Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 25, 1895, p. 4

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mi k itv whdnkbla dkgkunmriar 1b0g cilkisttias v ju ol oh t t nevnrfeli a lis ijr ai on laat christmas ulrbl omlob neer ilia luuo iioiiio wit urn n oilier llvoe tito familiar areura nf baybnmt mad iba wlodcw tb the light an i the jar iitlelthu give haior nutters uncled gladly aa i oiouod llio old gate an i my loot inuiatlanl hurried lo lhaionr tllunstaar had caught ur foolalapa anil bar ov retontnbetdti wall on uit threshold mother mat mo u of yore olit i clasped liar to mr boaoni a aba uaed to clasp bar boy wblle he tui aud loving biases answered tbonthavled too to tba table where the good things keptoraio ware all waiting wllb tba olelr pf suld lanfl hbe rerooiuhviwd a rrlbinii i liked atid how to make it best barring ma ea thougb my place were still a child ctkoa and jalllta honieinade oeudy and av ry eboloaet thing hosped before ma with oaraeaee and bar anllee oil i aeetiiod a very ly attain as we aat talking there and alia told mi bow she d thought of rayad forma how 1 d bean a joy and comfort to ber all bar widowed ufa and bar spirit ilka an angel a i oould see iiow la btwry wbbuilns boy that passed aba beard ma ooaing noma so aba bad lorewelted for ma ail tba year tban arising from tba table aba would stand oarasalng mo aa aba breathed on ma a blasting tbrongh hej r wbon i want to bod aba ostua to ma end to ok ad tba oovora round in tha dear old way that only mothers know ob i fait bo blissful peaceful aud ao full of tsndar love that all at loot osma uiy glad heart overflow ilagrr grateful joyful tears i ahad aye cried myself to sleep dreaming in a heavenly dreamland free from cares in my boyhood homo and bnd again the covers tnokod around bfely gnardad by uiy doar old uiolhnra the christmas cjoose good morning boys and glrli said the cbmtmm room as sc looked op from s apot of reen grass in a sheltered ooror of tba poultry yard it laami rood to find t little patch of lammw oat bora in the oold i wonder if toy body la doing to glee ma cbristmaa present for your fftlbar came ool bora yesterday and poioud to jne ao4 aatd i a tha bsa ona of tba floe i bopa tbay ra going to gin ma omathinf food a half pack of oorti or a uodor joicy littls graan frog tba children did doi qaita o odors tan d rooao laniraaaa bat they know from tba tooa of tha goo yoica that aha wii fnal chri8ma8 lonb tit oqitom of burning tio yius ln hii boen trftnimlttnlio vftrloni prt of llio world during ttio foiuui ifmon mftiiy poiidaraoftjtlofik of ytilo baa boon ilrfttigod to thoanaoloufe hearth in nobto hallo all wayfafon barnd itioir lioatlit in rovoronon as tho grsal log was trinmpliantly bolil asrriod from tbafortat i in oiilranro was hailed with aoiift loins lirillg with a 111u0 lly trjtrry marryjioya tba cbriatmaa tag to bo ininu whlln my flnrt1 ilamo ilu itlila yaall bfl in u and drink to your linarta ilualrliiji 1 tho yiilo or gliriitmaa candle lent ohour to tbla featiro occasion homottmrn after half ilia log had boon burnod tbo remain ing half was oarofally stored in tho osllar aa a prevent vo against flro and rnfafortuuo ii wai conaidarod an evfl omen if a squint ingor a barefooted person happened in ibe roorn whila the log was burning and llio preaanoa of a flat footed woman jo re bod od greet ima and sorrow tha faatival beulna wttb ohrlatnjai lve and dotes with oandlamaa day the jjretty oastora of decorating the homo dates back many oonturies it probably orlgi nated with ibe saturnalia of ujp old romana jxbay trimmed their temples and dwalllnga with the green boughi the favorite decoration worn holly rosemary bay laurel and cypress ilolly haa oon tinned to remain the favotite obriitmas green through the course of ages in the year 000 iu uao was forbidden by tho church ooancil because of ita pagaiilatic origin evidently the decree waa noither rigidly euforood nor obeyed for ii is eali mated ibat over a million do tiara aro apent annually in europe and amcrloa for cbrlal maa holly until qaita rooently the enormoua qaan ttty of holly consumed in this country was all imported from europe now bpwever ii la exuniivoly cultivated on this aide of the allan tic and the demand for it secma to have grown with the supply it re pro aants a most profitable industry giving needed ernplotment to hundreda of men at a teason when they would otherwise be without work anna funrlulia iu the lfiauuiuiiuitn or december hanqinq the holly the kuguftb bolly it flttor iu qutlity tban that grown on amtrioan aborea aaja tba fit uoaim ffrjiultltr 1 bo leave are a better green and the ber r in larger and dafore tbo holiday uemwa aola in great hamper of it are shipped from the 1ng hsb ports to delight american eyes and hearts an attractive manner of uiiug it la lo lie big bunch oe with long aaltn ribbon loops andeoda matching in shade tho hue of tha berries and plane ibem over pictures or marital abalf or fasten against tba wall especially in soma picturesque nook or corner under peat b the mantel when there id no fireplace the apsoe may be banked with maaaea of the apiny teavca aud bright berries jars or vasea may be tiled itb them while holly wreathe aud ropi n0te6 htfrfc and there itonia of gbnornl into rout tb prao proaa ftandara lihriitnillmii liuiii itlm whou tlmre is untie ncid in the blood iillilmcnlaniid iuiioiih wll be of no irrman ont imiiilfll a purn can lie arumplialut 1 by iiriilrbll i k tbix ind and for tl i piirpoan ihioiu hirniunlln i tlii bmt medicine lituumu lluoda uaraniurillit ia llm only inyi i uh i puriller prmnim iilly in ihn puhlio ii nod 1 ilm net rhily ut ininipily ikolj ii lliu iivir aiyt hawela i ho ravou in the only bird found nnlivo iu every country in llm world wink ulil tirol dkaii bum i aajihorliy recominoiid milburnti cod liver oil lmulaiou lor a i on i ruun i olt io w ak i could hardly keep up ever hlllu thing litiux inu out i took lp bottloa and tho fatiguo and lirutl feeling loft im ami have never returned mih 1 in in ill i hjirintford ont is certain painkiller painkiller tub great family medicine of the age token internally it cure diarrhoea cramp and pain in the stomach son throat suddyt codm cough etc eta used externally itcurea cuts btulmc burn scnlda sprain toothache pain in tho face neuralgia rheumatism frosted ftet ti unbannm ijml a llttln i lino ivulnr up plied to planu occaaionallv will bill the lilllo wirmn in ulnil stir snid mr- ii leok l tolir now york otty visited janada laat year and bad the good fortune to ink up aomething which not only auitrd licr but her nclgb bora alio writing tho manufacturer norvlline alio sityn 1 butight cliree botllon of nerututu vrlulo in anada and trialud my i lo some of it and llellrr in hliiiimrs i diairoaalng kidney and iffadder diacaans relieved in all honrabj thodrcl hmith amortcaif ki inoy cum thu new rem oil j la a fifoat aurpfliw anil tlulllll w account of ica rioeojllnn irimptiid4i in relinving piju in f he blad lor kilitng back and every pajt of tie urinary puiot in main or fumale it re i inn riiluiillon fit wilier aud pain in petaiiu u alinnt iul mcdintoly if you want iuh relief mid earn tint ia your rem oily h ild by i kin4mth acton tile clntlei it ilul i wi t iuu no extra work hate a sjilciu lit limit t have a plaoo or i very thing an i kr pi vrrj thing in ita place mrs colcata tonj hyraauif n y writes or cf i tool i uol eat many kind of food will ut pvi lijcing a burning eirnielaliuu pain iu my atomach i took iarmole x iliu a cording to dircotiuua limlur llio heading of lnmpi or indl gprtiou one box rntiruly hi rod mr i can now aat eiijtliinu 1 booao without diklroaaiug mo in llm h sat iii am jliu do not cm uao pain er griping and ahould be used when n oathartlo in rtijinroj if god bait intended the human alomaab for whiokey he would havo lined it with aabcatoa an i- tl milliner utiaumplion follows ueglectod colds norway pino hyrup qurea ooaghs asthma ore throat bruiichitia and lung roublos inoc jj and otie home men are au atlngy they lake very long breaths to keep from wearing out ihoir lungi oh what a migli will you hood the warning tho nigaal perhape of tho aure approach of that more terrible diaoaae conaumption aak your aolvos if tuu can aflord lor the aake of saving ooc to run tbo riak and do nothing for it wo know from experience that hhiloh a tiro will core yonr ooogb it never faila hold by j kamiawiii ii ridge t liaa johuuloc ou know ho a under tho lovi tlnii h auo tbo 1 lain url h unlock illood lilltera punllea retiovalt s and rcgulalcm the ayatcm lliu curing lr mpiia onalipalion kick hoadacbo diliouauesa llheuniatiam dropny aud all diseaaca of tho atomach liver kidneys and bo well it also remove all impuntioa from the ayalom from a common pimple to the worat acrofuloa ooro ll menthol plaster i hv tt- ufcj n mfmi c mnlfu ti ihwiwtita nlu uid a rrrt mnr pkwil vlu um dm tu i4uhbtmmarluriik w iluaru u lia llomoilad luth i kin iw knuj tluon la tmnl hh tfmumlm tfc an4 suj m airr j lla3umd aalltmtetri h cunt hotatlot lutntwao nan rulftla palga in tleck or 81 do or uy uaaeular tela a ifrart liheaan nelleyl fn 00 vi antra dr agnewa ctiro fur llio tieari gltaa l rfcot relief in all oaso4 of organic or kympatlinlin ii jirf diaeam ill 10 tnnihea mid up ri illy rftiflu a cure 11 h a pncrlea minttly fur iulpttamon hhnrlupas of ilrenlh htikithuring hpell 1aln in lefl bid ii and all hj mploiinof a lisnaol iloarl onio4iflcmwithini h il i by j ktuna ihn nan who au r ach aslomoo knniitou a l ojo uilnry aa aure of inn v ii lit if im wns lh ri oriiaciutio in i m jlulluwa a run uro removal tho trouble try it and iuo wbut an aaounl of piio ia eavml no violent extremna inodarnlion qlanda lure a no ber aleyn riin fleht cough lura ia hagyard a ieotoral ltkluitn it hoala tho lunga and cures coughs and cdlda burdock cd blood i r bitters ourks dyspepsia bad bloob constipation kidney troubles heabaohe biliousness tl d ii unlock all the arrt1ona aad all imporitle from i lie system liom a pimple to th worst tcrolulont tat as to mhple aayiug a few idle word about u wo m lit i ud that any more tha the old church otoeplo minds tha rooka cawing about it george li lot a 1 in and fretful iuiij due it now mui unnaceaiary i like many othera jou may have your baby lat laughing and happy if you give it roolts emulmon ilabiea take it like cream i f we must accept fate we are not leas oompellod to assert liberty the aig nllicance uf lha ludividoal the grandeur of duty the power of character lmor son in llir taullj mulhem fathera and hildreu all apeak in pralou of halyard a iectoral ialam aa tbo best cure for cougha colda aathma bninnti qni ra throat troublea inco jn try to give pleaaure aud joa will receive mora than you give t i- m castor i a for infantg nnd children itmty y ntf of c wi h pfafwwatfaeff anllliowa af parwiwa pa wa to wr ef it w cb it ta weaartlaaftmy ateart rsawly far la fait a suad clttlilrwm tho wu ka vtti r hm it la fctlm oumm lllu it it l ika kiui it will un tkatr llnu ia it hauiar ksra wttlma atid 1 itlmmilhtalr mmtm ma prk0tljur pwfat m ckllate waltrtaifc cart ha jewtrwya warms oaatar ajbaya rwwwtrisluaswaw ckatsrrls pirarrawta wewatltiast tw otre oaartaraia aaraa plavjrhcaav aad tpimj qajtw cjaatarria rauareaa twathl trwaalaa yanrtsyrta awfwa oeaatjfwtlqm mna itatnlamoyj qaatanrla a tlt aataatft at eajlwwaia atald ka ct aaa er fuiwtmim aji ckaatenrta janaa atat aataj aaattauas a er pfjunrmureatte caafawta awataallaiaa tha ftoaw rafxwjatoe ilia aaaaaafc antj ajfwlauji fcaaahlty aad wtwral alaap oswrtaha fa yt ay la amaartaa vattlaa emly h la met aalel ta wwela paat aharar ayr eoaa ta aajl yaw aaytatay alaa aa taa alaa ar tlmttltu3wjtaaateej arrary paurpesa aataat row arwt oabtottia praaalaa tha tveelaaila at at mfc children cry for pitchers oastorla vvrood engraving photo engraving ui half tone iljonls new goods arriving daily at railway time tabib joint uu on tbla i i vnvi nil r mill 10 in i r 1 suason ill- i wimli retiimliiij it k in nr any pal mil for iholrlil ral in nrt in ilia past wa wlali to hilonn you tliai wn live ontered into an rrtiflnuicitl with it htnwart luolnb ui knap oonitantlt on i an i a lull atonk of lbs oritonryatiiiif sash doors etc an t will lo i y buy upeolal iiil on aliort nuticio al olnili i inleri frpmofroi all kinds iiiadarmotiitrr vvaliikchip iii stock a line of iraan vvtiitnw ami tlwir caaiun cornor lloeka nur luiiihrrdrimpd willie w wail prlrell miner h pumps itolig i tier able than borolotoro wa will umily oltbor wooil or iron j uiii jiromptly all wurk kuarauteoil alj factory 1 loaaa call and impoct boloro lurebaaing alaowbora thoh ebbage manoffer icton dr woods norway pine syrup rleh in the innbliaallntr vlftnes ofthe plea combined with the aoothltta- and ekpactoraat propartlas of other pectoral borba and barks reitreot oume rom couqhs and colds hoirtmni aathma bronchlll sors throat croop and all throat bronchial and luno diseasbsi obalinata conhawnteh ntlit other remedies yield promptly to tbla log fjoite ehearfal that morning tbay knew also ibat their father bad talked of killing bar for cbriatmaa dinner and tbis made mary feel bad she s such a good old goose said mary it seems a pity when everybody elee ia gelling presents tbal aha a got to be killed oood for oolbing bnt to aat said the bard hearted john ii no i said tha old goose looking toward john 1 bope baa mean enough iii make him eiok some day aaa if i don i and 1 wiab 1 could give mary a pica christmas praaent bora enough lha good old goose waa aerved up for cbriatmaa and aba did make john aick for be ate ao much of ber tender flesh that be waa tick all night aba also made mary a nice present for in bar onip tbay fnnnd tba paati rlagj all eafelt pie aerved which mary had lost tba week bit of pathos at christmas tldfc thort la a little girl of alx who baa pro ad beraelf one of lha ministering children noi in nam only a few weeks before tba baby of tba family died tba child reo aa wall aa tba mother bad looked forward lo bmngibb np tbethtbyrilocatnb at cerlst ntaa with a great deal of pleaaure dal ibe loss of tba baby brought soon angoiah lo ibe mother thai aba decided to bare no cbrielmaa oajabraiion of any kind on chriatmaa eva aa tba family aat in partial darknsaa raooontintf ihair lose with all iu aad ajroamatanoea a teudar little voice piaroad tha gloom mamma isnt bare any cbriatmaa in heaven 7 yea darling answered the weeping mother il is always cbriatmaa there then why dont yoo heap il here parautad tba little girl jus make b leva baby an i dead and hang up bar atookin mamma an 1st a all have fihriat- mas joa tba aama and be happy ilka aba ia the ohilda wisdom prevailed again al tha unreason og sorrow of the mother and the little ones are happy aud busy ailing tba a ttooking of tha baby who will keep cbrlal- maa in heaven are another form of decoration very euao live both lo large and amall apart ma eta christmas observance properly or improperly the observance of cbriatmaa la well nigh umveraal in christendom even among thoao that ignore tbe anniversaries of ohr lord s death aud resurrection and of ibe deaoont of the holy bpuit there ia another curious fact tho celebration of christmas haa beoo oftener perverted than ibat of any other festival various euatoma of heathen origin wore connected with it io tbe middle ao those lad many of the lngllah and hootch reform era to oppose any celebration of the day dot aa a festival in the bouaekold 11 baa now beoo mo so dear to chllren that wo must obwrve it ii think it ia itje bant medio internal and eiternal pain they have ovor uaod ncrulinu doacrvou audi a com nam dalioti for it is hie mom powerful penelre tiug and i rtuin rttmody for pain of all kmda ukt no ubatllllle wlikt did llarebono ed him il ha served gave a 1 lor id lnnh latarrli ltllrteil in rhen yon k leaka7 he hi n 111 hluutei w g rniths christmas box depot una abort pull uf the brenlh through tbo blower supplied with each botllo of dr agnew t catarrhal iowiior dlfluao tbla powder over the aurfaco of tlio uaaal paaaag ea iatuleks and duhghtful to ubo it relievea inataiilly and permanently ourea catarrh hay fuvor uoldi headailio bote ihroat touailitis aud deafurra locrulaalj kannawfna tbo cbrlatiuaa bella iu nnvuy a alluio tli all ovoua peela are nntflug and awaet in ool and palace obluo tbe children a volooa ion to cbrut wa ruh aur inanka and prauti yar all tbe lovo ha bore ut for ilia dear aake our hyuiu we uiaki and ewall the cbriatmaa ehurua wa blesa ills blrtb wbo came to nartb and la ilia cradle lowly iteoalved tba earliest cbrlatiuaa glu tie cbrlatqltlld cure aud boly ua irare our irlanda our joy bs aanila pd if i said thai braiua will tell home umoa they will and aomolimca thoy will not bumelimra tho muro brains a man haa the leaa ho lei in tl does nut alwab anawcr fur braius to loll horn teal mrs r j no ii new armagh 1 j writes 1 or nearly six month i waa troubled willi burning aohes and pallia in my feel to auch an exleiit that i could hardly sloop al uight and aa my feet woru badly awollon i oould not wear my brala for weeks at laat i got a bottle of dr thomas 1 dec trio oil and roaolvod to try il aud to my aatouiabinaiit i tot aliuobt iuataut rohaf and the one wlonh- w it hill h wlioualit uhmii uih wlwiiabs ttad bil ii i utorta i cuutrta louie and aoa ibei 0 ilioa iooda no obllatloii tu buy uuloa ii r brlituiaa carila from ua wo bare tlio andfu ff gtntlimcn find palt s mm iccompluhed a perfect ocre cxcell6nt it cleanses tme scalp relieves the dryne5s and srrptvents hair fauinc our leao huh 1eaoo uu eartb kotd will lu tuau tbe baav nly a bo ira era alutiluu and teaoe on oertb good will to men tlio oertb toulgtil rlnuluu wo oateb tbe atrain wltli iwest rorralu tia angola auug before ua and oln tbe aona wllb boart aud loutui tba boly cbriatmaa clmrua bfc cakc5 put up hwoaom christmas sound trumpets i strike alarm drums i itoom for the holiday king i ltoom for chriatmaa mdcccxov i lai tbe people offer to him eacriaoe and inoenee and make uroparale libauons bafora him lay tgrkeye and tba flash of beeves upon hie banquet table let iba plaaaaal odor of mine pie and of lh royal padding invented in lis honor eeoeud in appstisjag wraatha lharafrom and lei all hearts be warmed with gratitude by the sacred ramembraooee evoked by bis praaanoa bee the daaaliog glfu broagbl by hie piral lord of the dad chamber lbs ly hainrnlohoiaa who noloqly baauufla childhood a dreamland with fairer pfaao uaiee than queen kfab aver faabionad onl of air bat actually fuiaii lh h- orele la the nigbt with tbe treasures of loydotn io tba morning laogb glrla and boy laugh and about j king cbriatmaa pomee but message to santa clau9 wbal la tbla cbriatmaa going to be lo christ and what is christ going to be to aa this chriatmaa time t surely the bigb aal message of tbe day ia uaaelflahuca il waa onto htm the glfu of old were brought and ahetl mt ourn he laid at hie hlaaaed feet t uod forgive ua that so often lb lima which above all othera ahould make ua chrieltiko ia the most eolflah and worldly of all the year i and uod help ua also to be ao clothed with hia simplicity humility and love that tho world aball behold io us the heavenly beauty of tho dabs of bethlehem i hxohatigo bt nicholas whitb hqrsh in holland st nioholaa ia a reality hut baoomea driving a white horse and not reindeer tba children are taugbl to be thoughtful for the welfare of the white ataad and on cbriatmaa eve each pair of little aboea la oarefully cleaned and being filled wllb oats aod hay they are placed on the hearth tbe bay and oats are fur tho good aaiul a while borae io tbe morning ibe hay and oats are goue aud lu their place in fonnd toys aud awoetmeau fur iba good children and roda for the bad ones exchange let the auu ti your homo una uf llio grcalaat of to itomuva worm of all kluda from children or adulia dr 1 ow a worm hyrup la a safe and auro romudy if wo had it it our powor tu gratify ovary niali wo wi uld boon reel the e hoc la at a aurfait liimhxl llio xl hlilrra 1uriuoa rcnotatoa an 1 reulaio ibe uutiro ayalam llio a caring dvapepala coiiallpalion hick llcadacho ifilluuanoaa lllicumaliam dropay an i all illaoaaoe of i tip atomach livor kiduoya and bowala it alau remove all i iiorltlofl rum tho y a to ill fruui u wl ull pmiplo lu the worae acrufuloua auro judgo uf tin no improvement uol by what thou apuakoit r wriloit but by tbe 11 rumen uf hi mui i and tlio guvorn tent uf thy paaaiuua and allaotioua ullor an exuhange eatitnatea that fur every rioh brower d stiller or anloou k on per in tho land there are at loaat two huudred pauiexb ay im hyrup cuic ougjia and al throat and laug trouhlea f and uc colds irioo it la folly lo seek bappiutsa whilo au ate omwilliug to be ooi uhruuiatllui urrtl u a la huuth american ithmimatio ore fur hheuiiuviamattd neuralgia radically curca in 1 to 1 daa ita action upon theayatoiu la remarkable anjjjxiysleri0ua reniuvoa at once the causa end the diseaso immodi ately dlaappcarn i bo first doao greatly beiioqu 7a oeula hjui by j v kauua uu ucod not cough all uigbt and disturb your frionda thore ia no ocoaalou for you ruuuiug tho risk of contracting in llamation of the lunga or consumption while you can got uiokle a anti conaump live hyrup tbla modtciuo cures coughs eohi tuilamntalioo wi the lunge and all throat and cheat troubles 1 1 promotes a free aud easy expectoration which im tnediatuly relives the throat aod luuga from viscid phlegm catarrh hoe our iboto kralnoa llto luteal elvloa lu tlio niarksl loa l lurbet to oiauilue ouf pert umoa 111 ixautll til cut i we have an liuuiauae itock al llouka uf every iloeeriptlun 1 houietblua uew in iaulioldora for tbe bollday aeaaon lie ai no trouble to abow uooda ou imw 1 rlcoi taka llio lea i we keep extra pure hpicra try iboiu our uaklug i ow lor la aa reliable an 1 ioular aa ever uwliifl ut u yog liave not tried it do au an 1 you will uao no oilier our ilaqpun tablae a great ilccoaa it will bo to your adva ircacxiillaiu caffnlly rrriiw laaauottlai ml table fi w g smith drugs and books jo wyndham st guelph the ideal christmas tbetdaal cbriatmaa ia fouud uol iu tha land of flowera bnl lu tho snowbound ragged country of the north without pleodld annuel glliuring la blua and k lod mtntob o old tba world la a full of saraa african wudarneaa of wall a bil thorns hul there era materials of enjoy man i inlar pf ara and ibara aaoag the african briers and if the um few and far between lh more reason yon ahould make iba btel of them cltkis b ob dlrtauitsa merry cbrtaameef la h really eeane agate with iu memories aad gneunca wllb iu joy and with lu peiu r tharee a snlaor ui lbs earol aad a abadow in toe light and a array at cypress lainlng wllb the bolly vreetb toubjbl aad lb bush la never broken uyteewhlerllgaiaihllow and we lislenln lbs starlight to tbe belle a hatxtgalf maadowa oovared with snow pouda aud lakaa ouorualed with ipe within roaring fires of hickory wood tjalia ringing with the sbouu of children aud tablea beaiiod bigb with tba good thinga of ufathose ar lbs aaaanliala which seem essential to i oo aojoynaenl of tba grea feast hey oftae ohuroh new york eraif our dlatioeuouk do uol lie io lb plaaae wa oooupyrbul in tha raoe and dignity witb which we ull ibem bimma borofula igrka in tbo blood of nearly vejyone bul hdod a uaraaparilla drives it from tba eyataui and makes pure blood kaauaailns condition iowders for florae gallu bheep and riga are ibe beat thoy improve iba apprllte and cure coughs cold aud influouca yolluw o a od niton ally ou roa or reliov oa croup astlu ia auro thrim brouobilia and ainillar iiplaiutd uao eitorually on man or b aat it or ob houmalism sprain a br ibok glla cl llblan n frost blus lumbago l ii e bank ou a wu linda itieoct blioa nature a only dct laro that mod ia it cannot toll u what he la hagyard r itural ha lanni o uroa coughs oolda aathn a oru rtroat bru ichlla and all dlaoaana of t m llroal 1 nign and iheal cure ooontbiptloa congtav ciwiaot tli roa t bod by all dmcxuu a ouanataav r lasmfiido dackcrctim8buoha posooa plaster wafglva grv t 3ilfacib ej casta shilohs vitalizbr lira t rliawklnaoiattanooentdon aaraji skuas vtuiiiraved uy llth t ormf idcrtf ttobttt rrmcdvforaiuiiqitatmlmrtrm i eocr uaad lorlvaponala ltynapr kidney truuhlo il cjcdl frlcowcfj hnvayoucatarrbr try this itemedy it will posluvalr relieve and cure you frloe 60 eta tli la injector for lit suioenful treatment la furnubod free itommnlir rhhllob elbranodu are aoal on r iiuiraali j tu trivo i strange but true the child that cannot dicbt milk can digetat cod liver oil ab it it pre- paied in scott s lmul- bion careful scientific tebta have prov it to be more easttycngested lrian milk butter or any other fat that is the reason why puny sickly chil dren and tlun emaciated and dtituniil perbouh gi ow fleshy bo rapid 1 y ou bcotf s kmulbion of codliver oil and hypophosphiles when their ordinary foud does not nourish them an tttrimlrht ou u scene ucllolllc sdc and t when a man faoea a oourt aud pleads nol gudly nearly all llio lawjors preneut bellovu that lie la llug ur llruiiclit i- iksriami wo havo uaud el low oil aa a family remedy fur brutinbiiia with ovary aucuesa my liuabiud alau uaed il fur a atift linger that he thought lr wuuld never be abla tu use aalu bul it la nuw aa well al ever ihrentji uaiug halyard bellow oil urn d 1 tjaiux u whitehall 1 i out hick ueadaohe aud otialipeuoti aro promptly cured by uurdock lllla t say lu take sure iu affect to discover truth aud lu aeparalo it from a fataebdod ii idrmy an occupation worthy of the beet intellect and uol at all uuwurthy of the beet hoar i bleeplesauess ia dig naraoai asolt meuf the dellilely cunallutetl the auauciar the busmeea iuau aod those whose ocounatldn tieoojailatee great msutal atraiu aud worry all autleriug lu or mure from u bleep ia the i reetorar uf a wurrffld braiu nrl to g sleep jloauaa the tqniach from all impurities with a few doses of rarmeleea vegetable tills gelatine ouated containing uu inaroiiry au i are giiarauteod lu give aatiafauiou or tbe muncy will be refuudud 1 agitalioti in the world of homos pa thic medicine haa been its very aoul of progress as in politics and religion tbe difficulties of opinion and tbo individuality uf men havo iieen parent lo tho disagreements by which tbe standard of those bodies have been elevated ho with moat of our famous preparations fbremoal iu illustratioo of wbiloh truth stands the world famous remedy to goueral debility and langour quinine wine and which when ob tamable iu lu ouuiue ntrength is a inirao uluua creator of appetite vitality and stimulant ua iba icucral fertility of tbe system ottnuio wlua and ita improve meut haa from the first diaouvery of tbe great virtues of juuiiua aa a medical ageut been ouo uf llio moat thoroughly discussed mined ioa ever offered to tho public ll ia ona of llu great tonics and ualural llfo giving stimulants which fhu modi al pro feaaiuu have been compellod to reoognlmi and iroacrlbe mosara northrop t 1 y man of loronlo have 11 ven to tho preps ration uf their puro uululue wlue lha gruat oaru due to ita iuitrirtance and tlio standard oacelleuoa uf the article which lhay offor lo llio public coiiea luto tho market purged of all the defects which akilful observation and scientific opluiou aa no luted out iu loaa perfect preparations ot past all druggists soil it the pehrbci tej fiarstrca lh la tmc w 010 ansa aw a fhom tmt tka punt to thc tc cuf as tbu like it that a tbo way we will ulako your fall bull of oourae trou i lat a ouatouir loo 1 1e u a alyl j he t aurau l wo call bel it wo know tuo well wbal a rlsbl lutliea aa you will like it la a better w wo will tailor your bull or your idea of wbat you waut u put with our rears of oiirfenm iu bo tbe result uettlutf your suit bare la t lllly utakluft cluuiaa and aauafactlou la meuciiii rlgbuy it rives iouk life lo lu uaofuluoae aud iusui illlty aud every atuaetlvo ilamaitwgjuhiry monsoon tea fa packrd inder llw unerruihi of the tea irmwwa andw ajivftwrd and klby ihcai aa a aamnlot f ibe heat nualitwaof indian anjcajum taaa kur llial reaaot thry aco jl none but the cry freah leaves ro lulu monatkia nafkascs that i hy mommm tin perfeel tea can bs it ia mil up in acauj u of h u 1 lb and j iba aiulaou in three lnn n al 40c 10c and 60c if n ir ini d ws n i krrp ii tall himlo wnla st eh 1iaytek co 1 1 and 1 j fraoi kaat toronto laboat rudrrd at a fltfuni ibat la uiutually tjiroauble wo racuui 16 scotch tweed suits bcjond that price we cannot add durability 72 pair striped tweed pants for 400 should chaise igt lut tlicn we would onl ell one air wlicit now wc will sell half a docn 13 scotch tweed sulfa last aeaaons woio j i lo 20 vours truly for si 2 so j d williamson a co wyndliam and maodonnell streets tiotlph 1 he ilout t lliidc ll-a- took i list lliic at the world hair in chicago a licmy the ucst low priced picss inahufactuied nih best cheapest pvoiity gyliqder presses th most successful remedy ror man oi bkatt w xjbsrttbr u kenmllsspavinoure a illwxesil lrip haa ij ma ona ol jmr nana hukaihl jlia i luirauaajasraal boaj of jroatr kauitall iin cura u aunii alwie i ii ba won lrtul mntlriua i w iwd a noan duia aad tauvnlt m dn i1h outbr i aap a uua baoit all tba lima tl luuntmly lait rowaxt kenoflllsspavingure uo apr 1sa fur ttale by all drunisis or sddisai aeeasjuaari falls yi cylinder prcsb for the country pnpting othec lb the irouty it is light in construction ftt runirlng rcuhl understood in all itb rtb and dues bupenor work tbe laat that every proas la pai4 for in omah onablee tbe manufacturers to eell the frouty at very low prince there are no lo you can arrange lo havo freight and duty prepaid and save all bother of importation etn send 4i onv for catulogucb and prices lo h p moore act0n0nt sole agent for canada ui lu walker co manufacturers madison wis ak i ontain a patent f for a aiihuienee in the patent bualneaa rommunltw- iiihui atrlotlr ormtwetillau a llamluoak uf in f ouexiernloa paleala and bow lo ob tain ibem sent free also a catalogue ol mti keiand adoiiuoolvioke sent fiea iaienu taken tunuh klunn cn receive atiolatnotloolnthe rleattne aaterlren 1 ihua are brouaut widely bernretbo imimio uli- i to the luvonior thla apleiutld najwr asiied eoehlr eleaanilrulual rated taabylarll a lanieat ciroulallua of anjoientlno wort in tiiu wnrloc ej a 7 oar omnilo mnlaeaent free hmwnk will piaua n ul iinebulliiursfn ah liq lalaal ilnaiii i an i aeeurn nuilrarla a lilnme muim i iv wlw vouu jill idtoauwat eor twenty five yuarfl dunns baking 0wder thecooks best friend laroiotsali in canada

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