Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 23, 1896, p. 3

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ejsswaav u 3alvlk xf hamilton itkavjomam hamilton caiitii lir m 41 jjtrant iimkiim ii m lltl ki lutai amiotb etuelklu board op dibbototls ohn ktl un ii 1k i itamhlt lcii1 roalilt nl ilii l at uouil wii lllits ul a ii i ii ti iimiiu t f mlilcr hthl itkn awl ashlnr 11 m vvathu 11 fcl wathunjii agencies i lllartnti fu i a4jal yn i aiubioii lnr iuoriiliiwn lirlnilt i ibkivhi milton mtyiril j- iron i orsn lllo ml i ort rikln tit mem tnviiiilu hamilton i liar inn itirlili uieali luckuoir ml twnii hound u nullum british gorroapoadoita iomdon nauonal i ruvlucial llauk l km eulwj amqridan corroapondento niw tonic ronriu lcitlimal hank end llanovor nations llauk host inlamslion i truatoo ilurratomsriiin llauk cit o national usnk ot jtlinula am union national flank dsrnolt- detroit nattbnal hank kajuas cirr national llauk ot lommeree agon to in montroal tha llauk or to run to 0horoetown agency sotea iliaeoudled and 4yiict uiauu uu mil abtesecliriuas collmuonaldmlnainlilraria lmunlil and aolil on at accessible points in laiieue uuilml hlalea j mat llrllain aoil tlie coiittuoulof kurope iwn moat favorable urm savings department depoalla of el aoil hranu uoniroj and interest illawnl from dale of deposit u data of withdrawal hipoial dpiohith alan rocafvo at current rslua ol iultirnsl n ru inohtost atent school books envelopes note papers account books a very hand spot to drop in and buy the aboe line ceo hynd8 acton we carry tha moat oompteoof slock spoc taolea bpex from 25a to tu 00 bpectscloi re pot rod 01l us a i i geo hynds aoton ont ffil xtan jut stress thuhbday january little local brieflets which causht tha eyas or ears of froo press roportors this weanks council moeti ng next monday ox out tin newcastle had a i w 000 bra ou mon severe colda ere the hewat home montty of j local character and nvdrv itam intorwstlnit fnjtireil oj a jlarbed lurp fence mr jamaamalthnw poatimnter mol with an accident ual wednesday by which serious result were narrowly tecjaped u hi id out driving hia hone shier npset tho culler aud lie waa thrown fstnal a hsrbrd wiro foiice tlin iat bids of 111 in mod cyobrow wero painfully lacerated with the barb ilia eye tjavrdljr rwcaped riinaihiit injury a 1 iur of suen i lut nnnilal conktcaliotial tucolllif of kn ik liurch waa itolj on monday flf n mii tito aitnnrtanoo wa larnor than utaial hepurla of tha ariou organism ikttitt of tho church warn prmmntttd anil bowed l ho finance to ba in n ftdyanoed comhtion of auoooaa tho proavnt ntom lmrtlt iji of tha church ii ioi tho pulori ttiiiil i iuaroaal to l000 rtr nerw urmidemcxi complete i ti fltiiahitk touclira ara bailie pal lo tha comfnodiiiua near raaivonoo ernited fur mr j a ucoml manager of llcatrd mora i co i tannery hero it occupies a outnmandfno location and is imrpp roomy coineiiionlly laid out and willi tha apton j1fl hiriiuhiiira now bcinfi hiaullod will bo otto of oor lineal prlvatn rraidnncoa tho many friend of mr and mr- mcurftll oonirtulala them upon ihotr mow i oina aud aur rounding court olive llranch i ti f 1 ho oflocra ot tha 1km txtcly fur tha current term havo luvii luatallcd u fulluwa ft jolm uk1iii c ii ttiomaa tiatutila tltl duncan ucdouajit h m a t c hprlrliu clilli dalrt tull h llolmrt hcotl j w jamoa larko hit f uwirv j ii tin iry llauor i juim i 141 itiyafelanaura uekaajroa and tjraii 1 f irely lliimlatmm ilmcv 1 lio new warchoumea of uvardmoro jk o ai tl o tranatrunk hlattoo are now bivca of industry their now ay atom la uraiiied and in addition to tho prodoola of the lauiicrtra hero ln ablpmenla of leafier are arritink weekly from drace- brtilt lo bo aorwd aud reahippod lo aoa- toiurrn nutuoor of tamo are am ploy ad 1 1 iu llim ii ow dcartnioul and tbere la ajo ttn itlu hth m tho new bailding tbe addition work involved at tbe t v ill ueccaaitate another nan on tba staff mr ii b ucltnoj aont bars fff tilty 1cm im rmui iaal sunday an old and bifjhly eateemed resident mrs william monab departed bh bad not angered from any f now iho school board rnreta i imil jut mooday i i i hun td3 ainheratjurr rrnihas impend ed publioilion f ireabytery met in kucu church uaelph on iqasday ian t it about time fpr some one to aee a robiu or a blue bird the asaima will bo held in tha court uoaae milton ird tobruary tha ioemen ara busy willi the barveat tbe oi op la very one tbla season the tenders tor wood for aoton iublio school will be opened next monday evening an adverliiement in s bright paper reflsota the common aenae of the advertiser while a man la wailing patiently for auocesa be alio a id take oh hit coal and uuatle division court last thursday bad a very light dookot a few mtuuiee a u diced lo diapossof tho buainesa among tbe oaloudsra received at thia ofqoe was a tine ana one from tbe aoton vmkw piiaes tilaonborg lturrti tbe county council will meet ou tuesday next to eloot a warden ana organise oommitleca or tbe vear the wide awake in or chant and tho wids awake buyer get together by the msana of lbs newspaper advertisement theaonaal mestinai of lb canadian iresa aaaooiatioo will be held in the iar liaroent balldlnga toronto uu tha fllh and 7tb february fuo aoton 1-ut- tdkib one of the boat oonducted local paperi iu ontario baa iaaued a haodaome calendar fur ltjjo cliuton nexo ilreont a load from acton attended tbe lea mention in the methodfat church at norval on monday night it waa a kfal aucoeeai about 180 being realised the acton hurt irkhh laal week aeul ao attraottve calundar to every aubecriber it la gotten up lo uro mooro a uaual artiatlo atyle oskville sfar application will be made at tho coming aeaalon of the legielalure for an aol lo enable i no truatees of knox cburub to dispose uf tba old church property itev d u walton d d il d will presob in tbe bsptiat churob un buiiday aftaraoon toe pastor ltev 0 ci i ang rord d a will preach in tbe aral itaptiat oburob in ouelpb a number of fksr liika calendars rsmatn on hand until the aupply t ox baualad we will uj pleased to send ctipioa lo tho friauda of f ny of our aubaonbera who may apply for tbem tbe mlsatouary auuiveraary iu lbs metbodlat church will be bald on bunday bth march iu h uobba of liranllord a former esteemed pastor will preach moruind slid evening timothy case ksonoy of lnn a well known ugare in ibta vlctuily fur the past bslf century died ou tba 13ih mat extended iljaess bat stnoe her hbaband death three years sgo lier health hsa not been at all rugged she was however abln to be about a mi ii week before her doelh airs mekab waa s native of perlhafaire scotland bho waa married to her late haaband william ucneb interred at ilalhuafail- ii craubam ii a f be remalna were cemetery itev w officiating massrs oibsou millar a co crurge town anuouuss a general olearmg aala uf iheir atack rendered uecesaafy owin to allarslloua ipiheirsloro lo mako room or a gcueral aiuok ol dry goods 1ricea fur clothing at between aeason price walker molleau a co ciaorgeluwu have announced a ureal hacnuoe halo which is now ou previoua to tlinir laktag of btock tbla aale will eclipae anything ever before seen ur braiij ol in the ouuuty tbsy are doing a oaah huniteaa end tlioir priors ara lower than auy of tha lurouto a tores they are ahrowd buyers aud sell oo emsll profll as they rely on quick atarna their 1 alluring department offera a aull of 1 weed for 810 dj wurtb flooo batter kradta roduced in prijior lion they are mkiug a repulatiou fur doe tailoring at the luwcal prices iu tho duinlulou uoutajiiuluitbu i heir trade baa iuoroaaod a hunilrts ier oeht alnce iboe bought tbe a lock from m cteo a co why j deoauso sisyaeaa afa tnacb lower ibey have no bad deb la liter lbom trading with lb kt tbaadaai of baying from aoesb ators luadera 1 give walker molleau it co a callajuia tbey flail save you nieuey old lioiua and ahurtly thereafter departed for canada tbey settled on lot a oon 6 r riniou in ihit and ihia baa oer auioo beau the jomea toad all tho miinbere of tba family three suua and thrue daughlera aurvlto their parent a mn mcnab waa ever alnce girlhood a devoted mrmber of tlie 1rcabytenaii church m her earlier daya at acton and latterly at i lock wood tho remains were interred iu tairview come lory acton yesterday in the preaeuoo of a very large concourse of friends riatrm ol mtctrcmhiad ilia third weak uf tba special servicea iu the method la t church opened ou bunday with immonae congregations tbe evening ecrvice was possibly tbe largest that ever gathered in the sacred edifice fccry paw and overy atop at tbe pulpit and through the galleries was occupied and about 200 chairs from tho school room were placed in iho em lea and vesilbpuai there wara between mm aud u00 persona in the audience 1 be preseul week baa neeu an iticreaiied lutoreat iu tbo aartice l very mht the congregation baa aotbrscod nam bera from all the coitnlry around a largej f number have manifested a desire to live ctuiitieo hvca iu tho future and rietrblaa uiga have hceu realised by many 1 be earnest add rosso and exhortations of tba eiaugeliau assiated by revs howell uu lnlyre and hryera have been very effective in all probability the present week will see tbe close of tbe services the miaaea hall having numerous calls to other churclio ihey no lu htratford from acton and tbeiice lo mccoli btrecl molbodial church tu ron to mclqhb nkws nawsi itam uprhlod by corrv- nondttnts nnd exahnngan nuckvvood misin mcgaillan of cluelp upoui ifl wok with afr v harr mlaa mliima ltmua t vlaiiiug at mr i lires j last tuedtj night iho it t ol i gsto bit open council enlorlattimftit iho mem bera oi tho homo and waiting lodgi tiom guolpb supplied iho annga and rodini whicli compose the progremmr there will be another 10 cop i conceit in alj of life iiymakrra fund on katurday evenfng jan iih home of our yoang pooplo attendoaaar vice in the metbodlat church acton on uundey laal the aksling r la fsiily aurlod now antl tile ice ia in iood kiij cnewsons cornbrs itev t amy ol naaiagtwoy a preached a tcry nltxjumit snd interestini maionry aermnq hare last hands jlilxicit was haekiel 17 clixp aud flrat ufn varaes mr jamoi btcpsouaon wit i has beon aorwuily ill wth inoaniibalion orihejutilaj la recovering mr and mr js nmli- knm day willi frienda in iiwvlle mian liuio i imbert it v in onmsock mr william qip of ahiiiglnn stale who hen been tiiilini frirnda hero la now wsitiuu frirnda in unimcli and eaat i qlhar mr wm col oman is aenuuily ill al present hi many friend hope fur hia apeeiy recovery large numbers from hare era muhtly it lending iho asnguliatia moeliiigh in aeton methodist liurch abhgrove mr and mr b k umfow psld nliorl viait to relatlvee in kramosa laal week h rank alexander has been ipendiug no mo lima in trafalgar mrs john wrigglaa worth apmt a few days in toronto last wk mr and mr ituhu1 iritliem nnjijol a pleasant mil in toronto ttiwunhip laal week mibs ida hood ia swn 1 nj low with acton friend mr b w thumpaoti m 1 la t week to attend tbo wrddini antturrnaiy f bis alater mrs w johnston tbs misses darbarce of miltun rpent sunday at mr j jirownrit miss i mma arroll t amiidni a mocttb s vacatiou at hum mr and mr r anderson enter t aqew all or thrtr frienda on prt day evening isal mrs ham warren uf 1 ruutu visited frienda here dunig the week coming anb going viaittors to and prom aoton and vnrlouaothar porsonal notea tlinpnnk flikas lovlts all iu matters in on iritiiuq to ihla col mull if ypu nr jour frienda arodoltift away nrt a linliilay irlpor if yrtu have frit ii vfallltih ru ilrn a rani lo tbe fmttt im tllr hlert kinnafr left on tuned y for lloviraville mr j i corrv of acton was in town tu hnnday wjatori ao mis maggie 11061701 asngr v filritlfharo durlnj tlie week ltu 1 w thompson of toronto dnitorslly vialled frieuda henaou bunday mrs de 1 oreat of milton was s guest al ilie homo of mr a l ilemetreet thia week u 11m auiflle ilohsbb who insdl several weeks i toruoto rctnrued home on j bsfurusy of brampton list me of ur wilkinson soloist georgetown hub hale al i urn u tbf niatitlitlluent iieni ottriffvet factory by mr u ay nr of rrfcus to secure the factory tho council tvc reel man bros ceiuplioii jfum lajtatton iu lieu of that arm accomudatiui the lactory with shop room and power ihis is sup p ted tirs subaurfpttdii ttlir coal of pruimaed addlliuu to creel man a hup ol fjoo un the part of a uembor of our promt nonl buainoas man our people realise the un mo n so sdvanlsgo uf niaiiufacturtei to a town the imlial mreling uf tha uaw uuncll waa held uu monday murium i ho houa uf ktulland held it annual uioclluj iu their hall lent ctruui lloi d a moir b d deliverod a tery inter eating eddroaa ou the ltfo of llurus lvaurelialia tor vices ooulinuo in the methodist church oualdersble ood ha already resulted a good ayalem ol lutsitdoaceiit slnlilt lighting baa been inn tailed hcrr rae cuatisi teacaers csaraafloa 1 ito annual coo yon lion uf hal lull loach ara a asocial ion will be held in ac too un llmrulsyaiid triday isthand ulh 1euru ary 1 he couvenliou will be o pound at 10 0 cock am with mr j ii bradley ires ideul in tbo chair iho program ms pre parcl ia a wry lulercsllug one and will in elude many aul jccla of value tu the mem bora uf the teaching profession in addl tton to csaaya aud papers upon lecbuloal uipiu by teachers of the ooonly mr muhw i bl pf haldimand otttily j v 4ileiln ma i u 1 1nncipal of iho rtchoul uf 1odsgugy ioroulo aud win houston m a director of lualllulo- will be prcaoul aud take prominent part in the procowdiuga ou thursday availing lr ucl oil an will dollvor a lecture lo tbsj town hall aubject moral kduoauoo uiruugb lib study of literature there will also bo a programme uf muaic recitation ofs il ia a number uf years aiuce a cunventiuu of tho teacher association was held in acton our citiaona will cordially welcome the couuly teachers and aid them u onjuy their alay here they ltl mmny trtcjtttm tikhtad tu en- mr k 11 collin of iort dover who rocaully purchased the buainoas uf mr lluburl holmes arrived with bis family 1ai week irior to tbeir departure from 1 url imver a large number uf old frieuda aud neighbors hri an oweuiug lu their liutno uf which ihoy retain ploaanl momorie iho 1 url dover juutr ill ays ia1 hrlday evening mr eli oil i n and family wore agreeably aurpria ad by tu invasion uf a boat of friends from all the ouuutry about who learning uf their lutendod departure for aclon camo to aay fat o well end pond a jolly eveulug aud 11 la iioedlean to say tbey spent thai kind uf au eveulug loads of good thing mure imivlded and fully on joyed mr marr with his baud of mualoiaua aulivenod the proceeding not a lilllo doublleaa many pretty fjlones wars prepcred but aa everyone wanted to say pretty things at on oo the aveuing passed on so that uu fitrmal remark could be made mr ulliiia aud hia family are widely popular with all ibeirveigbbors who regret their detaitute and while wishing i belli avcry ulcow iu a clou will st sny timeasladlv wctcuiue them back tu their old botno in tbia locality mr collins becomes tbe piuprlotor uf an old oalabbatufcl busiueaa here and prtwpcrily will no duabt attend luis rllurla if you waul uretolaasiluelphsaab and doors at quelph prlosm f kiuui can hll our osjar a ia pjauiug mill nasbagawey a k mr kostlr uf llok j u iuii ii uf v bcitfior liurcl lasl buitday murmug iho ltev i amy pi uaclotl of u keallo un buuday iho quarterly communion and sacra mental services of the methodist church will be held in ibe kbencaer church on bunjay teb ind commencing st 10 30 a good number from iho 1 bcuezer appointment here altend the ovauiliatia cnoetinks at acluu cojductod by the miaaea hall of cuelph and were grcally beueqled especially with tha eervtora of bunday evening messrs thoa it 1 ay lor end 11 ii tl aou of nasriagawaym era vinliug relatlvrs and friend lu wawauoah al pioaeiil mr ceore amlurnuu uf wawauimh la visiuug relatives ant frienda in i he regular moiilhly iiiocttu of the lpivorth league of ttrlkiiaii 1 udmvui ul htxlcur liurch will be bald uu bunday availing fob ind tho u pic fur i ha evoti lug will ba hrisl as a 1 eachrr i ojm ueu 1 wiluu iheoummlllee am spar lug uo pat us tu uiakn it a most enjoyable evening for all who will altoud coo agnow who hen beau out iu mam tub and tba north weal territory la homo again ibo friends hero ut mi j millar itoee of orlllla fur hjiiio time inauager of ibe a clou 1 aiming u will rrgrot tu learn of tbe suddou death lasl week tr his second daughter mis nellio maud in the buoancy snd bapplueas of young woman hood bho waa but eighteen yearn uf age miss miller waa uf a lovoly yol rolinug diapoelllou mada trlauds wherever ebe wsut aad waa uiuch belotel by her alas ma to lu iho high hthuol aud iter oouiil less frieuda in luwu i or some year atic hsd beeu a maijibcr in full cuiumuuiuu lu tha ireahylarleu i buruh sud was sii aclltd and soaluu uiotubcr aud ulllirr uf ibe brlsliau 1 udeavur bucioly i bn in block il ly uf alcxnu n baawaya plomeula tha pruiei dobbie lul fj uu 1 riday 31at jauuar al i no unlock lormafnajid ton muulhs v iirtikkr aucliuiieer duu i worry with ihat old bowing light itiftiuiug binder i sell lolh tamily and clove maobiuss 1 alsu aall ilano aud orgaua al bollum priis and jjoas icrmn oaxn a wuitk agcni acton ont dsmai uii a dr wilklusoo over tba drug bloie joltl olltng sud arlidca teeth a apccialt hargoe as reasuuaule aa alaewharr hccil uiulo day mull day luoaday aud hriday ivoh1ne roh the thhth ivonne is a dentifrice as delightful end frsgranl aa it i claauslug it alreugthuos lbs gums whilcua aud ulistica ibe leefti and imparl a fragrant bweetucrs lu tbe breath ivorlne never lujurea the toet hifi ud baa received bighost commeiidsliuua from profession and public druggist itatu ii jj csul per bottle mi jennie hinolali beau tailing arlhelf thia week mr ldward nickliu apent a week or so wiih frienda in illkinglou ue returned homo issl week mr and mra william itovsdl of 8eiu aw mich are spending a few weeks with former frienda here mrs ilntic nicklin of toronto has been a fenest at the home of k nicklin i bower avenue miss bertha ryder who wss visiting frirnda in ictrolea tor several week re turned home on batnrday itev wm hied d i for many jreara agent of tbe ireabylerfsn church in canada died on bunday aged b0 mr henry wallace of hnaraing who has been very ill for some weeks with malarial fqvor is slowly recovering ltev l j iroesendcn rector oi bt johns hurch anoasler died suddenly on hstnrdsy at tola ratames from parslytta messrs john warren and it j mcnabb attended the aunual meeting of melton itefurm aaaociatiou at milton on saturday mr w it l howell 11 a left oft htur day lo lake a oltlun aa lesoher iu tbe hijli school at thorold lie wa the ucceaaful applicant ont of forty who applied for iho position mrs l cjrsj of toronio spent a few bour bora un tuoaday hhe was m fur rslmerlon tu attend at iho bedel j i her daughter iu laa mra ho t albert m jo re who la very lit a latter just reo lived from mr a c nip bell formerly of the j k4k itirit atatoe that he occupies the pewit ion of manager of the honolulu faraihi ojiloe we cdniir affinale oar old irieixl upon his preferment in hi mid 1aoiflo home iho ltev dr wm iteid clerk of ibe coneral asaepibly aud financial atut of iho iresoyleriau church in canada western motion died at bra residence in toronto bu afternoon was held on tuesday at m crmelary tha deocaaed waa iu hia holh year mr tliomaa t moore was called to kimberly last thursday lo atleud tbe luueral of hia mother mrs mary fawoslt whose death caroo sod d only iboagh peace fully bho had reached a ripe old aim waa a devoted hnatjan and wsa highly esteemed lu tha community where aba resided henderson tsccb acton toronto onurtev as well as ever mtjr taking hoods sarsaparllla cured of a qorloue dlsaaaa i waa auflcrlug fnun ulial li known as itrljflit a disease fur five enrs aud for daya at a time i have hern unable to strlchten myself up i wsa in bed fur three weeka during that lime i had lerelirs applied snd derived no bens- ol hccliu hood j furaaparlui adrcrthwd in ilia papers i decided to try a bottle i fennel hoods areapanlla cures relief licfure i had untitled taking half of a bet hi 1 1 nt so tun it lii from taking the arxt rises ever mknitktttorooto hoods p lis nro irnmplndemelenttst easy ul cctlo i to i i y all drugcliu ao thousands of people u ho have found money tlhl j n ttio oarly part of tbe winter did out luy as much as during earner times aro h w rrapiu the lienent of our midwinter clearing sale the peoples friend 4rs- hrmichiil s i up will cure c ouhs coltk c roup hion t hitis la criippc floarse ness and all 1 hroat and ijung 1 iouiks without fail larc bottlcb onl 25c plcpalld l 6rhnd nemyemr j- j v kanhawjill ultl ooiht acton eyes we take much pleasure in announcing a tyand clearing sah with which to inaugur ate the business of 1896 we also wish to thank our many customers for their liberal patronage during the year just closed when we were enabled to do a largely increased busi ness exceeding our most sanguine expectations by close attention to the wants of our customers close prices in all lines presenting real bargains in season and out of season we intend to make the year of 96 the red letter year of our business customers wiu always hnd that we carry out to the letter cvcrjthtng we advertise in this circular we cannot enumerate all the tremendous bargains we are offering so it will require a personal inspection on your part to realize the great sacrifices we ofler below will be fonnd a few of the good things offered for the month of january mullncry i ell shapes vhich uere 5 5 75 mil h5 all fur jr hell shapes were ii 00 to t2 00 lor or 1 rimmed hats and bonnet at hill rcul i pn r- wlngn birds llowera ornamenlk mounts eti al bill regular prices laik inc hirll is 1 r is sxi il liilm rn ienii in purchasers ptlps i a tic j blhlmna wnrih 7 inil yx lor t 1 i incy snd plnln itihlxins worth n jo vr ucih anil eei j tlnrif else in ihii ilej 1 at hill cellar ky sts mu overcojits the luilancc ol our iocl il i ii rrulir prit ri creal bargains here r mens giotiiij people du nol lnnu wc keep mci good hulling li lie- ml h hosiery i si klins nh i 11 don hi 1 nt m m lew choile mkis 1miic aihmrrr hum uurth is r ilc ind other lines il trcall ucdutcd 1 ncee prints uiiu grctoifikb pile it i i niio i t and dirk lot jstti kts wrnffffni j kits erc th j hi is err ffi fr 7i stocs iki bi i i n i iis i r onl joe yard drcu lengths were 1 amy oluretl hrei i ll them dcss ioods kh1 due u nt u hid imjii iinl p tebtiujj friiifcj 1 lerytlnnj ol rth 3c fur cottolfs i 1 10 ordinary monotony of january trade has given place to a grand hash of business as icoulo have seen the extraordinary purchasing power of a dollar st oar counters irioa cutting all over the bouha in uf a phenomenal character bememhar tbo sale closes on 1 hursday jan lgih aud the time of your golden opportunity ia un tho lays belwreu hero are a few quotavtloiui ultess qoodh tks black henrietta foi mk ti to black ottoman for 75c uk hoviol bergo for auo tko 1ancy uouds for tuc ii ii tsney vslvsu for t duscus of lluoa eijually ahes kantlku and jackets vi 000 for i 00c ibia la about lbs siae of on j utltl which you can have for 1 ft cash if you duu l want lb sours lul yot 011 bavs one or mors at tbe asms rats hull range uf ladies snd children a siasa cloth no meu a tic 00 hull for men a 15 00 butts fur mens 12 00 huiu for men a h 50 hmts for men a l0 butt tor boya fftoo hulta for boy ga m bulla tor boya j o suits fur m01 ov boys ova carfjeto we kh lis jq 10 00 0 00 0 au 4 m 1 ui j 60 1 7u i1iu ul n 1lllt kb ii g our iist depatl re rn mudelll meiit and will dear out every pleoe ol brussels lapeetry wool uuiou aud hemp carpet oil cloth sod liuolcuui at 011 prior bsma applies tu curtaina blinds t urtatn pules and hnda aud all huussfuruiahintta 15 h ur collars at ij each i bable uuua j bear mull t persian lamb muq 1 blue puasam muff j llellip bwa muq j coon muds u urwanlanj fiaal caps i australian bahls cajis 1 aatracbu laps 1 alar mot seal caps i grey lamb cape 4 urey lsmb buff all at slaughters i prune tils wo du what we advertise we du nut parada tli in rrlnl evsrybody knows thst aud onerj body sooepu that ss a tnsl ler of course hvery hem we promiaaj alwaya atands the teal being proved f r 3ohert t co ict ind 2 wyndtmrn biiml im u xpert op- 1uiaw tan spit the most diffi- cllt lase new eyeglasses 11 st in kjavclge jo j mi 11 1 cuelph rufctf s wacnat i c standard dictionary n -mko- h110u1 rus i uro su rue i t in 10 1 ik dk bust roh all pukfos u the latest and moat complete imitalna aotsli wonts uiaut lliuusaud any utbni licttouarir ever duiiluttcxl liau aufhuoo wars amiiiilikt in its unx lion hi rwolallu aul kjllors 11 ufaait it il 1 rehubllou ii i definitions ara clear and exact lralila4il uii11 uf new rk hum nurun 1 roilsssi ii jonulttuus n inl in limr tioort uf criun h ll ullan lis etymologies are sound tliov si xhlally f miul lt i ii ati urrii u intiii1 llosulo un wkhthih tlmss flillslol ida and scure uf ottiora it la a oovsrarasinl aulborili u dlilh i ail lis luu of ii lb il la adopted lu uf i ai sla si lusu lrt blllsl aswi it is the mi 1- lllusltll iu w 111 um 1 iiu villi isl ulgbly cummeiided luu- sw 1 luui j tiv isriia lurltw u tlie ki a uivriui ul 1 iv hudm 1 f ubllos y awl uiual tbe luu luu tim 1 u hllll ulltllhlsit ul abundantly aitml li uulmisacbablg si tba new uik llsiu dlcuouarr is s iriuu li uou ii 1 tb uii ouuiilateiltg jsli rlulul tli hi j4111m i iii ikkt tuksttbl luminal rats tit hlamlsi 1 dliuuiif uulil l llis it id o ot lltarar amauo il la llm silmiialiou ui lltuui kuitlaod bold uj huborliuiio oujy atiksth vastk11 hnicbs il i vul lu vols llsll ii id slnjll full llussis isiaj luu utwocvn xu0 1h uu if oq auut la in uur luuu auud your sub aerttuuu tu runk 4 waomalls oo 11 klulunoiid 8l w tobomto omt llvacili 11 luiului will i aaantaalltiatlm ill iiii nrth i mill hjcjliici s lllcjp st ii 1 tli llilc cr uu i -utie- hid r man i xib i 4 lur i t oi i 1 l mrii u si k- n li v lor 1 1 ji per pair spcenls i i is llorl 1 c joality u i i i i miris i xl pins li y j ib lul spool ai u cjt 10 lbs uolled oai i 1 t j ll licst ia be- holl lulur uldleil kor cash only mderson o 00 a jjrry in healtli biald underwear for the next loudas wt will soil at a straight dis count of 25 per cent our large and well assorted stock of ladies health brand underwear 1 uu niu inmillhl wllli tlivsu guuda uml nro well iuihm tfiut tt naltti brand uiiderwunx ih miuqiiitlled in tlie mm kct um a rullblu juilorubto uud tliuroulilv hutihluctur lino til oodtt nie liiultirxla tiotli wuhii and wuur an wufl un tim bunt mt over bad ivitli fivu rnon tha utcold wtulhur buloru un tblhoriunng in 11 moat uthunuto niitt oni and at the pneqw wo will ho 1 1 tliuni nt uro 11 barntti rarcl for example we will sell health it rand undorveath regular 81 00 hmic lluullli ftntntl ctiiubitiation huiih regular i lluil lb itrsud ctiiibiiihtkiii huitn 0 g regular tflhgr iudhh tfl hm cliildrctw lur 91 children h hlack tiilitit health unind roc 7 jjvttilt tor lad leu draworrt healfli hruud regular 81 7 kdtt lor 1 tl and oil 1 01 iiduh at a proportionate ruduttion buar iu mind una roductioii in fur ten 1uh mil wo do 118 w0 811 li b ryan co quelpii c01 kirg and 1 hamiu e right house 01 al offerijvu for ianuak i aale of surplus stock previous tp annual i iking many lines at greatly reduced prioe 1 iford bbirtlng lu 30 and tic rsdoosd to 10 dh and ida klgurad caotoua suit bis for curtains resrular k i oi reduoad to 1j id snd 2o lnjgllsli vlanuclstta 30 ioobos wide rwgular lu sod 10c redaonl to ilia bp ai m flannsbfiisa fapcj patlarps jsaiabu4cjsrihcsd to bo rtlssls sates haw svowiv laja wilatss t laasst s hill blaaobad good width wl 8i 88 sod oodtlbg latter 70 ioohes wide and well worth flw table damask bait blsaoed slightly imperfect wortb 3ic for 2ic wonkqoouaav table napkins about 00 doawu eatra iuality pat tarns the maun faotursrs have ceased to tnaha prions ranging from 91 aft tojl 7ft worth regular from tl bo to j 75 km broideries sbonl 1 soo tarda rsstalar pries 17 lo aao new goods offering at 111 aad lalo par yard h 1 bbssttng good uajily lo par yard u tllch pillow cotton 16c a yard whiu cotton oar bpsclsj ho frail ol ibe loom loo dwigbt ancw loo huit c a plb marked to oosland la soma oaass isew baiaoosol lbs aaasnn mautlaa cs pear sod millinery at about half price this specie sale p a good mosjsy uiog opportnuily for attention expreeb prspaid to your nearast railway station on au poi aud eaxeful buysrs latter orders reoei pa rub a see anouating to fu 00 sud upwards the kiuut lloubl king st oast aoraer uogbaoo at 11 am ii ton janasry trth hum thomas o watscilsra hamilton ontakk

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