Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 16, 1896, p. 3

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l l- bank of hamilton nkaporngtt hamilton r 173 009 board op dirbotbrbt ii h htkiiikn ami caahltir ii u watkos lnecur aqenctes 1 in ml urn ilurtotihd kaat icij allulou lrliti t liaalny othntolowntrlinatiy ifalowi i know mlllun unuil koroat draii fu hound port klklii hlmcoo turoulu britinjj corroopondontu itvnon national rwinclal hajik or f- hi and cm american oorrespondooto nw ions fourth national hank aui tlaoovar national llank lloatoa 1n tar nail 01 i tnialoo national ii llank url kakbi lirr national lank o agontn in montreal tba lank of toronto georgetown agency nairn iliaoountctl and advance uiado on auil uo aocurlua collection mad and draft iioubiii ami sold mi ajl aocoaalblo point li canada uuilod tttaloa clraat llrlialo and iho conunoolof bump ujion uioat favorauia tonn savlrjgn deportzncnt danoslla of and upwarda rocolvml ami interval alio wad front data of dapoll to dalo of vltlidrawal hckcial ubiobith i the news at home jaontlror ft loaal oharhoter and ovary itorn intorvatlnii acton market jrraf tho following priato fbr drain rulu on ii if c wtok of it i ruon roll i null ten apooiia acton market in is trtwk tail wheat gv school books fnvclopes note papers account books a very handy sjot to drop in and buy the above line ceo hynds aoton wo carry tlio moat complntoof atock hoo laclcv bpx rom j5c to tf 00 fipvclaoloa repaired givfc 08 cvll geo hynds aotui ont jkwki 1kkt am uk ffilje tton jfrte lrcss tuuilsuay januaby 10 wjg little local brieflets which caught tha yoa or earn of froo prm ra port era thla weak capital alihing at proaonl tba new council will lako t tico next monday there la aoroo talk of an open skating rink being opened on fairy lake jjqok tot john il jtlxuuaka jailer on uawait id noxt issue of tha flu iam riv wat oryar preached in the methodist church drayton last hunday ura juhn colquboun of naaiagawaya celebrated her lolat birthday oo sunday laat tha annual mooting of acton uorti oulloral and agricultural society wm held yaattrday the public school board wm organ lxad jmuardajr with w ii btoray aa chairman two teeohars io perth county applied for a aobool- tha ana at 1100 tha other at 00 per yaar tha acton fkkk paawf baa la nod a vary qmi oalsndar for kkm ouelpb oaifg jemrjf rowlng to ib illnoaa of ilev father hajay thara was no aervioo in hi joaaph a cboroh oo saoday moura j a a i bymoo have their law atoek of bardwaxa unwara jewellery and patani tnadioinew opaoad up two bandrod faat additional of flro boa haa baaa raoalvod tba ptat week tha flra brigade haa now twelve hundred faat tba aotou fui panui with it oinal aatarprtaa baa laaaad a oeat oalendar for praaaolatiqn to tta aabioribjra uiampton cuaaerraiof tbaaonoal oonmotion of the uaiton banday bobdol aaaooiation will be held at ilarltngtoo oo tharaday and friday iolh and hat rbraary mr j uallatt ouelph haa beeu appointad oolleotor of cuatoma lo fill the vaoanoy caaaed by the death ol collector ilefforoan laat week dr j f uaiaftd wb6 removed frutu aotoa to kimberley two or three yoara ago la about to ratoro u will open a drag atora in ibe ibop oppaaite knox obaroh tha ofsoarb of the aolon lodge i o o f no 204 will be installed by broa qeo iftllmer d d g u and j c ford d u b ot oajtviue next wed deeday avaoing the faaa iaaaa haa iward with muo b ragtwt that ur john w aid in of carl wrixht elan formerly of aoun mol with an aooidanl in a thraabinn rawhino about obrlatmaa tioie by wblcb he i04i the foarth and a portion of eaob of ibo other dngara of ibe rubt band the woodatook sthtimrl iteptrw laaued imt waek a dairy edition it la replete llb nutttar of idlaraat to dairy raon and fannara treatad id ao rotartaining manner tba oxford dairy diatriot i ahowo lo pro dooa mora than tlufjoow worth of oheoo aoaoaily while caaada agregata prod oat la 120000000 woxlb do you want whltt tktth ue ivoriue are etgnaof decay proaeul irorlae retarda decay and raadeia il im poetible if oaed regalarly la the breath heavy t ivorina pari flee aad aweetoua irarlue preearvaa aad wbtlena the teeth and ga tbem a daaaling brilliancy ivor me abeululaly free from euaaieh wear ion aubatanoea uae ivoriua for ill teeth it la datvulful and fragrant lt between holme butober ahop and t uortou e barber ahop a ailvor open fane watch with a tool obaju alleobed ftudar will oblige by leaviugatt morton liot laat tbureday while drivlur batwewa aotoa and tha farm of llobartaoo broa naaaanaweya a lance tooth oroaaoul aaw iiodar will ba eullably rewarded by leaving it with tba owner christopher maaalaa aolon iamiaa jjt cjltitoemnle with owah the fanay cbaoleee pipes tood ofdcaor kitchen table becretary grinding ulone qlaaa case and knylhiog alae you want apply to ma b a havniu djtii- orrita ur wilklaiou uer the orog bloiev laotd flllipg aud aruflca teweb a apwoially charge aa reaaguable aa elatwber bpaoial offloa day mob day tueeday and fridw ur jeenee adaipa ot oro ulalioo drop ped dad in dante on haturday to daa hphiir wheal fiho barley 88 td lh oats 51 lo 33o inaa 4h th 6jc mr i maodouitall tbe now grain buyer hai virabaacd conaiderable whae etc the ait week annual uectlna at acton bumrtsoclrly a inuellng of tlin executive of aolon llranrb bible hocoty wee held in hid ofhonnf the hecretary laat saturday even i i m r jamen 1 warren iroaidenl iicciipind the ohar it taa arranged thai the aiiliual iiocliug bo held ou wedneaday evening lilh 1 ebruary in knox chiiroh ajiromlnont neakor from a distance will addrcaa the mootirrg the col i to tors will romptote their uanvaaa lefore iho meotiiig and report lo l ho treasurer mr j v itnwmit tnr peart ot the rctflc the oral of the no no of letter by john ii mustek tht popular author wll nj pear iti next uann of the fiiek ii kh tlin letlern nrn untttyi inraoy style wil u found highly inlrrcatitif and gtnfrofli unii valuable information oooeruing hawaii i lio llrjl lotlnr intcnlh iho meiie on rtittring honolulu an i tlio rxjirrieiicba of tin jrtincr of the tiittrnliit upon arrir al ou mm oocku i lice intlera are op rijlitoi and will app r in tit i a inmuil number of joiirnalr j it mllltmmmoa jb co he opening a aettloment of the loaa on j d wll ilamwn a co alook through the late lire al ouoluh waa arrived at ou tuoday i be amotint haa not been made publia but ii la uuderalood to be aatlafaotory to the flrin already the work of cleaning up bai bet in 1 be windows are ooed and the furnace haa ixicu set going to thaw ogt the fruxen stock the premise will be temporarily nlted up for the disposal of damatrd goods all tlio plaster will be removed from the ceilings lo prevent any aculdenl and in a week or ten da the door ill hi throw u open for the big are sale hfraul sptflmt mcettagm largely attea7sd 1 ho rpccisl cvangelielio service whiah have been in progroas in tbo methodist church the paat tail days have been very largely attended the sunday service were especially interesting and at tha oven ing service the church waa taxed lo accom modslo bhe large congregation tha evan gehm he miaara hall give moat accept able aervioe their afdrosaea exhorts lions and singing are very effective much gootl haa already beau accomplished tbe members of tha oburch generally have been strengthened and bleteed and a oonaidcr able comber have been induced to torn from live of am aod klee from the wratb to come the meetings will be continued far another week at leaxt in addition to ihe pastor itova dryer cook amy and molotjre have taken part in tbe services during tbe week kitted on the t k near uttchwontt ou monday eveulug the it od paaaeugur train goinawoet struck a man wafking ou tha track about llirto 0rtrr o a mile weal of hock wood his injuries wore fatal he waa probably killod luatantl aa waller barnard found him onthetraok as be waa walking home after coming up ou the train from georgetown where be attends high school the section men acoompauiod by dr drydeti took tbe man back to the station where an inoueat waa held ou tueeday deceased waa in 1 lock wood on monday and la deaaribed as a man nearly forty years old about n ft 0 m in height re is from florida and looking for work ho is a barber by trade aud ipoko of starting a ahop iu ilockwood ho called at aevaral bouses a king for something to eat he alayed in lime house on sunday night tbe train men apparently did nut know that their train bad struck him aa they did not atop thm hook ol the talr 1aru j and 25 the final uambera of thai ex j unite work tbe book of ilie fair have just bean received they are a tilting conclusion of the valuable and interesting publication aa the world a fair waa tba greatest of its kind in all history ao thla work descriptive of it- is tbe peer of all ita oomielltora to pro duce the reaulu ao manifestly attained the best talents of both author aod artist were brougbiuto requisition and oarrlod into successful consummation tbe book of the fair reproduces tba groat oxpoailiou entire in ita 1000 imperial folio pages of critically written descrtptive teller pre aud iu iooo of ibo ft neat illustrations ubtained from ollloial source many of ibom full page engravings covjnug over 100 enuare inphe of surface it is not couuued lo art alone ou one aide or dry elaluiica ou the other bat presents in attractive form the whole realm of art no m noc industry and learning aa were rxlubiled by the nations uf the earth tbe work comprise 26 parta aud haa bad au im incuse aale both in america aud hurope al si 00 per part lis superior excellence and aud artistic beauty oomuieud it to all lokois of high olaaa wurks hockwood 1 i oilier day mr jollltlo to l k may troiti a ahed lu which ihuy we j lied at htieti mills aud ran homo ibo alolgb and harueaa were broken badly ho ocucert in aid of iho haymskera com pty waa quite a treat fur the ooel of adminaion all the talent belonged lo the ibe village except mr stark of aolon he sang aud played a flute solo aud his per furuiauoe waa excellent mr mccarthy sang a aoug in which she played her own sccuiupauimonl on tbe guitar mrs drydcu aud mrs mccarthy played a duel lakeu from the upara of wany and aa thla tine mult waa well given tbo audioiioe enjoyed ii groatly mnin a u aud harlra strauge sang and roenved great enoorta mr llllelau sang a auug en lillc i a baby of your owu aud eoemed to be iiiuli mi ayuipay ju iho ibeuio from biagood aiuuing ur john btfaoiau iu a booloh riadiug abowod he waa siill al homo willi thai tongue mr j 1 wood neiohdonhood ntzws nowq itarns aupnllod by corrai- pondanta nnd exohano- limehou8e mrt quo coo win tlio recipient lai from friendb fn ltigund mr jarrtti monro nd mrsll 1 aiooro or acton visited friends hero inst i rida the gorman hrlkr wbtt hout mmulirjiina on hunday avetiing w billed on the track ntar itmkwoo monclny night si loam mr john huyder ia this wuok moving into lnslioiho mi lot u in i next to tlio cnnircgaiioiial i iiutlii ibe i pworlli iognu horn has with drawn ita kcrvicia durliir the prngrasa of tlio fjm0ui nimlinip in hie church at acton ntimbiritor lim knplo in itii ncctlon attend ih viik iuii milton gave two very good rcediug also i hero la to he auuthot oonoert with the samo admlaatou aud fur the same purpose a sleigh load uf youug people weut out to mr bai mcnabba last friday night and spent aucnjuyablc evening mrs blumnof new york oily viiud mrs 1 barry laat week miaa bcarrow is visiting at mr clsuoey s ibeio waa no evening service in the rretbyteriau cburoh tail sunday evening on account uf iho lllucta uf tho jiastorilv d hlracbau v tbe wellington district nteelhiiof the hojl lemplara uf temperance was held mi ituckwood on tuoiday a large rrpre aeutatluu of tbe mentbers of uueiph cuuiilii were proaeul lue meet lug waa uf ouubidarable intoreaf a stranger waa killed ou tho g t 11 track uaar bare ou monday cveulug lari lieu la i o auother column thn aft i rtiad annual menllng of ilaltou itefoim aarfoaiation will im hold ilk lyon hall ou batnrda uf tornikin the rooeplioti lenderod hcv a mabafly and brido in thn chool room of knnx criunli on t uesdajr ivnihff it week wa a mot mi tyahle event rimtmaaw nrlmrtr baa beeu confined to hi room through illnre the jial work i huholm add lo a fumsay ll of hamiluin a fine pair of hay oar nago horaea winner of igbt first prices for something over tioo the other day the oral fancy dreaa carnival for this season will akt place at the rink on 1 ri dayeveiiini ihth tho milton fire brllade hod hut three alarms durum the pail oar evehton mr mrfaohrrn the nnw prinrjliwl f thn public eohool has settled iu lvqrlon with hi famil ibe funeral of the lain mrs jam mtlkr of osprini1 bold lit n on mon day afternoon mm nervuti waa held 111 the dixciple c mitch and was in oliar of tuivmr fowhe huva i bakur aud u j mol ii tyre aaalaled au lpworlh los gun milt rlainmt l ill be held in th slooi imroli n xt monday evening ilev ir i o veil of hamilton who is a native of iho vicinity will be present and take pirl in tbe proceedings ever ion is pleased to have mr l 11 hot dcpntv uoeve agmn mr j congdon aawycr rut an arury in his hsnd one day lat wick while chnp ping and almoa hlod to death he is nnw improving the special services which have been continued in the methodist church here for the past six weeks will oloao with r ri day evening meeting the meetings have been attended with very gratifying aucceaa and m arc grateful to llov mr mcln tyre for bis untiring and faithful rfforti crfwsons colrners anada is undergoing a great auttatmn al ibe present limu ill oil as liaa not bwn been luce the mackenaio liobellluii o 1h37 and in wliicn the people generally are lu te rested yuilo a large number from heri have attended the revival meetlnga iu the moth odiat church acton conducted by the mihsea hall of ouelph wo wih them ttreat auocess lu llioir good work mr wm andtrsou polinaater of thla place bra kold his dwelling boute and store to mr ueo anil for a fair uturo mr cann gets possession iu june mr anderson intends to build a house and barn on his property near the corner which he purchased laat summer mr jaraoa htephodaon is very low with an attack of inflammation of the luu mrs nicholas forbes returned bunio on 1 bucsday after spending about a week ory pleaiautly with friends in toroulo master waller and mis i lly rowntou 1 of this place spent saturday and sunday very pleasantly with friends in tcna cotta measre wm colomau aud geo west weut to hamilton ou monday mr wm crlppi of washington butr ia veiling his slater mrs geo caun of this place mr crirtpa owns au oxtonsive sheep raoob iu washington miaa mabel farker of ouelph is visiting at mr oeo quy s miss aggie cauu of last 1 utler la lailiug her uncle mr loo aun nassaqawbya ihe ilev jubn hough ol unci ill preach the sunday school auuivoriai ser mouaat corwhiu on sunday jail jolh aud un mooday evening fullowiiik they will have lhair aonlerry loa luoeling a good lime is expected anton mothotlist choir wifl be proaont mr james nappor ol llraul imerly naasagaweya realdoul i viailiug ralativca aua old aciubiiitanco in ndgaeya hub mn jolt i1iuii ojaltv ibltlllg rolallvo bill ifleid i i saaia gaweya till week mr sou it of uraiupl n litei iixhi a flue carload of cattle hum kuckoaw on monday quito a noiiiber were from tlua locality one uf them lurnod the scale at j27i iba and wn purchased i rom tho locker mr john nappor of lorl llimiii la viailiug relative and acfiualutaucea lu nasaagaweya at prevent mr david aguw uf kualohbuu i laid up with an attack uf la grippe mr wm laugrlll and family of kualohbuu moved lu the uly of ouelpb last woduosday mr david ague- moved into their house at kualohbuu ur j hill of alius is muiok fiiouda in naaagawa al irrreeut mr wm thoma naaaagawsya while chopping in tho buab laat weok was atruok by tlio limb of a treo ou the rown of the head aud received an ugly tul ho waa stuuiied tor a htlli but la all tight again now it la our painful duly to trooid the death fhriatuuher modal l nassaaaweya died on monday evening january lib at the ago of il years decoaaod came to hie death through the accidoul at tbe tta tiuu al camptielivilio reported in the fuaa luxu thafuua look jjlate qii wodweaw day at two u clock lu tha aflernouii to iba lrosbytdrlau ceiueury al sodom tb ilev mr blair preached the funeral aer mou tba bereaved family have ibe deep est sympathy ln their aad hero vein en l naaasgaweya hoaau o having the oldest rosijent in the oounly uf ilallou lu the person uf mrs john cuhjuhouu who cole oratod her one hundred and urat birthday on bnaday jau uih for a person ol that age she ia fairly idruug hull old ago is telling on her alriurth we hope she may yol be spared lu sen a aw more birth day anniversaries aud that hor strength may increase ibe ilev mr koalle uf ilockwood will preach missionary scrmona on the nasra gawtya circuit ucxttiuuday ctjmingand going viator tb aridfrom aston and vajrlouaofhnrparaonal notaa thataan pagastnvtta all if reader to en tribute to tills eo i earth lljnn or your frierifla are gning away on a holiday trlpvr if you liav irlniidl vlaltlnn you drop a eanl to tha kuan illkas miaa ilattdrcharlosi home from brailli fori ilev and mrs t amy of kbenexer visited friends hero this aoek misa kaalon of nsaaagaweya visited relnlivun hero during tho week mr james watson ii spending a few da m at hia old honie near weston mr and mjb otorgo clarkson of ruck wood visited friends here this week mr iho henderson of limehdhae has ukm up tier res id en oo in aotsn mia priest of toronto waa a guest at the homo ilev wm dryer this weak mr james wataou of uolmfleld man lias been visiting acton friends the paat week mr t ii hording who haa been ill for a oouplo of weeks im now in a critical con dition v the miasea i too and groaa returned home to toronto aftoruending a week at the home of acton triendr miaaf a h douglasof st catharinoa rnturnou home after spending several weeka at tho home of mr g taylor mr and mrs john u cameron returned home from a pleasant visit with friends in milton an i vicinity on tatnday mr s tlailey of ilockwood baa bean in town aeveral days this woek attending at the bedside of his son mr fred bailey who ii very hi mr john walaon arrived home from ilolmfield man on monday he harvest ed 7000 bunhola of grain laat season half of which waa wheal uaater duncan bcott wbo haa been attending georgetown high school the paat an month n now taking a course al the cue ph business college mr j a mcgrsil atteuded the mreling of the c m b a lu uuolph uu monday evening ue pake encouragingly uf iho jiroapecla of the society here mr b null boot and shoe dealer oou traded a cold during i lie fire in wilhm sou tore aud haa been ailing ever biuoc he waa taken to tho general hospital and is now buffering from typhoid fovcr hi many friend will liopt for hi apoedy recovery gnelph iercary georgetown ch iho special service iu the methodist last week were well attended ou friday oveniiifr the her mr oreitham of krin preached this week the ilev a j irwin of norval and the itev q mitchell of milton will aaaiat the pastor the english church buuday school had a very mumaiing niunrlaiumnni hut 1 buraday evening the congregational church anniversary servteea will bo bold on the ijth and 20th of january tbe itov ii b meee of toronto will preach in ihe method 1st uhuroh next sun day morning and evening 1 he itev mr tough and his bride have moved lulo their beautiful uew paraouage at hornby tho riia iaas with lis crisp couuly new is a welcome visitor into a number ol georgetown homes i he soow baa improved bualueaa lo towu the slreeu present a lively appearance dun i worry with that old sewing machine when you can exchange it for a light huuning singer 1 aall both family and glove machine i alao soil pianos and or al bottom price and beat tarms ciia a wiutb ageul acton ont john newell knocked down by a c v h traiu at ihe level oroealug in perkdafe laot week diod saturday evening it you want aral olaaa uuelpbaaahand doors at guelph prioea t kaaaua oan fill your order a his planing mill tut peoples vhien1 hikinlilul i iu will v ulii cul lb croup hiuit i liuii 1 a cjiic huaisi ilcl illd all 1 llioat and 1 uiil 1 ioowc- ivllliuul all i ii j v karihamin vi uugiut acton eyes teste jj fjilil henderson co actoti ouk expert op tician can suit the most diffi- cult case new eyeglasses just in oshiwa ont pains in the joints couaod by inflommntory swelling a parfaot cure by hooda sarab- parllta it affords me mueli plfuxnre i recommend hood i barsirtlla my surrwei afflict with rent pn in the joints aeeomnanled with iwelllng so boil tliai be could not pel up stairs to bed without crowllnn on hands and knees i era very anxious about him and having read hoodscures ao much about floods anraapnrtlla i deter mined to try it atiil tt n balfdoten bottles four of which entirely cured him una a a lake oihawa ontario n d he lure tnert hood b haraaimrilta hooda pih t cull jei promptly efficiently uu tho ittpran i honcli a tjaousnds of people who havo found money liuhl and in the early part of the wiuier did not buy aa much during eainr lime are now reaping the ixurni uf our midwinter clearing sale baa glweu place lo a grand ruah of b as people havo soeu tbe extraordinary pure baaing power of a dollar at our counters tnea culling all over tbe hoooc t of a phenomenal character itamembar ths aale oloaea on thursday jan lglb and the time of your golden opportunity la op ihe ilaya between hera are a few quotation duksb qoodb 75o black henrietta lor ao tl jo black ottoman for 75a hie chaviot sorgo for 50c 05c hsney good for iuc 11 25 fancy velveu for 2o doaeiib of lines equally cheap mantlka and jackets a ooo for 1 ooo thla ia about the also of out j 000 which you oan have for tl ooo po aab if you don l want the enure lot you oan have one or more at tbe same rate foil range of ladle aud children a sixes olothinq men llrlou huiu l llj mi men a 115 00 suits for 10 00 man slj00 suit for 0 00 men ih m bulls for a 90 mena fi 50 soil lor 4 50 boys tao bum for t oo boy 3 a0 suit for 2 so boy flo buiu for 1 76 men overcoau 1 big t it bays overoosl on ph1cks oabpitb wo are re modelling uur carpel ioprt niont aud will olear oot every piece ol uruaacla 1 ape try wool u utuu aud hemp carpel oil cloth and ltuoleum at oat price sane applloa lu curtain dhuda uilein pulm and end and all hooetfurtiiahiiufb 45 nil oil i ii i 1 sable mull 2 bear mull- persian lan b ijuil 3 bluo poau ill mult j baltic bra mull- 2 coon mufla greenland seal t i aualrallan batdc aj 1 asrachau aim i marmot seal cap i grey lamb cape 4 grey ljmb liufli ii al blaughtered prio i hat wo do what wo u t parade it in priut ovo l aud everybody aoneot tin b r of course lvorywteu i alwb stands tbe test being pro e r bollert dc co quelfll ont fint high class tailoring bibson millar co j it nuli jluiiniul nidu 11 l rk uaubl d will li 1 mil ui rdri with ui v lb- ih a l aaaonl luck lu town u cimhw iltllll dent s furnlablngi a a au i iit i tibtru collar ai 1 uuiloiaii all ill- latuat un u 1 tl- ttuaiwudora cw auil ladle fur capca a miil 1 till ull a lucrulu l ami will uu tl u aw da leul you rulr savage co cuelph just received a lrjl roiialttkoioul lu uaiia loy ad uuuiauuuauuuys aulloulha hulu ale wbicb uiuat in cleared bj the lltvl of jpuuar lok out lor eha liarbaloaln tu llii and ranimuum wa have no old atock fvvrythlng new brlfcblaud up lo tuu gibson milla co y hue bmch malu btrewl uaorgaiown n ill uhjr lll eaeluilve itglil in tioor lowj pf llili til nulabratod pturay ulova muinib r ttrgiu day ncr jfjrry day f- wc take much pleasure in announcing t grand clcinnj silc with which to nnugur ate thq business of 1896 wc also wish to thank our man t ustomcrs for their hirrnl patronage during the year just closed when we were enabled to do a largely mt rrasul busi ness exceeding our most sanguine expectations h close attention to the wants of our customers close prices in all lines presenting real bargains in season w out of stison we intend to make the year of 96 the red letter year of oui business customers will always find that wc carry out to the lettir tvcr thing wl ulvt ruse in this circular wc cannot enumerate all the tremendous bargains wc an offering so require a personal inspection on your part to realize the great sat nines wc oflcr below will be found a few of the good things offered for the month of january millinery felchapea which were 50 15 75 and h5 ill inr v i el p ha pes were tl oo lo a 00 fur 50c trimmed hals and itonncta t half rrgultr pritct winun ittrila i lowers ornamcni mouuin eli al half regular price fancy ribbon worth 75 5 inrf foe fur jy d i incy and plain kithons worth 10 411 or lor iht and eterylhing else in llili dep i at h ill iejol u pi ice hoys stilts upd veiciats j he balance of uui slock al jo oil iciulti pi ke rent liarjalni here mens nothing a gorwl man people do not know wo keep men 1 t luthing- od twos ianla for 90c wir and all oxil 1 ant hi to weailjn sunday ftr t jo ii mill re rlh jt lfr f ll 1 uliiccuilih lu puri1 pnrs is hosiery lidle vl e jwtrth js ill kedu i fu ha 11 doubling our mauik 1 1 few choice goods at tic lolh fr lifts mtt rctoii 1 pile 1 i n i nnin i l and i 11 1 it jchets werelmon jat hi ts were 50 f jvhi ts vrre ijcxi i i bet- ml mou ko out e haic 1 1 sell them or fo 7 job i ttlori slr- rib lilt w ml h- slfoes i i llahrd 11 i tjrcss ioods iltl ss 1 rn 1 iis wc re mnm r only joe yanl lrrv length etc t in it 1 ancy olori dress hki si 1 wb 11 rib jjc lb ya lor lecwll limit al oor ncr c lllat jottois tl 1 i rib 1 inc ic v 111 llc cl sheet 11 tics jr pan 1-ad- worth i dok 1 tl xe i 40 inr v hi 1 lu 1 1 uui tut si 111 1 1 1 1 11 1 mru- 1 l u i sh specials kiol itocl 1 c jmlii w 1 1 i 1 11 a h1 no 1 1 i 1 bill skhiw 1 u plll 1 ii kolkd t 11 to j 1 it- l 11 liultlnl su ltd i 1 ii isollc iu ii 1 or cash only nderson co a 7 in health bifciid underwear tor the next 1 m da s fve will sell at a straight dls count of 25 per ceat- our large and well assorted stock of ladies health brand underwear iu 1 i with tlicou guirt ulll io oll llwh tl 1 allh llntid lltitloruuhr la iitiutiimllt d in iht urn kut um iruii hit iiiitortablu unil thoroughly hulintuclory iniu of inidn oiu tliul uui lolli wutth mid wuur tut wull an tho hunt ou ur hud villi iiut nioiitlitt of cold winthur hottru um thin otkrin i a nuntt mlmtiitt nut oiu uiul ut the priluri tvu will null ilium itt it tun liittgiuu mrdj ctiuullcd in uttructivuiiotut for example we will sell t ujiub llunlth it mud undurventti rugiilnr 1 ludiua lluullh hrund combination kuittt n j kk j chlldruii h lleultli llrund oniliiuiuloii huita t tot i 4a cliildrunh llluck tiifhth health brand roir ijutlivu urawurd hetilth brund rugulur 81 and other huea ut a proportionulo rudtittion it tsar in iiilhd tiny reduction in toi tin diih otilj wts do uu wo nit r o a b ryan co guelph k 1 j b ilu l ik 8 t- k mll- 1 or ir r gl 1 e right house ch9i king and hamil i ccial offekjnfj folt januaj i i l i ale of surplus stock previous to annuc liing many lines at greatly reduced pru 1 iford bbhrunr ia vi and hto radnoad to 10 island lc flurad canton suitable fur ourlalus iwiih d in rcduosd to i il la and uc ln tlaunelalto 50 luchoa wida reuular 1 ud inc roduood to ujc i jim pitinnalatlaw fanny pa i torus worth vc reduced lo he print aalra lluo worth uji uffurod at ho table a k half daaobad goa width m 81 8tt nod 50o tha uttar 70 i doom wida and wall worth flc tabla dimsik half bias ml alfhuy imperfacl worlb sac for 25c worth coc for afto tabla napkins abom mi dtiou oitra jualily taltornaths ma u faolarara hava osaaa to noakavprlcwa ranginn from tl so to tl 76 worth rkular from tl u6 lu ti 7jj kmbruidorio about 1 ww yards raalar prtoa 17 to wc naw ouds off art n at 10 and 1 jo par yard h 1 tywlintt ool ijuahty i u r rd 4a lofth rillow cotton 16c a yard whit oot too- our hpacial ho fruit of tho coom 10c uwlbt anchor 10c hit t a p8 mar aad to coat and in bunmcaaw laa dajanon f tho asaacu maulloa capes and mlllinary at abuui hall prni thla special aala praaanta a mod tnonay alug opportunity for closo aud careful buyora let lor order roooive trrul aitantlon ezpraaa praald lo your noajwst railway atailuu uu all pure base amouatiny to t5 00 and upwards tiil iuoiit houttk ku coast coma llunbl thomas c- w atkihj hamilton january ttth 1bua hmiilton ontauk irit v 7z3t

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