakla ss vro vldad by the hallway aol with all utlier luawars ins on psjd ui tbs said undsrlaslna with purposes sad with all proper or usssl imwars s4vbu or ajtmldloooiiiwiilw tuooriiorated fur any of tbe purposes aforeoald kuuunli nitlhtou r aitojoauwi

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