Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 23, 1896, p. 2

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vtyr tttt uli nvrrf y1in c isk am llkt8lh llmit at tlm linmn nl tit brllos fmrrnl ati now wars day y ho j o noill orriioltoiiliain itiiv i j luln- oljlllilnirc in mary itiiollu danublor of iniirfle i hurt of r rln itrnnr iii i iii tmillrtp oh mollis ml jnnimrv riumiliy h imn sit il ii x rcuxrhirn i knluriln january hhi iii lint i- i kim leu ua motor n amaster i li iii ortllla hi tllnsday ihlin mail i wnnil lallrllli l mlilnr rniii mtniii in i triiidm nil humtay jsiiiiiry imh aunoai widow of llir lalo uliaul mflnsli aljl li ii 111 11 11 ill hnrtos ai titrpolivilld cm huutla nitmina lhjl january jtwl hl wlfn oj i j i railslon mill the dsitfbtar uf juanph lsallier toiio m 1 far iil awcjtttln klmlmtly on wednesday lull january mary wlfn of aloimnlnr fawoelt inntlior of tlioiiia t mourn rrlrrtpal ac loll 1uwlo bobool afiod tj jcar tlkuiauay january ai 1801 f our subscribers give their approbation il win not without carefully cotxitlcriiik uie mat tor iti atil its relations ami arriving at tlio coticlvaion that it would bo mora hfttmfaclory both to our aiibscribers and ouraohob tliat wo adopted ilia plan rejuir nig all iqbapriptiona to tha fner lnuw to bo paid in advance oara ego tho city papers adopted tiiia plan but with oewi pa pom published in tlio country it wu an untried ayatem qwinff to tlio credit sya torn which no largely prevails in morcan lilo linos throughout tho oountry local newspapers wiib few exceptions have hoa it tod to aaopt tbia true principle of oasli in advance ftirea yean ago wo put tbia plan into operation arid tliroo mri rxjirrionoo liah proved eutiroty satisfactory to tho fitre 1urhh management our subscriber have loyally aloud by tlio 1 nit phkhh and scoop i od tho now ay loin lu a manner moat pleasant and profit able to us to day overy subscriber is on an npual footing undor the old pay when you plesaa regime a largo propor tiou promptly renewed at the aspiration nf fianh y tuny p n llrp ot four or alx months i a considerable number in in from one to five yrara and aomo never paid al all now every nabicnbef paya tn advanoo no favors re asked if tha 1 ntr ill tun is desired it la promptly paid for if not all that is neoeiary to hs it discontinued m lo fall to renew and it promptly oeaae in weekly viaita uy llni method no person la forced to take our paper aa la the caae wliere a paper ii con unuod until a detinue order to atop it la i von a reat many aubaonptiona expire at the beinnink of the year nearly all of tbaae hvo bceu raanwetl a few remain unpaid i yuuta aiuouk the number look at the liulo name label on your paper and aeo if it ia you will avoid in con von leu oe and de lay by renewing your aubaoriptton to day whou aeiidhikyuur own renewal if you wilt intluoo any one of tour friend or iicifibbora lu have yon aend liiaor ber name ai a new aubaariber we will accept ii 7 fjr tho two aubaoriptiuna h p moore publlaho the ne co tho stnndlna cornmlttoob btruok for tho 9onr but not quits to roova hnvfllb uklnp a pleasant year hoped for 1 ho membera uleutof tlm council or thin muuicipalitynet on monday mornini nt piovoii j clock for nriinniitiitinti aftnr nub anribinit to their oerlif1nt of ihalittiatiin iteow llavill and uiiunillorh niiklln 1 raneia ilrnwn and matlhomm look tboir place i lio ltoovo made a brief iunuuural nd drcta ho aaidjio wolronied tlio iniimboni to tho council of ik ll llo did not know that tlio jor woulil brlnu any ppocial work of importance but of tlm o cannot now dolotmmo aoar o wo had no idea that tho tpiealion of flro proleclion woulil oomo up for llnal aottlemcul if i however nouilnfi likely to arian ntiuido of tho regular routine i ho comotqry will itijlilr aomo attention afl tliero art troea to beplantod and walk and drive to be frav etloil in the new aurvcy tlio work on tho alrcala will be the piuicipil matlur rctmir intho opervlaiun of tho council mill blreet muat bo rcairol and ihaffi wft boiuu talk amonft the mem be m of tho council laatjoarof putting church btret in a condition auttabla for lliu heavy ilumtiiu of board more a co and havo lliem oouliiio themaelvca to that atroet tina malltr will no doubt rocaivu our oaquderatioii i bono wo may be able to got afcn woll lo gotber wo may not all areo on all mat lera but wo aan havo a friendly transaction of all buaineaa oomiug brforo ui tho lint basioea will bo the appcintinont of btaud tn lommittoea for tho year movod by william urowii socomlod by i i rand that the jteewi and couuulllura nioklm and 1 ranch be a oommltoo to air ill ataudiiik umiiiitlcea for tho current year tho ltoovo i think wo uhould have a now member on thai caminuloo aud auk that aa a favor mr i ranoio- all right i will retire in favor of mr drown mr hrown name wm lliui ubatilnted tho oommitlm reliro1 alrnok the cunii mi t tee and aubaeipirntly returned i the notes and comment i ia understood that lord haliabut epariuif a lull atatemeut of the v ian igueation which will be submitted lo jariiatneiit aoou after it meets on february 11 lb at the annual meeting of tho ilaltou 1 tutor m asaociaiiun at mil loo uu baturday it wu deoided to call a convention on wednesday teb ljth for tho puroae of uominatiut a caudidato for tho houm of ommons henalor bewoll of now jaraey preaoutod a resolution in tho united butes bon ate last week dealariug that the monroe doc irlua was nevor luleododo be applied ia the manner propoaod by 1roeldaut clove land aodlhot the president ootion was prematura and inopportune in view ol tho il iianolal oondltioii ol the country i very ion years the statutes uf tmunu are roviaod and consolidated this la the year for tbo uuijortaklug and we ara in formed that the work is now under way and will reooivo oonflrmalion hy tha loia- laturo at the approaahing seaalou hlr clliver mowtl takea pcraooal iulereat in this reviaion and davotea much lime and attention thereto a moat remarkable tempurauoo iutuu hull was rooeutly held in lugland ii waa lajinposed of soiuo of tlij ablest and must representative tneii ui all tha ohurohaa ttion who di0erod widely aa to moans and methods prohibition local wato blgh hoenso each hod strong advocates but none could command tboir nnilod support healixiug bow impolout tboir iuflaenoe if divided tboy surraudarod all araoual and extreme views lu the iulereat of unanimity and declared uuly for audi moderate meaaurm as would oonsliluto real advanoo and reorlve the hearty support of all aud now with nulled voioa and in tho name of all tbo jjood poople uf hug land thoy domaiid uf iarliameul tho ouoiitmout uf auiii mudorato luraauroa luto law thb cabinet ht unittd uttiu ud january tho jhihlloal aturni is over fur the mument aud every tilluk looka juiel and poaoeful for tbo proaont anil every friend of the jouacrva u vo iarty sincerely hupoa that uu such a tor in will over occur oajalu tt is said thai almost avery cuuaarvallva ounstituoliay la nova boolia woa placed at the disposal of hlr charles tupper by tha mom ber repraaeuiirig ll and that several uutario aud juoboo eoaai ware alto offer od bim ita bo anally aooihod uapo llretoa county booausa it was in lhalconatitoanaj ho oommancod lbs flkht of ih7t mr ua kreu at ones rralgued and the writ waj issuod tho busiuoss of tho fltwaiou is nol noing along qalotly tho addraaa is reply to cbo ieocb frujii io throuo waa movod by mr 1uwell ths niw mom bar foe waaimoruod aud aooondodb mr j a mogiiuvray an iinwjnal dsocov has boon isaitad aiiunuuuiuil that tha out una i lm j lhacaar will tuko plaoa in munow net a ahambor tho ltoovo 1 havo hid rrpirl f n 1 1 tee but 1 do not eulimly ngroo with it i tlunk tho streets and walks t omiuitteu ahould havo an old member with oim tmw mpnibor i thought mr nicklin would bo iho boat mau for he rman of that com mill mr nickhn ittad hie report mr iteovr 1 object to eaplanalious or opinions brforo iho mirqtt u ictd at lor considerabeo parley tho luevo read the report with mr nicklin s namo on the bt roots and walks com ni it too mr nioktin i submit mr lliovo tho report mi read in uot as it paavxi tho cum mitloo tbo ileovo i think there should bi an old r nbor c i the tiling to defar to llio all roaaonuhlo ways report as it is mr nickhn i wishes of the ltoovo lu all but i will not agroe to tli pnaaeutod both the meiiibora named on tbo com mi i too in the report am good street mau aud tboir koowlodue m tbia maltor was well uudorsumxl when thoy woro e loo tod tho ileavu ion go 6u hit atruolu mr francis mr hranois no i will not a fow sharp wordu bore ousuol wlion mr nickhn remarkod that the itova in bis mldrobs had oxpresaud the in mi that while we may dillor wo will work with friendly toolings wo will pursuo that spirit with tha report tho ltoovo ttion read hie roporl us paanod by tbeoommittue whiob struck tlio aland lag oommlttioos aa follows fisitlr a l nioklm chunuai i btilkbn 1i wik n hi uhxi man j ii matthowa town iiai i 1 he itootc ilia1 1 trancl j u matthowa ckuetbui i trancn ciiukiiiho tlio ltcevo and win hrown vinu all tho members of tho uuuiil riwa l nickhn chairman w urowa and i frmncia iba rcort was adopted 1 he uy law to appoint auditors waa then passed the ltoovo naming w it konuuy and iho council j a murray as l ho aud itors ounail thou adjourned to in col uu muu day evouing j7hi insl at b o clook the public school boahu ror with w h manlto v for provlnolnl rliihtoivevon cnth- ollu ridlnira bont want ttuunr- ntu hottooln wismini juny 17 hio niiill of the gnntrnl i lontinim thin w nk win nil dtolsivn nml imphxllo n pfolol n 1 o loral inlrfu i in mnnil h ri du aliuual nil i tho prrvlnoliit flglil- mil mm iidiounl n luruod fur nn i it anliuit huporlirs of xlbi dmiro lhro was ii nf rrmodf it lallun nliroly 1 n imh upcaking all told il ri uri only four tmeriatlvo ipp jilllihhlu ieinj run i buy fftimjoll eltxttm tilioliu i r i i li lhi hiich conlilutinim tlm lm rimionl caiidi lotos wuu ahouing an uau tin caao- in suvoral nionl quolto hja olefioiis for tho com rnonu that tlio iloinan tlmuisulvcb in mnn sarttonn nro tint dmirons of tho rontornlimi of hupnrntc rxhnol in ihno dlhinicllvcljl ntich itoinau nthollt coiishtuenalmtliii suhool uostiou wao not dinuiihno 1 in tlm oimpmgli but oouiilliig thtnti ihcro r only mnin hupur llo nujool nil v ik nttia in i lit now liglalature t1w htuudlug ol tlm pnriios so far as complulo nituriin htiw lu invorinribiil jh loiisiirvativbopimaitiun i 1ntrom- 1 i bora i in lupondonl 1 halton rlform association i nut dldatu for thu hou onn el ictlo n to be nor utl t n fubr inr 1 2th itc 3 he sntiual meotmg of the haiti form ajihucuuiou wuiudld at miltoufln haturday iho nitaling was tho largest huld for a number of vuarii all psrls of the county leiii rrpn setitiid tho following oltl ors woro oltial1 iruhidont m mctnmition m i nice irosidulo monrx j ii mtcollom and lioburt htovvarl hourotary 1 ruaauror mr w i imok 1roaijont for ttaipiusing mr wm monro irosiflenl for irnfliir mr lloury itubiiitou lrisidniit for nolaon mr wm 1 ishor irratdoiit for nannaya woya mr m llualliu in future iho iriwidtiul mil tho hooro tar of ihtt uuiij iibvral ci lbs in actno work in ho uiunty uill u mombrs uf tho xcoumo r mutit uu mi h clnth will nlo in iltl i in li prestntalioti nf ouo dol nl llio unvtntioiii of tho assocla turn 1 1 waa loaded to call a convention on wodiiondu tho ijlhof i obruarj for tlio pllrpoflo of uomiuatiuu a uandldalo for tho homo uf i oiiimoiia fi of im trade r tha em- pl enoplru a markut fo ro a prodqctirb tho policy iho intcil htivt by thu oxjirlnhit and aniitratia dangur bus li hon joseh n pirr murkela i i ary j 1 ho crisis with a and tmriiuii followed s f lojulty from anada t llio fsco nf iinpottdtng m krent htruuitlh to iho iinbt rlaiu s hiticy of lin tin 1 inpirn s producer comhiuatloii ut iho i ulttd htatos hunaia an i iho rmiilln itcpublla iniglil huvo ut off 71 inr otnl of croat lintalu food i rom this ho mural in being attdtic cd lhat tho i mpiro must food itntilf lu this hiiiulcuoii llio hi james litisttt urgus mr cbauiburlulu tu call acauforenca in whioh ttttali ooloiiy may iimka us oil or inurkaia 1 ho fix llllltn ium inulu ii ml hy halt hill ala tho l ll nlzod foi storoy i chairman i be hoard of i ruslous uf aoun 1 ubllu huhool mot loot wodneaday al i in for urgauioatloii membera elect lluliuea liynla an i btoroy oauwonbod lo the doularaiion uf ulhoo iba board then proceeded with urgouj- nation meoaro jaa mcljm itobert wal lace uoorgo hynda and w li hmroy bcitik proaout ii 1 moure not rotary ol lliu liai a l k tbo chair and requested the meiuboia tu loci their chairman fur tho curronl yot movod by hubert tlolmoo aououdod by hubert walucv lhat w 11 hlurov ih appoiutcd chairman fur the yrur lnii carried m utorey tbou look tho ihu rufeirml to hie approciallun at being oleoted to llii board agaiu aud thaukmu tbo meiuuors lur clooliug him aa their presiding ufuoor movad by uoorgo llyuds acooudod by jamoa mclam that iho standing oouimit ties for iho year bo aa follows tisia llyuda aud harding llioi kui mclm and hulmtia huiuu buiroy aud wallauo carried iho aoo rotary waa nialruawl i ic the insurance pohoiea lu tbo wualoru o for u70 0u at jj ih lur ihrmi yxats and the hoyal o for aamo amounl al aaiim ralo lhoauoouul of i boo 1 ubujto iu fur aturni wiuduwa aud ahuttcra waa urdorcd to bo paid lhobeurotary waa iiialruuted luadvortiau for tondoro for thirty ourda f suuud groen body wood four foot lung i bo prowrly oo mini i too waa atuiaoil lu have tin lours in tha several drjiartmonla lined and spaced fur oloai work ifntljoard then odjuurnod to mtct im monday availing jth mat al 7 m 0 olock r l hid ikm lin wheat ml kmi huttvr tho foul i unada aupplli ll 1x hi i wab acciuen i al in iho i 1 it chw lliu ill nigh unto death i mautincwith cod livcrou- i and mvpophpaphfxea for the experience of a ladv luno and thnottttjiseablis well known in coati- copk btrlokon with lnqrlppn rollown by pnoiimonln uho i iirtiiulfihii fqr moro thin n vmir tr wm llnmu plnk pltlitbnvnu hir vwm othor mndlclnon flltil i f hi i i toll i i i at cortll kg jim lorn of avirtll vl n nitul i about eight iiiiiib from onii itiikf jim and la iho homo of mm m lltrtmll avinrhns many r1ativns nod tinni mini friends in oin ull r plaro mr hurlwidl hnn iuiflitd lhroiih an ixp rmtno vhnh ulr fir i a- lllnka orlh l iho wittsl puhllcily airdi uy others may dorlvo much bniiful therefrom mr it hart woll has over be n ciinniilurid n wnman onjiijinua healll o iilnlilutluti until about two yearn bro wlmii lm wn hkn bun drodh of othors in hint vmiuilj utriiki n with iiillutnt or a- it m mtue uoiioially tormod lagaiiyx a diru- whiih nrri olf many people in this fowu and vicinity nudjn ho until of iiumoruii oil rs lull wrockod onnslitull jiih ai lt n happ inn j l pnonmoiila followml thn lrt jniptom of la grippa and mrs uartwoll wna siort nit 1 iirfi tly well oslablfiliml in din valuo ol tn1 livir oil hi llio nrlonn tltsiaaes nf ilia i nir pis ath and iinmbitiml with malliila nrd ln lnhphitri ith r mn lll vslua in vbhilj xhniml hi ih tl l and palnlnllo pr pnrnllon mitltlnn wilh ol 1 i iv r oil nr mirhiiiil tlio vltshll line i hull in i mil rtiu lhat oiilhiifr of vllalllv amliliffinup mnllinl i ik emulsion ran iparo lu ri tnvdtal vulnn vilh this pro rati in fir in addition to ihgniiug iho llnrant tailnnf urn oil ami rrndonnk r nnrly djr1rl tlm nmllno plays in l important art mi inaiiitaming piaitl ll prjtihn nf iiuirilion so linl in wasting nnd pulmnnaro 1 111 ii ll dots by rendering tho u lu a form which abiiro its ammilaliim with thu ro ult lliatomaciotiati giyom way p odily to plumpuenp tbo irri taud liruni in i tiibmarunomrtth rest grows ualurnl and hoaltli uioiimou mi assurnl frt multiio wiib tot livur ji and llmiplnitphitrn ih a foul modiciiio and atari hy fo aiiou r watches iiiont ild di unto death tho beat of mo ho i summonod and mrs llartwoll from what inmml to hor frtind doathbiil whon oonvaloat n o remaine1 irpnvud of her dpotit ly wutk and in oonslaiit dm rolapm and all her h hiritii could not brltik about bur f nnnr i in iiti in uf health numerous inrdiiimh wtri tritid but o no mull nhu wna unik dipirlltd and deapblrfld of sgnu iijinig her for mor vigor anl huultb i r a ulmlo jur after her nttaak cj piioiiniouia aim uonlinii od o langumh in this slat at last mm day her husband purchaxod a few 1 imi uf lr wilhamu ink illln ho ha i road nf the many cures wrought by ihut wonderful mod i cine bul procured them ho nayit for ma jmitn i d- ordur to bo ublu lo uav wu havo tried all rather than from strong faith in them in please her husband mro hart well willingly oonoouluj tu lako the inik 1illa aud treal waa hor mirprnw and that of borhubband when after taking three boion oho waa able in laki a iiliiirl w uh f m ouy iaugua hb- isuly rreolved to continue ho triuluietit and before lonij tonnl tint nln imi rtiinn od her old lime alrentli ami liu du i irus that aha owca nur recovery enlin ly to ir williams pink 1illn i tat winter mrs harlmell roll a slight reniirrinco of htr j former wuakuoas aud agaiu ruoorted tu i ilnk pills ainco which tuiu ho haa nut had a day a llluean lr wlillftols lltik 1 ilia hato mote potent influence on lliu blood anil ultvlu than any oilier known inrdnini and hpteit lly roaluro tho blxim ul health to pallid i cheeks iik pills i ur wbt n all other modioli on fail hold by b irah r r s nt hy mall at r rrnta a b x r m 1 i i for sj r by aidrosmiiik tho hr w hum mediuiuo u tlrockvillt ll vunc tod n ltofuae all subalilut alltlid lo bo jual aa iooil ni ver wi ro v alt linn so woll in ado a now an 1 ji l u r jear thtro is aomo improve tutiil in tlnirt htlpiug miaities our graiitiratliirt watdi would nut ha in it u iw nlclen to goillnu chiaper but pi pit aru jotting moro particular a foa n million a lay would aaliafy twenty years a ii i but now it muni bo only a fow minutes a mouth to pleaac ho tho makers and ropntiein ham bu mora particular with their work ultra aro lotn of cheap wntchiti made and advertised which are really uot worth having and aro only a bill nf expense my oxponeiloe is that it douu not pay iilhur lo buy sell nor advor liaochap wattlua i have enough work iryiug lo maku go those wblol havo been hold by pudlerr and thoao jawelers who think thai thu uuly way to tot our diatom u to slii hapmxiin what wo want in kiio 1 plalily walchun ohoap not cheaply malu aalckilm as i liny aro only an aggrora tiou lioutivur it ia not mcuisary now a lastuiii a lnili triru if you will only ixi t inleiit with a good uioklo caao whtt h la prnitiially an jjtiod an gold i havo gikkl now btumwiiidru at hix 1 ight 1 en lwolvoand 1 ituou iollara any uf them 1 can fully rernmmend and i often have vtr good second liniid onea for four or ihe dollarn ami sometimes less you will find 6i prini as low as ail place whole they mill good walcben g d prinqle vnxtihunaair craetprr bristois pills t lire blirfm b aclu lpiu slu ih i ivcr 11 m in li i muhl i bristols i pil ltiul uiliijil l ml sun ir ctnuil md jo n ripi nr mlkld bristoivs pills j i t t nil imi promptly and ih i i ll 1 in sft t t inuly iiuluinc ml diuukii wp mi it f holuro an 4mii eleolcd prenidotil uf i oeporn aseoclstion bristoivs pills j foilown wo tin jur on thu can o ioadi named louis hnytlor i track ouo aud a half tu lit a wood art of ih upitii u tlm l 1 jl if i tuck lost ih life i ana iho employ i ho jury ai gtutlemoi 1 lent i id b ol the 1 it p i hti i of tl i foi hiuhardnoi 1 d i lndoll lit john ckiidiniiiiig 1 d htr w4liatns jlorgo iuru 1 jamou a hamilton i ra t i jtrnw kauiuel ulminu jo has uili lips loahua 1 li ewdtn ui i hi omnrnj1 rnuitu ho wan in hi hoped lo tol wi taming miij hu i i it kwuod on m tl n men i tak tliom lo 1 io man a akilll bad boon smashed liar of tho uiiklmi news oh t ht day i hnltoirto of tho wdrldo i purliih lh wook wr cape breton feu 3 uidsd ott jau io tho writ for iho aloe liou in cap urstau lo all iba vaoauoy oauoad by mokeaul roaiguatlou luiuako room for hlr cbarloa tuppoa ii boou iaauoil nomluatioua lo take place jau j7 and pulling fabruary h lhr l pretty oarsain to bo a oontasl but tbj ouaarv li majority u over sou t u is sutd thai major tuckatl of ham ilton will prtaau iho young woman s christian asmoolattou witli 110 000 build log aud ll a also rumored that ha will jiroavot a mmlo lutll to tbs oily nd llrilii sir nmli j 11 u 1 i nuplo loan to sun lb ah ii ida muluiill ha lkio mlwalel lo i hilia hi 7x nevz face iis mis old plhce iivim mth i ii 1 k 1 1 hi k h im 1 i ifim a 11 t all i t r 1 i u i i 1 i m llj ut 1 mnt vrill lt luid r tjil illi ittt ln 111 i r ml ttov i t slti idiik t rl il hill huh halhatlli i ioi i ho lo f m i 6 t i k w 1 li din r hainrd i ol nw of ll 1 on haturday r ignod lln pa mm al itov it j mansrll lll sulueel u ll bur t saloiluio hhurls reprlomd and soul t panlluiilia ho will ik put lo work hi hi hop uf si ijkotl do i il i mr j rauatuii who auod lha y tor lilt aubtrnllai hi xni i pmtaln a you uu mau i an 1 lllim kullt if nawxirl ma shiil and iiioilally wound id by lluuh ally wliuao plaou im vsitod with a iiumuoi ul ohir young men un a nhanvari ftoln last 1 i iday iithi tbo largoat tioiieral atua iwtwtni luruu to aud tha paclau tins bruomo nianclally embarraaaid ami forotd to makoa ooiukibi tiou mr 1 a tjuilit it urlo u prairie owiiod thu stoin and ijiii a habil ity account of titgl hill husi oifipi it d willi bis croililors at 10 ooulu uikuui lojjar fire sale liuuj mti tiny t tio the lion wu open for business once tvi l tome kicliu ltif lluaiu- 1 11111 mi will im il illnl i ih i in j d williamson co aj ihaii and macdonnqll stiaets uii aaz g s7vyith ae gurney- co cioldcn orjportunitiu- passnir rapidly the very life slislicil but of prurs during january vvc did as we advertised and on wednesday the crowds hithircd and prices broke and jjreat have been the floods thereof im cs to mi t the smahest pocket hook note the following ilmulr rlo- ool jnov 25c yd 72 inch hoavy twill shoaling i so yd loc yd puro irish tablo linon 63 in wldo 33c yd ooc yd puro irish tablo linon 63 in wldo 40c yd vvc pinnccf the town fold soiling papers ol best pyis for 51 dress goods uptoclate dres goods all new away below regular price- call and be convinced a e gurney co mill street acton 10 offcjcncril merchandise during january walker mcbean co georgetown ikv out great stock taking sale is in full blast nlvci was audi excitement in georgetown over any sale a vu tin- wonderful cut throat sale i his is without a doubt the greatest monej sauiis salt twr vitntbbli in the county land liil i i lull mttlculaif and jaicca v t are liivng cople come from t 5 to 20 miles tc this great sale boots and shoes it block taking halo is truicti u ta of justomers these days no further oiplauatioua are noodod thai iho cimmenl wo aro reooiving on onr boot aud hboo prices and tho number wo are selling rt uui unoular lor pdtu u i ill mtouud you millinery millinery never waa tbo mammoth houm so do j job mllllnory as at the present time all now selling for leaa pnooa than old millinery can bo bought for el sow here llaton a 91 7 hat or llounot for ba wonderful values j at walkpk mo n lan a co 8 i georgetown tailoring it i eu to buy a good salt ot glauua easier than 11 waa twolvo moo tbs ago why t because wa have mora twoodi than wo cara to take into atock and to make a clearance wa will btsnd tha loaa if you will toko them away twead batu for 110 j9 worth 115 oo that a um raaaon wa ara dain tha tailor inn trada lor miuo aroaad what a january offorion in dress goods means it mosuia that all tboae preuy fabrics which you and otbera ad mi rod ore prto clipped to naif and loaa lo taka thaaa awa it la a cbanoo for tbo jboapest btyltah ffowu you arar bad and oan only bo bad at walkkb ucbean co 3 george town walker mcbean co ceorcetown and toronto ohuqb mo buokii vmlham st jumill see our gcenuine bargains 1 o th a r out tin ii in uiuli i i mi sfm k 1 00 jumos muu hi r oiiiuch now j m 2oi liuniun now 1 tc si io 1djs niiw illi r rm mm 1 k 1 u t now lk ililnu ciii nml luimiui kuliii ul incco 1mu ut hull ii- llii on n i ii ii ii ion loll i li ll ut u iiiln lion ciniiii mill k noun u ikii whilo tliojliihl the great i could not hublbt i i in i u ll n j hi i ml bl dl i i il d it jfat un i nuiilt ut du offer u nc ten t abi s of boots and shoes vvt binil luuhi not icalat not can oa i t whtn ou stt the prices just look ui at iui wiiulo ntiw lit jour time to la up for spi 11 l 11 youths boys nen8 99c si 1 9 si29 now is t lie tunc to get goodi worth douhli llu iiioiii c lose buying and big selling arc in flvol llt1 out week more of elearing and then out eomeh the front we sllll continue to clear out the stock so that we will be able lo oneji our new store with a new stock and it looks as il we would accom plish ll attend to this matter at once frank dowler uat cami stokl guelph a flew business l itnra in tovn fur cmmh j a psymon mrt booordb blotfk mll btrcot aoton n h i iii- i s lull hardware tin and oramtk wakk jewellery bilverwahe patent uedioinks rllon irlrra m- afc j a- p 8ymon gratnjvantkd hainfl obtained an oxtaiidnl laoae ot ilia aston itroln waralnuse i no trirwl lo na tlm iiiriio t cash rlo for all hlula of uralu rallmd al llio wsrlnuso si the 1 t it ilatlnn tactmikjaiu lessons in oil painting uisa bowltn of wing ham w1lc oie isasons lu oil palnun or lake oriorii for work an iwrintii wlililnii to so altsa howler will bliitllroall at llio horns of lira john williams acton st lambert jersey bull for service oh for sale r unrlnnllnl lias fur unrvcs at hit stable 1 on main hlrtwl thurourlibrcd itnllicrood hi iauiberuorwy hull tbia one auluialla alio offerorl for salx u j haitillh llaker aeton a ril xlu i 1mu noticr vtotk is lifiroly r that an iihoiion it wl i iw inali 1 tls i4dlklaturo of uis pmvlnco of ontario at itie nest soaalon theroor on imlialt of tls truslirna ami conbresatlnn of knox lmw1 a ti in ooiuscuoti with ths lultait ireali trrlati rliurrl of canada for an act io anatila uio mil irustvos aorl coogtmtatlnn ui aall and dlamia ol m susti wa aa ttisr bo urr bdd dmlrabls tlm undt hsld b them fqr cburcti puqiomh six imlnu a iwrt of tbs saauwttbajlof lot uuuilwr twantr olftbt lu ui aooood ooucasalon of tbr townstilji of ttues inb in tba couutr or ilalton coulaiulns bv aduiaaauroniout llilrty four rcbos more or loaa toaeuiar villi lbs lmldln aud erections tharoon or oltierwlso dasl will the same as tbo mar wlab datad al hilton this 1mb january 1hub j t huiott solicitor tor applicant all fruit urowers and gardeners s hoi id join uo onlaho rrult growers aaooetatloii if only to obtain uial valuablo month i uisailt ilia cosjusji hortlent lurtat wbiob la publuhikl for tlis purpose of wuulii onlnat liutubusa odvultut ilia tiit nasobeda of frwtt eoltnra tlio liost rsrietlaa ui plant etc stc it is full uf uluitrauoua aod pcactlcaj blots lioaidos ull aaoli uiiiiih t tarslaa a boun f oopy of tba rkirl of uio discussions ou uio eolturr of frulta and dowors a rolums of over 300aea a satutilo oopjr uf tlm ourtal will be mallnd fro by lb fiecratar uu aiipllcauon to i woolvlhtos hoc y oh tut by out valuable riloibttt in acton por sale 1 bun s 1 lot ol a i a doc up ml i y ttie osruor sir bu baraby ottami lur lo tbo buusn tortable rouuli cast wiib woodshad aud tlcro la a good stable on tbs ramlas also loo building lots uu lake aioiiub lu htultli s tturtoy tortus rauum bio for articulara sp ly to t ml kioiit or uu hkubtltbkt aclu acton hm t i ll jta tendeks for wood acton public school bndbtth kill urn uaiil lu tba school yard bafur is couuacuir to dellrar and pile lbs wood il of april tl 1 uoors bvcrolary uf tbo lloaxd actuu jut y uu inid sllllvb call lc spice 8i1aw conditioii iondvrm all patent med1cines shaws druc store rockwood acton steam -laundry- a cook iropnitor tll ulaoa work tfuaranlecd in rmtjj laumtrx wurk yx i cttltro curta kto a work oallcd fnr oer muijsj ami t buraday aud ellvorwl rory rtiuredav aud halurda a cook r lkokihlln l1vkst stork gibson millar go ais ui ski uu oalenlti alterations in tlalr imiiilaaa for uio purt m uf putting in a cullers stuck of dry qood3 and iuriiiaa uiahlntl lesrlutf halu f kail lid win tat lluwu rcaatdlob f lusi fine high class tailoring litis t bus bust lu litis tlrliiiitil kaaa buyers aru ikaiiiii ailvautame of the lsw ooaauu wlcaa bit ell uriialii tins ohdeilei olothino uovor war ollarail liaforo kvarvuilui hislllve it nuaraiuawl nr luuury mluifld irml swoop in lluye aod vouiib itoaduk wear lullilou lien a pauls regular prloa ifoui 3u lu msj forltjo u 1 ol 1 4iti ia tarry and rrrwru souia of uio snaps wo du jual si au advurllau ulithon miuau t o v lluo lll6ok maiu tttroal oeoritetuwd

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