Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 9, 1896, p. 3

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-r3r- uvr 1 r 9anj of hamilton head orri hami t uawai 1 aitttt t asfltao hasan- ki ki imfixi tvtt amxti kmfclhi boai4d bp directors m httjaut a u 1uuhav i real lout loclmal innt ioa in roil llin itntrii a t whi a 1 1 i km toronto wu fhjiaom u i tuiiniiui i uulilor ii h htkiiipnami caaliler ii ii wathos luolir aoenoteb hamilton illerton ht kul pint alllitnti tarlin cliesley imntatownurl iialir i ial wnl uofcnow ullloti libuiit koroat oral iotiiio british gorreapondonta ilndon rjalloliaj 1 rovlneial ha ik of kl a ia 1 ltd j american gorrospondontii saw ions fourth national lunk u i llsnovsr national hank iiostoh lnternatioi i tmtoo ht7rrio merino hank gnu u netlotfal ilea of illinois ami unl hi nallonat liana dariuilt delroit national llauk kaaaas ciri national liens ol commerca a gento in montreal the itsnkof toronto georgetown agency hntaedlseooaledatml advance made on salt- able ssearlllae collacuona made an 1 draft bouhlil ifl aold on all aooesslble points in canada united hum area l hritsln and tlia continental isuropa upon moat favorable terms savings department darnells of 1 and lit warda reoelved aid interest allowed from data ur doiioslt to data at with irawal hi eg1ai dbi0h1th alao reoelvod at current rates of lutared n u uvitiobtonb agont alarm clocks nickel alarms onlj 1 00 each at ceo hynd8 a fine line of new year presents in watches jewelry silverware billcs albums dolls lojs e c gtvr us a cm i geo hyndsaoton oni jkwkujciiv stmik i tint news att htthe moouyaf loonl character and ouatv itam intoratlns ffiljb rtntt jtet rr5 wednesday january 0 ikk little local bbieflets which caught the eyaa or ear of fraa proas raportera thla weak plenty of snow now tbe loo crop outlook la kd how do roo li onr aalaudar an a3 is a first clais trade winner tho penile achoola reopened on uonday tim mercary roistered ihbolow eoto on suuda nlbl qood mornldkl have yoa paid for tbe fui psasa or ldjc tbia ia tho laat laap joar of the proeant century and or oar years in tba new one uerohants who re fata to or edit do not as a rale loan credit onnatltnm qroctr a faw ciltxens are delimjoent in promptly cleaning the mow off their aide- walk mlaa bowler of windham la in lawn or tba purpose ol taking pupils in oil paintiog tba municipal election are over and local matter will seaunio iholr oveu lauor or another year this being leap year tbe new woman will liava a battar opportunity than ever to bow her anpariority over tho old man rev r hmddow d a of toronto oaoapbad ilia polpil of knox oborob on baoday lit pramobad ablo diaoouraea mr bobarl holmea baa diepoaad o hia batobarins bnaincaa to mr a u coluna ol port dover mr c wllllama will oon uundrada of onr aubaoribcra have ra ncwad during tba paat ew woeka a few hava ovarlookad tha matur all aunaorip tiona ranat ba paid in advance tba hoard ol troatam o aotoo public school will meet or organisation aa ra nired by atatnta next wednaaday loth inat at one o clock in tba town ball mr c modoagall ol brampton ia about to ooninjienoe boalneu in aolou aa a jiraia buyer ue baa loaaod the war bonaee bore to tore need by j t gorry there waa not a eintfle drank bronrht bafora tba maiairata taoaday morniuk tba oloalng ol tbe bar room on election day li it did not prevent all form ol oor ruptlon had oartalnly a jjood off not toronto qfau a lattaar from mr nation martin of vanoovar b o eaya thuafar the winter baa bean one of tbe flneet ever experienced lobritiab colnmbia tbe indiana are however propbaaytng a eavere winter yet tba umaa are tnoob more favorable than laat yaar 8a w otilla are ranntatf ninht and day to aupplv tbe demand other buainaaa linea are moving ajoufi briakly alao for the many kind eapreaaione oon tainad in latter of aabaoribara rainutiim or lbt0 tba paax iaasa doeiro to extend idoaraat tha ok our aubaorlbara axe oat tared id all part of tbe ooutinnt and every one of them we regard ae a peraonal frtaad duxinf tbe paat lew daya aub aorlpuona bav been reoeived from melt remote noiou a halifax vauoouver northern dakota and r lorlda and m oacb oaaa kind word of appreciation aooom pany tba more practical remittanor uahuaikb baal coal blovemade with uveu tba tanoy oon n teea 1 ipea good offloaor kitchen table bac rotary oriudink titoaxt ulaaa ca and auytblog else you want auplytomaa b a hxvuan auirriua but mr jamea lewi glove outler ia about to ramava from aotou and will bold an auction aala of bouaebold good a at hla reeidanc m liower avenue on hat unlay even ok oomroueuuj at aix 0 clook wm uauataxxf auctioneer dextai orrilk dr wilkinaoo over tba drug haore gold oiling and artlnoa taeab a epaoialty ghargae aa raaaonable aa eleewbere bpacial olnoa day mou day tnaaday and riday i katinawtna condition powder for tloraaa cattle bbeep aud 1 ia are tbe beat thoy improve the epprtlte ajij oure gougha cold anolafluenaa farraara wantidr uardy native btook to plant this coating kail or tiprlog may pay for il lb work wa want man with or without axparieooaon fol or part time bahtry and aipaoaaa or oommlatlon write at oooa or further lu forma tlou uaown uaoruku comi akt coot loan tal nuraariea toronto out too it any trampm hi o rand jury al the oxford aeiiww brought iu the fallowing prewntment wo would auggtit that tumn meana be em ployed by whfoh the tramp annt to the jau could and would bo properly am ployed in lomt work by whioh tliay would ba mads lo do manual work each day daring iheir term of aentance afnd tho grand juror are of tho opinion that tba work of breaking alooo fur road purpose is oommandabla and that tho aaid i ram pa ahould be made lo do the aame rtff tvjnrerm co ideal samp 1 ho cold weather whiob prevauoj the drat of the week anema to have been vrrr general 1 he moteorologioal iloraau re ported that then vaan t a apot of canadian oarth behvecn j itocky mountain and the atlantic oocrrr whore the thermometer did not rtftlftar an atmoephere below the aoro mark an monday at ottawa it waa down to 3d below while at winnfpe 10 below waa reglituted it waa certainty the- ooldmt pall born tola wlnur tha hdow iiorm whiob followed the aavera weather bae gtven exoollentaleigliingagi kaon charch nnfteraaw new vear night ia admittedly knox c liurtihbanday bohool anniveraary even ing at d thtoheribod evening i invariably rendered a delight to all whi at i on d ill annual ontertainment of tile aohool tha member of tbe achool acquitted tbemaelve with much credit thl yoar in their choru 6 recitation etc and the effort put forth were highly appreciated tha ohol ar programme waa delightfully supple mented by aeveral aonga and recitation by luv r uaddow u a of toronto mr iladdow a ability la well known hare and hia number on new year a evening were moat enjoyable the entertainment wa held in the town ball and the attendance waa vory large a camtuodloum ner alanac tho fordwtoh teujaomr pay the follow mg compliment to a former reaident of acton tbe manae ii neering com pie tion and it i a credit to the presbyterian congregation aa well aa to thote wbo have had to do with tho erection of it wa bad the pleaaure of viewing this splendid real deuce from cellar to attic and without a doubt it ia aecond to none aa no axpana ha beau pared lo make il both comfort able audtttraclivo tba boitding ia a brick atructnra and tbe plana or aame which were drawn by mr thomas ram ahaw of wroxater and which were preaided over by him until all the contract were fulfilled to tba letter go to ahow tbe m obanical skill of which be haa gained ao wide a reputation aa an architect tbe designs throughout are of tba latest atylea evinfolimtic scrrltx a aerie of evangeliatio aervioea waa commenced in tbe methodist church on neiqhdoflhood news fmovya itoma pupptlod by corm pohdorita nnd exohanaoa naadftaaweva 1 he rlecilon hertwa tho hottoat contort witnevaed in mil fown1iirtfor a niimliar of years theje wa tho largest voto ovir palled av- any clrotlon ilfh reanllfl o tho difloront wards are aa follow 71 9 bmnlr thar kt ee a ing meeting ba been large and much interest mauifeated the paetorme being aaaiated by tbe miaae uall of guelpb whoa effort in airoiliar aervioee elsewhere have been very effective they are exper lenoed and consecrated workers and bavs the peculiar faculty of keeping tbe intereat ol oaoh acrvioa nntsoken from beginmug to cloao their addryxwe and evhortationa hava oar oca i neat aud a dirautneaa whioh awaken personal interest atid touch every heart they are sweet alngers and during the reudering of their duets each evening tbe kooneat attentioi la given tbe method adopted are iu every reauect oon latent with the usage of the metbodiat church already tho service ar bearing fruit and much gnod ia anticipated as the work moves forward each evening a half hobr iu special prayer t spent in tbe sohool room from 7 lo 7 50 ong servioe ia tbon bold in tbe auditorium until 8 o clock wboo tha general aerviee i oommonoed there i a welooma for all at every service a zephyr from tho houth just at this time when the earth is covered with its snowy mantle aud the mercury 1 flirting with tbe figures below aero the following note from mr rob i xi wataon of tampa florida formerly of acton area tea something of a longing for a alloe of tbe southland s attractive feat urea i enclose 1 1 00 for the iaxs iaaa for 1mj it ia a most weloorae viailor to our borne we are enjoying a lovely winter just one cold a poll thus far and it had tbe oil pot of nippiug mrs watson green bean in tbe garden our atrawbeme hava been in blossom ainoo december 1st and we will have ripe berries in a few days on of our neighbors sold straw berries tbe week before cbristma we act out 1000 new plant on tba 1st october and they are now bearing you can t do that in ontario there la not one month in the year that we do uol mature some kind of vegetable w would think it moat tedious now to go back to ontario and have but one crop a year wa hava the niooel oil male io tbe world we sometime get bomesiak but would not oare to return permanently to an ad a this part of the country la just the place for poor people aud thousands are coming in when we settled in lamp four years ago lbs popu latiun of the otty waa 10 000 now it la oonaidorably over jo 000 we aend kindest regard to all ontario fnaod a new church kdlaco talked ol tbe annual bualneau mealing in oouuoa tion with tbe baptist oburob was held on friday evening tarly in the evening an entertainment was provided eepeeially for for the sunday bohool after tea bad been served presents were distributed from a beautifully decorated ghriatmae tree tba church was nicely adorned with aver greens a large arch bearing tbe motto 1i py now year noiroling tba plat form llov o o luigord li a tba esteemed pastor of the aburch preaided aud after a abort programme including alugiug by he choir rcoilellocia by the children aud a number emitted the lioavanly viaiou by mlaa walker a abort fellowahi meeting was hold durlug whiob mauy ospraaalona of gratitude were heard for prograaa durlug the past year 1 he busiuasa wa thou transected report were heard from the olork pastor troeaqrer hunday bohool young people a union and mlaiion circle mr d li mo don aid was elected doaoon to act with tba two already appointed tbe following oqcep were elected clerk j i warren treasurer j as mcintosh i b b superintendent a a wordan assistant bupt gordon liey ward beorstary j j pearson treasurer geo adams the following ware appoint ed a committee to ouoaidsr the question nf i ew building j l warrtu 3 wallers a a wordeii jaa molutoeh d if mcdonald ilenry urindell and the paalor if you waul first olasa gualphaaahand door altluelpb pfloas t tvapaux can oil your order at bis planing mill west wellington alec lion for tbe leayla- lature will be bald ou january ha that hacking cougb can he quickly cured by liagyard a peetoral lialsam price iic ilutchann f 104 u tore t kl 71 ty hutebaoti elected i y a majority n p ron coukfiijina prwlnjiiae flo bi ifl7 31 ileallle u 1jt tin lli 331 ueolbbon a 133 w harera p im 130 73 ib i prwln iloalllaanducfllbbounlocted mr and mrs young of manitoba were viaiting rolaliyei and friend in naaaaga weye last week irenklin itmahtw of knalolibull loat a fin yearling hciftr on now year day from sumo unknown disease public school re opaned monday wm mcgegor of uraudon worth west territory is vuitlng rrlalivrs and friends ra neaaaeeweya mr l n vllson ofhe qhio jontsl college otnolnnat i wan home for t he holidays ii returned lo cincinnati limehou9e mr chat kirkpatriok ha scld hiahousa and lot in aclon to mr h lath am for a good price bhootiug matches for turkeys appear lo be quite tho rage now we understand some of onr local msrksmeo are quite snccesaful mr john moore manager toronto lime co a work here aaya they oan do now if thoy should ol no more wood in thla mr and mrs john newt n and family of barnia spent the holiday with frlonda in limehous mr and mr john nlokell enjoyed a viait to friend in liranlford laat week mr aud mr jaa plant of actofi spent lbs hohda with mrs lioatly in lime house at the annual achool meeting hero fur the purpose of electing a trustee flfl other bullosas mr jacob ilainer waa re elected trustee for 1m wa think the llrraul corrnpoi dent mual have bean drawing on hia imagination about tha wadding which was to take place her at christmas aa we have been unable u locale it yet probably he weut ofl and did tt on the quiet himielf ashqrovb mlaa beaaio dick apenl a taw day with mian abbie sinclair of cheltenham laat week mr and mrs j ii mini accompanied by maater harvey and lilllo doll are pending a fortnight iu teeawater mrs n ixon parent mr and mr it iluw oeieb rated their golden wedding on new year a day in aptte of vary unfavorable roe li and weather tbe metbodiat b b entertainment waa quite a success aud a vory euj yablo lime was speul rooelpla anion n tod lo 1h rev mr moir preached an rioellenl sermon lo tbe bona of temperai oo in the matbodlst chnrch on sunday afternoon new teacher miss dinah luiuoa oommenoed work mouday on friday laat aa alex warren waa driving along tbe road aooompauiad by hi brother and a loaded gun something went wrong with tha wagon cauaiug the gun to be discharged and the whole charge entered the calf of hia leg tbe injury waa very pajnfnt but is improving nicely now through tha kindness of mr and mrs wm thompson the aahgrova ouu people held the annual pie oyater aapper at home on monday deo soth those yearly reunions are looked forward lo with great pleaaure by the young people and are alwaya thoroughly enjoyed ig the holiday visitors to tho ueigh borbood were mr george ungden and slater manitoba mr dan malaren tor onto mr and mrs j l colli miss polly and master walton ml ioreat mr t dajdlaw mayfleld misses krnm and mary mcdowell georgetown miaaes jen nte and annie colli and mias llxxie hen dernon torouto mrs boo it toronto mr john urownriilge and mlaa aggie tertalusd a number of their friends al dinner on new year a crewson3 corners we have now genuine winter weathsi there waa no muniolpal election in ttequesing township ibis year all tbe members of the council being rice ltd by aoolamation tbe rural achoola opened laat friday kriu b b no h haa secured a very ablo and emolent trustee fur 1ho0 in uw pereou robert w auaburough of thla vioiuily bociai gathorlug are all tba rag lbs young life mail have its amusement a very pleasant family galhoriug held at the home of mr at d mr jmnea moore ou chriamas wliou mr an 1 mrs ada the recipients of a pair of vary hodoiiioly upholstered oiy ohalr by their obil lreu juile a uumber of youuj people aiuul iry pleaaant lime al the borne of mr b dobbie naasagawoya last thursday nbjbt tripping lbs light fantastic mlaa t cuddy returned to hor homo in oall laat saturday after spending xmas holiday vary pleasantly with friends here mr lluward moore returned tu toronto on saturday after apending two wcoka very plaaaautly al his home herq mrs nicholas korbe la viaitlng ftianda in toronto ibis week mr orr of hnu is vibuiiik bar daugh urs mrs wm gray aud mrs w 1 a tab of tbia plaoe haw of lowville epcol saturday and sunday with hia brother i of ilia lace ilia brother c a haw wbo haa been visiting here for ba lias t week roluruiiig home with lum aud mr geo locker vt millou ir and mr robert wilson and family of naaaagaweya aent new years day at tha homo of mr william anderson postmaster jam m itamahaw has purchased lbs blacksmith shop and tho lot adjoiuing 11 from mr vm audcraou 1 he prioe paid was ijoo mr william smith of acton has bought the east half of lo 3j coo 1 r aquoeiug from mr charles cameron of uttoxetter the prioe paid wa i1h00 thrtmpjbc orxces c0minanp going vlaltora to and prom anton indj varlouaothorjaritnitl not the kbxk i iirb invite all its reader to en tribute to this column if you or vour frian la are going h way ana holt lay ul or if you have irlnu la vlaltinii you drop a card to tl e fnl i hka mr o a winter of toronto visited friends here lal wwk miss 1 mma m moore is home from tdrrmtnfor a few day mr 5ohn a gordon spent the paat week with relativas at glcnooe mr douald mclennan ratarned to john elqwn n y last friday miss martin of guslpb wss tho gqeet ibis week of the misses nelson miss bowlerrof wlnghern is a guest at the home of councillor williams mr and mrs arthur fyfe were guests of aclon friends during the woek mrs john hunter of marlatte mich is a guest at the home of capt bbaw miss maggie wilkinson 1 spending a few weeks st the old home near brampton mr c stafford wbo baa been in rings- the paat jaar has ratarned to acton mr and mr a j j kelly and babe of riattaville were guest of mr n weber last week mr and mrs j v kannawin apenl new year at aa enjoyable family gathering al bhejhurne mr ilcctor johnson returned laat week to johnstown n y 111 brother angus aooom pan iod htm mr and mrs richard hemetreat r of miltoo viailed at the boms of mr a l hemstroet during tbe week mrs plokersglll of wjeoorub norfolk oonnty was a guest at tbs homo of miss caaale mopheimhe paat two weeks mrs tho porrymao jr attended tbe wedding of mr artbor ffe and mias emily lasby st ponsonby last week mias jennie lambert left tbia week to join tbe family al uigbgale ii or oumer ous frienda among tbe oang people of knox church regret ber removal mr d henderson m p went to ottawa oo new yoar evening to attend the open ing of 1 arliamenl he returned home on friday and remained over sunday mrs rev d d rolatou of walker tun mother ol mr t h itoiaton butcher here fell on tbe slippery sidewalk and sustained a fracture of ber thigh bone this week ml lmily and mias mary ilejnblds of torouto accompanied by their oooaln mr j w reynolds of brampton spent a faw daya thfc week with mr and mrs j watmn mr ii 1 moore leavae tbia morning for rellovilln to atleud a meeting of the board of managment of albert collrge and alao lo be present at tba opening oeremoniea iu oaunection with lha qua new college buildin a letter received by frienda here tales that mla jeaeie grady who waa lor aovorel yvara au ea tee mod reaident of acton haa passed tho nnal examinations at jubilee hospital vancouver ir o lor trained nurse very uoocsfully she wou tho gold medal and diploma iu ber class rockwood tbe mellow sound of wedding bell dual ed through our village on new year day whon mias jenny jolliflo aud mr roy gnild of rodoer were aoited ia wedlock by rev d straoban miss mamie pas mure was bridesmaid aud mr o jollitle a brother of the bride supported the groom the bride and her maid wore travelling drossea the bride a of ulna and iho brideamald a of brown after the ceremony the relativea of the happy couple partook of the wedding breakfast at the home of tbs bride a father mr and mrs guild left for rodney ou thog 17 train that evening wedding bell alao tiukled io naaaaga weya aa mr robl moore of rock wood and mias macleod ware married on new year a day tbe hay maker company will give a concert in tbe town hall on saturday ihe 11th inat wblob will be composed of quartettes aod solos by those taking part iu tbe cantata tbs object i to raise money to meet current expenses whioh are necessary in getting in a position to plaoe the haymaker before tbe public tbe admisaion le 10 cent tbe schools opened laat monday with a good attendance nolwithatandlog ths nery severe woelber 1 1 ore no mack aged seventeen years of detroit ran a mall splinter under tbe thumb nail a physician removed the btl of wood and told ber lo poultice the thumb she disregarded the instruction on sunday ah waa takeu ill and ou monday became unconscious and remained so until her death ruey laughlug eyas aud troth of pearly whiteness brigbr smiles with a background uf teeth uot reeplaudant of wbtteueaa and pully impoaelhls ileauly may ba found hidden in a bottle of foaming ivoriqa tbe newest beat and most ira grans preparation for tha teeth ivonns ia ao nioa to uss fragrant refreshing it purine tha ureal h which it renders sweat and to lbs leelh it imparts both whiteness said brilliancy 25 lr cent jjiscouni w iiavo i lew in i- 1 nicy lioocu uft winch c wivli to clear out before sluk i ikuij now ih the tunc to siiualiargnni l illowccl oli ill cash purch iscs in hi i uloid niivn liw kvn china alius and liouhlhrs whit mk1 al lmds j vnius ami al uumtt i or two weeks only at the druy store j v kannawin umifjoiht acton ht i c irpi w uruiuwlcky s after the grip no strength no ambition hood sarmaparjila gavo parfect hoalth tlie f ilnwl s irlur iq from well known wrrlnul uill rikl if ruv s ii i lln i a d lowell mai mlcnuenieii 1 sin glirt vt any that iiomi 3snaivuiiei an 1 ii xxl n pllli hnfa d ne me s prntrtnlof n wl i in i n srrra attack ol uiecrlpln tlie t inter rn i niter eeluns ojr ihe fever 1 dl i nut mem u titl cr aire gth nnd had tin ambition hood s himpnrllii prove i to tw jut ltit 1 nee led tie r suits wrre very satisfarl ry nu i i rerun i men i thl medicine tr all wlioarearllctcil w lilt rlieumatlsnt- or ouiet hoods cures affllctldtv couaed by pi turn nti i poor blood 1 always keep hood s haria port 11a in my hoiuu audiiaelt when i nee i a binlo ng abo keei iiikmi 1 iii on hnu i an i ii i k highly nf them j w dikkuan hi eursc sew itriinawlck hood phia r 3 i udy verel it lo an i d sol puree ualii or grliw u id by all drugiistb thousands of people who have found tnoi ey jighl and in the early pari of the winter did not buy aa much as durng easier time are now reaping thu liencul of our midwinter clearing sale ban gi von place to a oranrt riifh nf bii aa people have seen the extraordinary purchaatng owrr of a dollar at our couulera i nee culling all over tbe bonra la of a phenomenal oharaoter remembor the aalo clean ou thurada jan lfllh and the time of your golden oppirtunity la ou tho lays between hera are u few quotulluaa dress ooocs 75c black henrietta for oo fl j6 ltlaok oitoman fur 7o uso cheviot sorgo for 50o ooo tancy goods fur ioc fl 25 rsnay volveu fur joo doscua of lilies etjuaily chra kuwtlea and jaukets 2 ooo roa ti 040 1 hia is about the also ol our j ooo which you can havo fur 91 00j apol cash if you dou t want tbe on 1 1 re lot you can bave one or more at tho aame rate rull range of ladles aud children a sisee clothing men a 1h 00 huiu let men 915 00 bulla for men fljoo buiu for men to 50 buiu for men w 50 buiu for roy ki 50 hutu for roy 3 a0 buiu for roy j50 buiu for meu overcoats i roy ovr- carpets we are re tiiodollli g our ciktoal dopai roent and will clear uul every piece t rruasels tapestry wool ihuou aud hemp carpet oil cloth and linoleum al oost price same applies lo curtains uliud curtaiu i ulea aud lnd and all housefuruiabiug 114 jo 10 00 1 00 l so 4 oo 1 50 i 60 1 75 11 lo i ul on pricls ruha 3 sable muff j roar muffs t leniau lamb mull- s blue pueaum m iff i raltlo bea moil a coou mufla 5 greenland beat t 1 anatralian bat cape i aatracbau catie ii marmot seal cepoa i oroy lamb cape i urey umb rufla jvll at alaughterod prioe i bat we do what we a 1 jt parade it in uriut ever that and evorybody aoocnts tbi of iry item w alwaja elands the lest being pro m e r bollert 6l co 16 kud a wjrodbuo btmt aublpu ont fint highoiasb tailoring 6ibs0n millar co i 1 u nl i r u ui ill ui wo t as tl larul u i aasurtod luck iu uu ui at w i 1 qenis rurnlahlngs rluivut uf tina an 1 v lrr all u ul l ladles lur capes a hlwc ally 1 ilu llll ar fruiu ur to ir ht lirtiue 1 uur lluug you and hi au 1 rajqirs k i ready for 1896 our stork is now 06m plete for i8q6 w o6n gold watches just purchased silver coffee and tea spoons silver novelties silvei thimble given away with every 2 purchase set v age oo jtwfcl 1 lkj cuelph floliday goods valuable lk0ikiit in a ion for sale ihkiwuxnuilliilauag aa tition iuii v deaa4ed i y tba owner ur cbaa gultli rt 1 erebr oflerod fur aala tl iiouh u a 11 torts bl a rouab oaat wltb woaalaltad aud tl urn la k root atatila ou ula ranilaea alao two bulldlus lota 00 lake aveuua li tin iltisrlurvey terras rououablo for particulars a ply to t c kl hdllt nr wu hkuhtiinkt act cu k t itu ih0o amolrei dertist t43 ymp tl t0h0ni0 our holiday goods require no pushing our christma trade wai a success hut there arc doi ns of useful novelties ycffor the hohdiy trade including hdlldnv nockwoar holiday handkorchlofs brooado cushion covurs kid clovos fancy sido corbbs toblo napkins qmbrollas fancy chonllts t0bi0 cavofs wishing you all a happy new year a e gurney co mill street ac i on dq you want boys or youths suits in order to m ike room for our incoming stock uf clothing vc ire offering our entire stock of bojs and youths suits at prices that will sell 1 his is 1 chance t h reliable tlothiup u 13 tig tin prices henderson co hcton the best ttrexjrteapest r e nelson 09 wyndham street it white front kcinuuit sale of twds cimimenccs loth h mo i ik unit in ul bo cleirwl befaro alool tkni i lrrii fi oul buiico i underwear and cloves mnv i mo t hi i ow obt lll llllu ml kilt cls to cldsc out hlllike 1 31 i we sell tor c aah only r e nelson 1 11 l il 1 1 id 1 ui nishcr 1 1 i it oil lo jbiuropt i i j u i 1 fok spring a id sunun 1 ui pi ksona1 lklluh u le 1 which en lilies us in 1c id tin dl uds i 1 ul 111 1 and district ofciielpl il i vlil 1 i ludol hm il iiilnii lvii i tnua 3 u 1 taarplus stock previous to ann j g many lxnes at greatly reduced 1 r ablo im just reoeived a larus cuiialkuuicut iu uons uoya and utl ovurauala lit i anil 1 uutba bulla bio wl lt pul ih claarwl by tba flrrt uf jialary 1mi eul fof ohea iwijalualu ibli liue ail i rnheuibsr wa lug m ull kluck t mrytlilum uaw tiubl auu ui ui 0uj f- wlaulliu uu all ttin ouuj llu int ul lite aaaaou ua rvuure truly u1uuon mill a it a co y iu ulook main 8 use i uoorjtetowo bojaobttcrljrclx ut tnrvsmiry vy a baiirting 1 io and ho reduoml lo 10 uj and lo objured lenltn o laed to 131 ib and sso h nullah r lauuelelie ho luchea wide reitular 1 ai i iho j i mbtte fancy pattern worth uc rluol to tta 1nuu extra line wurth ijc ma1 l h lalae obed aood wtdlb axl 8j im add 50o the ulur 70 inches wide and well worth b mi table imar half tnpsrfeol worth lie for io worth wo for 46o table na klr- wl about 64 loxou oalra uatlty palttr lj4 tot7fi worth rttfuler f r 1 o j 7u vmbrendana tt ran have oeasd to ma prwo rsn iron l jo to ii 76 worth rular ir o j in r noro i ttvi- 1lar prio it lo io new tfxxl ntfrluii at 10 add u nr yard i i m j morimlowcotlon itk d ysrd white cullon our hpeciel ho i run of tho loom 10c lwlhl anchor oo siltajl ooein and in son oaaa less ualance of the aaoo uanltae lpa4 and uillioery at ahoul ull this spaotal sals present a rood moosy aavinu opportunity for che and oalulhu- litter order reoeiva c auntion sm praiuj lo your nsrasl railway sltion on all porches ainoootlntf to 1 5 00 and apasd i t ii inov inul t11k hiqht iioijpb king st east oornsr iiukbsod st hamilsoti janoary wh iuoj thomas o vtikiasrs uamjlton ontaki s ljj

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