si4lii 2v -4- oj t voijumio xxijtefai acton ontaijlb thultsuav fjsiiiiua1iy 18 imuc til el uk cents wat jvxtort jfrrc jrfss 1 evisry tiiuubday moiininq xt til free rrihtfis printing orirr ull hthkkt actol ont tkrurxorhunatmirtion one dollar p year uriolly in advance all aulirlpllnne diaeon tinned vhen iho lima tor w limit tlley bevo been paid hex expired tho dele to which every ubaerfpuaaxja paid is denoted on uia addroaa label f adtbmtulnd iuyb trenileul adrertlao neota 1u eente mi nonpareil hue for firm in aertion s oonu per line or neeh agbacnyona i a union oohtaxnr- iiatxb tho following table ahowe 3ar nl for the inaartlon of advert4antnta for apeelfled parieda bargains toys books games c hlnohee lotaohea b lneha linen i mo i 1 tk i ft mo iiaoo i in oo i 9000 i srfo j ao oo i it oo i loo 000 1100 tool 800 ion i soo i foo i i oo i advvrtumdtanu without apeelnn directlona will be loaartad till forbid and charted aeooad ibflr tranxlant advertuemeata mail ta paid in ut4hn idnruhumu will b cbanrod one eeeh month if deaired for ohennee oflaner than ouoe m month the oompoeluon mum be paid for ktraoalu ratfa cluuipmoroantraetbdvartliinoiili muat be in the omee by noon on taoedaya ii r uooitb hdllor and proprietor sustness fitrectorp j v ultkn u d 0 m b elliott m ii l l benntt l d 8 dkntibt oioraitowa otakio oleafl 5 mclka ilarrtaura solicitor nptarioa couvoyauciare to private fundi lo loan offloe town hall aeloq wm a mtlum jxo a ucltutt d otlglab t ml hit ay luniiiatkiu holilitou nurnik rtc ornc latioquooii hi iarkdele wclorlecharubara 11 victoria hc tuilautn a j mk1nn0n lunitlmtkb bomtltoll 0s ortirk- corner uill ind uai above kupuiau a elore acton r j mcnadd chare rwrtb ihrtmloo court comity of tlal ton convey an oar agent pirn and life aaauranca lol kmtata atfaut uouoy lo loan olc orltk uatxuiaw dock alton ont t o u4tul80n j j b mclbod abjiiiitxma mou i roai coxritikcxin ovotxtiurwn and ulllon llonoy to loan at laveal rtloa john dat abcuitkct irriob wyudbad h trout henby anist ottawa oamaua bollaltor of ratanta for lnutlou olo pxapana a i pi inauona lo tb cauaillan auior lean and huropoaa patent oaoaa ajd for tba uetli trail in of trd uarka hand for lu phfal tblrtr two mr eziwrteoca f rtangls ndnan uookutnubk f arlodlcala of avary daaeiiptlon amr ftatln aeauv and promptly dona t iom uouton h llahubltbuui oppualta uiuf hum uui5tbtuxaltluf open from ham u 9 p in wadnndi aod baturdmy ewenlnipi lator ladlaa bairdraaalnr in auy tylo woulngtod uatuau fire insuranco company eituuuikd law inbullanok on caab and uuluaj ilo adj oouitnunlgiona forwardad to uiy addreaa lloi em or talephoon u will be iirouintly at job printing inciuuino itooha iampbleia imisra hii ildada clrenlan o ao eavcutod in u baat atyu of tba art at uiodarat prltsa ind on aboctdotlca ipply or addrsaa ii i uoonk fhbaa orfleo aciud salibsmen wanted iuabltll trualwortliy man lo rorauut ua lu ui aaja of our gbulaa nnraary block hii ua oaatrollad by ua illsbaai haiary or coin mlaalon paid weakly htoady oiuiiloyuiant ui yaar round outfit frea aaclualva larntory aklmirlanc not n big pay eaeared work an apaclal induoaiuanla tu blnuora wrlto at ouce for itartlculara to r allkn mjhhbhvco lloobaatar n y m u uembtuekt dnimfitcmmostkm ordwa left at tba rhmu iaaaa offl at my raeldenoe in aoton will ba promptly at landed lo kaea raduoed lu iev0o fob failm salxs alao inona to loap on tba motl favorable rma and al tba loweal tataa of intoraat in orat of moo and upwarda aoton macliine and hepair shiw llrinuv uk1nukll 1 roprtalur ahk wall lult0 luacbloarr hiriiimrt to morula all rnpalra ui uimwu art audarloultuntl implamauta aud lo do all klndaof ats atllne boraa aboatn aud jaora blaakauilliilnx woodwork raialn perturuiad lo a aeilafaatory uianuer w can rabajr ar luaeblim or implatuuiit of any utaka ha ttuiiuluk and nllut dona wanted a uqoij has l r district lo reiiraaaul tl kaulblll nurn of cauada tuuaaraatlia larttuat lu tlm lkmilutuu vml uou parmauaut balar orflaoiuiualou u rlbt with tbe lnoraalnil douiaud fur f rul a poal tlon wltb ua aa aaleai tltau nn applloatioi rood 1dddi- hobool toaebara 1 iu juat tba tblit to you during the auutuar write tor iuouiara htont 1 wkii inoton torouto out the methodist church aoton rev j b howell u a ialor lbxeouatte ttowaravanua btcral cases f pcv things optmed this week days bookstore oublph day sollo chonp io tire 1st march so per cent discount off all pictures iramed or unfraincd i his is a rare chance i for you waters bros nil i kiiiu gai i lin guhlill williams boot shoe store opb policy oprpaia our atore on a detamiluod jiollcy ability tub a uiat wa lva tba ouatomen teni uiat wa lv tin boncflt of tbe loweal prleaa tium w o do not ilautibtei our loada nor aao rlo any aioclaj line to bolauir up another but lu c boy doewty mud wrw tbna enabled to aell oo narrow margina ot profll wa beva won a repotatlou tor roaaonabla prlcoa uiat we inland ahall atay altb ua and tiila prin clple ii in olmratloo in e ery deiartdnnt and on btkiv arucln 111 our attick it ma lo u like and there la a died imiieel lyikaui ot vajun bdcauroi inula our block la oomplole in oyry uae of iho lataat ana moat fuhionabla btlbm m mens ladleo qirls boys and childrens boots shoes william williams llll st acton j h hamilton ukxlxk rr marble and granite hamiltons block ouelph glved a 1tlo loualsuiueiit i norway r swede u rulllan fi enallsrt lallsh rlah scotch of best quality ciall a nl ins poo t j ii uau1lton acton flou mill cheyne cheyne proprietors w his uur roller mill now lb oouiplsta u unfaclorv running ordar and are in a poaltloi lu autly tbe wan la of tba public wltb plour bran short a ii nt trmffi at right prices the traders bank ot oanmr capllal autborlaad 1 oxifloo capital paid up tuio0 ileal k3 0 oublph branch- 31at k dapoalt ilecelpla luuol fanriprrnftta dlarounll tile cnlloctloli ot aalna itolra a im rli a sanantl haukliii biuliinan iranian its funny if we cant rive you the best values in hardware i o lx found in wtu rc v bay hkbl livo lola ol capital and expcrictico mid aro in direct loucli with knrltih obimkn and amoncati ifknnfboiarerb wo know ii will pay jo lo deal lierr happoae you iry it 7 j m bond co hardware ouelph unheard of barguina ushoesn at w mclarln a co 8 gurlph tb utlllu hhob trauk ruite wall wa bad a ii rukij labi bat urdav we expect a micbmloni- next our tailibh jltovn with bargains a few of the snaps children ituhbera aul lm uiac btibur only ihr- woroen a rubber only ioj infant a buttoned liooti 10c women n foil hlipftcra j5l wnnieu a tweed 8lipera uc women a pebble bullon or lacr i i aleiia fell lace or bailer half jti e cumihhi omw i the bid shoe salfc w mcliareti gs ttatt loading shoe store juklph guelph cloth hrtll vc a it dolll tlil gallic creditable t lass ot huincss that we hae alwa h been noted for and will bt lad to iee our acton fritnds who arc in need of good 1 all and win ter clothing yours respectful i shaw turner merchant i ailort hallway fare cboorlully rofundad rd will i kala prtuiipl luaauud aud will oedelwerwd in any rt of ilia town our tvruts aiw email aud una price for all itou l lordet id patruulae botpa luduatry lw ua a fair trial and e will leave uia mauai for you to decide a lo tbe jualtty of tbe ouda wa uauufaalufa ordara taken al tbaallu or at j v kannawln a lru htora cheyne 3c cheyne acton livkry bus link wail equipped and styuah rl oat way ba scoured car tba eiu aud it ib p in careful atlontloo gien lo every order iu of commanilal travel i era fully met john williams publle hervleaa iqw m nd4j0an tlunday ashoois90 hlbleclaaabondbmrtadbytbe paur auoordlally invited hlrancara and vial tore alwaya walcoma at butlv uabera at tba door bpwortb uu of cbruuan budaavwr mia uauuia ii urruiwi raldau umurytiiua4axavailui all kuum lurllod w barber bros paber makers georgetown ont abb a raoultt or machine finished book papers ii1u1i uuauk wkkklvnbwtl trratjaaaruueil in tbla joarlial it from iho a niillk ym h4bth1w bros main streei planing mills acton ont john cameron architect and contractor uanofaetarwr ot baab duura kmuin kluuldlng in all aljlea drxss1no john cameron proprietor fjorlrn win ii i bear our city eonilw w io bavo firown amaalii rloli talk of oara and parti ea ilrlur hallirleaanilatell in n y mind tlinrn cobinea plelur iliirrfiy a i map than tiiara ono dial a lrtli now oiry evonlti linn lilt ruwi iute lliraill ulo ban than llm meadiw iloplll eaatanl w bar uie iliaddera cathar uilok titer a tbn laai red aim rare nllntlu on tliti wfllnra by hi crick otr all din buab of nalar aa iiiiikwjiii tlm nvuulli atara in llin dawy eftb of bewp w lieu tbe cowa coiue itirouab ibe ara loo far anine tlilnca la inconvenient country life aln t all a dmaln tatera rot froala nip uie mac boa knltry woatlier mora uie eraalli yit whan oun iu down lo welaliln town and country wbaleouipara willi tbe toalln dial coutea o er otic when the cowa come tlirouab i be bare hn aaya i lo aiecylatora wbo aomallmoe uty real attack no i won t aell out or barter title hern farni for brioy brae i doul envy folaa in oltlea hblny ilioea aln i anywbar u lieu tbn atlilil aun a a anttln aa tbe cowa coioo tlirouab tbe beta seud ynmiln hfflfttng 11 iv utwitted jt fanner kendnck bad brought in an armful of im covi ml ion from iho wood pile al iho norlh end of i lie houae throw itiu them luwti on ihe ilnnn hearth with a notno like a amall oariluuakn when carrie llniwii alarieil up iveoclwk oh i hid io idea it waa l late i l be v to a ny 3 mi itn uu ii lei mo boo jnu home carrie ikbii and hrod jonea both bpoke al ince but an lo ahnok her head i prtfrr lo walk home alone alie a id kjy about the allhliil mrly loummfoe uilil 7 aaked h red amioualy 1 1 have pramiaed p iian raid the vilnjc bratilv a roay mil ruffu lo her heeki- llut aim i llniill it wji aell ed bnfwei n me and im two wocka ayo 1 oluiw frod wittl a i auaati 1 uua it 1 1 am anre 1 had forollen it i- rel waa all nt apt lnin a arnooth mjfl limed vuilo brtikn i he allelloj i etirt n roin -o- lie i i gallantly but if i am nut putiiliial lo ihe hour and aixil uira broun may draw ber own oun clu loua a il cai ul home pretty tbla bright eed hhe uu sciv liifiland dimael b rel j loved her aver ait ice they were chlldrnu tikgethcr and cap logan who had oomo down lo apeiid ilia holldaya with hie eoulia ihe kontliloka hatt bsooitie ao fond of ihoao briklit blue oea and roldeii hair that hb had prolonged hie viait lulu jaiiuar pon my word a he a a rrtfular beauty aatd ho oaptaiti alar in jj through tha liny window pinei al the rolroalino figure of miaa brown v buauty went on the t- plain an i 11 a a thou and pitlte ahe ahould be wealed intry bumpkir e wilderneaaea bam j are thmo boot of mi on any of the late ainotik the youiix villain blacko1 jet 7 no tlioy am end ham croatly well whta ui6 rtaaon t auto i aln t had time heo that you d lime ihcn ipnokly ioj kaid the capiaiu aud bam glowcral after him aa he went ifayly up tbe ataira jual wiah i had the bring of htm out aaid iho boy gloomil it a ham do thia and bam do that and bant what tlio deuce do you moan by letting my are out and not a cent bai he guv me yet- no not an much aa a pleaaaol word 1 wonder if he mean a to a lay here alwaya luu ami 1 aro about equal in oar love fur him bam aald fred jonea laughing i hoard him talking with aliaa carrie about juiuh alalgh rtdlntf tomorrow night aid ham alirewdly i d jeb like to put kicking tom in the ehafte i would if it weren i for miaa arne lie don i know nuthlui aboul horaoa lhal there militia caplain don t and ham oltuoklcd haj mr jonea why dou l you k1 befuiebaud aith him t v rry don t roilly care fur him ahe a ouly daxaled like med june- i kaiu waa not ea mcile he oared whwalkkt painter paper hatipm decorator v u will lva lb bauanl of bla lamu aawrlduce to tlioee who daeire flrmt cleea and irllallc work in lluuaa 1 alnliug 1aiwt llanlii ui dccurallnu in all ua lraiel hauafacuiry autklal bu an i el uiual roaaouable prlcoa ordara latt al lamila ifardwarn hltro ul al w h walkth uower avenue kvkrton mills kvkrtoh ont tarton ullli tt lullet m fur id couta i imalivl iih ah ijjyt2i cuof rmlko xtt luu uvary day at it ccuti 7 ban cash for wheat henry hortop acton saw mills coal and woo yahlm brown ha j ellghlly hoiioa llm kiud of trany a meddla with hi up with ynti tlien wil lnjan but ham alifiink lkck i woullti t for iw ailit hani oil john hrudriok banned hlmaetf from 1 lip mulitle beam fnurleeil yiara io and follnt aay ho alanda up llitrn with a rope around ida neck otery numiillrtit nlghl you cowardly lon atay whnro ynti err sil fp itrttpranu tfghlly mtci he rounda of the ladduraiil iiapiwared ihruugh iho trap door where ia it 7 he called tha glioal iltifht under tha miajl beam by llm windy waa the paco where hlockuflbd i itlftn lliaalriuu of ijella look for ihrm jourrelf aald bam aplklly i ilunl know where they be and what more i dun t care 111 adttln with you my fine fel n when i oomo down aaid ihe captain ihreatingly aa hrf anpil about in ihe dim light which oame ihruiixh tlio oolmob draped wlndowa at either end of ha biro chamber don t hurry yonraolf cap n rr joined ham a jeering tone aa ha captain plunged into a dark cor nor there waa ajinglo and iho airing of belli auapended from a nail hit him directly on iho nook bo like tha fireap of death oold 1 libera that be could not but atari ob aald the captaiu nenoualy here tha y are alch em bam i hollo where ia the trap door and it took the worthy captain fully ux teen leconda more lo realise that the trap door waa oloaetl and faatoned on ihe lower aide lie rnahed lo the window and threw it up only to boo ham apoeding up the hill hal loo a 1 yelled pt ixigan come back you acoundrel you ill oondi lioiiod loul you imp of etil bam turned around an i rxeculed that peculiar ifyralluo of ihe a libera in con lire tlun with the iibbii orghii which la adpord to oiprcaa iho aitreiuity of rmiru you ii tlnd ihe la t inr on iho t am tl r oap u hooted the tilling rein i all don t be afraid of tlm ijo i ii a vnry hrmleai if you lot it aliuir hut him ain roim baok 1 m to u al mr ufwn a at 7 ill o ulock dun t worry brawloo- hum il as game wont wait ttmg before mr prcd will be on html 1 he oiptain daticol up an 1 down ati lite lloir lu an iii ac of mc a ham diap peered over ilia creel il the hill lie knew very wrll if he paaasaaed the luna of rrraa he could make no one bear he vat btmrriiiicituwn on the hay atari ed uervotialy at the kund of horaea feel be low and thinking bow diaaijreeable waa a bar ol moonlight which tlroamed down through a cratk in the roof reaembltng a lall whito figure atatidlug under the center beam he ooull alnioat fancy a rope around lila neck pah aw and iho captain urn kid up agaiu with a tar u uu dew on hl lemploa oveu lu the frriaing almophere of a barn chamber what ia to be douc he aaked himaelf an ucho if echo had any million aouao would have anaweml jual nothing al all peoov8 fourth of july rad- ishes molt taid hai ha h i to lame anil t red ji aud a great aheatuul horo waa wild at the thought vauiiiiabed 1 i won i wail another in aaid carrie urowu colonui hi i ai ptetty ia led outlor 1 ha captain blue eye epond the evening at liotno there a plenty of room fr ou aloiith arrle coaled tier brolttor ale a ltd row a will be glad to h along no 1 aa if i would pui cant hae an oacorl or my own i ii atay at home auj mend atocklna aud i aovur wil apeak to capt logau again charlie ilruwn waa on ihe pi ml of argn mg the rnalltr wjlh hie aialer wheu tin door opened and in walked i- red jonoe not tone yet arrio where ia the captain 7 1 dun i know aaid rne tartly 0 mamma ocry girl in our hunday acliuol claaa mult earn a dollar in iho next two monlha to holp pay for the new library exclaimed llllo iegity bmilh aa aha came milling iirto tlio houao one bright sunday in the laltfirl part uf may wall how are jou koing to earn your dollar my little one taid ivifgyy falliar afhn threw down the nerirmi ayricuttu rut tut which hn wu roadipu and looked at t liltln eiuhaiaai with an lniiiiriur lliute 1 dou t know papt utilraa i ralar aome radialioi and aell thorn to tlio uoighbora you know you wore talking the other day about how mocli a hltlo girl might make on a tiny girdeu of one rtxl aiuare thia eel tied ia aud iho next morning nfv bmith and little peggy went out into the garden before braakfaat fixing a pleoe of ground una rod actuare it wb decided to laka a nicu iitllo oornoe in the garden for their purnoeo and after ihggiug up the rich aandy toil and cleaning it thoroughly witfl rake mr 8rollh inade a little fence around it and jve pogiry a cupful of mixed rod aud while radiah aeod of tha varioly known ax 0iva btiaped rut how ahall i plant lham papa t aaid little peggy dig little urrowa ono foot apirt alid one inch deep raid tbn father al he watched hor aeixo iho hoo aud commence wheu ahe had anlahud there wore jail an teen row aixleen and a half feet long those were all planted with aeod aoalterod a half inch or leai apart in the row and nicely and evenly covered al brcakfaat ieggy aald papa how many raalahea will i put in a bun oh and huw much can i get for litem 7 you ought lo hguro that out yo 1 ii tell you huw ul d it poghy johnny the oldr brother you ind out what radlbhia are worth at the atore and thou gueaa h iw nuiiy aeod yuu planted in a row an 1 find huw many ra 1 lahcb thoy put in a hunch and thou you can figure it up what do you have to pay for thorn al ihe atom mamma t aiked peggy hivo con la a bunch htn htfw many are in a bunch v uaoally aboul fifteen or twenty i think not papa how many aueda did i plaiil in m fool of row i ahould think not leaa lhaii thiil and likely more i hen there would bo about twu buuehea iu a toot ugt al the aeeil do not in k u 1 rail lahoa ihough i think half of litem aid well said peggy lll e a bunch to erry fool of row in an lueutil iagy wan at the black board and in a few momuta lrd figured out jlil bunchea al five cettta a bunch and had the aaloiilaliliik reaull of iu jo aa the probanda from oue atjuaro rod uf radlahea my my 1 what a big aum of money aaid peggy papa can 1 give all lhal tu tlio hunday achoot 7 you may give all that you can ittako fruni ihaleouara rod laid her falher hi a aomowhai doubtful lone hut may bu ihe worma will gat luto tbum ud ibe drouth come and dry them up or ii mayle that uu will not find buyora fur thoui at five cent per bunch ilut 1 will help br aall jolniuy keep thorn cleau and gruwuig faat alid ihoy aay when la llihre grow faat iho worma do not gel into them weil but there la lola of wmh lu oleau lugftlhom mealy an 1 lying them up in noal bunchea never mind 1 y aald hor mother 1 wi help y tlo them up and clean ihem i don keopa i will yo pl i i will aid ilgb james wburfitua u uxajbb in ljuuibar laui hblnglee ioal and ini coal aud wood alwaya ib a took and prouiiill delivered lu auy irl of ilia to wu at tleibouu c miaa muat uliouee for lieraoll hain he aai 1 and ham went baok to hla work aruratly wutiderlog itow a young i ail gilt ml with ordinary aenao ounld heal late fur a moment between tile aiptain aud trvd joua 1 ha uighl ointe a perfect nlghl for alelhulng capoditluua and ruetla lova uiak lug the road a haul aud well lacked aud a glunoua moon binning down aa if a rain of ailver waa deluging the whole world ouldn t 1 better weather aald the uaplalu him wheto era- lb elclgh belle duinio ald ham 1 here a ihem old puller hi iho gorret that uawt lo belong lu deaiou jubn kendnck that wea lu the rutlulluuary war aud there are the cow belle llia1 mary jaue might aooor up wlu akee pahaw aald ibe capialil do you taka ma for hip bu wliiklo i here a a pretty little airing aomewhere fur i eaw ihem when mra kendnck went out day before ycaterdav i halo 1 aeon nollilu ol em aatnl ham atohdly come come bam doot make yourself out any alujuder than you be by nature aald tlio farmer laughing novertbelrai for the oeplaiu a aira were faat wearing out hla welcome and he aecretly eywpalhiaed with the much abueed ham i uob they re out in lb beu l uu had better go with htm captain if you ex iiccl td find vm oar ham ia dreadful thick headrd when he chtoaoa to be oome along oiy flue fellow aaij the captain collaring ham and marching him uft in iho dirnctiou of the old rail barn we dun l nerd any lanlcni lu ihla mouo lihl thai la one com fur i where are the alalra t demandod llw captaiu aa they auterrd the laru aiu i uoau watd baui itaaluldct iog aud ally amilea dimpling hn face or oouroe aaid trod 1 caul epecl lo make myaelf aa afjrerabla aa ihe cit captain hut the captaiu i iho tlu trio carrie a lilt a irritably i m aik uf tin aound of hla name 1 uovcr want lo at him again hat a moo now cutter tin ia and how oaay the aulf rubca are arrio wliiejmred irrd aa ho lnucito up lha lnjru ami fell lici mailing ulueo t him la 11 lor alwaya yea alwy- be a- ready for market r lvery day tha ahildreu a watched there radiation kept pulled out and tlio rarth w exccaaivoly moiatened 1 ho i uat right and warm day a a tly but not iher waa ahowary ibo and a lira began to aeud tn thehouan for ihem and two of tlio main at met grocer who had aeen ihem aeiil aleo for a aupply for tlielratcrea all hplllcarfu ware told to wall after three djye hw niirkting oommeiiced again end another haudrerl bunahee wont out aud wem eagerly taken it waa now within four dave of ihrtj fourth of july and aa themeaa to ixi a great colabratlon in the oily ind a fm dinner under tha treea in pollphir irfc and a corner atone laying of iho nowc mrl houae mr brnilh adviaed the childrrn to let the r ad i a hea grow until then and neo tiale with the dinner committee to farniah the long tabloa in iho grove with fourth of july r ad la ire in iho mean lime the red ivliaa muat be watered every niitht with diluted liquid manure and made a fine and large aa noaaiblo in accordance with air hmltha augkea hon mamma and peggy wenl to bp the dinner committee lhal evening and agreed for lha aum of five dollar to farniah one hundred an pert or bunchea of rediahoa mixed with while and red oriot and lied with a bine ribbon thua combining the patriotic colore of red while and blue and giving a moil happy e it eel lo the appear anco of the table papa and johnny rigged up an old barrel ael il on a aloping patform and tlllod it with manure frara the barn and by pour ing water in the top aoon aeon red a barrel of rich manure water and etery night ihe patch waa copiouaty drenched with a mild aolutton of thia ferlihaer the dava and nlghla were warm and to ue a ooiumon nxpreaiiu tha ralluhe iat jumped 1 lie ulht before the fourth johnny and papa at r tod to pull i ok and before aunvot had gal bo red two buahel biaknlfula and wrrt al work elraniug ihem hi the back yard heing unable to flmdi before hsd time i hey were up bright and early next moniiug an 1 by nine o clock with the aid of pegify and mamma one hundred btauu fill bunchea were dofuy tlal up in neal aud attractive atyle ready for delivery v if teen dollar whew 1 no aimed johruy ln l that a big loi of njoney loget dt audi a little piece of ground f who wuold hare thought il uietiv obaerved uf hmilli aa ahe enjoyed ihe aaliafaotlon of the children al the unbound ft anccrm of tb trntrtprlbb an for the sunday achool iho leachrre and the aurmrintendenl wereaaloniahed and ploaaeti beyond deacnptloo 1 1 waa ordered by vole of lha ecuool that all peituy b money ahould lie expended in the purchaea of bxiki that tended lo promote a love orrruin teretabti x3 tlowera ind lhal each volume ao purvhaaed ahould have luacribed on the front bla ok page the worda ltouihl wilh the procrede of iegky hmilli a lladlaliee 1 he causes of ttrikbs ihe fact that dlbpulce ae lo noi are i n vol veil iu lha majority of atrikeafforcoa into recognition the fundamental aapeela of th problem production la the result of ihe combined moorrei of capital and labor iwudialioct claaaea hoo inter oata would aeem to be iu iho mam identical are engaged jointly aa employer and cm ployed tha one owna the tnatrumctit ol production the looja and machinery the o trior performa th work thua ihe machinery of capital aajmientrd by ihe labor cf tho wurklngman reodcra a iriteu product directly tbe ijuratiou obtaina aa to ihe relative ah a re of each factor lu that product ilefore the era of alnkee thia a w hi dm trial furoea were not lu be eat oil in two division for the man who owned the toola performed the work there waa no wage diapuloa tor the employer waa him aell tha employed jeruaaln waa paal ten id farmer htidilk uk at nlghl and the hh i i i- t lli u 11 jlhok h retiring tu toil to n thai uu- dumb member a of hla family ware all atraighl and oomfurlablo 1 do baltovo that a old nau kondnck a gliuat coma lo lltu again poumhu ilka all pouacnaril on lliu barn chamber uuor i it a me e bawlol the captain i u faalen tho trap dour and lot me out hlowly the farmer lifted ihe laddit lu lie ilaoe willi rheumatic awkwardnraa be climbed tlio ureakiug tonnde and undid the hook from lla claip how in all creation mum juii here why i ihuuxhl you wrra on i aleigh rid i ii wilh tlm gala i hud lli aptaiu taken p whom uie prtf ahould havo i aeiluubly lo hi ho will i tare a k overy bn hut ham i a ucr to hla i a ml mi ihi r i it the auow lioldi tu tmud h the ouly tmreoii the uaplalu mra keiulihk billing bealdi yiu ve loat your cluuior captain aha eeiu goad humorcdly d hcaa bmlth haa jual gone by homo ft in iho ahlgb lug part xud alio aaya hi i joooa brought carrie 1u hla new cutter ud they re on uki lha captain left m i day and mra lrcil juliea hae uaer aoen him iluoe nd at ihe le tho bed waa filled with a flue radlahea a auy gardener over eaw llieu tamo the ueeliou of aelltng them 1 irly tho next mornlug before ihe chli dreu ware out ot bod mr hniitli wee out iu the harden pulling the n local aud largeal radlahea in ibe bnd ho a ecu red a great baaketful aud throwing ihrm loto a tub of frcah water waited for the ahildreu to appear ao lhal he might leach them how tu jrcjiaio them fur market lu a few mm u tea juhnuy aud poggy and uiamma wore aji bending over iho tub with caaeknivra hi their hand ready fur tho ork now aid i a- you muat piok up one radiah at a lime gauvl ioreja off ihe utile tender bide root lea v lug the bulb aiiioolb and cleau i lien uut off lha laprool jual al tho bottom uf iho bulb thou pick the yellow leavco from iho lop if tbera ere froeh and then dip the radiah i the lo clear it all thru boiug fin la hod tokelliei aud they ramfut to throw ui looking unoa aud radiative tttal will a the vater 1 1 uk ready tu lie up be ill queried and bad in an hour a lime tiera were jual fifty bunohea of bright lookiuit cnap rdiahea rni and while mixed piled up in a baaket realty lor market i ach bunch ountalued from fifteen to iwwily rallabee on au average of aboi1 foul radlahra from each fimil of row in the aijuarv rotl rue liuiua filly aro iwo dollar aud half aald peitgv aeho oupjjnd tier hand gabol tho itifnl- cd uaptalu hla but yuu haven i got ihe mouey yet with iiiiugll rage and aaid juhub 1 wont alaiil thia aort uf lliliig o bul wo will get ii aald puucy n jiialo in in iw iu aai i you would help utr aud yuu and i mi 1 lake i well i v five buuohaa eaill in a ucat waa baaket and aell ilium all along the atrcel itjul eony ihla before bihool lime 1 ii talk mamma and papa bulh gave ibeir iou cut to ihla plan and aa aoon aa brrakfaal waa over ihe children alar led oul with ibeir nrocloua oarja lha radlahoe looked au iti ich ulcer and pretlior than anyihing that had been boon at ihe oily aturea the nlghl aud lltllu poddlara readily lold all they had wtthlu four blooka uf their own real douce kitchen and were hack home wtlhlu an hbur with j fio in money thirty bunchea wore aai lie rod the uexl luorulug and dlapoaed of lu the aaana way twenty bunchoa fujioived llje lilrd m or o ing making oue huudrcd lu all 1 be foui h morning lhre were not euough in ihe patch ready to ahi and ao mr bmlth adned the children lu auapoud uieratioub ur two or three daya until uutre could and whan the affair came off ham gut a i gjow ui maturity i piece of weddiug cake bijjcupugll lo givo uut aa oun aa iho liltln padiara a topped i him dy apoala fur a week ueiibbora who had had a taxl l raj life ina wit half filial to day two reparale to the product of luduatry aud lheriuable diviaion of that prod act ia a matter uf vital concern obvioualy the ijueatiun la not ao uiuoh do alrlkea av and liuw may violent oulbrraka agaiuat aocial order be auppreaa id bul laltier how much of juauce la i hero lu the doraaltda of labor aud the pro leala of capital and whal meaaarra will beat couaervo the interna la not alone uf oue uleaa or another bul of aociely aa a whole hdilorb outlook in tht aeme for february vicious company ttophromoua a wiae teacher would not buffor oven hla grown up aoua and dangh tera to aaaociale wilh thoea whuwe conduct waa pot pure and upright dear father aaid the gaulto hulalta tu him oue day wl on he forbade her in company with her brother to vtalt the volatile lucinda dear father oo muat think ua very childlal if you imaglna that we ahould be exiioeoj to d auger by il 1 he father took in allouce a doad coal from the hearth and reached ii to hla daughter it will not burn you my rhild lake ii lulalla did ao and behold her beatltttonffhtfrnltrd abtortkltainrtllblatrf pft ened aud aa haiin a iittlr hit uurnb iii dl lo lur nt 1auer a liltln 1 ii win yop tliin inn n tronlib 1 mbll allltlol it j iik litnrtui o 111 1 caijj urate be bodh am it lu lllllll ten to oim irl 1 ytel ii ila h too iri uu- l euit iirit hlli ii lirrl- i llual aari 111 1aunli a hltlo 1 it hot you ii nu lllto elis advice to the en- deavohs 1liivrkiiia who made hia fame aa a humrnai aya the mnnphia s nla ahowed a depth of f elihg and palhoa onanajiecteil by in moat intimate acipiaiul ancea when he atnod aoh muly a moment in hla chriatiau t idi vnr i ret lire aud aaid r young indira i oiilu lean a botaod down father talking to 1 rareleaa daughter whom he loved lixne ho bjuj looking m her aeep blue eyea an i trttkiug r mldt n hair i xxlr 1 want ti xji tk 10 yo i i your motixt ll mav lm ilial jou ha e noticed a careworn look upon in r are of conrae it haa not horn brought there by any act of yoora alllt il la your duty lo chane it away 1 waul you to il up tomorrow morning au i k lrolft whrn vour mother oomra ami oeiiia to eat rena air pnae ni111 up lu her and kiaa her on ihe mouth brighten her healdce aay baok kiarl jou by yur f face ion v r fat i brn n 1 ihnn you are now r through yrara of chil aunahine and aludiiwa he t al ready in cure by the maiit ll1 kiaa uia lilllr dirty chubby haiide w aver thoy were injured in ihuae firal nil ati ea with tho rough ol 1 nld aud then lha roldnthl klatiawith w aha rrtth ao rqauy bad draaroa an leaned over your rentier pillow havi lieen on inlercat llnf lh yeara of c alio i pretty able aa you are but yuu had dou a hare of the work du ring the last tei the oun treat would u ul liu ao marke t liar- faea haa more wrinklea than aud yel if you were aiek thai face appear far mora boa lrul than an e it hovortd ovrr you watching opportunity to ii inl irr in vour n and evtry one ol i wrliikha ccn lu lie biijjil waelel of u rhaing each olher o or uu dear fact she will leave yo i uf iheae iheae hurdeiie il not lillod fro ahoulderr will hni k her down rough hard hauda m hae d oroaand uxn her lifplra hrraal ncglcctcxt hpi which gite vou you baby kiaa will imi foretor 1 ant am bad tiretl ryre will have iriid in el aud then you will appreciate your n but it will ih luu late a urtat invention ul of thin p a rnpl oriental naluto ilia library la lltird up 1heu wilh turkiah divaim and ruia ihe wiim are decuralu i wilh all aorta of curiam waaxiub of the 1 iat an i in cvrry way iho room nugiceate the louitiiw ilao uf an oriental hi1ntate iho ltral aojuieltiou t thia interretlug room ia a narghlloh bote arh propnolor ainukea wtlli evident eujojmeiilou occaatuna pat rtceiilly found ll neceaaary to enter liie room on aome buiinena c inneclod with the fireplace and f i lb jraiful glaaa jai r nd the long alei ten tod i y pultiug pat atopini abort room and ai i ighi wli-l- tho niai hauced her while dreaa we uaoiiut bo loo tlcful lu holding ooala aaid lulajla in vexalauu yea truly aai i ibe father yuu era my child that ooala even if ihey do uul bum tilaofceu ao ii ll wall i in- comtiaity of ihe vioiour- pltadinb huh sthono 4in i ll perklua waa luaal maaler at iuu ihrln fi icllcr iratrrulty dluucra tlm year at colgate and uulou i nlerallloa at una of theae dinuera the humonel dropd lulu a ernoue vrlu aud lead ihli little oeiii ih1 fclto ua man a llni nk- lln laiualt wblle duty and ll ralfble lukluti nolhin aor replied tl c oil only arphnechl a bit al li poipe yea hot what ib tlor e aurpnil tu aboul wae aaked 1 la a gna liitrill ii pal ullh a ahako of bla ie 1 hoo i ob wblahkn y bad ah luikn i ol dldu i know yr t ul t hr uj 1 lihv oh a buatll- hi- a milling trade orn l ra lowing drarrlpll u ot thi ultrl buahel uf wheat la mada iiany all bu and ell aii al a profit exopl the lalt mail 1 i y a ii the pro nako oil llle llld lu imauwa by iho i henly to not laka for tlm oun baraaparllla hood a tlicli i ait prulxhloiu aud tlieir liltln iteada utuitla lu aalruolatlllu lot rtvloui aaw wiuiitl rulu itia iaihi aud alllu juauoe loaw texts for bicyclfr sermons h h r- hylkman i a wollkituwn lonti lurrnj of u uov a wiae king acallerelh the wicked and hnu tbe wljcel oner tbem piuv x jl or the wheel broken al the clatorn ilool xil b lha appearauce uf the whecia aud their work rxek 1 ik aa fur the alitili il waa cried unto them tu my baayruk u wheel lxek x 1 tl he wruugtil a work ou the whoa la jor xvlii i- and hia wheel aa burtitpg bolatlcit in rlv ouya 1 had at aetein au attack uf bciaula in may inlll that 1 ould hardly walk i waa racomjiieudcd by o w hpackmau drugklal to uhi ho u lli aiiicruiii itbou iiiatll uru 1 followtil hla adtioo and within live daya waa loiiii old t ured three years before vheti iniubloil wttb thafaania oomplaim tl took docuira three moo tha u cure me hgd i b i- hukhi- hamilton oul tho flral doee of south ainurhau ithou matfo cure lvua relief aud abaolutcly conaitioaa that euro n tertaiu