Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 9, 1896, p. 2

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w f i if at anton nti tuesday til ian uinwtf nlll tiwaekhamnr jr ofh aou hkai kiiami n tr i ni4 in naaaairnways u ttiiiilay le itjiul tho wlloof john marshall if s mi alhthrirrjiumny january uh iw nil o ir jiwiu i pbiiio hlclilaiil low of a huh slide vi lnhhivy januaity u 1hud our subscribers qtve thbir approbation ii was ciot without carefully ouikiderinr tlio matter in nil ha relations ai cl arriving al lio cuiicluaion that it woutit bo more aalihfaotory both to our subscribers and mirwiidi that wo adopted tho plan rctjuir liitf all subssrlptions to tho furr inaiui to bo paid lit advance oars agj tho city papers adopted this plan bat with news papers published in tho country it wn an nut ned system uwmr to the credit ay tem which an largely prevails in moron lila linus throughout the oouotry local newspapers with few exceptions have i itatert to aaopt tbta truo principle of ci tu advance three years ago we put this plan i operation ami 111 fee jeara uperionoo ban proved cultroly satisfactory to tha iuke itikut rouiigeoiaul our aubaenbera bave loyally itood by tbe hick pmuataitd acoapled the nw aya torn lu a manner moat ploaaant and pro it able loin lo day every subscriber ia ou an equal footing under tho old pay whan you pleaaa rem mo a large propor tion promptly renewed at the expiration of each year rrmnv paid in three or four or bix inontba a considerable nuniber jn in from one to five yean and moii never paid at all now every subscriber paya in advance no fnvqrs are aaked if the fwk piitno la desired it ia promptly paid for if not all that ia necessary to have i discontinued n to fail to renew aftd it promptly otaatiiu weekly v lei fa by tbia method no person ia forced to take our paper ia the case where a paper la con tinuod until a dr finite order to atop it ia jtlvon a treat many aubacriptiona expire at tbe beginning of the year nearly all of thoao bavo been renewed a few remain unpaid la youra among tbe dumber 7 look at tbe little name label on your paper and boo if it ia you will avoid inconvenience and le lay by renewing your subscription to day when eandlug jour own renewal if you a ill induce any one of ioar friends or neighbors to have you send his or her name as a new ubaortbor we will accept tl 75 for tho two subscriptions h p moore publisher 11m annual alnoilon of this miiiitoinallty it over all tlio nandl intra who weronom inalml went in to llin contest la wjn and they were all apcnanlul but one the fact t tairft tliftlwnly arto pmiaida to could bn donated na hitwmmi nf a rn mitred tho election keen mm i1is aa fiiiioht liowcvir in tlio beat kih b1eilril each candidate was givin n ry oretlrtaba vnlo and ounoillor wil llama who was retirod by a minority nf only invan votes haa ilia aaliafaoliou nf knowing that flvo morn friends camo to hi support una rar than in 1hj5 last jer councillor ii vll beadel the poll with ia 1 votra on monday oandidatn matthews won thll distinction with a vol i of ihi1h in advance to hi credit ho bad a aloaa agaoarl in mr ilrpwn who secured the fratu as has fro a i ft will n that the now men kit in lha con trtt messrs francis and ntokfiit ulio served in tbe council i ail yiar polled good aggregatca and were within wo uf each other councillor wilhama who has served for throe years as chairman of the committee on b treat a and walks said at ihanurniuaupu ho- wouhl not fool hurt if left at homo lie retires philosophically fful no doubt llmla it difficult to under faud the flaklouca of an alodtorata which last year honored him with second placo among aixht candtdattn and now ruliroa him at lh foot of tho list tho follow lug ia tha official reeult of the poll maritinn kiiank oil ii iii at llin rmliloiirn nf dm i ifalo fuinr n w ndtiea law uncnuilior suli l h v mr lollrisiii or morrlatiiwh william krai h l nasaairawnya to ulu irftnoro of ik ii i jm i irfkin the mctwxtul churcli kihihtfood nil wednnwlav liljaiiuary liy ibe llov i hlraehan mr itoy lulld nf ilodnxv klulii county u mim joltnl itasa nlitdbl lulitfr of mr john jolmmt it kwood i ijnontly ben th case in th notes and comments houili carolina has far a long tiaia held uniijuo posiuon as the only state in tbe t alon which refuses to grant divorcee for any cause whatsoever it is exooodingly nteresling lo note the faol that tbe new constitution does not alter tbe stata a polloy in this regard m or r togas balwoan lha two races are absolutely forbidden tha age of- consent is qxod at fourteen married women are accorded full right of pro parly tha appointment of tbe ioexela com mission iblanttnidly oomroeuled apon by the london press the view being taken thai it is an american matter that doos not ooncern hnulaud it would nseet with a diflereut raooption if it oould be trans lurmed into a com mission of inquiry with tbo arbitration idea disclaimed and eng land put in a poaitiou to praaent its case fairly oovanor morton a message to the new york chamber o commerce meeting is hailed as a eign of ratarnlng raaaon the defence of canada oparatlona balnn qulatly but erfootlvoly made at ottawa ottawa jau i ju ax tar master oanerj lake a mission to england which la oisamed oa a matter of ocoraa to be- for oonaulutiou with tha lmparial government on cauada s defanoas and armament is beiug already followed up in anticipation uf parlianienlarv sanction byquiot bat oom plate preparatory stops look loft to the thorough reorganisation of tbe military forocs of canada and tbe revision of the plans of defcooe formulalad at tbe lime of tbe trent affair the deaire pradamiastea here to make no fuss and give no unneoaa- aarv oauoo of offeuoe to our neighbors south of tba una tha deficiencies of the militia as ins result of a long period of paaco and starvod vutea are a vubloiaut cause fgr ordinary action at tb praaent time even if tba uultttd btataa wera not opanly disauaa lug war volos and military preparations by land and sea for operations against canada in aaaa of trouble arising oat of tbe report uf cleveland a com m last ou in oounsollon a lib this soueu a f molntyra the well known bar r is tor wri taw lgnrt tbe formal tou ihrouitboul tba dominion of an urdor of indapeudenl riflumeo tbe mem ban to purchase through tba government oaob bis owu rifle this ha says would increase tba number of good weapons in the oouulry aad tha raembera of lbs orgauiaa lion from tbslr oa easily of rifle shot would prove a valaable force lu tlras of need irobably a faros of fitly thousand ion doqld be roisod in ibis way nftfonndland a ravanaa for tba past ill months amounted to 1700 000 au inoraaaa nsar tha a the municipal elections chalrmnn wlllldma rtitlroa two old and two now mon tftaarod i uattubwa fa ion imj x hnowk l 9 itlh a pkaxria it kl ku 4 mcatim fij 7 hi 6 uiiiumi no r ia tho council for tlo pnaent yoar will he oo ni posed as follows hkktk ocortfo ilavlll couniiijjiiib j ii matlhawa illiam drowu laaao franoia and a h nioklin owing lo the retirement of itev j w liar dr ureu and mr james llrown no pail waa neoeaaary for boboot trusteca messrs w ii storoy oeo ilynda and iloberl nol were conaeiuentty ateoicil atiou lo servo for tho next muo of the board at nrei by years tha per as follows james mclam 1 ii llardiu hobert wallace w ii hlor ueo liytid aud hobert uolmes kutcnoxh 4t oitien ruivrx liubiindton counotliora j c bmith h u cleavnr j b allen w ii tinne oeoaoktowit ileeve joseph harbor by oo councillors j i mclood johu gano john mckanua neil hunter miltoh mayor j ii mcoollom ac hoove d ilobertaon m o couboltlors j i little o a bomstreol j m lias tod o l i- earl w j armstrong j h pea cock tbo mcdowell it l uemstnmt j h deacon oakviuk mayor w ii oung iteeva e b anderson deputy itoov oao andrew councillors ward 1 a d cbliholm c k dot w h morden ac ward j m bigger 1 kelley it wil hams ward a a h i- or iter j kelley ii shaw ac htbkktm iu a heave john orsydon coo noil lore w cl con ltd on or hut ladro jatnoa millar t w bobloaon ehqukbiko the old council by acclama tion nuuuuivrti itoeve d hulchean deputy john marshall councillors erwin uealtie mcgibbou rturauita liy ac dr back reelected reeve john modougall 1st dopuly hoove w hall ind depaty leeve 1 heather alone and w h bpaara councillors ebjk heave c ii walker auihi1 lorah n martin c 11 olhir j ulaokwood l u boot l laiw towmwur runvn tiwt tilnu by ac 1st dopuly john duff jo it deputy a molaughlau on noil lorn george hear and 1 boa desnm by so il e nolsou ia again au aldormau of ooelpli with a big vote in toronto morning was elected mayor by nearly 1b0u uf a maturity over aid bbaw a h torster of tho okvilla slur was re alaotad at the head of the jioll in hie ward john duff who waa live volos laluti 1 j held far tha 1st deputy ilnvoahip of erin last year defeated the same opponent on monday by ovar 100 majority news of thedav ancpltoms or tha world a oo durlna thai weak r aariaa si lags yean tba commutes of invaetigvliod baa reported nn the muses of the deplorable condition of a uamqua dm pempu look of super vision and inspect lob tha total deficit is itujfldh ii is rumored that tbe japansaa uosarn meal has oaured into arranjemanu with lord armstrong a company tha groat kngtiah flroi of shipbuilders and gun makers for lbs establish roe pi nf a dock yard tad guu faotory iu japan mr h f switxer town clork uf mid land li dead ottawa waa vlalted by a aeveio earth quake shook monday morning col prior m i waa roturuod tor victoria mouday by a aniall majority thar wore aix miaides ouo aoai denial death in now york at obrialmas tlda mr f w clark of kiogatou waa killod by falling off a eidawalk he was tw yoars of ate a bill ii now bofora the idled ulalna seuau lo raisa tho lake levels oy uaiuiug tba outlets mr albert moors of liar ley wai found dead in a railway culvnrl near uurford on christmas herbert mllorvl a waluoebur newsboy baa bean jailed al chatham for raising ofawmea ou i bo hank of montreal it is reported that a syndicate is ikjiiih formed iu london and uarlln to take uj ibe uultad tilatea loan uf ltm 001 kmi it la said that tho two robol gonorala u cuba havs ia000 meu moasod under them aud thai havana la lu a auto of ureal id lament tho latest touibiuo la for tba iiurjhimi uf kasplng tho pnoo of sole laatbar ukki paying baala and rmtrlctlng if iiuaalbla tho output cuban rebala oipluded dynamite under a train on the nuovtlaa puerto hue oon saining sou passenger a several of wbuin ware injured tba wril for tba booth weutworlh olec lion for the legislative assembly has beau iasued nomination lakes place jau 1 nd polling a weak later tbe announcement of hv h g bo sills p resignation aa pastor of tha james fltraei uaptlal cbarcb hamilton waa a ftlfprhjo to lha oongrr on hnnday blmoa knelgn of pontlao who was oou flood in tha mora oaatla at havana cuba or jo year has filed al washington a claim for idboooo danugea sgttnst the bpanltl qovcrnroonl tha walland iswanoh of tbe toronto uamilloo sod unflolo railway is noi oomplatad and a rrgular train aervios baa oommanoad batwacn walarford and welland via drontford and hamiltou tha qovarnmapi wgtuaar tnada his luspea ttoo on hatorday a crisi at o 8ovon cnblnat mlnlntnrrt doaort promlor kliiwoll tholr roslff- nntlona acafptoji nnd tho voolrticldttdnlpo flllnd the bolters want tuppbr oinm jinn y h i bo iijkiiiiiu i pr llaimirll lust i hurnlny w n vrry iimoh like a prnninlriu it irrthttlil runindoil imr too of jir puivtioni fir a film rl 1 ho nauall ohcorfiihsrim of llin hliinorinlisla wifti moody and n troul lod look ri olwl on the f uf hut gov llu raimit fir this wrro niamfimnd after tin honrni hail adjntirucd iinlil lues day ou halnnuy sxivui miriiurrn tot derod tin ir ronigimtinun i hey wi m thn mlnisttuf rinnnco ihn mmutr of jui tloe tho mltitbtrr of i iuii sill nniiii trn tho minister or agrionltur lh muihtr tjfalla and uiml- thu minnlor n mlllll and hofpilct ih lonplxiur of c ustoiim 4l din shiiiul iiihuhlrrwith oab portfolio 1 huso odious wori hji by mir- 1 lir itippor lta molitagur haxgatt diukc aul w ol ihdroigtia tlous havontl boii a o pled and iho vaian oloa aro bourg tcmiorarily fllhd by pronner ilowell i h no mr in thu cabinet with mr l folios wara mr ontigni mm inter of marine mr uiuimt mimitor nf public works bir d lihn arin posiiiubi r untfral and mr dvlj minuter of llic lntenor only one protestant cu leaiuo ri iiistuo oiii n- or tin niouiilt it would lm a graj1 error lo supiou that tho government oooruhmviwhool pdioj is tha only causo of ojllapas it is an moi dent hu not the ctuso tha collapse had beau predicted boaausa of the llilruiiio wcakursi uf the cabinet aud thn waut of oonfi leiica not only of iho parly but of tha kkjio a diaplnod lu tho byetloutious of co u r w thu hi inintilith rubollod in tho end against tin remedial bill and alidooo ralhor lo maori tt no prninter bowoll than be sacrificed cheniaelv s lu thoir owu oon lit ueiicion on t rirtory- maasrs montague an 1 lmrt wont to hlr maakcnxio ijowoll an4 ilwnhmiihhi imw colirwmbnt ii waa told ho wa not wonfud any longer tho prnminr ilrnlflt umir n in not a pistol to htl hosd the intarviaw was a abort owe and the rot fr oil ualurday afternoon tho sevtu minmlcntput in ihotr rohigua tious cot cla ling it is reortod that thoir action would force sir mnokoiuio bowoll to throw up lha premiership in line they wero sadly nilslakeu far tho old man sticks to tho wreck and thu bolters are lo iho ooklsur the present al least lm10l4jkxtk1i is iiisronv tbe revolt within the cabinet against its chief is cousidorod rfora the blackeat piooe uf political iioachcry iu lustor there has bouii troachory to bir mackeuxio howell iiilo tin 1xiiitiing of his ad mi till trallou aud a keen ubacryer of events doc i area that thu 11 kill oiiimisaioiior a viait was a fjjart of tho conspiracy tho part high commiaaionar t upper is playing i hard lo sisc up it is astonishing that auolhcer of the government would be ever noutionod in ooiuirotion with ibe premior ship 1 lie real loader of the maloonlonls lithe lion ti l 1- otter and bo la uoi outlawed i the buaiueas uf wrocklug lu order that tba rich cargo should fall to bir c barloo i upcr mr roster baa boon tho roal leader ol tha rebel unl tho coor cion jiolioy of the aabinol ever siuoe it was inlroduood his room has been tba meat ing place for tho kickers it was there they mot whou mr clarke wallace resign d it waa ihora they met 10 rosign on baturday mr toeler la not doing all una lu advance hie amhltiou of anyone olae he aims at tho promirrdbip himsoif 1 erbotially he n unpopular but his ability aud adroiluese aro desirable to the uuu uk j in juiti k 1 bo roioihdd explaiiutiuim ul iliu n w liilalcrn ware mado to hid 11 um uf commui eataidsy af lorn xin wlioli tho popular haiubcr asooinbled nbirlly after s o clock ttmro waa a vcrv larue sllciidanun of iiiainbera about the only rtpreaautallvas not present being those from hrillah col nmbla nut for many years liaa in muoh luteroal been luktytfaid in the anting uf the uouao aa has beau uouuaablo today looutt bwlora j o clock icoplo had gathered by boo res around tho several entrances to ibe iiallur lee whim tbo lobblua worn crowded willi people auxiuua lo ancuro tickets for admls aiou witiiin livu iniiiulos of oieuuik alaudiug room in iho galleries was al a after routine uublneas had boon dihaod uf aud 111 r now itianilierb introduced mcar btubbs mcfcihano and 1owoll bir a p a roil roao amid profound slleuoa to mako a slalciiicut ho announced tho resignation ol seven meuiberauf tho cabi uet aud aaked fur au adjourn men i for two weeks tu jl ve the uuvorumeut limo to hajo its course mr laurier refused to consent aud mr footer prosauted an ol planallon of iho reasons which lod lo tho roaiua hunt atatiiik thai il was uul a diuoreiioa of jkilluy bill diaaatibfaolloii with the premier hlr maukeiixie howell that kniollod the aotiuu of hiiiiaalf aud tha ovher oi ministers bir hiohard art wriifhl noka and thu llouae a ijuurnod till today a two weeka adjournment will irutiably lika loe llila afleriiool uiu hrt at uuhlph j u williamson nth i an hva f foiitiir phkk initmi wtavsaj inn tlinn boa oomn tfo for hid flnldi i ml a anrvants aaul to help m no are imry tha wtlluinnil harvoat faluji fur hie t e urh with a will auccusa our liuilfts nllll rnr wo note their strntiul thniijfi f llo ninth tin phd out worker hi y u lead t i lrael aainwiallsts 111 i lod 4 jjhtmui tqoy hiirihus the skill tin roiitrrailot iii n ii jlir nil llt k sitni l uialolilesa llat ll fljft to drluh in aft its rl tiiin ivrerl an i ilwr attitliliiks tlio choirs ou hlili iiiiil liuoli hulr ioiilt au i inul to tlitoi to uiqjrjhals hn an ant hera fur ttio i nl mnyml ry 0 r nl ami halan mi thoir tiuutinrs imirrli 1 ti roily sjblnn rnvnal rmnilu lllll mar there lioau ixi ail 1ml to mm i liirt ii ulrithr ilaur wi il 1 yifti diy arlulil v tlimi lltnarlulit tiu l mioo today tim door of merry il n la wl lo n nil ii iw cu a uiy u uotroyajcl ru broke out m tin i of j 1 william dry ttoods oatahl ou v o al hi 20 ou halurday uighl and doalruyad atouk valbed al m wm ifhe liiauraiioe ou iho k in about jh 000 un itie building u kk iliooauboof ibe lire la unknown although it ovidenlly ntartrd in lha atailo dnparlmr h at one limo it looked aa if tho oiitiro block including iho jjrrcury otlloo hough s prilillilg ullt h noill hlioo and the bell organ 1 aclory ouo of tha flueat in ho oily would be dealr yrd 1 ti lire onipauy wcio at workfrtioiloil in vnlil u clot k buu day uiortiing punbunuv a very plaaauik event took ilaoa ou now yoar a day at bethany hurch i on aonby iruull when mr arthur i yfo aud mlaa limly i aaby wore united lu main mouy by itev j truax as tho bridal party entered the churoh wymau s wed ding march was excellently raudered by mrs thomas ferryman jr uf acton the brido waa haudaomely attired in cream mod with laco both droti au 1 loll ttnirantf hlmm miao- ioiin ailnnipil 1 lmma nioklin aaeislad the brido tha groom being supported by his brother mr v rrd pyfe after the ceremony the num aroue gaaila enjoyed a aumpluuua rapaal al the homu uf mr levi lxaby father of tha bride where tha uumcroui and costly w told tbe eetoem in which the irtrddnil ntinpl were held at four o clock tbe happy nam ufl or tlualph tbenoo to toronto aud other places ainid showers of noa and heartiest wuhoa for many happy new years i in muou makn tu a r tlur if nilluil trn luorunl will nh j you id ma niiiin tlila worl lusufoiii loluimt itatryuood lint w fmil lillow wlmre or lallim u xl ai nunl a kin my liaii i wo ii linlfl ni lln hi tttnn prep am t inn atmix jan ttli 1hx tlhy ry m now rotty wall o a good nion were milton a 1 ifav w 11 cockburn s new or in first claos rum i ig or lor thn election excitement calmed down now wo onnctl but a number of g left walter ii dickin died on hat unlay aftar a fow day s illness from puaumoma alf cartwight has traded his 100 acred iu dlalaon for john momulhu s joo ai the johnson zimmerman farm i zimmerman paying mr momullin bolweou tu 000 and 000 last tuoaday william parkinson aged jl apeared before ludgo hamilton chanod with stealing monuy and a regit tared letter at palermo where ha has boon in tho employ of postmaster ilagcr tin youth wont away at christmas and had a good tuna ou iho hiouoy aud on his ratun waa arrostedand committed fur trial h pleaded guilty before the judge who teiiiklirtnt liliu fui auiitsmoir so that uii j may bo inodo as to bia prcvioua character siloam it ia seldom that chribtmaslide a without a wedding among our young folka and this season was no expvollon one bf our moat highly ewteemod young- mon mr john w bnydor took to hiranelf a bride in tha person of mibs sophia daughter of mr johnbtaufter of laslgarafraxa itev w j ilrandou performed the ceremony in tho preaonee of a large number of friends the contracting parties tlio young poop i o especially of tha unck church extend heartiest congratulations a few o veilings ago a large number thn memliera and odhorenla of the brick hurch met al tbe home of mr iloberl johnson aud a delightful social evening waa spon au i ii lores t nig feature of ihi proceedings waa the presentation to mr hobert johnson jr of a beautiful silver watch in recognition of his long and faith ful aorvicca as caretaker of the chnreh tha presentation was accompanied by a kindly worded addraaa aud was signed in behalf of iho congregation by messrs uoorga dron ani hrank u amble the editors table a face with wbioh fow are familiar ti that of catharine ilooth tho mother ol iho salvation army which forms tin froulispieoo qf tho january number of i lu hiiutsiu mm aud aooomiaiiles au appreoia tlvo akeloh of thai noble woman life nut wurk by barah it hoi ton i bo january number of an n lj i- excellent one 1- very department la toplelt willi infornialiuii audi aa every farmoi nceda hpecialiata in every department of scrtonlturo whatbonver wilt find someihlng llioro bearimt on their work and the lufor inatluii aupplird la given in euoti a wa that every farmer can understand it thu senators da ugh ten the aerial lory by a c wheeler which has boon running in tht auniauuii nuice autmt rraahch ttmjlnntr in the january number of that magaxillo aud in its bold realism thorough originality takes rank amutig ibe beet tkollbti of the year tho rrontlanlcoo of the january nrti f i a r is a reproduulion uf what ih known in connauy as km per or william s cartoon 1 ho emperor did not draw tho picture but gave iho idoa and a roujli sketch to an artist apnravod of the numbed result and preaetilaj the original to the cxar of ituasia 1 ha of tho work is au exhortaliou tu the nations of 1 urow u join in iho defence of your faith and your youthful i ouelltiuitlos a 1 i f rime ii i urbes wlnlo mmoer lloyal ollogo of ihjnlclan 1 uudon pbyalulaii lu tho british lloafiltal for mental d leasee otc limo l0j 6t oentn roronlo punk a wagiiaile o ibis export uouropalli having reoeutly made a profeasluiisl visit in the united b la ton additional internal will bo d i rooted to his book and it is well ll at it should bo so i he aubjoctapmials iu avaryniio having oaro uf tba very young many having pare uf lbs young aro can loss ill rough ignorance and think that ss tho child grows alder it will outgrow its perviro occenl rial lies 1 his booh will uaoh mull ibat tho fault muni lie at ll olr owu doors if its teachings have been discarded tho child develop tutu thai whlili wasforuiont fruin thoir liom or eiprotatiutin iho book ohuuld be stu ho i by nil having obargo of home education also by those having paaloral charge uf hie homo eduual irn ii isaiiuouucnl ibal the f mdii leui will oonkuaiiue with iho present year ita iweuty fifth yoar of juiblii a hun 1 ho psor liaa gradually gr wii null small tpgiuiiingo and now it is rtcniiizdii as aocoii 1 tu uu roligluun juurmvl iu the duiulitluii ita ooluuiun liavu alwaya commandod tho best lalant in hie laro aud lullueuaial doiioinlualluu m so worthily represents aud for ilia coming josr all lha old lime favurites are retained whilo a n mi i her uf new writers have pruunaoj lu contribute lo the varioui dopirlmoiltn uf lha paper ilia mako up uf the iiftij irruih ia slmpla and oomprehenalve lis table of ooutauts each week falls under lha fallowing headings via no ton uf tho week our cunnbutors teacher and uahularj hribliau eudoavor paalor and l ta tlrbl u r polka tho missionary world health nud huumiium hints llritich and lurcigu along with a strong editorial page lha yearly aubacnnliuu conrtnuob al 4 l0 but oay uf our ruaders who desire club ralos should write ibe uluo i jordan btreet toronto a avonb change the btortv op a vouno ladv in smiths falls hnr honlth wpd pndly shttaracl- suffurud from n bad couh nnd conntnnt pain in tha sldopnlo nnd almaat qloodloen hor health aujnln rtaitornd t a in tin hiiiiitihi l iu rl tf hliunw that if i hai not bo ll i taking 111 wllllm piukphlhj i would not liava llvul much longer riiesn words wero trtterad by jllinu monnnn laughter of mr luhnton monsnp of this town and s ong ldy extremely popular anion hrr frletnu niiifanplaintancre miai motop had bren ailing for nnveral years and her recovery to hi allli in a matter of general rejoicing among bur friund 1 u a reu he iav hnr tury aa filiows 1 scarcely know how my illncssxgin tha i aymplniii wax a feeling of tlrciluns u llin slighlenl i i rtion i he mlor left my ao and 1 btoxino ui a corpse i lit u i waa attaoknl wilh a pain in my ii ft nldo and coughed a goo 1 dual al ural homo remedies wnru tried but as limy did not ih guy good a doctor was called in and i wni liudir hlff care for about a y echoes tor bick m watchib i qrat8dle unit ii il jo ii mturt trilkhnt rrtntj dul thu troatmout did not do mo any good ani i waa alia lily growing weaker and weaker 1 was unable to go upstairs with out having tu nil dowu and roat whan i got there aud tho pain in my hide bocai morn and more in ton no i kept wasting away and lout all interest in life and at last was s l tha r waa not ox ico lod at this juncture my mother saw an artiolo in a news paper relating tin cure of a young lady whose oaso waa almost identical with my own nnd wlioao cure was dun to dr williams pink pills this prompted a trial of that medio dy tha time a couple of boxes wore used there wbb a doling of improvement and i continued using tho pink 1 ills until i had taken nino boxes all the time gaining rapidly until now i feel that i have recovered my old umo health i oau now walk a long distanoo without being tlrod and ifsku no longer tioublod with that terrlbfwlain in my nldo my appetite hi returned aud 1 oau now tat almost aa muoh an any momlior of tbe family and 1 know that had i not begun taking pink pills 1 would not have lived much lonfer mrs moflaop says she oinnot express tht grallluda she feels toward this grand mod icino which las rcstare 1 bar loved da ugh ter a health and will aluas apeak of 11 iu terms of praise dr irilllami pink pills ftro osproutty valuable tu women they build up tbi blood restore the nerves and eradicate those troubles which make the lives of at many wbmen old and youug a burden diexiuosb palpitation of the heart narvoui prostration sptjedtly yield to this wonder ful modiciue hey aro sold only in boxes the trade mark and wrapper priutad iu red ink at 0 con in a box or six boiaa fut i ik aud may bo bad of druggists or direct by mail irom ir williams modi ciuo company llrookvillo jut mfithodist magazlnfc and hfc view 1 br igh lha amalgamation uf iho lvta tit fttj i i r and i turn jjrlhtmiuu ur iru ui dor a ooinlliiud title tha beat bia lurh of both jnnodloals will bo united 1 ho new nor ion uf the mrth ndtl alajn i tlriitu will bo one fourth larger than tho jwwtx iuy mr and will lulaia all ttio jmj ulur fealureo which made that pari oduul bu h a household favorite and will aild how and important departments with uul any luurcaauuf priou iho auuouuco meut for lhjti is a vary attractive one i liu splundldly illustrated articles ou brit ains keyauf lmpira around tlio world with tho union jack aud ilia ore lintalu uf tho south boa a wllb oovere1 luvjkirs ou uur own gnat dominion glvo it a patmtlu charaatur that ahuuld apjeal to the patronage of every loyal c atiadian i bo arliulu on lvor day life in bible 1 and will throw much light o many paanagob of holy bunplurv the prizes awarded 1 he dual awarda in i he 1 horary oonjfuli u by the dr williams medicine o uf hrouviljo ontario have jual boei ttlytounuod i ho decision as to ttlt orilo nf uieol uf iho ilvo stupes scleotud was loft lo a vote uf tho readers and thai j lorcat was uki n in the matter la sbuwu by thu fact that 1u7jh vuloa were reoordeil a night ou rook back by una mrs u b hmellle luroulu receive 1 lltfj vuloa tho largost iiuiuber oaat and ut awarded ii ml rixu the lady uf ilea u or by dlhmas 1 hun swift dllawu o bucnl with kilt voles the tall of york by allan llouglaa llrodle 1 1 burl lieaulll lorouli taken hie third with uk i vote iho houno uf 1 ulalle by margory looker mm 1 j- raaor halifax n h baa ibu fourth place wllh woo voles iho new ldtoll by lagoo c ii koeiilevalde ilrantfortf jiuo is awarded ih priro ilia priecs sre hik 17 i jw tl ji ih dr williams mvdlmno u kaarvert luuoh or ed it for oo liberally annialiiig h dovul plug a altadlali literary taluut maltine with col livfch oil and hypofhobphittb ti uiaikabla roaulla have beo obtmnod fioin the uo f mallina with wod i iveroli ivu i llyhphiapilun m oooea uf oinatlalkin dialed wilh bmtilhial irritallou and cougti i he ollloaoy of cod hvtr ull lu ibis ulaa of aflootious baa long beau oonordotl and oouibluotl as it le lu this preparation wilh the tiiolioapliitos which affords a valuable stimulus lu hie nervous ayatem aud witli maltiuo itself a food and rooou iruulivo uf tho greatest value lis useful urn ta vaally increased hurlhsrmoro by the action uf mattlno starchy foods are more oasily digested aud lu larger ijuauti liaa aflurding additional nouriahroout fur replacement of tba waste uf tbe body and fur reouuatructive purposes if you n any ot mr oao hum pg at uio htuart at reel railway statiau in 1 1 ami hon waj kuookod down by a locomotive atnt nttirfy lujurod last weak tig ojd liver if ibis agent weigh yourself una mallluu for two weeka aud obaorve the results you will havo gained both weight aud slrongth airdirohef from uuugh bran uhiul irriiatloit and tile dislreis these occasion 4 mr uoorga l 1 uukatt wae slsoted mkypr of haiiilllui by over 1 100 majority i ha lluilud bis wit tiuuala commit tee od 1 luanoa has urderod a roe oginat bill ta be rcporud lo tbp rjouale at frhnk dowler s this ovout iiiih hlirrod tho conununit lo ita vory cqntro dny iiltcr ja tlio l row tin ittcrcnno and iih tho time growti nhorloi tho uoi olisity for it fpoodj clourutico hocomon moro onpftront it tukoh n lot it rolling to qlunr 4000 00 worth of dry good it ih only ii fow ucukr- till down umo tho witlln nnd out cornea tlu iront l will nohiv ho hlird to inid tho great coah uouao in llio fiilura iih no expect to hrtvo the hiwisiiid moat convenient btoro from toronto to burn in whoro you enn como and buy uvor thing tor homo comfort nnd tumily uho bnt wo have got to clear the ntock lirpt ladies mantled we sold more mantles inttro months this fall thin wa did all lost winter btcaum the pjloo aud roods were right hut now we will clear lbs halan os al nominal prloea imrr t tiny a mantle till you hav saso oor sioek com pari our 00 mantles with what they ask 1 00 for elsewhere and pratand ta giw yon disoopnl compare our t 00 mantle with any ti 00 mantle in lbs city u fur capes some as low as 17 00 soma beauties of long onas for 113 00 ladies j nr mantles from tfi 00 to 40 00 and each baantiaa pine i- are are a special line of onra and will be mora so in fulura you may want clothing every fluit and otarooat to oar atook hat baan marked down in prion we have loo many iloye ovarooata tbay oom in for a heavy oat men s fur coats we bavo un isll yal this is a chanos for 70a to gel one cheap millinery department we do lha best trade ia gaelph in this una because wa get up tba bnsl and most stylish millinery the sale gives yon a obanca hare also ladies palt hau were tl 10 and tl 25 now 35a our 9000 yards of ribbon were placed on sola laat month al loo and 1 jja tha balance wil b planed on sals al bj and 10c or a utile teas than half tha usual prioe boots and shoes we keep one of if qot the flnesjl stock of boots and sboas in ooalpb mon s b5c mona llnod rubbors 50 1 hero may be lower qaotatlona but tha goods are arslolasa 1 ii ih ia u conitiiilhory yulo with u and remembci gtodi uro buiiighold at bacrtfilo pricot tho talo continuoa from day to day frank dowler ihl cjclt cash stokl guelph walker mcbean fc co georgetown m what excitemeiit the wa walker mcbean co are rusl i it ii tailoring department suits that people- ud to p jo qo and 2j oti for a jear ago you can buy now same qualit for 1125 and 1 3 00 ou see what ou can save by buying for cash 1 clear saving of about loo per cent why i its the talk of the whole countrybide our suits to order for 15 00 and 17 00 are marvelloiisl cheap sold in i oronto for 27 00 and jo 00 leave jour order the first time uu arc in town boots and shoes m bat a trade in ltoola and fotot lora all ilia hh le oouid from uia waukxr uobcan oo all aay ibay 04u aao ijm u aio uu a pair ol root oar at woibm uaiihi a ou aa ia worth aavluit tbat a not in tbla deportment oloua tiuuflgbl thrduab every dtporl millinery departrhent iiini olorniu aaje for ttto nut 10 4afs- caag yoa aan buy al joui u i i- mantles and capes ti lutu uautls for tjso worth 7 00 itoaver olotb uaullo fur 1 u worth shj0 llnavfir ciulh uoutle fur ei00 wortb iilw fur capes a i tira lw uiau a tsl utajiv wbolaaale boussai or btiib ready made clothing v u lixuliuaruin for ready madoa a hull truui 1 worlli 1lu lha hum froui 10 worth si ao ll hulli fruui 53 u to sli 00 worth jubl carpets oilclotho dress coods i aoii iu oina tiuwta thai wa caa odonl to ti a h a mat down wliil would baa nlosr invaulltia to ff v uui u haiuan xiuai rvaout uok bar bappy for ua wbola we wiali all our trleods aud customers a vory marry cbrlalu walker mcbean ceorcetown and toronto i8 you like it i lliu altrwartu if oj i all it iv b uw hu aoll nal a i lahl i la a bwitvr wa u naprvsa uiaiwa wa will 11 lu iui liult uoa f wliat uu waul ia ntt with our ywars u mk i nil rl tlina an 1 nadalai ii n la aura tii uia rwaull latuuu your mil barw la uhii kdiitimiu rlsitiy it klvuah ii llfo to ita uaaiuluaaa auil luuna atohlllty sud ry attroetiva nature hlm i nulio u iwat ran i rtxl al a uurv that is uiutually itirodtabla we noutu 16 scotch tweed suits hcjond that pnee we cannot add durability 72 pair striped tweed pants for 40 should liarc 6 but then vc would only sell one pair whcre now wc will bell half a dozen 13 scotch twoed suits last soasons wern 021 to s2b yours truly for si20o j d williamson co wyndham and maodonnell streets quelph hosr1tkl id in lowul whrels ia it is al a p symons praqtioal watohuaken and jewelleft watches alusnnd f r 7 rent new mainsirinif 7 retits ai i woltk waiiiianti i a i umion main hlrcrt 1 hffai adbniisrmrnir i lessons in 0it paintysg r mlaa bswlor of wlnaham n wii i rive laaaoii i oil i alntl n oka ordwrs for atrna any lainwo wishing lo aa uuehowlnr will bliirtlv coll at tha luuna of ursjohu willlouis aotou jobpiuntlkfi ikoludintl nooks pampbleu posters iii llaada clrauiara aa o esoeutad in the awalstyjaviumarvamaaaratwprlews sad ob short eothca 4pply or address ii p 1iookk rasa paaas offle aju st lambert jersey buu for service or for sale ualn ktrsat a thorouibbrsd iiedhtrwad rl lambert jarsar hall this ft no animal la also oftorwl for sale u o iialtltlh 1 laker acton april ttud 1h0s sabrailen wanted puahlnf irualwprthy man to reproaaot us in the aola of onr choleo nursery stock special use coo uoi led by ua lllghaat kslsry or com tplaalai paid wnnhly hmndj biiiploymant tin rear round outftt ira escluilvo urrltory aiperlonc not beoasaary 1i iay aasarad wnrhars aieclal indueaineais to befflaeerb wri id at once for particulars to al i t s nt hbfby co ttoeheaiar n y sllaw 1 dispenses prescriptions famil kecien et turc drus and clicmicats only used at shaws drug store kockwood thf fdnk at waonalls hiaindard dictionary oi thl enuljhh lakouaoe ll embodlaa many naw prtnci lea in iilcoe- railiv it contains ijl iocea 4 00 i u ultra for tbla wurk wtjati uoni muli aiweaaly lor tbla wurk ml vocabulary tonus which j nearly two and o half tha number of larraaln aay sdu volui dlctlonarv and about 73 olbar dictionary of the rwclaiatoal s00 mml uikin this llfjou dictionary and about 75 000 mors than in any olbar dictionary of the laruruaca si7 kdltors and bpscloliata and sco rsadwra for quotations tktir h fl kditur daniat h tiaanoat d u afsi 1 1 d i ii i cousultlnf slug kdllor tbs adiuirs biti eokatd uiwn tba various departments of the dictionary have l aeloet d from tba drat rank f r uallab and american scholar each ia representative ut all thai la latest anil moat a proved in bis own field of rl ploratlun and reeearch and roeb la au accepted authority in hla iiibers roui hcclnnloa in ind tha standard dlctlouorv la tbe wurk of men tliovoaably iuled lo the scbouli or aclanc literature and art andnfeapwrta in all baadl crafts sad trades it saema uellbsr eatravatfont uor invldloui to claim thai no more capable and vujoroua body ol bturkaia in touch with lb spirit and movement of tbe tlmea baswvwv been called lo tba making of a dlctlonarv lo any ion buags as baa been well sold thla diction ary a in fact tbe ulnt prwtuat of many tnlnds re- aaoufia- tba whole scbolarsiilp of the prsaa bold only by btjbsoiuption strt0lo volume ftxll jiuuls d k faij morocco htrihimc 13 oo 14 0o i 18 oo twovoluma edition ifaiauaala rail auxola full morocco 18 oo 17 oo its oo funk a wagnalls company laisful repairing uf w alollca la lha bobby at rmhgle the jeweller guelph ills luu oirioiic4j ouuibiuod wllb hla practical ability and ulnae attention to lbs details ol that tart uf hla businaos makes htm tbe best qualified jiereou in luolph to du any reairs tu jour watch ask your druggist for murray lanmans florida water a dainty t loral xthact for llaailkcreafef toilet nd drta v

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