Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 27, 1896, p. 3

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tr 3amk oe hamoliqn thenews at home hamilton ojnadoprioibr- oaf it at 1allt uv itsskuvkjukii total aaaim i ijuojjod wfi000 board of dird30tors loiimhtaitt a o iiamhiv 1 roel inut vlco1 fnamoiil jouf i lioctoii ko itoadll a t woop a ii i kktorunto wm omion fcl l agencies hamilton illartorihtl kul knl alllaloi llerlln ctiaeloy ooorantawn ortiusuy i iat w liucknow milton uount korea t oraiurovlll owen howid 1 orl plain him coo t rui lu vvlnghni j3rltlsh oorroapondontn london national 1 rovlnclal hat h of i ie and ltd j ameriaan oorroopondoata nw yonx fourth national hank mi i hanover nation llsuk i1otokiu tarnation al trust go flurraxo uarlne i lank eiiuxoo national ilea of illinois al union nailoi l hans dbihoit detroit national llauk oirr national ilatak of oommonu agernu in montreal the uenaoi toronto ohoraetcvwln agency on ajleeeaaslblb phials in canada ublumlbtatoe qrwt llrimln auatbeoontlnarhofkiiroie upou moat favorable urtna savings department dspaeila at b and upwards rncaweil iul i 1 tarsal allowed tram dale of daooall to rieui f withdrawal hpkc1al dici ohrth alao received el aurrent retee ot interest h u limsqutonk agent repairing the place to brlpr your watch tim place to brlor jour cloak th place to bring your jewellery honest workffr frio at ceo hynd8 acton do you need any knives spoona anil fork wt carry the largest stock oar prion are ilia lha lowest wedding atid birthday presents oko hynd8 acton ont ikwbxijtlly btohx i 1 anothbw rtitsstonb f abbupr ffilje jutrm jfm rcss f vrm iuubbda1 ftuuuaily j7 imiot littdflocal brieflets which caught tha eyes or cars of praa praae reporter thla weak milder weather thia week march make ila advent on sunday tt bno h arc about over for thla year mr john l charle haa disposed ot bia grocery business to mr com 6 old of doodala mcnrt w ii btorey dr boo hue re oelvei mora orders that far thla year than avor before np to tbe flrat of march the erin advocate baa ootnmenoed ita afth vol i n tbe adoocale represent ita locality id an interesting maimer and la vary wall snpported mr john cameron baa planed a four sen footter- windmill on bia planing factory thia be will aae when power la required and ataam la not on it ta hinted from lha ontario hdoca cat local department thalaaartoeof vertical writlaf oopy booke now in conree of pre parmtloa will be aatborued about april oaxt mr jobo uoqaaen of ilookwood ia afauct to remora to acton and will open agricqllural implement wuwoomi in tha ahoponafain street oppoaitac c speight a tore tbe doctor aay that with tbe cathode raya ii will be poaaible to obtain picture of acrooiajrary oetaula dalermane and rbaatnathoid artbritia that a aoodo awa i it u want of piotaraa of tbeae thing that has been ailing tbe ooantry at a meeting of tbe toronto junction preebytarian congregation bold on too day evening to moderate in a call to a minister lie j w iue paator of tbe pembytariao church in aoton wae the umnfmooa ohoioe alerohaota i baaioeaa men i don t aspect an adrertiaomaat to bear froil in one dlgbt yod can t cat eaouh in a week to ult yoo a year and yoo oau t adverliae on on that plan either people who advertiae only anoa in three months forget that aome folk cannot remember anything longer than about eeven day a if yon aroum oarioaity by advarliajog il ia a great point gained all thia week g d ltyau jc co of qoelph will bold their annual eale of dam aged linen thia i the opportunity of the year to purobaee at about ball pnee aligbuy damaged or aoiled table clotha tabling towela napkina tray clotha etc dkmtu orrtlk dr wilkinaou over the drag btore gold ailing and artiooa uy charge ab aa alatwbara spaolal offlo daya uon day toaaday and friday auction bal farm stock and m piemen ta tbe property of j f freeman on lot 10 con 6 kaqocalng oo wed dead ay ith uaroh bale lo oommauo at lo clock term 910 nd eight month a credit jaaataiafor vttoalarat je h tlooeer kacoawln a condi lion powder for dnreaa cattle bheep and piga am ibe beat thoy intptov the apprtite and core ooogha cold and lufluena doa i worry with that old bewiog haohloa wbao yoo can akobanjte it for a light running singer 1 eell both family and ulov blaabinca i alao eell piauoa and or iat bottom prioae and beat lerma cba a wurra agent acton unu farmer wanting elardy native htook to plant tblf ootniog fall or spring may pay for it in work we waot ineu with or without eiperleno on full or part time salary and aipcnao or oommiaaiou write at one for further information baowk baotuaaa coiiramjr contmeutal nareeriee toronto ont amr host unwlufi le a ooolional effort to employ ood liver oil in ite pare eteta when the aiomaeh pro leeta again at l almoat equally vain are ordinary molaioo which poaaeaa little value beyond their power to eubdivida the oil dal where tbe oil i really needed tha elrgant and fflolent praparatiup u al una with ood liver oil and llypophoapbi tea may b tnoat atlafaotprily uaad tbia preparation oontaine all the medicinal pro peril of thtoil oombined with the hypo pboapulla and with maliine an acknow ladgwd dignlant and rvoouatruotivo it in craaaa tbe appetite adda to the dtgeativo power and aid tbe aaaiiutlativo prooaaae thae greatly engeneatlug nutrition and r placing tha waala inevitable in pulmonary complaint and debility a trial of two weak wih oonvino the moet akeplical of tt f w t moatly of a loan chraotar ovorv ita int reniavqtt lo larger premim 1 lio glova work of mr ii n worden a co havo lmn removed 111 a waok lo llio large wararoom jinftti recent ly ocodpiei by meaie j a murray a bro on mill bthwit thia- f yra fecilitaio tlmf pffrallona of lha firm ittizmoantl majttolcn on hainnlay aoorrioon while mr tlioe moculiliroi ot i rin townahlp waa in ten i hi horao and cutter and three blankcla wore atolcn from hli barn at hoinc mr mcoutclibon aaapeota a mail who hnadi pea rod and a warrant ha immmi linjflrhia arroat the hone waa a niouio colorrd ont iit himda high and bout h ear old the irga ware clipped- lo the knee and the hind fet are white the cutter m the atyle known aa the piano boa ij aa taelplttal i- ire 1 aal thuraday aval log about half paat oihl tha rife lrm rounded from the tower el lite town half the are waa fonnd lorfje at the wurka ot tha acton tanning com pany and lha hre brigade prooeedod lo reach that point owing to the eifrrtrie depth of aiiow their progreaa waa much retarded with im lh the- drn itne and the hoae reela in the nicanrtinn llio urn at lha tannery waa tie n died willi the hoan and nii oi tiib prom lata the fire wn in iho boile room and waa put out before mooli damage had been done the churchett mad pnaiore itov j w llao prraobed an eloijaanl diacourao in the methodiat churoh lat sunday morning from lev 33 u uev mr howell waa at drayton preaching anuivrraary wrraom a memorial aer vico relating lo the late mra harry ivbbnur will be preached in the mmhodut church next sunday avening miaaion ary fcermqtja will be preached in the methodiat churoh on buoday hui march by hcv it hubba of brentford who waa pbjtr of lha churoh aiitecn joara ago ilev william dryer preached anui voraary aormona at nantiooka leal sunday hmmo nmil ta tialtoo a meetinu of ofticera aud delegate from various cluba of halloa county llaaaball league will w hold at mitchell a hotel mitlon on march ulh iljpm for the purpote f reorg animation miltou acton and hi ann a have already algnlflod their ititeuliuu of remaining ip the league oakville probably will and qeorgelown and burlington have been written to caropbeltvttle may not have a club if ao their player will probably aign with st anna and milton it la hoped all the lobe which uuiterwitkthq league wilt play llalton roau tha coming eeaeon the league will do itaalf credit by atipulating auah an arrangement in a good rigid regu lation with penalty a jubllme xolume with commendable enterpriae the cbriat iau endeavor society of knox church baa prepared a highly iiitereating hlatorical ketch orttoblr ohtiroh audit la being pub hahed aa a eouvemr volume tbe brochure will include an epitomised hialory of knox church from the date of ita organisation in 1 up to ha jubile er 1hjs hanal qupdvaeful annlvoraary sarvlcoa in knox churoh on sunday t srttt monday tf j tha flrat anniversary of the omi ing and dedication of tlio nfw4liuro and tll fifty flrat ulnoe organise lun ercra lijingly obaerved4iy the- congrtlgalion ot knox clint oh laal bnndyand mnftda loot photogravnraa of tbe four mioialera who have been eel tied over tbe congregation via rev john mclaohlan laohlan cam eron d b cameron and the preeent paa tor j w ita are given also of the aplen did new church building with which the congregation celebrated tha jubilee year tha officiary of the church at it inception and alao at ila oloae ot fifty yrara of eaia teooe ia given aa well aaabelialof aubaorib on to tha building fund of tha naw church the endeavor society will dispose of the interesting little volume at a reasonable price and no doubt a largo edition will bo promptly diapoeed of boo re of frienda once members of lha congregation who have removed to other parts will appreciate a copy moat highly coming and going mr ii strasaer haa removed to acton from miltou mia minnie l orr ia spending a few week with friends in hamilton mr d ilenderaon m p wai home from ottawa a couple of daya thia week miaa hoy cc of framoea waa the gueat ot mra m c urr a couple of da a laal week miaa mary howell returned from a pita ant two weak nail in call and berlin on friday miaa annie boomer left on monday to take a situation with tbe toronto jobbing co bchomber mr herb darner of niagara falls south viailed last week at the home of mr thoa somarville miss downs of brampton who was visiting acton friends for a week returned huuio last friday mr john dlbaon of oibeio miller a co georgetown waa a caller at tha frits i asm offlce on tuesday miaa m t nelson of acton i apaudlng a few daya with her brother aid it fr nelson uuelph lit tld mr ii 11 ilenderaon iuitmaater georgetown was honiahia week attending the aui i versa ry services in knoa church mrs myoe chlog of park ltiver north dakota aud children returned home on will hor frienda in aoton and vicinity very enjoy ably uev j h howell m a mr and mr ii p moor and miaaea maggi u mat thaws mine walker and lulu howell are attending the hamilton conference 1- pwortb league convention at berlin 1 hia week it ia exlleeve pearson s happy prerogative to hear the endearing title grandpapa for the urat time mr f ii hmyth toronto formerly of tha fas 1 uaaa la the ta her of a fine healthy sou endheir bosaia the little daughter of bo j w use who haa been a helplee in van dur ing tha whole f her abort life passed peacefully away on tuesday morning the remains of the little one win taken to the family plot at wellandport for inter men by kov end mrs ra on wednesday 1 here ia sweet resllu heaven mr percy secord who ia atteudlog the huftelo uuiveraity to complete bia oonnw iu law ia ijuit popular with bia fellow aludenta in an important mock trial in the college ibe other avening b occupied the posit ion of judge of lha court and bia summing up of the evidence and charge to the jury were highly complimented by the students jtev david a moir b d ha received a unanimous invitation from the official board to oootinoo aa paator of tne metho dist church georgetown for a fborib year itev mr moir baa been a most euooamful paator and hfa effort at georgetown tha past three years have borne forth fruit of a moet noouragiug and satisfactory oharao- ter mr moir lives ju the heart ofh1 people aud etijuye lb sslasm of all denim initinni rmone wero nrnaohed on bundsy by luv ltmcmtuattl t the large oongrrgalioiiiacr grcally impriia 1 with hi carnfblly pvsjxtrcil disciuro with hie earnest manner an i all ml tlil the apeaker was thor highly imtiunl with the spirit of the maalor oti bunday morning hev mr macm i ian pre ao i isd with singular clearness an1 beautiful dlutinufrom daniel 0 and i prayed ulo the lor i uniy uoilaud niado my oamfxiaiuii uoferrnco was flrat made lo the godly men of jibe old isswmtiit several of whom were poiuted nut when at the supreme ihomoulh of iheir live and thoy wore aeeji to be al thoir graudost when before god ii jrayer lha char aoteriatica ot daniel a prayer were tlitrn const lered and elucidated in ilia jmrora lion mr maomlllan referred to the anni veraary ot the bsildjug uf the mw bousa of tfodand eipreaaed a hope that tl u chtr sol or of iiaiiiei might im repeated in many in god a zion at the children servicojn the affcruoun the pastor fsaided and after llio sinking of several hymu the reading of ilinsoripluron aud jivayor be mr maomlllan address ed ilia ohillrcn in thia acrvice haaliowed that be ia thoroughly at home with tho young hfa of the church with apt refer ence to lha tlowcrs with which the pulpit and platform were beautified ha laid the scholars that he would apeak of the well watered garden by story and direct atatameul lie held the scllolare spellbound aa weeds and flowers were contrasted aud from which he drew lu a forcible and deeply impressive way lessons m hit build ing ol character one liltlo lad come up to the epoakvr at tho clotu and u unless i y said von did not talk lung enough mr maomlllan threeli agjktk councillor franola turna hi baok upon- hi record of laat vanr collbctor8 roll retunned lua i i g earn tho le mr maomliuit took for hia taxi 1j jl 7 lift up your heads u ye ktes and be ye lift up e everlasting doors and the king ot glory shall ouma m huah pass ages of scripture he aad tni lj far too much to apply l hem ouly in thair primary or immediate meaning in lis first meaning this cst referred lo the rorem ntes attending the bringlug f the ark of the covenant lo the hill of ou frur maiiy ytara there had beau no ark of the lord in israel aud it waa with gladness it waa brought back the return meant u at the lord jehovah waa to be tho lord aud king uf this new nation over wl ich david tbe author of lhe psalm wan ruler ll implied full surrender to tho ior i i ot self advanbemenl tut the glory of god modern nattona might lea u important lessons from ihia event ataln while the boat of israel united in their hosannaa to tbe lord at this time i bore were aubae usouy many inconsistencies in tl eir lives and eervioe of him there 4 too much of thle same spirit abroad to lay in its primary significance itio texl leaches two lesson 1 that ae sh uld seek paraoi ally to make iho ideal uf tbe nsliuii uili aa iikut ti- i israel 1 thatsve sboerld set the ixird on the throne befora us and aervo i im 1 tie seoondary meaning implied in llio texl la the meaaiauia bone cbriat s spj roach to tbe jewish people when be was to come lha jewish nation waa lo tl row open the gales aud receive turn willit gly and gladly but if the jews were at variance wtlti tbeir professions ot loyally al the rcco lion of lha ark what about the reception f jesoa christ when be came t lio came unto hie owu and hia own received bim not xbere waa it is true a uk til gleam oast over the reception by the loty of a few of bis followers but ibe jews lustead of welcoming buu scorned him and oast him out wilh lha lepers aud lha dog wo learn an important lesson horn whet wo realise that i hey missed their golden opportunity bat they lost llioy will never regain until thoy rocct a jtsus hn waa amongst them and they wuuid i ini bees use they expeotcd him to come aa their king with a great following of soldiera end servant you and i will regret it if we miss ibis real opportunity of reocivii g j o us as you ar gathered here ou thia anniversary ocoaaiou to rejoice lu your beautiful new plana of worship w lie re you coma again and again to unite iu praise to him auraly you will not miss ibis appor t nutty of giving you reel rei lo tha lord jesus christ ilia spirit will oomo into your heart and dwell there if you apek ausn entrance in concluding ibis very able aud interesting discourse tho preacher contrasted vividly iho williugnera and reverence of the israelite in recellog the ark al mount ztun aud tho rejection of jesua christ by the jews in lha same oily by accepting or rejecllug i im to dsy we are either like david wlet tho ark was returned or like ihe jews when jtsus oame to oarth fat this anitivtraary bo marked ha htiril hj ilia pi in uf lha lord jesus chnsl by number if tiiore present ou monday evoiilnj sharp at eight o clook lte mr mscmlllsn rum ma nerd bis leclore on lha j3iolltt isutnrs two aulhema bad been ran tared ly thn choir aud prajer was olio red by iho pastor fror an hour and lurry tbe baptist cbui h u- waa burned eh al new glasgow the event of the proceedings al tha aee i hi of tha coangtl hold on tuesday oven ing was the paeat of the tavern lioenao ilyhsw t co ubawuer waa we filled wilh apoctalor councillor pranoli mido lha bicacli of the evening an i wound up hia remarks by declaring himself tinier no obligation thia ear to ihe temperance lieoplo for hiaalocii n and taking a posit j t diametrically oppovifo to the vigorous atand ha made last jeer lo reduce the nnmber of li ptlir liceneva and thus curtail a aimilsr amount of thn evlta of drinking hia pointed remarks of last year on the quae hon form rather a striking contrast to bis utterancra of tueh lay evening mr fran cli waa certainly expected lu be true to tha noble position ha took last year nd we believe tv fasa passu will be auelalnad in ita oonolusiou ihst it was tha atndhc took llien which secured for him an inoroaaod majority at the last loot ion of course wlikn cuuiioillur franci took thia course ihe motion to rudno waa defeated coon oitlora nioklin mod brown took strong gruuuds tit favor uf rednoing the dojjiber of licenses and for thla stand they will be remembered hereafter by those who have the keenest interest in aoton moral wsl fare an heretofore unheard of eveul inmonioi pal proceedings was ill moving of an amend men l lo the mot i in lo reduce the number ot licftismt by the chairman of lhe com mittee of the wholr someone waa sure ly muddled council opened al 8 o clock themnmbera were all preeent ihe reeve in tha chair thn com ml tire on finance presented their third report in which wae reoom mended payment ol lb following billa duncsn uograkor wood a s tl 1 u uatuiows humlrioa i do llllai i hlulll hovalllnn mow 1 00 j liu msltliewa abovelllne allow 1 00 willis lrl in aliovlllni ow i 00 aim koconl it water euahae j m 00 movel by j ii matthewa seconded by wn brown tl at the third report of tho ummiltea on finance jual road lie adopt moved by a i n ratio e ills l ll e an i soouled by rnjh rl bo reoeiv ed a id a h td ani ll it ihu si itiors fa pal 1 tl e uaual fee of o 00 each for thai iructrd lo have l the report the clerk votou fruss puaas pri partiphlot form aa usual moved hy j ii matthews seconded 1 j- 1 rrsncis ll al losie be granted ta tl tro duoe a tij law lo ll uil lha i umber of tavern 1 icema and that lly law be now real a first lima ilia by law waa read and- upop motion ihe com ctl went luto coinmiltee of the whole upon the asms with councillor mat thaws in tho chair the follow ug rosolutiou waa handed mr mallhewa moved by william brown seconded by a i n okliu that tho council reoom moi i the liccnae commiaiunars to arsn but two lie ila present year that ea be fixed at 1170 nka iu the by law be llis toe for said liooui each and that the bli ao tilled lhe reeve before voting upon this motion i deaiie to aay that the reasons i gave for favoring three license last jear hoi i good f daf we have not any too much accommodation in three hotels for tbs domauds upon thsm 1 don t think the retluotiou of ibe number of licenses would make any difference in the amount of drinkiug councillor francis a year ago i believe 1 waa approached by a number of lhe tern poratice people and i agreed if elected lo use my influence lo reduoe the number of licensee i waa elected and loud a coord ug lo my pledge thla year i waa elected with an increased majority and waa not pledjfid nor e proached by lha tempers nee people ou the juosttan i have been mah lug euulriea and i qnd that the three hotels ws have do not provide more a coo en modal too ibee is required ifthiek it woold be very nirouveuienl if traveller or board era could uot snd the accommodation thoy waul lu the botola if wo out off ooe hotel lhe other two will sell just as moeb liquor as the three do now i havs been in ac loo for il year have always voted for the temperance measure advocated and no person here baa evr seen ma the worse for hijuor i cannot see bat this redaction proposed is a temperance roessur if the temperance people want a hotel cut off they aboold oome here and offer to supply accommodation equal to that cut off 1 am full decided to vol for three bo tela as i uanuul aee my way clear to reduce the number of licenaee i believe one of them will aburtl be cut off aut way bat i went lo raliove myself from all reepouaibtlily aud let those whete duty it ia and who are ai 1 to do ao look after ihe matter councillor nioklin yoo all know ihe ueitlou i look o i this uaalion last year it is true a uood deal oau be bald on bjlh ildra but ll is plain to me ibat the more lacefthor are tlcenaed lo sail ihe mors i uur there will tie void if three places ll sell uo mere than two why not lal all ing tha history of the movement and anuuoiating the priooiplca for which tbe ahildren of the oovcuenl fought i ha struggle itself was pictured aud the roau i la graphically described several elections covenanting songs taken from the psalms wars rendered by the choir an i ihe lecturer himself recitsd a number of choice pieces uf poetry in braid hcotcl macmillau la himself rodolool of llio soil aud in ajmpalhy an i training la able as lew men are lo fully give the i lauiry i f that great struggle ebengzeh tea mtetino tbe anuual tea mooting of b beueaar church was held on mouday evening the attendance considering the bad roads aud olheresoaliug the same evening waa very satisfactory the receipts were uver t0 tba young ladles and gentleman of the congregation served a inosj tempting repast altar which itav 1 amy 1 aalor took tbe chair aud tba program was prooeedod with mber of reoilaljoos and muaioal selec lions were orsdldaily nudored by members of tba bbblb school aud messrs fletcher id lstcbmaa sod miss kilqbiug ihs aoton mslbodisl hair whose reception in nssssgswsys has always been mosloordial rendered a number of anthems lusrtettrs elcfin superior sly is excellent addresses delivered by u i moure a clou on tha world s sunday bobuula rev a blair b a ou tbe armenians rev j moooey carlisle on thj babbalb school a importance and by itev j l howell m a ou tie moo is of a pro a porous church teres of some of lha young men ot ibis towu thai one or mora of tbe licen sea bo out off titrango as il msy sesm il is a fact nevertheless tbf though all rules of municipal or parliamentary procedure are violated by lh actiuo which bar followed the amoodmsnl below wsa moved by councillor matthews who waa at the tiros cbalruiau of ihs committee of tba whole moved in ameudooent by j ii mai thewa aeouudod by 1 franoli that the uumber of lioenses be three aud tbe fee fur the same be flxrd al 1110 tbe excilemsnt uf the moment la per baps due lo this palpable error but the motion was declared carried and the oum mittee than rose and so reposiad can the by law ibua passed be considered legs i th oolleolojj relumed hia roll which after examine i loo was received by tbe council unly 17 ik is returned egeiusl property iu aoton moved by a e nioklin seconded by 1 frauoia thai lha treasurer be iuslruoted to deposit in the bank of hamilton georgetown 9380 00 and placed to the sinking fund ol lh municipality carried tbe rev said a dog tag by law hi been prepared but he thought it advlsatila lo withold it for the pveaent to enquire from other muuicipalltia of th elser of acton as lu their success or otherwise with rockwood- lat satnrvtay whita jama padinoni waa driving oter ilia rall roal crostliig two mile weii ot lha station the sleigh got alnok and dm horses broke lnoo from th sleigh leaving it across tlichetrrataw minute a train alms along knocking lha aleitth lo picoh tm h n lield 4emperaua- meellng in ills town hall isst week snd thulr aftuni mat with iacoo mrs d iuuy who lias been a resident of thn vhlene pi sod away hrbrwok illness on hstttrjay 11th the funeral waa held in giiolph mi thn f mowing lion day on fri lay i idu a number of the people of hook woo i and neivbborhood went td mra sheep s an i presented a fur ooaf ia her aa a mark tl frien iship from the com m unity as she inavra fir tho northwest the ilaymakors concert co did not have as aucoeaaful an eveufi g al acton aa al homo but the smakntms uf the sla male it rather ut uomfortable ou the whole thoy etijm ed themselves they look lunch from home with ihem and mr henderron secrt l of the fire brigade very oonslderately supplied tjiem with tea and ooffee whioirkinduee they sppjeciat ed very mdoh mr and mrs 0 m mccsrthy have gfine ou a trip to port hope mr f lee spent sunday in rock wood make3 a watch main spring break i often eased of lha watchmaker it ia a hard thing to ray exsctly what does it only we know that the weather haa some effect- on them my waienbook for ihe past twenty five jeers if looked over wonld give a good idea of tl e weather chanit thunder ktorms aud su iden chauges of temperature always brings in three or four time as many broil on mainsprings a aleady west her i alwayif buy the very beet quality of springe that can be gotten as my rule ia lo replace them free if broke b within year from the time put in in fact i ihink it dues not pay to put any aheap material fnr the sake of being able to do the job a little cheaper beotnae i do not think a cheap job la cheap at any price i must have been trained in a better a hop than the most f watchmakers aa i hit i il hard to get a j uriieymau at any price lo do ihe work aa carefully aa i would like it done many ot thrm ion t take the trouble to take out thn atrinwin tinu whrnls when cleaning a watch of course it eaves urns not to do so aid the owner of the watch will novor kn it aa the watch will go aa wall without taut lha win ling will wear out twice aa soon if you don l aa far aa i know all watcbinakersarho hae served a fell apprenttoaenip chaigv the sent price for tlrrtr work iu galtinf your watch repaired the quralion be who will do il the best 1 am continually trying my beat to keep up the good repotatiou i have already got and if you ihink beat to try me i will take the greatest poaaible pains to do good work i always doaire to return ibe money paid ou any watch that i oannol make go satisfactorily nd wish yon panic ularly to ask for it a d p rin ole watchmaker quelph on friday and saturday of this week wl hold our annual oreal ftpiing imit tali 1 in ri will ik tl i ti ituir rnudo to ordor wull i mod und trimmed and wurruntod kixx iu tit mid biuittriul tm vuluuol the tfoodd m 4 und but oji knduy und ttuttirduy our hjioiiiii mile nrico in jtl vi per pair at iirovkmia hhich uo huvy tukcti mudrcda ot urdent und tvu aliull liuvo a big rush hub i line we havu opened un iniiiiuiay rungo ot kilty trouhorintt to chooao frotil auo new suitings iucii a nye cotioail lhaq adjuofjied rev wm uarllny who has fur the paat six years bean paator of ibe first baptist cburob gualub la sent in hia resignation aud ha accepted the call lo tbe thirst bap which will he hold ut apeciull low jintii friday and saturday feb 14tn and 15th 1 leu tie note unit ihin x u ttptc lal hpot cuhii salt mutt no mh1 will bo aotit out l i try on o tor uny other n iim n i ithout lirat having boon puid u it panta uru noceitkiel ry they can bu re turned und mom y will be cheerfully n tundod absolutely spot cash e r bollert a co vib and 97 wyndbam blrael oubxu ont toronto ontario as well as ever after taking hoods sarsaparilla ojurod of m bortouo dlaa i was snflertng from what is known drtfhl s disease for are years and for day at a time i have been unable to xtralihten btysslf up i was in bed for three weeks during that time 1 hail leeches applied and- derived no bene fit beetnn hood flarsaparttt advertised la ihe papers i decided to try a botu 1 fonnd hoods sarsaparilla cures relief before i had nntsbed tajdnw half da bot tle i cot so rrmih help from taking tba tost bottle thil i deel e1 in try another and alae uklng th second lxtiln f feet as well aatrver i ii i in ray life onompajtsrrr toroauaoal hood a pits re iweswpt and a yet easy uf action bold tiyalldjnixlltf be the peoples friend s- bronchial syrup will cure coughs colds croup bron chilis la cnppc hoarse ness and all i hroit and lung 1 rouhles without fail large bottles only 25c prcpired by j v kannawin diuiogiht acton acton steam -laundry- a cook proprietor first class work guaranteed in rmmily laundry work hfrl shirt j culys atfc work called for every monday and thursday and delivered every thursday and saturday a cook the belfast store 75cton 14 for extra value in 1 able linens ulog4fangoffinpfhhf4 exlra value ia 1 lannclcttc sliirtini cttont and cottonadts our 25c cashmere hose arc leaders cents department 1 hib week wt rcctivtdtfart of our larc purclriso of english and american spring hats call ind sec them groceries this department is flourishing new goods con stantly arriving prompt atu ntion given tn each order a e qrurney fc co mill street acton s come to t c mgore st son iok droolcfast softs i dlnnor salts 111 1 1 vluv iii chamber sotts nil ii i r n i i n puchore i ullll 1 111 j cups and 8aucors odd p locos platos plattors c glassware too softs buttor dlshos choose dlshos lamps evc gkoclkils ih finest lines ol sugar- te is coffees oatmeal confme il kiee fumes apricots apples iigs dates etc canned goods of all kinds produce taken in exchange a eall solicited t c moore son ttbm fcfc inhn old plnce have ooodmsnom bualni hlroet wbere will le found a complete stock of nrauclaaa htskp u0tton lauli foitk pmsh and ait fiairi niaofc ana routtirr tn prompt delivery wat stock wan erf e b collins fi rstclhss trilorinc w h adams has ilaasaaa ll usrcliact tula a call bouoited w h hdkws the sale of damaged linens at g b ryhn st cos is at its height dont let the best things o before jou do joiir shopping a wotuun aeldom forgutn where alio iiuh got a ml burutu euoiii torgeta if the goofiti uilvurtinod inivu in tho jmihi been tus ioitd vuluu nti tho merclutiit roprohctited tliuri to bu tltenti lire rcaaoiia wh our hpoetui salea have alwah been u grand hucclih it ih worth thoiitutiida ol do mara to us that in out kn unr btimiiem uir in thlactt wo havo beon scrtipuloiih n keeping laith uilh thu publx our announcement of biirgniiih in ijinefih for lhi week ih no beating of empty drums our iiottitton is exceptional bocaunu of bu lug uud nciling advantugeu that other atortm know nothing ot and we ure not nuking untlnng in inviting hhoppertt to innke t omjiarittonti between the linon vuluea c are otfinng and tluinu lt be had qlauvt horo tlavo jiiu inudu otir holutlionn ot linetih j ct 11 mil u udviu u to do mo ut onto before the lumorttncut he oiiie lo nun h broken the goodu are going out rapidly g b ryan co quelph kemeinbor ive are agent a for ilutteneku putternn march utylea are juat in the delineator 41 per year the lutot at the right house coi king and h hamilton new spring goods to hand ni eoltoa tibirliu 4 ll h 10 ixo a special line of oxford blurt inc worth fit and io uourinit at i ij aud 1 now cvtlooade ixj 1ft ih uipduo ohoioe uatteuie 11iu aiu1 naw flannelettes fi sod go a apsodal line 33 inolmse wrldo bc uaual prioe 10a nor yard b itra quality klanoeletu bbiruna u 15 aud ida ns uuloo bhiruna dahk colpltts la w and rjc naw bbsaunitb 3 yards svtds 1ft ih axtd 0o elba heavy al tl aud sft new iillow cotloo 40 tnobc wlda loo ciroalar pillow colluu it luetic wlds isa nsw half bleached table linen ou tnafaea wide 3ft 40 aud ftoo naw- towela and towel in very special lio ol towel for sc towaiiu by lh yard all i lues naw ballsbory flannel dothiuf mora a ai table for ladles uouse wrap loo a yard complete raufl of pattaro sisnu koh bawrub nsw rrinta canadian a oner lean and kugllsh price from so a yard up guaranteed laal oulora na drwas oduds all wootbcrs 40 inch widen all ehedea from sfte up naw orr twaedth loobe wad i worth aoo 40 worth 0 and 65o bpecial offsrinarof carpau will ooatlaua darlna that bsjaoosvoxihat mouth bast ft frame br rejralar ftl 83 rednead to 1 10 beat quality tepealry raxular uoc redoosd to76o ho pair beat quality while ulaakala at a dhwoaut of do per lb durlut the uexl 10 days sauiple sou i oo application kratsbt or i 00 aud upwarda tilk hi out 1iouhl king al eaal oorasr husbon al hamiltoa tbrusry lath 1buc prepaid lo yriur oearest railway hlauou lu ontario on all purohaae o thdmas hamilton ontario j

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