Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 20, 1896, p. 3

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i i ft t i r b a n k ofh a til i lton otpati ornon jiauilton rtifitii tii i hbimkvk mind board ofdibeotoeb i1iinhtuai1t i a i hawhay lroallent yloo1 real lent joint pnocroii iko iioacii a t w 101 a ii toronto wm uibaoltui tujjilulicmlilr ii h htkhiknami cash or ii m wathon niwouir s aoencies horlln otiialsy loornitawnuhmsby i litownl i i orange up whjharo f hln toronto british corrospondohtn j itotlneui hank of pug american correspondent haw yon a fourth national link en 1 w2v 1uuk tokinternauott national hank of i linol awl unum national nan da raoit detroit national lleuk tue oir national hank at common a genu in montreal th hank of toronto gmorqetown aqdinot uh aoooeslble points to canada united htatee uiturllalnetidtheooullnontofkurope upon moat favorable terms savings department dapoalla of tl anil literati allc uhiuajrl hi rcfal dltrohlth alao received al au irani rates of interest n u ljvingbtonk agoul repairing tbe plao lo bring your watch th place to bring onr clock tbe place to bring your jewellery honest work fair prloe at ceo hynd8 aoton do yon need any knivra spoon and lotlul wa carry tha lajfaalaiojok our prioea an thothe loweal wedding and birthday present geo hynd8 acton ont jiwkllkt btorg ulje tioit jfrw tyress the nuwsathome morttty of looal chrotr nd overv iti int in uiu debate at the meeting of aoton trmpcnmin union laat friday evening iha nrgiimnuta of thn bhlrmativo aids war declared victorious mr danoan modon aid i aapteln for mm amrmallva and mr juhn warren ar fdrttlie henatve there wa a good attendance and mneb interval ws manlfiatod hrauaht hume far llurlmt 1 r i ho pail year mra harry itibege ol fori 11 to daughter ortho lata wllaon it iii a it baa boon gradually felling in licallb through oonaamption on hunday tbn e- irit hod and lior anltertngi want on l i hie happy home at 037 dandta htrret toronto la now deaolata tis the ixrcavo i buaband arnd two dear littlo cuuttltirra feci thnir loaa vrry kranly tha raninitia wi ro broukblio aoton on tucaday an i hit funcramooli plaoa yeatf rday afur noon lo iairvlcw yomotory thirty itegrrra tie lair zero i hia wm ibo unprcoodnntod point to wliteti i o mercury fell on bqnday nfftbt aa uanat tbormomotera faritd in thair rpdlalration between 2h and 01 bat it fa iwllcvmt to waa rel ably rranmid tha onl i wavo wlloh oovcrod manitoba ahd tha nortbweat tba itrvater jwrtlpj ol laat waak arrived hern on saturday ntffhl an 1 oon thinol la mnnifat it away with xaat anlil tuaadu oldatmara tall na it al trnt ono yeari ago till a ntoi tli we had aimitarly bif mow atorma and cztrame oold mrthm uarrlmam and demthm the annual report of tha iufljatrar oan oral of ontario ia be torn on thorn ware in the province laat year ix 051 birth mdii marriage and w 588 death of the above ilaltoo county contrjboted 8j5 birth lit matrio and 10h death of the bin lie h wore nialea and 1h7 female bix palra of twine ware rafliaterod the loiiominationa of tboae who enterffd iota jnnriu1 relatione were aa follow cborch i i 40 ireabytenkn oh metho roman catholic 4 iuptit i lonumnaliooal 3 h vanifoliaal 1 otbar ohuroh 11 ifefron itattlblttoa amaoclmtlon the annual inceiiini ol the hallon 1 ro- nhiuhpon mcwb nttwi itoma auppllotf tfy corroa- pondontainntt ekohanaoa jmehou8e mr bavdy cobble baa rohrtol from faymrnit and haa rem ivrd to jjimhioun ura wftlkr ofluronto villecrfriend in limehojlae laat wreli mr ii lrawaliaw la very low broiiohltia her rra very i aomowlmf doiiblfol tbo imejionae club iihh t menibcrahip of is now a couple ol week a mr alri oarvtn while entting ioealrpped on a looae block an want down the bath wa not apj re olatea rockwood thnalnrm liilerfornl a ood deal with the alteudance of ieo in out of ilia villaue at the lumnker cantata laat friday nighl there waa however a big attnit s dance nf etliaena and tbey were oll rr paid aa the jcr forma nee wa moil credit ably rendered throughout tho youiik liberal club will hold tho aeoond wf their aerieaot meetine in hook wood on the 21t february tho ineotinu will be in gladatone ball homo f tin ablrat younk liberal ol luciph will i liver addrcaaea the haymaker ompany wrnt u acton monday nihllt and bad a k hoaae tho acton ioplo wem hiitliiy pleaaed and the member of the comdauy ijnyed the opting imninnaely th now booba for the meobai tea inati tote wfll ahorlly be placed there are a iber nf very ana toltimr in the oollro lion crewsons corners cohingandjjointf vlaltpra to and prom aoton and varlouaothar personal notaa the pakafnkee invite all itareadara ton ulbnie to tlit column if you or your frlon la are glint- away on holiday trip or if you have frinlvlalttiii o the kilaa mra oartlinor ia yiaitinu friend in toronto mr lit urtn tlmlltd rnlalivo at hi lafya iha pest week or two mourn george apit w and jawirrwataon infion frilay f r ihulr home mi dale of turii ti w- u at the homo of mr blnltli during the pi week jimrn o ioub f btratfonl ia apendinu row wceavlwilh friend in lile vicinity layhole ofjbtratford waa fnaa 1 mkmm office on am john j dm a oatltfr at i ho monday mra loaock f lebi 1 r iprnjinu g km thero i conaideiable aioknnaa in una vicinity master hoy wanatx rough aon of mr ilobert wanaboroafih ia very ill at preaeot with an attack of inflammation of tbeluntta mr iaql ctipp ar i oonuie lo hla houao with an attack of the grip mra henry mcuorman an 1 ohil iran t f neepawa munlt iba who lum brou vinl init friend in tin lco and v 11 tity tor will return 11 thnir 1 ninnth few daya at ihe liumi of ulenlawaon alrxnnder urant k4 who baa been con 1 nod to hi room ainco ubriatraaa it re covering lowly itov j w han in hleralor of ooetph ireabytery attended a meetlok of ireaby lory o 1 lure lay ho w ii harvey u a of olttftird haa itrcn mviled t a crpt the metbodiat i aatorato at walkert n mra thomaa cook left laat tboraday for wyirihn mich ealleil lollie atos bed of her aiaur mr c froman mine clara hatnthaw and maggie lbbo went to toronto 00 monday to ao company the rematna of mra h kbbko to acton for interment mra hobtnaon of new y rk who had been pond 1 mi a few weeka with ber brother mr h anaw end other friend here re turned home ou friday mr robert goats or milton attended the teacher gonvontiou here laat week tie waa for many jcara tbo painstaking rulary of the association aijermn john o u ngl un jrifo and laultur obtrlfurl portl oulu if laya tin week at the home of their unotn gourde moll 1and farmer tlrt liiie othawa onl pains inthe joints cauood by inflammatory swolllng a perfect cure by uoode sarva- parllla it affnrta tnn much pumaure to reoonunnnd iloml knrsniiarllla my inn waa afflicted wllb pmnt pnlrt in uie joint aceompanlod with wellli a ao bad hint lie coul t not jet up atalra lo bed wlttiniit crnwlhir on b in laen i knee i waa very nnxluua a ik 11 1 mm and having read hmdvcutes o much about ii00h sana partita i deter mined to- try it mil cot n linlfdoien bottle four of which entirely r 11 re i lilm mita a a laks oalutwa ontario n d lie aure to get hood a sananarllta 295 e0hqert0wnfl livest ore t great alteration sale t gibson millar co ojbnbiial dry ooods wa bava purchaaall these gooda from the lead ing markela and thay are arriving dally anil u la datarlment will be under tha management of a thoroughly practical uraaeoeoda man kvrr tiling will be new bright and ut to date a tut trloa equal or lower than any oilier 1 lace tvery tiling a lady rnqulrna we will have h atoek frn6 high clasb tailoring we load in mile otliara follow hnnng good arriving nelly an f we will have the flnrat l nation of hootch and kngllah hultfnga trouaor- tnoa hi ring overcoating ete lrraatent jeutlrmenl go where you are lure of aatlafao tlon goojjatyir perfect at by tbe old reliable we will be lleaeed whnva your nktronace dael onoe with ua eo you will deal again a we have the right good at tlia light lion uii1bon millait dt go y hoc block main btieet qeorgetown 1 h b rtnn glove 1 iroduoauken a full una always in itook in aiahanga eyes tester pbeb our expert op tician can suit the mo imkfi free vee i levant german boldiii furniture free at gurncys buying a certain quantity of dry goods and groceries will give you your choice oft t follovytpe centre to bios difforont stylon rooking chalrsfdlfforont stylos soorotary ironing bop id s stop loddore book stands and dining room chairs our 25c silks arc a wonder seasonable goods at a a e gturney fc co mih street acton orooenes provisions crockery glassware change in business t c moore st son cor mill and main streets acton have pieitiuii in inilrmtln tint iliuy luvu puiuliasuu the stock ind good will of thx business hcrttofore carrild on hy a l hcmstrct at the iijovl well known stand 1 he take over the business with the determination to make it a permanent success i o ircomphsh this their stock will ilwas be found to contmi tin very best ind freshest goods to be ind and prices will be hed at a fair living profit old customers are invited to continue their favors and new ones will be cordially welcomed ind ilways be given honorable treatment thursday f1u11uahv jo ibm f little local brieflets which caught tha eyoa orean of frww praaa rtoportare thla weak ab wedneaday jealerday tba lentao acajou baa commenced st valantioaa day waa a very stormy 10a 1 monday rinter baok thirty degreea below aor wbawl old reeldeuta aaeert that la now airly broken there have been nine weeka of good alaigbing already thia winter the aigna on tba lawoa keep off the graea ar rather inappropriate at preeeot hamilton conference epwortb league convention will meet in derlju next week the q oonnoll p tbg roya tem plara of temperance ia iu aeeeion in ouelph tba roade which were completely blocked laat week are iu pretty fair condl lion again the ooelph ireabylerial miaaionry booietj wtll meet in annual convention at waterloo oezt week conductor bolder will occupy the pal pit of dublin street metbodiat church ouelph next bundey gnat qaaotlllca of ice have been taken oat of tbe ponda here tbi winter by oiliaen and neighboring farmer tbo delegate from ac too a sabbat b boboola will leave tbla morning for tbe an noal oobvenuod at ilurlingtou tbemaple leaf dramatic co were ban all laat weak and at tha oloae ol sat urday even log a preformanoee duban ed kjlnota medicine co comrneoo ed a wreka entertainment in tbe lowu ball laat atening tba eu lor lain men l ia free to all re a j irwin b d of nerval preached mieeiooary eeroioo on lvertou olreuit laat sunday re mr molnlyre look mr irwin a work at norval the coooty of helton aond four pu pile 10 tbe inaulute for tbe deaf and dumb at bene villa tbey are miai magjcio bmllb aoton miaaes may cnnuingham and annie oillaland oikvills and mia uaxyt 8 ml lb kilbride tba annual spring suit aalo of h l netaon leading tailor and farnuher qadph will be held on friday and sat arday of tbla week tbe uniform price of 10 per aait for ordered good will prevail many of tha hoaa offered are and ij1 auita a letter from mr john hay cart wrighl llan aaya we bad very good orope ibis laat year bat when we have to all wheal at so oaola a buabal tbe bard time dool aaam to bav gooe very far away i am thankful tboogb that we are all to good 4iaalth and enjoying tbe fine wiotar waatbar kindly convey our kmd g mf f nld frtpnda el acygoi atrcnom balm farm stock and im ploroenl tba property ol jl f freeman 00 tot 10 000 8 kaqntaiog on wedneeday 4tb marob bala to oammenoa at 1 oolock tarmallo and eight months credit bee poetara for partioalar joun bmitu aao ktodeerr kaonawin a condition 1 owdara for florae cattle sbeep end figa are tbe beat thoy improve tba appetite and cure ooogha oolde and lnfluooa dool worry with that old bewiog maohlna wba yoo oau eaobange it lor a light rannldg binger i eell both family and olova maoblnea i alao aell piano and or at bottom prioee aod beet tarma coxa a wuitk agsni acton ool farmer a wanting hardy native block 10 duvot tbw coming fall or bpriug may pay for it in work wa want men wllb or wuboal ezperienoe on lull or wrl tlnaa belary and aapenaee or oooamiaaion write aft oooe for further information daova baotoaaa ooitriim cootinenlal naraarlaa toronto oat fragrant ivorio fartbe teeth diaaolvee in jba ntonib a dellgbttol preparatlou for tba teeth la lvoune eo fragrant and cleansing eo pleaeant to tbe tea to eud effloieai beyond lb deaire ot tbe moot eiaotlng a dream nl elrganoa and effl oieuoy for it wbltena and puridte afford lug brilliantly wbu teeth aad breath aa aweet and fragrant aa that of tli qowara the q jeep baa laeued a rtmsae thank tag tba naliou for it eipieealun of ayui ihyt ihe time of 1 hatiry adeatb hi bit ion aiqcietlou will be hold 11 itoyal templar ball milton on tuaadey tebruary 3sth oommonoing at one o clock the following subject will be up for dia ousaion politic action in euanlng eleo liona iteductlou of hotel licensee to the county hloilion of 1 nicer and general buaiucaa the membership moludee tbe member o eaoh temperanoe society and church and every friend of temperance and prohibition in tbe county of hallon dr ilobcruon preeident and a c bally secretary make the call to thia annual meeting sewm of our chnrcbom the anniversary aorvioee of knox church will be held next bunday and monday itev ales maomuian b d of toronto will preach rooming and evening ab3 deliver hla lecture the bcottiab ooveoao tore on monday evening a tea in tba tbeemenlwill precede tbe lectnre aab wednesday service were beld in 8t joeeph a church eslerday morning at nine o dock rev j k howell m a preaohed au ebl and highly ioetructive ecrmort ou ghriatian bapliam laat bunday morning the member of the congrega tlon declare it lo be one of tbe beet expoei liona of lite aubjeol they have ever heard at the close of tbe service four pereona were baptixed nexr bunday evening service 111 tho methodiat cburob ia with irawi owing lo tbe auuiveraery icrvioee in knox church he mr godden iu augurated the lenteo aeaeon with eervioee iu bl albau church jealerday morning and evening rev mr btevena waa aulncleutly rooovered to be able to preach lu the dieoiplee church ou bunday cotaptimontmry heaquel a moat enjoyable evening waa pent by the member of ivan boo camp no 31 bon of scotland and their lady friend in their ball leal friday evening the unusual feature waa au cyeter aupper tendered mr jamea mctaviah now of montour iowa one of tho ebartor mem ber or tbe camp at the ctoaa of the usual routine proceeding dr uren waa appointed chairman he exteudod a cordial weloomo to mr matevlab baok lo lua old borne e pressed tbe good feeling whlcl exiatei between the citixena of canada aud the united blatea but aeid that aa canada ia our home we neturally think more of it after tbe oysters aud content of tbe ladies baakola bad been thoroughly diecuaaed an enjoyable pro giammo waa reudered it inoluded eooga by meaar h u john aon aud tbomaa miller recitation by mie ida mcnabb aud a speech by mr arch mcnabb the proceed inga coo eluded with heartieet wiabea for mr motaviah a continued auccea in tbe went aud the ainging of auld lang byue camp ivanboe ia iu an enviable position nuanioajly it ei ohwiuer gives evidence of tbe presence of the oauuy boot within lie border camlurtmblo mad cunronleiil see id once during tbe peal half doacn years a con iderable oumkwr of ue rcaidencee bete been erected in aoton and our town ia yearly being improved in tbia reapeot the laat to be added lo una hal ia tbe apleudid uew bom built for mr john a jlfilliail man b more a go ou ll a corner of main and queen streets tbe fukk paava bad the plea aure of being shown tbia new residence laat week ii t commodious ooay aod oooveniaut and mr aod mr mcorail are delightfully borne ilka in their present aurroandioga tha building a tan da on a com mending elava vauun ia of proceed briok with etone foundatioua the maia enlranoe la on the ouoeu street aide through a vestibule into the iiall tbo trout aud baok perl ore are of good aiae well lighted aud autabed in initiation of bird eye maple tha dioiug room ia a large and oheerful room adjacent thereto it tbe kitchen aoullery and cloaels on the second floor are tha family bedroom gueet chamber and three smaller bedrooms all furnished with ojoeeta there la also a wait tnrntafawd bath room and lav lory each room open a from the halt in the beeemeut ie aitual ed the furnaoe fuel rooms end larder in addition to tbe other room a on tbe ground floor i a ooay offloa opening from tho vealibule whero mr mcurail or member of the drm may oonduot auy m busineaa aud where ia alao located tbe elcclno time register oon dec led with the taunoriee tho building throughout ia well nuiahed and la a credit to tbe builder aud other tradeeman meaar jobn gaineqnaudj j lawaou did tba wood work mr joeeph anderson the plaater lug mr w h walker tbe palming od a toronto flrro the plumbing tbe flnub ing touobea on the interior will bo made wheu apriug open ukmtu orrua dr wilkloeou over tbe drug store q olliag and artiuoal tretb a aecially gbafgee aa roaeonablo aa alaewbare bpeoial ufuoe daya moo ly t nd briflav bom thl week atr wm gripp rot unfed to ills home in washington slate laat week aftera pending aeveral week very pleananlly with frienda iu line vtciulty mr and mr jamea mooto and family of toronto who wero vititg here laat week have returned lo their borne mr moore baa purchased a qitllo ranch m the north weataud mill atook it with oattla in tbe spring milton john b dean proprietor ol the old commercial hotel ha nade an aafignment for tbe benefit of in creditor to mr hugh campbell the convention of tho reform aihoci tioo wbiob wa to have bceirhelu ou wed noaday of laat week w jk it pound ou aooocn of the ana w block le the detouf the adjourned oouveniiu 1 will hit fued lmter mr robert hruh had the misfurtane to breek her left wnat laat wook him waa walkiug to tlu pidewalk from iter bousn wheu ebo alipped and ie 1 lg r liaoi baok to tbe arm with tbo above result henry cam joe ol 1 ratslger haa betun criminal proocodiiia against w g llratty of omagh on tho alleged aharge of obtain ing money under falae pre to 1 o- through a noteenade about throe year l the teacher who wool to ibr ot nvenll 11 at aoton laat week rrp rt a aurccaaf ll r 111 vouliou and a very oordial reception milton will send a number of delegate to the county hunday bet ool gui veutlou at uorllnglou ll i week qeohqbtown the rev i rof mitchell 1 1 i fire ached en eloijue i sermu lam him ley morning in tho l iglish liure1 tbo rev h r wilson ut jiok h i 11 filled the pulpit ol the metho list hurch with great aooeptihilily last sunday aahgrove tee meeting on tuoaday ing waa a great success tho hev dr ueodoreon of ouelph gave an interesting lecture on cpuruhip aud marriage mr bowmnand miaa bvau lelighled tbe large audience with their louohing reel tationa the rauaio by the choir hev a j irwiu mr and m ap carrol and urue aud albert mcdowell helped metenall lo ward tbe pleakuro of the evening 1 he rev d a moir proaijod i oocod uear ly hi 00 iberov o 0 lmigford proectio 1 11 bandar event og ou future i uuiahmoul bte war town anniversary sermon wore preached last hunday by tbe hev mr mo kim and tbe hev prof mltahott tho rov u a muir reeched missloi ary aermona laal bundsy st r rii and iu1 fountein tbe li ion 1 roabyterisu liuicli will hold a tea meeting ou monday feb jtth the oouru have been lively bore the past ten da s a number of oo lo who hap peued to be in town al the luuo wero con vie tod ou various charges and ovnrl sent lo ibe oouuty goal to await trial a number of tho teacher from tbo high end public ao h ool attended tho oonm itloo at aoton laat week nas8agawkya ihe buuday school and league uulrr aery ot tbe lbeneaor cburob vflll be held nest bunday morning aud evening ibe hev t amy lie tor will preaeb in tha morning end tbe itev mr moouoy of carlisle iu tbe evening on monday even log following tba auuiveraery tea meeting will be held in tbe same pleoa at whloh tbe following ulent will lao part lu tbo pro gramme reve j m001 ey oerllale j 1- howoll m a acton a hlir it a naaaagawoya and ii 1 moor of thq faaa iaaaa tbe acton methodist choir ha consented to eutertalu ua with their flue aiugiug for further particulars see posters tbe yoong liberal meeting wee bold on weduoeday eveuii gfor election of officer a brussels moihodiat church officials have limited hev g w brown of olenooe to become their host pant ir j lei coo metho dial rucirhlt by 1 viu m hiv o ii cobblediok of bruseela at last m e i got hi quarterly ofll i i u r i of ihe metho iiai churuh wiugliatu held u monday evening an iuvilltou wa rxiondtd lo the paalur rev or qifjord lo remain in tbo peatorele fur a third oar tiro ihe jjednlto destination tho canadian offiotal postal guide for lffjll contain the following inatructiona with regard to the a idresaee of letters i i tended for any j art of the united bute i at naaler wilt do well to impress upon the public ilmt tba add rose of a itiiter intended for the uniloil states la not com plole unla tie word llnited biatoe or al ins si the luital letter u h carefully wnitm at as ot lo be mistaken for n 8 form part ll rrcof a groat many pqu nmoes in tho united state bear names which alao belong to poalofnce in canada ill tjmle in liomlion by au ahbrevia hoi aucl a me u la ete of ihe his to ii tliulitlelaoeieiituated may not if thrro u 11 uientiiu of the ouity aumoe t t rkvriil letter being sot t u a cudin otfice of the name name as the one lu the united hlalea fir which tbe letter i in lurnb school 1 1 following i the honor roll it lou o hch ool for tl e peat mouth i alice itiowu tm maggie hanoa xi uina oimble 301 i iv fthel towuaeud jj her he cjuml c m nell i nd 207 ism 111 ben umt mcdonald ijmi i lve j71 fraicra tuwuaend jw1 jlaa hi ju nli hwaiktixmer hi harry held 2qh jati os mcdoi aid glai 11 willie held jll glass 1 art ii 1 illio cieaiurr ota dull mcdonald 235 aggrejeate mark 300 jrifia mcdosin traoher itscau3e and cure cold weather ahiverlug no heal to bus tali emadisted because ill nourished thia 1 oitber broauae uie starchy foods are improperly acted upon by tbe digestive j moos or tl e oily ooi atiluenta of the food are not aailmiiatvd cod liver oil com blood with maltlno and uypophoaphilea suppliea i til deqniency fur the oil render ed palatable aud easy of digestion is at onoe avi mi i at ed and stored up 10 the form of dijoeo tissue besldee thla the malllne renders auluble the starchy foods wbuee pocul function is to supply beat or fatly tissue lb us affording materia neoeeaary to supply the waale of the body malllne with ood i iter oil and hypophosphilea ia at 1 00 a food body builder and medicine lucumparabiy superior lo auy preparation fur thn outsomptive or debilitated vorlfv tbli by trial ll often asked of jh watchmaker it ta a hard ibing to ay exactly what doea it only e know that ihe weather baa tome effect ou them my watch book for tbe past twenty ave revrs if looked over would give a good idea uf the weather ohanga thunder storm and aaddan change of temperature always bring in three or four time aa mauy broken joeinapriug as steady weather i always huy tbe very bast jusllly uf sprlugs that oau be gotteu aa my rule la to reptaoa tbem free if broke u within a year from ibe lime put in in on friday and saturday of this weer wc hold uur annual jicat spinig iuut sale i lu ritu n ill lc 2 li per pair mmlcs ly miu uull nud unil trimmed and uurrftntod gtmd in hi and tmitorwil i liu 11l11uul tlit g dri in 94 mid 0 but on kriduy ami suturdny mil hpectal rtitlu rieu ia 8l1 er pair at previous huich wo littvu takuu liiiiidrodu ot ordoru und wo ttinl have a big rutdi tliih luuo we huvo oponed nn iminctiho rutigu ol now rrmihorlngh to ehoono from aiho new suitings cult cask new eyeglasses justin savage co jlwm i bits cuelph acton steam -laundry- a cook ilopnctoi h it si olaaa work guarantee 1 in a welcome to all t c moore son pl new fkce in hn old plhce r rmtaiiy laundry wori shirtm couarw dutayahc 1 urebaasl tl e slock an i gootl mill respectfully wuud- latanio ureal hero will l loun i conn lot auwk of flratleea hrfk mutton i ami pottl kral 1 a uiiliiilu qui thy 1 work oalled for overv moi iy nd lhuraday aud delivered evory thursday ant baturda a cook rla quality tat stock wan f erf hulkti all ly c e h col j irth a kubll hk xvmire goods which will lu hold ul tip t low prices friday and saturday feb 14tn and 15th al 11 npee fact 1 think it do pay lo put j we sre glad to iearu that mlaa b gurrle teachor of no u naaiagaweya la able to take charge of her school sgaio the hev 1 amy mr adamaon and miaeee r kaalerbrook aud katie kings bury will attend the couolv b b gunveu tion at lidrllngtou this week 1 be delegate to tbe u l of c f coo venuou of lb llamillon oouference at uer lin uest week from the lbencaor bocioly are rev t amy and mr geo t wllaon ilia naaaagaweya township buuday school couveutlou eaa held lu the kbene aer mdthodisl church in iba afleruouu and eveniug ot tueeday a most interesting programme wai carried out aueoesafully tbe lelephouu men have repaired the witoa broken by tl a noout storm yxi you want ural olaaa uuelphaaab and door at quelph prioee t kanaue can 1111 umr irder at file plai cheap material for tba aaka of being able xo du the job a little cheaper beoauae i do uot think a ohcwp job ia cheap at auy price i must bave been trained iu a belter shop lb tbe moot uf watebmakara aa 1 flud it bard to get a journeyman al any rice lo do iha work ae carefully aa i would like 11 done toauy uf them dou t take tbe trouble to lake out tho etemwlndiiig wheela wlieu dee u ing a watob of bourre it aavee tims not to do ao aod tbe owuer of the watob will never know it aa ihe waloh will go aa well without bat the wioding will wear out twice aa aoou if you doo 1 a far aa 1 koow all watob maker a who have eerved a foil appreotioealiip charge tha same prioa for their work iu getting your wai i repaired ibe luraliou ba who will do it iii beat- 1 am cunliuually trtlng my beet lo keep up tbe good repulaliou 1 have alieady got aud if you think beat to try mo 1 will take uie grrateet poeaibla peine lo do good work i ejwaya desire to return the money paid ou auy watch tbat i oanuot make go aattsfactortly and wiabyuu pari l o ularly to aak fur it q d pr1nole iltubo uotu that thla 1 lal bitot cuhii uak that 1 ill bo sent out to try tor an oilier reuwon without limt having iteon paid tor ll junta 11 ro nut hiitlnluctury tlio eaii hu returned ami mm e will be ehtoriill retiindtd absulutoly spot caoli k bobji 0l o 10 aud 3 wyndhai an l quelpu ont the peoples friend cs- htoiilhial syruji will loughs colds c roup hrui cbitis i i jrippc huarbt ncss antl ill 1 hro it antl lurif lioullts wiihout fill i ii l h til i nl y 1 u p linl y g b ryhn cos white wear sale why bolhci our held and tire your cy ei acwiii acv i h bevlllg ivhtli uu nil tomi lo our silc of wllltt unclci wc ir and buy these gar mi nth all read tu ut on u a lss pi in than you can buy the m itirial and make thim for our sale will continue a few days longer special value in ladles nipht drihbis bpicial valui in ladlis cheimais and li nmii speiial valui in ladiib corset c ovcia ipenal vilui in wlnti and gny cottons 1 i tu i 1 willed bhiitints tillow cottony ivi spinal value in irints spenal value in whin uilts bee our assortmint of 1 oteholi 1 c u b ryan co auoi i i ie right house coi king and hamk j v kannawm uituaoiai acton ura1n waniki watokusakor o uglp neiar spring goods to hand i bbituuk 6 ii 10 lio ioll llu ol oil rd ubirli fl jo a ih u l i r dm lit 14 im 0 fi nd i5o abuio altrna 1x1ha allll- i i um 6 uid fio ft ucil llu 3 inob wide mo uul pno 10o r yrd i tjlly planullt bhtrung lai 13 od iho i uaxinbhlruok dahk 0olo1uj la jo od mo h ulilldi 3 rrd wide h 1 d 0o kir by 1 jj d us un llllo oolloo i0tonwld luo uraalm pillo e- omtowm ij n lllt dlob tbu hnu ao tuahm wld all 40 od wta h toi d toiiu r lcl hn ol tol in j4o tjliw bjr lh d 11 o n lullbur klsil nolhlo mora nllbl lor lll ita wrp 10o m nplrtrrigolpluni bfcnd koll bauplta n plnl cwdlo amrio nd knllb pric lino 5o yrd op 0nl ii o lor u drm oood 11 wool barn 40 luabm wid 1 iimim irom s6c ap ndr td 4 moo- id j5 orlb bin 40 orlb 60 od 06o bpcoinl oflrlor ol crpu will ooaiina dorln lb iwino ol lb month n r frm duaelhulr ii hi twjomi to tl 10 bmt uullty tiwtry raatilnr uoo radnowj to 76c ho plr imi 1 oohty wbll illnkl 1 dlonl ol 6c pr lb dnrlui lb i hmpl- nl on ppllctlo kribl o p prpld to ynor t lullmy blua in ooo on 1 q0 aud opwartla 7 tilt 111u1t ii0uh1 kltiu t out ooruor uuibdti t ilmiiilton ttbrury lhlb 1010 tao3vr4t hamilton ontario 7 lt

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