Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 20, 1896, p. 4

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4l xanixc t t c ffiljc ufott jfm ss tinimrav ikmiuaiiy ao ihiv- ffbc aung mollis notfestiere and there ltomaor aqnaral intaraat to froo prwaa rttaitara 4 moivfj up hsowtimh mug a maagat inn ii its uir million lillln nm flakes kalllnnlroni the sky wlxin llin ground la coven i a ill ilia limlgn ami trap there will bo a gaylimn lor tuoalilrkadeee lloya ers in the school bona drawing on their ajalos 1lcturotp ilia coasting i- uirla ars noddliiflvnowiinjly htnllnctlmul tlitnklnu of a nay time when ilia school is out three o aloek four a cloak bang i gooe tio ball oat your ha la add cloaks and wran horry off iall malll mrlim lon ilia coasters all ir o i kteedy now i iteetly now i ksch in bla plxee re we fn than we go down on a race i kins ftoug of allow lima when uia flaxes tall coast time tkatatiuie deal thus of all i dr holmes schoolmate oun of tha moat amusing of dr holmes experience waa a meeting whan fa wii already past hit prim with au old aodover oh animate tha doctor had given lecture in a maeaaabasolts city and tha next day hia hoet a leading oilixen took him out for a drive ftboot town tbe doctor mplod over a door ft aimi that long ago waa familiar 10 mm tritnlawarntrtnwalkairnfir 9 action bat ibe merchant howad mora interest in tba cilixen than in hia under si sad go eel tba doctor inquired if ghiluawh atodeat- ea r- in uihr ii lhara at tha merchant replied that ha thai lima do yon remember a boy tbera named holmee oliver wendell holraea after ft hgbl hesitation ba answered yaa little follow waaol ba t tba doctor admitted that an oh waa lha faol and ad dad that ba waa that boy tba old echoolraata looked him ovar witbant much appearance of inlereet so yon didnt lake a college course remarked lh doolor no i va fallowed lha hardware baai neaa and iv dona vary woll in it where have you kept youreelf t i va been practicing medicine in bi range i have nevsaheard or you 1 hava bean la boaton quite oftan and i know a good many dootora there w11 i hava been a pro feasor in har vsrd medical college and my lectures there have occupied moat of my latt yoara ao that i havent praolioad or holmes phyaician aoiantiat litter tim tjj ror h up the system is at thia eeaadu the oolil weather haa made unusual draitiefiion the vital forces the blood beeomra im jtoverishod and iinpnro and all llm fuuu lfoiisof tho body tor in unncqflanci i loo if ftaraanarllla la llm great builder because it la ihn ono true blood puriller an 1 norvii-toriic- i- iioodarilu become llio atorito oatlinr tio with 1 who ua uirm all drntt riata 31 body frcah rtctjalre no doaarintlon aincoj with rara exoeption all at aome tirno hae olpcneiiq ad their twfhkea ilhatimfttiam ia nut eaaily dialoded only tha moat poworin penolratiny remediea reach lo its vrry foundationa the moat aucciiaaftlt treat mbuf known and it ia uow froqurntly reaorted to by medieal moo ia ho appli oation of that sow famoua remedy for pain powwta nervelina it in aafe to av that nothing yet diaoovcrcd naa tor dad rjnal efttiafaotion to the aufforinu and no matler4iaw bad the oaae may be jorvillno ia an re toonreit bold by drngiatr and country dealera kvil ia wronitht by waul of thought aa wall aa by want of hoar hood la there anything mora annoying than baving yonr coma atepped upon 7 ia there any ih i uk more delightful ihact ttottinr rid of it ilulloway a corn care will do it try it and ba oouvinced haabnoaa and haale make alt lhltia in aeon re dcnham totally deaf air j k crandell iort parry writea i contracted a aevero oold iftal wiuttr which rraulted in my beoomiuft totally daaf in one oar aud par tft ao in the othnr after trvrnt varioua ramedlea and oonaultimt aeveral doctor without obuinidr any relief i waa adviaed to try dr thomaa boltotnc oil i warm ad the oil and poured a little of it into my aa aud bafora one half lha bottle waa oaed my haarioit waa oomplalrly realored i have heard of other oaara of dcafnen bin cored by thn uc cf thia medicine ileproof ahould not exhauat ta powera on patty fajlina anon norway iiue byrup atrenrtbena lha innfta and oarea all throat trouble coahi colaa eto aleur poet and wit waa evidently of attovll aooount to hia whilom acboolmate imie business success an eminent roan of letura waa oqoe aaked what trait of obaraotar waa moat aaeniial to baaioaaa auonna andaoity waa the lacooio anawer tbii ia exactly to the point for now bare can anoorea ba achieved nnlaat aadaavor ia banked by a bold rveolute aplrit too many man bow ever ooofooad boidaoaa and reeolnteneea with impudaooa and thoa make tbaroaalvoa offenaive to rtgbl mlndad people tbere are ways of paahidg buainaaa inuraeu which oommand roapaot if not alwaya attention and lhara are other waye wblob make them faal choleric and rwaarvad if not ooatinata in ibe aral caaa tbera ia no danger of being forgot tan if tba need ariaea for oaaoafaotdrara wboaa olaima faafe bean prevented while in tba aaoond roan of ordinary ooartaey will be at conaid arable paina to avoid the naoaaaitr for baai nee relations tbia ia simply human nature which ia aa dominant in the bneioeae world aa elsewhere and shoald alwaya ba taketr into aoooant ammca irffrrtn ruskin on women and war c ertai n painkiller trtttltr tatt mu llmlnlaijlunot ivijilnrlynml nh m i ike thnt vln fiin iill ix i pnipikl ii i roti- hi iron i i in ujl 1 lii lr prim nil tin rnli j l i i 1 i l ii it rmli i ml n i i i i hrotijrh iiiiii intiinr u hiln ti tfon ih piil ir ji mr uiiniri ii1l il mmiopollh 1 in ii ii liku i i ell ih 11 il i jc lo- illihr i m tllk ijisii iru ih lilr jsilh i v txtlllfl ith sin lljlh 1 1 0ti lonmn v on irlh in llili lifi iirr t roup ihm hum l ho unxi iii yard a wiw oil will all my children tar ou and 1 think it in lha beat medio no nvrr mado 1 am never without l in llm home mim i ii j kinis ililto l mn 6ir ci f6ltandfufr gcntlcmem fimd palmoiarsoap excellent ft cleanses the scalp nelievcs jhc dryness and 30 phevents hair fallinc our pur up handsome 25 6- ivery noble work la at ft rut iiiimihm csrlyle kir t j mum oolumbu ohio writea i havf been afllictl tor some timo with hid iioy and liver omplanit and lnd iarmelee a fill the beat medicine for thess diaeaaaa thoeu 1ills do not oauae pain or fjhping aud ahould be uaed when a cathartic ia rojmroil lluy are oelatino cualetl and roll oil lu the i- lour of lioorice i nmaorvo their ptirtly and rive them ft pleasant attroeablo lasto jalfmftfcr- tub great family medicine of the ae taken internally it cures olarhicpd cramp and pain in tha stomach sort throat sudden corf cough ate ate used externally it cures cut ctruaea burnt scald sprain toothaahm pan in the face neuralgia rhmumatlam frotttd fml r hid m w ian aa mmftupmar hdtukhpl iw ma ntoama cu cxw i utn luw i- ur huakin at the oloae of a lecture on war aaid to tba ladies present only by yonr oommand or by yonr permieeioa can any war taka place among na and the re j ana reason for all tha poverty misery and rage of battle through karopa ia simp ly that yon women however good and religious however self eaoriflciog for thoa whom yott love are too sal 0 ah and loo ibuukhlleea to taka puna for any creator out of your immediate oi roles lai every cbrialian womao who haa oonacieooa to ward uwl vow lful aba will mourn fur his billed orwetaree let very lady in tbe happy claiaea of civilised luropa simply vow tbat while auy crnel war proceed a alia will wear black a mute a black with no jrl no ornament and 1 tell yon again no vrar cloud would last a week promptness irttmptnrea in baaiuowa alwaya pay no house ever became unpopular from a coturn of flilink us orders with dlapatob promptness ia alwaya noticed and favor ably oommanldl upon by tba onslomer who alwaya fully realises tba importance of ins own order and doee not pan to think thsl ii la one uf bundrada or per ha pa liaouaanda reoeived by the dealer tbe purchaser wanla hia goods at onoe a a tfvneial ihiug and regarda the oelarlly a lib whlvli llrey ara ddllverad aa an avtdeuoe uf the ralccm in wbioh ha ia bald hy ibe ilthalai if delivery la delaywd tie la apt to rcgaril it aa a alight and la eure to became diaa tutted 1romplneaa in huaineea al ways naya jrftr staltomtr what croaa examination weak men oght their friends strong mon their enemiaa orant colin and kidney difftonlly mr i w wilder j p lefargeville n y writea am aabjecta to severn attacks of coho and kidoay difjlcutly and and parnioloe a pills afford me graft t relief while all olhor remediea have failed 1 hey are tbe beat medicine i havo ever used in fct so great ia tha power of this mndicine lo oleaoa and purify that diseaaca of almoat every name and nature am driven from the body 1 lake ii ui ba a principal tor nuilu i ry half lrjo h of life till ull mid bft 1 nlarl to take jour it era to all it u iiiii cowplclrly nd ii unlock illtmmi ffenug from hid bluuil rtt v n- m ajytiedoeh out do you oh yea lot our wlf hat lu only whan ah i objent vibws of a homan catholic pi ibbt ilov r c llhmapnaf st marys n c church mnrrtlltoh oat tnlla or tho jood sorvlona or dr ag- nowi catori ml pciwlr ii ia ncfl the can ihal ciihl u the hral or catarrhal difllji y ia unknown itt ii amninor era no lan ri niiffi nni lo iliy anil in agini mi iho lltimo lakw ihn sha of mm i mcr lt akjucw a alarrhal powdrr i a moat ifo live rnin ady ill all audi rti it kdora of thli pacr know of tin many prominent alorgy men nf budonihiiiiiiiiinia who have fell it thrlrduly- to rr ontmnil ihia remnly aditn1 tolhorooiiomidaiin of 1 ilv i aihnr ilinohn iniuilioii iurihe uf kev it t libitumi nl hi miry il church of the iirjectiy itr dooted trr thn tnlormtu of liiu pariahitmcra ihia ilil fill pnil frnl llnl 1i irt doing ihnm a kiiidtiyan in lulling how ihia retnoly imnefjllotl hliu n ihn raw uf ralrrhal trouble ll never talla lo ih m 111 anyone kamvln uolllo an 1 illmir avut on rrcript of two i mint mtampti h dlohon ii t huroh hind loiooio takaaway woiiidii shout i ihuurator aud what would i t wu would kald a man at llio hack nf ihn aildtrnce prnnipll hi 1 1 a l miaji will yon heed the warning the signal wrhape of ihtr aqre approach of that more terrible dieaaao consumption aak your aelvoa if you can a fiord for the sake of saving 60c to run the risk and do nothing for il we know from experience that shiloha care will euro yonr cough ii never fails bold by j v kan na win mm lthel 1 wonder if tho gentleman over there cau hnar nut whou 1 aing 7 maid of oourse he can hi ii cloning his window already dixiir sa it lllir ltt i mrul kl ilver oil muuiot last july i took cuugolu aad w baa tnmr p old i milburn h f tho lungs mo and nut rprnk alxvi dr uwmu of luuiiota alien aont me a hitlln of milburn n h uiuulon it ia the very heal uiadn and hoop rrsiorcd my voice and brought mu hack to health again itcnooinont that i nr fellow not ol a rellu brecber higns itching a hyrup is hrartihtrv ttrllrtrtl in avyinntk j dr agrnretb cure fur thn heart gives nrfrct rnlinf in nil con nf orgsnin nr hwinpa bi ho ilin diutaa iirlfi mlntilph and apilily iwu a curo it it a tocrlraa ntnlih for palpilallijii hhoruirpa of mrnalh kinolhnring aptthv ain lu loft i milomsof a dinian 1 hear i ivntra hold by j ktnna ft la a blight day that hrluga forth thn i lfrr mid craira wary walking hhake castori for infants and children railway tim3b table grand trunkrailway uillo ivii uolnfl rnt a- lalt i iir fmall 1 0 a in u 111 win iii u i m ii rd slortnra 1 italssmr ulil a li 1 1 mi ihma llio k iclili am patlenca ib nut passive on i ll in ecljvn it is oononntratcd anon ucu uv bj t ltuli i akiea and umte a rainbow oimt walls yaltowoit autd internally rol cores croup sore throat asthma t and similar oomplalllla i sod i il cures rltenmatlsm lumbago brtllara galls chilblains frost b wounda meant bites tame back kanuawin a condition poi flnraea cattle hheep and pig beat thoy improvo iho apf lit coughs col da and influenxa drsru ojrntr- dr wilkin tha drug htore cold ailing an tenth a special tj clrargoa an i aa elsewhere 4j peels ofllce di day tuesday aud i rlday aan fl tlhir kkason utilo wj wo wish to inlrtii m tliat wtiliavnantertxl into an arraiim m it with it fttnwart clualnh tokeffiroiialalillynti hauls full at ordluary mitajyni- 3ash doors etc nil will also au1 i ou short notloo mj tinli t nice fronrbtof all kinds i maile lo order wnalao lo j i if tor k a i inn o llaac wlmlow ai dour casinu cm r lllocks vonr lnmbtr llrrasert wlittr ynn ttall price 11 gq irr w pumps iloinr hotter able than heretofore wo will ii i i y nither wood or iron iunn j romitly all wurk tfuaranirou satisfactory ilessa call aud ioapent before purchasln else whom tuon erbage hanoffrr 4cton molafleir dentist 243 yenge su toronto btnttcuaellosct of toeoi for i ulir i i ii i hi i ui south american ilhcumalio ure kheumatlanj and neuralgia radically c in 1 lo 1 day its action upon thesyi is remarkable and myatcnoua at onoe the cause and the disease i m mod i atnly dlsapiean i ha aral duse greatly bene flu 7 con u hold by j v kauna y oa will and poet y nowhere in g some with uu jouberl uelrif n hi i hoar distressing klduey and bladder dleei rolioved in six hours bj the ureal houth american kidney c ure 1 hia new remedy is a great aurpriso and doliuhl on aooonnt of its exoeediuti prompli relieving pain in the bladdnr kidneys back aud every part nf the urinary p malt or female it fellivoa raleulio walar aud pain in juinj it loiut mediately ifyobfwsil juik relief oara this is your remedy hold by j kahaix anion lha pleasure for which we ilare thank uod an not be tuuooent auoi doctopo ano fly blisters pail never sleeping or whllli roads llio heart and registers our thought nd llvur uniplsliil llaad lured by burdock pills l burdock i blood 1 r bitters curbs dyspepsia bad blood constipation kidney troubles headache biliousness whou we coma oioh to a iaiit ho u turus out to bo only a omiiiuu man on alilta i ii imni t n nil i j li h tm a commwi uaij im m i iilun ir i f i i lu 1 r ll lltoklo aoll 1 ui hi lauds ftt ttrt bosd of tho hat for m disesrit of the throat and lungs ll acts like magic lu breaking up a oold a oough i suon subduod ugliliiesa of tho chest relieved willie is tho typewriter mightier llisu the sword papa why do yuu ak 7 willie why h haa abtiul knot krd the pen even the worst caho of consumption is re ilaved while in recent esses it may be said llrrnllirl tulll 1 itruiutmla never to fad ll is a modiolus prepared from tho aclivo principles or virtues of aeveral mrdioltisl herbs and can lu dopeudod upon for sll pulmonary com plaint a liim vii i asl spring i had a vrry heavy oold aud waa ihrealcned with pueu mollis 1 used two iwtllts uf norway pino hjrupand it cotnplotely curett me it is iho host propsratiuii lor a couth 1 hateower ten thousand limes over hsgyard a pcclorai halaam hsa proved hnolf a sure cure for coughs colds bronchitis asthma sore throat utnsey and pujmonsry com uit h armors wanting hardy native block to plant tbia coming hall or bpring may pay for it in work we want men with or without experience on full of part lime halary and eipeneeaor commission write at onoe for further in formal ion j linnirx iiootiixum couita continental f n urscries toronto uol kockwood djil slokk sulphur cattle spice epsom salts condition powjois very best quullly shaws druc btort rockwoou funk wacnalls standard dictionary gran by rubbers it is no wonder that rub iters which are not the same shape on the boot should be j casb mo ney lotiripltryylled pattern makers hut the res61t- is a satisfactory fit each year aew patterns arc added to fit all the latest shoe shapes and qranby rubbers arc alwas tip to date they are honestly made of pure dont dtav the feet rubber thin hfht elastic durable r-i-ia- r a extra thicjc at ball and heel 1 ney rit tale doot 00d encravinc photo engraving half tones jljoslsiv how to win success 1ue best for al porposllt ialns301u korii aurnodq horn eiiwlidtl in ui i ion ai7 hhdalau and bdltora eucagod lu its lirearal its dotlniuona are clear and exact ttrbtrtnut tiling d new ork htau so only a little ad written in catchy style when trade was very bad customers lo beguile only a litllo apace bought in the local press meeting the reader a faoe scoring a ijuick auoceaa only a crowded atore aa a rosull the next day here silenoe reigned befoib now business haa full iwa only a rapid sale lelding a profit large hanging lha marcbanl s al vary trilling ohsrge only a merchant glad custom era satisfied all though a little ad moat opportunely tried clo then and do likewise norway pine syrup rich in tha langheallng villus ofthe plat combined with tha soothing and expectorant properties of other pcctoralberbfl and bark a renreot ounb couqhs and qolos hoarseness aithma bronchitis sore throat croup and sll throat bronchial sad lung diseases owinate coughs which roslat other tcmre3 yield protnntiy to tbia pleasant piny eymp nnicr aoc run no r notttc the perfect tea riarar tca bbbbbwi in tmi wonlo wl fwom tmt tca plant to tht tta gui in it nativc pufllty f monsoon tmiipatkcj no ilw rilw ofthc tc eriartvnjli njierlltnl attjut ti hy ihns i a tjmplc t i lie ih i qualities uf inuun and ckin te foe thai rr lhr f thai nooo but tha j tr ficsh kaaica ku inlt m xiaooa ruskaa that r mui 1 he perfect tea can ba if ir k if keep it tll himlo srtfa stui h thria co m snj ijfnsnlbl ht to nlu break up a cold in time by usimq 1 pynypegmal w but one du do blaklsirate itashful uil ulluiou r proles lam as7 no tlln nam- t anna a of boutli an curo rallevoa i dottla curei itobert fc olbson 1embrok known merohant i oonlrauted rheum tuirrflo vary severe lorj lu ihmo aud ha suqered untold mlsaranhbpriug aim i have repeatedly applied aj bllalefi but httlo suoooss uoulori whom i noh suited likewise failed to ratio luduoed to try boulh american ure by mr w f hathi of son drug t iinpatiy ih nr inslftiil relief and hall a boiu aa a cars for rheurnallain tin qartainly peerleae whv wars your parents inairledt in i bih uow many brothers and sisters tiava five are yon the oldrat t yee yoa hotto voce 1 have kivso my age away 1 am aurprlaad jorroar6ier conditions in nine i oikiiiuhi- llie grtlil hum llm uuil scotts emulsion of col httt stirred up bacu our abou om lural up il iix ngaur raulsr thu udilur uf th aoontr aaaklj mlmd hi i-uj- toll iu ll abual m b ald whufe a wual 1 ik mm what rtirratit tipr- iloaidk arikl th fnnar ftaraut ikty is lipid li tins limsim w it iij i stx siefni li is ciiiuiifu iui iui iiiminity cotili rt- icilil oi ii- l is tllil 11m imiulsiiiii i ihiiim n iii otlllt coilllltlolls ljull must he low soiiuiihhs almost iiiiiou cptihlf lu ilth cui t ik limit up in a di ior llus siolth lmulsioti must lf tiktn is uiiuisli iniiit iodii ruligi tli ui lflllmc fond prcpuoj for tiictl uul i aujt llbw uitml1 k lllcstlull nil il lltuliutl oi of ii ih wotll fan remmly l k irlulily il imii t guiuine wine wlasta w- tslowl n ltag strength i a niiul creator nf aihiiitn vithty ml aliinu lant to tha general fertility ol the system cju initio wine and ha impruvament from lha irs i discovery of lha groat virtues uf quinine a a medical agent baon one- of the uioel thoroughly discussed remedies avpr offarox to lha public it la one uf tho groat tofiioa and ualural life gi lent which the medio of bean oom polled to rocojja aud prcaoribe usaars northrpp a lyibfaftof toronto hftva given to tho preporatmn df then quinine wtue lha great care du- to its port ft nee and tho slaudard aiuellauoo uf s article which they offer to the public ooqiee luto the market purged of all tha dofaua wbnli skilful ubservaloti and thu opinion ba poiutsd out iu less rfeel irrparallona of ihu pusi all druggiata irj jluo all it t ho liave used u death waa iir ualntt tho the iiti i ha i pi s i away and ly a short uuio be no the narursl oompoeura of tha atloiil returned hie great risk with luauy who are iruublud with heart disease is that they inllu wllh the dlease either by using niodltiuua that are jierf cull useless or dulu u iruatmcnt ltiajpil- ur annas a cjtaa- itt i in heart always ue raviv mid m man doaioiale casra it haa illicitl ullle construction cii runnuifj rculil uiulcrstooj in all its ju its and docs superior work the fsol that every proas la paid for lu oaah ooabloa tha manufacturer a lo aall tha piouty al very low pilous there are no loaaaa you oan arrange to hava freight and duty prepaid and save all bolhor of importation oto bend u uni foi latalugucirauj jirilea lo h p moore acton ont sole agent for canada i to walker co manufacturers hadlson wis oavttav tkaos maiiks f anil frw llmiioiok rii to wnn a cu ml yuiwt hun isa olonl bureau for aniirtlut twh uu littuifrrn cteryimi tit lakrn nil 1 r la innmlt laf n the huulubjraiiuu4xi f rif ntijir jtucriunu inpwle1imiaitnttnrnntaalintini atvr in llm wrld hple iullllyil hl n i illuril nan ahouu im whluiul it ukl a1 boa ysari m itmila i inw mivv a i lllsuaukas3ul llrhtla vtwuilllli catarr

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