Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 27, 1896, p. 2

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n r nonn ntunln icrln oil ilia lltii luil ha wife of jeuifls nnak 7tli una of a hon tai iinrlii krlnan hnuday feb bill the if ill mr thoinaatallkit ofaauu mi t lullin anton rn honda auii february tlio ho or aroli motavlh of a son uiiiiin fn i kil rusry tl i daughter uu m i kil wwliieslm luth nary the wltojir flu1 11 hnylll lur on runwuy tnoriilikj mill r- i rnary aline pllsal nth laiiulilnr of itev j w it anion uxl ii niiu tioinli alriiln premies tilth william nllast a owed ii year an i u mi residence i i thursday e llasaey in tht mlutf 73nl aia jarvla kebro mauhnvkii at klrtlijl wodinwdey itm v null it i in i til i t irmilo affml fll years iruiis onl on 1 4 mondon of fit andrew church ouh sun schools tho annuhl convention of halton s s attaoolatlon at ourllnnton larqc delfioation welcomed gcije ttan xct rcss ihuiisimy hbuuahy j7 ihtml notes and comments mr 1 uster liaa ijivon notice iu hie llouaa or n involution aulhoriisinit a loan of la 000 600 to pal iho defonuta of the country in all ape 1 he city of draauprd has brought to aotion against tho orend trank hallway to real rain thorn from moving iho car hops to loudou and to rooovor iho bono of 3j 600 ranted lo iho railway by tho in the manitoba legislature monday afternoon attorney uonoral pifton nave notice that ha would move tlia house into committee on wednesday to prolaat against threatened notion by the ottawa govern muni in attempting to pass aohool legale tiou overriding that of manitoba in a rccon i apocah hon johj morloy naiil hat iho bntialt people might oongra tulata tuemsalvaa when difnoult momenta arose that they had a proa a lnullati and tioolttah which not budded by military man in jackboota wrich did not subsist upon odiouablanhmail and which waa not ready to srjnuco ita sou almoal to aon sallou compare iho following straightforward reroajree ol loonoiuor iraacie a poo the liooase dy law diacuiaion in ooanoit laal year with bia utterance durum iho debate on tbla year a by law mr iraucl two laveios aro surlclout lor aotoi 1 tbjiifc two evils ii ihoy are iit- woul i iu loam ami tliau tl roe everybody know t am a leitierance man from principle ami i will always endeavor to do any tiling wliloti will ham a taudaooy to reduce drinkinii not aausflod with hia firm stand upon that occasion in fator of redaction mr reticle demanded tbal the oai and naya bo recorded i here wai a ureal popular athorio in maaaov hall torooto on saturday night at which the watchword waa unanimoualy uanda off manitoba tba spirit of canadian nationalism moved harmooioooly throughout the addresses of tba balf aoore of prominent member of parliament and other at leaat ail thousand men and women ouud hearing places in tha nig auditorium and five ibouaand of them signed petition protesting against remedial legislation or ooaroion in any form nolti iii oould be more marked than tha man feat feelinu which parvaded the whole vaat ounoourae of peopla thai there waa no doairo to iufliot the leaat injuatlo on any aoot creed or community perfect relig ioui liberty far all waa tba i o metal feeling of every one and no intarfarenoe or privilege to or from any aeotlon waa the key noto of tho meeting we bava no diapoailion to huh i a torch of aeolarian atrifn oxprsaaed wbal every one fait riio poaitlon in regard to lha itemed lal uill now ia that 40 oonaervativea from ontario and tbrwe outaide of ontario have tgulflcd to thnoovernmonl that they can not vole for the aeoond reading mr d henderaon m i for tbla county ia among ilia number and iho world glvoa tha following aa a liat of con ervativea from ontario who declared against the bill are meaara bennett calvio car sea hen cook barn craig ban iaon ilonderaoo uodgiaa uughaw hatch ina ingram maclean mculllivray mo neill roaaitiond hmilh bproulo tyr whltl wallaoe aud wilson iftbeoppoai lion vote solid agaiuat a second reading of the llomedlal bill m they doojare they will with one exoeption aud jo out of ibe 21 ouar alive who have doolard agaioal the bill the government will be defeated another church burned ox church palmaraton destroy ed by fire on ita flrat anniversary i aiukiutux tab ji kuoi cburoh waa burned early hundsy moruing the build ilitt waa erected only a car o and waa oub uf the onaat oburoho lu ibiatiarl of the pfovjnoo ooating about 10 dm iuv ir maokty of wood took waa to bava a inducted tho aral anniversary services yeaurday wblla lha building was on fire an invitation came from hev t albert moore paalor and tha official of tba molhotliat church lo aooept tbelr buildlug for tho purpose of tba anniversary wbioh was gladly anorplad dr maakay preach ed tr mi ibe word our holy and beautiful b mas la burned up with fire have faith in lit htapa will bo laaen at ouoe to re build ib ahu oh the niw bngde as juiukly in hand but ai unable to cope willi tho tw the mausa adjoining waa aved lh cburab was inaurod nattiagawtiya the lultur 1 ruler liatllute held iiiocllitlia iu itroohvilla monday 1 hare were afternoon an i aveum sessions a fcood program m a wl providad and oartlsd out wltb the aflnnojl aonveiitmn ol thn hahbatli bohool workora of ihaoannty in lookoil for ward to with kren interjat by the hun lay bohool worker everywhere in iuilod tltn thirty ninth annual contention of tin cotintjrjvaioaiaifon who tnl4nl jtluuupjl 1m t tllutadayand ir waa a-moas- roprnsciilntivrf gathering it ia true thn anow blockade hindorod many from turnip present but ovory scaion was largely attended and an interest wna manlfeatnl in tbn proceeding ijioh moans batler scr vioa in future and the adoplibn of improved methods nn ilia part ir thn i tardier o moors present in tha arrangamont of tha programme the aim of tho ozconlive commlltoo provide for eaoli season a list of practical aubjeota systafnalically ordered and calculi atad 10 indnoa froaand general diamiaaion there wore entire aeasionn dnvotod lo primary work to the iulormedialn ami senior departments to the sohool a ofllclary and lha home olaia department and home study of tba word of cod thn past year has bon a iacocaful ono and tho aaaocia tion with a staff of exxinonood ofurara ahd enlhuaiatla membenhip hopes with the cooperation of ibe lownahtp aaaocia tlona and individual achdolafls make the fortieth year ona of unqualified success the convention opened with a good attendance at 10 floon thorsday morning mr w v hopkins president in thn chair mr hopktna oonduotod the devo tional aarvice taking for the ihemo tnankagiving wo abould give thanks he said for all our mercies groat and small the every day and tba exceptional bleisings ltov r j illiolt read iho scriptures and mr goo thompson led in prayer the convenlion oammiltit wero appoint ed ss follows unhisruh ceo thompson llov j kendall thoa noabitl w 1 bobbins w king i ii cleaver mia iavidaoi miai anderaon finamrllav it j hlinll hev 1 w calvorl kov u a mitchell m a moun tho nobitt jas logle i grant nomitiihnv j w ilac ltov j a moir b i he t ii larke moaars j w rreoman h i moore nd h i trtarren itiutoiutinxakav j i howell m a has or abraham ltov a j irwin b i messrs h bennett it co tee geo thompson miaa berry mrs lucy m smith and mra crosby boootiraging re ports from individual school wck toaart and raporta from tho towoship manifosting progrea and inter eal wore given aa follows i- or r 4unalnr by hev v a moir b i j w ilac and mr ii i moore for naaaagawaya by mr jamea logic for trafalgar by uav t k clarke and q w calvert and for nelson by mus davidion aud mr j w f roe roan tba tboroo for tha dovwtional exorctsea at the opening uf tho afternoon session waa prayer and wsa treated by ltov jamea kendall in a brier and timely address mrs t b coulson of bden mills introduced the subject of the primary teacher in a very able and oompheustvo address bba impreeaed the importance of the primary teacher s work abowing that in iu early years the child a mind waa moat plastic aud mora lasting impressions were made that al any other period ii is the lime when apiritual foundations are being laid and this important fsot ahotlld always be before ibe teacher a primary teacher a juajifl cations should embrace a thorough christian qouaecration a love for the work and for the children the teacher should bo present in amplo time to welcome the pupils as they oomo in should be regular in attendance have pattenoe a knowledge of lha bible she should always loach jesus teach by personal contact by words imply ey illustration black board charts by example tho primary teacher should always commence tho study of tha lesson the pro v iocs sabbath evening and should novor attempt to tnech without praying over it for god a help and diroc lion the value of tha and table in leaching waa demnnatrkted by kov lr abraham ualng the sand labia during the progress of his very instructive address it waa also shown to be a valuable adjunct in a jusr terly review mias jessie a munro corresponding secretary of the provincial association oonduotod a vary profitable conference on primary work msny primary teacher engaged in the- conference and innumerable spwtaua utjnlereet were uliciled from the experience of primary teachers actively engaged in the work mia munro addressed the primary loach era in tho primary olaaa room at the close ol the regular aeaaion at tba evening session the commodious church was filled with a targa audience principally made up of sunday bohool workers a song service waa conducted by a large choir wheu a number of axcellenl hyraaa and aeleotioua wore rendered tha proeident in a briof opening addroaa reviewed iho work if the year and con traauxl tho sunday school inlarrala of lo day in the oounty with our ao aoboula tu3 uachera and omqers and ktj scholars with tha 30 sahoois j41 icocljors and ofuoera and 1uo0 scholars al the orgauiaa tion tba couoly association in ittilt he expres pleasure at the auoooas of iho paat aud hoped tha bleasiogs of this oou vantioo would reach all our homes iel us aa workers go homo to put into practice tbe points of valua we have gleaned here there la mora need to day for a groat many workura doing little thlniio than for aoiua great apoallo lo ooiiib aud perftrtn some great work vnlinnalbcrvion waa conducted liy ttev t l howelj thomo itelnrf mia inn a t ilia fjntjday school lision taught liy hav j w ilai waa ninoh appreciated ty urn learhoia preeni nrjinoiout htnla wejo hrouglil uiit and llin free discuaalan w iu llaolf uilhprojltitlilt amtfiltnr outing mr it i warren nud a can folly rl imrrd m per oil 1 he intent idiale lass and tliotsikrx ilf conifiidad that too time 1 1 rtrrat n tiybally ilonojl iipou iho lilkwlm h oriliitlin nf- ljln fiilnry lie of thn icaann atnljiain somi leachora empliahii almnt ciiilrcl uimrnoi in iilditiou id thean tho church and lie diuanro h oitit in fmprcasnd aud an effort lx m ft ii to liavp llin arh dam while in ilin iiilennediate olawsca beenmo ineinlx ri of the church 1 lln teacher should know how to maiiagfl boyit and girla ittuuil 1 he aciiinlftd wiih ibe bomn life of hnr pupils and should live a consecrated lift i heir aim ahoiild al ways he lo instruct mil not to entertain to he preenjit prepiroit ptrrintenl palient prayerful an i pur an inicrsttiiit ntt 1 1 ngihy iliiciitalon ensuoil huv j u itao adilcd lo iho numerous nlher pninte that tho iraching of our ml iron should not lnl entruted in the hands of frivatoua card plajint dancing party teacher owing lo lha mow hfucailc the train from tht iiurlh waa sanrpllc an i mr jlobrrt oatita of milton waa unable lo reach burlingt to jyje hia paper on senior claaottwttlicir loachora the vacant lime waalnlilixed in itubtiasum and oommittec work the afternoon devotion wcro c tnduoted b hev h j llhotl pastor of the church ilia iberoo consecration wa imprcasive ly presented tbe rectplinn of rtporto eluctlon of ofticera consideration if ilnanoo etc- was tho first ojrderof buinisfor tho afternoon the ofnoera elected for llin enkinug year i iikillkt he purnll i iiosing i o for trafalgar j v lfi 1 r rn w aleumler nahip luv i it mil j mi hal for na ii i and mdi miltoi ter i t icargatown hnmstllu st t i itav it ii abraham 1 sc llurluijlon b xx itih lha 1 aator of the county era ii 1 moorn acton h i oeorgitown j h doaouu ps i 1 noabll oakvillo 1 ii c lea limto w h hall hornby w 1oai trafalgar co 1 hompmiu burhug ton and jamea iogic nanaagawoa tbe next convention will be held al oeorgetowrroli ibe flrul thursday and kri day of fabraary 1007 hev i abraham iireoonteil tin lical report which had many eno faaturcs the tlnnci of lha aoiuxlali gone into vert carefully and it wi that when tl a various schools tn the county which am dilatory iu their re raittaucea make their usual caotribotlona lha funds will be in a he thy condition tbe several paper on the o ulcers of the kunday bohool woru thou presentod tho bucretary and tho treasurer were ably referred to by mra 1 ucy m bmitb orrjjnrvrrnt uragmg the anaiicial uttftnent of jmnttotu ship for tha vrar tflri shows rvneipta of h 7p nbientitnra of fljlimih1 loavfnu a balance 1 the trcammir u hawlh qfflshbi l the entrance cr ilimtloim to llin high sohool will he bah in tb i rin iirhonl on juno j th 2rth iu jotli an at home indar4hu tha tlxdlm aid hooloty ii r n xbaltalfnann given at iho real once of or mr lohu mri ilside town line o friday evening llin mbrajy mow i have donuli i lo p r a free public roll j rormijhiiii iho llni nf march in iho fr mum nmi to 1 it akine barber sho ml to hev u a milchull m a mra i in i say and mra slgj alirndr i the hun lay school onvenli tn at fl urlinglon last weak dr llobartkon and mraara w d arm strong and l i karl attended ihn irai ounui of ltoyal tomplnra of 1 mpn rnno at uaolph last week juilgn hamilton netilmicin mi iu han four leorielown ihiuicu uat win k lo f nr mouths in goal an at home on ler ho auapiceu of the iidle aid ho otj ol tho motiimht chorch will be held at tbe residence of mra alfred higginbolham no prlday- evouing qho l thn ilnv f a mmr preached the flrit of a anrlna of sarmons last hnnday morn ing on the qoapal armor ihe ministerial jheeilng waa hold on monday al lha tyansp hornby where tha muiititi im w rs niilertntne i at din nor hy thn itev rough f d la ly a apioy pninsr waa given hy the hev it i tiff i a pn aching 1 i of tiit n w t hendnraon af irrinjii william iu friday evaniug tea aorvrd at 7 o lot if on arroimt of tlm atorm laal 1 huraday tbn i rohhyicrian lesinculing at iluruhy wiih mitoiiut ui welueaday of this week i lit r warren who a pen i a week at oluwn and waa kindly chaperoned by i ihnleraon m p made a bad break lu laat wiwk a llrritfti iimiving the fmprea tun ihat mr henderaon will vote for lha remedial bill mr henderson has given inriudloilion thai ho will take anch a course tid thn urntul will likely he invited to fkn hark ha statement and eab crow aiuitjiysblo consort waa given in tho itaptial chnrijr on monday toning the prfjramiho incliideil uumjwra by tha fol lowing victhsl mr w d moalphlne hootlih vocalist and guitar soloist of mo master univornity mias mayxie forater mis 1 william mr c william olen wllllanis mr bowman mia mabel irani mtsn arrique and mr prank j bar iter jeorotowu after saturday next wc llm our unpitivlnilius so tins will ik jour last chance id bid ii pplir or shoes for half price the uu i lber1 club of na k wnya bald a mealing at broukvllle lu ibe township hall laat week when the election of odtcara took plaoa aa follows colin cameron president augus kennedy vice proaldeni i o mohair saoretary aud nail mctbail troasurar after the election of officer ihera waa a good p gramme if npfaelug and muaic there wa lalrnt prraent from gualpb besides boaiaspeaksra altogulber there waa agood lima ihe meeting waa a credit- to tbe liberals of nanaagewaye mr 1 homes wilson of knalohbull has old bla oua young abort born bull to meaia w it stewart and moleod ol a raerl north west territory theyate buying a carload uf jfuuug omuaajaaud wiu hlpjroiu uoalpb on maqday hkmb mb it anjr 111lu w cau ttiakb a i if auy lltlla ol can uiaha a ti iutl bal uio aud usa uft au4 lrut it lo au4 ast lb rt 1tnrin r for aucccoa 1 con aecra lion to cjod and tbe sunday school i alortnea 3 ability to communicate i jatlonoe 1 a i loo tion to details i methodicalueas keep your accounts exact sho ihen gave tho following hints shown g how wc can help tha secretary or iho treasurer a 1 by giving hi in our aympithy 1 by praying for him a by being prompt to newer hia lollera tho i tbrary the 1 ibrariau au i other officers woraembraood in a paper bv hov l per r in b a georgetown owing to mr perrin unavoidable absence the palter waa road by huv o o i an g ford b a lis paiiut wero i lo havo the beat books car of ill ry an i tc ted and wiaely dta irlbutod j i ho librarian should know iho books and tho scholar i attentive ustiers jallbful hotpera in apocial lines the quarterly heviow of s b lcaauu waa tba subject of au interesting paper by hev j i btepbena of ceo re town ho poiiitctl out thai the teacher abould prepare fur quarterly heviow aboold have a def inite plan and ahoulil aim to fasten the trutba of the leaaoua on ibe mind of the scholars ii ahoulil be hia care to combine tho iuarler a leaaou into unn great lesson of equal parts ho ouht to make tho review a teat of tho acbolars ki owledgc a largely attended mas meeting of chil iron was held in ihe 1 roabylerlau church at 3 o clock it waa presided owi by j wealey lreemeu 1 sj ihe cluldren were ad dreeecd by mr alfrod hay ceueral score tary in an interesting man nor on cbnal a tbe i u hi of the world hi lllulra lion aud object inasou dol ili tod and no preaaed the scholars a promuioiu foalurn of lha evonii g mom loo was llio inlroduallt ii of iho 1 reaidenl elect mr j w i reciuau who inadea brief speech cxpreaalng lit thanks for tha n tion aud praying that the year now entered uton may be llalton ouuly a beat hnuday school year 1 ho teacher wa the theme t uioalcr ly addrn by itnv muiio 1 rssor 1 i of tk guelph stock taking- lllou ihe ii pr ol ugl i t fli- x ii ihe shnuion be in earntal tt ismrt tuatifroi tilii tbal tella 1 alu ays pr rvere ouiuig mon und w nin aro baf ro ymi iiaiil ellir wallace uf mcmaater i nl veraity loronto uk oi iho onarrva lion ttf doc in tie thn eaober urgonl duly hi address was able an lute rest il throughout ajid kvi a wonderful lnpi alio i lliu oloaing aiii i l dihortad wc arc bus stock i ikin ind duiin t lit iili weefcb many lines will 11 sunfittl to cli ir tut look hargains in all hnls dress goods every line rcdulcd boots and shoes see girls shoes 50c i sec hoy b shotb -7j- j er pan see men i ine sikk s i 20 j see ladies 1 ine shoes 1 1 5 p 1 pdi see ladies i ine shoes 75c per pair millinery and dress making apprentices wt t henderson fe co hcton ibr walkpr mcbean co georgetown 15000 w anted tn two rnonths time to cnalilc us to pay spot cash for spring and summer coods i hats the way we save our customers dollarsupon dol we do an up to date business lars chsh or produce i hats the way we do business and people are realizing more and more that it is the proper and est way for every body f3000000 to go for 1500000 ready made clothing lor hall vou can pot lliein tn the aitr carpets and oil cloth t mali- eairxm men b hats and oapb what a brand time there will ix for uio next two uiontlta uvrv when walker mfllleen o what they advertlae drebb qoods where can yon get ruoti a aaloetli in llalton county oioej t at walrelt uoiikanaco a 1 ipuiontof now dress flood lor till salo ttoroe and seo tbem wbsthar you buy tliaul or tailorino department in aiilte nf atorm y woatber wo are busy in this dopartinnnt un ore laarnlnr where they can sit a suit made that will fit uinui made ot either anadian or hcotpii twpfeo far below what any oilier auro in the doinltiloa will aell a nit fpr dltbub huith and kino ons these ry end know lot they uiaaa of nowhere pr llottilug a apaclaltv dniiib ratnarkal i b everyooa tbal iuilii t a for a new suit boots and shoes j rrj mi ln no whatthay aell in taronlo lor 9ub w aell avry day for 911 u ji boon obli doobla tba loot and bhoo danartmanl our trad u lueraaala so a take this oriportanli f thank in oar many frieods and natron for a arm is a friend to any one that can aaa iei m 91x ou a pair of why go lo toronto for aoo4s whan oa oan net lut sa good frem wolkar uelie t for la in on y do you know good folks that every umo you go to toronto yon are oat of pocket a few dollars wh wo uudsrsall th daparttucntal tor- rt l v mm f t hu at u s little ohaaper but taking it all uireoah reit pay u jier eent more than we do in oeonetowa be honest aod patronise year own county full olshectings cotton and woollen i he place to stop is at the 7vk77vtoth house gborcetojnzn report progr6ss fire mhter cii h cilley and th lckti han im lln u 101 no u volley ilustlr pan t and pulty hy while thi gasmei 1 ii light us on to victory j tllj busciged by commewiol menofferinp us plur der assailed for situations by pe9ple witnout nunrjber calmly wc progress througkthe din and dust obstacles vanish when we say they must 1 hi it pi hopt to oeeuj the froi pening up new goods come in and set hiri akt th iui lines we ale urteri g at red iced a new business chpmt piacfl fn town far cmtftt j a p symon mrs booorda bloqfc mll btrnofcreqtc wa have oxiued lult flnn nl a lllork full hardware tin and granite ware jewelucny silverware patent uediqinfb luaocctinn j a a- 1 ro syntoi aix aubtrtibfnirntr nohce aviso sail out to t j uoore a han i jl rsqanat settletnsni of all aceounu not later than i nth uarch twin 1 ortiae eonearuad will please take npllpa a all opai 1 seeauuia after above date will im laft with it j llonabb for collection a i iifubtriebt st lambert jersey liull fob servi or fob bale tub undersigned has for sarvca at hia laula on main 8treet a uioronobbred pedlirid hl lambert jersey bull tbla bne anlmafls also oftarsd for tale u 0 itaiutib aelon april und lfloo wanted aoood uan in your dlsulot to represent the foothill nurseries of canaitaoar tha dominion hoel ircomuitsslon toriuht tion permanent man wltb tho increoalub demand for frelt a imal uam with oa a salonl n will ay you bsltsr than enaaclno in farm work heed u your applloauoo and wo will how rou bow to earn ood toonay hehool leaebarel iu jut tbe tblnk for yon durini the aummar write tor nartlenlora htone a wklainoton toronto out notice notick la boreby slan that an application will be mode lo tha lefrlslatnt of tba province of ontario at tbe noit aeaaloo tbareoi on behalf of tbe trustee and conaasalian of knax cmvmcu altom in conneotlon wltb tba united presbyterian church of canada for an aet to enable tbe sold trustees and cotobregatloa to sail and dispose of lu aueb way as may be nsnaa and doe labia ths lands held by thetn for ebnrch purposes and being a nan of lbs easterly half of lot number tsrentrelibt in the seeoad ooneesalon of ifat township of esquao- lea lu tbe county of llalton oou lain i n by admeasurement thirty four parebae more or leaa together wttb the hnlldinif and ereeuons thereon or otherwlaa deaj with tba same aa they may wish dated at uilton tbla latti january ibm j w kli lott hollcilor for at tllcsnta valuable property in acton fob sale rbl r cbaa qui hear fortabla n also two bulidini rouqnleka ason in sroiuia jurvey term reasonable par particular apply to i i hieioiit or wu htubtltegt acton ac ion bapt ittb 1hd0 il main x uio iiii ur i lliat illun kill i f aluiu luuaiy iihii u rluglu he a crew oenerbl hrurolary uf paortb leatjuea anil tiumtay huhoula loronto uave an able and helpful srfldress upon the lfibl and how to handle it in prayer be said we speak la god in the bible god semks tu ui lu hi amnlilkaa lion of tbe eubea tbe following practical eukkeatiqos were offem i 1 havo a bible for daily use not too kootl to mark j use ii aud learn bow to handle it familiarly a ltead it ileed it every day read it renularly aud iu order i memorise it 6 uivo it earnest and iii tollmen i study eewroh it fi nolooly study ityoaraalf ttal gat your sonolara to study it 7 ilase nostilug alee in your tiand when you oomo before your olaaa in ooooluaion mr crow enlarged gpun the literary iho oriti oal aud tba devotioual study of tba ilible ibe early morn tut aassion for tba study of tba babbalh hohoof lee son for buuday arranued by thaeaoaulive was upon vote of thaoonvantlon ohaneed fronrv43 a m 1 toooolookoo friday morning iho da i loaoli iho bomlu 1u ok i lri ni ltv m v i raacr i jikinhlur wallet p mr day uia muuro mrs ponuoii ii r retirit k j rri iriil auaretarlca choir irqilon b tarda j ia i paffe aj d erplr tllo coiaobthill uluinl with the brllnlli tion by itev lr fraanr ilia llupltality if i bo food peep a of burlington toward the dclouatea was of tho hesrtlekl obaraotrr and all eiiprt clatrti the many houghifui atuwhioh ouiribut i to tholr ooinffirtand eiijoymeoi ur liar l a maery head of tbe ri oulloral firm of nlaaoey ilarila agricultural man ufao luring company died laat tbnra da night in toronto he was born in ilajditnanj noribumberlanj oounty in april hj3 air 1elera c 1 it talegrupli oprrator at aluary fell aud broke bis arm and while ho waa away at tba doctor getting his itm eat his house snd ootiteote wererle alreycml by are smoke bv iy dollars worth of stock to be cleared out 1 inn ises to be remodeled vvoik tu be begun as soon as the last ol tin gootls dis tppear i he greatest men liaiuhsing i w i known in juelpli jikkis selling it tin in f 1 i md eveiy thousand dollars woilh two strc t c us all stop a i fire srle frank dowler cash ioki gutml georgetowns livet store great alteration sale gibson millar go lav made oitaealve altarauuua in tbolr i remiaea for ilia urpose at i ulllng lu obneral dry qoodbv we bare purchased those goods frotu uto ld lug marksta aud they ore arriving dolly and tai departmaul itlll tnt uudar tlia uiauagemeul uf a thorouabl proetlcaj drastlooda uioe uvary thing will be new brlgbt an i u tu lau aud twiaee equal or lower tbau any oilier laea every tiling a lady rouuhea e will bat lu sloes fine high class tailoring wa load lu tbla ouisn lolln- tlpnng good arriving dally aud w will have lha bnest hi eetion of haateh sod english hulling troeaer lrf w will be pleased u utl vol dm quo wltfi us suu you will ami bav lha rlgbl gooil at tti ilfhl j rlooa i by u itaya i j d williamson dc co wyndham and macdonnell stieets gullph the plm of this stoi is to i id in new stle oods see our new lntflieli au i american ht nwrst hlyica and colon new up to date coloib ties and colored shirts orreet htylet close 1 rlcee v r e nelson iulor and 1 ttrimlicr gui- 1 vl a canadian bicycle with a reputation o i ii it world wide it main utreet ueorgetown i i rudum taken j lu aaebauge eyes testj4d i ti uicyteu 1 cleveland swell spcci mfievuillpui aotonits tqrtonto junot stylt meohanism strength no poii oataboo ha lozier go toao out j h jaqkson ansnt at qorirt0wn ont feee ti it expert 11ciajn can suit the most diffi cult case new eyeglassks justin savage co jkhi i ii hs cuelph 11 stop that cough m i sinc shaws icctoial kukh droiia hlrhly roommddad to relieva lhactiukb atladdoa knd rollawlag ik rrippa a ibroftl nd ludk tomo prick bs ckitt3 lrajrd llr 0 fc hilaw m rockwood druc store fnimfl- wi i wesiiaajltpimissweiiii t flwbjssffipib u r flllttfttfiilwar

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