Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 16, 1896, p. 4

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i vl r f- r 1 li li v i iji i j nuihsdat jartljant 10 1to0 ffhr jldunjj jollis tin ftlva itm 1 r w uliat 1 m t i an ha 1 si an p n it wtiou lilt will jill 111 i ur 1 ilau runno1 way 1 an i 1i a i utmat liter uiir tin h fnnrfl li lid jhnaoll muni etcr 1wii1 t r where oil down the is1 vpti 1 at out there an nit hall 1 luol a men at led a kin row at a hooked her lwl 1 went down along lung lane imnnai mule hc a rleviu an atrial 11 put went llooh f an iumtwd n an akosred loo seiil seaniporlpstaa lb wua aomeliody hnjlorld liny anil 1 jnel hanked pr whart an flu v u uolkhly then i warn in but i m fratrl lor tocourk en lf by hmii1li hurts my ui ual inside i i waul iu a an crlod jjoua ktoamitkbrl coo uirollkh where a a bbib an tailed m who am i ai ii i 111 wliera ut home a al aim ii alio tin in llul i couldnt tat but 111 what my nanjr au ili an lt loiiklciliia up an says ribe know abtra i live she gursa san aha llhd me hug w i to clnso llouiul tier neck an on aha bora hklppln up the alree t an nan purty boon i m home again an my ma when alia mufitiil hi med the tilgglrl too an aha hlaaoil meror t p tmilso alirtrs t won i run away no mora i jamk whitiowii hlmct foreion laborers wages delfaat make h li utrman lanrere earn vib7 a year a german potter earn 9157 a year a wtavar in jerusalem aarni 50o a day lacs makers in india receive h can i a a day shipwright weak upbolatvren in dublin make h jo a a huaaiao toa mater receives aboat 40 lftiu a day a ex maker m larkey can eai a lay an r nullah inlr avaragaa about h a w liverpool boiler makera arc paid to 03 a week a carpenter in lire men make 5 20 ft week chitiftf l packer aro content with ii ft weak an ironworker lu hyna can makef3 ft a turban maker in 1 ohoran earn i j go ft week a elipper maker iu cairo can eani go cent ft dftjr a raibian farm laborer fela aboat 10 a month a a word maker in uimucai can earn b ft woek boiler makera in hambarg mre pld 5 4 uftllierer of lea leave iu china 0 oenta per dftjr cabinet roftkera in horcdoo ret oenta io 58 oenta per day bilk worker in germany receive about us a yoftr a rftilroftd labourer in ludia urni from 6 centa to 10 oaota ft day a ah oe maker in homo earna from fl ho to 12 40 week air brakes on freioht cars 1 be bur railway oompftniea which bava uipped tbeir omra with brakea bava die covered tliat not only ibe liftbilily of ftccidenla with oaoaequetit injury of employ turn hfta fceen leaaened but that ft decided eaving in iho operftliooa of trftina baa rcwultcd the new york ceulral ia ooa oflba rilwya whioli baa adopud the air jtrftka two yoftr ago it it wu daoidad thftt vary freight lftit roaal conlftio ft ogmber of cara with snob brake ft aumcirnl enmber to oontrol the train the company ha now prepared aome atatialicn based on the rtmult of tbia experiment nineteen thoga- and cara were eijaippod with the aafety brake al a ooal of one million dollar the ftmt reaoll of the uaa of the brake waa the redaction of too number of brakemen and an annual aavintf of tj5 000 in wakr on that aocoonl waa eftoctad kati mating the iniereat charge on the million dollar invaated in the eaipment of 130 000 and lhaanaual ooat of maintaining the brake at 120 000 the company flgaree oat a dlreot net aaving of it 000 a year in addition to thia direct aaving there ia au indirect advantage gained by the use of the air brake the a ret of tbaaa ia a deoreaae of so per oenl in the ooal of aooldenla and the nest ia an increase in the apeed of freiht traina of about ho per oenl roth thaae consideration are ira portent mora important in the eyea of the railway manaoer no doubl than lb direct money aavinit preventing uohtninu the loaa of a barn and all the amou a urop and free aon uy portion a it not all of the live a took therein baa become ao com man of lata yeara thai it forma on of the moat aonooe drawback to farmidr in tome aactiona w notioa record of is barn burnt in three pennsylvania oonnuee dur iug a lata atorro wa auggeal that an in vqatitpalion be made aa to the proportion of barna actually doalroyed iu thia way which were aapplied with a properly oon atruotod likblnuil oondnctor paaaed auffl oienlly deep in a moiat aubeoil and kept raolal by watering aepoolally before a atorm in time of drontb it ia eeldom one haara of the dwelling booae being atrnok it ia the barn and this ia more frajaenlly bdtpplied with a oon doc lor than the houaa in narrow valley in iho moantainona raariona of the country farm building are aaldom atrnok the proiinjily of limber affording superior attraction eapacially with reaped to certain groapa of tree u haa boeu auggeeted that iraea about ibc ho mo lead if aapplied with conductor would be a much better aafeuuard the v 8 weather bureau baa done aome uaa ful work io eloayjog lightning but there ia room for further o hear at ion and esperi maol rfntcrcaj affrtcmlluralut mirror of a towns doings the newapapera of a town are lie looking glaaa kaya an axohajiga it u bar yon tfaee ynuraglvaa aa others m yon yoa emila oa tbam and tbaytaunlla back at yoa too frown oa tbam and yoa are rapald la ind they are lb reflex of a town if tba town la doing boat nee the qswapapa will bbow it io 111 advertising ooumu if iho merchant are apiriuaaa aliifuaaa fallow whoaa loraa are jumblai of junk and jam tba nawapapcra will show it by tb lack of apaoa ibay take if you wan the world to know that yon have a live town you can only lal it be known through iu ucwapapera notes e an there itomn of clonavat fntoroat to frsp proa ttoiclara tlir ommnn vru aa abvatianr iiipculu called llioni iliniot cam to arguti alioiil tholr ailmitiitm what lllity wjant la a mod mine thai will nirn thorn the almplr lionrat atatrraint 1 know illat hood a karmiparllft nurtd mi ia i hit lical arttiiimut in fnvur of tnta iiimii eilie and llila la what many lliikuailrtn mil txluarily aay lloodt lrubuvro tl bat af lor dinner pilla abiat di nliuii runt in adarln 1 a r- it ia ealimafwl thit j loojkh uiru died in the warn of the paal thirty vjivt wry lunt iiolrnl there are ao many fhinga that appear unneooaaary and mi iul7tnr the lifo of ua we can aen ncither purpose nor find it may be oorna are juat one of tliuao thorn in the ileall the why ami the wherefore of which we cetiiiot nw novvrlllfliba limy are of the kind that uri cnllj remit ed im nam a ianiloaa urn hxiormin tor makes abort work uf ilioin try il end aon how nicely il ooaxra them mil if an none other than 1ntnam a m hilertmnalor hold hyti drugiiihlb snuihippia cornlbt farm 1 not otil self aupportintr 1ut iolila 60 coo an nually a liilllllllaaiiilirr iii u it uatikifi mavmi ud hagarda prctoral uilaam in our family or jcam i have o beaitalton in aa nilj that it boat everyihtng el no wn trr tried for concha android iu children bb well aa niwn up people ii rclldvca llial uht binding ami aalion hi the chttet u n won 1 not ho without it fur aiitllul aa wo liavti large family iv i txi tat amm itiuiiliaiitiior in 1 u ltalmoral m miriam lon t i think nry no poem nad 7 nod rrlttcall 1 hetcht dear i ahuuld inatoail cuinp a aliort tory uhruuinlloui ufi 1 iu n llui w ha south amornin ihcuiuaii uio hliffuinaliam aud neuralgia radically curca in 1 to 1 da a it action upon thoayatem ia remarkatle and n mtliioua it romovea at once tue cauae ami the dtaeaao immedl ftttsly diaappeara the drat doaa grratly benefit 75 cents hold by j v kanna win fvery family should know that vegetable -j- palnv oartul to its qulox aatlnn to relieve dlalraas painkiller itzzrzlx biwlrrt 4raiaaba uan4lh faialrvw ai4 painkiller igvjfsx painkiller ttftasvivs madk llwm irwit tu rtamnaajtrtnt in all iim at srabn mawwllw mrm rarata painkiller bjs btarv brarsssessr rstr 4imt- i 1 lalrraalu r ruraall mik tltlt llhi m4itnli u fcl the huaband who ia proud of his wi bould oocaaionalh toll liar au the horse noblest of the brute crnuuu when suffering from a cut abrasion or sore derivea aa much bene i l aa ha maator in a like predicacnont from ttio uoaliuw aoothiuh aollon of ir 1 homaa kcloclno oil lameneaa awelhng or the ueck alill naaa of the jottiu throat and luua are ro heved by il the court of the queen a bench okialod in hngland a thousand irara urlirl in ml lloiim ijiatreaaintt kiduey and uladdoi lia relieved iu an hourab the groat bouih a to or can kidney urn 1 lil ucu renaodj a a groat aurpriwj anil doliklit uii acooanl of ila eaoeadiuit pruuiplueas in ret loving pain iu the bladdnr kidney back aud every part of tho urinary passao in mala or female it roliivoa retention of water and pain in paaaln it almuat nil mediately if you waul ijmck rollol and oure thia la your remedy bold by j kxsnawdi acton ture up your rofreuoea wi mual have been israxy hiiuid and yuu wouldnt have tboukhl au if you had ieeu tba riferiuoea the burreiuno ok- old 1eot lk flrtda slmplu and qulok rotlof in the uaa of south american kidney iha auffeniik from kldue trouble ciulur ed by men aud woman who are falling utile up lu years la of leu oacoedliiuly dia treasing tlja auuoyanoe and luconveli ieuoa oauaod a deraugeiuoul uf the kid ueya ia only too plain to all wbu havo been troubled lu ihla way how keen the dia iraea al time from what ta known aa pros leuo trouble of ibo old audi aa enlarge it liiqaromatiun and ulceration of the prostate gland without auy preaeul or after unpleasaul olleola houlh aiuerloau kiduey cure glvea unmodiala and lulluu relief in all audi oaaos it in a wonderful medicine for kldnoy trouble of whatever kind it ia oaaontlally a kiduey curr and boast uf nothing more liul il ia kiu bare every lime dllunoii op the aqoenbtoti ham xlton ttoyv w h waclu ituolar or mnmji- tonn lonillnu lnluaonl ulturalt rmfornnn dr atimtw cnlnrrhn powtior a irailrr lu the liiiuppal dniiiiiiinntini lit t aim in l llm ft v ii u r of i tin imr li t th- ai mi in aiiknj ll mi ml- r- r ll m imr t an minibirg f th in t mi ifaliouaihi p p nf iho ami itmiih ilv un i hnlov indeed n i hi ir fiwi i lu iih mil ln hut hil llr a v a i itavrh il v i u r an i iiplii mnn tlnti pi nid il ihn n y i r olititneif il i ujn lion iuh itlii kiuiii tlrat our bin imtn iiiliru hu iiin inukly aalii to iii phiplenft iiimu thai- tliiamed icino i a good llilnj and iin tho rolls thai is ulaiuicl or il no hurt poftfif tl br alh thrutuh the blmvor auriphid mtli trh lotth uf ir a ftturrhtil i idr dilfn- a una m lu l- wrf i pa k iinhaa tin i dtlijilfiil to uai it mil vi ti in tin itiliiiuin iui1 mrnaiiiitl ura i atarrh it lvor illa luad arh htn llirnl i oiiilit uii i hl uitaa jill ii lit- himp4t- hoi tin and lilovir m lit oil timipt two liir- i tl alaiiiia s h t i n l f hurh klrfl 1 toiiki a wo slaaja pi lli way 1 inc siriipcur a t uiiglia ay linii hrtip cnrun liruurlnlm norway pino hjrup luuld llio luiiga cares oonnnoptloriconhnacronp bora throat bodur all nmiipa om rr a uata gme ticti or chert shiloh- ruma plastar wiu give p taailfacilp ccots hiloh8 vbtaliserc mrstt bliawltlranooacainaavsi shfloha vital rhavlli my lu ri mmmtdtittlihttrcmcitiifaradrbaitatiftrm nprrwdlrluapswljcrorludmy troubloltoiccla ir coycta hsvovourntnrrht trj ttilti itcroedy itwlll pualliiulvrotlcnbnlt unijnu itloo wlta this liijit r fbr iii u i ful trealniont u f unliable fi- tn ml r l i altrtoeilll are eo4 on i iuuilii i li rjlulmauou icachcr have jou learned tho ouldiii huh tniiini lotiuny icamn it n to un to in r peupht liku tiny uoiild do it you millum a co i ivur oil i iiiulaon willi ild cbtrrv and il puphoupliitch cuiiibiuoi the curat uts xjwrro of wil i lrrjr ii pop homphilcu of linio and soda mid pure ncrntiati oj i ucr uil in purftrt palat allo form it ia tho beat for oouglia cold and all lung trouble prfcu and 61 00 1 ign are aperient aud wholesale thoy aro aaiu to bu valuabln aa a food for thoau auhcriui train caier iil am uatd rilor nail aa noil iu liitlrnnll ihlnrrh strtli t ril lu 1 n 1 ho uiinc oue ahtirt pull of the broaul through um illowcr aupphod with nji bottle ot dr ajjiievt catarrhal iuwder diftuaoa this kiwdtt over the aurfai u of iho naaal paaaat oa laiiilla and dlllchtful touhr it reliovti liiatatitly and permanently curra catarrh hay rover i olda hiadaxhe horo 1 hroal louallltia mid deafuoaa w olita at clory la auflanng lr any foi of lh i of rhedllitlbi k m 1 have fuuti 1 llaif aril i olio l for ur lhr i olio kmiii l oe th lollow oil mill aavtraj bad limk am m mminimth n iw m nnn ila h tltia limy a in lo prufot it to all otliori c 11 o uicii wliohwalo and itotuil uncti aiiaau stalion s ii io lake keroneiio oil plai or the plncl with a btol ihal ikrkii iitl by hi a out ul caipot ill paper i at l mothers who have used palm0taf5 13 tht lt best babys soap oflatv tor hclljlstke c oetmaoj haa ao d of lll ulltlu foi fiuallpatlon n limit caih i h uiihki haters am oorllfy that i am health and hel t devolod husbaml why ha ailually anting lo i u boltloa of jluu k it regular i i n u llu turv tl raleful lo it 11 it the doctors approve of scottb errtulslon kor whom ioi men and women who arc weak when they should le blnuig for battles and children who arc thai when tin should ik fat for all who eet no nourish incut from their food pooi blood lb htxirved hlcxhl con biiinption und scrofula never come without this staralion and nothiiik ij bettl i f ir btar hhxid than tod hmi oil scotts emulsion is todjlver oil milii the fish fa i taste taken tun tw alias sotsolaanj l o0 4cutt bownl oallsslu oct ifliriiuud leaa i hero never was an 1 mil h i ita to wtlliti tltiah la heir the wry otiif many uiiiallvea liriiig audi that were th iiii of olhet and ifilluroiilly aoatml dia laaca rootod in hit a atom cf lh i ill ill bal would rcluitd one ill in turn wouk iritrt illlipkr itnllrrfn 1 in 11 3f in iln or agnowa juro fur thn utart ilvn porfocl romof in all naunn uf r ai n u ftyiiinthofio iloirt lsui in iii m iijjil- and apon lily iffucti a liiirn it it a pierl rrniody fur rnlpitittoii hhortu i llreatli himillioi ig hjclh illn in mm ami all ayn on dpi iv in il ayi t otniof ijurm4 1 loir i iiliviu hll lit i bvunu ttpirt of mill ito do j mi ditili imluoil uropo hiiini- of mill i iliatuepbrnla c il whnli or tlu jola hlgcal piece catfarrh l ju as iltrmelcih vukotatln 1llu noiilniu mandrake aud danilolinii ihry euro 1 ivor and kidney compuinlu with unerring c r ibinty rhrv alo tiutin liujtn ivml horbu whioli ham apcnilio vlrluih truly wonderful in their action mi llm uloumch and bawela mr atrncrnhh klmhrapi afe wtllct 1 uopnlder 1urineleu a illla an excellent remedy fur hllionaiicui and do raugeiiient nf the liver hai nig died them myself for aotiio tuna iha uurllh cidritforipralioid n festival rooehtly that hrnuglit out many prominent pen pie ljpiiliiiri lina iritnl it a triumph in modiuino waa attained when experience jirovod that kcntt n 1 itiul aion would not only iitnp tho progrona el ililmouftry nnnuniptioii hut by lucotiim od ifw health ami viyor ciuld bu fu ly ru utorrd 1iopli who u to aak for it thr llrr ire sympathy a ith lhr i inn apt m k l col j a authma hroriohitia aor llirral and lung troujihrt are in rod by nor way 1iuo hyrup prior j aud a coo la il lirlatlien u it llio hettllng virliiia i llm pi uo f ureal i l io aro kkrth m urltaui and i hi iiiiojl there are caso of ctiiiuuinplioii so far advanced thai itickle a anli consumptive hyrup will tiut euro but initio in bad that h will not gtve relief i ur cough cold and all affect to oa uf the lltmat luiiga and clital it ib a apccifli which haa uuvur bocu known to fail it promote a free and easy expectoration thereby removing the phulm and give the diseased jiarla a elm ice lu hoal poverty shared la uaually mivrrly doubled hurdoct 1lu anmll afo adj sure rugulate tho lircr aud cure oooalipatiou wwuj just spend his four quarters for a bottle of burdock blood bitters ns all sensible people du be- jv cause it mrc dysptpsu con- stlpatlon bllluusti st hk a hcadjithc had hit od and all diseases uf i lie idinjlti 1 ivcr j klducys ruwclb and blood rum a a omtnun pimple lu he worit q scrofulous sure g in each uiouhsu i people in tho unito i htatca 3hl of them are i ij cra of ago or mdcr i hruulo horauktmeiita of thu hloniuch 1 ivcr and hiihii are ajietdil reinovtd b tho active pnuciplo of iho liircdioula ontcrllik into the composition of iaruielee a rgniablo 1llla hrne pilla au spcilk nl ly on thn deranged urjni t alimulaliiih li action tho dormant eunrjtie- ol iho ajaleiu ihetcby rumovuig iltaeaae an i torn iu life aud vitality lu tho htnlil lo iho sllllct ei i li popular till lie t ol la 11 skl1 the uielcu i i un wkouuio i ilia t l a uu i the in n iltoo1 itulti ugtlm u iroyiug worm muu i el lldhh 1 i of all ktuda i dull rrri s i n i i ll lb i loaans thnouoh the pledge ihn fiilning nol punch la rntnrlml iy tlm halu t in havn uuu iniim n i at a ri lit lnmteraiir in nling i h iv 1n ihliikiug nil in 1 inun into iii mil uiimfciiuht all ill llyi i mans 1 vo mil iii hiulotthicii i llii ulnll aliueucxi i tifu i hjfj- ym thin iuat a man in ihn awlet who hni tol morn stopping drink ihiui i i nvi wait a hi nil i lull oj what 1 m an ihru vie a ii j ih uf wirlt lo imi idiii hi ihn hii p to dn llm h inn ailed me t i liiy uo bint llnu it to w hand tn thn ahhp w ii li id mil at lpi why ltnrie hr nsml to call jnu worst vuii vo lust your bud name liavon you 1 hai a l wtfa said i and ii slu l all 1 have loul in eihtiun iiiunllia uiiliur 1 had poverty kilft wretoheilnfilb and 1 lost them 1 had an old rajjgnd coat and a ahmkui ind hat and aonj water proof ihkiih thai inl thu well oll al the lots an ihty took it mi at llio hrel i vn lohlihim i had a rid facr a trembling hiuid and a pmr of ahaky leg i that gavo me an awkward sumhln now and limn i had a habit uf curaing and bweamig and i o gul rid of thai i had an aching head aonielimoa and a heavy heart and wdrac than all thu real a guilly conscience i hank cod i vo lost thorn all lhoii 1 told my wife what alio had loal vuu ve had an old ragged gown mary aid i and you had truublo and sorrow aud a poor urotohod home aud plenty of hcartachua for you had a miner bio drank ard for a huahand mary lliank ood for all you and i havo lost iucs i aigned the lomperanoo pledge and i ncvor will br it thr n a wish mother 1 ho mother of a family waa ma mod li an inlldul wlo made a jnat at religion u tho prraetico of iiib own childrmi yet ah hiicccotkd lu brinuiug tllolii it in tho fna of the lird on iiciug aaked how aho preserved them from tho inlluouco t f alhi r whoso uentimeuta were ao openly npponed lu her own she aiiawore 1 ltccauuo tu thu authority of a father i dtil tint oppose tho authority uf a mother but tuit of lod from their oarlieal yoat h my child ten havo always neon the sliblo niton my table this holy hook hi cons it la led iho whulo of their rollgioue uiatruclian i was ailenl that 1 might allow it tu npoak did thoy propose a juostlou did thoy commit any fault did they ierform any gootl aollon i ote iho hible and tho 111 bio auaworod ropi od or oncodraged them tho constant readmit of hie bcriplurn ban alone wrought tho prodigy which surprise you quieted by a photographer a tnnnd of ours took her four roar old girl tt a photographer 1 he child couldu i be inado to alt alill he of tho c linen vainly worked every devica of gentle xsr b uaa ion u make tho liltlo wriuhii all alill and tlnully eaid tu the dtipsiring mother madam if vuu will leavo the little deal alone with mo a few miuutes i think i can succeed tho molhor had acarely withdraw i whon she waa auiiimoiiod bark by tin ttiumphanl photographer who oxhlbitod a aaliafactury nigativa when thoy roactiod homo llio mother aakod nollio what did tho man aaj to you whan 1 loft yuu alone wllh him t ho lhaid baited nellio lint llilill oi lllllc ralhcal or i ii allake j ou lonu mbasuhb 1 ut problom ll lahr j ad a half of lililallu lo makd a ixtj a llrt how many iliirla can bo jul out if mi yard i ly i ii i ur air bill 1 k u f a ma llial ot o iro than llial out t f r ho got ivo toy big brolhe a and throo uf mine from our back yard u io uiihl laal woek viulj apeaka fur itself ohio lltlcs thai have tiled tho j ubllo- oiupluiimiit buroaua protioum tiiliu a i on l i ottki i wuti win 11 rthuionl uliadulleiulr 1 alale a roiueity i i krovinua ilia lly ita gradual jui in i gui by the inlln relevb lle dtooplu piriln ol those with whom a uhrumu atats of iiiorblu dehhindoi i y aud lat k of internal in io is a dtaaaai and by lean iulliii thn uorvoa dlapuaca lu bound aud tlfroahliik nlei p imparts vigor io the cotton of the blood which being slim listed courses through the veins strengthening the luallhy animal functions of the syspem l bore by making activity a ueoeaaatv result aticntheiiiiiu thu frame and lvlng llfo tu tho digestive organs khiih nut ural i v demand ih rraavd substauoe rcaiill liopnived appiine northrop t iyman of toronto have kl vuu to iho public lliuir julriiti w im al llio usual rely and guaged by the opinion jl aciouliala this wine appruuuis rf m nu on oan uo loo atrung languagu in jmrfccliun uf any in tho maikot mldrf ouiuioiidiiig lh rumidj as ta pow guu sell it i ou p trulywuudorf ul rhedl menthol piaster t i i italiai week tho wlfo uf cupt chug muuui huuloaily curoil of hourt ulaouao or lour yttttra jliindlnu by or amiuw e curo f- of thu haart mri clia mugger hydney h for uver four yoarn 1 was alllmed ttilh aovaro heart trouble hn thonog an i choking aniibst o a y fn i and anklia an 1 pain in left aid were my ayiiijtiiiiia 1 dnolurod cunalaully wilhuul benefit and in faul libdduiiroil if ever again tiuinj well dr akiiqw ore fur ths hutt wuo at tail trinl and tu my aaluiiishuioul k relief inside uf an hour i htvn now hat i tkrvo bottlua and am lioplololy iiirud llk with you rguai b lht f 1 iw ou have i hat twinl oll llaw tortiblu iihiium t uiui ptiun aak your solve if i o sllord f r 1 e of aaviuu h t m hie i lak an i lo nothing for il wo ktow from oarloco lhat hhiluh i uio will ouro your cou it imvii fala hull h j kaiwawlu kiiiimwiu utidlltou iuwilcia it ii allle hhep and i ls aro iho leal 1 to nil rovn iho appall to an i uro ou a ol la and liitluenea farmers wauling hard native bloik iu plan i lia looiio 1 all ur hprltig may pay for it in work we waul mou with or without oimrlence uu full or isrl linn halary and eipeuaea or oommlaaluu wnto al nam lor further liuormsiuni hu a 11 mutii oui vm onliuontal nllaeua loionl onl castor i a for infants and children other 6 po you know n- vrt- luuemana inai 0lfnij a conhal many aocallad bootklns hrrupa and tnpsl ititrxalkw rurthlldmn aro coinponxl ntounlr rnorjuiujo r po vam kntrw lluii njuuin and monlilan nra nlupofrmt nam railway time tadl wcaarvctifitia p tel runw ttiat in tooat couutrioa orufestmu are not plnnl llial to ejl narcotics without lauollns tlmim iw un i pa tom kwrrw ih a j nhonll nt pnnlt any inoujclt to tm it yvnr child irnka yuu uryiairyiryahijin kijw if what 11 i rtnnpnaml r po ys knorw jurw i n pumly voirathui prepnratlrm and uial a ilat of its fnirrodionui u puhllclinl will t ry tlun poyjtw klerar llial ji torla u uio nrtnerlptlnn nf ihn rnmnu tr hamuel rtlchar that ii has been in uan fiir a urty thirty yeora ami tlia more castoru la now aold than of oil other remedies for child run nmhtnod t tf osj itjiow iwii din raunt oitlon pnpartmonl of lhe united rlaus and of other countries liavo laauisl mrliinlve right tn ih- pkchnr ami bl aaaljrna tn uaa tha word oastorla and luvfunuula nnil thai to hnltoui tlietn u a stole prtannoffasfil po tern know uial one of uio mason for rranllnf uila po rartuncnl protecuon was bnoauab caatoria tied wn m n u bn sibaolntalj hmrmlaaat po vnn know ibat 3fi atorat doacs of canturta are rurnlahad for 3 oaotta or one onut a doss f po tern kaotr tint when poaatiaand or this perfect preparation your children may be kept well and that you amy ham nnliruken reel t wsjl thaaa thaaa an worth knowing tnary are facta tha facalmoo ajaraatnre if la c t sisif children cryforptoher8castorla oodenofaving photo engravinc es half tones jljonis fi rstclhss t7ti lori nc w h adams iua pleaaumi lu sunouncliik that tin haa punbaod the hualuma uf n j ikiiiua wtib4jt lailotsad pulluulouly iitiii rt rintli f biaosru aaiacllon- lle is prnarl in turn out rtrstclaaa work uf evory doaorljiuoli lu the latest u anil at in wt rfiaaonabla jirtcoa mali yeara n iporlnnco wltl aoinn nl the iteat tallorttik hounw in canada as we a iinu in tualiidb filnisolf liaa nt tmi him tor turning out superior aud satlafaelor a call solicited in ii ndnms aaz g svtith ohugii and books ao wyndham st guelfh see our gbenuine bargains 1 o ucui nut oil k iii tindci of our block r lumuri how h jm uuiiifh now 1 it jl l0 iuj huw u r to h iitiw i h 2c to n now 1 lit d iricom inun ctipb anil huiilctn i ii lolt ut rial true hoh own tirlh own a ur ion lofi to boaoul ul conic unf yet houil ot tho bit guitia while thoy hint hew firm new stock new prices jbut old management iih dun 1 i ok bualneaa in a01od i ng under tho uxln ut jotin npui h j 11 iiks been diaooutintred but the old buuioua will go ou under thd new uawie j a speight co i in reapoola tharo will bo doodled ohangoa in lb undettl aking department lu uoel nutioaable owing u tho hard times we are cutting the pncoa hi all lines ifcufhiia whole out til al any reasonable offer jou lake is ay make we have no conneollou with my undertakers corriblne and tjovom our own prtoea hen ieuirod at sliyhlly o i hititpi aud will supply the a gt trill bo aa furn1tur6 a arelully u on hand which j fair living profit i ut r ill dispose of al a iii done la lh aid eetiafaclory buccy whcon st inauner aud al price ixilhap a little lowest flolng under ver small eiis it very low prices in the i carrying ou our bashuoss we can certainly soil indorlakliig oapealally wo cau du thia aud give eutiro j a speight co still grand trunk railway imi ul hi ix li i ah1 1 1 i tfj reason iw iftlii r liirnlntr ihovki lo nur many at tv rona ilmhnlrlll ral an rt in hi paal wn wish lo iuioiiu jou ihkl watiavoonlerod ihtnaii arrauunnint will tt h wart luslpb tohflopennalanllv mi ham a lull block of the ordinary slam of sash doors etc and will slaoaupply n aprctal tllrs on hort nutleesl uueli i t lo fromosof all kinds iinr lumber drrted lillr u walt irlrc ii 50 per u pumps lldllih better able than heretofore we will supply either wood or iron putiii a promptly all work tfuarauleod satisfactory i inaae call and lua eel iwforo purcbaains tnoheduaci llanaicer 4 c ton the rnnat promt t plensiit an i nor fni turn i r cuughi cofds aalhnns droocbllla hosrasnass sors throat crosrp whooplnc couch quinsy palo in th chest and all turaat j bronchial and lunt uiai ths usalluif sjilkuinaiimiillin virtues i of tho nutway ilns u a ti nhiued in i thia uicl k lie vllh wild cllerry and oilier p ul herb mil ita turn to dlk no i oi lnk 1 u l i pries 33c and 30c of i break up a cold in timi 4 by using m pynypegtoral the utb cure for coughs j t in ciuiur nnon 4 clitrii holilheneas eta i 1 j mh wicb i j ot 1 suiiuibii 1 tuconio writes 1 r j 7 l 1 i i14 it baa 1 j 1 n 1 h 1 diiah cais hit bar i k id italic s ti wtliatt t ijir llul ita as lla k 1 ul 1 ukrslelo ltd j j 1 ira 11 l j the perfect tea as fiajcst tea vb in tm woe id waswwi fhom tmc txh lutmt to tmk tc ctff iw it nitivi purity moravion tealnwbnl indrr the supriaiam r4 the taw grtman and adi crturd nd 4j bjr than a a anionic f i ha heal quahlica al indian aod csytoa iras for llul rhm lhy are tin i now but the trr mil luos go into mimxxi packaaraa ttilly mn ihctfoettecsob ild al tiio saim nik aa inlimir uaa it is hit up in aud addir of m lb 1 th and i lha amlaold in thrre turuuia al 41a uc and 6dol ii vtr r don not br11 bun lo write t sthh iiameh co and ij prsnt s 1 im 1 i ul c limit t il tuuk 1 h1 i ilrt al tin woiltl itn in c hit igu 11 lil lie- mt it low iiitd jih 111 tnufat tuitd mi best st cheapest piesses ijlincltr lrcss for till ruintry printinp nlhrc is the 1rnvt it iilit in lonstrui tuin 1- luninii ilh1ii undrtoucj in il it- ji rts nil ilcn- supliio work roil twenlhf 1x yaud dunns baking hr m0qre actonont sole agejit for canada- tkhsrlsr or u walker co manufacturers madlspp whs tbuyisjbt ikibna 1 hu iih1 llul lvoiy pi uaa l paid tot lu uuh ojiable llio mauuianiuioia to soli the 1iouly ul very low pneaa there aro no ioaaca you aaii urmuga to havu freight ajntnluty prulmbl anil aava alt bother of importation etc suid at oiilc for caliluguci and prices lo thl most successful remedy r oh mam or bcast ckttalo to itarirbftaaasavw blubwrn kendausspavincune upit nawdarsoa oo 111 rob tl wk 1htkaiilllrl btuso a7i ss kannall hiwit furv with sibhi nmw 11 u t umlarful nnllnlim i ubnlisd a inar tkal had uomtlm u tn uailm suiwj bar 1 ksapabolu band all latuna yuorslnuj aua itiwaxu kendalls sp1vin cure c4tiui llo apr a w in- a j kinturn laur i im u nl litl ot j ur krula1 k ail uir iu mucb ua i ii 1 h 11 tt- linn i i m llmrr rr i i 1 iuulii 1 iraacd viih n it lut i 1 iiuij41 ral j nir trafihla 1 aotl lrt it- ro 11 grn at i out ih a patkntt for a nvll bn v t oiiloioowrlta tci i sn a if who havo had noarlrnhr tears lonoa in tho tlanf imlalnosa riiu mrlctl nmnttiinllal a llaadbo troaralsoa oalakajua of aorhan aha aaul fra patents ubeu tbrousti klaan a co racotv poctalnoiolriltiohrlenllso aanrrlrnu and ibaa ara broustit wtjotf batnratlie hilhiiil ost oust to the inventor tnli sptsiultd rwt 1 ihuodwesklr sleaauilylltualralad baabrrurilk uunesl eiroulatiiki of anr acisntlbo work lu tbu wotld s3 a roar hvi te anlnasaul fres vulldlns kdltum monuilr iiioa rosatunla onplas ii con la korr nmnw colila na l4u liful plsiaa in minn and nhoinsrai i uf lira bisbliiaa w i a la hoc st sale ifs canada i t

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