Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 25, 1895, p. 3

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aaa- frer- iffjjawsrtriffl iibaqrotricm aulton f uarirai i totai asslts issoom fifxard of dplejotors olinhtiaitt au haiuuy i reef butt vlooj real gi i ohm i aootom uko lloiril a t w k i a ii i aa itorouto wm ltnjki wi lujtkjhji i caal inr ii k btitl iiktaui cuhinr ii u wathus i rtuir aoenoteb r- tuluillon ilartonm kaat ft i million tori in ol minv oenrcotowiiilrli al y i mown upkth lllftbn mount koraat oraiiiiovlllo wall round lertplgin him coo toronto vlnghem british joorrespondonta-i- london natlsoaj i rovlnoial llank of ft fl ipd ltd mqjitly of a lotoat oharotor ftvid ovorv itom intovaatlnn atanerloon uoiroopotfaehlir naw yoaa fonrth r- linns llai a i i hanover national hank hoston intern allot al trnsiga murrain uatinallnk in n nsubual llank of illinois an i union nail i al flank oaraoit detroit national uai k vsmbas ciri national llank of com m re v agonts in montreal s the hank ot toronto qliloroetown agency noladle6onuted end advances inailo on ault able eaearl use get lections roads and draft bound t and aold on all eoeeaftlbla points in canada ii n i tad h tales qraaturlfafnandtbacoatlnanlofyunip upon niosl favorable terms sfevingfl deportment dapoalla of l and upwanla rooolvwl a i interest allowed from dais pi daposil to date ft withdrawal btkgial dbpohith atao received at current rata of interest n m livinqbtonf atf t santa glaus headquarters seasonable gifts golc spox gold watdiofl sil ver watches for boya at j00 rogers silver lunvee and forks beautiful album- from 50c xroas aud new year h cardo from lc booklets from 5c an endloas variety of dolle t cups and saucera and fancy novelties games for the boya nnd girlb bibles from 15c up wards fir wi are glad to welcome visitor pleased to abow oar goods and ready to make olnae prices to all ceo hynds s1nta claus hladuuartlrs acton ont acqttltltht hy faoptfaft tim queen vs worden tbl oaaa waa hoard boforo judgo hamilton al ilia court home juillon on monday the efeaa tdpk tobnnidarablo oonungalil of oar culxana to tlio ootinty town bix wit nocboi wars board for the prosecution and etglil for uiboronc wortjtjn waa anjuitted an mjirrjiaiio temperance herman i ho niemlh m of teloh id m pore rjoo 1 ii ion attended aarvloi in ibo matbodiat flhuroli butidey ovoulng uev j k howell m a who la a member of the hociity preached a stirring aermon ono calculate 1 to ihduoo deep thought and ao thrttroo to u drink irfjlo ho pointed nit the goo i work sioli soolellrs am iloirij but nzhortftj the mrmlxtfl to ufaue lliclri fforta further lvi liirmaelvca entlroly to owl ihrnugb jeaua 1 rial thorn waa a very ooii relation acton steam itattitry our oltuoi a have adalnilie luxury of a flrat o aa laundry iu town mr adam cook i aa hi a tom laundry now in opera tiou atuf ia lurqini out work in ovary rea pool fqual to that of tbo cilice tho machinery and appliauoea are modern and apectally adapted to all raqoircmanta for family ai d perioral laundry work the manaemeut la in rxperienrrd inndt and com lata aaliafaation it aaaurcd lo every cualonior a treat advantage over the aen linfi of work to lhe oity ladndhea ia that cualomera may havn iheir work at any tlma during tho week too fur radvmncctt in tuir tttudtcm tbo beat efforte of ourvduoatora are not alwaya reoeived kindly and ibe raaaona for orllioiama are aomelimoa atari ling the following atory haajuat come out a utile tirl wbo ia a pupil of the publlo aohool baa iu her courae of advanoomont reopntly taken op the atudy of pbyalolory a fewweeka atudy iuto tbe myaterioa of the human machine kreaultod in bringing to the toaoher tbo following nota from the lillto irl anx oua mother dear lea olier don l loach mary any mora about liormailea it am t nioa aoybow aod it aeta her agin her vittlea the illustrated odllton of tho guolph ifralit doea i rln rood anamber ofur prlnalpal buafntfaaea and oitiatua are given -promlnentrpleoe- and g word- ljiriwnlf5uuuuuwiiju e iqhoonh otfo-nbwbr- nawa itoma tiuppllod by corrwa- pondenta and exdlianoo erin wo fall you all a marry merry chrlut rina for1rin mr nuaon hoomor of hrlnbailc- lt qve head of oat lie an i a good pan of young horaoa with indieat on all within tbo pant ttto weoka ilia whole hard waa affected but are no rolling better havs yoo aubacribed for the 1uica i naaa for ihofl t f a srr vlaltora to and prom aotort and vrioutotharptraonal notaa tbe fnaa lniuk inrlu alt iu reader to en tribute to tills column if you nr your frienda arto nolnft away on a holiday tr or if you hava frfen la vialtlniffbu drop a card lo uie a a an nfkpinrrhballrr that tired psojlno cojistlpatlon and pnl t ack appatlta and haalth raatorsh b i hooda saraaparllla mrrlalhurljymsn ot toronto i vliit in0 oil frlvndi hara m i limehousi- rv c i wednesday dlcbubelt is te05 uttle local brieflets wh c he b b of fraa praaa report ara thla week chri tmaa morning nomination a next monday cheap railway faree ibia week sanlm ctaua bad a bhj conlrao seleetyoar munioipal oandidatea llenaw jour pkkk putaa anbaorlplloa saturday waa the year a shortest dj the swampa are now wall filled with water teameetins at dallinfad oexl tueiday arenlog j tbe aobpole will re open on the gtb of january j the faaa putra wtabea you a merry marry chrlstmaa the pablio aod high sohoola were cjoaad laal friday get yoor apeeob ready for the ooml natloa ttieating on monday a dumber of chriatmaa weddiogb will be oonaommated lo day the mails have been heavy tbia week chriatmaa oarda mem to have come lo lay take your children to sea santa claoae and the old faahloned br plaoo is townnhtp coanctl caartcmicm al tbo last mooting of the eacmaaing lownabip council tba oloalng hour a vory pleasantly spent ii waa some thing after the fashion of a mlltaaj admiratioa booiety and iteeve webster started the bail roiling by laying kind thing of all his colloaguoa aa well aa of the alert and other municipal officers councillor stalker made a very neat speech cooolnhlng with say inn that al one time be thought he wouldn i like to be a cooncillor uo had an idea meantr great deat of ogtrttng to dal he bad found il jvory djgeronf from tble lie had liked tbe work and thought he would ilka to go bxok again an iuttiatou wladow attraction the acene in one of the ahow windows of htlllrt r fiii h duriint the recent feleftcdiiig mr willian fmtt want on a visit to frienda in 1 oilier whilo tujoyiiig hima if there iho biidw passed away almost in atoiu no bad pretty tottgh sleighing in relnrning bqme tbe two weeks stoigblug added over h00 oorda ot feiln wood to tba stock of the tor onto lima co here limeltoqbe oontrlfaoled uu of the 1100 00 reported for cleorgelown brar oh bible rooiety miss ida fori the new laaobnr ouitagod for lite publ o school here took flrat place in the model school class of jo catldliatea her jualiooatrons are flrat alaas have yon subscribed for tbo r uaa phiu for ihubt osphinqe night itemembar your poorer friends and daigbbon aa you enjoy yoor loaoriea loday tba time for the return of liqoeaing eollaetor s rolls has been extended to the 15th taoaary tbe wel weather friday saturday and lfooday interfered oonaidarably witb tbe gbriatmaa trade spend obriatoias evening al tbe sonday sohool anniversary entertainment la the melbodie cborob oar snarohaou aaver showed more prettily dressed windows than for the chriatmaa trade this year mean- hyoda holtnea and bwaok hamer are tba retiring members of the pablio sohool board this year al laal mealing tba township council voted tl i 75 to pay one halt tbe fare of wm paisley an indigent to scotland owing to the early hour of going to press this week considerable newa an i oor rea pond anoa ia neoeaaarily laid over iu messrs hope of ttrin aod 1 baker of kverton will apeak at the dlaolple chriatmaa entertainment on friday even log doling the past few daya the little boy wbe need lo sulk whan aaked lo do a obora baa had a gail tbe like of which be navar got before special eerviqos will oommanoo in iho matbodiat choroh on sonday 5th jannary the pastor will ba aided by the misaea ilejl evangelists of luelph tba faaa paatw oarrier boya will present a beautiful calendar for ltjoo witb their oompliroepta to all aabaoribsra in town on mew years morning waloh uigbtfarvice will commence al st alban s church on tuesday evening next at 11 o clock 11 will be fallowed by celebration of lbs holy communion toe heavy glaaa lor ths sky lights iu aba bjgjlok building of meears beard more a co at um 0 t ii station has oai arrived from england and ia now be ing puoed to poaltion it bu beam a onitotn with soma people for yean to oat evergreens on ute vacant jala adjoining the worka or the acton tanning company ttata company fear be removal of tba trees will leasao tbtir apply of epriog water and bava conae qaantly forbliuao the taking of any trtea in fatjira mr h itamabaw photo artllt has jaa ooro plated a vary una group plot are of lb ofboarf aod mambtra bt the y p b c k ot kdm choroh it ia arllfialloajly arraoewt and baa af a pwlara of tba interior and exterior of the new cborob it ia a work of art and reflects oredii opoa oar widely kaowa pbotoirapb- r caoae ot conaiderable rxcitement aud am moment during thn past few days the sidewalk in front ot their store was com pletely blocked the day tbroo tbe aoene in tbe window is a bod room with tbo drapinga artistically doue and tbe room fittings nicely arranged there ia a ore place aod a ore aa if horning great excitemont it ceased when bant clans makea his appearance with hia pack and goea through tlie task of pickiog oot bia presents for the two children in bed then he leaves and the ohlildren gel op go to their stockings and amose tberaaelvee with what santa brought them it baa made a ureal hit and shows the skill and imaginative ideas of a skilful window dresser the i alplt on jvamora of war itov j w uee made irepidenl clove land s message to co og rose n tbe eno euelau boundary lueition the basis of a very able diaoourae iu knox choroh on sunday morning ilia toxt waa j cbroo 11 1 o a number oi tbe important points ware god e aoveignty v there ahoutd be no war betweeu christian nations the evil influence upon heathen natlona if euch wore allowed to take place the fact thai the two natlona are largely people of the same blood and freely intermarried should avert jt there are man peop of the worldready fur- any eaollemeuteud eew auxtooa for vrar but all christian people should unite io prayer for peace end while acting the pant of brave meo full of oour age bey rnqt be peace bio and trust in a god forguidanoe many instanoea lllnstra live of the power of god in subduing those anxioua for war wore given tbo sermon was moat interesting aud timely a iwuclph pioneer deed ono wbo waa perhaps tbe moal striking fiicure iu guolph a early history paceed away from the acene uf hla labors at noon last wednesday in iho person of mr david allan with hia father the late william allan teoeaeed settled io guolph in 1u3u mr allan ar purchased from the canada compauy tbe mill property ou the banks of the hivsr speed a small frame build lug stood there than immediately on ecifuiring iho property mr allan sol to work to oatablial the mills which in bia bands afterwards grew to such immense i ruportions mr allan waa kh years of age at the time of hla death lie was personally a fine old geutlemau free warm i oar tod ai 1 generous he married miss 1 dliugton ot 1 uslinolu in 1b3h she with two of tbe childreu mr w lliam allan of torouto aud mrs higiubotham guolph survive him mr allan and fam lly lived for nearly fifty year in tbe unique log building at present occupied aa a peas anger depot by the c i it hrmtxhrlmtatmm t ntertmtament the luilial christmas entertainment among the sunday schools in town fur the 1 resell festive aoaaou waa that of si a i bah s sunday school it was kiveu iu tbe town hail ou mou lay eveulnii add ll o ball was crowded tar beyoud its aeallug capacity iho programme waa given an tirely by inamlwrs ot tho school ovidenood caroful iran iuk aud was very creditably car nod out 11 o leadiig fealoro of the 1 tocoodiuga was tho huuioruua and enter taiuiug uporalla a mrry ouipaiiy or ilocadota hull lay this was oxoecd h kly well duue by tba soure oi youthful actors aid actresses it oumpriaod three sols 1 a held near the 1 icolo groo j i be i lo mo grove tl the return from the 1 to nic 1 he brave young cadets an fair oompaniuiis eojoyed a jolly day indeed 1 be carols aodotioruaes by tbe school the soloe recilaliona and dislcgues were invar tally weal reodercd and heartily reoeived by ll o audienoe tho pastor aod the school are to be congratulated upo ths aueoeaaof their effort ootbieomaaion us inb seal coal stove mad with ovep the fancy co on lees ilpeav oad ofuoeor kilchou table secretary oriaduig stooe glass se and any thing else yon waut apply to mas h a haoiu kannawin a condition powder for horace cattle sheep aud piga ara tbe beat lbity improve the appetite aoitoara coaghj colds and inouddva morry merry chriatmaa lo all daniel sinclair second youngest sou of mr archibald sinclair oapringo died very auddenly rnday morning ou thursday he complained of pain in bia head oaueed from a email pimple on tho aide of it he went lo bed became delirious and died in twenty four hours afterwards two pliy loiaob were in attendance bat ihey could do nothing to save the young man life death was caused by the membrano of the brain being blood pole ned tho do oeaaed waa a promising yoang man 26 years of age robust aod healthy he waa in guelph on tuesday in the best of health aud spirits the family have tho i j m patby of their largo cirnlo of frienda in tbeir bereavement have you aubacribed for tho hut i ukh for 1606 cbewsons corners wo wish you all a merry merrv christ tbe mild weather and rai week have again furnished t of the paat with a green al the close of tbe prayer meetint in the methodist hnrch here last tuesday even iug a meetinu was held to ace abonl geltink new snppliee for tbe bui day school for next year at tbe closing of lir s last r n day for the christmas holidays tbe teacher mus j mcdonald and her pupils held a private social enterlainmei t when a few hours were spent very pleasantly we wish tho editor of the fmi 1 mm and hia staff a merry christmas and a happy new year and many return mrs henry mcgorma i and her two obildreo of neepawa manitoba arrived bore laal tbnriday mrs mcgorman waa a daughter of the late john lamb of crewaona corners and left this place with her husband fur manitoba about tweoly years ago they have boon very proa pec ous in their western home mrs mcgor mau will upend several weeks with frie da here before returning lo her homo in mam lobe mr wm coleman who has been worku g in hamilton on ibo t ii t b tunnel returned home laal week he has heal ver poor health for some lime past the subscribers lo the goelih weekly ilrrtiltt received last work a aa y of ll u illustrated ad it too it is a credit to the proprietor mr h ouinmer and his staff also to tho ciui ty of welho and the city of guelph ueoroetovfn merry merry christmas to all mr il b taylor u iiae resigned his position on ibe georgetown high school staff and has accepted the position of mathematical aod science master in ux bridge high sohool at an inoreaae of salary mr mclaughlin will auooood mr taylor the annual maeliug of tho pwjuesiuu liberal conservative association waa bold at 8 to wart town on monday a midnight service waa hold m the h c church laal mghl christmas eve there wore nearly j00 delsgate at the baptial young i oople s moolm here issl week s m cook tbo luoaroeralod audio ear has writteu to the milton t a i uj i from tba county jail to say that i a is lumg llmo fur uetflctiliug to a utrl i la wife aud not for vagrauoy as atatod in last wok a ca imjm he ia welcome to tbo correct on sya tho abvo paper tho c iuucii mada a further icra tul u to iho i ublic library last week have you subscribed tor the t uaa 1 uiw for lhjfl 7 speoially atlraolivo onrvllcs vore i ol i n tbo c onregtioual hurch last sunday ttio morning sermou was to ll e ohildreu iu iho eveulng the hi o choir of ll e church rondo rod a eervioe uf soug christmas rehiroiioea wars made lal sunday from nearly all the pulpit of the town tbe methodist church bad special christmas musto morning and ovouiug the iteebyterian suuday school were the reel j tenia ot a rj lenotd treat laal fri day eveulng tbo baaenieul aa well ullod tie disciple sol ool lad ai oi juyallo gathering on monday evening the methodists have an entertainment on monday evening deo 50th mra jackson of fergus ioctured un woman s work in 11 o methodist ghurch laal thursday oveutiik and formed an auxiliary of ll o wumai a missf nary society a tea mo it i k was held iu ll o terra colts melhodlal burol laal weduaaday sveulug ad drosses were leii by itovs moir oliver and irwin the uoorgelowu methodlal choir furnished musto tbe lie fred thompson of victoria college preached al a ah grove on suuday eveulng the baptist sunday schooj wilt give an entertainment ou cbrislmaa night the lownabip of trafalgar baa paid ovar tooo for sheep imed and damaged by doga tbia year farmer wanting hardy native block to plant ibis coming fall or spring may pay for il in work we waol meo wilb or without experieuoa on fall or part tirao salary and expense or oommiaaion writ al once for further information blow daotiixita co grim conuuaulat noraaria toronto oot home palrtiaw plane mr arthur brdylh f houih hiver is ibo gnoat of acton friends mr will and misa madia mcnafab are visit ig friends in toronto miss katie ahem ia spending a few weeks with frienda in toronto msxqreii ttioioancntfjenoli lt viailed oaelph mtn lay eonln lr j n i jlrawn of toronto waa a g lest al ii it i sen i laotr last week mrs j m fernley and children of ilrantford are jsitlng t tbe old home mr m j ourney la spending ihechrist mke holidays wifh friends in qtiderwooa mr wsrren pollard ha gone to toronto to spend a coo pie of waeba at hia home there mrs t t moore and mies may left on tueeday for merlfdale where they will span 1 the holblaye misses florence an i oertte clark or sea forth are spending the holidays at the methodist parsonage messrs thos kennedy registrar of parry boond and it grains toronto spent last friday in town rev h uobbs braotford ha been invited to thepaatorat of lha aakin street matbodiat cborob london mra john g nelaon and children of oabawa arrived on satarday evening lo apend tba bolidaya in tba old borne mr john morueon of woodvilla cams home on tnesday to attend tbo faoaral of his innt he will remain ovar lha holidays mr c a matthews of iiooheaur n y arrived bonne on saturday to spend the bolidaya at the borne of bia father poet master matthews the eympatby of all wbo know him ia foil for mr henry atkinson in the loea ot bia wife yesterday mi ri inj she had been ill for aomo time the home of dr j f uren baa been saddened by the death of their infant son last thursday three little ones have now beeu carried lo the tomb and tbe horn ia childless the llev j a anderson of oodorioh haa declined the call of knox chnrch quelph hia own osngregation mat the evening before the sail waa mode rated and promised him 1200 increase of salary tbe following delegates attended ll a meeting of tbe baptial young people al georgetown laal week barbara warren susan mann dora wordan a a worden r n wahhur mr fl ippanolnn j t if mir ojbaa atfevfo sl catherine a onl ot tfoodaco towel i mass for a number ot years i have been troubled lib a general ured feeling shortness of dreafii ftlnlnuback i could get inly llujo rest at nlfrht on aeeonntif uio pain ind had no appetite whatever i was unit tired sf jktc ih rat number rvi meiuelnca rot did not get any panaanant roilof from any floods cures ouree nnui upon recommendation of a friend rarchased a bottle of hood a sarmanarllu inned iu use havlnrrtaken three bottle and i rwl lilts a mwvv man i have a good appetite feel aa atrang mm ever i ud and enoy perfect rest at night i have boclj pleasuro in reeornmendlne hood a barx- svrlua ciiaki km hrrrtr with kho rpn arvlngco hltaitbe hoods pllla nre rnmpt an i efflclent yet aay iu acuon bo 1 1 uy oil urmeists oe pearson gordon hay ward ward w l worden mra w l worden harry campbell mra u campbell w cook mrs w ook j m warren jen uio mel hail maggie mol bail geo lawaon ida gnndell a a c warren new years trade only 5 days more of i7ew years selling l jo jo by ua ud crowds uf poople re to be made happy by the extraordinary br gains wo offer fancy aod other foods from all parte dt the world make the store a real panorama of christmas wars no melier in you how we got i hern so woe tl lo know thai we 11 sell yoo the cites pes l goods tbst lha city can abow you tu verify this aseeriiou oome and awe 1 ul us iu oompetitiou with anybody you obooee we dun t oaro who it ia you it find our ctiristmaa bargains tbs beat i or rati us to make two sugitesliooe tut jontu ub arly you cuti tiud dou t put of your liohdny iihoppliig until tho luut duy or two jud leave any puixtuinu tui do not wish nunt homo ut oucu with lis and no ill put them awuy witii dirocliotiri and stud thuui us ju may desire e r bollert 6l co sb uid 37 wyndtuus suml aublra okt thinking 3 of the holidays iuiuluiuiuiuiuuiuiuih sets ou thinking of the prcsents ou will give and wc have been thinking of what will best suppl our needs with the result tint our this year i assortment of celluloid noehcs 1 anq limoges china books for old or young i he poets bibles and iljma books christmas and new years cirds and booklets calendars c lines dolls ihoto 1 rames ink st inds perfume brushes combs etc is the 1 litest and most viried we hae ever shown we can suit jou all in price call and see us it the drug store j v kannawin dhuuqiht acton ready r for xmas do you want boys or youths suits ar our stock is now com plete for xmas gold watches just purchased sihor coffee and tea 8pooiis silver novelties silvei thimble given away with every 2 purchase savage co jtwh 1 urs cuelph aaaaaaaaaaaaaa j in order to rmkc room for our incoming stock of clothing we ire offering our entire stock of boys and youths suits it prices that win sell tins is a chtnee to get kelialtlo clotllilijs il bargun prices henderson cfe co kctolst the cheapest the best new firm new stock new prices but old management valuable property in ah on fob salc r houas and lot on apit htrtwil k n rly x ooou lad i y the own or mr cltas julttuor is herabv offsrod for salo tbo 1 ouia la c- fortabu rousli east with woods ad aod tl cm ta a good stsli a on tba immba also two bulljldf iota uu caks aval ua i smiths hurey tortus reasodabla for particulars t to c t hikkimt or wu iiuuhtkhkt ado aclou be t 17ib itatt tiik funs a waqhalls miandari biti0nau ol- tub knolish lakauage vocal ularv ion al cell la noarly half it a 1 uiulfsr of tart a iu any sit sl voluuis dlotlonary itid iik ul 7mo0 mora tl ai in sot oil or diotiooary if tl o lal luacn sit bdltors id bpociallsta aud sod roadars for juotauoua b4h1 ujhm tl work it oust uoarly anr dol 14 u 1 tl 1 couaultl u t d 1 xlauarlii llltut tba lltt n sit a i uimi ll m varl ua daeruuoulboi tl o dlcll uarv 1 o won salacl tl fro 11 tl rlrsl rauk i kosllsl slid aiuarleai obolan oael is rv rosaulalivs of all llial la latsst aud uioat n 1 ruvou in ilia owu tukl of ploratlon so 1 resoarcl autbodty in i la at 1 un tl e standard i ctluu ihorousl ly siulikd ii literatuto u i art at 1 0 tirt li all baud i oraits i irmiln it uau olttior oitravagai t our invidious tu claim tl al ou it ora callable sue body f arorkara lu uud atltl tt a u ll o llu i as ovar bt a coop tod bogl niti la btnl j is tba w rk of u ll a act 00i1 vtm called lo tt a 1 guaa as i si is it isct la rlhiuu ll 0 1 kl fa lloliu ry i any 1 tl 1 dlclio hold only by suusciu1tion w trst blnwla volume billtll ttmjf tiumxlm rail jaforvoco h thti mu twovolu ne edit o ivaiauaaie mil j7uufa fuu morocco 18 00 tia 00 17 00 an 00 punk ft wttgqojla company kaw iu i t aokt xi lfstallu i i ii r ol i iti i iu ud hi ibe careful repairing of welches ia the bobby uf prin6le the jeweller ouejlpal his long caprrience jublnod wilb bta practical ability and close allautlou lo tba details ot thai pail uf bia buaineaa rnakea blot ibe best luabdad rautj lu cuejpb to do spy repairs to your watou asholarei deitist f4 yaeee l toronto nratvctaaallobsc of teeth to the firm doing business in acton so long onder tbe nemo ol john kpoigbt a hon haa been discontinued but tbe old businsss will go un a tide r the new name j a speight co rmills db0lu lh lh undertaking department this will bo most noticeable owinx to ibe hart times we are cutting the nrioes in all linea of coffins caskets an i furnithings and will supply iho whole out flt at any reasonable odor you may make we have no connection with ju any undertakora cornblno and govern our own prices l mbatrriing dono charge will be made 1 required al stlxhuy ov cost furnitur bucgy si whgon a carefully selected on band which wo v fair living proqt itoob of irornilnre ill dlopose of at a being under very at very low noes i satisfaction kepatrinit dono in ibe unio old leti-iactary- sod al prices perhaps a little lowest 1 our business we can certainly soli specially wo can do tf i aud give eblire j a speight co firstclass tailoring w h adams uoreiisul tailor audi of i is otti al is i ito mi y years 01 aa being iu t uslm work ftiii a gall boliciteo ifu h hdhms from par off india u ii ryak ft go hajre laid tbo moil dlttspj lands under contribulion for iho ourious and beautiful artiulos tbay a o abowiug for chriatmaa gifts probably lbs moat in teres tin a ot the large collection now oo sale are tbe hammered brass goods from banarea led la tbeae consist ot vases aod ornaments of fanciful eastern dosigns and patterns trays jardiu lores bowls etc all made by hand and hammered into tbsae odd and characteristic shapes from the rough jqou1 by tba clever bulpogriy pajd tullooera ol tba eeored oily of tbe hindoos banarei oh tbo ganges they are distinctly oriental to cbaraoter tkair vary qoaininaaa bukfreaiinr the alow moving method peculiar lo tba far beat a more inleteating obrtatmaa preeenl ooald hardly be imagined than one nf those beautiful ornameuta brlnning with them as ihey do an atmosphere suggeolive of a olviliaation whloh was already old when onr forefathers were barbarians you will be greatly interested by tboee artistic bra satis t peu oni or tba mray uetanaeuitotciirritmai rabat weriro bowintf to qwy rromdini end of ibe store to tba olbsr onr tables are now heaped with articles equally altraotive combining both usefulness aud beanly io a high degree aod ao care folly selected and with such cats io as pnoe that you will bo difficult to lease indeed if we cannot and something to suit the taste aud puree of the moil critical al leaat do uol fail to give yourself a treat by luspeel iug tbeae beautiful artiolea crhsh1nprices we do what we say down goes the price of mantles c b ryan co will from this date give a twenty per cent reduction on mihblb lidich md children mantlesjrckets knd chp8s ii i what a twouty per oot t reduction means iu a store like ours wl ore ll ere is unlv on 1 i rlli 1 i e band yoo back spot oaah wa ou every dollar you invest iu this iopertmeul w uld ll mean ll ai in at it or lr go d tore in quelph t nol much i why t because no otl or dry w store iu ouolpl oondurts lis buatt ess b 1 ku 1 1 i on the onl pricfc hyhttm so that if you were offered tbia urin a greeter roduoliou a store whore ibe rtc ary shdlug eaatly up or down lo suit the emergeuoy it would mean little ur no advantage lo yoo as iho chance ere u would be only what you could have booht the same article at auy lime we have oil this seaaon op to late ono hundred and live juohi manilrh illan 1 ah1 rlfabon wu m 1 one hah ukbn hold at 5o llhb than thb 1ltlcb ultlulnalll abkl 1 so you ace ow wl o we offer a twenty per cent redocttpn ll is get uino lu every particular wo have had a mennluoent seaaou our purchaea wero largo ur sales rrskjt i i ttly ffc now have ou baud are fully expat in stylo aud valuo to aoylhluk we had iu lbs early art uf the seaaou hie i bolt g llial lbs alaoe ae now broken lu a great tueuy linos tml it is allogotber likely ll at you w 11 lit d am l g tl e the very sisa youdeaira ua gam d ifoi q b ryan co guelph at the right house corner kinb and huqhson street we ooer to day strclal value iu all departments our system uf sh l un by mall puts lb s largo store aa u i ur own country store you have ibe edvaoiam of a large stock from winch to make your selections al noes tboy ceo be aold tor by small dealers lake a few lines canadian h annl1 1 itr s3 itiohoe wide lsru patterns faal colors worth 10c to lio our price hie 1 noi ihh r 1 an nllr tth twilled hj itiohee wld f ass ooi r- every wtreallto ourprloelllo ballbbdky plannulb 30us wide very olleetive designs f r ohildreu s wrar reg tlai rice 16 our prloe uio tablb linbn on ioobes wi io half bleached well worth too ot price hc ull rai go f llimnlih irom oq up to the highest grade ouhy klannbl best oampbellford jh iuollea wide currioojbo lit rl unci from lo up yuu u f drey mthttti ooodb tweed u inches wido flpo regular prioo a7c bettor line a roe wi iii i dally good line for aula school drveee- all wool berge various shades ii inches wide ioc r ysrd le bo 40 end 60c kaob a special in iu peon liar olaaa menljoe heavy black barge double breasted u tone h 00 a better ona abonl same style tl 70 and ao on any pnoa yoo may want lo lay ju rrtfular wool 1 aids largo sis too hoblhy for boys good lies heavy all wool oorninenoidg at ioo a pair wooieu s hose oatnmonchig at j5c up tutl u qoeal imported oor peciatliu of cjeebmere at 60o 1 worth fiuo in moat auy i laoe me sand wc mau underwear of every description good tiuallly all wool heavy 1mb bed bblru and drawers for meu for oo ihefautouso k at llho m every wbersrlor76o wool blankltbfull aiac 00 a ho 0 ibe weight 3 j extra iialily these prices are baaed uu i st uarob lbs preeenl price being iu many oaeea double and still riatug of bbnl lolt baullkb outarlo freight qr eipreas irepaid on all purobaaos bf o 00 aud upwards tu any railway alaliou 1iiu hiout iiouhl kuig al east oornar liughaon at uamilton novcuttwr jolb thomas c wtkiisr5

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